Synopsis of an open nod for drawing in the first junior group on the topic "snow coat for the Christmas tree". Summary of educational activities in drawing in the first junior group on the topic: “It is snowing Drawing in a manger on the theme of winter

Abstract of an open drawing lesson

in junior group 1.

"Winter meadow"

MDOU No. 269

Educator Petrikova A.A.

2006-2007 academic year

Program content:

to teach children to draw with paints with a finger, to form an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing. Develop aesthetic education. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

preliminary work:

drawing with paints with a finger. Examination of paintings depicting a winter landscape. Learning mobile games.

Equipment :

soft toys (hare, fox); diluted blue gouache; drawing - bunny; water in banks; rags; napkins.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

caregiver . What season is it now?

Children . Winter.

caregiver . Guys, you know that it is cold in winter, winds blow, a blizzard whistles, a lot of snow falls. Listen to what poem I will read to you.

Snow, snow is spinning

White all street!

We gathered in a circle

Rolled up like snow.

And now guys, I give you handkerchiefs in your hands and you will turn into “snowflakes”.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children are spinning. After the game, the children sit on the chairs. Suddenly there is a knock and a bunny (toy) appears.

The hare tells how he walked, had fun in the winter forest in a clearing and suddenly he saw a fox. The fox wants to catch the bunny! The hare asks for help from the children.

caregiver . Guys, can we help the bunny hide?

Children . Yes, we will help.

caregiver . How can we do it? It seems I came up with a lot of snow to draw and confuse the fox.

The teacher invites the children to sit down at the tables and use blue gouache to draw snow on a piece of paper with a finger.

The teacher shows by his own example how to act, helps those who did not dare to put their finger in the paint.

After the children have drawn, the teacher covers the image of a hare with the work of the children.

caregiver . Ouch! What a lot of tracks!

We confused the fox: it looked like, it looked like the clearing and left.

After that, the teacher opens the image of the hare and rejoices with the children that the fox did not find it.

Bunny thanks the children for their help and invites them to play.

Children and the teacher play the game "fox and hares".

On the forest lawn

Bunnies ran away. (children run scattered around the room)

Here are some bunnies

Bunnies run!

The bunnies sat in a circle

They dig a spine with a paw, (children squat down, right

These are the bunnies, imitate the action of the hare's paw with their hand)

Bunnies run!

Suddenly a fox runs in - a red-haired sister (looks around).

He is looking for where the bunnies are, the bunnies are running around (trying to catch the fleeing kids).

The fox did not manage to catch up with the rabbits.

Children - bunnies rejoice in their victory.

Educator. Guys, what are you good fellows! You can do everything: draw, and play, and sing, and dance, and run, and most importantly, how kind you are, you will never leave anyone in trouble.

Lesson in the first junior group on cognitive and visual activity
Topic: Zimushka-winter has come - she brought snow with her.
Tasks: to enrich children's understanding of the winter season, to arouse interest in creating an image of a snowfall. To consolidate the ability to draw snow flakes with cotton swabs, to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhite color. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate a good relationship with nature.
Preliminary work: Observation of the snow, looking at illustrations about winter, looking at the illustrations “Winter fun”, talking about the plot pictures “How the animals are preparing for winter”, d / game “Let's dress the doll for a walk”, learning p / and “Winter walk”, learning and / ex. "Snowballs", reading poems about winter.
- Tell me, guys, what time of year is it? (Winter)
- Well done, you already remember what it's called.
- And let's remember what happens in winter ...
Is it cold or warm outside in winter? (Cold)
Of course it's cold outside.
- And I want to ask you a riddle about what happens in winter
White, fluffy It spins in the air And quietly falls to the ground! (Snow)
Of course it's snow! It falls to the ground from a snow cloud, and fluffy snowdrifts appear on the ground.
What holiday do we celebrate in winter? (New Year)
What do kids like to do outside in the winter? (skating, skiing, sledding, making a snowman)
- And I know one interesting game that kids love to play. Well, let's go outside. We said that it is cold outside in winter, so you need to dress ... (warmer).
Finger game: "Winter walk"
Very cold in winter, Children cross their arms over their chests and lightly pat
palms on the shoulders.
But we'll go Imitate walking, raising your legs high in place.
Walk with you.
I'll put on a fur coat, Run your palms from your shoulders down your chest.
I'll put on a hat, two hands stroking my head.
I'll put on a scarf Stroke your neck with one hand
And also a scarf.
And then beautiful, Stroking hands in turn, as if putting on
Warm, fluffy gloves.

