String quartet instruments. Artflute String Quartet

String Quartet - Yours the best choice the most popular composition of the musical ensemble. This is a win-win option for the musical decoration of your event. The noble sound of stringed instruments (violin, viola and cello) perfectly frames the pure and refined timbre of the flute, which plays the leading part in all works.

Whether it is a meeting of guests at your celebration, off-site wedding registration, opening of an exhibition or presentation, a dinner party or a larger event - everywhere string Quartet will decorate your holiday!

Beautiful girls - super professional musicians will perform for you and your guests the best of the best masterpieces world music, the most famous pop compositions, arrangements of favorite songs and music from films and musicals.

Composition of the quartet

If desired, we can expand our ensemble to the composition chamber orchestra and add your favorite instruments to create a musical performance that matches the high level and scale of your event.

The cost of the performance of the extended line-up and the conditions are negotiated separately.

String Quartet

Despite the fact that two violins, a cello and a viola are considered the classic composition of a string quartet, in practice the most popular option is to replace the violin with a flute. gentle sound wind instrument, known since ancient times, not only complements bow notes, but also plays a leading role in many symphonic and popular works. It is not for nothing that a string quartet for a solemn event is the best choice, because compositions in any genre are subject to a small ensemble. We invite everyone to get acquainted with our talented musicians!

"Perfect Ensemble"

Famous 18th century composer Joseph Haydn called the string quartet an ideal ensemble, implying that any genre is subject to a small group chamber music- from divertissement to serenade. It was then that string quartets became extremely popular in Europe, and pieces by Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky were written for them. Many years have passed, many other forms have appeared - for example, in some regions, piano or wind quartets are in demand. But no one can compare with the popularity of stringed instruments, which are not for nothing called the kings of the orchestra. It’s easy to get to know the work of four musicians better: just call us and order a string quartet to organize and hold family holiday, official event. Most often, the services of musicians are used in the following cases.

  • Wedding ceremonies, gala evenings.
  • Celebrating anniversaries and birthdays.
  • Organization of corporate events.
  • Graduation parties at schools and institutes.
  • Family holidays, memorable dates.
  • International exhibitions, conferences, symposiums.

Professional musicians will play just for you!

High-class musicians of our ensemble are in demand not only by the organizers of major events with the participation a large number of people. Ordinary Muscovites also often order a string quartet for a holiday or a romantic dinner. The heart of any woman will be conquered by a cozy home environment or beautiful decoration of a cafe, if live music performed by a string quartet will sound during a marriage proposal or a declaration of love! Especially if our artists come to visit you: young, but insanely talented girls with higher music education, virtuoso owning instruments. Each of them combines teamwork with solo career, which helps the young ladies develop in terms of musical improvement. Our quartet includes:

  • Ekaterina Pronyuk - violin;
  • Maria Dukhnovskaya - viola;
  • Ekaterina Galkina - cello;
  • Polina Rybakova - flute.

A well-thought-out stage image, elegant dresses, a repertoire discussed with the customer - all this guarantees that any event will be held on the very high level. The main thing, of course, is the mastery of the instrument, which our girls have enough, because each of them participated more than once and became the laureate of Russian and international competitions. At the request of the customer, the quartet can be supplemented with any other instrument - for example, a piano or a harp, which will give a unique flavor to familiar music. The ensemble's repertoire includes a rich selection of classical works, jazz melodies, contemporary songs, which will allow guests to enjoy, regardless of musical tastes. The string quartet "ArtFlute" for a wedding or anniversary in Moscow, which will arrive in any place of the capital or region by prior order - a luxurious and inexpensive pleasure for all occasions!

String Quartet - musical ensemble of four strings bowed instruments: two violins, viola, cello. This is one of the most academic representatives of classical chamber ensembles. Almost all great composers wrote works for the string quartet: V.A. Mozart, L.W. Beethoven, I. Brahms, A. Dvorak, D. Shostakovich and many others. A string quartet is not only a composition of instruments, but also independent genre academic (classical) music.

