Scenario graduation at a music school. Music School Prom Ideas: From Do to Do

Sounds musical intro from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus". There are two leaders on stage.
1st leader. Shurik told us this story. Maybe this story happened in one of the schools in our area. But according to eyewitnesses: teachers, parents, graduates, it takes place in our school every year at the end of May.
2nd leader. And every time it is special and unique. This is the opening ceremony of the life path for our graduates.
Carcass sounds. Two girls carry out a scarlet ribbon and a small pillow with scissors.
1st leader. Friends! Today we have a big, joyful and bright holiday. In a few seconds, these silver scissors will cut the silk ribbon...
2nd leader. And our graduates will open a direct road forward, to a brighter future. The honor of opening the way is given to the director of the Lesogorsk secondary school
Nazarova S.I.
Carcass sounds. The director cuts the ribbon.
1st leader. Meet the Graduates of 2007!
Sounds musical intro from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Alumni exit.
2nd leader. Friends! Today, the school accompanies you to a distant, unknown, but interesting world - the world of good and evil, the world of romantic dreams and disappointments, the world of hopes and falls.
1st leader. Yes, studying at school, as they say, is good, and in colleges and universities - even better. But in order to get there, you need a document on the completion of a secondary school.
2nd leader. On behalf of those who have walked with you the entire ten-year school path, who thought about you, strangers yesterday, now relatives, who, in the school ringing silence after the last lesson, pondered your questions, weighed their answers - on behalf of the teachers of the school, the director of the most Lesogorsk school in the world.
For twenty-one days you walked with excitement,
Tickets stubbornly crammed until night,
And even the weather helped you:
So that you do not walk, poured rain.
But everything is behind, all the exams passed -
And immediately grown up, became more serious.
And here is one of the awards:
Today we will hand over the certificate to all of you.
Presentation of certificates. The hosts read a short comic description of each graduate.
1st leader.
A very difficult task
Protect the innocent in court
Because our girls
We decided to become lawyers.
Our Julia knows for sure
Her hand is needed here
Who is responsible for the matter
Don't fool around.
Julia Gondozubova is invited to present the certificate.
2nd leader.
Appearance model and creativity gift,
Look and smile, acting talent.
Katya could become a pop star -
The whole school would come to her concert,
But only Katya dreams of becoming a lawyer.
So, good luck, have a good trip!
Ekaterina Belkova is invited to present the certificate.
1st leader.
With Lena you went to school
And got used to her role:
Clean here and wash here
Water all the flowers in the class.
Everything will be laid out on the shelves,
Everything in her hands is on fire.
There will be a lawyer from her -
Military specialist.
Kuriseva Elena is invited to present the certificate.
2nd leader.
If you decide to embroider a picture,
It is better to contact Yulia Shchegletova.
In the case of dexterity and skill,
Knitting needles and a needle are dancing,
Let talent help her
Make good people.
Shchegletova Julia is invited to present the certificate.
1st leader.
from Anton Vostryakov
We rarely hear words.
He is handsome, humble and smart.
Just need training
Forces of will and mind.
I'm from the bottom up, I admire the look,
I look at what kind of eagle they have raised here.
So let them go through life side by side
Decency, great deeds.
Vostryakov Anton is invited to present the certificate.
2nd leader.
And without Demin, without Sasha
Life is completely unbearable.
The lad is faithful, dexterous, courageous
On the shoulder of any business.
And very friendly with sports -
He is the best footballer.
They have mastered football on the "5".
He is handsome and healthy.
It will be sad without you
Be bold, go ahead, Sasha!
Demin Alexander is invited to present the certificate.
1st leader.
Who will meet children with a smile,
Dedicate a whole day to them
Play and dance
Laugh at change.
In the pedagogical institute, of course, we know
Difficult road, not easy
But we believe that Lena Tolstova
It will go there for sure.
Elena Tolstova is invited to present the certificate.
2nd leader.
When the heart sank
Or a broken arm
Call Mary -
It will make you feel better then.
Go to medical school
And they will give her a diploma.
Nurse is her calling -
This work is noble.
Stryapihina Maria is invited to present the certificate.
1st leader.
We hear a heavy thud
And the swarm of bees is buzzing.
It's not trampling and not bees,
And build the military lads.
Every boy's dream
Keep the machine in hand.
Grow up like Max Ignatov
They will be on duty.
Maxim Ignatov is invited to present the certificate.
2nd leader.
Who has big eyes
And a full smile
Who is considerate and kind,
Indifferent will not pass.
Who writes poetry all day
And sings the songs of the Circle.
There is no one better at school.
This is Natasha Dudorova.
Natalia Dudorova is invited to present the certificate.
1st leader.
Well, Shleinikov Artemka
The embodiment of good.
He knows and knows everything -
A very smart head.
He wants to discover the laws
Like Archimedes and Newtons
Trajectories and flights,
New types of aircraft.
In the meantime, Artem, go for it,
Make your dreams come true -
Become a great engineer.
Shleynikov Artem is invited to present the certificate.
2nd leader.
Like a forest stream is quiet,
And light in movements
Does everything slowly.
Oh how pretty Julia is!
But the character, we know, is,
All you need is a uniform and honor.
And then the awards do not count
Into the twenty-first century
Our Julia is walking.
She is a superclass customs officer
After school will be.
Yuliya Kuriseva is invited to present the certificate.
1st leader.
What is marketing?
Many don't know
A Agarkova Marina
Dreams to study it.
Who is so strong in science?
Who is so in love with science?
She is the hero of the Olympics,
I am happy to represent the school.
We wish Marina
Happiness, joy, victories.
Dedicate yourself to science
We give you advice.
Agarkova Marina is invited to present the certificate.
2nd leader. So you have received the main ticket to life - the first document on education, and tomorrow you will scatter like birds in different directions.
1st leader. One small but proud bird said: "Personally, I will fly in the sun." And she flew higher and higher, soon burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
2nd leader. So let each of you, no matter how high you fly, do not forget your native school and remember your childhood, because now it will only be a dream.
The soundtrack of the song “Colored Dreams” or “Where Childhood Goes” sounds.
1st leader. In order to honorably see off our graduates, we organized the public and formed the masses.
2nd leader. On behalf of and on behalf of various organizations of the village and district, our guests congratulate the graduates.
Congratulations and parting words to the guests of the holiday.
Immediately after the performance of the guests, an ambulance siren sounds, and “orderlies” — children in white coats with models of syringes and thermometers — drive onto the stage in a children's car.
