Sand painting. Teaching children to draw with sand on light tables How Sand Art appeared

Light table - a translucent matte surface, behind which there is a light source, has been known for decades. Surgeons look at pictures on a vertical light surface, animators and comic book artists translate images on a light table, films are mounted on an editing light table, photographers look at negative and positive photographic films.

The light table was also useful for sand animation - in both cases: when an animated film is being shot, and when an artist draws "live" in front of the viewer.

First of all, I would like to note that all the exercises and drawing techniques discussed below can be carried out on any horizontal dark smooth surface (for example, on an ordinary polished table with light sand, fine salt or semolina - this will also be a powder technique.


Large yellow sand.

Fine sand with which I paint.

Fine sand color of baked milk, very light.

Fine table salt.


A sketch made on a polished table with sand, which I usually paint with on my light table.


On the light table, the pattern is more contrasting and has more halftones.

If you still decide to have a light table at home, there are three options: 1) buy ready-made (there are many offers on the Internet); 2) build such a table yourself; 3) make it to order.

The technical characteristics of the device are also very diverse: from a simple glass placed on books with a lamp placed down (it is desirable to build bumpers along the edge of the glass) to a complex design with programmable LEDs, as in my travel light tables.

You can choose the golden mean and not complicate the task.

Wishes for the light table.

Aspect ratio 16 X 9 - this format is the most popular and is used in television and projection technology. Most TVs today have a picture of just such proportions.

The sides on all sides should be at least 3 cm so that sand does not spill out. On the right and on the left (where the sand lies during work) - 5-7 cm is better. The side from the artist's side is no higher than 3 cm, so that its height does not interfere with drawing details in the foreground.

On the right and left - the space for sand is not wider than 15 cm. If the sand is scattered in a thin layer, it is inconvenient to pick it up in a handful, and this is an important point when drawing at speed.

The plane on which the sand lies must be on the same level as the plane on which the drawing process takes place. In many designs that are offered for sale, trays-recesses are made for sand on the right and left - in this case, some drawing techniques simply cannot be used (this will be discussed below).

For the surface on which you will draw, matte (milky) plastic with a thickness of 4-5 mm is best suited. A thinner one will sag a lot, a thicker one will unnecessarily weigh down the total weight of the table.

The structure must be stable. When the table staggers, then it is inconvenient to work and the picture on the screen jumps (if the image from the video camera above the table is displayed on the screen).

The color of the backlight can be any, depending on your taste and tasks.

What you need to know about sand

Any sand can serve as a material. It must be sifted through a fine sieve, then, if necessary, rinsed. You can wash the sand in a bucket. One portion of the sand needed for drawing (this is about 3-5 kg), pour into a bucket, fill with water to the top. With a hand (spoon, spatula), the sand is intensively stirred. Dust and dirt will dissolve in the water. Light particles will float. Drain water carefully. Repeat the process until the water becomes clear. You can dry sand on a baking sheet in the oven (if you need it urgently), just in a room, on a windowsill in the sun or on a radiator in a wide container.

Sand from a hardware store is usually heavily contaminated and contains impurities. The sand from the beach is much cleaner. It has already been washed with river water. You can take quarry sand, from the desert, etc., or buy special colored sand in the store.

But each sand is unique in its own way and has its own special properties: the size of sand grains, their color and mass. These properties determine how the sand manifests itself in the process of drawing. For different tasks, you can take different types of sand.

The finer the sand, the more halftones can be achieved in the drawing. Dark sand has more contrast. White sand (or fine salt) can be used to paint winter landscapes. Large sand - drawings with large details.

It is convenient to store sand supplies in plastic bottles, and the sand with which you constantly draw (and carry with you) - in bags made of dense fabric. If sand always remains at home, there is no need to constantly pour it into bags and containers. It can lie on the working surface of the light table, but in this case it is advisable to protect it from dust - close it with a lid or cover it with a cloth.

Drawing at speed in front of an audience and drawing for video recording for editing (or just a long drawing) will be different. When drawing at speed, an abundance of details and halftones is excluded, as well as the use of brushes and other objects (if possible). But all the techniques discussed will help you work in any technique.

A little about the tools.

With a long drawing, you can draw only with your hands, or you can use brushes, sticks and other items that you deem necessary. For small parts, you can use wooden sticks (toothpicks or bamboo skewers) - the wood will not scratch the plastic. When drawing long halftone drawings, I use different brushes and sticks. Also, when drawing, any objects that can give texture are used. We will talk about this later. In performances in front of the audience, when drawing at speed, for small details, I use my nails (for example, when I draw highlights in the eyes). The length of the nails should be no more than 2 mm.