Quartet "Inspiration" - the highest skill of musicians

Playing in a quartet requires musicians of the highest skill, virtuosity, and ensemble coordination. Experts know that a real string quartet "plays" for years. Only in this way does the incredible beauty of the joint sound of four stringed musical instruments appear. The highest skill and teamwork of the musicians of the Inspiration quartet is the result of their long-term cooperation. All musicians of the ensemble are artists of the Moscow State Academic symphony orchestra.

Classic and more

The quartet's repertoire is diverse, it goes far beyond the framework of chamber academic music-making. Along with the traditional works of classical composers for string quartets, the musicians perform jazz compositions, famous pop hits, music from musicals and films.

Musical group for elite events

Musicians of the quartet "Inspiration" play on acoustic instruments and do not use any electrical equipment in their work. The string quartet is real live music. AT summer time musicians often perform outdoors. "Inspiration" is strict and elegant, the quartet musicians have an imposing appearance and perform in elegant tuxedos and concert dresses. This is a solid team that can decorate alive musical accompaniment elite event: wedding, banquet, ball.

How and where does the string quartet perform?

The most common is to use this ensemble as light musical background on "welcome" (the time allotted for gathering guests before the start of the holiday). The string quartet does not sound loud and fills the room with an unobtrusive sound of light popular classical music, and does not interfere with guests to communicate. The string quartet does not require sound equipment to perform, and it is easy to place it in almost any room. This allows you to use the ensemble as a live musical accompaniment to any banquet or buffet. The string quartet is also invited to the wedding for the musical accompaniment of the marriage registration ceremony (in last years the so-called "exit registration of marriage" has become extremely popular, when the official ceremony is held not in the registry office, but directly in the banquet hall.) In the summer, the string quartet is often invited to perform in gardens and parks. However, when organizing a performance in open areas, one must always remember that the strings musical instruments do not tolerate high humidity and low temperatures. Performance on the street is possible only in warm and dry time.

Quartet (strings)(bowed) - chamber-instr. an ensemble performing quartet music; one of the most complex and subtle types of chamber music. lawsuit.