1st orderly. Did you call the health department?
1st leader. No.
2nd orderly. How not? A call came in that there was a terrible epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in the Lesogorsk school. Everyone should be vaccinated.
3rd orderly. No, professor, look at their faces: it's Lawrence-Moon-Birde-Beele syndrome.
1st orderly. This disease develops in the body of a graduate, weakened by exams. All the symptoms are on the face: tears in the eyes of teachers, trembling of the hands of parents, a confused look of graduates.
2nd orderly. It is urgent to take measures to eliminate this disease.
3rd orderly. Dropper?
2nd orderly. Syringe?
1st orderly. Let's manage!
2nd orderly. Potion?
1st orderly. No, it's useless!
2nd orderly. The only thing we can do for you, so that you all leave the school in good health, with a bright mind and a solid memory, is to conduct a session of clearing your head of bad thoughts.
3rd orderly. I ask everyone to rise from their chairs. Stretch your arms up, slowly lower your hands to your head and scratch it, and then "dump" everything that is "stuck" to your hands to the ground.
And so three times. (Graduates perform).
1st orderly. Well, to cheer up the best means is a song.
Everyone sings to the tune of the song "Conversation with Happiness" from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession."
Happiness suddenly in silence
There was a knock on the door.
Is it for us?
We believe and we don't...
Fluff fell, dawn floated,
Childhood is gone
How many years?
We have been in school for ten years.
Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked,
Everything is clear to us now.
For many years we argue with fate
For this graduation meeting.
Gnawed science, sailed the seas,
We know it was in vain.
Everything that was in school was not in vain,
It was not in vain!
And it came and it came true
We are just waiting for an answer:
How can I live without you
Are we in this world?
We will break glass
And write cheat sheets
If only you teachers
It wasn't boring without us.
2nd leader. Tell me, what did you dream about when you graduated from high school?
1st leader. I dreamed of entering a university, acquiring a profession by vocation, finding good friends, meeting great, bright love.
2nd leader. Can you hear the cuckoo chirping? (Record). They say she sometimes predicts fate ...
1st leader. Cuckoo, cuckoo, when will our graduates go to educational institutions?
The cuckoo calls once.
2nd leader. What kind of scholarship will future students receive? (“ku-ku-ku-ku-ku-ku…”) Taking into account the fact that today one “ku-ku” is equal to 100 c.u.
1st leader. Or maybe someone else wants to ask the cuckoo a question?
2nd leader. And what is graduation without a teacher? A graduation without a teacher is like a wedding without a bride.
1st leader. Teachers are present at our holiday, and they have something to say goodbye to their children.
Teachers sing a song to the tune of "songs about bears from the movie" Prisoner of the Caucasus.
Somewhere in our Lesogorsk,
There is a good school
The boys are studying there.
Not the worst of all.
Lessons float by
Sleeping under the ice of the year
The guys are studying there, the earth is spinning.
They learn by trying
Everything that is in the program.
It just happens often:
Time is running out.
Children sleep in class
And get two
Instead of hints write:
"I love you".
Following the farewell party
Soon the dawn will come
And for the cute kids
many, many years
Lightning will sparkle
But the streams ring,
The fog will swirl
White as a bear.
1. I wish all graduates
Start the morning with a charge
So as not to upset either dads or moms
And health was in order.
2. I wish everyone to develop the mind,
so that thought always beats in him as a key.
And study and work only for "five",
Not surrendering to difficulties at the mercy.
3. I wish you not to lose gaiety,
not discouraged in any trouble.
And then life will put you "five",
Opening a rainbow above you.
4. I want to wish you more
Noble creative impulses,
With a heart to go not to the doctor -
Instead of drops you love poems.
5. So that you can be carefree tomorrow,
Someone must be vigilant today.
I wish you not to let your friends down
Be a support to those who are connected with you.
6. What else can I wish for?
Let your life be sung like a song.
Let it be in the heat, and in the cold, and in the blizzard
Only kindness flows from the heart.
2nd leader. I often remember the day when my friend's father said to him: “I have a desire to teach you at the university, but I don't have the opportunity. I have the opportunity to send you to the army, but I have no desire. Therefore, I want to wish the parents of our graduates that their desires coincide with their capabilities.
1st leader. Listen, according to the scenario, I have an exit of kunaks.
2nd leader. And I have parents.
1st leader. Weird…
Sounds musical intro from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Three popes come out disguised as robbers: the 1st with a rug, the 2nd with a dish, the 3rd with fruit.
1st robber. Bambarbia kirgudu.
2nd robber. Dear teachers and all school staff…
3rd robber. Markavare kuza.
2nd robber. We came to thank you for taking care of our children...
1st robber. Mymsyn karats.
2nd robber. Do not translate further. Therefore, we will sing to you.
Parents' song to the melody of the song "If I were a Sultan."
If I were a sultan
I would go to school
And became a teacher
I would love books.
But on the other hand, in such cases
So many troubles and worries
Ah, God bless!
It's good to be a teacher...
Much better to live in peace.
We know, sultans,
How hard is it for you
Do it all, learn everything
With our children.
Tears flow like a river
But we want to say:
Thank you from us
Hundreds, hundreds of times.
We all want from the bottom of our hearts
wish happiness
And for new victories
Gain strengths.
We helmet our class
fiery hello,
Let's just say: better than you
Not in this world.
It's good to be a teacher
And to teach our kids at school.
The robbers descend into the hall and bring the class teacher onto the stage.
3rd robber. Today we are releasing a beauty, an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a good class teacher, Konyukhova T.V., because she was in captivity of our children for 5 years.
Speech by the class teacher of graduates.
I look at you and remember the days
When you first came to the fifth grade:
The bell rang. We were left alone...
And thirty pairs of watchful eyes.
And they showed interest in me:
What is she? And what are they?
I burned on a slow fire
You burned like field poppies.
Then it passed ... And the days rolled by,
Months and years have flown by
And now we are, as then, alone ...
Well, what would you like to tell me today?
How did you run from class to the movies?
So I forgot everything for a long time ...
Alas, the farewell hour has come for us,
And it's time to choose your paths...
Careless time will remain here
Adult life is waiting for you beyond the threshold!
Thank you for being… you are!
The class teacher, together with the children, sings a song to the melody of O. Mityaev “How great that we all gathered here today!”
May lindens subsided,
The sonorous songs fell silent,
Words from these songs
Now they're going up.
Comrades are good
Boys and girls!

