Fgos in music education. Musical subject-developing environment mbdow The reality in which a person develops is called the environment

Chebotkova Marina Leonidovna,

music director

MDOBU combined type

"Kindergarten No. 19" Spring "Kudymkar

Organization of a developing educational environment for musical education with preschool children

in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

« Music is called a mirror

human soul,

"emotional awareness"

B.M. Teplov

Today, a new system of Russian preschool education is being established in society, despite the fact that it is undoubtedly one of the best in the world. In connection with the introduction of new federal state educational standards for preschool education, it has become relevant for teachers to rethink the content and forms of work with children. A wonderful preschool teacher, T.S. Komarova says: “You need to constantly deal with children, promote them, lead them to development, because nothing happens by itself,” since preschool age is characterized by many psychologists as carrying great unrealized opportunities in the knowledge of the world around. The integrated educational activity proposed by the Federal State Educational Standards will help us to reveal them. Integration is of great importance for improving the effectiveness of the upbringing and education of children at all levels of education from an early age to the release of children to school. Consequently, children learn to communicate freely and express their thoughts, which is an integral part of working with preschool children.

I build my work on the basis of the educational program of musical education and training of preschool children "Ladushki" by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva St. Petersburg. The program is built on the principles of attention to the needs of children, creating an atmosphere of trust and partnership, the relationship between the aesthetic (musical) and intellectual development of the child, i.e. interpenetration (integration) of music with other educational areas of study.

Forming in children an aesthetic susceptibility to works of art, cultivating artistic taste, a conscious attitude to both domestic and world musical heritage, introducing them to Russian folklore, in close relationship with educators, through thematic weeks, I rely on the program "Musical Masterpieces » by O. P. Radynova, to the author’s rhythm program “Rhythmic Mosaic” by A. Burenina, “Dance Rhythm” by Suvorova, using elements of the regional program “Father's House” by T. E. Totmyamina, M. E. Galkina. Thus, I am constantly replenishing the subject-spatial environment.

In accordance with federal state educational standards, the preschool institution switched to integrated thematic planning, which made it possible to organize work in close cooperation with educators. The choice of a topic also determines the selection of educational areas for it, which will comprehensively reveal its content to the child. These are topics such as: "Safety Week", "Autumn Week", "Professions Week", "Animal Week" and others. So, for example, the children of the senior group on the topic "Autumn!" actively shared their vivid impressions of the past summer. The emotionality of these impressions was beneficially reflected in the acquaintance with classical works of music, song and musical-rhythmic material, with masterpieces of artistic and poetic art, the content of which corresponded to the sunny summer mood.

When the summer theme smoothly turned into autumn, the children felt soft changes in colorful shades, both in nature itself and in music, painting, poetry, with the strings of the soul. The children perceived the transition from lyrical thoughtfulness and light sadness to the dreary withering of nature as the discovery of fabulous transformations that they noticed with teachers on a walk, in painting, poetry. And already other colors appeared in the drawings, in singing the voice sounded more melodious and melodious, soft plasticity appeared in the movements, a special expressiveness appeared in poetic reading.

The result of the final events, an exhibition of drawings and a photo exhibition "How we rested in the summer", "Autumn colors", entertainment "Harvest" and so on.

When staging a performance, we develop stage data, the result of which is the performance.

And such educational areas as music, health and physical education have always been closely related to each other. Morning gymnastics to music, which includes the main types of walking with rearrangements, dance and dance movements (jumping, galloping, torso turning, “squatting”, etc. Conducting outdoor games to music allows you to solve the same tasks, important as for musical education, and for physical culture - it is the preservation of health and the development of physical qualities for the implementation of musical and rhythmic activities, strengthening the muscles of the body, developing the flexibility of plastic movements, the ability to maintain posture, of course, the formation of a sense of the metric pulsation of music, the ability to hear its end , to distinguish between the musical form of construction, means of representation, character.The physical education teacher introduces into the lesson to consolidate one or another dance movement, rebuilding, which is necessary to perform a musical exercise.

Also physical minutes, finger games, massages, articulatory gymnastics. The considered connections between music and other educational areas allow creating integrated cycles - joint creative activity, the constituent elements of which complement and enrich each other, enhance the cognitive effect.