Formation To. as independent. perform. The collective took place throughout the 2nd floor. 18th century in different countries (Austria, Italy, England, France) and was originally associated with home music-making, especially among the Viennese burghers, where instr. ensemble playing (trios, quartets, quintets), learning to play the violin and cello. The repertoire of amateur K. was produced. K. Dittersdorf, L. Boccherini, G.K. Wagenseil, J. Haydn and others, as well as decomp. kind of arrangement for K. excerpts from popular operas, overtures, symphonies, etc. With the development in the work of the Viennese classics of the genre of quartet music K. (2 violins, viola and cello) is established as the main leading type of prof. chamber-instr. ensemble. For a long time, K. did not attract the attention of conc. the public who visited arr. ital. opera performances, instr. virtuosos and singers. Only in con. 18th century (1794) a permanent prof. K., maintained by a patron of arts, Prince K. Likhnovsky. The K. included prominent Viennese musicians: I. Schuppanzig, J. Mayseder, F. Weiss, J. Linke. In conc. season 1804-1805 this ensemble gave the first in the history of music. art-va open public evenings of quartet music. In 1808-16 he was in the service of the Russian. Ambassador to Vienna, Count A. K. Razumovsky. This K. for the first time performed all the chamber-instr. op. L. Beethoven (learned under the guidance of the composer himself), laying the traditions of their interpretation. In 1814, in Paris, P. Baio organized a concert hall, which gave subscription evenings of chamber music by subscription. AT further development and promotion of prof. quartet performance played an important role K. German. musicians br. Muller Sr., who was the first prof. K., to-ry toured (in 1835-51) in many. European countries (Austria, the Netherlands, Russia, etc.). However, despite the conc. activity in the 1st floor. 19th century a number of K. and the existence of special. lit-ry, the very style of quartet performance was just beginning to take shape. The features of k. as a performing genre have not yet been clearly defined and revealed. In the quartet performance, there were strong manifestations of the solo-virtuoso principle; K. was considered by many not as a single performing ensemble, but Ch. arr. as the "environment" of this or that virtuoso violinist. The programs of the quartet evenings were of a mixed solo-chamber character. In them great place occupied works written in the genre of the so-called. "brilliant quartet" (Quator brillant) with a spectacular virtuoso part of the first violin (quartets by N. Paganini, J. Mayseder, L. Spohr, etc.). The audience appreciated not so much the ensemble as the performance of the soloist. K. were organized mainly by outstanding virtuosos, their composition was random, inconsistent. Underline solo start was also reflected in the disposition of the participants. For example, U. Bull played the first violin part in the quartet of W. A. ​​Mozart, standing on the stage, while other participants played, sitting in the orc. pit. The usual location of the artists K. to the end. 19th century was different than in present. time (the first violinist sat against the second, the cellist against the violist). The formation of the quartet style of performance proceeded simultaneously with the development of quartet music, the enrichment and complication of the style of quartet writing. Before the performing ensemble, new creativity appeared. tasks. DOS was clearly identified. historical tendency - from the prevalence of the solo beginning to the establishment of a balance between the otd. the voices of the ensemble, the unity of its sound, the unification of quartetists on the basis of a single art. interpretation plan. The first violinist, while maintaining a leading role in the ensemble, became only "the first among equals." At the same time, the formation of the style of performance was influenced by the atmosphere in which concerts were held (small halls designed for a narrow circle of "selected" listeners), which gave the quartet music-making an intimate chamber character. The most complete expression of the quartet style was in the performance work of the J. Joachim Quartet (Berlin), which worked in 1869-1907 and created highly artistic works. examples of interpretation of the classic. and romantic. quartet music. In his art, the typical features of a quartet performance appeared - stylistic unity, organic. unity of sound, careful and fine finishing of details, unity of technical. game tricks. During these years, K. are widely used, especially in Germany. Outstanding Western European the ensemble was K., DOS. French violinist L. Cape, who introduced new art. features in the quartet style of performance, in particular in the interpretation of L. Beethoven's late quartets. In modern period K. occupy a large place in conc. life. Game technique pl. K. reached a high, sometimes virtuoso degree of perfection. Influence of quartet music modern. composers manifested in the expansion of timbre and dynamic. palette of quartet sound, rhythmic enrichment. sides of a quartet game. A number of K. acts with the performance of conc. programs by heart (for the first time - R. Kolisch Quartet, Vienna). K.'s exit in big konts. halls changed the understanding of the quartet style as a kind of intimately closed aesthetic. categories.

