Virgo boy and Cancer girl love. Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Virgo man in a relationship

The compatibility of the Virgo man and the Cancer woman is wonderful, and these two can find real happiness and prosperity in this union. Yes, these relationships cannot be called stormy and very bright and passionate, but they are brought together by devoted love, reliability and confidence in their future, and common goals and aspirations to create a harmonious union for many years.

Perhaps from the outside, for friends and relatives, this couple will sometimes seem very boring and not causing any interest, but for Virgo and Cancer, their inner cozy little world is very comfortable and they are quite happy with it.

Virgo and Cancer are in many ways similar in character and temperament, but even if they have distinctive features, they rather complement each other and allow them to avoid problems than bring inconvenience and quarrels to their relationship. Because of this, it turns out that in this union there are very rarely scandals and showdowns, and most of the joint days pass peacefully and soul to soul.

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You also need to understand that Virgo and Cancer really do not like to wash dirty linen in public, and show others their feelings and emotions, and if these two decide to sort things out, they will do it quietly and peacefully alone, in a calm atmosphere. They are disgusted by organizing a public Santa Barbara, and showing how passionate they are to others.

It is very funny to watch how this couple converges on first dates. They seem to sniff at each other, and very cautiously approach. After all, both have very calm and cautious morals, and prefer to "measure seven times, and cut off once." That is, always strive to calculate your actions, and before committing rash acts, think through everything well. In a relationship, they have the same thing - before rushing into the maelstrom of love passions, Virgo and Cancer look at each other very well, try to examine their future partner in detail, get used to him mentally and physically.

Well, as soon as they marry, they no longer doubt their choice, because they have undergone a long preliminary preparation. Therefore, unlike many other signs of the Zodiac, this couple after the painting does not fall into despondency and depression (as often happens after the initial euphoria), everything develops calmly, peacefully and happily for them. The atmosphere in their family is usually very friendly and comfortable for both partners, and they are ready to support each other in any situation.

Over time, the Virgo-Cancer couple accumulates a fairly good wealth, although they still do not reach great wealth. The thing is that both are too cautious and not ready to take risks. Accordingly, their flight of thought is not too great to aim for great financial success. But still, their level of well-being suits both of them, and they are quite satisfied with it.

Negative Compatibility - Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

This love union is characterized by the hot character and kind heart of the Cancer woman, coupled with the cold and sober practical mind of the Virgo man. Together, this union gives excellent compatibility, and very good results. They seem to take wings next to each other, and can soar.

On the other hand, both are not prone to excessive dramatization, or vice versa, to too elevated romantic feelings. They prefer practicality, and they strive to rationally approach their problems and life's troubles. What both Virgo and Cancer love is to plan everything well, and then calmly and measuredly go towards their goals day after day. This couple always has spiritual intimacy, and the desire for self-development, but they are not inclined to tear their shirt on their bodies, but rather prefer to build their happiness gradually and slowly.

The biggest difficulties in this pair arise from the eternal nagging of the Virgo man, who is able to really harass his girlfriend. Sometimes he behaves quite inhumanly, snapping even when she is in upset feelings, and is simply not able to defend herself. Of course, such behavior of the Virgo man hurts and hurts the Cancer woman very much, and she will certainly respond, in her own feminine manner.

Cancer can accumulate resentment for a very long time, but still this well is not endless, and in the end they still break out, and she can be very insulting and with which he rewards her. Fair or not, revenge will most likely overtake the Virgin.

Horoscope Virgo-Cancer - well-being of the union

The compatibility of the horoscopes of Virgo and Cancer shows us that in order to get peace and prosperity every day, this couple needs to relieve tension sometimes and express frankly everything that they think about each other.

Why is that? Because the Virgo man is able to slowly quibble day by day, but at the same time he will be afraid of an open scandal, and the Cancer woman will only accumulate resentment. After all, she doesn’t seem to have a big reason to throw a tantrum, because he expresses the nit-picking of the Virgin in a joking manner. But resentment still accumulates.

