Known or unknown Nazarov. The origin of the surname and famous namesakes

An example from the practice of lawyer Nazarov M.V. Thanks to the qualified legal assistance of a lawyer, a dispute under a work contract was resolved positively for the client. The litigation was initiated by the General Contractor in order to terminate the work contract, recover unjust enrichment from the Contractor in favor of the General Contractor, a penalty in connection with the termination of the contract, debt for the supplied materials and court costs. The client (general contractor) asked…

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It is quite logical that citizens who have been injured in a traffic accident will want to compensate for the damage caused to them, as well as return their vehicle to its previous appearance. Compensation for damage in case of an accident First of all, citizens who have become a victim of an accident have the right to demand compensation for material and moral damage, as well as reimbursement for the cost of repairing the vehicle. Accident victims can legitimately claim compensation…

born: 1937-05-05

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia

Version 1. What does the name Nazarov mean?

Jesus of Nazareth was the first bearer of the surname Nazarov

Version 2. The history of the origin of the name Nazarov

The surname Nazarov comes from the Tatar name Nazar, because. surnames and names in antiquity did not have a strong meaning, and in the settlements people were often called by nicknames, then the surnames were formed as follows (it will accept "who is this?" "Ivanov", i.e. it meant the son of Ivan, etc.) . The name Nazar, translated from Tatar, means "rising very early at dawn." Those. such a nickname was called a person who got up very early, which then apparently grew into a familiar name to us.
The surname Nazarov is a very common and old surname, which is carried by a very large number of people. With this surname, there are a very large number of Kuban Cossacks.

Version 3

From the baptismal name Nazar - consecrated to God (other Hebrew)- there were also surnames: Nazartsev, Nazarev, Nazarev.
Nazarov Elizvoy Semenovich (1747-1822) - architect, representative of classicism. A native of serfs, he reached the heights of his art. Participated in the construction of the Hospice House (now the Sklifosovsky Institute), built the church of the Lazarevsky cemetery and the Znamenskaya Novospassky Monastery in Moscow.

Version 4

Patronymic from the church canonical name Nazarius (in Hebrew it meant 'dedicated himself to God') in its Russian everyday form Nazar. The name has fallen into disuse almost entirely. (H). Nazarevs. Read about surnames with -s/their here. This surname is usually from the name of Nazar, but in some cases it goes back to the Turkic Nazar Arab. nazar 'look'. (H). Nazarenko is a Ukrainian surname. Nazar, perhaps too, because. for the Russian language, surnames formed from names without special suffixes are very rare. And in Ukrainian onomastics, such surnames are more common.

Version 5

The Orthodox name Nazar (translated from Hebrew - ‘he dedicated himself to God’) left its mark on the names Nazarevsky, Nazarin, Nazarkin, Nazarov, Nazarovsky, Nazartsev, Nazaryev, Nazaryev, Nazarenko. Some researchers, however, see in some cases the influence on the formation of these surnames of the Arabic nazar, which means 'look', and the meaning of some Turkic Russified surnames is explained as follows: Nazarbaev - 'look of the lord, ruler, rich man'; Nazarbekov - 'view of the owner'.

Any surname has its origin. This is either a place of residence, or occupation, or the name or nickname of a distant male ancestor. On the 258th place in terms of prevalence is Nazarov. The origin of the surname has several theories, consider them.

Where did the surname come from

According to one theory, the origin of the name Nazarov is from the Jewish male name Nazar. The head of the family - father or grandfather - bore this name at the time of the assignment of a generic surname. In translation, the name means “detached”, “abstinent”. This surname can often be found among representatives of the Jewish community.

The Tatars also have the name Nazar, only it is translated as “rising at dawn”, “rising very early”. Initially, it was a nickname of a person, which grew into a name that is already familiar to us. Well, after a while the name Nazarov appeared. Origin of the surname:

Who is coming to us?

Nazarov. (The answer implies that the son of Nazar is coming. This is the same principle for the appearance of all nominal surnames).

The surname itself is very common. 50% of people wearing it are Russians, about 5% are of Ukrainian origin and 10% are of Belarusian origin. 5% of surname bearers are Bulgarians or Serbs. The remaining 30% are representatives of small nationalities - Bashkirs, Buryats, Tatars, Mordovians, etc.

Many Kuban Cossacks today bear the surname Nazarov.

Religious theory

If approached from a religious point of view, then the surname Nazarov received its origin and meaning from the martyr Nazarius (translated as “devoted to God”). This holy Christian preached faith in the One God during the reign of Nero. For his sermons, he was sentenced to martyrdom through being torn to pieces by animals, but predators did not touch Nazarius. Then an order was received to drown him in the sea, but he simply began to walk on the water. The Roman legionaries who saw such miracles were so amazed that they converted to Christianity.