The quartet game in Russia began to spread from the 70-80s. 18th century Initially, its sphere was the estate-landowner serf and court. music life. In con. 18th century in St. Petersburg, the serf K. Count P. A. Zubov was known, who was headed by the gifted violinist N. Loginov, and adv. chamber ensemble , headed by F. Tietz (he spoke at the so-called small hermitages). From con. 18 - beg. 19th centuries amateur quartet music-making has become popular among artists and writers, in music. mugs and salons of St. Petersburg, Moscow and a number of provinces. cities. In 1835, an outstanding violinist, director of the Pridv. choir in St. Petersburg A.F. Lvov organized prof. K., not inferior to the best foreign quartet ensembles of the 19th century. This K. was highly valued by R. Schumann, G. Berlioz. Despite the fact that his activity proceeded in an atmosphere of closed music-making (K. did not perform in open paid concerts), the ensemble introduced St. Petersburg over a 20-year period of work. audience with the best products. classical music. In the 1st floor. 19th century Open public concerts in St. Petersburg were given by C., led by A. Vieuxtan and F. Böhm (the latter played an important role in popularizing the quartet music of L. Beethoven). After the organization in 1859 Rus. music about-va (RMO), which opened departments and muz.-educational institutions in St. Petersburg, Moscow and many others. provincial cities, permanent quartet ensembles began to be created in Russia. They were led by prominent violinists: in St. Petersburg - L. S. Auer, in Moscow - F. Laub, later I. V. Grzhimali, in Kharkov - K. K. Gorsky, in Odessa - A. P. Fidelman, etc. K. that existed at the local branches of the RMO were stationary. The first K., who undertook conc. trips around the country, was the "Russian Quartet" (founded in 1872). This ensemble, headed by D. A. Panov, performed in St. Petersburg, Moscow and a number of provinces. cities. In 1896, the so-called. The Mecklenburg Quartet, headed by B. Kamensky until 1908, and from 1910 by K. K. Grigorovich. This first-class ensemble performed in many cities of Russia and was the first Russian K., touring in Western European countries. Despite the great creative achievements of Russian quartet performance, there were few permanent quartets in Russia. Only after Great Oct. socialist. revolution quartet performance in the USSR under the state. support has gained momentum. In con. 1918 in Moscow were created the first owls. K. - K. im. V. I. Lenin, headed by L. M. Zeitlin and K. im. A. Stradivari, led in the first composition by D. S. Crane. In March 1919, the K. im. A. K. Glazunov headed by I. A. Lukashevsky. His work played an important role in the development of owls. quartet performance. This K., who traveled all over the country with concerts, performed not only in conc. halls, but also in factories, he first introduced the broad masses to the treasures of world quartet literature, aroused a deep interest in chamber music. "Glazunovtsy" were the first to demonstrate the achievements of owls. quartet claim-va Western-Europe. listeners; in 1925 and 1929 they toured in many countries (Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, etc.). In 1921, the State quartet them. J. B. Vilhom (Kyiv), in 1923 - K. im. L. Beethoven (Moscow), im. Komitas (Armenia), in 1931 - K. them. Bolshoi Theater of the USSR, in 1945 - K. im. A. P. Borodin (Moscow) and others. In 1923 in Moscow. Conservatory opened a special quartet game class; it was graduated by future participants pl. quartet ensembles (including the K. named after Komitas, the K. named after A. P. Borodin, the State Quartet of the Georgian SSR, etc.). The All-Union Quartet Competitions (1925, 1938) contributed to the development of quartet performance. Quartet ensembles arose in the republics, in many of which before the revolution there was no prof. music lawsuit. In Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Lithuania, Tataria and other republics, quartet ensembles of high prof. level. Performing skills inherent in the best owls. K., contributed to the creation of numerous. prod. owls. quartet music (A. N. Aleksandrov, R. M. Glier, S. F. Tsintsadze, N. Ya. Myaskovsky, V. Ya. Shebalin, M. S. Vainberg, E. K. Golubev, D. D. Shostakovich , S. S. Prokofiev and others). Innovation pl. from these products. had a great influence on the development of owls. style of quartet performance, characterized by scale, breadth of music. breathing, appeal to the emotional perception of a large conc. audience.

FOREIGN QUARTETS(the names of the first violinists are indicated; the list is given in chronological order)