To collect the sand after drawing, a wide brush is useful - sweep the sand out of the corners of the table.
Before you start painting and pour the sifted sand onto the surface, you need to spray the surface of the light table (plastic) with antistatic and wait a couple of minutes until it dries. This is necessary so that the sand moves freely over the surface, does not stick to it due to static stress. The procedure must be repeated periodically. The more you paint, the more often you will need to splatter the surface. Perhaps once every few days.

Receptions and exercises.

We pour sand from the fist.

We pour lines. The lower the hand, the more accurate and thinner the line can be. Let's try different options (straight lines, zigzags, spirals, etc.) with different drawing speeds. We get narrow, wide lines, as well as transparent and opaque - it depends on the different thickness of the layer of sand poured on the table. The higher the hand and the faster we fill the line, the more transparent and wider it is.

Depending on the properties of a particular sand, the lines fall differently - darker in the center or along the edge, etc.

Using only this technique, you can, for example, draw flowers.

To enrich such lines, you can place accents in the right places with the help of thin lines drawn with the edge of the nail.


Filled lines can be adjusted.


Leaf exercise.

We pour the silhouette of a maple leaf and lines in the direction of the veins. Then we need to refine the edge of the sheet so that it is clear and beautiful. To do this, with the tip of your finger or the lateral part of the first phalanx of any finger, we draw at the edge of the line so that part of the sand moves towards the drawing.

With the edge of the nail, we draw thin lines along the pattern of the veins. At the tip of the petiole, put a dot with your fingertip. It turned out to be a beautiful leaf.

Sometimes you need to draw a thin clear straight or winding line. To do this, we draw along the line poured from the cam with two fingers folded in a “house”.

In this case, the line is obtained with the same thickness along the entire length. To get a similar line of slightly greater thickness, you need to fold your fingers a little differently. But the principle remains the same: to obtain a line of the same thickness along the entire length, it is necessary that the fingers rest against each other.

Text exercise.

Trying to write text.


If necessary, adjust the edges of the letters.

Exercise "Scrambled eggs".

We fix the reception - we draw fried eggs.

Due to the thickness of the layer, we get lighter and darker areas. At the final stage, we draw highlights - we get volume and shine! Glare can be drawn with a fingernail. Dots and circles. We put dots on the already drawn lines with a finger.

If you not only touch the sand layer with your finger, but also circle it clockwise (or counterclockwise), circles are obtained.


The part of the sand that remains under the finger can be moved to the edge or formed into its own shadow, which gives volume.

Exercise "Sun"

From a handful from a height of about 20 cm we pour sand without moving the hand.

Sand grains from the center will bounce, forming a circle.

Sometimes it doesn't work out perfectly.

In this case, we can correct its edge from the inside with a finger.

The higher the hand is above the table, the larger the diameter of the circle will be.
We fall asleep background. The background can be covered in different ways - it all depends on the task.

1. From left to right from the edge, with a quick movement, move the sand over the surface of the table. Then - right to left. .


This can only be done if, on your light table, the sand field is flush with the plastic plane you are painting on. If the sand is in the tray - pour it on the plane from the edge and try this and the next three tricks.

2. We perform the same movements, but in a spiral. We draw outer space - we add planets and their trajectories with thin lines.



3. Draw mountains. From left to right (and / or vice versa) we move the sand in a quick movement along the zigzag path.

If the amplitude of the zigzag is small, you get a desert with dunes.

Adjust the edge at the top. Sometimes it is necessary not only to correct the edge, but to remove some of the sand so that it does not accumulate much along the contour. To do this, we carry out a movement with the plane of the finger, as if cutting off and pushing away the excess.

4. We fill the space in the sky with the same technique.

5. On the field of the light table from a height of more than 40 cm, we scatter sand in a thin layer.

Move your hand quickly from left to right and right to left. In this case, the sand wakes up between the fingers.

You can achieve different layer density. This technique is used when you need to pour tone on an already made picture to move on to the next one, for example, to add details or to create an evenly filled background.

We draw on the backfilled background. There are an infinite number of options here; fingertip, nail, finger plane, palm edge, palm, fist, as well as objects: thin and thick brushes, business card, chopsticks. We start trying. We fall asleep with quick movements background.