Gathered today!
Guitars, seven-string
The chords were slender.
Comrade, goodbye
You smile at school ...
And, like in a newsreel,
Memories flicker,
It's great that we are all here
Gathered today!
Our mom is great
Smiling through tears
On mischievous and noisy,
As before, do not be angry!
Our day of farewell has come
Our parting evening...
It's great that we are all here
Gathered today!
Alumni response.
1st graduate.
There are people we love for a long time,
Who are happy to meet.
And from the first class, one thing is clear to us:
Do not part with your loved ones.
We have a lot of warm and affectionate words
For them: for relatives and loved ones.
Golden crowns for smart heads
Today we want to dress them.
2nd graduate. Today we decided to crown you and award you with medals for exceptional personal qualities in various categories. We thought for a long time who to award this or that title, and finally determined the winners by a majority of votes.
3rd graduate.
In what light do we not see,
Our director is responsible for everything -
All over the school floors
Everyone on the school frontiers!
What a bright personality you are.
You put life for everything "excellent"!
Dear, beloved, dear!
Stay as beautiful
And fate is saved from troubles!
4th graduate.
Director Nazarova S.I. won in the nomination “Head of the school country”, or “Everything is calm at school”. Please come to the coronation.
Parents give flowers, gifts. Graduates wear a crown and a medal.
5th graduate.
Our school has a head teacher
Childish love for her is incalculable.
Smart, modest, truthful,
Caring, loved by all.
No meeting is complete without it.
Also a parent meeting.
She skillfully makes a schedule,
Will reveal cheat sheets difficult secret
And smile at us with an open mind.
6th graduate.
In the nomination "Legislator of the schedule", or "Learning is light" won
Deputy Director for Water Management Fedotova L.N.
7th graduate.
We have been so long, we have not rested for so long,
We just couldn't rest with you,
After all, we have not read so many books,
That a swarm of bees is now buzzing in my head,
We are not gifts, we know for sure.
Loved to fool the head
You are late, ignorance
And other children's rubbish!
And where did you find the strength
To overcome our laziness?
8th graduate. In the nomination "The most patient and fair", the winner was Deputy Director for VR Utina E.A.
9th graduate.
cloudless childhood
We remembered now.
After all, without elementary school
They wouldn't let us out.
Helped us find ourselves
Our top notch teacher.
He taught us to read and write
Opened the road to knowledge.
10th graduate. Batylova L.A., Karabanova E.A., Yurochkina N.Yu. shared the first place in the nomination “First-class teacher”.
11th graduate.
Without a counselor, without Nina Ignatievna,
It would be boring, we know
Troubles, all our joys
We trust her!
And won without a reason
In the competition of counselors,
She was ahead of everyone.
She has no equal in this!
12th graduate.
In the nomination “Counselor of the Year”, or “Forever Young at Heart”, the senior counselor of the school N.I. Glukhova won.
13th graduate.
We remember how you taught us
Know all the cities on the map
But, unfortunately, in Peru and Chile
We will never get
You shook with dummies in front of us,
We were all called kids.
You loved us, although sometimes angry,
We have learned humanity from you.
1st graduate.
The teacher of geography and biology Siprova T.M. won in the nomination "Spinning, spinning blue ball".
2nd graduate.
Rhombuses and squares cannot be counted,
We know that there is a method of integrals for sure.
We know that there are trinomials, functions, zeros,
Your equations have driven us crazy!
From the era of Pythagoras
Many years have passed
But geometry is better
There is no science for us.
In the nomination "For adherence to principles and exactingness" the teacher of mathematics Satunkina N.V.
3rd graduate.
We are "speak english" and "salyu"
Can't forget
Even the blood soaked them up
The one that is in our veins.
And although our "objective"
Still lame
But "good bye, merci"
Everyone understands.
4th graduate.
In the nominations "Cherchet la femme" and "how duyu-du-du" the first place was shared by the teacher of French Volkova N.I. and English teacher Zorina A.A.
5th graduate.
Things of the past years,
Campaigns, battle plans.
Through the darkness of centuries we comprehended
And ... they remembered something.
In all the lessons between us
Peace and grace reigned.
How good we were with you
And how much have we learned!
6th graduate.
Sizov A.V. won in the nomination “The best immersion into the depths of history”.
7th graduate.
Anna Alexandrovna, we know, she loved us.
She loved each and every one of us.
Oh my God, may it be with us
If you weren't around.
Today MHC - offset,
Well, then write a report,
And still run to the institute:
Take your own exams
Well, then we play along,
Get to the rehearsal
And do not forget to sing verses.
And, in general, you are a wonderful marquise,
Oh good, oh good.
8th graduate.
Kotova A.A. won in the nomination “Culture to the masses”, or “Special agent of public education in the field of the MHK”.
9th graduate.
A time of turbulent change
And without economic knowledge
Everyone today, well, it's just trouble,
Neither there nor here.
No money, no finance
We will sing romances.
We are excellent economists
Someday we'll get
Lessons by Natalia Alexandrovna
My friend, never forget!
10th graduate.
Shvedova N.A. won in the nomination “Economy should be economical”.
11th graduate.
With your crazy hands
We have joined the cause together with you.
And we firmly know that patience and work
We will be saved from adversity and difficulties.
You are our father,
Our mentor, our hero.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And we say thank you!
12th graduate.
In the nomination "Och. skillful hands” was won by E.P. Utkin.
13th graduate.
Tatyana Valentinovna, our cool mother,
It is impossible to forget your tenderness,
The ability to be kind, strict and gentle
And open the soul of each of us with a special key.
We fight and make up.
“Do not spill water,” everyone around will say.
Tatyana Valentinovna - mother,
You are our true and true friend.
In the nomination "The coolest, coolest tormentor" the class teacher Konyukhova T.V. won.
1st graduate.
Who is the most tired?
This is the school staff.
After all, it is difficult for everyone to collect all the rubbish,
Clean, wash and sweep,
Paint, smear and whiten.
How can you not love us!
2nd graduate.
Monakhova T.A., Yegunova Z.A. won in the nomination “Golden hands”, Glukhova E.N. won in the nomination “The most appetizing and colorful”, Demina T.A. won in the nomination “Today there were no explosions”.
3rd graduate.
Accounting is a useful profession,
And she is well known to everyone in the school.
Tatyana Petrovna is in charge of accounting,
Debit with credit will reduce,
Salary, income and expenses
It will reduce everything to a penny.
4th graduate.
Gorbatova T.P. won in the nomination “Accountant, my dear accountant”.
2nd leader.
That's behind the year of your studies.
And the first rise and the first fall.
And tonight we wanted to
You remember every moment.
1st leader.
While you are together, class, still close ...
And there's a long way ahead
But there is the possibility of a kind look
Ask for forgiveness for something.
Thank you dear parents.
Forgive us if we have offended you,
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience,
For the gray hair on the temples of the father
And for the wrinkles of my own face,
In the belt we will bow to you to the ground,
Thank you family, thank you, thank you!
2nd leader.
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears
And in our difficult age, there is still patience
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams and dreams.
1st leader.
So that you find a job to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly!
We wish you happiness and good luck again!
2nd leader. For ten years you have been climbing to the pinnacle of knowledge and discovery. And here it is in front of you - high, unpredictable. Let's get closer to her and leave prints of our hands.
Graduates approach the mountain and attach paper palms with wishes to it, remain on the stage.
Sing a song to the melody "This World" (from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva)
For the fact that graduation happens only once,
For the first dawn of a June day,
Blame anyone in the world
But not me, but not me.
Chorus (sung twice):
This world is not invented by us,
This world was not invented by me.
It was not invented by me that rushes day after day,
Either joy or sadness to someone.
And the world is designed in such a way that everything is possible in it,
But after that nothing can be fixed.
There is only one way for us to cope with fate,
There is only one path in the flashing days:
Leave your heart here and come back again
Where our school is, where our love is.
At the end of the song, many balloons fly out from behind the mountain
1st leader.
Good luck guys, fly away!
A big life is ahead of you!
Just don't forget school
And those who prepared you for flight!
2nd leader.
Good luck to you, peace, kindness and happiness, dear graduates!
1st leader.
And in order for you to really remember the holiday, for you to be really lucky in life, you need to see a shooting star and make a wish before it falls, each one has his own.
Graduates leave the hall and release balloons with stars into the sky.

