Christina Aguilera: fat and thin, figure parameters and images in different periods of time, photos and reaction of fans. christina aguilera diet

Over the past few years in appearanceChristina Aguilera(Christina Aguilera) dramatic changes took place: after the birth of the child, the singer began to rapidly gain weight. And although in various interviews Aguilera claimed that "she is comfortable in a magnificent body," in fact, as her close friends say, she tried her best to get rid of extra pounds. And she still succeeded!

On November 24 at the American Music Awards, the singer impressed the audience with her slim figure. The famous blonde appeared on the red carpet in an evening white dress with a bold neckline, cutouts at the waist and a slit to the thigh from Maria Lucia Hohan, which perfectly emphasized all the charms of Aguilera's sexy body.

Exactly one year ago, at the same ceremony, the singer looked much worse, and the reason for this was overweight, from which the singer successfully got rid of all this time. By the way, last year in an interview with the American Lucky magazine, Christina Aguilera said: “I have always been too skinny, and now I enjoy the fact that I have prominent parts of the body - for example, hips and breasts. I love showing off my cleavage." Everyone overweight women Christina gave advice: "If you like being like that, then you should just glow with self-confidence." Obviously, the star nevertheless reconsidered her opinion and resolutely pulled herself together.

They say that the reason for this was the singer's new relationship with her new boyfriend. Matthew Rutler (Matthew Rutler). And although Aguilera's lover quite liked her roundness, the singer was still determined to lose weight in order to start new stage your life in a new way. "Christina is getting in shape and losing weight because she and Matt are getting married this summer," one of the singer's acquaintances told Showbiz Spy. - She wants to arrange a small home holiday without too much pump. As a wedding gift to herself, she decided to tidy up her figure and feels great at a weight of 56 kilograms with a height of 156 cm. She is ready to enter a new life with a new magnificent body!

In order to lose weight, Aguilera had to make a lot of efforts. The girl completely abandoned harmful foods, switching to a balanced diet. She supplemented proper nutrition with regular workouts under the guidance of a personal fitness guru and yoga classes.

Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

The Hollywood beauty starts her day with a walk and a run for 20-30 minutes, which serve as an excellent cardio workout for her. Five times a week, Christina practices for 90 minutes in gym and is by no means afraid of strength training with additional weights from 3 to 10 kilograms: they help to make the body supple and toned. And in order to achieve the sexual roundness that the star is so proud of, she performs exercises for the press, squats, push-ups, lunges 300-500 times in several approaches, practically not allowing herself to rest.

The diet of Christina Aguilera, which she carefully monitors, consists mainly of protein foods, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. For example, for breakfast, the star prefers to eat boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, as well as vegetable sandwiches with whole grain bread. For lunch and dinner, she often has chicken breast, low-fat fish or seafood with vegetable salad without dressing, and as a snack, the singer treats herself to raw vegetables and fruits or a slice of low-fat cheese, and sometimes allows herself to drink a glass of red wine.

Thinner Christina Aguilera at the launch of the new season music show Voice in March 2013 Photo: Splash News/All Over Press Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

Christina first demonstrated the fruits of her labors in March of this year. On the gala evening on the occasion of the launch of the new season of the musical show Voice, where Aguilera is a judge, the singer came in a short black dress that emphasized her slim figure. “Aguilera noticeably lost weight and began to look much better. Even if she still overdoes it with self-tanner, her current makeup is beyond praise!" -notes the British portal MailOnline.

A month later, the star again surprised everyone with her metamorphoses. According to the American portal Us Weekly, adhering to these rules, the singer managed to lose about 12 kilograms in less than six months. In April 2013, Aguilera made a splash at the Time 100 Gala - top 100 influential people USA"- in New York. Christina appeared on the red carpet in a long slinky dress that emphasized her undeniable advantages - bust and reappeared waist.

The figure of 34-year-old pop star Christina Aguilera is a unique phenomenon in its own way. Usually the stars strictly monitor their bodies and do not allow themselves to relax once again. Who would have thought that Christina would be an exception ... Having first appeared on big stage in 1997, Christina appeared before the audience as a slender girl. When the singer suddenly began to recover in 2010, the amazement of the fans knew no bounds. Assumptions rained down, as if from a cornucopia, but most often the idea was that the reason for everything was childbirth.

Plus 37 kg

Of course, it's strange that Christina Aguilera, successful singer, now and then giving concerts, did not take up herself immediately. But the public was sure that this would happen very soon, and Chris would return the waist to its place. But that did not happen. The singer continued to get better. By 2012, Aguilera's weight had already reached 70 kg - and this despite the fact that her height is only 157 cm. But by 2013, her volumes increased even more - Christina added 20 kg.