Therefore, the ideal option is if the Cancer woman periodically spits on all kinds of diplomacy, and arranges a real dispersal for Virgo, expressing all her accumulated emotions. This will allow the Cancer woman to relieve a lot of stress and relax, and the Virgo, although at first afraid of such a scandal, can hide, but if he also opens up and openly expresses everything that he also has a pain, this will allow him to feel better.

In this union, the Cancer woman sometimes still lacks romance and sincerity, and she would like the Virgo to be more attentive to trifles, and would please her with gifts and surprises more often. If he is honored to fulfill the desires of his beloved woman, and predict her dreams, fulfilling them, then harmony and happiness in this union will bloom in full bloom every day.

Virgo and Cancer

These partners will make a good couple. From the outside, they seem boring, but such a union completely suits both Virgo and Cancer. They have many similar qualities of character, and the existing differences only add variety.

Once having met, the Virgo man and the Cancer woman at first look at each other. They can be on friendly terms for a long time, then meet for several years, and only after that both will ripen to create a family.

Both partners have similar views on life and values. They have calm, balanced characters. Yes, passions do not seethe in their relationship, but this state of affairs does not bother them at all, but, on the contrary, is an advantage.

The union of Virgo and Cancer is full of real feelings of love, sincere care, devotion and mutual respect. The Virgo man is a practical person, ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of his family and loved ones. The Cancer woman is very sentimental, gentle and has great intuition. A woman in such a pair will feel completely safe and under absolute protection from a reliable and responsible partner.

Their relationship is built on the traditional model, where the man is the head of the house, and the woman is the mistress and keeper of the hearth. As in any other family, they can also have conflicts and small quarrels. However, partners are not too emotional, so they try to resolve all disagreements peacefully and quietly.

The main difficulty can arise in the domestic sphere if Virgo believes that he knows everything better than others. It will be difficult for a sensitive Cancer to withstand criticism and nit-picking from a partner. In addition, a man may be overly jealous of his beloved. In front of other people, of course, he will not sort things out, but in private he will definitely make a scandal. Cancer, in turn, will not miss the opportunity to be sarcastic or show off intelligence, which hurts the pride of the Virgo man.

Pros of the union: Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

There is a high probability of creating a harmonious union between Virgo and Cancer. Such a couple has every chance of becoming almost perfect. The partners have a lot in common, and from the moment they meet, an invisible connection is established between them, which lasts a lifetime.

If a Virgo man has the courage and imagination to conquer a picky Cancer woman, they will be together for a very long time. Cancer will bring bright colors to the Virgo's measured life. After all, such a woman is able to surround her chosen one with care and warmth. Virgo, in turn, will give her partner the reliability and confidence in the future that she has always been looking for.

  • both partners value family values ​​and comfort;
  • calm temperaments;
  • similarity of characters;
  • signs are balanced and do not like unjustified risk;
  • partners complement each other;
  • they are set for a serious long-term relationship;
  • together they can achieve a lot in life;
  • in such a union, a man becomes more confident and romantic;
  • a woman can show femininity, tenderness and humility;
  • both are practical, reliable and rational.

Cons of the union: Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

The Virgo man looks sweet and pleasant from the outside, but if you look deeper, he turns out to be petty and at times insensitive. It is difficult for him to control the endless stream of criticism and nitpicking against everyone around him, and the first on his way comes across a cancer woman.

She is too sensitive to simply ignore these reproaches. Her indignation is growing every day and at some point will spill out. At best, Cancer will break off relations, and after that it will suffer and suffer for a long time. At worst, she will hold grudges and take revenge at the most inopportune moment.

Unforeseen difficulties may arise in the financial sector. Both partners are thrifty and prudent, but the Cancer woman has a much better solution to money issues than the Virgo man. He will quickly understand this, but most likely he will not want to put up with the supremacy of his beloved. In the end, this behavior will lead to the fact that both partners will lie and hide money from each other somewhere on the side.