"Goodbye School"


(on stage choir class)

1leader: Good evening, dear friends!

3. Leading: Good evening!

2. Leading: Graduates welcome you.

3. Leading: on stage, graduates of the choir department of the Children's Art School No. 2, leader Olga Alexandrovna Kartashova, accompanist Evgenia Bataeva.

2leader: Music by Kasimov, lyrics by Fedotov "On the Wings of Songs"

(choir sings)

1. If you take a map of Russia, you will have to look for the city of Dimitrovgrad on it for a long time, this modest island of truly great discoveries,

2. but from the satellite you can see an extraordinary aura that extends over the heart of this city - this is the children's art school No. 2.

3. This radiance comes from her students who have been studying for five, six, seven, and in some cases more years.

2 .During this time they laid the foundation for the future of our Russian culture,

3. Thanks to their incredible efforts, she has not yet collapsed into the abyss.

1 . Let's remember how it all began.

(Yustina takes the microphones and hands them to Bataeva G.A.)


Mom enters with a girl:

Mom: Take my daughter, she is so bright, musical, artistic. Wants to become a singer.

Teacher: What a good girl! Sing me some song!

Prep: Well, let's talk about the Grasshopper. In the grass Grasshopper sat…

Girl: This is a terrible song, they ate a grasshopper there ...

Prep: Well, let's have another one: "The grandmother lived with two cheerful geese ..."

Girl: Why did you live? Did they eat them too?

Prep: Well, let's talk about the Christmas tree then: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter…”

Prep: So what again?

Girl: They cut down the Christmas tree-and-and ...

Prep: Well, let's have another song: Here's a fun one: "Red-haired, freckled ..."

Mom: I killed my grandfather with a shovel ...

The girl grabs her head and runs away.

Mom: Well, how do you like my girl?

Teacher: A born star! Don't worry, mom, we all become artists.

(approach the proscenium, bow and give the microphones to Justina)

1. Leading

On the stage, school graduates, members of the folk group of the Cantilena violin ensemble, known and loved not only in the city, but also in the region, competition laureates Maurice Idrisov, Victoria Lukyanenko, Alexandra Kosakyan -

2. Composer Ars-Waltz "Irrevocable", teacher Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Irina Nikolaevna Evseeva, accompanist Elena Kurochkina.


1. Tell me, do you remember your first of September?

2. Of course, I really liked it!

1 .And I said: “I won’t go to the music school anymore: I don’t know the notes, I can’t sing, and they don’t allow me to talk!”

2 .And everything around seemed magical to me, I thought that you need to know some secret in order to become a musician. (Afsana and Igor go towards them, the introduction sounds, during this time they rise to the stage)

(to the motive "I believe you, of course"

first-grader and graduate (after the song they give microphones)


1. The school secret was mastered by a school graduate, winner of competitions, an excellent student - Nikolai Novikov teacher Lidia Yurievna Riga

Rogers Melody

2 .The graduate of the school is the winner of competitions, an indispensable participant in school and city events Vladislav Chertopyatov, teacher Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Fedorovich Rassadin, concertmaster Lyudmila Rassadin.

Prokofiev Waltz


  1. In any institution there is a person who is responsible for everything. He is the most important, he is respected and feared.

Friends, attention, before you is a wonderful teacher.