We draw lines, stripes in any direction with the plane of the palm, the edge of the palm, the tips of the fingers, the edges of the nails, the fingertips, etc. We try to feel the sand to the touch - how pleasant this material is.


Try doing this with your eyes closed.

Exercise "Octopus".

We fall asleep background. We draw tentacles of an octopus, its head.

With the “circle” technique already known to us, we draw eyes, we put dots on the tentacles - suckers.


Add bubbles around the head.

We draw water.

The first option is to draw wavy parallel lines with four (or even five) fingers.

The second option - with the edges of the nails we draw horizontal lines from the background to the front.


We draw clouds.

On an open field, we sprinkle small areas with sand and draw clouds with a fist - with our right hand we make movements counterclockwise and move to the right, with our left hand - clockwise and move to the left.

We draw small details on a clean background.

This technique is necessary when drawing a face (eyes, nose, lips), as well as small details of various objects. With two fingers, thumb and forefinger, practically touching the surface of the table, draw the desired element. For example, let's draw a seagull.


We draw the texture with various objects.

Using different objects, you can get a different texture. Different brushes give different line weights and different prints.


With this brush, you can draw, for example, hair.
  • The level of education:


  • Form of study:

    using distance learning technologies

  • Start of classes: Anytime



Course Curriculum

Module #1. Introduction to sand art

  • 1.1. The origins of Sand art
  • 1.2. Directions of contemporary art Sand art
  • 1.3. Sand is a medium for 3D display
  • 1.4. Why has Sand art become so popular all over the world?
  • 1.5. Why do children need to do Sand art?

Module number 2. The impact of Sand art on the development of children

  • 2.1. How do Sand art classes affect the development of children?
  • 2.2. How to organize Sand art classes
  • 2.3. Types of activities with children using Sand art
  • 2.4. Recommendations for working with children using the method - drawing on a light table
  • 2.5. The world of symbols in Sand art

Module number 3. Introducing a child to drawing on a light table

  • 3.1. Basic exercises for developing sand drawing skills
  • 3.2. Teaching kids how to draw concentric shapes
  • 3.3. Why you need to learn to draw archetypal images

Module number 4. A set of activities with children: Journey into the world of emotions

  • 4.1. I section of the complex of classes:
  • 4.1.1. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Joy"
  • 4.1.2. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Sadness"
  • 4.1.3. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Fear, Fright"
  • 4.1.4. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Anger, Anger"
  • 4.2. II section of the complex of classes:
  • 4.2.1. Exercise: What happened?
  • 4.2.2. Exercise: "Snowman"
  • 4.2.3. Exercise: "This is how I look!"
  • 4.2.4. Exercise: "My family"
  • 4.2.5. Exercise: Lake of Emotions

Module number 5. Drawing in the sand as the best method for teaching children correct speech and writing

  • 5.1. Why should a child learn to draw on a light table?
  • 5.2. Algorithmic schemes for drawing in the sand
  • 5.3. Card file of algorithmic drawing schemes
  • 5.4. Drawing life situations on the light table
  • 5.4.1. Exercise "Looking for twins"
  • 5.4.2 Exercise "How I Helped the Carpenter"
  • 5.4.3. Exercise "Cups, spoons, ladles"
  • 5.4.4. Exercise "I know!"
  • 5.4.5. Exercise: "Autumn leaf fall"
  • 5.4.6. Exercise: "Goldfish"
  • 5.5. Drawing on the sand of heroes of fairy tales, books, cartoons
  • 5.6. Card file of images of heroes of fairy tales, cartoons

Total: 120 acad./hours


Ryazan, educational psychologist

I liked the organization of the learning process (remote learning, the opportunity to study at any convenient time, the form of presentation of the material and its conciseness). I would recommend this course to beginners, as well as those who have just begun to be interested in this topic.

Course Description

Why is sand painting on a light table gaining such popularity all over the world?

At present, the need for new, non-standard ways of thinking has become more and more acute in the world. The ability to find unexpected solutions and to accept any situation as an opportunity to solve an interesting problem is becoming increasingly valuable. Companies do not spare money for training their employees, they conduct trainings where they teach people to think creatively. But, unfortunately, teaching adults this ability is a rather difficult task.

