Kornelyuk son. Igor Kornelyuk: After the funeral, the pain became deeper and deeper

Kornelyuk Igor Evgenievich (11/16/1962) composer, singer.

Born in Brest. After the 8th grade, in 1977, Igor entered the Brest School of Music to the theoretical and compositional department. True, it was difficult to call it study, since at the same time he played in rock ensembles, “hung out”, came home tired in the morning, so there was no time for theories. But it was precisely in this year that the teacher told Igor that he needed to go to study in Leningrad, since there is the strongest composer school. One fine June morning in 1978, returning home from another "session", Igor told his mother: "Mom, I'm going to study in Leningrad!" On the same day, Igor left for Leningrad.

School (Leningrad-Petersburg period)

Since the decision to leave was spontaneous, and the departure itself was swift, Igor arrived in Leningrad without any documents for admission to the Music School at the Leningrad Order of Lenin of the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory. There was no talk of any transfer from course to course from the Brest Musical College. Igor had to re-enter the 1st course.
There was one week left before the entrance exams. During this time, Igor composed a cycle of pieces for piano, which he brought to the exam. Vladlen Pavlovich Chistyakov, who teaches instrumentation and composition at the Leningrad Conservatory, was invited to take the exam at the school. Having passed the exam, Igor went out into the corridor completely sure of failure. But after some time the door opened, Vladlen Pavlovich appeared, went up to Igor and said: “Congratulations, young man! I will have the honor to teach you." They spent all four years together and their relationship was very warm, almost filial-fatherly.
In general, four years of study at the school, according to Igor, were the most fruitful for him in terms of education. It was difficult, the workload was enormous. It was at the school that Igor came to grips with composition and for the first time seriously approached the study of the orchestra.


The next step in education was to be the conservatory. During his studies at the conservatory, Igor wrote a symphony, four pieces for piano, several piano cycles, a cycle of romances (8) to the verses of B. Pasternak, a cycle of romances (4) to the verses of A. Akhmatova, a cycle of romances (5) to the verses of Mustai Karim, a choir cycle to the verses of A. S. Pushkin, string Quartet. All his works were performed by students of the conservatory.

In 1985, Igor wrote his first professional songs to lyrics by Regina Lisits. These were “Monkey”, performed by Anna Veske, “Darling”, performed by Elena Spiridonova and Evgeny Alexandrov, and a song based on the verses of S. V. Mikhalkov “A Boy Was Friends with a Girl”, which was unforgettably sung by Albert Assadullin. According to a poll conducted in 1985 by the newspaper " TVNZ”, the song “The boy was friends with the girl” entered the top ten best songs. In 1986, Igor Kornelyuk was named among the best pop singer-songwriters, and also included in the top ten melodists of the country.

The beginning of a solo career as a composer-performer

In early 1988, Igor begins his solo career. Sergey Danilov became its first art director, on whose verses Igor subsequently wrote the songs “If I knew the buy-in I would live in Sochi”, “We walk around Paris”, “Lunatics”, “Well, let it”, “Listen”, sung together with Edita Piekha, "Mom", performed by Ilona Bronevitskaya.
In April 1988, the "Musical Ring" took place with Viktor Reznikov, in which Igor won. In the same year his new song"Ticket to the Ballet" becomes the Laureate of the television festival "Song of the Year". Thus began the fruitful career of pop composer-performer Igor Kornelyuk.
In 1997, Igor turned 35 years old. He met his anniversary in the work on the music for the play "Passion according to Moliere", staged by the young talented director Victor Kramer at the Comedy Theater named after N. P. Akimov. The premiere was successful in December 1997.

Over the years creative work Igor Kornelyuk wrote over 100 songs, music for the play "Tic-Tac-Toe" (Comedy Theater named after N.P. Akimov, 1985), the children's opera "Tyanitolkay, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street", which has been staged at the Music Hall since 1989 years so far.

Igor, in addition to his solo and team concerts, performs a lot with charity concerts, and is also the founder of the St. charitable foundation support of education and creativity of the FUND FOR THE CONTINUATION OF LIFE, actively participating in the fulfillment of its statutory tasks.

Singer and composer Igor Kornelyuk is known as the author and performer of popular hits of the 80-90s. Today he writes music for serials and films, remaining as popular and in demand as in his youth.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on November 16, 1962 in Brest (Belarus). His parents were not musicians. Father worked for railway mother worked as an engineer. AT music school his sister studied violin and piano. The love of music was passed on to children from grandmother Maria, who sang romances with a guitar.

Parents were against music education son, but on the advice of a professor at the conservatory in 1968 they sent Igor to a music school. He had a sonorous voice, he often sang during family holidays in the presence of guests, accompanying himself on the button accordion. Igor wrote the first song called “Russia, dear Russia, slender trunks of birches ...” at the age of 9.

Studying at a music school did not please with success, the boy was not given solfeggio, but this did not prevent him from playing dances. From the age of 12, on weekends, Igor performed at the Palace of Culture with an ensemble. His musical work experience began in the 5th grade. Igor played ionics and received 30 rubles a month for this. It was there that he first met Lyuba's love. Igor, despite young age, truly fell in love, but the girl did not return his feelings.