And school native faithful guardian angel

3 . A well-deserved mentor, how not to appreciate him,

Competent in everything, no matter what you ask,

Has an honorary title, awards

In all respects - the director, what you need!

  1. Head teachers with him

They walk side by side

They will guide us

they will help us

3 .For greetings on the stage are invited: the director of the school, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Yuri Andreevich Kovalevsky

1. Deputy directors for educational and educational work O.V. Galushko and E.A. Zarechneva

(greeting from the administration)


1 For you, dear school administration, Valeria Nagornova, a multiple winner of competitions, a participant in school and city concerts, an excellent student, is speaking. Valeria will perform a duet with last year's graduate Elizaveta Bratygina.

Franz Schubert "A Musical Moment" Teacher Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Tatyana Ivanovna Ulyanova, accompanist Victoria Alaverdyan.

2. On the stage, a diplomat of competitions, an ensemble of guitarists, consisting of graduates of the school: Nikolai Novikov, Mikhail Semyonov, Vladislav Perfilyev, teacher Lidia Yurievna Riga.

2. Host: When we came to school, we were little fidgets, but so solid, smart, self-confident - almost adults - we leave school.

3. Leading: And all this is thanks to the teachers who are now present here in the hall. This is their merit. Their patience and exactingness, rigor and wisdom have helped us to become what we have become.

2. Leading: But the most important thing, probably, is their attitude towards all of us. When you are treated with such respect and trust in advance, you somehow want to justify them. Match, right?

3. Leading: They are accustomed to taking care of us and perceive their ministry as just a job. In fact, they give us their lives, their hearts and knowledge. We will remember them, our beloved teachers, all our lives.

1 .For them, for our beloved teachers, the winner of competitions for young pianists, a member of the vocal ensemble "Canzonetta", which became the winner in competitions of various levels, the winner of the competition "Best Student - 2012" - Igor Zakhryapin, teacher Elena Yurievna Bespalova.

"Nocturne" A. Babajanyan

2 .A graduate of the school Daria Shatova, teacher Oksana Alexandrovna Romanenko is on the stage.

"Love", music. Senneville

1 . Speaker Daria Atamanova, teacher V.P. Anokhin

Pauls Melody.

2 . Teachers are invited to the stage for a welcoming speech:

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, head of the violin department IN Evseeva;

1 .Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, teacher of wind instruments Alexander Fedorovich Rassadin;

3 .Head of the Department of Folk Instruments Lidiya Yurievna Riga;

2 .Head of the theoretical department Oksana Aleksandrovna Romanenko;

1 .Head of the piano department Galina Anatolyevna Batayeva;

3 .Head of the department of choral singing Irina Konstantinovna Balashova;

2 . Leading teacher of the school Victoria Prohorovna Anokhina

(teachers speaking)

1. Leading: First-graders also wanted to congratulate us


Wait, wait!

I don't want to wait seven years!

For a year I learned the notes -

Am I a musician or not?!

I can play the piano

Play Gedike's play

And the evidence is

Should get it too!

Children .

1. What are you, what are you! Is it possible to

Become a musician in a year?!


What else is there to learn?

I know all seven notes!

There are no more of them

I found out on purpose!


2. Well, now you will see

What a release you are small!

Seventh graders can

Play thirds scales,

We've only just learned

To distinguish them by signs!

Well, for now we have "Spikins",

Yes, and then with the account aloud!

4. How to gas, then to the brake,

They press on the pedals.

And we also have legs.

They don't reach the ground!


Yes, well ... Perhaps, to be released

It's too early for us, friends.

I'm staying for now.


5. For your problems

We've gone off topic

Turned down for comparison

And they forgot what they came with.

6. And we came to congratulate you,

Wish you live happily

All: And our native school

Never forget!


  1. An excellent change, I am calm for the future of the school.
  2. For our dear first-graders, a graduate of the school Maria Guryanova, a teacher Victoria Prokhorovna Anokhina, plays.

Composer Kern "Smoke"

1 .Maxim Kagilev, school graduate, excellent student, participant of competitions and concerts, teacher Nina G. Shpak

Cuban dance.

3. Yulia Kirichenko, a graduate, an active participant in the life of the school, an excellent student, is speaking. Rachmaninoff Italian Polka, pr. O.A. Inkina


2 .Lastly, we turn to our dear parents,

3 .grandparents,

1 .aunts and uncles and other close and distant relatives

2 . we say: "Thank you!"

3 . We understand that without you, this holiday would never have taken place! 1 What kind of trials does a hectic life prepare for parents: an excess of work, joy from the success of children,

3 . tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and a second wind from a kind word said in time.

2 .And today we want to thank you for your kindness, sincere love.

3 . Because most often we forget to do it every day!

1 .So, graduates, let's all say "thank you" together. One two Three…

(audience says "thank you")

1. For you, dear parents, graduates who studied at school in the flute class perform: repeated winners of competitions, indispensable participants in concerts

3 .Konstantin Pozin, Yaroslav Yudinsky, Shamil Nigmatullin, Alisa Fitagdinova Teacher Alexander Fedorovich Rassadin, accompanist Lyudmila Rassadin.

Johann Sebastian Bach Sicilian.

2 . parents of graduates are invited to the stage for a welcoming speech.

(word from parents)

(choir on stage) 2. Music by E.Neugodnikova

Ruk. E. Beldyugina

"Song of Graduates"


1 . In one old book we found a very rare recipe for happiness:

Take a cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it,

3 .Add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness,

2 .Splash some humor and add as much faith as possible.

Mix it all well.

3 .Smear on a piece of your life

1 .And offer to everyone you meet on your way!

2 . Take it, use it

3 . and be happy!

(alumni song sounds)

1 . And now comes the most solemn moment: the presentation of certificates

2 . Invited to the stage:

school director Yuri Andreevich Kovalevsky

1 . Deputy directors for educational and educational work

3 .O.V.Galushko and E.A.Zarechneva

Tatyana Andreeva
Graduation party at the Children's Art School "We will leave our hearts here!"

Scenario teacher MAOU DOD DSHI MO "Baryshsky district"

Andreeva T. A.