What did Christina Aguilera look like: photos before and after weight loss

All this time, the girl went out and on stage in her usual outfits. Mini, low-cut dresses, corsets, bodysuits and similar clothes remained in her wardrobe. But the sizes changed - Christina "grew" to the size XL, and the surprise of the fans gradually gave way to bewilderment. It was not clear what was the reason for these changes. A variety of thoughts were heard - from the banal "you need to eat less" to assumptions about Christina's possible illness. But main problem, due to which the singer recovered, turned out to be stress.

Son Max, whom the singer gave birth to her husband, producer Jordan Bretman, did not keep dad in the family. Jordan left and Christina was left alone. The separation, the need to raise the baby alone and the difficult work, accompanied by the constant intrusive attention of the press and fans, drove Aguilera into stress, and she began to seize him with junk food and drink alcohol. But this became known only later.

In the meantime, Christina played with might and main happy plump. To comments about her too curvaceous, she once bluntly stated: “I'm fat. Humble yourself." And she told a story that took place at the beginning of her career. Aguilera spoke out:

“Producers started criticizing me back in 2002, when I gained 7 kg pretty quickly. It was convenient for them to sell me as a thin girl with white skin. And I'm from Ecuador! There on feminine beauty look differently. Then they called an important meeting, at which they announced to me: if I do not lose weight, it will hurt a huge number of people. Everyone who works with me will suffer, because I will not be able to sell tickets for my shows, and then my CDs. Then I agreed and quickly lost weight, but I don’t intend to do this anymore. ”

The singer was not proud of her forms for long - a turning point has come

The singer emphasized that she was not only not shy about her forms, but was also proud of them:

“I have always been too skinny, and now I enjoy the fact that I have hips and breasts. I love showing off my cleavage. If you like being like that, you should just glow with confidence.”

But it soon became clear that Christina was being disingenuous. By that time, the girl's personal life began to improve. On the set of the film Burlesque, she met casting assistant Matthew Rattler, and a romantic relationship began between the young people.

At first, their communication was not taken seriously, but when the couple celebrated their first anniversary, they began to read the wedding. Naturally, the question was heard all the time from newspaper articles: how does Matt feel about his plus-size figure? star girlfriend? Friends of the couple said: “Matt is pleased with her figure. Even when she gained weight, he said: "For me, she always looks great." Christina also spoke out:

“I flew high and fell painfully; I've been through everything in this business. Be thinner. To be fuller ... I ignore all the chatter on this topic. I love my body. My boyfriend loves it too. My son is healthy and happy. And that's all that matters to me."

But somehow the paparazzi caught a couple while walking on the coast. Matt was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, quite appropriate for the weather. But Christina put on black leggings, a T-shirt and a long loose cardigan. She didn't dare take any of this. It was clear that she was still embarrassed to flaunt her body. Around this period, Aguilera began to lose weight.

Before the wedding, Christina decided to seriously take care of herself and lost weight

New old shape

Problems in her personal life caused the singer to recover, and they also pushed her to lose weight. Matt made a proposal to his beloved, and she agreed. Christina decided to start a new stage in her life with a new body and decided to lose weight by all means. The idea was more than successful - the girl dropped 37 kg and returned to a weight of 56 kg! How did she do it?

Nutrition for weight loss

Christina made no secret of this. She enlisted the help of The Fresh Diet. The service cost her dearly - about $ 1,400 per month. The Fresh Diet company delivers diet food. Here they offer delicious dishes that will not harm the waist and help you lose weight. The menu for Christina was made by a titled chef, a graduate of The Cordon Bleu, the most prestigious French culinary school in the world.

Especially for the singer, he developed dishes like pig with mango and lime pie. Aguilera loves to eat deliciously, so she could hardly get by with a whole-wheat flour sandwich, chicken breast and lettuce leaves. The service offers a wide variety of dishes, but Aguilera had her own favorites. The daily menu for Christina from The Fresh Diet often looked like this.

  • Breakfast: a handful of fresh blueberries and half an avocado.
  • Dinner: chicken breast with curry.
  • Dinner: dish of chicken or fish.
  • Snacks: celery with almond paste, shrimp cocktail salad.

For the sake of a good figure, the singer refused her favorite pancakes

If I had to go to a restaurant, Christina would order sushi or tuna salad there. It was not without limitations. The singer completely excluded harmful foods and alcoholic drinks from her menu, and also stopped going to pancakes, which she used to love very much.


