How to draw a giraffe step by step. Drawing a giraffe step by step with a photo in the preparatory group dhow

Complementary colors are commonly used in painting to make images more interesting and lively. Most of these colors you would expect to see on a giraffe: warm yellows, browns and oranges. However, you could not foresee the choice of blue shades for shading on the muzzle of a giraffe, although in fact it is he who is the most spectacular in the whole drawing. It not only shades, but also makes other colors more dynamic and natural. Step 1. How to draw a giraffe with colored pencils.

I made a sketch of a giraffe on a blank sheet of paper, drawing spots and adding a twig. Step 2. How to draw a giraffe with colored pencils.

I created a base coat with jasmine color and applied yellow ocher in some areas. Step 3. How to draw a giraffe with colored pencils.

I suggested a few shadows with periwinkle color. Pay attention to the falling shadow on the neck from the chin. Step 4. How to draw a giraffe with colored pencils.

I painted the stem of the twig with terracotta and the leaves with olive green. Step 5. How to draw a giraffe with colored pencils.

Moving back to the face, I applied a layer of light amber to further deepen the amazing blue shadows, blending the colors together. I also painted over some of the blemishes and added eyelashes around the eyes. Step 6. How to draw a giraffe with colored pencils.

Next, I added some mineral orange to the whole giraffe, and especially to the nose and forehead. I also added more spots and hair along the neck. Step 7. How to draw a giraffe with colored pencils.

To complete the drawing, I filled in the eyes and lashes with black. I also used black to shade the nostrils and other dark areas. If you liked the lesson, go to our

The giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet. Such amazing beauties live in hot Africa, feed on tree leaves and grass, are very peaceful, but protecting their cubs, they can fight a lion or a tiger. Giraffes amaze people with their huge growth, long neck, funny horns on their heads and some fabulousness. Maybe that's why in the zoo in front of the aviary with these animals there are always crowds of people.

Is your child also delighted with the giraffe he saw at the zoo? Then use our tips and draw this outlandish animal with your child.

How to draw a giraffe with a pencil

Before drawing a real giraffe, let's draw a cartoon character. Prepare: landscape sheet, pencil, eraser.

  • With an inconspicuous line, sketch an oval at the bottom of the sheet in the center - get the torso. Raise your hand with a pencil up and to the left, make a smaller oval - the head will come out. To get a long neck, connect both shapes with a curved line.
  • Lower four perpendiculars from the giraffe's tummy, connect them in pairs with segments - the basting of the legs is ready.

  • Draw two more of the same limbs, along the way explaining to the child that the giraffe is an artiodactyl animal and has two pairs of legs. Round the lower leg, highlight the thigh of the left hind leg with a semi-oval. Erase the basting.

  • At the top of the head, bring out horns that look like small mushrooms. To the right and left of them, place the petals of the ears, designate a thick cheek, and behind - a tail-thread with a pom-pom.

  • Decorate a cunning muzzle by depicting the eyes with two horizontally elongated ovals with black circles of pupils. Raise the surprised dashes-eyebrows, put two small dots - nostrils, stretch your mouth in a smile. Scatter color spots all over the body and - a pencil drawing of a giraffe is ready.

  • If time permits, paint the giraffe with paints. Such a picture will look brighter and the character will be more fun.

How to draw an adult giraffe

When portraying an adult giraffe, the main thing is to respect proportions. Let's remember them - the animal has a long flexible neck, high stilted legs, with the front ones higher than the back ones, the back with a diagonal slope.

  • Draw three circles on paper: two in the lower left part of the sheet - the future torso, one in the upper right corner (head). Connect them with straight lines, according to our pattern. At the bottom of the large circles, draw a pair of small ones that are on top of each other. Lower vertically curved rays from them, interrupted by circles in the middle and ending in square hooves.

  • Outline the contours of the body, legs, neck, head to get the shape of the torso.

  • Erase extra lines, shade the mane, draw a round eye, protruding antenna horns, oblong ears. Outline the tail with a whisk-brush, add volume to the hooves.

  • Scatter a variety of spots and paint the giraffe with colored pencils.

How to draw a giraffe with straight lines

Such a giraffe looks more like a dog, but the advantage of this method is that the child will be able to draw the animal on his own.

  • In the middle of a sheet of paper, mark a rectangle (body), to the upper side of which attach a smaller figure, with one inclined edge (neck).
  • Draw the legs at the bottom of the torso, and put a head resembling a parallelogram on the neck.
  • Add a ponytail sticking up, separate the brush with a dash. Draw the limbs.
  • Put carnations-horns, pull out the halves of the bagels of the ears, mark the eyes, nose, lips.

  • Mark the spotting and color the work as you like.