I. Schuppanzig (Vienna, 1794-1816, 1823-30).
P. Bayot (Paris, 1814-42).
J. Böhm (Vienna, 1821-68).
Brothers Müller Sr. (Braunschweig, 1831-55).
L. Jans (Vienna, 1834-50).
F. David (Leipzig, 1844-65).
J. Helmesberger Sr. (Vienna, 1849-87).
Brothers Müller Jr. (Braunschweig, 1855-73).
J. Armengo (Paris, with E. Lalo, since 1855).
C. Lamoureux (Paris, since 1863).
X. Herman (Frankfurt, 1865-1904).
J. Becker, so-called. Florence Quartet (Florence, 1866-80).
J. Joachim (Berlin, 1869-1907).
A. Rose (Vienna, 1882-1938).
A. Brodsky (Leipzig, 1883-91).
P. Kneisel (New York, 1885-1917).
E. Hubai (Budapest, about 1886).
J. Helmesberger Jr. (Vienna, 1887-1907).
M. Soldat-Röger (Berlin, 1887-89; Vienna, since 1889; women's quartet).
S. Bartsevich (Warsaw, since 1889).
K. Hoffman, so-called. Czech Quartet (Prague, 1892-1933).
L. Cape (Paris, 1894-1921).
S. Thomson (Brussels, 1898-1914).
F. Schörg, so-called. Brussels Quartet (Brussels, since the 1890s).
A. Marto (Geneva, 1900-07).
B. Lotsky, so-called. K. im. O. Shevchik (Prague, 1901-31).
A. Betty, so-called. The Flonzaley Quartet (Lausanne, 1902-29).
A. Onnu, so-called. Pro Arte (Brussels, 1913-40).
O. Zuccarini, so-called. Roman Quartet (Rome, since 1918).
A. Bush (Berlin, 1919-52).
L. Amar (Berlin, 1921-29, with P. Hindemith).
R. Kolisch (Vienna, 1922-39).
A. Levengut (Paris, since 1929).
A. Gertler (Brussels, since 1931).
J. Calve, so-called. Quartet Calvet (Paris) 1930s, since 1945 in a new composition).
B. Schneiderhan (Vienna, 1938-51).
S. Veg (Budapest, since 1940).
R. Kolish, so-called. Pro Arte (New York, since 1942).
J. Parrenen, so-called. Parrenin Quartet (Paris, since 1944).
V. Tatrai (Budapest, since 1946).
I. Travnichek, so-called. K. im. L. Janacek (Brno, since 1947; since 1972, leader K. Krafka).
I. Novak, K. im. B. Smetana (Prague, since 1947).
J. Vlah (Prague, since 1950).
R. Barsche (Stuttgart, since 1952, etc.).


N. Loginov (Petersburg, late 18th century).
F. Tietz (Petersburg, 1790s).
F. Boehm (Petersburg, 1816-46).
V. N. Verstovsky (Orenburg, 1820-30s).
L. Maurer (Petersburg, 1820-40s).
F. David (Derpt, 1829-35).
F. F. Vadkovsky (Chita, 1830s).
A. F. Lvov (Petersburg, 1835-55).
N. Grassi (Moscow, 1840s).
A. Vyotan (Petersburg, 1845-52).
E. Wellers (Riga, since 1849).
Petersburg Quartet. departments of the RMO (I. Kh. Pikkel, 1859-67, with interruptions; G. Venyavsky, 1860-62; L. S. Auer, 1868-1907).
G. Venyavsky (Petersburg, 1862-68).
Moscow Quartet. departments of the RMS (F. Laub, 1866-75; I. V. Grzhimali, 1876-1906; G. N. Dulov, 1906-09; B. O. Sibor, 1909-1913).
"Russian Quartet" (St. Petersburg, D. A. Panov, 1871-75; F. F. Grigorovich, 1875-80; N. V. Galkin, 1880-83).
E. K. Albrecht (Petersburg, 1872-87).
Quartet of the Kyiv branch of the RMS (O. Shevchik, 1875-92. A. A. Kolakovsky, 1893-1906).
Quartet of the Kharkov branch of the RMS (K. K. Gorsky, 1880-1913).
Petersburg Quartet. chamber society (V. G. Walter, 1890-1917).
Quartet of the Odessa branch of the RMS (P. P. Pustarnakov, 1887; K. A. Gavrilov, 1892-94; E. Mlynarsky, 1894-98; I. I. Karbulka, 1898-1901, in 1899-1901 simultaneously with A. P. Fidelman, A. P. Fidelman, 1902-07, J. Kotsian, 1907-10, 1914-15, V. V. Bezekirsky, 1910-13, N. S. Blinder, 1914-16, etc.).
Mecklenburg Quartet (St. Petersburg, B. S. Kamensky, 1896-1908; J. Kotsian, 1908-10; K. K. Grigorovich, 1910-18).