Food alone was not enough. Christina went to sport Club. She went to yoga and also went to the gym. Her training began with cardio, and then the singer worked with weights. Most often these were dumbbells weighing 9 kg. Christina also did push-ups, did exercises for the abdominal muscles and actively squatted - up to 350 times per workout. The personal trainer of the star followed the implementation of the plan.

All these efforts have been successful. In just six months, Aguilera dropped the hated 37 kg, and her tight-fitting outfits began to cause sighs of admiration, not bewilderment. Now she has got new task- do not get rid of the excess, but save the result.

Squats and cardio did their job: Christina Aguilera again looked amazing in tight dresses!

Find and save

Since then, little Max, Christina's son from her first marriage, has a sister - Summer Rain. The singer gave birth to a daughter from Matt Rattler. During pregnancy, the singer recovered and was worried that she would not be able to quickly return to good shape. But in vain - six months have passed, and Christina no longer looks plump. To lose weight, the singer did yoga and went on a low-carb diet for a while.

Nutrition for Weight Management

The lion's share of Christina's menu falls on protein products. The star knows very well that they saturate well, digest for a long time, providing a feeling of satiety, and at the same time they are low in calories. In addition, her diet contains a lot of fresh berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs. The star's daily menu looks something like this.

  • Breakfast: eggs (boiled or scrambled), a couple of slices of whole grain bread and vegetables.
  • Lunch and dinner: chicken fillet, lean fish or seafood, a large portion of vegetable salad with light or no dressing.
  • Snacks: a slice of low-fat cheese, vegetables or fruits.

Sometimes the singer allows herself to drink a glass of red wine.

The lion's share of Christina's menu falls on protein products.


Every day in the morning, Aguilera goes for a run and takes about half an hour to this activity. In addition, five times a week, Christina trains in the gym. She works out with weights of 3-10 kg. She also has a lot of basic exercises in her program. The singer does crunches and other exercises for the abdominal muscles, squats, push-ups, lunges. To enhance the effect of the lesson, the singer performs several approaches and trains at an intense pace, trying to minimize the rest time.

What is the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya, therefore, we will find out approximate data by comparing photos with people whose height and weight we know.

In the photo on the right, Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrey Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9 cm heels, is about 2-3cm higher than 181cm. Accordingly, we subtract 9cm from 184cm and we get the approximate height of Nina Shatskaya at 175 cm. Outwardly, the weight of Nina Shatskaya looks at 70-75 kg

Height Nina Shatskaya 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

How tall and weight is Irina Nizina?

Irina Nizina is famous Russian actress theater and cinema, winner of the "Seagull" and "Moscow Debuts" awards. The most famous actress brought such works in cinema as New life detective Gurov and Advocate. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174cm and a weight of 65kg.

How reliable and accurate about the height and weight of Irina Nizina, no one knows for sure.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Weight of Irina Nizina 65kg

How tall and weight is Nadezhda Obolentseva?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and is best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the parameters of a celebrity.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Height Nadezhda Obolentseva 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

How tall and weight is Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She is best known as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and leader dance group"JB ballet" in Germany; one of the permanent members of the jury and choreographer of the Ukrainian TV project "Everybody Dance!" , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project "Dancing".

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

Tatyana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet, the famous actor is credited with a height of 177-178 cm, and a weight of 79 kg. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data are.

Height of Anton Makarsky 177-178cm

Weight of Anton Makarsky 79kg

How tall and weight is Sergey Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sports success in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergey Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm, and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergey Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergey Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

Christina Maria Aguilera (erroneous options: Christina Aguilera, Christina Oguilera) was born in the family of a sergeant in the Armed Forces and a Spanish teacher.

Childhood of Christina Aguilera

Christina's mother, by the way, is a professional pianist and violinist, she performed as part of the Youth Symphony orchestra. When the future singer was 7 years old, her parents separated. Mom went to live in her native Wexford and got married a second time.

Christina Aguilera began her musical career at the age of 8. It was then that the girl performed Whitney Houston's song "Greatest Love Оf All" at the competition young talents called Star Search. However, the young singer took only second place.

Three years later, Christina was invited to perform the US national anthem on sports competitions in Pittsburgh. And in 1992, the famous TV show "New Mickey Mouse Club" opens and Christina becomes one of its participants. Here she met Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Simpson and JC Chasez. While still a schoolgirl, Christina took up her career closely, and got so carried away that she left school in the 8th grade and finished her studies as an external student.

The beginning of the pop career of Christina Aguilera

Two years later, Christina Aguilera is already going on her first tour. During it, in Japan, the singer meets famous performer Keizo Nakanishi and recorded the song "All I Wanna Do" with him. The composition made Aguilera quite popular in the Land of the Rising Sun. A little later, the singer performs at the Romanian festival Golden Stag.

