Topics for drawing classes in the younger group. Goals and objectives of planning drawing lessons in the younger group

Bazhina Ilvira
Drawing with pencils in the 1st junior group "Multi-colored rings"

Drawing with pencils in the 1st junior group.

Topic: « multi-colored rings»

Program content: teach children draw closed lines, similar to circles; learn to hold pencil in right hand; reinforce children's skills draw solid lines; to educate children in accuracy in work and interest in the lesson.

Handout: cups with colored pencils, sheets of paper.

visual material: easel, sample, circle shape - rings.

Methodological techniques: playing tricks with parsley; practical techniques - demonstration of actions; verbal techniques - explanation, questions, instructions.

Previous work: games with rings. Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the round shape.

Teacher preparation: 1) Used the book by T. G. Kazakova "Develop creativity in preschoolers"

2) Before the lesson, we carried out wet cleaning and airing.

Seating of children.

x x x x x x x x

Oh - educator

Course progress.

The children enter group and greet guests.

Hello! (guests greet)

They walk in and sit down at the table. They all sat down correctly, the back was straight, the legs became friends.

Knock Knock! Who's knocking on the door!

I'll take a look now (the teacher comes to the door and goes with parsley)

Who is it that came to us children? (Parsley with rings)


That's right, children, Petrushka!

What did you bring Petrushka with you?

- rings. Only on the way to you I lost a lot and I have very few of them left. And I need to perform in the circus, show a number with rings. What should I do? (Petrushka cries)

Children will help Petrushka to return to him rings?

Come on Petrushka yours let's see the rings. Guys, look how round rings, they don't have corners, they roll (rolls them on the table)

it What color is Dima's ring??

Red ringlet.

Correctly! (individual and choral responses).

Let's all say red together ringlet!

What color is this ringlet, Karina?

yellow ringlet.

That's right, yellow ringlet. Well done, everyone answered correctly.

And now, guys, I'll show you how to do it right draw rings. We take red pencil. Paint need to keep going circle with a pencil, like this! Happened big red ring! I'll draw more small ring, blue. Like this! I draw more and more different colors. That's how many rings turned out, colorful rings.

Children, now let's raise our hands and draw rings in the air. Well done! Here's how we can paint.

Fizkultminutka. "Wind"

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Well done guys! Have a rest! Now let's take everything right hand pencils. Need hold the pencil correctly, to rings turned out nice and smooth. We take pencils and hold between the fingers, and hold with one finger. (showing)

Look closely, here we are. Begin paint.

Amir, which one did you get? pencil?

Yellow? You will get yellow ringlet.

All painted? (who are unable to individually approach and help)

Petrushka tells me that he is tired of sitting. Our kids are tired too. Let's all go to the middle together groups and play with parsley.

Game with Petrushka.

We painted, we painted

Our fingers are tired. (finger movement)

Now let's jump like balls. How high we jumped! (jumping)

Well done guys!

And now the drawings are placed on the easel. (we consider together with Petrushka)

Oh guys, how beautiful you got the rings!

Dima red rings, yellow, green; Camille's are black and yellow; Yana has green and red (we look at all the children together with Petrushka and praise).

All the guys tried and everything rings liked Petrushka very much. He takes one from everyone ringlet, and leaves the rest for moms and dads to look at and rejoice. All great fellows, rescued Petrushka! And now we will all say goodbye to Petrushka and go out to the reception room.

The lesson is over.





Option 1.

Subayeva Margarita Igorevna

5th year students

Correspondence department

501 groups

Kazan, 2010



1. Tasks of teaching object drawing in primary and secondary preschool age.

3. Methods and techniques for teaching object drawing in primary and secondary preschool age.

4. Organization of a lesson in subject drawing at primary and secondary preschool age.

5. List of references.


Teaching children to draw should be aimed primarily at developing their creative independence and activity. And for this it is necessary to educate in children the ability to see around them objects and phenomena that will serve as the content of fine art, to evoke an aesthetic attitude to social events and nature, to develop the emotional responsiveness of children and equip them with means of depicting various events and phenomena. Any object is reproduced by children in a plane. This is one of the main features of children's drawing. Another feature is that the proportionality of the parts when depicting various objects does not play a big role for the child. What he wants to emphasize, to define as the main thing, he often depicts disproportionately large (for example, a human head). Disproportion is also observed between objects (a person often turns out to be larger than a house). When drawing, the child sometimes consciously, and sometimes unconsciously schematizes the image of the object, simplifies it, discarding many details, details, focusing on the most important thing.

In subject drawing, we strive not only for a relatively competent depiction of objects, but also for their figurative characteristics, that is, for the expression of feelings and attitudes towards the subject on the part of the painter. The need for this is confirmed by the fact that children willingly draw some objects, they are loved (mother is drawn dressed up), and there are unloved objects, their children try not to draw at all.

The goal of any drawing lesson is to develop children's creative powers and image skills. Along with the analysis of the form of the object and the clarification of knowledge about it, the educator must find a place for the child's initiative, imagination, the opportunity for the child to complete the task, based on his personal experience, knowledge, impressions, and fantasy. The combination of learning and creative development requires great tact so that one side does not overwhelm the other.

Tasks of teaching object drawing in primary and secondary preschool age.

First junior group.

Children of the third year of life, in terms of their physical and mental development, are capable of acquiring the simplest skills in drawing. With a child of the second year of life, special training in image skills is already possible, since he seeks to reproduce the actions of the educator, accompanied by explanations.