Creativity is the most essential and necessary characteristic of pedagogical work. We, teachers working in the conditions of modernization of the education system, have yet to creatively comprehend the new content of the educational process. It depends on us, teachers, what our children will be like, what they will carry away from childhood. Let it be the wealth of the soul, received from communication with the high muses of art, where music, painting, poetry and dance are intertwined into a single whole.


1. Vorobieva D.I. "Harmony of development: An integrated program for the intellectual, artistic and creative development of the personality of a preschooler" St. Petersburg: "Childhood-Press" 2010

2. Borovik T. "Sounds, rhythms and words" Minsk 2008

3. Burenina A I "Musical palette" No. 2, No. 4 - 2014

4. Stepanova A V "Innovative and pedagogical activity in a modern preschool educational institution" 2014

alla mavlyutova
Creation of a subject-developing environment for musical development in a preschool educational institution




Methodical development

« Creation of a subject-developing environment

on musical development in preschool»

(design project)

package of documents for the regional competition

Fulfilled: music director

Mavlyutova Alla Vladimirovna

Relevance creating a subject-developing environment for musical development in the preschool educational institution is due to the fact, what development of musical abilities depends on psychological and pedagogical conditions and, of course, on well-organized education.

Subject-developing environment acts as a condition for the full musical development of the child. Musical art and musical activities in preschool means and the path of the all-round child development. Music is closely connected with other types of art and accompanies the whole life of a child in kindergarten. All children join music, the content of which meets general and special tasks and takes into account age levels and individual differences.

The child is introduced to art not only in the classroom. Music and poems sound at the holidays, entertainment performed by adults and children. Artistic design enhances the emotional experience of the child. Theatrical performances also require pictorial and musical arrangement. In independent play activities, children show their approach in transferring the already accumulated acquired artistic experience and apply it in new conditions and situations.

Huge impact on development of musical abilities of children, their independent music-making is provided by the correct organization subject-developing environment.

In kindergarten, the child acquires the experience of emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant for him development areas of life. The possibilities of organizing and enriching such experience are expanded under the condition creating a subject-developing environment in the group.

Under subject-developing environment we understand the natural comfortable environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of items and play materials. The interior and toys should be comfortable in everyday use. The play space is dynamic and changes depending on the interests of children and the creative ideas of teachers.

Musical subject environment in groups, preschool education should be focused on the material covered and the individual capabilities of children. No kind musical activities cannot be fully develop on a purely verbal level object-spatial environment. A. N. Leontiev proved that the core of activity is objectivity.

The project will provide:

Systematic and planned self-study musical activities of preschoolers;

Independent individual and joint activities of children arising at their request and in accordance with their interests;

- creation musical

Obtaining, consolidating knowledge about music, development

Basic principles in creating a musical development environment are:

The principle of development relevance environment involves its orientation to the most important educational needs of children and parents.

The principle of controllability orients the teaching staff towards the development developing environment, which allows you to track the intermediate and final results of the educational process.

The principle of consistency assumes the integrity of the development environment, harmonization of the strategic priorities of the preschool educational institution, the educational programs of the groups and the material, technical and medical and social conditions for the stay of children in the preschool educational institution.

The principle of functionality. It means that in the environment of the room there are only those materials that are in demand by children and perform developing function. The games and manuals we use are mostly multifunctional and varied.

The principle of activity, independence, creativity is the possibility of manifestation and formation of these qualities in children through participation in creating your subject environment.

The principle of stability - dynamism, providing for the creation conditions for changing and creating the environment environments in accordance with tastes, moods, changing depending on the age characteristics and capabilities of children.

The principle of integration and flexible zoning, realizing the possibility of building non-overlapping areas of activity and allowing children to simultaneously engage in different types of activities without interfering with each other.

The principle of emotiogenicity environments, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child, carried out with the optimal choice of incentives in terms of quantity and quality.

The principle of aesthetic organization environments, combinations of familiar and extraordinary elements (the group should be not only cozy and comfortable, but also beautiful);

The principle of openness - closeness, i.e. readiness environment to change, correction, development(available in several aspects: openness to nature, culture, society and one's own "I");

When developing in the preschool educational institution, regulatory documents, scientific and methodological sources:

The concept of the content of lifelong education (preschool and elementary level, approved by the Federal Coordinating Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 17.06.2003;

In accordance with federal state requirements.

