The history of the painting Levitan's wooded shore. Description of the painting by Levitan “Wood Coast

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Composition based on the painting by Levitan "The Wooded Shore"

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Isaac Levitan is one of the most significant not only Russian, but also European landscape painters of the 19th century. His art absorbed the sorrows and joys of his time, melted down what people lived, and embodied the artist's creative search in lyrical images of his native nature, becoming a convincing and full-fledged expression of the achievements of Russian landscape painting.

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1. Who painted the picture and when? 2. What genre of painting does it belong to? 3. What is shown on it? 4. What colors does the artist use to express feelings? 5. Did I like the picture and why?
Essay plan

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Isaac Ilyich Levitan was born on August 18 (30), 1860 in the town of Kybarty (now Kybartai, Lithuania). His father was obviously a rather educated man for that time. He not only graduated from the rabbinic school, but also independently received a secular education, in particular, he mastered German and French. In Kovno (now Kaunas, Lithuania) he gave lessons and then worked as an interpreter during the construction of a railway bridge by a French construction company. Probably, in search of a better use for his strengths and abilities, Ilya Levitan moved to Moscow with his family in the early 1870s.

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A large family of six people (Isaac had an older brother Adolf and two sisters) lived very hard. Levitan's life became especially difficult after his mother died in 1875, and two years later his father. In the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where Levitan entered in 1873, he was even exempted from tuition fees "due to extreme poverty" and as "having shown great success in art."

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Levitan wandered around Moscow, spending the night with relatives and friends, and sometimes staying overnight in the empty classrooms of the School. Sometimes, taking pity on the young man, the school watchman gave him lodging for the night in his closet, and the other, who sold breakfast, lent him food "up to a nickel." Levitan's successes in the 1874/75 academic year were noted by the Council of Teachers of the School, who awarded him a "box of paints with brushes." By this time, the novice artist's interest in landscape painting was revealed, and in the fall of 1876, Alexei Savrasov took Levitan to his studio.

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In the student department of the V traveling exhibition, which opened in Moscow in March 1877, two landscapes by Levitan were exhibited - “A Sunny Day. Spring" and "Evening". Shown at the second student exhibition of the Moscow School of Painting in 1879-1880, the painting “Autumn Day. Sokolniki” was acquired by the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Pavel Tretyakov, which was a kind of public recognition of the young artist’s work.

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Based on a painting by I. Levitan Wooded Coast Oleg Glechikov Taking brushes and an easel, the artist went out into the "field". He walked along the forest road, breathing in the coniferous spirit. The bend of the river - this is a golden place, The most beautiful landscape: a forest, a river, a meadow is visible ... And then on the canvas appeared from under the brush Pine, an old forest, a cliff above the river, And a day flared up, a summer day, and radiant, On windless peace reigns in the canvas.

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The trees seem to be tanned under the rays, And the gold of the bark attracts the eye, And it seems that bird trills are flying from the picture, And you can hear the grains of sand rustling in the stream of water... Having grown mad from the heat, the trees enter the water, They lie in it reflected as in a large mirror ... Stump wanted to jump, raised his root-leg ... So he froze under the brush, on the steep bank. The Russian land is a tender land, dear to the heart, It lies on the canvas as if alive, And you look at it, you can’t get enough of it ... - Painted by Levitan with a talented hand. July 15, 2011. Kerch.

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This picture is close to every Russian who has a soul. It hurts somewhere in the region of the heart when you see a painfully familiar river, a piece of “your” beach and a mighty Russian forest. Centuries-old pines and spruces, like faithful guardians, guard the peace of the winding river, reflected in its mirror transparency. Nature is filled with peace and quiet, everything is harmonious and natural. You peer into the picture, and from somewhere there is confidence in the future, you feel the strength of great Russia, its power and greatness. So, a seemingly ordinary landscape with native birch trees in the background awakens a sense of patriotism in Russians. Levitan teaches with his paintings to love the corner where you were born, to be proud of Mother Russia.