When setting the tasks of teaching drawing, it is taken into account that two-year-old children have little experience, I also have no knowledge, hand movements are not well developed. Therefore, the main tasks are related to the general educational impact on children.

So, the tasks of teaching children in the first junior group are as follows:

· Arouse interest in the process of drawing as an activity that gives a result;

· Introduce drawing materials (pencils, paints) and how to use them;

· Teach the techniques of drawing straight, rounded lines and closed shapes.

Second junior group.

Children of the fourth year of life already understand the meaning of drawing, although they still cannot more or less correctly depict the object. They give random names to their independent drawings, which represent a shapeless combination of lines, caused by associations with some sign. The teacher should encourage children's attempts to find the similarity of the drawing with the subject and at the same time teach the correct image of various forms.

At this age, the following tasks of teaching visual skills and abilities come to the fore:

· To teach the image of a variety of rectilinear and circular shapes of simple objects, conveying their main features (color, shape);

· Develop a sense of color - the ability to distinguish and name primary colors;

· Develop compositional skills - place the image in the middle of the sheet;

· Improve technical skills.

The first task here is learning to draw straight and rounded lines, but without relying on the drawing of the educator. The solution to this problem is related to the development of hand movements.

Middle group.

The objectives of this group are as follows:

· To teach the image of objects of round and rectangular shapes, the transfer of their structure, main parts and details; To teach the use of color as an artistic means of expression:

· Develop compositional skills in the location of the subject in the center of the sheet;

· Improve technical skills in painting over a drawing with a pencil and paints.

First junior group.

Consolidation of certain skills goes throughout the year of study. The first drawing lesson begins with getting to know paper and pencil. You can perform various actions with a pencil: the paper was clean, traces appeared on it from the movements of the pencil. If you lightly press it, then there will be no marks on the paper. Such an explanation and visual display draws the attention of a small child to drawing, obtaining an image.

The development of visual skills begins with drawing straight, vertical and horizontal lines, first when completing the drawing started by the educator. The drawn part of the object determines the direction of the line, the length of which can be different. Then the children are invited to independently draw lines in the indicated directions based on the perception of various objects. More difficult is the mastery of drawing rounded lines and closed shapes, which requires the ability to subordinate the hand to precise movement and control of vision, since the end of the line must lead to a connection with its beginning. In the image of rounded shapes, children are not required to convey the correct circle.

The program provides for the acquaintance of children with color. This problem is solved when drawing with paints. The subject of tasks for the development of a sense of color is associated with the mastery of simple forms - lines, spots obtained with a brush (for example, the topics “Snowball is falling”, “Lights are burning on a Christmas tree”, “Grass is growing”). In order for the color to be correctly perceived by children, it must be given in a contrasting combination with the background: white snowflakes on a blue background, yellow or red lights on a green Christmas tree, etc.

The program involves mastering such technical skills as holding a pencil, a brush correctly, using them carefully, being able to pick up paint only on the bristle of a brush, etc.

The child already at the initial stage of training should learn that any material should be used, guided by certain rules.

Thus, mastering the outlines of the simplest pictorial forms, using bright, colorful tones, the child learns to find similarities with the objects of the surrounding reality, begins to realize the pictorial possibilities of materials and independently use the acquired skills when depicting other objects.

Second junior group.

The program provides training in drawing a variety of lines: from left to right, from top to bottom, crossed, etc. the subject of exercises in drawing straight lines in various directions is indicated in the program: drawing ribbons, paths, etc.

As the content of children's work becomes more varied and requires the use of multiple colors to paint a picture, brush washing is introduced. A difficult task for children is to convey a combination of several shapes, which can be homogeneous (a snowman of two or three circles) or consisting of two different shapes (a sun of several straight stripes and a circle). The execution of an image of this kind requires not only the ability to subordinate the movement of the hand to the pictorial form, but also the ability to synthesize these forms, to combine them according to the plan. Since the analytical-synthetic thinking of a three-year-old child is poorly developed, this task is difficult for him. Therefore, the program provides for the image of objects that include the connection of only two dissimilar parts or rhythmic repetition of the same form (for example, the rays of the sun, the branches of the Christmas tree).

The image of rectangular shapes requires a developed coordination of movement, the ability to change the direction of movement at the right time, creating an angle, or to close the line at the starting point. In accordance with this task, the subjects of the tasks were also selected - drawing a book, windows, flags and other objects that have rectangular outlines.

Simultaneously with the complication of the form, the use of color becomes more complicated, which begins to stand out as one of the main features of the object. Children learn to use different colors in a drawing to depict certain objects: red for a flag, yellow for the sun, green for a Christmas tree, grass, etc.

By the end of the year, children can depict objects, conveying several signs, not only on the instructions of the teacher, but also at their own request.

I.V. Bagramyan, Moscow

The path of growing up a person is quite thorny. For a child, the first school of life is his family, which represents the whole world. In the family, the child learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize and many other important feelings. In the conditions of a family, an emotional and moral experience inherent only to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and activities. The priority in raising a child belongs to the family (M.I. Rosenova, 2011, 2015) .


Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go, to complete the old, obsolete. Otherwise, they say, the new will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod when we read such cleaning-motivating articles, but everything still remains in place? We find thousands of reasons to postpone what is deferred for throwing away. Or not to start sorting out rubble and storerooms at all. And we already habitually scold ourselves: “I’m completely cluttered up, we need to pull ourselves together.”
To be able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes a mandatory program of a “good housewife”. And often - a source of another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do “the right way” - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And the more right it is for us. So, let's see if it's really necessary for you personally to declutter.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often like to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere in their personal lives, advise, condemn ... It comes to the point that children do not want to see their parents, because they are tired of their moralizing.