How to draw a giraffe without taking your hands off

  • In the upper left corner of the sheet, starting from the bottom, draw a head - an irregular semi-oval.
  • Then add three curls resembling a cockscomb - ears and horns. Lower down a long line, subsequently moving it to a horizontal position, so you designate the neck and croup of the animal.
  • Draw rectangular legs and, drawing a line sharply upwards, connect it to the oval of the head. Draw eyes, a nose, a smile, a tail, specks and revive the giraffe with bright felt-tip pens.

Now you know how to draw the longest-necked animal, choose the method you like and get creative.

giraffe count the tallest animal in the world. An adult male weighs about 2 tons. giraffe can eat 30-40 kilogram of food per day. At the same time, they, like camels, are able to do without water for a long time.

Spots on the body of a giraffe unique like human fingerprints. But they have another interesting feature - giraffes sleep only standing up and no more. 10 min. in hour.

And now that you have learned a little about the life of these animals, you can start drawing.

Ready? Begin!

First, draw two ovals - this is the future head and body of the giraffe. We connect them together.

Now let's designate the head: select the ears and nose.

And now let's designate the facial features: draw eyes, eyelashes, etc.

Then we finish drawing the neck and torso of our giraffe.

Now, the limbs. Did you know that the length of one step of a giraffe is 4 meters? This is about 6 of your steps! Therefore, You and I will have to run to keep up with him.

Now it's time for the mane and tail. We draw them.

Here's what should happen.

We have already drawn animals more than once. And, and, and, and, and other animals. And in today's lesson we will learn how to draw a giraffe with a pencil. This is a very unusual animal. Its neck exceeds 1.5 meters in length. Although the number of vertebrae in it is exactly the same as in other mammals: seven. The height of this animal is also rather big: up to 5.5 m, and weight up to 900 kg. And the giraffe is very strong and can run fast. It develops speed up to 55 km/h. He walks in an interesting way: he moves both right legs at the same time, and then both left ones, and so on. Oh, I digress, it's time to start drawing.

Step one. First, we will define the basics of the giraffe figure and depict almost geometric shapes. First, an uneven triangle in the center of the sheet. If you look closely, the body of the animal has exactly this shape. From the triangle upwards at an angle we draw an elongated quadrangle - this is the neck. Please note that the neck has a slight curve, although it looks like a rectangle. We will also show the hip joint by drawing an oval.

Step two.

We draw the head. It is shaped like a trapezoid. If you have not drawn a smooth, neat figure, it's okay. These are only contours and auxiliary lines, which we will make smooth a little later. Let's show another joint of the front leg by drawing another smaller oval. Next, draw the legs, consisting of two parts. Step three. Let's draw small horns to the head. Let's draw a couple more legs and hooves. Move on. Step four. Now we must draw the details: mouth, nostrils and chin and. Let's make a smooth transition of the neck to the body, along the back and up to the tail. The tail is quite long and ends with a tassel. Let's draw a line of the tummy, do not leave the same triangle. Step five. The main details of the giraffe are already drawn. Now we must erase the auxiliary lines, circle the outline, while drawing the shape of the horns, and then draw the color of the camel. By the way, each giraffe has its own “pattern” of spots, just like a human fingerprint.

Tyuntyaeva Oksana Anatolyevna

Master class of step-by-step drawing of a giraffe for children of senior preschool age

There is a place in the world


Where walking is important

Like a graph

Very long neck


Under a strange name


Until what, until what

We all want, brothers,

On a giraffe, on a giraffe

Ride live!

Giraffe- a very peaceful animal living in the open steppes-savannahs of Africa. The giraffe feeds on leaves of trees and branches of shrubs. Favorite food is acacia. The giraffe spends the whole day eating. He eats 30 kg of vegetation per day and can drink 30 liters of water at a time. The giraffe rarely drinks.

The tongue of a giraffe is very long, which helps the animal to grab food with ease. The giraffe is the tallest animal and a third of the total height is the neck. And what long and thin legs the giraffe has! Giraffes run very fast and even jump one and a half meters high.

Target: learn to draw a giraffe in stages, learn to convey the characteristic features of the depicted animal.



Learn to draw the figure of a giraffe in stages with a simple pencil;


Develop artistic and aesthetic taste (combination of colors, sense of composition);

Improve your drawing skills with watercolors and gouache;

Develop children's creativity and imagination;


To cultivate love for nature and all life on earth, a cognitive interest in the animal world;

Material: sheets A 4, simple pencils, yellow gouache, watercolors, brushes, cups of water.

How to draw a giraffe step by step

Stage 1.

We draw an oval torso of the animal.

Stage 2.

We draw a small oval a little higher - the head of a giraffe.

Stage 3.

We connect the torso and head with two parallel lines. It turned out the neck of the animal.

Stage 4.

Draw the legs of a giraffe.

Stage 5 We draw an ear, horns of a giraffe.

6 stage.

Let's start coloring.

Thank you for your attention! I wish you creative success!

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