What to draw for the competition. Creative games and contests "Let's draw

All-Russian drawing competitions are events for those who love to create on a sheet of paper or any other material using paints and crayons, pencils and felt-tip pens, charcoal and gouache. What field of creativity opens up before children and adults when Blank sheet, which has nothing yet. It won't be long before the paper speaks. She will tell unusual story about the Motherland, about autumn, about beloved friends, about birds and stars, about space travel and New Year's adventures. Is it possible to list all the topics that interest the kids? That is why so many national competitions are held. children's drawing and in 2018 - 2019 academic year. I would like every child living in Russia, whether he is a very young preschooler or a school graduate, to show his artistic talent.

What do the All-Russian creative drawing competitions give children?

Each All-Russian drawing competition is a new step towards creativity, which is sure to be followed by results, victories and first high achievements. Each family carefully stores children's drawings made by kids at different ages. Parents are proud of these works. Show them to relatives and friends. Today you can tell the whole world about the talent of your children. To do this, you must take part in one of the proposed competitions. The works sent by the participants are published on the site and stored here permanently.

Participation in creative competitions is an expansion of your horizons. The child always wants to try to display something new. Those who yesterday had no idea how to draw autumn landscape, today they are happy to create masterpieces by mixing paints. There is no limit to perfection and creativity, so very soon they will master new techniques, learn how to draw portraits and create fantastic compositions for fairy tales.

All-Russian competitions of drawings and applied art give you a chance to make new friends. Children make friends from other cities. They exchange ideas, consult on how to do the job better. And how great it is for a birthday or any other holiday to receive congratulations from someone with whom you had to participate in the same event.

New competitions are the realization of your ideas and their evaluation. Each participant of the remote event, who sent the work, must receive a diploma of the participant. Best works sure to win prizes. All visitors to the site will definitely learn about the winners, look at their work. Each student and teacher collects evidence of participation in all-Russian competitions (diplomas and certificates) in a portfolio. The more children and adults participate in remote events, the more rewards they receive. And this is a reflection of the active position of a person, his desire to conquer new heights, his achievements.

The theme of the All-Russian competitions of children's drawings 2018 - 2019

Children's drawings are a reflection of the rich inner world of our cute girls and mischievous boys. It is on this basis that the organizers of all-Russian competitions select topics and genres for future competitive works. I would like each child, picking up a brush or pencil, to be able not only to create a beautiful illustration, but also to try to reveal his inner world through the image of the created character, through the image of inanimate objects or a luxurious landscape.

The most popular topics for drawing competitions are:

Age of the participants of the remote drawing competition

Any child wants to feel in his rival worthy competitor who is equal in strength. In this regard, the age limits for participants in such events are determined. The age of the contestants is specified in the regulation. Usually, works in the following age categories are accepted for remote competitions of children's drawings and applied arts:

  • preschoolers (up to 6 years old);
  • pupils of 1 - 4 classes;
  • students in grades 5 - 9;
  • students in grades 10-11.

Before undertaking work, you must carefully study the situation. If participation in the competition is limited by age (for example, only works from preschoolers are accepted), you can find another thematic competition no less interesting. There are many remote creative competitions for students elementary school, for high school students. Do not despair if you really like the topic, but works from participants in this age group are not accepted. Why not advise your friend or brother, sister to prepare a drawing for participation. And you yourself can become for a while the leader of the work, the main assistant.

And adults love to draw: drawing competitions for teachers

Special mention should be made of Internet drawing competitions for teachers. Creative works performed by teachers always arouse great interest among children. Not only those teachers who teach art at school love to draw. Sometimes a mathematician wants to take a break from numbers, a school philologist wants to forget about childhood mistakes. Taking a break from chemical formulas, great chemists draw, and on a computer they can create modern unusual graphic drawings computer science teacher. For most of them, drawing is a good hobby that gives them the opportunity to relax and immerse themselves in creativity. This is a fairly good reason for the fact that in the network in 2018 - 2019 there were all-Russian competitions drawings not only for children, but also for teachers. By the way, in this category, the work of everyone who works within the walls of the school and teaches children in other institutions is accepted. Drawings of teachers-organizers and school librarians, psychologists and methodologists, teachers additional education and class teachers, educators of the GPA and preschool educational institutions are accepted for drawing competitions. Masterpieces of adults will definitely appear in the gallery creative works and will be duly appreciated in their nomination.

Good day to all and with you as usual,

Today I am writing with joyful events and news, because I am opening another drawing competition for children with prizes.

The contest is absolutely free, but with prizes from my site.

Several competitions have already taken place on my website, including drawings, all participants were satisfied, you can read their reviews at the end of the post.

There was also a contest of commentators, but I suspended it, and a contest of crafts, in which the participants somehow behaved strangely.

Today, I decided to resume the free online drawing contest, and I look forward to the participants.

I want to bring some clarity. The drawing competition is free and online. You, regardless of country, city and locality, draw drawings on the theme of spring and send it to me by email, which I will publish below.

It happens that drawings are sent to me in in social networks, only now I don’t always visit them and I simply can’t see them. So let's still follow the rules and not be offended.

As mentioned several times already, my site holds a spring drawing contest with prizes, or rather cash rewards.

  • For the first place in the children's drawing competition with all the conditions met, the child will receive 300 rubles and a certificate from the site with a signature and seal.
  • The second place will please you with 200 rubles and also a beautiful certificate.
  • Third place provides a cash reward of 100 rubles.
  • All works, without exception, will be published on the site and all participants who sent their home address of residence will receive lucky envelopes with certificates and diplomas.

Cash rewards will be sent: if you are a blogger, then to a webmoney wallet, and if you are just a blog reader, then to a Sberbank card or to a mobile phone number.