For the vulnerable child's soul, this was a tragedy that affected health. When Igor recovered from mental trauma and illness, he had a need to express everything that overwhelmed his soul. So the girl Lyuba made him a composer. The first, still naive, songs about love appeared. He took words for his works from, and even from.

Igor enters the music school after the 8th grade. Little time was devoted to studying, since he played in a rock ensemble, "hung out" and returned home in the morning. At that time, he received advice from one of the teachers, which influenced him further fate. Igor was advised to go to Leningrad, where at that time there was a strong composer school.

The decision to move was hasty, he put his parents before the fact, announcing that he was going to Leningrad. He passed the exams, not hoping for success, so he was very surprised when a teacher approached him and congratulated him on enrollment. This teacher was Vladlen Chistyakov, who would become his mentor and close friend.

The study turned out to be difficult, but fruitful and interesting. Students studied the work of the orchestra, studied composition. While studying at the school, Kornelyuk was entrusted with writing musical accompaniment for the play "The Trumpeter on the Square" for drama theater them. . The school was successfully completed in 1982.

By the time he entered the conservatory, Kornelyuk already had a family that needed to be supported. The scholarship was not enough, so he worked part-time where he could. During his studies, he wrote a symphony, composed romances, film scores and theatrical performances. During this period, he masters synthesizers and computers. His thesis, which Kornelyuk defended with "excellent", was a computer symphony.


On becoming creative biography the composer was influenced different music: in youth it was "QUEEN", in the music school - jazz. As a student at the conservatory, the young man became interested in the works of the great classics " mighty handful"(, M. P. Mussorgsky,).

He was helped to become a hitmaker, who touched Igor to the core, accusing him of writing music that was incomprehensible to ordinary Soviet people. In response, Kornelyuk wrote several songs that became hits. His new songs "Darling", "Boy was friends with a girl", "Rain" and many others sounded in every house.

Regina Lisits becomes his poet-co-author. Their songs are performed by Soviet pop stars, they win prizes at competitions and festivals. Already in the first year of joint work, Igor Kornelyuk's song "Learn" helped to become a laureate of the festival in Sopot. The singer had whole program from Kornelyuk's songs, including: "I don't understand what's wrong with me", "Monkey", "Horoscope" and others. And at the TV contest "Jurmala-86" Svetlana Medyanik became the second, performing the composer's hit "Not with me." In 1987 he was recognized best author and songwriter own composition.

In addition to working on solo compositions, the composer works on music for plays and films, and also creates musicals. Among the works of the late 80s are the children's opera "Pull-Push, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street" and musical arrangement films " Music games". The songs of Kornelyuk replenish the repertoire of the cabaret duet "Academy".

His solo career began in 1988 after leaving the Buff Theater, where he held a position artistic director. Igor becomes extremely popular, participates in the "Musical Ring", where he was invited. He wins and becomes famous, and the composition "Ballet Ticket", with which he performed on "Song of the Year", receives a prize.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song "Rain"

Three solo albums, which appeared one after another - "Ticket to the ballet", "Wait", "I can't live like this", made the singer mega-popular. From now on, Igor Kornelyuk becomes a welcome guest at "Christmas Meetings", his songs are heard in the popular intellectual game"What? Where? When?". The popular festival "Song of the Year" is not complete without Kornelyuk. In 1998, the composer reminds of himself with the album "Hello, and this is Kornelyuk!", After which the composer's discography is replenished only with works from films.

In the early 90s, Igor Kornelyuk tried himself as an actor, starring in the film Kud-Kud-Kuda, or Provincial Stories with Interludes and Divertissement in the Finale. Plot and musical material film comedies were used by Kornelyuk in joint concerts with.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song ticket to the ballet

The singer performs solo concerts in "Luzhniki", "Olympic", concert halls"Oktyabrsky" and the State Central "Russia". In 1998, he again participates in the Musical Ring, now with Viktor Chaika. It was his second win on the popular show. Kornelyuk for time musical activity wrote more than a hundred songs and created a music studio.

Igor Kornelyuk is a composer who writes music for films. "The city that does not exist" from the TV series "" is one of the most popular hits. A clip was created using film frames.

Igor Kornelyuk, "The city that does not exist"

His music sounds in the films "Idiot", "Taras Bulba", "If the sky is silent", "Someone else's war" and others. The soundtrack from "The Master and Margarita" was called "Infernal Waltz" and was also released as a separate video.

Igor Kornelyuk performs not only solo, but also in duets. He performed the song "Darling" years later, together with. In 2014, Kornelyuk was invited to the jury of the One to One television contest.

Personal life

Marina's wife studied at the department choral singing. The young people got married after two years of living together, when they were 19 years old. The marriage took place between final exams in the school and introductory to the conservatory. Along the way, the play “Trumpeter on the Square” was released with leading role. For Kornelyuk, work on the music for the production was a premiere. The student wedding was played for the first fee. In 1983, their son Anton was born. The son did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, devoting his life to computer technology.