In accordance with the general educational program of the preschool institution.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions. SanPiN, letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 15, 2004 No. 035146in / 1403 “On the submission of Approximate requirements for the content developing environment preschool children,

brought up in a family”;

Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 17, 1995 No. 61/1912 "On the psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions" (together with the Procedure for conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination of children's games and toys,

Guidelines for the psychological and pedagogical examination of games and toys,

Guidelines for employees of preschool educational institutions "On the Psychological and Pedagogical Value of Games and Toys");

Building concept developing environment in a preschool institution (authors V. A. Petrovsky, L. M. Klarina, L. A. Smyvina, L. P. Strelkova, 1993);

Musical subject-developing environment in groups was organized according to two main blocks:

1) music Center(perception and reproduction music) ;

2) creative center (musically- creative and theatrical activities).

Musical the center was equipped with technical means, musical instruments, musical toys, self-made musical tools made of natural material (according to the concept of Carl Orff, musically- didactic games, a set of pictures with musical instruments, portraits of composers.

From technical musical corner is equipped with, first of all, a tape recorder and a set of CDs containing a variety of musical material according to requirements presented to work with children of this age group musical development. Decor musical corners in groups of younger preschool age were built on a plot basis, in older ones - on a didactic basis. Benefits development environment are good, aesthetic, attractive, easy to handle, make you want to work with them.

in creative centers presented attributes for theatrical representations, performances. They allocate space for director's games with finger, table, poster theater, theater of balls and cubes, costumes, on mittens. In the corner are located:

- various types of theaters: bibabo, tabletop, puppet, flannelograph theater, etc.;

Props for acting out scenes and performances: a set of puppets, puppet theater screens, costumes, elements of costumes, masks;

Attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, makeup, scenery, director's chair, scripts, books, samples musical works, seats for spectators, posters, ticket office, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

AT musical corner, children can listen to their favorite works, sing their favorite songs, pick them up on a metallophone, play music, play musically- didactic games, etc.

In their free time, children like to play musical instruments. In the younger groups musical drums are in the corner tools: tambourines, drums, rattles, maracas; brass: flute, pipe, etc. medium groups have a metallophone, xylophone, clarinet, children's pianos, grand pianos, triangles, musical hammers, etc.., on which children sing songs, songs learned in kindergarten or heard somewhere by them, they can compose their own. Besides, musical tools are used in musical and didactic games.

For older preschoolers musical In the corner, we added wind harmonics, button accordion, accordion, violin, guitar, etc. Wind instruments are used individually, and if it is necessary to transfer to another child, the mouthpiece is treated with an alcohol solution.

Preschoolers willingly act out dramatizations on the plots of songs with bright and expressive actions: "Harvest" A. Filippenko, "Shadow-Shadow" V. Kalinnikova, Savka and Grishka (folk) etc., organize various role-playing games. However, many role-playing games arise only in the presence of attributes that help plot development. For example, children have a toy TV - and the game of TV shows begins.

Cardboard pianos with painted keys, pipes, flutes, conductor's sticks, beautifully designed in the form of small books with illustrations of the notes of songs, some details of costumes for artists - make it possible to organize such games as "Orchestra", "Concert" and etc.

Musically-didactic games require from preschoolers a certain stock of musical impressions, skills, abilities. At first, such games are played musical leader or educator. When the children learn the rules and content of the games, they organize them themselves. For musical development- didactic games can be used « Music Lotto» factory production.

In independent practice, it is very important to use listening to classical, folk music, songs from cartoons, musical fairy tales, as well as carry out musical relaxation which promotes mental relaxation of children. To do this, you must have a tape recorder in each group. Hearing Audio music will be provided by the music director.

Independent theatrical and artistic activity in the creative center allows children to organize dramatization games after listening to musical works. Children are included in mini-games, theatrical performances, organize mini-scenes with puppets.

Using musical subject environment, the child chooses his own occupation, realizes his plans, but this does not mean that he left to himself. The nature of leadership on the part of the educator becomes indirect:

The teacher tries to influence child's musical experience received by him in kindergarten and family;

The educator organizes conditions conducive to deployment activities of children on their initiative;

The educator should become a tactful accomplice of children's games.

Planned results. The creation of a subject-developing environment for musical development in preschool educational institutions will allow:

Provide joint musical activities for children and adults. (From the competence of an adult, his benevolence and interested attitude towards children and music depends will this developing environment.)

Provide independent individual and joint activities of children that arise at their request and in accordance with their interests.