K. im. V. I. Lenin (Moscow, L. M. Zeitlin, 1918-20).
K. im. A. Stradivarius (Moscow, D. S. Krein, 1919-20; A. Ya. Mogilevsky, 1921-22; D. Z. Karpilovsky, 1922-24; A. Knorre, 1924-26; B. M. Simsky, 1926-30).
K. im. A. K. Glazunova (Petrograd-Leningrad, I. A. Lukashevsky, since 1919).
Muzo Narkompros (Moscow, L. M. Zeitlin, 1920-22).
K. im. J. B. Vilyoma (Kyiv, V. M. Goldfeld, 1920-27; M. G. Simkin, 1927-50).
K. im. L. Beethoven (Moscow, D. M. Tsyganov, since 1923 - Quartet of the Moscow Conservatory, since 1925 - K. named after the Moscow Conservatory, since 1931 - K. named after L. Beethoven).
K. im. Komitas (Yerevan - Moscow, A.K. Gabrielyan, since 1925; arose as a quartet of students of the Moscow Conservatory, since 1926 - the Quartet of Nominees, since 1932 - Komitas K.).
State. Quartet of the BSSR (Minsk, A. Bessmertny, 1924-37).
K. im. R. M. Gliera (Moscow, Ya. B. Targonsky, 1924-25; S. I. Kalinovsky, 1927-49).
K. Muz. studios of the Moscow Art Theater (Moscow, D. Z. Karpilovsky, 1924-1925).
K. im. N. D. Leontovich (Kharkov, S. K. Bruzhanitsky, 1925-1930; V. L. Lazarev, 1930-35; A. A. Leshchinsky, 1952-69 - K. teachers of the Institute of Art). K. All-Ukr. about-va revolutionary. musicians (Kyiv, M. A. Wolf-Israel, 1926-32).
Cargo. quartet (Tbilisi, L. Shiukashvili, 1928-44; since 1930 - the State Quartet of Georgia).
K. im. L. S. Auera (Leningrad, I. A. Lesman, 1929-34; M. B. Reison, 1934; V. I. Sher, 1934-38).
V. R. Vilshau (Tbilisi, 1929-32), later - K. im. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova.
K. im. big t-ra USSR (Moscow, I. A. Zhuk, 1931-68).
K. im. A. A. Spendiarova (Yerevan, G. K. Bogdanyan, 1932-55).
K. im. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (Arkhangelsk, P. Alekseev, 1932-42, 1944-51; V. M. Pello, since 1952; from this year under the jurisdiction of the Leningrad Region Philharmonic).
K. im. Potash plant in Solikamsk (E. Khazin, 1934-36).
K. Union of owls. composers (Moscow, Ya. B. Targonsky, 1934-1939; B. M. Simsky, 1944-56; in a new composition).
K. im. P. I. Tchaikovsky (Kyiv, I. Liber, 1935; M. A. Garlitsky, 1938-41).
State. Quartet of Georgia (Tbilisi, B. Chiaureli, 1941; since 1945 - Georgian Philharmonic Quartet, since 1946 - State Quartet of Georgia).
Quartet Uzbek. Philharmonic (Tashkent, H. E. Power, since 1944 under the Committee of Radio Information, since 1953 under the Uzbek Philharmonic).
Est. quartet (Tallinn, V. Alumäe, 1944-59).
K. Latv. radio (Riga, T. Vein, 1945-47; I. Dolmanis, since 1947).
K. im. A. P. Borodina (Moscow, R. D. Dubinsky, since 1945).
State. Lithuanian quartet. SSR (Vilnius, Ya. B. Targonsky, 1946-47; E. Paulauskas, since 1947).
K. im. S. I. Taneeva (Leningrad, V. Yu. Ovcharek, since 1946; since 1950 - the Quartet of the Leningrad Philharmonic Society, since 1963 - the K. named after S. I. Taneyev).
K. im. N. V. Lysenko (Kyiv, A. N. Kravchuk, since 1951).
Azerbaijan state. quartet (Baku, A. Aliyev, since 1951).
K. Kharkov Conservatory (A.A. Leshchinsky, since 1952), now Institute of Arts.
K. im. S. S. Prokofiev (Moscow, E. L. Brakker, since 1957, since 1958 - quartet of graduate students of the Moscow Conservatory, since 1962 - K. S. S. Prokofiev, P. N. Guberman, since 1966).
K. Union of Composers of the BSSR (Minsk, Yu. Gershovich, since 1963).
K. im. M. I. Glinka (Moscow, A. Ya. Arenkov, since 1968; earlier - K. CK of the USSR).