Scenario High school prom

"We let's leave our hearts here

Leading the way to the music.

Presenter 1:

Kind evening, Dear friends,

Guests, parents, teachers!

We are very glad to see you

On this day and at this hour!

Lead 2:

And then came the cherished day

Everyone is a little sad

And as if a shadow wanders somewhere,

And everyone is not until spring.

Presenter 1:

There will come a day for everyone when

It's time to leave school.

Lead 2:

Away with sadness! And the holiday to start

It's time for us to invite alumni and graduates.

Out to the music Graduates on stage and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter 1:

Here they are! Graduates of 2010! (Applause in the audience)

Lead 2:

To you home school graduates

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone for questions

Answer without hesitation

Presenter 1:

1. Which cabinet has the most out of tune piano?

2. Why do you love solfeggio?

3. What inscriptions did you make on the desks during the training?

4. What color are the curtains in the dance hall?

5. What advice would you give to the director of the school when you leave?

6. How much does the piano weigh?

7. Where did you hide cheat sheets during exams?

8. Which Christmas tree do you remember the most the rest?

9. Why did you need this education?

10. Did the neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?

11. Have your parents ever had to convince you to continue attending our school?

12. Do you use the skills learned in choreography lessons at the disco?

13. Will art be your profession?

14. What to wear is heavier: textbooks or sheet music?

15. How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

Lead 2:

Remember the first day of September?

How far is this date from us!

Here is the end of your long lesson,

There was no bell only from the lesson.

The time has come to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

To the music of each alumni rings the bell.

The song sounds "Last call" (in the end graduates sit down)

Presenter 1:

Together with us a little excited

As happens in moments of separation

He is the head of our art school.

Wise adviser and friend.

Lead 2:

Who tell me guys in our school

Are all questions resolved?

Who calmly and skillfully

Leading everything?

And of course, who will present the certificates now?

All: Director!

Presenter 1:

The principal of the school is invited to the stage

Director congratulates alumni and present certificates

Lead 2:

And now our graduates demonstrate their talents, they have prepared a festive concert.

Concert alumni.

Presenter 1:

At concerts in this hall

We play the piano

Classical, pop, jazz

Everything you want - everything for you!

Music number – –

Music number -

Music number -

Lead 2:

Today the music is heard

Not at all the same as before.

The guitar string is ringing

Music number -

Presenter 1:

Being a choreographer is not easy.

We pass the machine every time

But in a concert performance

Don't take your eyes off us

Music number -

Lead 2:

Farewell, scales and etudes,

It's time for us to part with you too

You will hardly forget us

Affairs of musical master

Music number -

Music number -

That will teach you, friends,

In our school of music

Sing no worse than a nightingale.

Music number -

Lead 2:

Piano department.

Pianists are taught here.

Everyone plays the piano

They live in friendship with music.

Music number -

Music number -

Presenter 1:

In our dance class -

There is a thumping sound

Our best dancers

get to know "sock-heel".

Music number -

Lead 2:

And the music plays again

For us it sounds.

Music has fun with us

With us the music is silent

The world is filled with joy again

But in the pauses you can hear

Sad quiet melody

And sad silence.

Music number -

Music number -

Presenter 1:

Magical sounds of music

Everyone admires them

And I know - listen to songs

You really, really like it!

Music number -

Lead 2:

Thank you music, thank you!

Thank you for the bright moment

When suddenly it opened up to me -

Your bright and beautiful world!

Music number -

Presenter 1:

Now the word provided to graduates!

(Everyone exits Graduates)


Allow me on behalf of everyone graduates open"congratulatory" part of our evenings called"We let's leave our hearts here


Dear Tatyana Gennadievna! We want to congratulate you on your new release.

The ship sails on the waves of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully

You are the entire crew of the ship.


On behalf of everyone alumni we want to tell you…Thank you!

For the mind! For the wisdom of leadership!

For the power of experience and knowledge,

For kindness and nobility

For the fulfillment of promises!

It's time

Give a gift to the native school.

We collected all the warmth of our hearts.

To you we want to give a heart, finally!

(Graduates give a heart on which everyone signed graduate)


We continue the solemn ceremony "delivery" our hearts and we invite Tatyana Gennadievna, Tatyana Anatolyevna, Margarita Vladimirovna, Natalia Petrovna, Gennady Vladimirovich, Yuri Alexandrovich and Irina Gennadievna to come to us. Dear, Dear and Beloved our teachers! Today we say goodbye to you and

We wish you health

We wish you well

To be in your life

Tomorrow is better than yesterday.

May your strength not decrease

Let joy shine in your eyes

May happiness not leaves

Not in your life, not in business.

You are a gift of warmth our hearts!

(Graduates presenting hearts)


Workers of the invisible front are invited to the stage - Nina Valentinovna, Evgeny Petrovich, Nadezhda Alexandrovna!

They walked along the stairs and corridors of the school

Over the years our feet hundreds of kilometers

And these corridors were washed, cleaned, drowned

Behind us our nannies imperceptibly.

We are very grateful to you and accept as a gift our hearts!

(Graduates presenting hearts)


It would be unfair not to remember those who were with us all the years during lessons, tests, exams, who worried about us in a way that we did not worry about ourselves ... This our parents. Expensive our mothers, dads, grandparents! We love you, we bow before you. Our school life was cloudless thanks to you!


When we are sad and anxious -

Mom hugs us.

When we need advice urgently -

We'll go to dad.


Well, grandma and grandpa

Everyone in the world knows

They have empathy and affection

We will always find.


Please accept our deepest regards and warmth. our hearts.

(Graduates presenting hearts)

Presenter 1:

We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words graduates.

The kindness of a beautiful parent

There is nothing more precious in the world

For everything to work out graduates are great -

Give them parenting advice!

(Speech by parents)

Presenter 1:

Congratulate our graduates were decided by teachers.

(teachers leave)

Dear Guys! You, making the path of the earth,

Tied your fate with our fate!

Now neither distance nor year

We will never be separated!

Do you remember, a carefree and cheerful boy

Did you see the school for the first time?

I saw delight in your eyes

I saw a smile on her lips.