Obtain and consolidate children's knowledge about music and theater;

Provide development of curiosity, desire for experimentation;

Introducing children to the art of theater;

- development creative activity and playing skills of children;

Created conditions system, funds .

Attachment 1

Topic: « Creation of a subject-developing environment for musical development in a preschool educational institution»

Project type: practice-oriented.

Members: (teachers, parents of pupils).

Objective of the project: Creation of a modern subject-developing environment for musical development.

Project objectives:

1. systematic and systematic occupation of independent musical activities of preschoolers;

2. independent individual and joint activities of children arising at their request and in accordance with their interests;

3. creation conditions for reflecting children heard and seen on musical classes in various types of children's creativity;

4. obtaining, consolidating knowledge about music, development creativity, curiosity, desire for experimentation.

Result: Created conditions system, funds and forms of organization of independent activities of children will provide the necessary level musical development of preschoolers.

Project stages.

Stage 1 Regulatory

Studying problems. Setting goals and objectives of the project.

Analysis musical environment in preschool

Study of normative documents of sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements.

Drawing up a plan and scheme of the project. Project development. Drawing up a work plan for the implementation of the project and identification of responsible persons

Pedagogical hour "Review of the literature on the organization musical subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution»

Consultation for teachers "Modern requirements for creating a musical subject-developing environment in different age groups."

Stage 2 methodical

Lost and Found "Discussion of possible components future project environments»

Development of sketches, design projects for the design of the group. The choice of optimally acceptable space design options.

Pedagogical lounge "Introduction to the experience of kindergartens in Russia through viewing photo materials»

Independent study by teachers of the issue of organization musical corner means of various sites. Search for reserves to improve competence through self-education.

3 stage practical

Workshop "A new approach to the formation music center in the group»

Choice musical instruments, equipment, educational and methodical and game materials; modern scientific developments in the field musical environment for preschool children

Creation of musical centers in all MOU groups.

Refurbishment and decoration music centers.

Summarizing. Planning work for the next year on the project with adjustments.

4 stage final

Participation in the collective analysis and evaluation of the results of the project. Questionnaires for teachers and parents.

material collection, creation of a data bank, guidelines. Preparation of materials for the design project.

Photo collage / photo materials subject-developing environment for musical development

Project presentation.


Creation of a subject-developing environment for musical development in MOU meeting modern requirements.

Participation in the district competition "Innovative approach to creation of a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution» among teachers of municipal preschool educational institutions of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

Municipal budgetary preschool institution

"Kindergarten No. 38"

Creation of a musical subject-developing environment in kindergarten groups




  • The musical development of a child is determined not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the ability to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making.
  • Independent creative activity of the child is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created.
  • For the development of independent musical activity of children, a musical corner in a group (music zone) is very important.
  • The development of the creativity of children largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

MUSICAL CORNER is a place where children learn music and its beauty.


A creatively designed music corner will help:

  • not only plunge into the world of music and expand your understanding of it,
  • but also develop the imagination of children,
  • activates the emotional sphere, thinking, speech.


  • Compliance with age, requirements of the Program, GEF.
  • Rationality of location, accessibility, mobility.
  • The presence of a music library, an audio library with songs, fairy tales, music
  • The presence of attributes from waste material, non-traditional equipment.
  • The presence of illustrative material to familiarize children with different types of musical instruments
  • A variety of children's musical and noise instruments.
  • Aesthetics in the design of equipment and the corner itself.
  • Creativity (creativity) of teachers in the design of the corner.
  • Safety of equipment and materials of the corner of musical activity;
  • A variety of didactic games for different types of musical activity and their correspondence to the age characteristics of children;
  • Availability and variety of illustrative material on musical works;
  • The presence of portraits of famous musicians in accordance with the program;

Important, so that the music corner is:

  • in a well-lit, easily accessible place for children;
  • in addition, it should be isolated as far as possible, since, on the one hand, musical activities and children's games require the concentration of auditory attention, and on the other hand, “sounding” activities should not interfere with other preschool activities.

  • When designing a musical corner, you need to remember about the age and individual capabilities of children.
  • So, for children 3-5 years old, it is better to build design on plot basis ,
  • For older children, didactic .

The musical subject environment must correspond to the eye, the actions of the hand, and the growth of the child.

In the musical corner should be:

  • cupboard,
  • shelves for music aids,
  • a couple of tables
  • chairs for didactic games.