There are many photo portraits and photos on the web. full height Igor and Marina, who live in happy marriage for over 30 years. Igor writes music in his country house, and Marina organizes concerts of a talented husband.

In 2012, the artist officially announced that he was suffering from diabetes. The failure in the body was affected by a difficult event in the composer's personal life - the death of his father, which came suddenly from a detached blood clot. The singer could not recover for a long time, problems with sugar began. The illness forced the composer to reconsider his attitude to the diet. The diet, as well as noni fruit juice, helped to lose weight from 110 kg to 92 kg.

Igor Kornelyuk now

Now the Kornelyuks live in a country mansion in Sestroretsk. At the musician's house big collection watches and rare items. The singer does not use social networks, on Instagram, his photos are posted on the pages of fans.

In 2017, the singer re-released the collection “Igor Kornelyuk. The best songs". In 2018, the musician pleased the residents of Petrozavodsk with a performance at the City Day.


  • 1988 - Ticket to the Ballet
  • 1990 - "Wait"
  • 1993 - "I can't live like this"
  • 1994 - "My Favorite Songs"
  • 1998 - “Hello, and this is Kornelyuk!”
  • 2001 - "Soundtrack to the series" Gangster Petersburg "" (OST)
  • 2010 - "Songs from the Cinema"
  • 2010 - "Taras Bulba" (OST)
  • 2010 - Master and Margarita (OST)

Composer Igor Kornelyuk spoke about how he wrote the main hit of his life, and told how he lost his parents.

“Who will answer me what is given by fate? Let's not know about it. Maybe, beyond the threshold of wasted years, I will find this city that does not exist” - 16 years ago, in August 1999, this song was first performed by Igor Kornelyuk.

AT track record the performer has many hits: “A ticket to the ballet”, “Come back”, “We walk around Paris”. Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation for the first time frankly spoke about personal dramas and attitudes towards contemporary music. Why couldn't the singer's father speak for 18 years? How does he cope with the death of his mother, who died nine months ago on his birthday? Why is the Soviet idol sure that the song as a genre is dying out in Russia? And how does Igor Kornelyuk live now?

“At the wedding, I thought when it would all end”

Despite the fact that the future singer did not grow up at all in creative family(his father worked as a dispatcher on the railway, his mother worked as an engineer. - Auth.), He became interested in music from the age of six. At this age, he entered a music school in his native Belarusian city of Brest. From the age of 12 he played in the ensemble at the local palace of culture. After graduating from 8 classes, he entered the Brest Musical College, but a year later, in 1978, he moved to relatives in Leningrad. AT northern capital he entered the music school at the Leningrad Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, met his future wife within the walls of the educational institution.

- Marina studied at the choir department. We met for about two years, when I was courting her, I wrote a song especially for my beloved. I sang it only once, at Marina's birthday party. When he proposed, our parents were shocked, they persuaded me to wait, to think carefully, my mother even cried. After all, we didn’t realize a lot then - we were 19 years old. But I didn’t listen to my parents and now I understand: it was the most the right decision in my life. The wedding was in the summer of 1982, I earned money for the celebration myself, since I called myself “adult”, I didn’t ask anyone for money. We celebrated in a restaurant, invited friends from the school, parents, relatives. It was a lot of fun at the wedding, what we just didn’t do there: sawed logs, jumped in bags - in general, the contests were what we needed. I was sitting at the head of the table: neither to drink nor eat properly, there was only one thought in my head - if all this would end as soon as possible ...

The singer enjoys a house in an old village near St. Petersburg: “If it were my will, I would never leave here” / Vladimir Bertov

“I sang in restaurants to feed my family”

- After the wedding, I entered the Leningrad Conservatory, it was very difficult for Marina and me. At first they lived with her mother. Imagine room 19 square meters- there, in addition to the mother-in-law, there were my wife and I and our newborn son Anton, he was born shortly after the wedding, in 1983. As one of my friends joked: the newlyweds loved each other so much that the baby was born not nine, but six months after the wedding. It was unrealistic to feed my family on a scholarship of 40 rubles, so I worked part-time wherever I could: I sang at weddings, in restaurants. A few years later, we moved out from our mother-in-law, rented an apartment, got our own much later, and now we have a beautiful house in a very picturesque place - Tarkhovka (a historic village on the lake in the Sestroretsky district of the Leningrad region. - Auth.).

Marina and Igor have been together for 33 years. The honored worker of arts of Russia sees the key to the longevity of relations in the wisdom of his soulmate.

- In my opinion, 99% of the success of married life depends on the woman. I was very lucky in this regard, Marina has a unique property - she can smooth out any conflict situation, so for the past 15 years we have not swear at all. My wife has been my director for a long time.

The singer's father suffered two heart attacks and three strokes

The son of Igor Evgenievich Anton is now 32 years old. In musical and acting families, children often follow in the footsteps of their parents, all the more so famous surname.