No one doubts that the development of creative potential should begin from an early age, when the child is just beginning to discover the world around him. Thus, one of the most important tasks for teachers, psychologists and parents at the present stage is an individual approach to the development of the child's creative potential. In solving this urgent problem, the course "Art Therapy: Drawing in the Sand" can help you.

What effect do sand painting classes have on children?

Creating drawings in the sand opens up amazing opportunities for teachers, educators, speech therapists, psychologists, as well as parents who want to diversify their child's leisure time and spend it with benefit. Rich in tactile experience, such activities help children to better understand the material being studied and significantly improve fine motor skills. They also stimulate the development of speech and spatial thinking.

In addition, the backlit table is an amazing canvas that can change as the little artist creates whimsical swirls or magical paintings. Perhaps no other form of fine art provides so much creative freedom for self-expression.

Sand painting classes with children using a light table, sand painting games are an immersion in the world of a fairy tale, in a world of emotions. Drawing with sand on glass has a great impact on the development of children, namely, it helps to:


  • cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, figurative-logical thinking, spatial imagination);
  • self-regulation processes;
  • sensory-perceptual sphere;
  • creative potential;


  • communication skills;
  • positive attitude towards the environment;


  • fine motor skills of the hands;


  • psycho-emotional state.

What is needed for sand painting lessons with children on a light table?

To teach children how to draw with sand on a light table, you will need:

1. Light table with impact-resistant glass on legs with small sides and with or without a compartment. A compartment may be needed for auxiliary materials. The size of the table directly depends on the age of the children you will be dealing with. We recommend the following light table sizes:

  • 2.0 - 3.5 years: 24cm x 50cm
  • 4.0 - 10 years: 50cm x 65cm
  • Over 10 years: 60cm x 80cm

2. LED lights with a remote control, with which you can choose any backlight for your sand painting.

3. Pure quartz sand . To obtain beautiful stains that form a pattern, only a fine fraction of sand is needed. Any inclusion of larger grains of sand can spoil the result of creativity. To create a greater effect of sand paintings, you can use colored sand.

Sand painting courses for teachers

In order to use any innovation in the field of child development, you must first get to know it yourself. Courses with sand will allow you to master a new tool, thanks to which the guys will be able to work more efficiently. You can learn how to work in this technique online. Thanks to Internet technologies, students study in Moscow without attending full-time classes. This is extremely convenient, because you can study at any convenient Internet access point: in a cafe with a laptop, with a tablet in a sunny park, or at a stationary computer at home.

After completing distance learning courses for teachers, the graduate will receive a certificate of passing the CPC, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary for further work. Specialists are pleased to note the extraordinary ability of this type of creativity to calm, give a sense of security, and at the same time allow you to express the most vivid emotions. We offer you to master and successfully use a wonderful technique in your work.

What result will you get and what will you learn on the course?

The multimedia advanced training course "Art Therapy: Drawing on the Sand" is presented in the format of video, audio and slide lectures. Acquaintance with this course will help you learn how to independently organize sand painting classes with children. For your methodical piggy bank you will receive: Card file of algorithmic drawing schemes; Card file of images of heroes of fairy tales, cartoons; exercises that you can immediately use in your practical work.

State license

License for educational activities

Check in Rosobrnadzor

License No. 039454 dated 06/26/2018 (LIFELONG), issued by the Moscow Department of Education. You can check the license on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor).

Term: indefinite
PSRN: 1197700009804
Series, form number: 77L01 0010327
TIN: 7724442824

Application for training

Sand Art is the art of sand, where, unlike other pictorial methods, the artist controls the elements. Sand is like water, it is fluid and able to take a variety of forms, often unexpected. And sand is time. Learning the technique of sand art is not a quick process, but the future artist gets something more as a reward - the ability to control nature, and therefore eternity. You can master this skill at the school of the wonderful artist Elena Begma.

The artist has been engaged in sand animation since childhood and has received a number of awards and a gold medal from the Russian Academy of Arts. And she got them for this:

This art is taught in school. Under the guidance of Elena Begma, courses and master classes for adults and children from 3 years old are held here. Individual and group lessons are possible, family lessons are held. Groups are selected small, up to 10 people.

Sand painting takes place on the glass surface of a special table, illuminated from below. With the help of a video camera and a projector, the process of creating a picture is broadcast on the screen.

Classes last 1.5 hours, of which an hour is spent on a master class, and half an hour on free drawing. The subjects of the drawings are very different - from Russian and foreign fairy tales to landscape patterns and portrait images.