What to do?

Acceptance of shortcomings. Children must understand that it will not be possible to re-educate their parents, they will not change, no matter how much you would like it. When you come to terms with their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You just stop expecting a different relationship than before.

How to prevent change

When people create a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of infidelity. Approximately half of men and women cheat on their partners in a legal relationship. In a word, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before talking about how to save a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand





Option 1.

Subayeva Margarita Igorevna

5th year students

Correspondence department

501 groups

Kazan, 2010





Teaching children to draw should be aimed primarily at developing their creative independence and activity. And for this it is necessary to educate in children the ability to see around them objects and phenomena that will serve as the content of fine art, to evoke an aesthetic attitude to social events and nature, to develop the emotional responsiveness of children and equip them with means of depicting various events and phenomena. Any object is reproduced by children in a plane. This is one of the main features of children's drawing. Another feature is that the proportionality of the parts when depicting various objects does not play a big role for the child. What he wants to emphasize, to define as the main thing, he often depicts disproportionately large (for example, a human head). Disproportion is also observed between objects (a person often turns out to be larger than a house). When drawing, the child sometimes consciously, and sometimes unconsciously schematizes the image of the object, simplifies it, discarding many details, details, focusing on the most important thing.

In subject drawing, we strive not only for a relatively competent depiction of objects, but also for their figurative characteristics, that is, for the expression of feelings and attitudes towards the subject on the part of the painter. The need for this is confirmed by the fact that children willingly draw some objects, they are loved (mother is drawn dressed up), and there are unloved objects, their children try not to draw at all.

The goal of any drawing lesson is to develop children's creative powers and image skills. Along with the analysis of the form of the object and the clarification of knowledge about it, the educator must find a place for the child's initiative, imagination, the opportunity for the child to complete the task, based on his personal experience, knowledge, impressions, and fantasy. The combination of learning and creative development requires great tact so that one side does not overwhelm the other.

Tasks of teaching object drawing in primary and secondary preschool age.

First junior group.

Children of the third year of life, in terms of their physical and mental development, are capable of acquiring the simplest skills in drawing. With a child of the second year of life, special training in image skills is already possible, since he seeks to reproduce the actions of the educator, accompanied by explanations.

When setting tasks for teaching drawing, it is taken into account that two-year-old children have little experience, I also have no knowledge, hand movements are not well developed. Therefore, the main tasks are related to the general educational impact on children.

So, the tasks of teaching children in the first junior group are as follows:

    Arouse interest in the process of drawing as an activity that gives a result;

    Introduce drawing materials (pencils, paints) and how to use them;

    Teach the techniques of drawing straight, rounded lines and closed shapes .

Second junior group.

Children of the fourth year of life already understand the meaning of drawing, although they still cannot more or less correctly depict the object. They give random names to their independent drawings, which represent a formless combination of lines, caused by associations with some sign. The teacher should encourage children to try to find the similarity of the drawing with the subject and at the same time teach the correct image of various forms.

At this age, the following tasks of teaching visual skills and abilities come to the fore:

    To teach the image of a variety of rectilinear and circular shapes of simple objects, conveying their main features (color, shape);

    Develop a sense of color - the ability to distinguish and name primary colors;

    Develop compositional skills - place the image in the middle of the sheet;

    Improve technical skills.

The first task here is to learn how to draw straight and rounded lines, but without relying on the drawing of the educator. The solution to this problem is connected with the development of hand movements.

Middle group.

The objectives of this group are as follows:

    To teach the image of objects of round and rectangular shapes, the transfer of their structure, main parts and details; To teach the use of color as an artistic means of expression:

    Develop compositional skills in the location of the subject in the center of the sheet;

    Improve technical skills in painting over a drawing with a pencil and paints.

The content (theme) of object drawing in primary and secondary preschool age.

First junior group.

Consolidation of certain skills goes throughout the year of study. The first drawing lesson begins with getting to know paper and pencil. You can perform various actions with a pencil: the paper was clean, traces appeared on it from the movements of the pencil. If you lightly press it, then there will be no marks on the paper. Such an explanation and visual demonstration draws the attention of a small child to drawing, obtaining an image.

The development of visual skills begins with the drawing of straight, vertical and horizontal lines, first when completing the drawing begun by the educator. The drawn part of the object determines the direction of the line, the length of which can be different. Then the children are invited to independently draw lines in the indicated directions based on the perception of various objects. More difficult is the mastery of drawing rounded lines and closed shapes, which requires the ability to subordinate the hand to precise movement and control of vision, since the end of the line must lead to a connection with its beginning. In the image of rounded shapes, children are not required to convey the correct circle.

The program provides for the acquaintance of children with color. This problem is solved when drawing with paints. The subject of tasks for the development of a sense of color is associated with the mastery of simple forms - lines, spots obtained with a brush (for example, the topics “Snowball is falling”, “Lights are burning on a Christmas tree”, “Grass is growing”). In order for the color to be correctly perceived by children, it must be given in a contrasting combination with the background: white snowflakes on a blue background, yellow or red lights on a green Christmas tree, etc.

The program involves mastering such technical skills as holding a pencil, a brush correctly, using them carefully, being able to pick up paint only on the bristle of a brush, etc.

