Possible cause of death of Oleg Yakovlev: where did the heart failure come from in the ex-soloist of Ivanushki International. Oleg Yakovlev, what really happened: why did the former soloist of the Ivanushki Intrenational group Yakovlev from Ivanushki and his wife die

Oleg Yakovlev died. The former soloist of the Ivanushki International group passed away in Moscow on the morning of June 29 at the age of 48. The cause of Oleg Yakovlev's death was severe pneumonia. Oleg Yakovlev died in intensive care without regaining consciousness.

On the eve it became known that the musician was in intensive care in serious condition. Doctors diagnosed him with bilateral pneumonia and put him on a ventilator.

Yakovlev performed as part of Ivanushki International from 1998 to 2013, after which he left the group for a solo career. He released the singles "Call me after three champagnes" and "Dance with your eyes closed", as well as clips for them.

Oleg was born in Mongolia, his mother is a Buryat, a Buddhist, his father is an Uzbek, a Muslim. Oleg himself is Orthodox. After the first grade, Oleg's family moved to Russia. He studied at a music school, but did not graduate from it, he sang in the choir. In Irkutsk Oleg Yakovlev graduated from the theater school with honors.

In Moscow, Oleg entered GITIS in the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina, worked in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In addition, he worked as a janitor, recorded advertisements on the radio. In 1990, Oleg starred in an episode of the film One Hundred Days Before the Order.

To the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg got there by accident. First, he starred in the video for the song "Doll", and when in 1998 Igor Sorin left the team, became its full member.

Once I saw an ad on TV that Ivanushki was looking for a new soloist to replace Igor Sorin. While working at the Alexei Rybnikov Theater, I recorded the song "White Rosehip" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" and the famous "Georgia" .. So in 1998 I ended up among the "Ivanushki" by Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov.

At first, Oleg had a hard time in the group, the fans demanded Sorin, but after recording the songs "Poplar Fluff" and "Bullfinches", Yakovlev was accepted.

In 2006, Oleg Yakovlev starred in an episodic role in the film The First Ambulance and Election Day.

Since 2012, Oleg Yakovlev began a solo career, moving away from participation in the group, and a year later announced his final departure from Ivanushki. Then he presented his video for the song "Dance with your eyes closed."

The press says that the split in the group occurred precisely because of the songs recorded by Oleg, which Igor Matvienko allowed him to perform at concerts. At the same time, they do not deny the negative influence of Yakovlev's common-law wife, who pushed the singer to start a solo career. It is also possible that the decision was made by producer Matvienko, who was tired of enduring numerous booze Oleg Yakovlev.

In 2013, the singer released the album "TBA". Clips were shot for 6 songs from the album: the last video for the song "Mania" was released on television in 2016. In 2017, Yakovlev recorded the song "Jeans".

Fans "besieged" the soloists of "Ivanushki" from the moment when the group became famous for its first hits and began to gather stadiums of fans. Oleg Yakovlev was no exception. Exotic appearance and height of 1.70 meters attracted girls. But the singer's heart has long been occupied. Oleg Yakovlev has been in a civil marriage with journalist Alexandra Kutsevol for several years. The couple has no children, but the artist has a niece, Tanya, and two great-nephews, Mark and Garik.

Yakovlev met Alexandra Kutsevol in the northern capital, where the girl studied at the Faculty of Journalism. Oleg has repeatedly admitted that he feels truly happy with Sasha. She left her journalistic work and became a producer for Yakovlev.

According to unconfirmed information, Yakovlev left the Ivanushki International group at the insistence of his civil wife. Alexandra supported Oleg's ambitious plans, and he, having quarreled with Andreev and Grigoriev-Apollonov, left the team.

Reporters promptly contacted Kirill Andreev, a member of the Ivanushki International group, with whom Oleg Yakovlev sang in the same band for 15 years. Kirill expressed his condolences and noted that Oleg had never had health problems. According to Andreev, the ex-soloist of the famous group “burned out” in just a month and a half, reports Life.ru.

“We shot a new video together and recorded a song, and I didn’t know that he had any problems. But he always jokingly told him: "Oleg, smoke less cigarettes." I was always ready to support him in terms of healthy lifestyle. A month and a half ago, he was full of energy. And yesterday I found out that he had been in intensive care for a week, it was a shock, ”admitted Kirill Andreev.

According to the singer, Yakovlev fought for his life to the last.