And you are a snub-nosed girl with a bow

Do you remember how you entered the music house?

Elegant, like a doll, all in flowers,

And curiosity sparks in the eyes.

So fast strings of days fly -

And there are no more awkward ducklings.

They all turned into swans

And the wings behind your back grow faster.

Behind a year of study

Rise and fall ahead

And in this evening we wish

Walk happily through life

We wish you inspiration

Fewer failures and tears

So that you find a job to your liking

And seriously love music

Our hearts will never forget you

We will often remember you

And believe that we love you

And new meetings, we will wait with you

Our dear graduate! Even after many years

Fly into our unquenchable light...

And whatever happens, don't you dare

Forget the art school, and your teachers!

And now we ask you to stand up! And repeat our words:

We, Graduates 2010 Izmailovo Children's Art School, solemnly we swear: be faithful to your native school, do not forget your teachers and classmates,

To achieve success in life so that our native school can be proud of us.

All: We bow! We bow! We bow!

All together teachers and children sing a song "Little country"

A music school is a special world, not like a general education school. The main difference is that students of the same class or stream intersect only in common subjects, such as solfeggio, musical literature and choir.

The subject (specialty, tool), when the student masters the program individually under the guidance of a teacher, takes more hours in the learning process.

An individual program in all subjects for those who are lagging behind or, conversely, for especially gifted students, almost completely excludes the contact of pupils with each other - many children see each other only at exams and annual final concerts.

This explains the lesser unity of students, which leads to the fact that organizing graduation at a music school is somewhat more difficult than.

Place in music

It would seem that the solution that allows you to easily organize the final holiday lies on the surface - parents and teachers should take everything into their own hands, and leave the role of performers to the pupils. But this is not a way out - there is no sadder story than to sing about what you do not agree with.

A script written for students by dedicated teachers, who are obliged by their teaching duty to sing of the learning process, while children do not always support these moods, is unlikely to be successful and sincere. Even under the condition of boundless love for music on the part of students, they see in learning not only bright aspects and high aspirations. Each side perceives the knowledge of music from its own angle.

In this regard, it is best to find activists from among the pupils, fathers and mothers and energetic teachers with a sense of humor to create a single scenario in which every opinion has a place.

The script can be based on real stories and incidents from the world of music, anecdotes and aphorisms of the great ones.

From school to school

Trying to raise diversified individuals from offspring, many parents enroll their child in all available circles, sections and institutions of additional education. As a result, the school day looks something like this:

  1. From a regular school, a child goes to a sports school.
  2. At the end of the workout, on legs buckling from fatigue, he wanders into the music room.

A common theme played up in the framework of skits at a graduation party at a music school is the coexistence of compulsory education and additional education, when children who are very busy in other educational systems do not have time to prepare for classes at a music school, and teachers are forced to treat this more than humanely.

Flight of the supersonic bumblebee

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's interlude Flight of the Bumblebee is the most popular work among virtuoso guitarists. Famous rock musicians, following the example of Joey DiMaio, who played "Flight of the Bumblebee" on bass guitar in 1988 and made the first rock arrangement of the work, put excerpts from it in their performance programs.

Musicians are attracted not only by beauty, but also by the difficulty of reproducing a masterpiece. It was this circumstance that gave rise to such a massive interest in the sideshow and a separate direction - its performance at speed.

Music at the same time, of course, loses its features, but every year the "Bumblebee" "flies" faster and faster, and the Guinness Book fixes more and more ultra-fast records - from a tempo of 270 beats per minute to 2000 bpm.

It is this theme that is regularly played up in youth comedies, where the main characters are young musicians with ambitions and a desire for fame.

You can joke about the desire to quickly play the program and do something else indefinitely. In a famous anecdote, a violinist at a symphonic music concert looks at his watch and suddenly begins to play his part twice as fast, explaining his actions to a neighbor by saying that he is afraid of missing the train.

Students often “drive” the tempo out of a desire to hide those notes and fragments that they do not succeed in.

Music and music

You can also be ironic about the quality of the musical product. This topic is close not only to future conductors and composers, but also to everyone else.

“Everyone can do it, but you give Murka,” a phrase born by Soviet cinema, draws the line between professional and, so to speak, amateur (consumer) attitude to musical material in the best possible way.

Another aspect of the same theme is the attitude towards music as an activity. Is music a serious and worthy occupation?

There is a story that once, when Fyodor Chaliapin was driving a cab, out of curiosity, he asked what the master was doing. Fyodor Ivanovich answered that he sings. “We all sing to sing,” retorted the cabbie, “but I ask about business.”

It's hard in torment, or don't torment the cat

Odessa humor is extremely rich in jokes about studying at a music school, in particular, in the violin class, and about applying the results of studies in real life. But the process of finding the right note and learning homework in the framework of other subjects is no more humane in relation to the forced listener.

Compassionate neighbors even sometimes call the police, hearing those heartbreaking sounds that the instrument exudes during classes.

"Don't torture the cat!" or "Don't mock Beethoven!" - not fictitious, but real claims from others, which are sometimes listened to by pupils of music schools, their parents and duty officers of a law enforcement stronghold.

At a graduation at a music school, the script simply must include playing out this important component of the educational process.

The fuss around the piano

The prom program at music schools has always been and will always be very demanding on the material performed - here you can’t limit yourself to “three chords”. But the classical repertoire does not really allow you to turn around if there is a great desire to approach the issue with humor. What can be changed, sung and played in a new way and not be accused of bad taste in music?

There are two main approaches to this issue:

  1. The first one, like many decades ago, assumes that the student receives the obligatory program for the exam and the final speech from the teacher. The result is a classic in every sense (and sometimes boring) concert.
  2. Another thing is when the exam itself, and farewell to the school is built on the principle of "Last call", in which the musical components are determined by the students themselves.

With creative freedom, you can turn to:

  • romances performed by a duet;
  • vocal works by Soviet authors, which are easily decomposed into 2, 3 and four voices (“Three White Horses”, “Grass at the House”, “City Flowers”, “Uchkuduk”, etc.);
  • operetta parts;
  • fragments of musicals and rock operas.