In 1998, Disney Corporation asked to record a song for the cartoon "Mulan" "Reflection". After the release of the tape on the wide screen, the soundtrack became one of the 15 best singles and wins a Golden Globe. Christina immediately signed a contract with RCA Records.

Christina Aguilera video for the song "Genie In A Bottle"

Supported by producers and composers, 18-year-old Christina Aguilera presents debut album Christina Agulera. The first single from the disc "Genie in a Bottle" so excited the public that the song lasted five weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The hit received the Blockbuster Award, Teen com Award and Ivor Novello Award.

The second single of the singer "What A Girl Wants" not only became a hit and topped the American rating, but also became one of the best-selling songs of the year. And the video for the song received more than one award. As a result, the debut album with popular tracks in the US alone was bought by more than eight million people. More than 17 million copies of the record were sold worldwide, which became 10 times platinum. Critics wrote about the undoubted quality of the material and the well-thought-out arrangements that set off the interesting vocals.

The popularity of Christina Aguilera grew by leaps and bounds. In 2000, the singer received the prestigious Grammy Award for Best New Artist. And the following singles "I Turn To You" and "Come On Over (All I Want Is You)" conquered the tops of not only American, but also world charts.

The Spanish versions of the hits became the first in the Latin American chart, and the album became the best and brought Aguilera the Latin Grammy Award 2001 and a number of awards.

And before the end of 2001, the young performer managed to record the Christmas long-play "My Kind of Christmas", which sold millions of copies around the world.

Christina Aguilera's sexy new look

In early 2001, Christina Aguilera radically changed her image. Now she is no longer a romantic and eternally suffering person in the frame. The girl, along with singer Pink, Lil "Kim and Mya, is recording a remake of Patti LaBelle's song "Lady Marmelade", which became the soundtrack for the film "Moulin Rouge". Now fans have seen the shameless, aggressive and defiant Christina. The track instantly became a multi-week number one hit and collected rich harvest of rewards.

Already in the mid-2000s, Christina Aguilera became one of the most sought-after celebrities in the world of show business. Encouraged by the success, RCA Records releases a disc with old demos by Christina, which she performed at the age of 14-15. The release of "Just Be Free" sold quite a good circulation and won a platinum certificate.

Wasting no time, Christina Aguilera is starting to work on the next album called "Stripped". The first rhythm and blues single "Dirrty" skyrocketed to number one on the US filings chart. The presentation of the album itself took place only at the end of 2002. Christina posed topless for the cover. By the way, all the songs were recorded by Aguilera with little support from other authors and composers. The album debuted at number two on the Billboard 200. Critics gave the album mixed reviews. The increasingly sexy and provocative image of the singer became the subject of controversy. However, Stripped went 4x platinum in America and sold 14 million copies worldwide.

After frank and controversial song"Dirty" was released as the second single from the album - a sensual and social ballad called "Beautiful". The song's heartbreaking video highlighted the song's deep context, which touched on issues such as homophobia, anorexia, and teenage social uncertainty. The song "Beautiful" became one of the most titled of the singer.

Christina Aguilera does not leave her new sexy image and shoots naked for the popular Rolling Stone magazine.

In 2003, Aguilera dealt a "double" blow to the music world. The blonde girl dyed her hair in a burning brunette and went on tour with the popular Justin Timberlake. Justified and Stripped tour became the most popular and successful tour of the year.

At the end of 2004, Christina Aguilera changes again. She removes the piercing from her body - one earring out of eleven remains - on the nipple of her right breast. In parallel with her musical career, she begins her career as a TV presenter. On MTV, the girl begins to lead the program Sex, dedicated, among other things, to sexual abstinence.

However, Aguilera begins to release one single after another. First comes "Car wash", a cover version of the 70s hit Rose Royce. Then "Tilt Ya Head Back" is a duet with Nelly. Then the songs "A Song for You" and "Somos Novios" appear.

Christina Aguilera's third numbered album was released in late summer 2006. This record was full of jazz, soul and blues compositions. With this disc, the singer conquers not only her regular audience - teenagers, but also a wider audience. The songs "Hurt" and "Candyman" receive recognition from both fans and critics.

Christina Aguilera - Hurt

In 2008, Christina appears in Martin Scorsese's Shine a Light documentary about a two-day concert legendary band Rolling Stones in New York. Aguilera sings "Live With Me" as a duet with Mick Jagger. She also played a small role in the comedy Get Him to the Greek.