Mitten crumbs
I'll put it on the handles.
And although I'm small, They expose in turn, then one leg, then the other.
I have felt boots.
Here I will wear boots
And I'll go for a walk.
- And on the street I went ... (snowball) - I scatter artificial snow.

Game exercise "Snowballs"

We will make snowballs imitation of snowball making
Let's play together
And snowballs into each other
Fun throwing imitation of throwing snowballs.

Crying is heard.

Oh, who's crying? (bunny appears)
- Hello, Bunny!
- Hello.
What happened, why are you crying?
How can I not cry. We bunnies changed our gray coat for a long time to a white one, but in our forest it never snowed. There is absolutely no rest for us from the red cheat of the fox, she drove the poor of us. So I ran to look for winter-winter. She got lost somewhere along the way. You are having fun, playing snowballs, but we are not up to fun!
- You know, Bunny, I think our guys can help you. We'll draw snow pictures for you.
- That's great! This means that winter-winter will come to our forest!
- Well, guys, let's help Bunny? (Yes)
- And what color will we draw a snowball? (white)
Choose your white paint and go to the table. And we will draw a snowball with cotton swabs.
Show sample (look, I take a cotton swab with three fingers - like this. And lightly dip it into the paint. Remember that the swab only drinks the paint, but does not bathe in it.)
Take all the sticks with three fingers (I follow how the children hold the sticks). First we will draw without paint. Show Vova how you will draw a snowball. And now I'm watching how Irisha draws. What color is our snowball?
Listen, Irochka will read us a poem:

Look, guys
Everything around is white-white.
Quietly the snow falls
Winter has come to us, my friend!
- Look, Bunny, what snow pictures we got.
-Now my bunny friends will be delighted. Thank you guys! For this, receive a treat from me.

Synopsis of OOD in the second junior drawing group.

Theme: "Winter" (drawing with a brush and cotton buds)

Target: generalize and systematize children's ideas about winter as a season.


- improve the skills of drawing with gouache paints;

Skillfully use a brush for drawing to depict snowdrifts, snow on Christmas trees;

To consolidate the ability to draw snowflakes with cotton buds using the poke method; to teach children to convey a picture of winter in a drawing;

To consolidate drawing techniques familiar to children;

To expand children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena;

Involve children in looking at illustrations of the winter season;

be able to reason;

Clarify the idea of ​​winter through snowflakes;

To develop visual-figurative thinking, imagination, a sense of color and rhythm, curiosity, sensuality;

To instill in children a love for animals and nature, to show interest in them and respect;

To cultivate joy and interest in displaying one's impressions in visual activity.

Integration of different types of activities: conversations about winter natural phenomena, reading poems, stories, fairy tales about winter, guessing riddles on winter themes, looking at illustrations of the winter season, observations on a walk, outdoor games on a walk on a winter theme, establishing causal relationships between natural phenomena.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations of winter nature; observing snowfall, snowdrifts on a walk, looking at snowflakes caught on a mitten; reading fiction about winter; guessing riddles about winter and winter phenomena; conducting outdoor games on a winter theme; conversations with children about the winter season, looking at illustrations.