The child already at the initial stage of training should learn that any material should be used, guided by certain rules.

Thus, mastering the outlines of the simplest pictorial forms, using bright, colorful tones, the child learns to find similarities with the objects of the surrounding reality, begins to realize the pictorial possibilities of materials and independently use the acquired skills when depicting other objects.

Second junior group.

The program provides training in drawing a variety of lines: from left to right, from top to bottom, crossed, etc. the subject of exercises in drawing straight lines in various directions is indicated in the program: drawing ribbons, paths, etc.

As the content of children's work becomes more varied and requires the use of multiple colors to paint a picture, brush washing is introduced. A difficult task for children is to convey a combination of several shapes, which can be homogeneous (a snowman of two or three circles) or consisting of two different shapes (a sun of several straight stripes and a circle). The execution of an image of this kind requires not only the ability to subordinate the movement of the hand to the pictorial form, but also the ability to synthesize these forms, to combine them according to the plan. Since the analytical-synthetic thinking of a three-year-old child is poorly developed, this task is difficult for him. Therefore, the program provides for the image of objects that include the connection of only two dissimilar parts or rhythmic repetition of the same form (for example, the rays of the sun, the branches of the Christmas tree).

The image of rectangular shapes requires a developed coordination of movement, the ability to change the direction of movement at the right time, creating an angle, or to close the line at the starting point. In accordance with this task, the subjects of the tasks were also selected - drawing a book, windows, flags and other objects that have rectangular outlines.

Simultaneously with the complication of the form, the use of color becomes more complicated, which begins to stand out as one of the main features of the object. Children learn to use different colors in a drawing to depict certain objects: red for a flag, yellow for the sun, green for a Christmas tree, grass, etc.

By the end of the year, children can depict objects, conveying several signs, not only on the instructions of the teacher, but also at their own request.

Middle group.

In the first quarter, where the proposed theme of the drawings is familiar to children, the complication of the program material is expressed in a more accurate transfer of the shape (oval or circle) and accurate coloring of the image. The solution of these problems requires a more developed ability to compare and highlight the features of forms that have rounded outlines, but differ from each other in length and width.

New in teaching children to depict objects is the transfer of a structure with rhythmically arranged parts (above - below, on the one hand - on the other hand), as well as some proportional ratios of parts. This makes it possible to analyze and compare individual parts with each other. For example, in the second quarter, children draw a snowman, whose shape consists of circles of different sizes, and a Christmas tree with rhythmically arranged branches.

For the first time in this group, drawing of such an object as difficult to depict as a person is introduced. The image of a person is preceded by drawing simpler forms - a snowman, a tumbler, nesting dolls, dolls, where the proportions and shapes of the parts can be somewhat violated.

Methods and techniques for teaching object drawing in primary and secondary preschool age.

First junior group.

A great place in teaching children to draw is the demonstration of the correct methods of using pencils and paints, the correct image techniques. An effective technique for teaching kids is the use of passive movements, when the child does not act independently, but with the help of an adult: the teacher puts a pencil in the baby's fingers and makes drawing movements together with the child's hand. It often happens that the teacher, showing how to hold a pencil, looks at the children and does not notice that some children do not hold it correctly: with a pinch, two fingers, a fist or in their left hand. If this is not corrected immediately, the child will get used to them and later, with difficulty, masters a different manner.

First of all, the very activity of the educator is a visual basis. The child follows the drawing of the teacher and begins to imitate him. A child who watches how a drawing is created also develops the ability to see features of form and color in their flat image.

In the works of V.N. Avanesova recommends the gradual involvement of children in the joint process of drawing with the teacher, when the child finishes the work he has begun - he draws strings to the drawn balls, stems to flowers, sticks to flags, etc.

The positive thing about this technique is that the child learns to recognize the depicted object, analyze the already drawn and missing parts, practice drawing lines and, finally, receives joy and emotional satisfaction from the result of his work.

It is necessary that drawing lessons bring joy to children. In this, the emotional attitude of the teacher to classes, the ability to interest children, to arouse a desire to study, plays a big role. It is important to show a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the child.

The teacher can use a demonstration of drawing techniques and a verbal explanation, and the children themselves will complete the task without a reference drawing.

The word, supported by visual material, will help the child analyze what he has seen, understand it, and better remember the task. But the child's ability to remember for a long time to retain what he perceives with sufficient clarity is still insufficiently developed: he either remembers only part of the instructions and completes the task correctly, or he cannot start anything without a second explanation. That is why the teacher must once again explain the task to each child. The word of the teacher directs and organizes the actions of the child. The process of drawing, reflecting some phenomenon observed in life, captivates the child, and he is looking for an opportunity to express his drawing.

The inclusion of thin. words increases a positive emotional attitude to the lesson, contributes to the formation of a figurative representation of the depicted.

The use of various game moments also has a positive effect on children's learning. The inclusion of game situations makes the subject of the image closer, more alive, and more interesting.

In painting with paints, the result of the activity for a small child is a bright spot. Color is a strong emotional stimulus. In this case, the teacher should help the child understand that the color in the drawing exists to recreate the image. It is necessary to ensure that children, working with paints, strive to improve the similarity with objects.

Depending on the content of the task, children may be offered colored paper. So, children can draw “How the sun shines through the window” more interesting and expressive if you give them paper not white, but gray or blue.