  • it is difficult for the pedantic Virgo to get along with a Cancer woman hovering in the clouds;
  • the union lacks tenderness and affection;
  • dryness in the manifestation of feelings;
  • excessive obsession with material things;
  • excessive sensitivity of Cancer;
  • a tendency to criticism and nit-picking from the side of the Virgo;
  • inability to discuss problems: both signs prefer not to show true emotions;
  • rancor and coldness of partners towards each other after quarrels;
  • excessive jealousy on the part of a man;
  • natural secrecy of a woman.

How to find a common language in a couple: Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

The union of these partners is very harmonious, although it has certain difficulties. So, a Cancer woman needs to accept a Virgo man as he is and not try to change him or adjust him for himself. You need to understand that a representative of this sign will never become as impressionable and receptive as his girlfriend.

In truth, the men of this sign are devoid of excessive selfishness or malice, and the primacy in relationships can be entrusted to a woman. The Virgo will not fight too hard for power and, over time, can transfer the supremacy to her beloved. To do this, Cancer simply needs to show that she can cope with the duties assigned to her.

The main problem of such a couple lies in the domestic sphere. Usually a Virgo man puts too much pressure on his partner. He needs to notice more virtues in his beloved woman and thank her for her care. And a cancer woman needs to understand that her partner will not start quarrels over trifles. She does not need to hold a grudge against him, so that later she can try to teach him a lesson by ignoring and detachment.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

This is the couple where two modest quiet people meet in the bedroom and neither one nor the second wants to take the initiative. At the beginning of such a relationship, their intimate life will be a little complicated. Both partners will be stiff and bashful, and they will not be able to express their dissatisfaction: Cancer will be afraid to hurt the feelings of a partner, and Virgo will consider such a conversation inappropriate. Over time, they will be able to trust each other more, which will allow both to relax and enjoy.

When the situation improves a little, partners will begin to show more feelings and become more open - Cancer will take the lead. It is the woman who will be able to awaken in her chosen one passion and many other feelings that the Virgin did not even know about.

However, if a man is worried about something or he just had a difficult day, he will not be able to completely get rid of obsessive thoughts and will transfer all the negativity to a susceptible Cancer woman. As a result, the partner will close in on herself, and the man will not be able to correctly interpret her aloofness and coldness. In this case, Virgo should turn to her analytical mind, and Cancer should trust her own intuition. Then the sharp corners will be smoothed out and the lovers will be able to agree.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

Being together means going through a difficult path, supporting each other in sorrow and in joy, becoming a real team. It is on this principle that marriage bonds should be built. This couple has every chance for a long-term and lasting union, in which there will be a place for tenderness, love, care, and understanding. However, spouses need to learn how to make concessions and even sacrifices, otherwise family relationships will crumble like a house of cards.

Both partners will need to constantly compromise. Yes, they are similar in temperaments and characters, they even have the same outlook on life, but small deeds and small grievances can ruin any idyll.

If a woman can show her husband such qualities as frugality, the ability to calculate events and make decisions quickly, she will be able to take a leading position in the family. The main thing is that it does not look like matriarchy and Virgo was not infringed on her rights. A man in such a position can easily carry out the instructions of his wife and will be quite happy about this.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

These signs are well compatible in friendly relations. They love a quiet pastime, do not take risks, prefer to think about actions rather than act, do not seek to win the honor and attention of the people around them. The ideal meeting for them is a leisurely walk in nature, where both can discuss the news or just have a heart-to-heart talk.

There is a lot in common between these partners, so they are easy and comfortable together. A big plus is that both of them are frugal and reasonable, so they can avoid costly entertainment and empty purchases.

In friendly relations, a Virgo man gets the opportunity to forget about everyday problems in order to fully surrender to his dreams and fantasies. Cancer, in turn, receives support and understanding, which he always lacks.