- My son, on the contrary, did not want to study music. He will soon graduate from the institute, this is his second higher education. Anton is seriously interested in computer technology. He is a freedom-loving guy, he always makes all decisions exclusively on his own, after all, by the sign of the zodiac he is Capricorn. Therefore, all my attempts to seize it in my hands were broken on an impregnable rock. He speaks to me only on those topics that he considers necessary and appropriate, that’s why I don’t even know if he has a chosen one, but at least he didn’t introduce Marina and me to anyone. In this regard, he did not follow me, otherwise he would have made happy with his grandchildren long ago. I really want to become a grandfather, I even envy my peers with white envy, whose eyes glow from the fact that my beloved grandchildren are nearby.

Perhaps it was they who could help Igor Kornelyuk survive the death of his parents.

- Three years ago, my father died, he was 79 years old. For the last 18 years of his life, he could not talk, while he walked, he understood everything, but his speech function was impaired after three strokes and two heart attacks. He died of a heart attack, I really miss my father. You know, he was a real artist by nature, although he worked all his life on the railway - the soul of any company, he had an inexhaustible sense of humor. And I'm just a pathetic cast of dad ...

After the release of "Gangster Petersburg" in 2000, the song "The City That Doesn't Exist" became insanely popular / Freeze Frame

On November 16, 2014, on the birthday of the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, a new tragedy happened in his family, about which he tells our publication for the first time.

- Mom died instantly - she got out of bed at home, and she was struck down heart attack she was 76 years old. We were all not ready for this, she regularly underwent examinations, everything was fine, but, apparently, the years took their toll ... It is very difficult for me to realize that there are no parents, because they are a layer between me and eternity, and now I stayed with her one on one. The pain does not subside with time, although it is not as sharp as in the first months after the funeral, it becomes deeper and deeper ... Music saves and my beloved family - my wife and son.

I did not believe in the success of the "City that does not exist"

Igor Kornelyuk is a rare exception to the rule. Fate, as one poet Sasha Lokot, little known to the general public, wrote, does not forgive success. But not in the case of the hero of our publication: not only does he have personal happiness, but his career has developed brilliantly, and the degree universal love sometimes reached its maximum. Popular recognition brought him the hit "City that does not exist." Of course, before that he was frequent guest"Songs of the Year" “I am guilty before you, where are you now and what is the matter with you?! Come back on a cold morning ... " Or here's another dance hit, which was lit at discos, which are now commonly called retro: I left love behind and now I have rain, rain ahead of me.

- 16 years ago, in August 1999, I performed the song "The City That Doesn't Exist" for the film "Gangster Petersburg". I wrote the music, and the lyrics belong to the songwriter Regina Lisits. The thing is, I always wanted to try to write music for films, but there were no offers from directors. One day Vladimir Bortko called me and asked me to be the composer of the new series "Gangster Petersburg". He sent the script, after I read it, I immediately understood what song should be done. For two months I was tormented by the fact that the desired melody did not add up in my head, something was constantly missing. As a result, Regina and I managed to make a song, I sent it to Bortko, he approved, but suddenly the thought came to me that after all this song was not suitable, it was too speculative. Lisits rewrote the lyrics to the song, adding love lyrics. During editing, director Vladimir Bortko said that this text does not fit on the frames. At first I did not understand how it was, but when I saw final scene"Gangster Petersburg", I realized. If you remember, they first show views of St. Petersburg, and then a large Olga Drozdova, she sits on the banks of the Bosphorus (the strait between Europe and Asia Minor, connecting the Black Sea with the Sea of ​​​​Marmara. - Auth.), And then the camera runs over a bottle of vodka on her table. Of course, words about love are inappropriate here. They left the original version of the song, which people loved so much.

In the summer of 1982, Marina and Igor got married in Leningrad / From personal archive

- Why do you think the song "The City That Doesn't Exist" became an immortal hit?

Well, nothing is immortal. Thank you for the kind words. I did not set myself the task of making a hit, as soon as the singer has such a goal, nothing happens. I wanted to make a poignant melody, where emotions would not be momentary. To be honest, I never thought about why this song became a hit. As philosophers say, a thought uttered is a lie, there are things that do not need to be understood, as soon as you start to analyze, they elude you forever.

- Igor Evgenievich, how do you assess contemporary performers? Do you write songs for them, maybe you want to sing a duet with someone?

- Lately, this has not interested me much, I used to write music for Philip Kirkorov, Anna Veski, Edita Piekha. I'm doing symphonic music, in this direction I see more possibilities for self-realization. The song as a genre is no longer interesting to me, because now the so-called hits are written much more per month than in all the years of my youth. The worst thing is that they do it all and sundry. And I don't like doing what most people do. I watch Eurovision and understand that the song in our world is bent, the genre has discredited itself. The singers are good, the scenery is beautiful, the special effects are on high level, but the material is disgusting, it's scary to think about the meaning of what they all sing about. A beautiful wrapper hides an inedible product.

Is there any way to revive this genre?

- Probably, it is possible, but only if music ceases to be a way to make money, but becomes, as before, art.