Development environment benefits should be:

  • aesthetic,
  • attractive,
  • easy to handle
  • make you want to work with them.

It's better to put in the corner record player, with the help of which children will listen to music, as well as melodies that promote psychological relaxation and mental relaxation.

In the musical corner there should be toys musical instruments:

  • drum,
  • pipe,
  • miniature piano,
  • glockenspiel,
  • also musical toys.

Usually stands are hung on the walls of the music corner.

They are attached to:

  • photos of children's performances,
  • portraits of composers
  • colorful posters,
  • pictures with musical instruments.

The equipment of the musical corner is divided into two levels:

for the teacher and for the children

  • To the top shelf place tools that are used by children in doses (for example, a metallophone), and those with which children can only work under the supervision of a teacher, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological standards of the preschool educational institution
  • On the bottom shelf- drums, spoons, triangles, maracas. It is necessary to pay special attention to the sound quality of musical instruments. They should be well tuned and make sounds familiar to children. Do not forget that low-quality sound will cripple and clog the child's auditory experience!


  • Roly - stand up
  • Musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.)
  • Fixed Sound Musical Instruments - Organs, Street Organs
  • Noise instruments: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum
  • Unvoiced sham musical instruments (harmonicas, pipes, balalaikas, etc.)
  • Attributes to musical outdoor games
  • Flags, sultans, scarves, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes for children's dance creativity (replenished as needed)
  • Table screen with glove toys
  • Musical pictures for songs that can be made on a cube, in the form of an album or separate colorful illustrations.


  • It is advisable to leave manuals, attributes and musical instruments

from the younger group and add:

  • Glockenspiel
  • Noise instruments for children's orchestra
  • Books "Our Songs" (each book illustrates a song familiar to children)
  • Flannelgraph or magnetic board
  • Musical and didactic games: "
  • Musical Instruments”, “Sounding Palms”, “Rhythmic Sticks”, etc.
  • Attributes to mobile musical games:
  • "Cat and Kittens", "Hare", "Hares and Bear", "Pilots", etc.
  • Musical ladders (three-stage, on which there are small and large birds or small and large matryoshka
  • Ribbons, colored handkerchiefs, sultans, etc. (attributes for dance improvisations but the season)
  • Table screen and a set of toys
  • Tape recorder and set of program audio recordings


  • In addition to the equipment of the musical corner of the middle group, the following is used:
  • Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles
  • Musical toys-instruments with chromatic and diatonic sound

(metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute)

  • Illustrations on the topic: "Seasons"
  • Homemade musical toys (Children will be happy to take part

in the manufacture of instruments for the noise orchestra)

  • Musical and didactic games: “Recognize a song by two sounds”, “Jingle bells”, “Musical ladder”, “Rhythmic loto”, etc.
  • Attributes for outdoor games
  • Children's drawings for songs and familiar pieces of music
  • Table screen and child height screen
  • Musical ladders five-step and seven-step
  • Attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances


  • In addition to the material used in the senior group, the following is added:
  • Musical instruments: maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano,

metallophone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums.

  • Portraits of composers
  • Album folders: "We are drawing a song" with children's drawings in which they

display emotions and feelings about listened music

and favorite songs

  • The "Emotions" manual (cards depicting faces with different emotional moods) to determine the nature of the melody when listening to music
  • Visual Aids: "Symphonic Orchestra", "Folk Instruments"
  • Homemade instruments for noise orchestra
  • Musical and didactic games


  • Material for creative role-playing games:

Stuffed Toys

soft musical toys;

dolls - tumblers,

figurative musical "singing" or

"dancing" toys

  • Musical and didactic games:

  • figurative aids
  • Portraits of composers (whose works children sing or listen to)

Tchaikovsky P.I.

Tchaikovsky D.B.

Prokofiev S.S.

Rachmaninov S.V.