If both Virgo and Cancer are in family ties, then their connection will remain at the same level, but if at least one of them is not free, such relationships can develop into something more than just friendly meetings.

Compatibility of a couple in business: Virgo Man and Cancer Woman

Both signs are hardworking and executive employees. Although they prefer separate labor, together such people can achieve excellent results if everyone does their part. They will not quarrel over trifles, but will devote all the time only to their duties. During breaks, they can gossip a little, but such conversations are of an exceptionally harmless nature.

As partners such an alliance can take place. They both think through situations in advance, agree on money issues, and can have a constructive dialogue. The only thing they will miss is novelty, fresh ideas and a little adventurousness.

When a Cancer woman is a leader, and a Virgo man, the subordinate union is successful. Cancer is a more decisive sign, moreover, striving for power. It will be convenient for Virgo to work under gentle guidance, calmly and methodically performing her tasks.

When a Virgo man is a leader, and a Cancer woman is his subordinate, slight difficulties may arise. In general, their work will be very effective: they both do not skip details, Virgo will not be too pushy and will allow Cancer to work at a calm pace. Problems arise when things don't go according to plan. The Virgo boss will want to shift all the blame to the subordinate, which will most likely be Cancer.

What Cancer Woman Needs to Know About Virgo Man

Virgo men have a wonderful mind and the ability to compare facts and sequence of events. There is no need to try to impersonate a person who you are not, Virgo will easily figure out such a deception, but after it she will not be able to trust.

Another important aspect of an earth sign is its belief that what is favorable for them should please and benefit others. In other words, he sees only his own opinion and the wrong one.

Perhaps for this reason, Virgos have so few real friends, and women do not always treat them favorably. But the cancer woman who won his heart will be able to count on a strong shoulder in a difficult moment and all the love that the Virgin kept in her heart for one and only.

What a Virgo Man Needs to Know About a Cancer Woman

Cancer women are by nature very sincere and open to the outside world. They can be a little naive and superficial, their emotions are so easy to hurt. Representatives of the sign will never play on the feelings of other people, they expect the same attitude towards themselves.

Cancers do not immediately let strangers into their hearts, at first they check a person and his personal qualities for a long time. Only if the candidate meets the stated requirements, the woman will be able to fully open up and trust him. In a relationship, emotional stability is important for them.

Even a small remark or a sharp glance can hurt the quivering feelings of a Cancer woman. She tends to take the slightest criticism or dissatisfaction personally, after which she becomes arrogant and cold. Therefore, with such a woman, one must be very careful not to inadvertently offend or hurt the fragile nature of Cancer.

Compatibility of Cancer Woman with other signs

Compatibility of Virgo Man with other signs

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In the union, the Virgo man, the Cancer woman - peace, tranquility and good partnerships reign. Whether it is joint work, study or a love union, they are provided with a kind and attentive relationship. The Cancer woman is always ready to trust the Virgo man, and he, in turn, will be happy to gently protect her. The elements of both signs are quite calm and pacifying, earth and water perfectly exist together without annoying each other. Also, the relationship of these signs develops deep and calm, with fairly moderate emotions, without heartbreaking quarrels, insane jealousy and passionate reconciliations.

But sometimes these relationships are very strange. Surely everyone in their lives has met couples who are unable to stay together for a long time, and cannot part in any way. Most likely, these were the Cancer woman and the Virgo man. Parting and reconciliation in this couple occur for one understandable reason, just as recently they sincerely loved each other, now they sincerely cannot stand each other. When patience finally ends, they decide to leave. In no case not for the sake of blackmail or for the purpose of taking a break from a partner.