Igor Kornelyuk has been popular and loved for many years. At first, the whole country danced to his hits, then, wiping away tears, empathized with the heroes of "Gangster Petersburg" to a hit about a city that does not exist. A little later, she admired the ball at Satan's in the film The Master and Margarita, which played out to the powerful sound of a waltz written by him.

Interviewed by Olga Zhuravleva

The composer today is fascinated by a new idea. Everything free time he dedicates to a project that promises to reveal to us a new Kornelyuk. We visited the composer's country house, and during a leisurely conversation to the sound of home clocks that count time in every room, we reminisced.

- Igor, did you always understand that you would be a composer?
- Yes. I was five years old, we lived in Brest, and our neighbor, a music school teacher, had a wedding. At that time I had a sonorous voice, and I was asked to sing, which I gladly did. After my speech, my father was approached professional musicians and they said that he should send me to a music school. I accepted this idea with pleasure and went to study music, but very soon I realized that when the ball was loudly beating outside the window, I had to play boring scales and etudes. And I didn't like it at all. And at the age of seven he composed a melody for the first time. During the solfeggio lesson, the director came into the class and said: “Our student wrote poems about Russia. Nobody wants to compose music? I mustered up the nerve and said, “Can I try?” As a result, the song was sent to the republican competition and I was given a diploma. Songwriting was interesting and I did it quite often. Soon the nickname “composer” stuck to me. I was twelve years old when a vocal and instrumental ensemble was organized at the music school. And of course I started playing it.

- What was the repertoire?
- At first children's songs, but we quickly grew out of them and played The Beatles, deep purple, Nazareth, Boney M, ABBA. They parroted, of course, but very soon I began to write my own songs for the ensemble. By the way, I started earning money very early. Since we played very well, in 1974 we were invited to work at dances in the city's cultural center on Saturdays and Sundays. My salary was 30 rubles a month.

Somehow I came home and right from the threshold said: "I'm going to study in Leningrad." Mom wearily replied: "Go wherever you want"

- Good money for a student...
I gave everything to my mother. For as long as I can remember, my parents worked very hard, they tried to make the family live well, but we did not live well, and my money was some kind of help. If we were additionally invited to play somewhere, we bought equipment with this money, assembled self-made amplifiers, projectors. We absolutely loved it all. Girls at concerts gave flowers ...

- And yet you decided to leave native city, why?
- I studied for one year at the music school, everything seemed to be stable, but intuitively I understood that this was a road to nowhere, and something needed to be changed in life, that I had to study, and the best composer school was in Leningrad. Somehow I came home, my mother was busy with the housework, right from the threshold she said: “I will go to study in Leningrad.” Mom, not looking up from her work, wearily answered: “Go wherever you want.”

- How did Leningrad meet you?
- I arrived without documents (they remained at the music school). I came and said: “I finished the year at the Brest School, I want to transfer.” But it turned out that not a single point of contact in the program of these educational institutions did not have. As if there is astronautics, and here is sports. And I was offered to enter the first course. There were only five days left before the exams, during which time he composed a program, which he played at the entrance exams. I handed over the first, so I understood that my chances were zero, and I was already preparing to return home. But the auditorium door opened, Vladlen Pavlovich Chistyakov came out, came up to me and said: “Young man, I am very pleased that I will have the honor to teach you.” It is difficult to convey my condition - no one has ever addressed me like that. From that moment my whole life was divided into two parts. I began to study like a man possessed. If I used to think that I play the piano well, now I realized that I strum well on the piano and know very little. Seriously studied harmony, instrumentation, read, listened. After the fantastic teachers of the music school and the level of education there, the conservatory seemed like a pleasant walk in the park.

I bought a belyash, wiped my tears and said: “To hell with you, you still ask me for songs!”

- And when did the real popularity come to you?
- It was after the program "Musical Ring" in 1988. Then they recognized me as an artist. But before that, I was already a composer. He wrote songs to Boyarsky, Anna Veski, "Singing Guitars". Friends began to say: "Try to sing yourself, when you show songs on the piano, they sound different." And I tried in 1985 at the competition of young composers in Leningrad, I sang my hit "I don't understand what's happening to me." I went on stage in wide gray fashionable pants that my neighbor sewed for me and which I was very proud of. I jumped around the stage, I wanted to rush over the heads of the astonished audience, but I did not succeed. Or maybe it did, I don't remember now. Having sung a song, he ran backstage. Since it was the first time, I was scared terribly. And suddenly I hear, they call me for an encore. And my fashionable pants were tied and, as luck would have it, they came undone. My hands are shaking, I'm trying to tie my pants, but I can't. Laura Quint and Vitya Reznikov stood nearby. I rushed to them. They did it quickly, I jumped on stage again and sang the song again. From that moment I felt a taste for this business. When I felt success, it became a pity to give songs to other performers. And my full-fledged singing career began.