“It's a shame it's so early. I prayed for him in the church, ”the popular performer admitted.

Journalists also spoke with actress and TV presenter Evelina Bledans. She said that Yakovlev was a bright positive person. According to her, the artist has always been thin and pale, but no one suspected that he could have such serious health problems.

Note that while the official cause of death of Oleg Yakovlev has not been named. It is only known that the singer spent several days in intensive care, he had bilateral pneumonia. Some media also reported that the artist was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.

On June 29 at 7:05 a.m., the former soloist of the popular group Ivanushki International, Oleg Yakovlev, passed away. He died in the hospital, where he was hospitalized in serious condition with bilateral pneumonia, and the day before his death it became known that the artist was connected to a ventilator. The death of Oleg Yakovlev was announced by his common-law wife and PR manager Alexandra Kutsevol.

"Today at 7:05 am, the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness was gone ... How am I now without you? .. Fly, Oleg! I'm always with you," - she wrote.

Oleg Yakovlev was only 47 years old.

life path

Oleg Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Choibalsan, Mongolia, where his parents went on a business trip. After graduating as an artist of the first class, the family returned to Russia. Together with his parents and older sisters, Yakovlev lived in Angarsk, and then in Irkutsk. There he began studying piano at a music school. After school, he entered the Irkutsk Theater School, which he graduated with a red diploma as an actor in the puppet theater.

Then Yakovlev moved to Moscow and graduated from GITIS, becoming an actor in the Theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, whom he called his second father.

For some time, the artist had to work as a janitor.

Success came to him after joining the popular Ivanushki International group in 1998. As part of the team, he replaced the deceased Igor Sorin.

Officially, Yakovlev was never married, but for a long time he met with journalist Alexandra Kutsevol, who worked as the manager of Ivanushki, and then Yakovlev himself.

The artist was a candidate for master of sports, was fond of billiards.


Oleg Yakovlev became a full member of the group after filming a video clip for the song "Doll". The first song as a full member of "Ivanushki" for Yakovlev was "Poplar fluff", which is actually the hallmark of the team.

Video: YouTube/Matvey Music

During the collaboration with producer Igor Matvienko, the compositions of "Ivanushki" have repeatedly taken first place in the country's most prestigious charts. On the account of the group, in addition, there are many duets with popular Russian performers.

In 2012, Oleg Yakovlev began a solo career, and after the success of the song "Dance with Eyes Closed", the artist decided to temporarily move away from work in the team in order to prepare a solo program. In 2013, he officially finished performing in Ivanushki. He was replaced by Kirill Turichenko.

"Fly, Oleg!"

Yakovlev's colleagues were shocked by the sad news of his death. All of them expressed their condolences to the family and friends of the artist, and also told what the singer was like.

According to "Ivanushka" Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, Yakovlev's voice will remain with him forever.

"Oleg Yakovlev died. My Yasha... Our "little" Olezhka... Fly, Snegiryok, your voice and songs in our hearts forever..." - Grigoriev-Apollonov wrote on his Instagram.

Another colleague of Yakovlev in the group said that the deceased singer was practically a member of his family.

"He was a good person, a friend left, a family member. We spent 15 years together on tour - trains, planes, hotels, everything was there. We talked, called up after he left the team. I was glad of his new songs and videos,"– said the musician.

Andreev recalls that a month and a half ago his friend was on a creative upsurge, preparing for the release of the video.

According to TV presenter Yana Churikova and musician Alexei Potekhin, Yakovlev had big creative and life plans. No one could have expected such an outcome, they assure.

"I always thought it was cool that Oleg would have such new songs, that he would conquer the world on his own. I'm shocked by what happened," Potekhin told TASS.

According to producer Bari Alibasov, Oleg was a bright and bright person.

"On stage, he was the most artistic of all the guys, the audience was delighted with him. It's sad that he died so early, it's incredible ... He could live as long as he lived. He was a very gifted artist," Alibasov noted.

According to singer Mitya Fomin, Oleg Yakovlev has always been kind and positive.

Most recently, the singer presented his new song "Jeans", and, according to colleagues, the artist's video was supposed to be released very soon.

During his solo career, Oleg Yakovlev released several videos: "Dance with your eyes closed" (2013), "Call me after three champagnes" (2013) and "The blue sea" (2014).