By the tenth anniversary creative activity Christina Aguilera releases a collection of hits "Keeps Gettin" Better: A Decade of Hits". In the same year, Maxim magazine names the singer 80th in the list of the most desirable women in the world.

Fourth studio album"Bionic" Christina released in the middle of summer 2010. It was not a commercial success. Two singles "You Lost Me" and "Not Myself Tonight" were released from the disc, which, however, were not in great demand in the main American charts and abroad.

Personal life of Christina Aguilera

In 2005, 24-year-old Christina Aguilera solemnly married music producer Jordan Bratman. The celebration was luxurious and outstanding. Many celebrities were invited to the wedding, for example, Drew Barrymore, Sharon Stone, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz, from whom, by the way, they signed a non-disclosure agreement.

In September 2007, it became known about the pregnancy of the singer. Paris Hilton publicly congratulated Christina at one of the parties and thus revealed the secret to the whole world. During pregnancy, by the way, Aguilera was repeatedly shot naked for various magazines, for example, Mary Claire. On January 12, 2008, the singer gave birth to a son, Max Lyron Bratman.

In October 2010, Christina Aguilera filed for divorce. In the documents, she indicated the reason for such a decision - "irresolvable contradictions."

Still not having time to sign the divorce papers, the singer twirled new novel with casting assistant Matthew Rutler. The couple have been together since 2010 and plan to get married. Bye exact date wedding is not known, but according to unconfirmed information, lovers can get married by the end of the year in Hawaii. In August 2014, the couple had a daughter.

Christina Aguilera now

In November 2012, Christina Aguilera released her seventh album "Lotus", it was received coolly and did not gain proper ratings. A few months later, the girl received the People's Choice Awards "Voice of the People: For Special Achievements" 2013. On January 18, a single was released, recorded together with Pitbull "Feel This Moment", which subsequently received platinum status.

Pitbull and Christina Aguilera - Feel This Moment

After that, Christina dropped out of the secular party, and six months later she demonstrated her former forms, by the end of the summer she was able to lose 15 kg. She also began to take an active part in the project "Voice": the singer performed the single "Say Something" together with the group A Great Big World, and in the finale of the fifth season american show"The Voice" Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga performed the song "Do What U Want".

In addition to concert and television activities, the singer is involved in charity work. Since 2007, she has been releasing a series of her perfumes every year: the first was the Christina Aguilera fragrance of the same name (2007). The following year, the next fragrance of the singer Inspire ("Inspiration") was released. Christina Aguilera by Night was released in 2009, Christina Aguilera Royal Desir in 2010.

In 2011, her fifth fragrance, Secret Potion, went on sale. On October 1, 2012, the Red Sin fragrance ("Red Sin") was created, and in 2013 the Unforgettable ("Unforgettable") fragrance was released.

Formerly petite and slender, Christina Aguilera, who turned into a donut after giving birth, finally decided to return to her previous weight. Literally in six months, Aguilera lost 37 kilograms. After this "number" American singer all the media unanimously began to dazzle with headlines that Christina had entrusted her body to surgeons. It was hard for many to believe that she was able to lose so much weight in a short time without resorting to surgical procedures.

Why did Christina Aguilera gain weight?

Childbirth, and then a difficult divorce from her husband, could not but affect the appearance of depression, which became one of the main reasons for the singer's rapid weight gain. Previously, Christina shone in front of the public in revealing outfits, demonstrating her charms. After giving birth, the artist did not change her principles, wearing tight-fitting clothes that emphasized her plump figure. Despite the fact that in an interview, Christina assured that she loves her body in any way, and extra pounds do not bother her at all, after a while she nevertheless decided to get rid of them.

How did Christina Aguilera lose weight?

Aguilera lost weight thanks to her new love. strong feelings forced the singer to pull herself together. First of all, she began to eat right. Moreover, Christina ate at least five times a day in small portions (food should fit in a fist). The menu developed by nutritionists was no more than 1600 kilocalories. But the singer's diet cannot be called hard, on the contrary, healthy. For example, for breakfast, Aguilera ate half an avocado, a little bit of turkey and blueberries. Lunch consisted of celery with almond butter. Dinner is chicken or fish.

But, as the actress says, in order for the figure to be perfect, it’s not enough just to eat right. She exhausted her body with many hours of training in the gym. First of all, Christina went to the treadmill, where she made a short run, preparing her body for more difficult exercises. This was followed by work with dumbbells. After that, she began to do exercises for pumping the press, as well as a lot of squats and push-ups.

Christina Aguilera herself, who has lost more than 30 kilos in such a short time, says that the most important thing to achieve a result is desire.

Christina Aguilera got fat. Christina Aguilera and Kelly Osbourne swap places (video)

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