The title song at the graduation at a music school can be both light and cheerful, and serious in terms of the thought contained in it. The latter include the song of the Avtograf group, “Monologue”, about the fate of the person on the stage and questions of succession, which was covered more than once by the masters of the Russian stage.

Another piece to keep an eye on when preparing for a musical skit, hailing from the rock world of 1975 is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

This 4-voice composition combines several independent musical directions (opera, ballad, a cappella singing, heavy metal with falsetto singing), and therefore can be performed by a mixed vocal composition. An unusual musical form and frequent mood swings provide an excellent opportunity for dramatic experiments (especially if you do not go into the plot of the composition, and start only from the musical theme). Interesting from the point of view of reworking and performance and "Killer Queen" by the same authors.

Instrumentalists who are capable of forming a trio, quintet or chamber orchestra for the sake of a common cause should familiarize themselves with the extraordinary presentation of the material by the Hamburg chamber music quartet “Salut Salon”.

The musicians not only masterfully perform their parts, but add theatricality to them - comprehensively and with good humor beat those images that this or that work gives rise to in them.

Look for the note!

Improvisation is an important component of any musical direction - it is a special art that borders on science. Each style has its own improvisational canons, and representatives of different musical movements are very zealous about their directions, but they train their sense of humor on fellow tribesmen from other musical "camps".

You can take and twist the famous anecdote about a blues guitarist and his colleague from a metal band who took part in the competition for the title "Best Guitarist of the Year".

Contrary to the expectations of the public, it was not the one who gave out dizzying passages that won, but the one that played only a couple of notes. To the question of the loser to the panel of judges about the motives for such a decision, the chairman of the jury replied: “You are still looking for your note, but he has already found his.”

The search for the right note, both in a practical and philosophical sense, can be made one of the leitmotifs of the plot of the production of a farewell skit concert, since it is natural and necessary for a creative person to be in search so as not to turn from a person of art into an artisan.

Musical scenes and fairy tales have long and deservedly enjoyed the love of participants and spectators; such entertainment is popular at a variety of holidays: school, family and corporate. They are, as a rule, very cheerful, suitable for a particular occasion, and most importantly, they do not require much hassle in making props and preliminary rehearsals, they are impromptu, and the participants are happy to improvise. Suggested option - Musical scene for the graduation and school holiday "On the Eve of Graduation", just like that: light and funny, it will fit perfectly into the graduation program, both in elementary school and in 9th and 11th grades. Musical accompaniment and the author's recommendations for conducting - are attached.

(Author's explanation: Musical dramatization of one day from school life. For the scene, you need to choose three actors. The ideal option would be the following combination: mother Lyuba is a teacher, Seryozha is a teacher or father (it is better to take a large man with good plasticity, if, of course, there is a choice, the teacher is a schoolgirl. Actors need to distribute props and tell in advance about their role, and, if possible, “run through” the script in order to make the scene more interesting and “without overlays”).

Actors and costume elements:

- Graduate Seryozha(baseball cap, large tie)

- Mom Luba(apron, hairpin "Solokha")

- teacher(round glasses, frill with elastic band)

- Leading(reads text)

Props: chair, pointer, telephone

The script for the musical scene "On the Eve of Graduation"

Leading: Once in the city of N there lived a boy Seryozha, we meet with thunderous applause.

Track 1 sounds. Serezha - well done. - Seryozha sits down on a chair, staging a dream.

Leading: Serezhenka has his beloved mother - mother Lyuba

Track 2 sounds. Mama Lyuba - Mom comes out

Leading: Mama Lyuba has one task, to wake up Serezha for school.

Track 3 sounds. My sun. - Mom Luba starts to wake Serezha.

Leading: A good option, of course, but this is not about our Serezha, everything is much more serious here

Track 4 sounds. Melody for an alarm clock - mother, as it were, turns on a melody on a mobile phone and substitutes it for Seryozha's ear

Leading: Still, Mom managed to wake Serezhenka.

Track 5 sounds. Morning begins

Leading: But then mom and Serezha looked at their watches and realized that they had to get ready very quickly: get dressed, wash, eat, pack a briefcase, Serezha is getting ready, mom helps

Track 6 sounds - complete fuss to the music, Seryozha runs, mom sits on a chair and, as it were, knits

Leading: But, no matter how in a hurry, the bell rang, earlier than we would like, Seryozha was again late for the lesson.

Leading: Despite this embarrassment, you still need to go to the classroom. And so, Seryozha enters the classroom, addressing his beloved teacher.

Track 8 sounds. Oh, finally, the hour has come.

Leading: The teacher is outraged, he is tired of Serezhin being late, and he asks him to leave the class.

Track 9 sounds. Go away and close the door - teacher addresses Seryozha, pointing to the "imaginary door"

Leading: And Serezha tries to make amends with humor, and speaks with Carlson's intonation

Track 10 sounds. Calmness

Leading: But, alas, humor does not save, the teacher is only more annoyed.

Track 11 sounds. Don't interrupt me.

Leading: Then Seryozha sets in motion “heavy artillery, trying to melt the heart of the teacher with knowledge.

Track 12 sounds. Twice two - Seryozha makes a pretty face and tries to sing, rising on tiptoe .

Leading: The knowledge of students is really a trump card for any emergency situation. And the teacher, as it should be, "melted". The heart is soft, so to speak ...

Track 13 sounds. Come in, sit down.

Leading: Then Seryozha suffered, he decided to remember everything that had happened the day before.

Track 14 sounds. Yesterday I was very sad.

Leading: The teacher was a little confused. But he did not show it, but Seryozha continued.

Track 15 sounds. Say goodbye

Leading: Then everything became clear that our Serezha was simply very sorry to leave the school. And this Teacher, of course, understood, and also sighed

Track 16 sounds. School is the world

Leading: And, of course, tried to calm the guys

Track 17 sounds. Everything will be fine.

Leading: And then the bell rang from the lesson

Track 7 sounds. School bell

Leading: And Mama Lyuba entered the classroom, in her hands she had a phone Serezha had forgotten at home, and a very appropriate song sounded from its speaker

Track 18 sounds. But be yourself and everything will be fine

Leading: Best wishes to the graduates, and our applause to the participants of the skit!

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