In addition to his musical career, the artists acted in films, playing episodic roles in three films: "One Hundred Days Before the Order" (1990), "1st Ambulance" (2006) and "Election Day" (2007).

Oleg Yakovlev has never been officially married. He also had no children.

"Friend Gone"

Members of "Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov expressed their condolences on the death of the former soloist of the group.

“Today my friend passed away, We lived on tour for 15 years, traveled and flew around the entire globe TOGETHER. Instagram.

On the air of Sputnik radio, he said that he met with Yakovlev two months ago.

“I was in shock yesterday when I found out that he had been in the hospital for a week already. I didn’t even imagine, because we saw each other two months ago, and everything was fine. And the video came out new, and the song. I don’t even have thoughts it was that a serious thing could happen. A friend left, "said Kirill Andreev.

"How can you say a few words about a person with whom he spent 15 years of his creative life. Tours, trains, planes, cold hotels - everything happened. The kingdom of heaven to Olezhka, of course. I want his soul to calm down. It's a pity that it's so early, "- noted the soloist "Ivanushki".

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov also expressed his condolences on Yakovlev's death.

"I'm in shock, condolences to the friends that he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the Ivanushki International group. This is an absurd death," he said in an interview

Russian singer, former vocalist of the group Ivanushki International Oleg Yakovlev.

Oleg was born in Mongolia, his mother is a Buryat, a Buddhist, his father is an Uzbek, a Muslim. Oleg himself is Orthodox. After the first grade, Oleg's family moved to Russia. He studied at a music school, but did not graduate from it, he sang in the choir. In Irkutsk Oleg Yakovlev graduated from the theater school with honors.

In Moscow, Oleg entered GITIS in the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina, worked in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In addition, he worked as a janitor, recorded advertisements on the radio. In 1990, Oleg starred in an episode of the film "One hundred days before the order".

Creative activity of Oleg Yakovlev

To the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg got there by accident. First, he starred in the video for the song "Doll", and when in 1998 Igor Sorin left the team, became its full member.

Once I saw an ad on TV that Ivanushki was looking for a new soloist to replace Igor Sorin. While working at the Alexei Rybnikov Theater, I recorded the song "White Rosehip" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" and the famous "Georgia". I put the cassette with the recording of these songs in an envelope and mailed it to the address of the production center. So in 1998 I was among the "Ivanushki" Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov.

I believe that we sing good good songs, - Oleg Yakovlev shared, - not many popular songs allow you to find sincere, kind energy, a good message ... or a joke. Maybe because of this, we are so needed by the girls - our fans.

At first, Oleg had a hard time in the group, the fans demanded Sorin, but after recording the songs "Poplar Fluff" and "Bullfinches", Yakovlev was accepted.

When we were about 33 years old, the Ivanushki group was on the verge of disintegration. Perhaps the reason for this is the notorious midlife crisis. Igor Matvienko, subtly feeling the mood in the team, he himself suggested: “Guys, you can disperse now. And so that you don’t starve, I even came up with a business for you.” We thought carefully and decided to continue the work. After that, Igor doubled our salary, which is unusual for any producer in our country. It shocked me!

In 2006 year Oleg Yakovlev starred in a cameo role in the film "First Ambulance" and Election Day.

Since 2012 Oleg Yakovlev began a solo career, moving away from participation in the group, and a year later announced his final departure from Ivanushki. Then he presented his video for the song "Dance with your eyes closed."

The press says that the split in the group occurred precisely because of the songs recorded by Oleg, which Igor Matvienko allowed him to perform at concerts. At the same time, they do not deny the negative influence of Yakovlev's common-law wife, who prompted the singer to start a solo career. It is also possible that the decision was made by producer Matvienko, who was tired of enduring numerous booze Oleg Yakovlev.

In 2013, the singer released the album "TBA". Clips were shot for 6 songs from the album: the last video for the song "Mania" was released on television in 2016. In 2017, Yakovlev recorded the song "Jeans".

Personal life of Oleg Yakovlev

Oleg was not married, but lived with a journalist Alexandra Kutsevol.

We met in St. Petersburg, - the singer tells about his girlfriend, - where Sasha studied at the university at the faculty of journalism. We are very good together. As for the wedding, as soon as we decide, you will immediately find out. And in general, the ring on the finger and the stamp in the passport are not always so important. I am very grateful to Sasha that we go through life together with her. She temporarily left her journalistic activities and is now engaged in my production. Sasha makes an incredible effort, and the main thing is that it resonates in the musical materials.