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How relevant is the painting “Wood Coast” in the 21st century, how great is the talent of the artist. By depicting mighty trees and small shrubs that blocked the river with a dense wall, the author showed that this is how the multinational Russian people should defend their homeland. Having perpetuated the beauty and harmony of the Russian land, Levitan also showed his personal attitude to nature. Looking at the picture, you understand that the author loves the evening landscape, with its especially solemn silence and importance. In the background is the sky, in the reflections of a crimson sunset. At the same time, placing old stumps with their mighty roots in the foreground, he made it clear that one should honor and remember one's ancestors.

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Thus, the painting "Wood Coast" leaves an extremely positive impression. It allows you not only to enjoy the beauty of your native land, but also makes you think about the meaning of life, about the fate of Russia, about the future of its so different, but united people. I wanted as many young people as possible to see this landscape filled with great wisdom, so that people in the 21st century would understand and accept the message of Isaac Levitan.

Isaac Levitan is a Russian landscape painter, amazing in his skill. Each of his paintings is unique and memorable. In his works, the audience never ceases to amaze the combination of simplicity and depth. Every Russian person will be able to find in them something of his own, close to his heart. Such is the painting "The Wooded Shore", written by the artist in 1892.

The author painted with oil paints on a large canvas evening twilight near the Peksha River in the Vladimir Region, where he lived for some time after being expelled from Moscow. He often walked around the neighborhood, admired nature, and at the same time chose the places he liked for his future work. Soon, Levitan's favorite place for an evening rest was the river bank near a gently sloping valley. The artist, who had seen many beautiful places, was struck by the diversity of the landscape, the transition from a coniferous forest to a deserted river bank.

For Levitan, this transition was reminiscent of his own life: an attempt to escape, striving forward, rapid growth, and then a sharp fall down and again a quiet steady movement forward.

Evening is the artist's favorite time of day. He was fascinated by the repeating every day, but at the same time unique, transition from day to night, when the sky darkened, and everything around calmed down, gradually getting ready for sleep. Levitan saw this as a kind of mystery. So for his picture, the artist chose exactly the moment of twilight. The already darkened sky is slightly illuminated by the red light of the setting sun. Its reflections tinted the thick trunks gold.

In the foreground we see a small river, which, making a slow wide turn, tends into the distance. Its banks are different, completely different from each other: one is gentle, the other is steep. Even the color of the sand on them is very different: on top it is yellow, on the bottom it is almost white. The right bank is slightly overgrown with grass, and, perhaps, part of the vegetation has already been trampled down by people swimming and fishing here or grazing livestock. The steep coast is covered with dense vegetation. There is also grass, small shrubs, and trees.

The water in the river is like a mirror. It reflects the coast, pine trees and the sky at sunset. The water is calm, it is not disturbed by the wind. The whole picture literally breathes peace and tranquility.

Pines and larches grow on the high bank. They stand close to each other, as if protecting the river from something, afraid to miss someone. They keep silence and purity. Only one birch at the very edge of the forest arched forward, as if wanting to escape from other trees, to escape from the captivity of pines. Large stumps of felled trees are visible along the steep bank.

Their roots crawled out of the ground and became like paws of mysterious fairy tale characters. Several stumps are in a circle. From a distance it seems that these are old men, bent from the weight of years, gathered and quietly talking about something. Apparently, the water often washes away the sandy shore, it once reached the forest. So I had to cut down some trees so that it would be convenient to swim along the river.

The expressiveness of the picture gives a unique combination of juicy green and bright yellow hues. They also give brightness in the perception of the picture of summer twilight depicted in the picture.

I want to look at this picture for a long time and slowly, peering into every corner, sharpening my eyes on every stroke made by the artist. There is something mystical in it and at the same time painfully dear and understandable.

Composition based on the painting by I.I. Levitan

"Wood Coast".

During the classes.

    Introduction by the teacher.