String Quartet - musical composition for four stringed instruments. The term also means a group of four who play a piece for four stringed instruments. Almost always, a string quartet consists of 2 violins, viola and. The balance between this composition of instruments is perfect, others stringed instruments, such as the double bass, are not used because of its loud and heavy sound. This musical form is the most popular in chamber music, most major composers wrote string quartets.

Many other chamber music ensemble line-ups can be seen as modifications of the string quartet:
string quintet - a string quartet with an additional viola, cello or double bass;
string trio - one violin, viola and cello;
piano quintet - string quartet with;
piano quartet - a string quartet in which one violin is replaced by a piano;
clarinet quintet - a string quartet with a clarinet.

History of the string quartet

The string quartet was born in 18th century Italy, composers such as Giovanni Battista Sammartini (1698-1775) composed music for two violins, viola and continuo. The role of the continuo was played either by a harpsichord or a harpsichord with a cello. Gradually, composers began to abandon the harpsichord. Alessandro Scarlatti wrote six works entitled "Sonata a Quattro per due Violini, Violetta, e Violoncello senza Cembalo" (Sonata for four instruments: two violins, viola and cello, without harpsichord), it was a natural transition to the stringed quartet.

The formation of the string quartet occurred in (1732-1809) wrote many quartets and made this form very popular. His quartets from op.33 are written, in his words, "in a new and special style" in four movements.
The main traditional form for, laid down by Haydn:
1 part: fast in;
2 part: slow;
3rd movement: minuet and trio;
4 movement: fast in sonata-rondo form.

Don't know how to decorate an event or holiday? Invite a musical string quartet to it. If you order a string ensemble, you will get not just the standard musical accompaniment of the celebration, but music that touches the heart and emphasizes the romantic atmosphere of the holiday in the best possible way. String instruments in the hands of skilled musicians are timeless classics, a win-win option for any holiday.

String instruments have a noble sound, which distinguishes them from the background of other musical accompaniment options for a wedding or any other celebration. The pure and refined timbre of the violin, coarser, but no less charming - the cello, or the unforgettable notes taken by the viola. Our string musical quartet will make the holiday of two lovers even more romantic.

String quartet for the Elegy event

Action of the month: a string musical quartet + a wonderful singer - 10,000 rubles per hour.

Advantages of our string musical quartet

Our musical string quartet is one of the best. So that this statement is not unfounded, consider several of our advantages in more detail:

  • The members of our string group have a conservatory education behind them. Is not Street musicians, only occasionally hitting the notes, but really excellent professionals with capital letter. They are able to perform a work of any complexity, which they often demonstrate when ordering a string quartet for a holiday;
  • A varied assortment of compositions performed by the string ensemble. We have already mentioned this, but it will not be superfluous to say once again how diverse the melodies performed by our quartet at a birthday party can be. In the repertoire of the string quartet instrumental music all times and peoples. It is not a problem for our musicians to perform masterpieces from world classics. Also, our customers can choose the direction in which the quartet will play. Moreover, the classical instrumental arrangement of world hits performed by a string ensemble or even rock music is becoming more and more popular every year and looks more than appropriate for a romantic wedding, anniversary or any other event where live music may be required;
  • Our musicians not only play great, but also look great. To fit into the style of the celebration, artists can come in beautiful evening dresses to emphasize the nobility of the holiday. In addition to the usual evening dresses, we have the opportunity to order musicians in dresses in the style of the Middle Ages or the luxurious Victorian era;
  • The string quartet is ready to listen to the wishes of customers and select a musical program in accordance with the wishes of our customers. Music program may be mixed. We readily perform any music and in any sequence. Both the guests and the main culprits of the holiday - the newlyweds - will be satisfied;
  • High-class musicians are in demand not only at major events. Our quartet can play even in a cozy home environment, on the street, in the park, at a school for children and more. We are ready to work anywhere - the main thing is to bring the beauty of music to the hearts of our listeners;
  • Our string ensemble is constantly developing professionally. New compositions regularly appear in the quartet's repertoire, even more interesting and unusual, so even if someone has already heard our program more than once, we will always have something to surprise;
  • Our services are inexpensive. The cost of renting a string quartet depends on the duration of the performance, where you need to go, the costumes that the customer wants to see, and the complexity of the compositions he chooses, but in any case, the cost of the performance is quite affordable.
  • A successful celebration is our main concern. Live music- these are bright emotions and genuine feelings that remain with you and your guests for a long time. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to string quartets, which will turn even the most modest holiday into an exquisite and unforgettable celebration.