If in the first months of training they imitate their teacher, drawing this or that object, now the teacher gives them the task to draw on their own according to the plan, imagination. At the beginning of the year, when children are just beginning to master movements of a different nature, it is in vain to look for similarities in their drawings with individual objects of the surrounding reality. Only gradually, when the children are already arbitrarily repeating a randomly obtained image, the teacher can ask what is drawn. In the drawings, a form of image understandable to adults gradually appears. They become recognizable not only for adults, but also for the children themselves, which gives the child great joy.

It is useful for children to give such an opportunity to work independently according to the plan at each lesson after completing the learning task (if it was not long). This form of independent work of children creates a prerequisite for future creative activity.

Second junior group.

Conducting classes with children of three years requires the specification of all the material. Without reliance on clear ideas, teaching the simplest forms will be abstract, abstract, incomprehensible to them.

The perception of the surrounding life is the basis of the teaching methodology. Therefore, all the images that are associated with lines, circles, points must be perceived earlier, and not only visually, but in vigorous activity.

The system of gaming exercises developed by E. A. Flerina takes into account this feature of age. For example, when drawing straight horizontal lines - paths, the children, together with the teacher, show the direction of the line in the air with their whole hand: "That's what a long path!" After that, on paper, the children show which track, and, finally, draw it with a pencil or paints. In such a consistent multiple repetition of one movement, there is a system based on taking into account the characteristics of the physical development of three-year-old children: a gradual transition from more developed large movements with the whole hand to movement only with a brush (fingers on paper) and to an even more limited movement with a pencil, in which the fingers are connected by a certain position. By making these movements, children can accompany actions with words. Such verbal accompaniment enhances the rhythmic nature of the drawing process, makes the movement itself more interesting and easier. The conversations of children during work should not be prohibited, they activate the thought of children, awaken their imagination. The educator should skillfully direct these conversations, connecting them with the image received. It is also recommended to turn on music (sound of raindrops). This will further increase the emotional mood of the children.

In the process of the lesson, the kids are active all the time, the image that they embody in the drawing should live in their minds. This activity at the beginning is based on imitation of the educator. It reminds children of the subject of the image, shows new movements that children need to master. First, he makes a movement with his hand in the air, then repeats the place with the children. In the same way, it is necessary to show all the drawing techniques at the beginning. The teacher shows how to hold a pencil or brush correctly, how to pick up paint on a brush and spread it on paper. Children will be able to act independently when all the basic techniques are familiar to them.

One of the effective methods of visual education is the drawing of the educator. But an educational drawing, even for the smallest children, should be figuratively literate, not simplified to a diagram. The image should be kept alive, corresponding to the real object. For example, when showing how to draw a Christmas tree, the teacher should proceed from the requirements of the program for a given age - to convey the main features: a vertical trunk, branches going towards, green color. It is important that the visual image from the drawing does not diverge from the image of the real object, then the correct image will be stored in the memory of the children.

Demonstrating drawing techniques is important until the children are skilled in drawing the simplest forms. And only then can the teacher begin teaching preschoolers to draw on visual aids without using a display. The depicted object is used at the beginning of the lesson to clarify ideas about the shape, color, parts of the object or in the game plan to create an emotional mood. In some cases, when it is impossible to show an object to children (due to its large size or for other reasons), a picture or a drawing well done by the teacher can be used to enliven their ideas. The image of the object should be in close-up, with a pronounced shape, as far as possible isolated from other objects, so as not to distract attention from the main thing. As well as on the subject, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the shape, tracing it with a finger, and to the color of the subject.

In the second junior group, an artistic word is used as a special technique. Its application here is limited. Mainly, the artistic image is used to attract the interests and attention of children to the topic of the lesson, the emergence of an emotional mood. The teacher can start the class with a riddle or a short passage of poetry. They should be simple and understandable to children, otherwise the mental stress associated with their perception will reduce the emotional mood and desire to draw. The same rhyme can be remembered at the end of the lesson when looking at the drawings.

Viewing children's work and a simple analysis at the end of classes contributes to the education of activity in children. To do this, the teacher chooses a drawing, drawing the attention of the children to the positive aspects in it, asks questions, approves the initiative shown in the work. When analyzing the content, the children, together with the educator, must take into account the quality and accuracy of the task performed. Such an examination of the work helps the children see the image, notice the inconsistency with the subject, and makes them want to correct the mistake. The drawings are unsuccessful, bad ones should not be shown and analyzed, since high-quality performance at this age often depends not on the desire of the child, but on his general development and, in particular, on the development of movements.

Children with weaker drawing skills should be given more attention during the lesson, encouraging them to draw when they feel like it. An individual approach at this age is especially necessary, since it is here that the inclinations and abilities of children begin to form. Identifying and developing them is one of the main educational goals.

Middle group.

The teacher of the middle group is faced with the task of teaching children to correctly depict an object, conveying its main features, structure, color.

Children already have basic visual skills that allow them to convey the shape and some features of objects. That is why the requirements of the teacher to children are increasing.

These program requirements are based on the development of the ability to more conscious perception, the ability to distinguish and compare objects among themselves in the process of their detailed examination before class. That is why the use of nature begins to occupy a large place. An object of a simple form, well known to children, with clearly visible parts, for example, a mushroom (2 parts), a tumbler doll (4 parts), can serve as a kind. When examining an object, the teacher draws the children's attention to the shape and location of the parts, their sizes, colors, and various details in order to make it easier for the children to correctly transfer the structure. The enumeration of all these features of the object should go in the order in which they are given in the image. When depicting an object, the teacher uses a verbal explanation describing the gesture.