In May 2013 at the presentation of his video Oleg Yakovlev announced that he was getting married.

In June 2017, it became known that Oleg was in the intensive care unit of a Moscow hospital. Doctors diagnosed the singer with bilateral pneumonia. On June 28, in the media, the director of the artist confirmed information about the extremely serious condition of Yakovlev, who was connected to a ventilator.

Former colleagues of the musician in the Ivanushki International group learned about Oleg's illness from journalists. Alexandra Kutsevol, the civil wife of the singer, did not comment on the situation until recently. A week before his death, Oleg Yakovlev congratulated the medical workers on their professional holiday by posting a post on Instagram: “I congratulate all my doctor friends on the day of the medical worker, thanks to whom I am alive and well, as well as all the doctors of our country! Thank you very much, stay healthy!"

Oleg Yakovlev died on June 29, 2017 at the age of 47. The singer's civil wife told reporters that the cause of death was cardiac arrest. However, the doctors clarified that Yakovlev had edema of the organs against the background of cirrhosis of the liver.

The death of the singer was reported by Alexandra Kutsevol, the common-law wife of Oleg Yakovlev, who wrote on Instagram:

“Today at 7:05 am, the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, was gone ... How am I now without you? .. Fly, Oleg! I am always with you".

Died Oleg Yakovlev from Ivanushki INTERNATIONAL

Sad news came from Moscow - Oleg Yakovlev, the soloist of the Ivanushki INTERNATIONAL group, died today. Eternal memory to him, condolences to the family and friends of the deceased ...

Clip REVIE Ivanushek ... Revy - do not roar, but you will not return Oleg ...

In Moscow, at the age of 48, the former soloist of the Ivanushki International group Oleg Yakovlev died. The cause of death of the artist was cardiac arrest. According to the common-law wife of Yakovlev, the singer could have been ruined by the refusal of timely hospitalization. Colleagues called the artist's departure from life shocking and ridiculous.

Former member of the Ivanushki International group Oleg Yakovlev died in Moscow. This was announced by his common-law wife and PR manager Alexandra Kutsevol.

“Today at 07:05 the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness was gone ... How am I now without you? .. Fly, Oleg! I am always with you,” she wrote.

She also told TASS that the cause of the singer's death was cardiac arrest. According to Kutsevol, the date of parting with Yakovlev has not yet been determined.

“We will inform you about the date of farewell later. There will be no funeral, there will be cremation,” Kutsevol said.

In an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets, she did not confirm the rumors that the ex-soloist of Ivanushki had cirrhosis of the liver, but noted that he really had “bad diagnoses”.

“In an instant, the condition deteriorated sharply. Because of this, he was urgently hospitalized, ”Kutsevol said.

“He did not want to be treated, although he had long been advised to go to the clinic. He was stubborn and wished to stay at home. Perhaps if he had been hospitalized earlier, he could have been saved.”

On the eve it became known about the hospitalization of the artist due to bilateral pneumonia. Yakovlev was transferred to intensive care and connected to a ventilator, but Kutsevol stated that "the situation is under control."

“Yes, we are very worried, but we hope that everything will be fine, because the best doctors are with him,” she said.

“I congratulate all my doctor friends on the day of the medical worker, thanks to whom I am alive and well, as well as all the doctors of our country! Thank you very much, stay healthy!" - wrote the singer.

"A Ridiculous Death"

One of the first to comment on the death of the artist was Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, a member of the Ivanushki International group, who said that he still could not get over the shock in connection with the news of Yakovlev's death.

“I am in shock, condolences to the friends that he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the Ivanushki International group. This is a ridiculous death, ”he said in an interview with RT.
Another member of the group, Kirill Andreev, expressed his condolences.

“My friend passed away today. We lived on tour for 15 years, traveled and circled the entire globe together. I grieve,” Andreev wrote on Instagram.

Soloist of the group "Hands up!" Sergei Zhukov noted that he often met with Yakovlev at work. What happened was a real tragedy for him.

“It is very sad and scary, in any case, grief, as family, loved ones and friends remained. Oleg was the kindest person, absolutely bright, extraterrestrial and forever young, ”said Zhukov.

May the earth rest in peace for you ... poplar fluff ... Farewell, Oleg!

About how the funeral of Oleg Yakovlev went on 1.07.17 -
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