What are the benefits of sand painting?

1) For children, this is an ideal activity for developing fine motor skills and imaginative thinking.

2) For some adults, this is a great way to relieve stress and relax, for others - a subtle, unusual creative hobby.

Sand Show

This concept includes animated videos with various bulk materials and live performances in front of the public. Usually a standard sand show lasts no more than 12 minutes, and contains about 10 paintings in the plot. Elena Begma has the most popular video "Love Story", for example, costs about 25,000 rubles. But animation is also possible with completely new, original plots.

The sandbox was an integral part of childhood, perhaps, of every adult today. She could keep the kids busy for hours. Spending time there was unforgettable and interesting every time. The reason is simple - in the sandbox you can turn any fantasy into reality, recreate an invented image on your own. This is really an unforgettable pleasure, besides, it is also a very useful activity in terms of creativity.

Now technology has moved to a new level. Sandboxes, of course, are still popular, but an alternative has appeared - a light table on which you can draw with sand. Below in the article in more detail how sand painting on light tables for children goes on, how to use it and what it is for.

How to teach sand painting


This is the foundation. It is not a super complex device that scientists work on in secret laboratories. This is an ordinary table with a relatively transparent work surface, under which you can build a variety of lighting devices and mechanisms. It is also called a tablet table, which is quite symbolic, because in terms of its functionality, in principle, it just resembles a tablet. Only instead of a radiating screen, there will be ordinary sand in front of the child.

The glowing table is powered by electricity. To connect it, a regular outlet is suitable. All mechanisms are tested and certified, so you don’t have to worry about safety rules. The sand is placed on the work surface - the table top, then the light turns on and that's it, you can create.

It looks like a sand painting table on light tables for children

The benefits of sand painting for children

Every child loves to create, especially those who are 3-4 years old. Childhood is the period when the world is perceived in a special way. Children learn a lot of new things and associations constantly work for them. Therefore, children's drawings cannot be repeated by adults.

Note! Sand painting takes creativity to a whole new level. There is an opportunity not just to drive a pencil and a brush over a piece of paper. There is a chance to express more thoughts directly with your own hands.

Useful components of sand painting on a light table that help develop their talents in children:

  • comparable to a normal sandbox. There is a whole world around the child that has an impact on him. Sometimes it's good. But sometimes the impact can be negative - animals, climatic features, a lot of extraneous children. In the case of sand painting on a table in a room, all negative factors are removed at once. There is only a child, sand and the same functionality for unlimited fantasy;
  • the perfect device for relaxation and getting rid of any stress. Such a procedure will relax and allow you to get rid of all the problems not only for a child, but also for an adult;
  • motor skills develop. Not only two or three fingers are involved to hold a pencil or pen. Here you can draw with your whole hand. New facets of perception open up. All parts of the brain work, not just one separate part. And the style of the drawing is not important - ordinary lines, voluminous works. The child is only limited by his imagination. This is incomparable to anything else;
  • Basically there is no age limit. It is incorrect to think that such classes are only for schoolchildren and older. Even preschool children will not experience problems with this kind of activity. And this will not only not scare them away, but will make them begin to diligently analyze and learn new information;
  • sand drawings can give more complete information about the character of the child. There is the possibility of using different types of sand. Therefore, conclusions can be drawn based on color use and composition in general. It also becomes possible to evaluate coordination thanks to the drawn lines. This also includes other indicators that will definitely manifest themselves: perseverance, concentration, diligence;
  • backlight response. With the help of it, parents will be able to understand what kind of lighting the child reacts to. One way or another, the color scheme has an impact on people. Some help to relax, the other, on the contrary, makes you more collected or even more aggressive. With the help of light under the table, therapy can be carried out simultaneously with drawing. Moreover, the child will not even notice, and the result will be achieved. Develops automatically.

Equipment and rules of use

The design of the device is very simple. You will need a special table, glass and lighting (lamp).

Since the surface on which the painting process takes place is glass, therefore, appropriate rules of conduct must be followed to ensure safety. Heavy and sharp objects should be removed. Even the presence of toys nearby is not recommended. A child can get carried away and either scratch the table, or completely damage or break the glass.