2) Illustrations - benefits like "Lotto": cards

with pictures painted or pasted on them

  • All kinds of pictures:
  • Little books "We sing",
  • Musical pictures for songs that can
  • be made in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations,
  • Illustrations on the theme "Seasons",
  • musical instruments illustrations,
  • Pictures depicting animals singing, dancing
  • or playing musical instruments,
  • Albums "We draw a song"
  • Albums to view:
  • "Symphony Orchestra",
  • "Folk Instruments"
  • "Dances of the peoples of the world",
  • Graphic guide "Emotions"

  • Unvoiced children's musical toys and instruments
  • Voiced musical instruments and toys
  • toy instruments with sound of indeterminate pitch
  • toy instruments that make only one sound
  • fixed melody instrument toys
  • toy instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales for creative music making

  • Technical means

It is advisable to have a tape recorder in each group and arrange a record library of discs with a musical repertoire

ATTRIBUTES to mobile musical games and for children's dance creativity

  • Theaters

Types of theaters:

  • Picture Theater (Flannelgraph)
  • Finger theater
  • Puppet show

THE ROLE OF THE EDUCATOR- Encourage children to apply the skills learned in music lessons in the daily life of the kindergarten.

Whether this environment will become developing, whether the child will want and be able to master it in his activity depends on:

  • from the competence of an adult,
  • his benevolence,
  • interest in children

Child and adult

work together -

they both should be

comfortable in a musical environment.

Tatyana Zhukova

For musical raising children needs rich musical subject-developing environment(musical environment, and for the development of the personality of preschoolers, there should be a teacher next to them, enthusiastic music able to realize creative potential musical environment and manage the development of children's creativity.

The child receives the basic knowledge and skills at a special organized classes in the music room, and it is more effective to consolidate them in independent activity, i.e. in a group. That is why the teachers of our preschool educational institution are very thoughtful and attentive to the design and organization of a musical-developing environment in groups, strive to make it interesting and rich. When creating conditions for musical and creative development of children, we take into account that the environment in all age groups must first of all be comfortable and safe for the child, benefits must comply with hygiene requirements, the rules for protecting the life and health of children.

The forces of our educators in each group created subject zones for the development of creative abilities of preschoolers. Here, our students have the opportunity in a playful way to consolidate the knowledge gained at classes: perform familiar songs, accompanying yourself on children's musical instruments; sketch the plot of your favorite song or stage it using costume elements. You can often see how children divided into subgroups, are divided into singers, musicians and spectators.

At organization of the subject environment, as well as in the process of developing its components, we faced the problem of lack of material funds for the purchase of various equipment, allowances and children's musical instruments. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but this problem contributed to the development of creativity of teachers, parents and children, since many components environments were made by hand with minimal material costs.

In our opinion, the use of non-standard musical equipment, made by the hands of educators, is very useful, as it allows you to provide dynamism musical environment, its constant updating, and this, in turn, arouses children's interest in musical activity, motivation, and then the need for it.

In the production of manuals, we try to use pure colors, objects of different sizes from a variety of materials. Often these sounding attributes allow the child to "hear" the world. They are easy to perform, require a minimum of materials and are functional for the tasks performed. So, for example, to make musical box, it is enough to take a soap box, fill it with buttons, different in size and texture, paste over it with adhesive tape. The resulting tool allows:

To teach the child to compare individual sounds that are contrasting in timbre and sound coloring;

Cultivate a desire to use sounding items in various activities.

Just as easy to do "squeakers", "violinists" etc. (linen bags filled with small items from different quality materials: cereals, seeds, sand, starch, etc.)

Appearance in musical corners of the new allowance « Musical mittens» , aroused genuine interest in our children and contributed to the solution of tasks for the development of rhythmic perception.

Tool "Bear's pants"(plastic coat hangers with multi-colored rustling packaging for flowers attached to them, which is cut into a small strip) helps to solve the following tasks:

Teaching children to exhale independently and smoothly through the mouth;

Developing the skills of proper breathing through the nose, increasing the volume of the lungs;

Encouraging children to desire to imitate the sounds of nature, develop imagination (leaf rustling, wind blowing).

In our practice, we also use manuals developed by the teacher - musician E. Y. Matvienko "Funny Cubes". We made cubes from square cardboard boxes decorated with self-adhesive colored paper. The main thing is that the cube is light and not traumatic. Images on the cubes were also made from self-adhesive colored paper in the form of applications. The manual looks bright, aesthetically pleasing and thus makes you want to play with it.

game in "Cube Orchestra" allows you to feel and reproduce the metric pulse of speech and music, develop communication skills, auditory attention, elementary music playing skills in an orchestra, cultivate interest in playing the musical instruments.

The game "Rhythmic Cube" helps to develop auditory attention, rhythm in older preschoolers; use "sounding gestures"- claps, flip flops, clicks, stomps, etc.; to consolidate the skills of direct counting; evoke positive emotions from the game.