For children who have acquired drawing skills, this gesture is enough to understand where to start drawing and in what sequence to perform it. During the lesson, the teacher reminds the children about nature, offers to look at it and draw.

At this age, children cannot yet convey the image from a certain point of view, therefore nature must be set so that they see it from the most characteristic side and clearly distinguish the main parts. If the children are sitting at four- or six-seat tables, the nature must be placed in several places so that it is in front of the eyes of each child (while all objects must be the same). When drawing, the teacher should pay the attention of the children only to the visible parts of the object.

Nature is also used at the end of the work to compare drawings with it, although the analysis in this group cannot be very detailed and meets only program requirements.

Given the characteristics of four year old children, it is necessary to include game moments in various teaching methods. For example, a roly-poly doll asks to draw her portrait; while analyzing the work, she looks at and evaluates the drawings. The game always brings revival and joy to the work of children, which increases their activity.

In the middle group, for a better reproduction of the image, a picture or drawing of the teacher can be used. Children 4 years old cannot yet be introduced to any method of drawing based on a picture. Here it serves only as a means of reviving children's ideas about this or that subject.

In terms of content, the paintings used in this group are, of course, more diverse than in the younger group, since the subject matter of the drawings is richer.

Demonstration of drawing techniques continues to occupy a significant place in teaching in those classes where new program material is given. For example, the theme of drawing is a snowman. The teacher for the first time offers the children to betray the correct proportions and sequence of the image. He shows the children how to draw all three balls, starting with the big bottom one, and at the same time asks the children questions: which ball should we draw now? Where? It is not necessary to draw small details (eyes, mouth, nose, hat) so as not to delay the explanation and leave the guys the opportunity to take the initiative and finish the drawing. For all subsequent classes with similar program material, but on other topics (tumbler, matryoshka, doll), a show is not needed, it can be replaced by examining an object, a picture.

A model in object drawing cannot be applied, as it will fetter the initiative and imagination of the child.

The use of the artistic word occupies a greater place than in the previous groups.

On the one hand, an artistic verbal image can be used in connection with the theme of drawing in order to arouse interest, revive in the memory of children images previously perceived in life. In these cases, the verbal image should mainly affect the feelings of the children and at the same time clearly betray the external features of the object, pointing to any one visible sign. For example, starting a lesson in reading a poem:

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, fly, -

the educator tries to reproduce in the memory of the children the leaf fall they saw.

In another case, the teacher chooses a riddle that gives an image with some distinctive features, for example:

gray in summer

White in winter

Doesn't offend anyone

And everyone is afraid -

And offers to draw an answer. In this case, the verbal image will be the content of children's works. In the final analysis of the drawings at the end of the lesson, this riddle will serve as a criterion for the correctness of the drawing.

In the middle group, the analysis of drawings at the end of the lesson can be structured in different ways.

Children of four years old will not be able to give a detailed, reasonable analysis of the drawings, but they are already able to independently choose the drawing that they like, say whether or not it looks like the depicted object or sample, whether the drawing is done accurately. The educator will help to justify why it is beautiful, it seems, or not.

You can also arrange an exhibition of all the drawings after class and then enlighten the analysis of individual works that the children choose. Bad work, as well as in the younger group, should not be shown so as not to reduce the interest and mood of the child. But with the authors of weak works, the teacher can study individually in his free time, when the child wants to draw.

Children can notice the advantages and disadvantages in the work of their peers, but it is still difficult to evaluate their own work, since the drawing process itself gives them great joy and more often they are satisfied with the result of their work. A self-critical approach to work is developed later, 6-7 years.

Organization of a lesson in subject drawing at primary and secondary preschool age.

Art classes are usually held in the morning, when the workplaces can be well lit.

Preparation for the lesson begins with a plan. Having determined the topic and program material, the educator considers what techniques and methods he can ensure the best assimilation of the material.

When planning classes, the teacher determines what preparatory work should be done with the children - observation, conversation, reading a story, getting to know a new toy, etc.

In the younger groups, the teacher lays out the material, sometimes he asks the children to take pencils, brushes, etc. to the table. Such help creates a certain mood in them, interest in the lesson.

In the middle group, the teacher puts the necessary material on a separate table, and four-year-old children independently take each for themselves.

When everything is ready for the lesson, the teacher invites the children. They easily switch from gaming activities to training activities, if classes are always conducted clearly according to the daily routine. The organizational moment takes 1-2 minutes. It should be carried out by the teacher in different ways depending on the lesson. You can invite everyone to go to the teacher first, see what they will then depict, the kids should be allowed to touch, stroke an object, such as a toy.

Gradually, from the first younger group, children should be taught to sit down without noise, taught how to take a chair, put it near the table and sit down.

The process of working on the image is associated with a more or less long stay of the child at the table, where his movements are limited. Therefore, the issue of observing the correct landing at the table is of great importance. The preschooler should sit up straight without leaning his chest on the table, both forearms should lie on the table, especially while drawing. The legs should be bent at the knees at a right angle.

Furniture in the study room must be selected in accordance with the growth of children. Tables and chairs should be correctly placed in relation to the light source, at a distance of about half a meter from the windows. From a medical point of view, daylight sunlight falling from the left side is considered the best lighting so that the shadow from the hand does not obscure the work. The chairs are arranged so that the children, when explaining, see the face of the teacher. The teacher should think over the place where he will be during the explanation. Do not stand in front of a window or lamp as the light entering children's eyes will prevent them from seeing clearly. The room before the lesson should be well ventilated, then the children will not get tired quickly.