  • to invite

    String Quartet Harmony


    Our services

    Our string musical quartet can come to any event:

    • Pair Registration. A string quartet for a wedding will decorate the first significant event- painting ceremony The background should not be too "sweet", and string music is just perfect. She does not shout down the registrar and perfectly emphasizes the romantic words of the vows voiced by the newlyweds;
    • Meeting with guests. According to folk tradition, guests at the wedding should be met by musicians. But in most cases, what is playing at this moment can hardly be called music in good sense this word. Our string ensemble will not lose face. The greeting will be both solemn, but unobtrusive. Guests who have just arrived for the holiday will be pleasantly surprised when they are greeted by a beautiful melody played by our quartet;
    • Background for a wedding feast. In expensive restaurants, people eat to light unobtrusive music, and our string ensemble can create the same background. It is noble and beautiful, at the same time, guests can talk to each other without any obstacles and congratulate the newlyweds. This is much better than the awkward silence interrupted by the hum of voices and the clinking of dishes. The services of a string quartet are simply irreplaceable at a European-style wedding;
    • Dance music. The string quartet is an excellent solution for the first dance of young people, as well as for slow dances supporting the romantic atmosphere of the evening. Naturally, our musicians can also play incendiary melodies so that guests can warm up a little after a hearty feast.

    All our musicians from the string quartet are professional performers who are ready to play at your party until the very end. We have been engaged in musical accompaniment of weddings for a long time, in addition, we are often invited to birthdays, corporate parties, dinner parties and other holidays.

    Our string musical quartet can perform any kind of music - from classical to pop compositions. We can also present musical compositions from films and cartoons in a modern arrangement. You say what you want to hear at your holiday, and we are preparing a performance program. Nobody will be disappointed with the result.

    String quartet stock price 8000 rubles per hour

    Features of a string musical quartet

    Classical composition of a string quartet:

    • Two violins;
    • Cello;
    • Alto.

    The most popular version of the string quartet is when one of the violins is replaced by a flute. This wind instrument sounds so beautiful and gentle that it not only does not spoil the overall sound, but also emphasizes beautiful notes. Often the flute is even given lead parts. We did not come up with this - this solution is found in many popular symphonic works.

    In addition, despite the small number of participants, our string quartet is able to play a piece of any complexity. And the best part is the low cost of renting even the most professional musicians.

    No wonder stringed instruments are called the kings of the orchestra. In terms of quality, beauty and unobtrusive sound, no one can compare with them yet. In addition, the four instruments are appropriate for any holiday, even graduation parties, family celebrations, corporate parties, exhibitions, conferences or any memorable dates.

    Our musicians are in demand not only at small celebrations, but also at large events with a large number of spectators. Although we can even come for a simple romantic evening if someone wants to turn a standard date into an unforgettable event.

    To invite a string quartet to a wedding, a musical quartet, a classical music ensemble of any composition to meet guests, exit registration, a holiday - order by phone.

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