It should be noted that when designing and creating subject zones for the development of children's creative abilities, we try to musical environment organically adjacent to the theater and art corner. These types of children's activities are closely connected, interpenetrating and, as it were, flow from one another. In the corners for theatrical activities different types of theaters. Children are happy to play puppet theater scenes, small fairy tales that "voiced" with help musical instruments, and if desired, they can sketch the plot of their favorite fairy tale. It is gratifying to see how the doll comes to life in the hands of a child. These dolls are made by the hands of our educators with the participation of children from older age groups. Our parents are a big help.

Smeshariki Theatre.

Thus, summing up the above, we can conclude that organization of a musical subject-developing environment requires the following principles:

1. the principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics and inclinations of children;

2. the principle of functional and emotional comfort of children in environment(musical object environment is comparable to the eye, the actions of the hand, the growth of the child);

3. the principle of consistency (periodic enrichment and updating of the content subject environment to maintain a steady interest of children in creative activities).

Compliance with these principles helps to form creative activity in our pupils, the ability to think creatively, and grow up as creatively developed people.



Didactic possibilities of the subject-developing environment in the musical education of preschool children

Consultation for educators

From work experience

Musical director

MBDOU №9 Kalinkina N.V.


Modern children are surrounded by a rich world of sounds, the sources of which are television, radio, cinema, audio - video equipment. Children listen to music that is accessible and inaccessible to their understanding, close, interesting in subject matter, and music designed for adults. Therefore, the process of musical education in the preschool educational institution should be purposeful. Preschoolers are attracted by storytelling, fabulousness, the world of toys, animals. The child's real life experience, direct impressions of the environment can be a breeding ground for introducing him to the art of music.

The content of musical education in the preschool educational institution creates favorable conditions for the development of the child's potential, his musical abilities. Music affects the child, contributing to the formation of a full-fledged personality, educating and enriching his feelings, his emotional world. If a child listens to beautiful authentic music from an early age, then over time he develops a musical taste, his attitude to the world of beauty. When perceiving or performing music, aesthetic feelings arise as a stable attitude to music, containing an emotional and cognitive nature. Aesthetic sense forms musical taste - the ability to enjoy artistically valuable music. It is important to introduce children to works of different eras and styles that have artistic merit.

The main goal of pedagogical efforts is not the formation of a certain amount of ZUN, but the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers. Music only fulfills its function when the child develops emotional responsiveness, ear for music, and musical abilities.

The development of responsiveness to music of a different nature, the formation of musical taste at preschool age create the foundation of musical culture. The concept of musical culture includes various types of musical activity, musical skills, skills developed as a result of practical activities, musical and aesthetic consciousness.

If a child has an interest in musical activity, if music affects his feelings, if he is able to evaluate a work, then the musical and aesthetic consciousness gradually rises to a higher level, on which the development of musical abilities and the general development of the child depend in turn.

What are the possibilities of children for musical development at different age stages?

Until the age of three, a child develops musical emotions and accumulates musical impressions.

At the age of four, he listens to music for a longer time, he shows interest in music, in certain types of musical activity.

At the age of five, a steady interest in music and musical activities appears. Emotions, experiences become deeper, musical abilities appear.

Children 6-7 years old can control their performance based on their own experience. With the acquisition of musical experience and vitally increased opportunities, children are able to listen more attentively, feel the mood of the work and its individual parts more deeply, develop a steady interest in music and a need for it. Emotional and intellectual attitude to music is united by aesthetic emotions, aesthetic experiences of the content of the work.

Achieving the main task - the education of interest, love, the need to communicate with art is possible only when children are emotionally responsive, interested, active and purposeful, which creates a favorable basis for the development of the individuality of each child.

“If a child develops an interested and enthusiastic attitude, if he admires the beautiful, kind. Expressed in music, this solves the main task of moral and aesthetic education and successfully forms a variety of musical skills, ”N. A. Vetlugina emphasizes.

What contributes to the creation of the foundation of musical culture.

The means of pedagogical influence that form the interest of children in music, the development of musical abilities are revealed. Among them are the use of methods, techniques, visual aids, sound tools that help children understand the content and means of musical expression.

The leading place among pedagogical means is occupied by the teacher's own enthusiasm, brightness, professionalism of performance, the ability to captivate children with music and words. The use of search, creative tasks, problem situations, the variability of methods and techniques, types of music lessons, forms of organization of musical activity, helps children to actively acquire musical experience, develop independent creative activity.