Do not forget that the baby interacts with the sand, so you should be careful: do not clog the surface, do not indulge and do not scatter the drawing material. First, you can ruin it. There is a high chance of mixing foreign objects of various sizes into the sand. Including unwanted guests can be insects, even harmless ones. In this regard, it is recommended to sift the sand periodically. Secondly, you can harm yourself: get into your eyes, ears, etc. This cannot be allowed. Therefore, you should instill in the child a sense of responsibility for the thing, give him the task of monitoring the device and ensuring its functioning.

Note! Sand has one unpleasant feature - it is electrified. This moment will not be pleasant, not only for children, but even for adults. Therefore, do not forget to wipe the work surface with special agents that have antistatic properties.

Learning to draw with colored sand for children

The role of the color used is quite significant. Therefore, it is worth analyzing the main options and how they affect perception:

  • orange brings joy and optimism, allows you to relieve tension and get rid of stress;
  • yellow increases concentration. It is especially recommended to use it for preschool children;
  • green improves sleep, soothes;
  • blue helps to build relationships with people, it literally brings with it kindness and sociability;
  • purple allows you to create, take the initiative;
  • red turns on, adds activity, and sometimes aggression.

Varieties of sand

Sand exercises on a light table

First you need to collect all the participants in the process. It is important that each child has all the tools available - the table itself, sand, a tray, gloves, brushes, various toys (specially selected for the master class), a sieve. When everything is ready, you need to turn on smooth and unobtrusive music. Curtains must be drawn. The light accent goes to the tables themselves, and the shades appear most effectively.

In preparation for the lesson, it is recommended to set the mood and the required emotions. This is done with the help of the same music or some story told by the master. It is desirable to lead the story about sand and a table in order to attract the attention of children and interest them in the upcoming tasks. Next, the goals should be explained and the fact that with the help of sand you can create any wonderful works. In this way, it will be possible to teach interaction with sand and help participants to fully immerse themselves in the process with all the excitement.

A child in preschool creates a wonderful drawing

Thus, drawing with colored sand for children on light tables is not just entertainment, it carries a lot of useful things. Children develop fine motor skills, talent is revealed and a sense of responsibility for the equipment is instilled. The main thing is to talk about safety precautions before the start of the lesson.


  • Program (for children from 2.5 to 3.5 years old)
  • Program (for children from 3.5 to 7 years old)
  • Program (for children 1.5-2.5 years old)
  • Program (for children 5-7 years old)
  • Program (for children from 7 years old)
  • Program (for teenagers 11-14 years old)
  • Program (from 2 years old)
  • (from 3.5 years old)
  • (from 3 years old)

Specialists of the SandPRO Sand Painting Studio have developed a wide range of sand painting programs for children and adults, aimed at solving almost any problem that can be solved with the help of interaction with sand. For toddlers and older preschoolers, these are, of course, educational programs; for older children - programs for successful adaptation to school, development of communication skills; for parents with children - parent-child relationship programs; for adults - programs of psycho-emotional regulation and many others.

In general, our programs, regardless of age orientation, are aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • develop cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, figurative-logical thinking, spatial imagination), self-regulation processes;
  • develop sensory-perceptual sphere, creativity, form communication skills;
  • train fine motor skills of the hands;
  • harmonize the psycho-emotional state;
  • develop a positive attitude towards yourself.

Watch this short video to find out how the classes with the artist work:

We figured out how to combine developmental principles along with the artistic component, and optimized all the benefits of communicating with sand: we draw and play with sand. For example, today many children's institutions have baths for sand and water. But few people know how best to use them. Often to our questions: “Why do you need this? How do you and your children play in the sand?”, Many experts answer: “Sand and water are needed to make children feel like summer in winter, but you don’t even need to play with them - they do it themselves.” Of course, the spontaneity of the manifestation of a child in sand games is important, but this is only the beginning of understanding the principle of interaction with sand as an art-therapeutic method.

Sand has the ability to let water through. In this regard, parapsychologists claim that it absorbs negative mental energy, interaction with it purifies a person’s energy, stabilizes his emotional state. Observations and experience show that sand painting has a positive effect on the emotional well-being of children and adults, and this makes it an excellent tool for the development and self-development of a child.

As you can see, sand painting is not just an exciting activity, for a child it is the discovery of a new magical world of sand “castles”. Under our strict guidance, he will learn how to create both self-sufficient pictures and entire films, which will become a powerful developing factor for his artistic and aesthetic perception. And as mentioned above, given the drawing technique that involves fine motor skills of the hands, as well as coordination, plasticity and other factors, the program is certainly the strongest stimulus for the overall development of the child.

See also programs for adults:

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