- You wrote songs for Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Cabaret duet "Academy". Masters of our stage often turned to you?
- Masters turned to me almost everything. But when I started, it was completely different. I myself came to the masters with my songs. They all said good things to me good words, but for some reason the songs were not taken. The last person I went to offer a song to was Valera Leontiev. It was 1985. He listened, said: “I like it, but I have so many songs. Everything is scheduled, when and where they need to be sung, two years ahead. When I left the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, I even cried, I was terribly offended. I walked along Ligovka, smearing tears and snot. At the corner near the Moscow railway station stood an aunt with a tray. She sold belyashi and soda. I bought a belyash, wiped my tears and said: “To hell with you, you still ask me for songs!”

A few years later, in Sochi, Leontiev and Lyusya Isakovich came to my concert. They went into the dressing room, thanked, and then Lucy said: “Igor, we have a request for you, but could you write a song or two for us?” I say: “Guys, you need to drink wine, today is a holiday!” What, they wondered. “Valera, do you remember seven years ago I came to you with my song in the October Hall, and you didn’t take it?”

- Did you write a song for Leontiev then?
- No, although I love him and treat him with great warmth.

- Today you have new hits?
- I have accumulated several songs, but physically there is no time to record them. Even if you have your own studio. There is a lot of urgent custom work. And I also want to take some time for myself.

- Igor, it is known that the artist often becomes a hostage to the established image. How did you break stereotypes?
- An amazing property - to hang labels. For actors, it's a tragedy. Especially if the artist is good. I always wanted to write for films, I felt it, but I already had an image pop singer with light songs. When Bortko called me to write music for Gangster Petersburg, the producers dissuaded him: “Volodya, are you crazy, who did you invite? We are filming a serious gangster saga, and Kornelyuk is just popular songs.” But Bortko insisted. To be fair, when the movie came out, these producers called me and apologized for putting a spoke in the wheel. But when I started working on the music for "The Idiot", they already said this: "Kornelyuk - this is" Gangster Petersburg "! And here we have Dostoevsky - this is a classic. But after this film, all talk also stopped.

- You worked on the music for The Master and Margarita. The task is the hardest...
- I think it all depends on how you set yourself up for work. Honestly, I did not want to start at all, because I did not believe in the possibility of a film adaptation of this novel by Bulgakov. To some extent, I still don't believe it. Even if you shoot horizontally everything that Bulgakov wrote in an eventful way, then what to do with this huge vertical? With this block, which is felt behind all this. And I almost gave up work, but Bortko arrived and began to persuade, and suddenly I caught myself that after 20 minutes of our conversation we were already discussing some details and trifles. In general, I got carried away and reluctantly rushed into this business. I confess that it was easier to work on The Master than on The Idiot and Taras Bulba. I knew this novel by heart, there was enough time, and I did not think about the scale of everything that was happening, I just set some task every day and completed it. First I did “The Flight of Margaret”, then the execution scene “Calvary”, because the director needed the music to sound during the filming and the cameraman could catch the tempo-rhythm of the scene. It was the same with the witches' sabbath, and the ball at Satan's.

- They say that all attempts to work with this work for creative groups always turned into problems. Were you all right?
- Not. "The Master and Margarita" quarreled with Bortko. I made a scene with this crazy waltz, sat at home for two nights and printed out the notes, because I wanted the sounds of music and the playing of the orchestra on the screen not to be in dissonance, as is usually the case in movies when actors imitate playing instruments. In American cinema, by the way, this cannot be. Even in the cartoon "Tom and Jerry", Tom, playing the piano, presses exactly those keys that really sound. And during the filming of the ball, our orchestra played in the frame according to the notes clearly painted by me, but when Bortko remounted, the musicians' playing did not hit a single note. I was in shock, and he says: "No one will see it except you." And I was embarrassed to tears. On this film, I had a strong fight with Bortko. And finally, our breakup occurred at Taras Bulba, because everything was wrong there.

- What are you interested in doing today?
- I have made many films with different directors. But cinema is not a high bar for me. I really want to work in musical theater. And in any genre, be it a musical, operetta, opera or ballet.

It is probably interesting to start with the opera, where there is musical dramaturgy, wide scale intonation, catharsis. I have such dramaturgy, and I hope the work will take place. Or will it be a new form musical performance. When there is no plot, direct eventfulness. I started thinking about this recent times. abstract paintings and sketches that evoke emotions. And sing in a language no one understands. For artists to sing what sounds beautiful phonetically. After all, we listened to The Beatles, in childhood, without understanding anything at the same time! But how it affected us emotionally!

“Happiness is when you can say to yourself: “I did it!”

Igor, you said that your mother easily let you go to a strange city. How did you raise your son? He was free to choose what to do, how to live?
- I'm not sure that the best way- give your son complete freedom. He did not want to study music as a child, but I did not insist. As a child, I myself saw children whose parents forced them to do something, and they suffered from it. And then I decided that I would not torment my children like that. I kept my promise, but I'm not sure if it was right. Anton is engaged in computer technologies. He now lives with us, at one time he lived separately in a city apartment.