Materials and equipment: soft toy "Bunny", white snowflakes made of paper; magic box (package from the bear), white gouache, paint brushes, cotton buds, sheets of blue tinted paper with the image of green Christmas trees, cups of water, cloth and paper napkins, illustrations of a brown bear and winter nature.

The course directly - educational activities.

Educator: Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

I would like to start our meeting today with a riddle

He loves to eat carrots

He gnaws cabbage deftly,

White, gray and oblique,

Who is this? (hare )

Educator: Well done, guess! Of course it's a bunny! Today he ran to you in kindergarten from the forest. (children greet the bunny )

Educator: Guys, look, the bunny brought you something (the teacher takes out a magic box, shows the children )

Educator: Guys, the bunny told me in secret that this parcel was given to you by one forest dweller, and who he is, try to guess

He sucks his paw, sleeps all winter long

And when spring comes, wakes up from sleep

And let's roar in the forest, because his name is (bear )

That's right guys, it's a bear!

Educator: Unfortunately, the bear could not come to visit us with the bunny, because he is now sleeping in a den and sucking his paw, but he sent you a magical package with many interesting tasks.

Educator: Let's open it!the teacher opens the magic package, takes out a letter, there are riddles in the letter )

Stars are flying from the sky

And they shine in the sun.

Like a ballerina dancing

Circling in winter ... (snowflakes )

It's getting colder every day

The sun is getting weaker and weaker

Everywhere snow, like a fringe, -

So it came to us ... (winter )

Educator: Well done guys, you got it right! And why did the bear send you these riddles, did you guess? (because it's winter outside )

Educator: That's right, now on the streetwinter.Let's take a look at what happenswinter ( the teacher hangs illustrations of the winter season on the board, the children examine them )

Educator: Guys, now tell me, what kind of winter is it? (snowy, cold, frosty, beautiful, etc .)

Educator: What falls from the sky in winter?snow )

What is snow like? (soft, white, cold, fluffy, silver, etc. )

What is snow made of? (from snowflakes )

Who can tell what snowflakes are?light, beautiful, white )

What can snowflakes do?spin, fly, fall, etc. )

Educator: Do you guys like winter? What do you like in winter?play snowballs, sledding, ice skating, making a snowman, etc. .)

Educator: And I really love winter, especially for its beauty.

Guys, but the bear has never seen how beautiful it is in winter. How quietly white snowflakes whirl and fall to the ground, how they cover the branches of trees, Christmas trees, pines, how big snowdrifts are, what patterns frost draws on glass. Let's draw winter as a gift (children agree)

Educator: What color are we going to paint it? (white)

Educator: Why white?because the snow is white and everything around is white )

Educator: The guys on your tables are blue sheets with Christmas trees, white gouache and magic brushes - these are cotton buds. With cotton swabs you will draw snowflakes, falling from the skythe teacher shows the technique of working with a cotton swab: first, we dip the cotton swab once into the water, but we don’t wet it much, and then we dip it into white gouache and draw many, many snowflakes using the “poke” method )

The children are doing the taskin the process of doing the work, the teacher explains that snowflakes are drawn next to each other, leaving no empty spaces )

Educator: Well done boys! And now we will play with you and the bunny(The teacher opens the magic package and takes out white paper snowflakes )

Educator: Look what beautiful snowflakes the bear sent you! And how many of them!

snowflake game

We are white snowflakeschildren run ("fly") with snowflakes in a circle

We fly, we fly, we fly.

Paths and pathswave snowflakes, toss them

We will spoil everything

Let's circle over the garden -spinning with snowflakes

On a cold winter day

And we sit quietly next to each other -squat

With the same as we

Dancing over the fieldsform a round dance, run in a circle

We lead our round dance

Where we don't know, - spinning with snowflakes, throwing them up

The wind will carry us.

Educator: What good fellows, how cheerfully played! And the bunny liked the game, but you and I need to finish the snow-white winter. Sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, we drew snowflakes, but did not show in the drawing how beautiful spruce trees are after a snowfall and what snowdrifts sweep snow.