At this age, classes may not be compulsory for children. They do not yet know the possibilities of the material, sometimes they are afraid of unfamiliar sensations. You should not force a child to draw if he does not want to. It is better not to insist on his participation in the lesson, let him play or watch how other children work.

In the middle group, you can exercise children in the ability to sit down quietly in the form of a competition game, so as not to fix special attention on this at the beginning of the lesson, not to distract children from the next task.

Depending on the content of the lesson, the intended methodology and the age of the children, different options for arranging tables can be thought out. For example, in younger groups, tables can be placed in a semicircle so that the teacher sees all the children and can approach everyone. If collective work is being done, then you can also seat the children in a semicircle in front of an easel or board on which a sheet of paper is attached, and 2-3 children draw on it.

All classes are divided into 3 parts:

  1. Job explanation;

  2. The process of completing the task by children;

  3. Analysis of work with children.

In the first part of the lesson, the teacher tells the children what and how they will do. The explanation should be emotional in order to create interest in the lesson in children, a creative atmosphere.

After the explanation, the children in the younger groups sit facing the table, the teacher checks their posture and reminds everyone where to start.

In the second part of the lesson - in the process of doing the work, the educator makes sure that everyone immediately starts the task. Further, the teacher makes sure that there are no pauses in the work, so that, having finished one, the child immediately proceeds to the next stage.

Throughout the lesson, children learn to work calmly, not to get up unnecessarily from their place. In younger groups, during the lesson, the teacher often comes to the rescue himself, since the children do not always know how to ask them, and often do not feel the need for it.

Starting from the middle group, the children turn to the teacher, I raise my hands. However, the educator himself needs to monitor which of them is experiencing some kind of difficulty, and comes to the rescue in time. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of the lesson, children are warned to finish the work. In the first younger group, such a reminder is unnecessary, since children of this age are not yet able to plan work ahead, they do not feel the time. At the beginning of the year, the children in this group, who finished their work a few minutes earlier than the others, should be invited to quietly leave the table and quietly play on the sidelines, without interfering with others. Starting from the second half of the year, children usually get used to working throughout the lesson.

In the second younger group, children are gradually taught to finish the lesson together with everyone, in an organized manner. However, procrastination should be avoided. Sometimes it can last even less than the established period, if the children quickly cope with the task assigned to them.

In the middle group, children who completed work earlier than others should be advised to supplement the image with details or objects that are suitable in content. If the lesson comes to an end, it is fashionable to offer to clean up your place, lay down equipment, materials, put your work on the stand or on the table of the educator. Then the child returns to his place, and the teacher invites him to sit quietly, relax, look at the drawings. After the teacher announced the end of the work, all children must stop it. If, nevertheless, the child did not have time, the teacher should provide the children with the opportunity to complete the image after the lesson in the afternoon. But it is necessary to teach children to do the work at the set time, to teach them to act quickly and without pauses.

The analysis of children's work is included in the methodology of the lesson as one of its most important components. For a correct analysis, it is necessary to exhibit all the works on the drawing stand. The organization of the discussion may be different, but the main form is as follows: remaining in their places, the children examine all the works posted on the stand. The teacher asks the opinions of the children, he himself evaluates the drawings. After the lesson, it is necessary to give the children the opportunity to once again review the work, talk with those who are not very active during the analysis, who, in the opinion of the educator, need an individual discussion of the drawing.

One of the main tasks of the educator is to create a creative atmosphere and keep children interested in work until the end of the lesson. The first words of the teacher should interest the children, draw their attention to the task. Such an emotional moment can be looking at pictures, using a game situation, reading a poem, a fairy tale, an interesting story. In younger groups, the lesson often begins with a game. In older groups, the lesson can begin with a conversation, during which surveys will be given. Sometimes the active work of children in the classroom is facilitated by the analysis of nature, prepared in advance by the educator. Sometimes the lesson is organized as a collective performance of the task. For example, in the second younger group, children perform drawings on the theme "House". Then the works are hung in a row, and the street turns out. Instructions for the collective performance of the task should be clearly stated at the beginning of the lesson so that children can consciously work on it.

In the first junior group, the organization of classes has its own characteristics. The teacher combines children into subgroups according to age: from 2 to 2 years 5 months, from 2 years 5 months. up to 3 years. Classes are held separately with each subgroup. During the year of the content of the classes, the subgroup is formed from 5-6 or 12-14 children.

In the second junior group, general group classes are mainly held, however, there is also a division into subgroups. Each time these organizational forms must be justified. Children of the third year of life are accustomed to participating in a group activity gradually. The teacher tries to interest the children in a new activity for them: shows them bright pencils, blank sheets of paper, draws their attention to the drawing process, depicting simple objects understandable to kids in the presence of children and explaining their actions. To make acquaintance with new types of activities more effective, the teacher conducts classes according to the type of entertainment. After one and a half to two weeks, when the children get used to the new conditions, you can enter the usual form of education - classes. At first, 3-4 kids are engaged at the same time. They are given colored pencils. In order not to distract the attention of children, a set of pencils is initially limited to one or two colors. After some time (1-1.5 months), when the children acquire elementary skills to act with pencils, the teacher gives paint. It is easier to draw with a brush, since it does not require effort when pressed. Children 3-4 years old draw with several colors. Therefore, the teacher introduces the children to the skills of washing the brush, shows how to work with paints of different colors with the same brush, how to apply the brush to paper, etc.