Fate Isaac Ilyich Levitan was sad and happy. Sad, since he was given a short life span, moreover, for less than forty years of his life he experienced the hardships of poverty, homeless orphanhood. Happy -for if, as L. N. Tolstoy said, the basis of human happiness is the ability to “be with nature, see it, talk with it,” then Levitan, as few people were given to deeply comprehend the happiness of “talking” with nature, proximity to it.

Levitan's love for nature is truly deep and all-encompassing. He could disappear in the forest for weeks, enjoy for a long time, contemplating a special life, opening up to an attentive look on the surface of a river pool, in a forest clearing or on the river bank.

Today in the lesson we will try to feel and understand the artist's love for nature through acquaintance with his work “The Wooded Shore” (see textbook insert). And the result of our work will be an essay on this picture.

    Introduction to painting. Conversation.

Did you like the picture?

What mood does she evoke? Why?

What time of year did the artist depict? Times of Day?

List the images created by the painter in the picture (river, trees, coast, sky).

What types of speech are needed to create a verbal picture?

What style of speech should the text be?

    Collection of materials for writing. Group work.

1 group : select expressive means (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, personifications) to describerivers and coasts.

2 group : -//- for descriptiontrees.

3 group : -//- for descriptionsky.

4 group : From the expressive means given below, select those that correspond to Levitan's painting.

Thoughtful pines; damp haze of air, calm surface of the river; reflected as in a mirror; wriggling like a snake; defenseless trees; lemon yellow paints; juicy greens; the play of shadows on the trunks and branches of trees; the river runs around the bend; the trees are thoughtfully silent; the water of a narrow quiet river murmurs; shady corner of the forest; blue sky; reflections of the setting sun; "living" and "breathing" sky; feeling of peaceful silence.

    Summarizing the collected materials. Group performances.

During the introduction of each group, the rest of the students in drafts write down the expressive means that the speakers call, optionally complement the respondents.

5. Summing up.

    Writing an essay on a painting.

Levitan's painting "The Wooded Shore", like other masterpieces of this author, touches with its boundless simplicity. It seems that there is nothing supernatural in this canvas, but it is able to climb into the very soul.

The picture shows a deep and wide river, which, meandering between high sandy banks, runs away into the distance, beyond the edge of the horizon. The water in it is dark, with a slight greenish tint. The banks of the river are sandy and quite high. They are drawn with yellow colors so clearly that it creates the feeling of a crumbling shore.

On one side of the river there is a cozy sandy beach, which runs in a wide strip and in some places cuts deep into the river. The second bank of the river, steep and precipitous, is covered with trees that look like a dense green tent. In the foreground, snags are visible, which were left after someone cut down centuries-old trees. In the background you can see old pines and slender birches that have surrounded the river with a wall - and have been protecting it for centuries.

The river, lost among centuries-old trees, always looks touching and beautiful. I want to return to such places again and again - and Levitan gave us this amazing opportunity, for which many people are grateful to him.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan - famous Russian artist. He is called the master of the Russian landscape.

One of his works is the painting "Wood Coast". I think that the artist's favorite time of day was twilight. The master surprisingly depicted the calm and majestic nature, the indestructible silence that we can only see at sunset.

The calm surface of the river reflects, as in a mirror, the bright yellow colors of the steep bank and the blueness of the evening sky. Everything breathes peace and tranquility. And only the old lifeless stumps remind us of the dawn of a new day. Tomorrow, with the sunrise, nature will "breathe" and "heal".

I admire the skill of the artist who painted this amazing picture, his ability to express the diversity and depth of sensations that are close to any Russian person.

Levitan preferred to work the evening time of the day, the picture is called “The Wooded Shore. Twilight". The tone and colors of the picture emphasize the twilight time of a summer day. The darkening sky is faintly illuminated by the scarlet edge of the setting sun, the reflection of which tinted the trunks of pine trees protruding from the forest in a golden color. On the horizon line, behind the forest, the setting sun is indicated by a bright spot in the blue sky.