Educator: You have tassels on your feet with which you candraw snow on the Christmas trees and snowdrifts near the fir trees. (The teacher reminds the children how to work with a brush and gouache )

Children complete the task using familiar techniques (drawing straight and wavy lines, joining, shading, etc. )

Educator: Well done boys! Very beautifulsnow white winterturned out! Do you like it, bunny? (children, together with the teacher and the bunny, examine the work and remember what paint and what techniques drawing used ).

caregiver : Guys, do you remember that you drew your fabulous drawings for the bear? (children's answers )

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten about the magic package? Let's open it again, maybe there's something else in it?

Surprise moment: the teacher opens the parcel and takes out a treat from the bear for children, guests and a bunny.

The children and the teacher thank the bunny for coming to visit them from the forest, bringing a magic box in which there were interesting tasks from the bear, which all the guys coped with.

The guys give the bunny their drawings, ask him to give them to the bear, who will soon wake up and say goodbye to the bunny.

Synopsis of integrated direct educational activities.

"Colorful snow" in the nursery group.

Target: Tell the children about the season called winter. Develop the ability to navigate the seasons and color areas. Introduce children to finger painting. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate a craving for drawing and perseverance.

Equipment: easel, paint in different colors ( red , yellow , green ). Blanks for each child: a sheet with clouds, a glass of water, a napkin. Sample.

Lesson progress:

Educator: children look out the window, what season is it now?

Children: winter!

Educator: right, reads a verse about winter:

Winter-winter rushes in an ice carriage
The wind is knocking on sleepy houses with its wings.
Squares and parks are blooming with snowy whiteness.
And the frost builds arches over the forest path.

Educator: children, let's stretch our fingers, offers a finger game "snowball".

One two three four,

Bend fingers one at a time

We made snow with you

"Sculpt" with two hands

Round, strong

We draw a circle with our hands

Very smooth

With one hand we stroke the other

And not at all sweet.

We threaten with a finger

Educator: Well done children. In winter, fluffy snow falls from the sky, it is white, snow falls to the ground, covering it with a white blanket. In the fairy-tale land of Ustyug, snowflakes of different colors (the teacher shows the children paints of different colors), let's try to draw such snowflakes with our fingers.

Children draw snowflakes with their fingers, the teacher says the color of the paint, the children dip their finger and print it on a piece of paper.

Teacher: How beautiful! Let's spin around like snowflakes.

Physical education minute:Quiet, quiet. Barely, barely

(children walk in a circle holding hands)

Snowstorms sweep the forest

And then, then, then

(hand in hand they run in a circle)

Everything turned around

You blizzard don't circle us

Stop the carousel. (3 times).

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Methodical development of a script for the holiday in the nursery group "The sun laughs" (release of children from the nursery to kindergarten)

The first graduation for children of the nursery group, a celebration of the transition to kindergarten. The script used material accessible to children, based on folklore....

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in a nursery group on the topic: “To the village to visit my grandmother” (poultry) ...

Methodological development of direct educational activities in a preschool educational institution in a nursery group for the best worker competition. "Visiting Grandma Masha."

Educational areas: speech, knowledge. Purpose: practical mastery of the norms of speech; consolidating children's knowledge of domestic and wild animals. Tasks: 1) Vocabulary formation: - develop understanding of speech and a ...

Summary of drawing classes in the second junior group

Bunnies jumping in the snow

Educator: Fugalevich I.V.


Moscow city


Software tasks.

Teaching children how to draw a hare on the principle of a tumbler, Consolidating the skills of depicting rounded shapes, using a brush, gouache, developing imagination, a sense of color, memory, perception, speech activity, enriching the vocabulary of children through the use of definitions, synonymous words with diminutive suffixes, words - names of baby animals. Education in children of interest in their own creativity, the desire to work, goodwill, independence, love of nature.