The Virgo man is too serious about love relationships in general, and parting in particular, to joke about such things. For a Cancer woman, parting is a real tragedy and she is simply incapable of an easy carefree end to a relationship. Therefore, they part each time with full confidence that this is forever. After some time, the Virgo man's longing for the night becomes quite strong, he realizes that some very important part of his life is missing. The sadness and longing of the Cancer woman becomes absolutely unbearable over time, and being a bit of a witch by nature, her call will not take long to return her lover.

Having reconciled, the Cancer woman and the Virgo man are serenely and sincerely in love again. Their love has become even stronger than before parting, it seems that nothing can overshadow their happiness. But, exactly until the moment when both again come to the conclusion that life together is unbearable. Sometimes this running around can continue throughout life. If the number of partings has reached six, then the next time may not happen, reconciliation after six partings will be final. Six is ​​the number of Venus, and she will attract the restless Virgo and the impatient Cancer woman.

Even if outwardly the Virgo man and the Cancer woman are quite a decent couple, they always have partings, even if they are virtual. A hermit by nature, a Virgo man, simply needs periodic withdrawal into himself, self-knowledge and some detachment from the outside world. Whether it is real or virtual departures, the Virgo man is sure to come back, such is the oddity of the Virgo men. If the partner Cancer has sufficient wisdom and patience to wait for the return of a loved one, love will flare up every time with renewed vigor, such a union will become almost perfect.

Another option for a successful union of these signs is if the Cancer woman devotes most of her time to work, and meetings will take place mainly in the late evenings. In this case, the Virgo man will have enough time for soul-searching alone, and for getting bored. Falling in love every night anew, in order to part again in the morning - this is the key to the eternal love of this couple.

The union of these two signs is something more than just proximity. Just as the existence of earth and water in nature is natural and harmonious, the existence of this couple is also favorable, until the “lunar” changeable mood prevails over the Cancer woman. During this period, unreasonable anxiety, excessive exactingness, and over-emotionality can “negate” all the love impulses of the Virgo man.

But not only the woman in this pair can be capricious, the Virgo man is also a rather changeable sign. During mental irritation or in a state of physical and moral tension, for example, after a hard day at work, he, without even realizing it, can greatly offend the feelings of a Cancer woman who is vulnerable and very sensitive to the mood of her partner.

Offended, the Cancer woman will certainly close in her shell, and the Virgo man, mistaking this for coldness, will respond with irritation and anxiety. Bad emotions will be transferred from a Cancer woman to a Virgo man and vice versa. The gift of an analyst inherent in Virgo men will come in handy here, and the Cancer woman is very susceptible to such analytical talents, she will quickly soften up and return to her tolerant, favorable state.

And yet, mood swings are not so significant in a pair of Virgo men and Cancer women, when irritated and misunderstood, they just need to retire under the moon, from the light of which you can feed on positive emotions and additional love energy. The partnership and comradely union in this pair is very diverse and creative. Drawing together or playing charades, writing greeting cards or baking cookies together, they all work together and beautifully. Virgo man and Cancer woman in joint affairs seem to understand each other perfectly and guess the partner’s thoughts.

The Virgo man can and will learn something else from his "lunar" girlfriend, if you look at the Sun - you can go blind, but looking at the flickering light of the Moon - you enjoy the necessary calmness and rest. A miracle can even happen: it is in the moonlight that you can see what is hidden from prying eyes in the light of day.

If the partners manage to cope with the main problem of this couple - the periodic "leaving" of the Virgo man, they can overcome everything else without problems. Even the emotionally unstable nature of the Cancer woman and the excessive pickiness of the Virgo man in everyday life.

Their relationship can develop like a typical romance. Long dates, walks under the moon and so on. She likes everything to be gentle and old-fashioned, he is ready to court, like in the movies. Both the Cancer woman and the Virgo man are both quite sensual, so this will be true love, deep and correct. Problems can sometimes arise due to the uneven distribution of emotionality between them. The Cancer Woman is very changeable, she seems to worry about two, however, she does not always show it. The Virgo man is restrained, emotionally slow. He does not understand why his girlfriend takes everything so close to her heart - however, she can explain it to him very intelligibly.