- Did the son have a craving for the parental home?
- I really want to believe in it, at least I really like our communication. I'm afraid to frighten off this state. I hope that we have already gone through the most difficult period in our relations. Anton is 30 years old, he is amazingly versed in cinema, he has a phenomenal memory. He knows a lot, I'm interested in him. We try to watch something together with the whole family in the evening - films, concerts. We have a need to get to know each other.

- You are a very atypical representative of show business - with young years you have only one wife. Are you single?
- First, there are principles. I believe that the family is the most sacred institution in our life. Secondly, Marina and I got married at a completely unconscious age, but the Lord rewarded me. Marina is my reward for everything! I'm sure 99 percent of family relationships depends on the spouse. It's all bullshit when they say that we are equal partners. We are not equal and we will never be equal! I do not believe in women's football and women's boxing.

If a woman wants to save her family, she will always keep it. It all depends on her tact, understanding, wisdom. Marina understands me, this is my strong rear. When all lines of defense are swept away, Marina will remain the last bastion on which I will always rely. I am grateful to the Lord and fate that Marina is in my life.

The car is the subject of my male pride, I rest in it. Resorts are not for me

- Igor, you look quite happy man. Have you comprehended the formula of happiness?
- Happiness, no matter how trite it sounds, is in creative work. Early in the morning you go to the studio, and you are already torn apart by the pangs of creativity, then you search for many hours and find, you go out into the garden in the evening, wrapped in coolness, realizing that you did it! I found these five notes and there is some kind of spark between them! And this feeling of happiness is incomparable with anything!

- In addition to the happiness of creativity, there are also little things that make life more comfortable...
- For me, this is a house, a collection of watches, and even the most modern technologies that my studio is equipped with. I do not write commercial projects in it, but it develops all the time. The upgrade takes place every six months. Now I have ordered equipment from leading companies in the world. It will be a real breakthrough - a mixer, an equalizer, a convector and more. Now I have feelings for my studio as a collector. I'm worth best acoustics in the world. Speakers and amplifiers are exactly like at Abbey Road Studios.

- Perhaps you have completely forgotten how to relax? Is there really no ordinary hobby?
- I love cars and change them often. I have been driving since I was seven years old. For me, a car is the subject of my male pride, where I rest. But resorts are not for me. Ten days to lie on the beach - it's unbearable! Last year, Marina and I flew to Greece - a week of rest and a concert. So I couldn't wait for the day of the concert to arrive. Lived and understood that this is a real groundhog day: woke up-breakfast-sea-lunch-sea-dinner. And so every day! And just before the concert, I came to life, began to prepare, life returned. And I also really like preference. Smoking, leisurely male conversation is a favorite pastime. But I already forgot when I had such a rest. And I miss it. But even better - spend four days at home on your favorite sofa with a book, sit in the garden. When I travel, I only work, and then I rush home.

Singer and composer Igor Kornelyuk is known as the author and performer of popular hits of the 80-90s. Today he writes music for serials and films, remaining as popular and in demand as in his youth.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on November 16, 1962 in Brest (Belarus). His parents were not musicians. His father worked on the railroad, his mother worked as an engineer. His sister studied violin and piano at the music school. The love of music was passed on to children from grandmother Maria, who sang romances with a guitar.

Parents were against the musical education of their son, but on the advice of a professor at the conservatory in 1968 they sent Igor to a music school. He had a sonorous voice, he often sang during family holidays in the presence of guests, accompanying himself on the button accordion. Igor wrote the first song called “Russia, dear Russia, slender trunks of birches ...” at the age of 9.

Studying at a music school did not please with success, the boy was not given solfeggio, but this did not prevent him from playing dances. From the age of 12, on weekends, Igor performed at the Palace of Culture with an ensemble. His musical work experience began in the 5th grade. Igor played ionics and received 30 rubles a month for this. It was there that he first met Lyuba's love. Igor, despite his young age, truly fell in love, but the girl did not return his feelings.

For the vulnerable child's soul, this was a tragedy that affected health. When Igor recovered from mental trauma and illness, he had a need to express everything that overwhelmed his soul. So the girl Lyuba made him a composer. The first, still naive, songs about love appeared. He took the words for his works from Sergei Yesenin, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, and even from Boris Pasternak.

Igor enters the music school after the 8th grade. Little time was devoted to studying, since he played in a rock ensemble, "hung out" and returned home in the morning. At that time, he received advice from one of the teachers, which influenced his future fate. Igor was advised to go to Leningrad, where at that time there was a strong composer school.

The decision to move was hasty, he put his parents before the fact, announcing that he was going to Leningrad. He passed the exams, not hoping for success, so he was very surprised when a teacher approached him and congratulated him on enrollment. This teacher was Vladlen Chistyakov, who would become his mentor and close friend.

The study turned out to be difficult, but fruitful and interesting. Students studied the work of the orchestra, studied composition. While studying at the school, Kornelyuk was entrusted with writing musical accompaniment for the play "Trumpeter on the Square" for the Drama Theater. Pushkin. The school was successfully completed in 1982.