In the foreground of the picture is the bow of a small river, turning, rushes into the distance. The banks of the river are different: one is gentle, the other is steep, steep. This usually happens, during spring floods and river floods, due to uneven terrain, rising water washes away one bank. Both banks of the river - both steep and gentle - are sandy. The color of the sand on them is very different: on the cliff it is bright yellow, at the bottom it is almost white. The gently sloping shore is slightly overgrown with grass, but it looks convenient for swimming and fishing or for watering livestock. There are no traces of people's stay: no traces of a fire, no slingshot left for a fishing rod. This means that there is no village nearby from which people could come or drive cattle to a watering place. The steep coast is unevenly covered with vegetation: grass, shrubs and growing trees. You can go down to the water along it only by sliding down the sand, like from a hill in winter. The water in the river, like a mirror, clearly reflects part of the coast, the tops of pine trees, the sunset sky. The calm, smooth surface of the water becomes by the end of the day. The wind that drives the wave subsides, the sounds fall silent, with the last rays of the setting sun, the light leaves, the haze falls to the ground, the colors become thicker, the light colors are muted. The whole picture breathes the tranquility of silence.

On the high bank, pines and larches stand in a dense wall, like a soldier's formation. The pine forest is old and dense, pines and larches stand like a palisade, as if towering above the river, looking down on the flowing water. Only a lone birch on the very edge of the forest bent its trunk, as if it wants to run away from the pines, to escape from their captivity. Along the edge of the forest, along the steep shore, there are several rows of stumps of cut down trees with roots crawling out of the ground. Some roots hang like spider legs over the cliff. The water gradually washed away the sandy shore, reached the forest, and the outermost trees had to be cut down so that one could move along the river. Dried roots keep the shore from complete destruction. In the foreground, several stumps have formed a circle and seem to be having their old conversation. Green grass has already grown between the stumps, which means that the trees were cut down a long time ago. Under the pines, as you know, grass does not grow, especially in such a dense forest. The combination of colors of juicy greenery and yellow sand give brightness and expressiveness to the picture. Looking at the landscape, it seems as if the trees are standing in a dense wall, like soldiers guarding the peace of a flowing river, its banks.

Each viewer looking at the picture has his own associations, fantasies are born, an impression is made, but admiration for the skill of the artist I. Levitan, who captured the monumentality, depth and beauty of Russian nature, remains unchanged. The painting is stored in the Tver Regional Art Gallery.

Description of the painting by Levitan “Wood Coast”

My favorite artist is Levitan, he is one of the best who manages to depict landscapes quite realistically.
He has been exhibiting his paintings at exhibitions since the age of 18, and they are incredibly popular to this day.
Experts and historians call him "the singer of Russian nature" In my opinion, he has his own special style of painting landscapes.
A romantic mood arises in me after I look at Levitan's paintings.
He alone conveys to us on his canvases, unexplored corners of the Russian land.
Communicating with nature through his landscapes became a blessing for the short life of the artist.

Levitan painted the picture "The Wooded Shore" in 1892, visiting the Vladimir region, having been on the banks of the Peksha River.
The artist was forced to live for some time in that area, due to the fact that he was expelled from Moscow.
The inspiration for his painting was a walk around the neighborhood and the sights he saw could not leave him indifferent and become a reflection in his work.

Knowing the work of the artist, you can see that he loved twilight for drawing his paintings.
It was them that he managed to portray as realistically as possible.
In the center of the picture is a bend of a small river that wraps and takes us into the distance.
The artist focuses on different sandy shores, one is flat and gentle, the other is steep with cliffs.
Levitan paints sand in different shades.
The coast that the gentle and smooth artist draws is overgrown with greenery, it is convenient to swim and fish on it, and the coast, which is with a cliff, the sand there is bright yellow.
There are no traces left by people on the banks, we do not observe any coals from a fire, or a slingshot stuck into the river for a fishing rod, or traces of animals that could come to drink.
Each person looking at this work has his own picture, his own plot.
I like this author's works.
I love Levitan's landscapes.