Spring drawing competition

Very soon the birds will sing outside the window, the trees will wake up from their winter sleep and the soul will become very warm and joyful.

I propose to add a little joy and earn 200 rubles for warming tea for warmth.

At the end of this mini contest, a photo report will be provided in the form of screenshots of the repost with the number of likes.

Figure by concept

An interesting creative game for a house party. Each player is given a sheet of paper, a pencil and a card with a well-known phrase consisting of two words, for example: adultery, senile insanity, second youth, golden time etc. The task of the players is to depict the concept they got in 5 minutes without using words, letters and numbers. After the allotted time, each "artist" demonstrates his "masterpiece", and the guests unravel the encrypted drawing. The player whose word combination is guessed faster than the rest wins.

friendly portrait

Props: sheets of paper, pencils and erasers according to the number of participants. Each player draws a portrait of any person present (at will). Then the "artists" take turns showing the resulting portraits, and the guests guess who is depicted on them. The one with the most accurate portrait wins.

Duet of artists

2-3 couples are invited to participate in the competition. The players of each pair sit down at the table next to each other. One is blindfolded, put a sheet of paper in front of him and given a pen or pencil. The facilitator or the rest of those present give each pair a task to portray. The second player closely monitors what his partner draws, directs his actions, directing the movement of his hand. He, in turn, strictly carries out the commands. It turns out very funny. The winner is the couple that completes the assigned task faster and better.

Draw a proverb

The task of the players is, without using words, letters and numbers, to “draw” a proverb on a piece of paper so that the rest can guess it.

Task options:

  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
  • They do not look at a given horse's teeth.
  • One head it's good, but two better.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • There is safety in numbers.
  • AT still water devils are found.
  • A goose is not a friend of a pig.
  • They love counting money.
  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • The husband is the head and the wife is the neck
  • Don't drink the bough you're sitting on.
  • There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked.
  • There is safety in numbers.
  • Drunken sea knee-deep.
  • Laughter is the best medicine.

Draw a song

The game involves 2-3 teams of 4 people each. The first team players approach the leader and, putting on headphones, listen to the melody of the song. Further, their task is to try to depict the name of the song or the words from it in the time allotted by the host in such a way that the team understands what it is about (respectively, the task of the team is to guess what kind of song it is). Words, letters and numbers are not allowed! Artistic abilities here have absolutely no meaning, the main thing is to choose the right associations. The team that completed the task the fastest gets a point. Then the next participants come out, and this continues until all the players from the teams try themselves as artists. The team with the most points wins.

Medicinal packaging

Number of players: any. Props: pre-prepared task cards, paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

Leading: One pharmaceutical company conducted a study and found that patients very often confuse the names of drugs and take others instead of one pill. As a result, they are not cured, but on the contrary, they worsen their state of health. After analyzing this phenomenon, the company decided to release a new batch of drugs. At the same time, it was decided to abandon complex and difficult to pronounce names; the name should now be clear to everyone. In addition, the company decided to produce new packaging for tablets and powders. The drawing on the new package was supposed to tell the patient, like the name, for which symptoms the medicine should be taken. Help the company and draw sketches of a new package for medicines, called like this:

  • from rumbling in the stomach
  • from ringing in the ears
  • from a creak in the knee
  • to satisfy hunger
  • to calm the nerves, etc.

Participants randomly draw cards with the name of “drugs” and, without saying what task they got, draw sketches. They are given 5-10 minutes to do this.

How to prepare a children's drawing competition

The first stage of preparation is the definition of the theme of the competition and its features. What materials can participants use for their work? Will the number of participants and their age be limited?

AT art school it makes sense to hold a small competition in which participants will present works in the same technique, and in primary school the emphasis should be on the correspondence of the drawings to the theme of the competition.

At the preparation stage, the organizers should think over the rules for participation, stipulate the deadlines for submitting works and determining the winners. It is better to divide children into several age groups, for example, younger (up to 6-7 years old), middle (7-9 years old) and older (from 10 years old). It is worthwhile to provide age-appropriate prizes in advance and prepare an awards ceremony that is interesting for children.

Stages of the drawing competition

    1. Competition announcement. The announcement must be made in advance so that the participants have enough time to prepare and submit the work to the organizers of the competition.
    2. Discuss the competition with children. If the event is held in children's institution, educators or teachers should allocate time for:

      Conversation with children, explaining to them the conditions of the competition and the features of participation;
      - assistance in the preparation of competitive works.

Of course, parents also take an active part in the preparation. And than younger child, the more attention adults should pay to his work. Children need to explain the rules of participation, help them decide on the plot and the choice of drawing technique. In addition, it is important to communicate with a child of any age as much as possible - to come up with interesting story about the drawing, ask him to explain what and why he drew, what meaning he put into his work. If the conditions of the competition provide that the child must submit his own drawing, to public speaking also need to prepare in advance.

  1. Acceptance of competition entries. Children should be contacted by a person who can find mutual language, both with small participants and with their parents. It is categorically unacceptable to criticize the works at the stage of their acceptance!
  2. Exhibition setup. Of the drawings that children submit to the competition, it is best to make an exhibition. Paintings are hung on the walls in a school or studio, a special stand is arranged for them, and if the competition is virtual, photographs of the submitted works are posted on the website.
  3. Jury work.
  4. Summing up and awarding. Children will be very pleased if the awards are held in the form of a holiday. Organizers would like to prepare entertainment program which will consist of speeches and fun games. It is important that everyone gets an encouragement for participating in the drawing competition for children! It can be a small souvenir or just a good drawing mark, but no contestant should leave without at least a minimum prize!
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