Since both the Cancer woman and the Virgo man are both quite sensual, their sex life is distinguished by brightness and depth. She is responsible for the mood, he is responsible for the tactics. In this pair, everything is captured: the sheets are ironed, the candles are lit, the music is muffled, the light is too. Both of them are rather monogamous, tuned in to a long and lasting relationship, so their sexual union is quite strong and durable.

Family and marriage

As mentioned earlier, they both, in general, dream of marriage. The Cancer woman will become an excellent wife - more likely to run the household and look after the children, and the Virgo man will be able to provide a decent life for the family. The distribution of roles in this family is traditional, so they just need to stick to the chosen path for everything to be wonderful. It is unlikely that there will be any big quarrels and conflicts in a marriage between a Cancer woman and a Virgo man - a Cancer woman can calm down any scandal, but a Virgo man will do everything necessary so that there is no scandal.

The friendship between a Cancer woman and a Virgo man benefits both. The Virgo man becomes softer, gentle, sensitive thanks to his subtle girlfriend, and the Cancer woman adopts the experience of her friend. The Virgo man can teach the Cancer woman practicality, calmness in an emotional sense, and if something unpleasant and unexpected happens, he will always come to the rescue. It often happens that a Cancer woman keeps a Virgo man in the friend zone for many years, as it is very convenient to have such a male friend. And he, in love and lonely, does not find the strength to break this unpromising connection for him.

Work and business

The leader in their business union will, of course, be the Virgo man. The Cancer Woman will give her ideas gently, unobtrusively, and he will be able to find a rational grain in them and understand which ones are worth taking on and which are better to discard. The Virgo man is guided by common sense, so all his projects will be as profitable as possible, he has a pragmatic mind. The Cancer woman will be able to breathe beauty and life into everything that the Virgo man leads, thus, their common cause will become “alive”. Another important aspect of using the abilities of the Cancer woman is to establish the necessary connections: she will be able to reach those people on whose location the success of their common business with the Virgo man depends.

This union will be prosperous. The compatibility of the Virgo man and the Cancer woman is pretty good, if you do not take into account their completely different views on certain situations. Relationships will develop very well at first, everything will seem perfect in their chosen one. However, over time, Cancer will begin to notice that such a man knows how to embellish and understate and, which will be a heavy blow for them, to lie.

In love, a Cancer woman will try to create comfort for her Virgo chosen one. She will be pleased to help him, give advice, comfort. All this will last as long as Virgo needs the help of Cancer. When a woman notices that her lover does not need her and her advice, then there will be a hard and long conversation, after which, perhaps, she will move away from the Virgin. As a result, Cancer will not be interested in such a relationship.

In marriage, Virgo will be a support for the Cancer woman. A man will try to carry on his shoulders not only his problems, but also solve the problems of his chosen one. Of course, at first it will flatter Cancer, please them, but over time they will not want to devote their chosen ones to all their problems. As a result, Virgo will not be able to understand such an attitude of Cancer and will try to figure out the relationship between them. Hence, misunderstandings arise in this pair.
In bed, both Cancer and Virgo will be "fresh". However, this does not violate the harmony in their relationship. Together they will try to solve joint problems.

How to win a Virgo man? Cancer has always had and remains only one weapon with which to conquer the Virgin. This is tenderness, understanding, femininity and patience.

To conquer the heart of Cancer, you do not need to present expensive gifts, speak beautiful words of love and bow in eternal fidelity. Cancers will never believe such words. It is better to get down to earth and give Cancers love, and not talk about it, show them masculinity, and not brag about it.

90% Reliable union


  • Full understanding
  • Stability in love and marriage
  • Ability to make concessions
  • Confidence
  • passion in bed


  • stubbornness
  • Competition
  • Loud conflicts
  • The struggle for leadership

82% In love

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