By the time he entered the conservatory, Kornelyuk already had a family that needed to be supported. The scholarship was not enough, so he worked part-time where he could. During his studies, he wrote a symphony, composed romances, music for films and theatrical productions. During this period, he masters synthesizers and computers. His thesis work, which Kornelyuk defended with "excellent", was a computer symphony.


The formation of the composer's creative biography was influenced by different music: in his youth it was "QUEEN", in the music school - jazz. As a student at the conservatory, the young man became interested in the works of the great classics of the "Mighty Handful" (N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Mussorgsky, A. P. Borodin).

Alexander Morozov helped him become a hitmaker, who touched Igor to the core, accusing him of writing music that was incomprehensible to ordinary Soviet people. In response, Kornelyuk wrote several songs that became hits. His new songs "Darling", "Boy was friends with a girl", "Rain" and many others sounded in every house.

Regina Lisits becomes his poet-co-author. Their songs are performed by Soviet pop stars, they win prizes at competitions and festivals. Already in the first year of joint work, Igor Kornelyuk's song "Learn" helped Anna Veski become a laureate of the festival in Sopot. The singer had a whole program of Kornelyuk's songs, including: "I don't understand what's wrong with me", "Monkey", "Horoscope" and others. And at the TV contest "Jurmala-86" Svetlana Medyanik became the second, performing the composer's hit "Not with me." In 1987, he was recognized as the best author and performer of songs of his own composition.

In addition to working on solo compositions, the composer works on music for plays and films, and also creates musicals. Among the works of the late 80s are the children's opera "Pull-Push, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street" and the musical score for the film "Musical Games". The songs of Kornelyuk replenish the repertoire of Mikhail Boyarsky, Edita Piekha, Philip Kirkorov, the cabaret duet "Academy".

His solo career began in 1988 after leaving the Buff Theatre, where he served as artistic director. Igor becomes extremely popular, participates in the Musical Ring, where he was invited by Viktor Reznikov. He wins and becomes famous, and the composition "Ballet Ticket", with which he performed on "Song of the Year", receives a prize.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song "Rain"

Three solo albums, which appeared one after another - "Ticket to the Ballet", "Wait", "I Can't Live Like This", made the singer mega-popular. From now on, Igor Kornelyuk becomes a welcome guest at Alla Pugacheva's Christmas Meetings, his songs are played in the popular intellectual game What? Where? When?". The popular festival "Song of the Year" is not complete without Kornelyuk. In 1998, the composer reminds of himself with the album "Hello, and this is Kornelyuk!", After which the composer's discography is replenished only with works from films.

In the early 90s, Igor Kornelyuk tried himself as an actor, starring in the film Kud-Kud-Kuda, or Provincial Stories with Interludes and Divertissement in the Finale. The plot and musical material of the film comedy were used by Kornelyuk in joint concerts with Ilona Bronevitskaya.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song ticket to the ballet

The singer gives solo concerts at Luzhniki, Olimpiysky, Oktyabrsky concert halls and the State Central Rossiya. In 1998, he again participates in the Musical Ring, now with Viktor Chaika. It was his second win on the popular show. Kornelyuk wrote more than a hundred songs during his musical activity and created a music studio.

Igor Kornelyuk is a composer who writes music for films. "The city that does not exist" from the series "Gangster Petersburg" is one of the most popular hits. A clip was created using film frames.

Igor Kornelyuk, "The city that does not exist"

His music sounds in the films "Idiot", "Taras Bulba", "If the sky is silent", "Someone else's war" and others. The soundtrack from "The Master and Margarita" was called "Infernal Waltz" and was also released as a separate video.

Igor Kornelyuk performs not only solo, but also in duets. He performed the song "Darling" years later together with Sati Casanova. In 2014, Kornelyuk was invited to the jury of the One to One television contest.

Personal life

His wife Marina studied at the department of choral singing. The young people got married after two years of living together, when they were 19 years old. The marriage took place between the final exams at the school and the entrance to the conservatory. Along the way, the play “Trumpeter on the Square” was released with Nikolai Fomenko in the title role. For Kornelyuk, work on the music for the production was a premiere. The student wedding was played for the first fee. In 1983, their son Anton was born. The son did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, devoting his life to computer technology.

There are many photo portraits and full-length photos of Igor and Marina on the Web, who have been happily married for over 30 years. Igor writes music in his country house, and Marina organizes concerts for her talented husband.

In 2012, the artist officially announced that he was suffering from diabetes. The failure in the body was affected by a difficult event in the composer's personal life - the death of his father, which came suddenly from a detached blood clot. The singer could not recover for a long time, problems with sugar began. The illness forced the composer to reconsider his attitude to the diet. Lose weight from 110 kg to 92 kg helped Pierre Dukan's diet, as well as noni fruit juice.

Igor Kornelyuk now

Now the Kornelyuks live in a country mansion in Sestroretsk. At home, the musician has a large collection of watches and rare items. The singer does not use social networks; on Instagram, his photos are posted on the pages of fans.

In 2017, the singer re-released the collection “Igor Kornelyuk. The best songs". In 2018, the musician pleased the residents of Petrozavodsk with a performance at the City Day.

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