Levitan's painting "The Wooded Shore", like other masterpieces of this author, touches with its boundless simplicity. It seems that there is nothing supernatural in this canvas, but it is able to climb into the very soul.

The picture shows a deep and wide river, which, meandering between high sandy banks, runs away into the distance, beyond the edge of the horizon. The water in it is dark, with a slight greenish tint. The banks of the river are sandy and quite high. They are drawn with yellow colors so clearly that it creates the feeling of a crumbling shore.

On one side of the river there is a cozy sandy beach, which runs in a wide strip and in some places cuts deep into the river. The second bank of the river, steep and precipitous, is covered with trees that look like a dense green tent. In the foreground, snags are visible, which were left after someone cut down centuries-old trees. In the background you can see old pines and slender birches that have surrounded the river with a wall - and have been protecting it for centuries.

The river, lost among centuries-old trees, always looks touching and beautiful. I want to return to such places again and again - and Levitan gave us this amazing opportunity, for which many people are grateful to him.

What could be more beautiful than Russian nature. Lush age-old pines, playful blond birches, impenetrable fields, joyful and sunny glades, colorful wild flowers. All these species attracted creative people to describe them. The talented artist Levitan Isaac Ilyich, thanks to his paintings with the beauty of nature, was called the master of the Russian landscape. The canvas of the author “The Wooded Shore” makes a great impression on the audience.

We see an extraordinary landscape on the banks of the Peksha River. A dense forest of tall pines stretches along the river. The coast is a little overestimated, which makes the transition to the river very steep and even dangerous. The second bank is gentle and is on the same level with the river. Such relief can be compared with life. In the first half we are very active and impetuous like tall pines. But having already passed half the way of life, there is a sharp transition to a smooth life. The person seems to be going with the flow.

The water is very quiet, you can't even see the ripples, just a solid smooth surface. In it, as in a mirror, you can see the entire high coast. A sandy cliff overgrown with young bushes, dark pines, and a calm twilight sky.

Each viewer has their own thoughts when looking at this picture. There is something magical and mystical about it. I would like to examine and explore every corner of this landscape, sit on a steep bank and just enjoy the cleanliness and freshness of the air.

Composition based on the painting "Wood Coast" Levitan

Isaac Ilyich Levitan - the most famous Russian artist - realist. Most of his works were written while traveling around Russia.

On one of these trips, Levitan stopped in the Vladimir region. Going out for a walk in the vastness of this area, he was interested in the Peksha River, coming closer, he saw an unusually beautiful coast, which was overgrown with forest. So in the 19th century the painting "Wood Coast" was created.

When you look at this picture, you feel a double feeling. A feeling of lightness from nature, but at the same time a feeling of anxiety. The artist depicted everything to the smallest detail. If you peer into the picture for a long time, it seems that the forest is alive and a quiet rustle of foliage is heard.

At the top of the picture is the evening sky. It is dark blue, and a red blur can be seen above the tops of the trees. This is the sunset. The day is coming to an end.

These trees grow on a high bank. Bright green grass grows on the ground. And there are old dry stumps. Someone cut down the fir a long time ago.

We see a high cliff. This is no longer black soil, but most likely a clay layer of earth with sand. Perhaps earlier there was a sand quarry in this place or people mined clay. It is this moment that attracts a lot of attention. The color that the artist used to convey the cliff stands out significantly from the general background of the picture.

At the end of the picture, young trees grow on a cliff. With their young, but already strong roots, they keep the cliff from landslides during rain. They also do not allow the river to wash away this shore.

A little lower, the artist depicted a river that stretches through the whole picture. Water - like a mirror, reflects a beautiful forest. The artist depicted her in blue, and the reflection of the trees in green.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan loved to depict nature, but at the same time he asked people not to cripple her. As can be seen from the picture in this place, nature has already suffered from human hands. Therefore, the artist tried to capture on canvas all the beauty of Russian nature.

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