White gouache, tinted sheets of paper, brushes and coasters, napkins, water in jars, a hare toy, paintings depicting hares in summer and winter, an easel, a sample drawing.


Cognition”, “Labor”, “Reading fiction”, “Physical culture”, “Communication”.

Course progress.

The teacher calls the children to come to the box covered with a scarf.

Educator: I have one small animal hiding in a box. Listen to the riddle about him and guess who it is?

gray in summer

White in winter.

Children: This is a bunny.

Educator: That's right, here it is, our bunny. Hello bunny. How else can we say hello to him affectionately?

Children: Hello, bunny, bunny, bunny - jump, bunny ...(If the children find it difficult, the teacher prompts.)

Educator: We have a good bunny, pet him. Look at his fur.

Children: Soft, fluffy, warm.

Educator: But he came to us for a reason. Bunny wants to ask you something. He had some kind of trouble. Come on kids, sit down and find out.(Children sit on chairs standing in a semicircle.)

Educator: Tell me, guys, do you know where the bunny has a house, where did he jump to us from?

Children: In the forest, out of the forest.

Educator: Correctly. Look at this picture, what a beautiful house the hare has. What is drawn here?

Children: Trees, bushes, grass, bunnies.

Educator: What time of year did the artist depict?

Children: Summer.(In case of difficulty, the teacher's hint.)

Educator: How did you know it's summer?

Children: There is green grass, flowers, leaves.

Educator: What's the weather like in summer?

Children: Warm, hot, sunny (leading questions of the educator).

Educator: And so, in such warm summer weather, the hare mother took her children for a walk. What are bunny babies called?

Children: Bunnies.(If it is difficult for children, give examples: bear - cubs, cat - kittens, duck - ducklings.)

Educator: Look, now, kids, what color are all the bunnies?

Children: Grey.

Educator: Why are they grey? Why are they that color?

Children: They hide from the fox, they are not visible.(Guiding questions of the educator.)

caregiver : But another time of the year has come. Which? Look at another picture.

Children: This is winter.

Educator: Why do you think it's winter?

Children: Snow, all white, no grass.

Educator: Yes, it's winter.

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white on the street

And the puddles turned

In cold glass

Educator: What are bunnies like in winter?

Children: They are white.

Educator: Why did they change their coats?

Children: So that the fox does not eat them and the wolf.

Educator: That's right, here is a bird of prey - an owl wants to catch bunnies. Will he catch?

Children: No, they are not visible, they will hide.

Educator: So we guessed the riddle correctly? This hare is gray in summer and white in winter. Such a fur coat helps him escape from enemies.

And now we will also turn into bunnies for a minute and play in a forest clearing.


Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this.

And wiggles his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Jump, jump, jump, jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

The wolf scared the rabbit.

Bunny lope - and galloped away!

(Children run away.)

Educator: Oh, kids, look how excited our bunny is! He says that it’s good for you, you ran away from the wolf, and his friends, the bunnies, didn’t manage to change all their gray coats for white ones. So he asks you to draw white hares so that they are not afraid in the winter forest. Look at my picture of how merrily bunnies are jumping in a snowy meadow. Let's start drawing from the torso. What shape is it?

Children: Circle, round.

Educator: Show a circle in the air with your finger.(Children show.)

Educator: Remember, we sculpted a snowman on a walk? Does the body of a bunny look like a snowball?(Children answer.)

I remind you that you first need to wet the brush, then stroke the brush on the napkin. Now we pick up the paint and start painting.

The teacher shows.

We made a snowball

The ears were made later…”

We draw the ears by sticking, we apply the brush with the whole pile, do not put pressure on it.

After the show, the children draw themselves. The teacher monitors the work, if necessary, provides individual assistance - shows again on his sheet, straightens the brush in the hands of the children, uses the “passive drawing” method.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher on behalf of the bunny praises and thanks the children.

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