The development of visual activity is also influenced by the general educational work, during which the comprehensive development of the child takes place. During the classes, the teacher gradually teaches the children to be more and more focused, to bring what they started to the end.


    The program of education and upbringing in kindergarten. M., 1987

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    Methods of teaching fine arts and design / Ed. T. S. Komarova, N.P. Sakkulina

    Sakkulina N. P., Komarova T. S. Activity in kindergarten. M., 1982

    Kazakova T.G. The activity of younger preschoolers. M, 1980

    Komarova T.S. Activity in kindergarten. M., 1990

    Grigoryeva G.G. Game techniques in teaching preschool children to work. M, 1995

    Grigoryeva G.G. Development of a preschooler in creative activity, M., 2000

    Theory and methods of teaching art activity. M., 1985

    Komarova T.S. Teaching children how to draw. M., 1994

    Magazines "Preschool Education", "Hoop", "Family and School" from 1995-2001

    Khalezova N. Modeling in kindergarten.

    Komarova T.S. Formation of graphic skills in preschoolers. M., 1970

    Komarova T.S. Teaching children how to draw. M., 1976

    Sakkulina N.P. Drawing in preschool childhood. M., 1965

    Journal "Preschool Education", No. 10, 1997, p. 71 Drawing with a stroke.

    Shvaiko G. Classes in fine arts in the middle group of kindergarten. M., 1999

Goals and objectives in pencil drawing:

Learning how to hold a pencil correctly; navigate on a sheet of paper, draw straight lines, circles, etc.

Development of fine motor skills.

The development of speech.

Develop an interest in drawing.


Colored pencils, paper, various toys, objects.

Drawing teaching methods:

· Drawing in the air - the image of a line and figures in the air with the help of movements of the direct index finger of the leading hand. Using this technique helps to feel the correct direction of movement and remember it at the motor level. You can also draw with your finger on any smooth surface (glass, table).

· Joint drawing - joint actions of an adult and a child in the process of drawing. An adult puts a pencil in the child's hand, takes it in his own and runs it over the paper, creating an image and commenting on the drawing in parallel. Using this method allows you to teach a child to hold a pencil correctly, to press on it while drawing with a certain force, to draw various lines and shapes.

· Dorisovyvanie details - the process of completing the drawing. As a basis for drawing, a blank is offered, on which only a part of the drawing is drawn, the missing details of which the child must complete. The plot of the picture is played out and commented on by adults. Using this teaching method allows you to consolidate the skills learned by the child (hold the pencil correctly, draw certain lines and shapes). At the same time, an adult has the opportunity to plan the level of complexity of the drawing and the time it takes to complete the task, depending on the age of the children in the group and their level of skills.

Independent drawing - the creation by a child of a drawing according to a given adult plot or at his own request using the acquired skills.

Goals and objectives in painting with paints:

Teaching the ability to correctly and accurately use paints, dip the tip of a brush or finger in them; use the brush correctly: hold the brush; draws lines with light movements, draw points, etc .; wash the brush and store it with the bristles up.

Teaching the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Developing a sense of color.

Development of emotions and fantasy.

Development of fine motor skills.

The development of speech.

· Familiarity with the environment.

Materials and tools:

· Watercolor and gouache paints, special paints for drawing with fingers;

· Round and flat brushes of different sizes;

Various types of paper, colored matte cardboard;

· Palette;

· Wooden geometric shapes (cube, cone, etc.).

Additional equipment:

· Oilcloth on tables;

Apron or bathrobe (according to the number of children);

Cloths or napkins;

· Banks - neprolivayki for water.

Drawing technique:

brush painting

Applying paint to paper with a brush. In this case, you should first wet the brush, then take the paint on it and easily, without pressure, apply it to the paper. This technique uses brushes - round and flat, paints - watercolor and gouache (gouache in tubes is pre-bred), paper - watercolor and other thick ones. There are three ways to draw with a brush:

priming - applying colored spots to the base by applying paint brushes to the paper. After contact with paper, the brush should be immediately, without a stroke, torn off from it;

drawing strokes - drawing with a brush by drawing lines of various lengths in different directions (top to bottom, left to right, etc.);

drawing with a brush on top of a pencil sketch - applying paint over a simple pencil sketch, consisting of simple lines and shapes (straight vertical and horizontal lines, circles, semicircles, ovals).

Preparation for work:

Before the start of the lesson, you should prepare the workplace. Maple sheets must be laid on the tables, and children should wear special oilcloth aprons or dressing gowns with elasticated sleeves. Only the essentials should be on the table. First, they lay on the table - a sheet of paper and one paint for each child, a brush and a jar of water. When children learn to paint carefully with paints (wipe their hands with a napkin, do not spill water, do not stain the table, clothes with paint), you can offer several colors.

Rules for the use of paints and brushes

First of all, it is necessary to teach children the rules for handling paints and brushes. Show how to carefully take the paint on the brush, do not get dirty; explain that paints should be stored carefully, jars of paint should be closed after work is completed. Show the kids how to use the brush - how to hold it, wet it in water and remove excess water from the edge of the jar, how to take paint on the tip of the brush, draw with light movements, do not press the brush, do not rub the brush on paper, wash the brush before take another paint. Explain that the brush must not be left in water for a long time, otherwise it will bend, that after drawing it must be washed and put in a cup with the bristles up. After completing the work, you need to wait for the paint in the drawing to dry.

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