In order to increase children's interest in learning, the development of children's activities and personality, it is necessary to create conditions and, above all, a subject-developing environment for musical education and development.

The subject-developing environment contains great opportunities in the education and upbringing of preschoolers. It can be successfully used both as a form of education, and as an impetus to independent musical activity, and as a means of educating various aspects of a child's personality. The developing environment and material support are not identical, but are interconnected, since material support is the basis of the developing environment. Often the group room is crammed with random objects, expensive toys that do not carry a developmental beginning. Sometimes games, didactic aids, created by the hands of teachers, great masters and enthusiasts of their craft, give much longer than many games of well-known companies.

When organizing the educational process, the use of didactic aids and sound means has a positive effect. They have a strong educational and educational impact on the child, as they provide visibility, reliability. By influencing the sense organs of complexes of colors, sounds, intonations, didactic aids and sound means evoke diverse sensations in the child. With the simultaneous action of several stimuli, temporary connections are formed between the analyzers themselves, an association of sensations arises, which leads to an increase in emotional tone and the level of performance.

As practice shows, what is perceived emotionally is remembered deeply and for a long time. The latter is very important, since the reduced emotional state of the child is one of the factors that reduce his performance, and boredom is the most powerful factor in fatigue.

Researcher M. S. Grombak, distinguishing that interest in learning is the main source of increasing efficiency, considers it in two aspects: as the attractiveness of an object or type of activity and as a feeling of “interesting”. After all, the main goal of teaching preschoolers is not so much that they learn a certain amount of ZUN, but rather to develop their mental activity.

Therefore, in the process of conducting music lessons, there should be an interweaving of the informational and aesthetic, the interpenetration of the emotional and cognitive. Due to the combination of the emotional, figurative and logical components of the musical material, the cognitive activity of the child is enhanced, favorable conditions are created for the creative understanding of the new. Careful selection of didactic materials in a music lesson and the integrated use of equipment help to plan work with children correctly. The task of the teacher is to adapt the right tool to the specific conditions and abilities of children, taking into account their individual characteristics.

The status of preschool institutions has changed, which are the executors of the requests of parents who are interested in what program the children's institution is working on, whether preparation for school is guaranteed, whether there are studios, circles, gyms, etc. Often in a preschool educational institution you can see a rich subject environment that cannot be named developing. The reason is that there is no focus on the age of children, on their individual abilities, characteristics and interests.



1. The organization and arrangement of the objects of the developing environment must be rational and logical. Musical and theatrical zones are located next to the literary center.

2. The developing environment must meet the age characteristics and needs, have distinctive features. For children of the third year of life, a relatively large space is needed where they can actively move. For children of the fourth year of life, a large number of attributes (crowns, hats, bags) are necessary, as they strive to be like adults. Children of the older group have a need to play with peers, to communicate, the implementation of which will help theatrical and musical didactic games.

3. The subject-developing environment should include not only stationary, but also multifunctional playground equipment (screens of different sizes, benches, in boxes - an object, pieces of fabric, scarves, dresses, shoes, hats, elements of different costumes). Children try on all this and change something from the standpoint of their children's interests.

In each age group, conditions should be created for independent active action with a variety of materials-attributes, children's musical instruments, musical and didactic games.

Children should have the right to choose subjects for the realization of individual interests and needs.

The location of the objects of the developing sphere should be comfortable, convenient, cozy and move freely.

The design of the subject-developing environment should meet the requirements of aesthetics, attract the attention of children, encourage active actions in it.

All age groups need a place to relax, where you can listen to music, musical fairy tales, play musical and didactic games.

From the age of three, a child in a group should have an inviolable place where personal property is stored: jewelry, a mirror, postcards, badges, gifts, toys.

10. It is necessary to observe safety precautions in interaction with objects of the developing environment in order to protect the life and health of children.

11. The developing environment must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. Furniture, screens should be according to the height of the child. Hats are best placed in plastic pockets, which can be easily hung on the child's chest with a ribbon. Children's musical instruments such as pipes, flutes, harmonicas, clarinets, saxophones, etc. must be stored in closed boxes and allowed to play by only one child, after which the musical instruments are processed. Objects of the developing environment should be durable, light and not bulky. It is necessary to foresee how the child will play - sitting or standing.

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