The city of Nazareth was named in honor of Saint Nazarius. According to biblical legends, Jesus was also the bearer of the surname Nazarov. The meaning of the surname in this case is born in Nazareth.

How other people see the Nazarovs

Most of the time, these are people of few words. They tend to be modest, but open. Vitality gushes out of them like a fountain. Having set a goal, a person bearing this surname shows miracles of activity in order to achieve it. Lucky in life, in personal relationships they are passionate and sensual.

Considering all the listed qualities of people with the surname Nazarov, the origin of the surname and its meaning, it is not surprising that there are so many creative personalities among them.

Famous people

In Russia, the first namesakes are found in the records of the 16-17th century. These were important persons of the Murom clergy. During the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible, there was a register of respected surnames. They were given to subjects as a reward. Nazarov also belongs to them, the origin of the surname is unique for Russians.

One of the representatives is Elizvoy Semyonovich, born in 1747. Although born into a family of serfs, he became a famous architect of the classicism era. Of the famous buildings that he built - the Institute. Sklifosovsky (then called the Hospice House), the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit at the Lazarevsky Cemetery (Moscow) and the construction of a church in honor of the Sign of the Mother of God in 1791 (the so-called Znamensky Church) instead of the dilapidated one. By the way, the architect himself is buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery, next to his "brainchild".

Born May 5, 1937. He received the title of People's Artist of Russia. He starred in more than 150 films, including A. Tarkovsky in the film "Andrei Rublev".

Another actor who is now quite famous is Dmitry Yuryevich Nazarov. Although he is better known to many as the host of the TV show "Cooking Battle" and the actor who played the chef in the TV series "Kitchen". But few people know that he participated in the voice acting of cartoons, for example, Duck Tales.

Gennady Nazarov is another theater and film actor. He starred in such series as "Truckers" and "Taxi Driver". All his roles are funny and mischievous, although the actor himself believes that he lacks a sense of humor. And few people realize that this actor has serious kidney problems.

Everyone loves the Winnie the Pooh cartoon, but few people know that the production designer of this cartoon is Eduard Nazarov. The director of the television series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" bears the same surname.

There are people with the surname Nazarov who heroically gave their lives for their homeland. One of them was Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Alexandrovich Nazarov - in the rank of junior lieutenant, he became a platoon commander and blew himself up with a grenade along with a tank, thereby paying for the platoon's victory in battle.

Dmitry Nazarov, theater and film actor

The history of the surname Nazarov says that in ancient times there were two names from which the modern surname Nazarov could have come (and eventually went). This is the worldly name Nazar, and the Hebrew name Nazarius. The latter has the meaning "dedicated to God." History says that it was the everyday secular form of the name, and not the Jewish one, that became the basis for the Russian surname Nazarov.

As for the ancient Jewish name Nazarius, the history of the surname Nazarov says that it was formed from the no less ancient word nasar, which just translates as “dedicated to God.”

It is reliably known that during the reign of Emperor Nero, this name was borne by one of the Christians, whose name was Nazarius, and his life, according to the narrations, was devoted exclusively to worship.

From history it is clear that the name Nazarov is very old. Today, there are also many people with this surname. For example, many Kuban Cossacks wear it.

What do people think about the Nazarovs?

People who receive the surname Nazarov at birth are most often perceived by others as laconic personalities. In addition, they are to a small extent characterized by such qualities as shyness, elegance, frankness. It is quite possible to say about a person with the surname Nazarov that he is universal, active and cheerful.

Another of their qualities is what is best described by the term "fantastic". And besides, the origin of the name Nazarov is such that these people are sensitive, changeable, passionate and lucky.

All this together makes them extremely interesting people - such a set of qualities gives excellent potential for creative development.

Notable bearers of the surname

For many people of the modern generation, one of the most famous Nazarovs is Dmitry Yuryevich. This is a well-known TV presenter who has become famous in the last decade on television, since until 2008 he hosted a popular show called "Culinary duel".

And I must say that this is not the first and not the last of his role as a TV presenter. In 2013, Dmitry Nazarov hosted the Hunger Games show on the Friday TV channel, and a year later became the face of the Million Dollar Recipe project on STS.

During his life, he managed not only to play at the Maly Theater, the Theater of the Russian Army, the Sphere and even the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, but also to receive the "Crystal Turandot" - a theater award. Dmitry Nazarov was awarded this award for the role of Satin in the production of "At the bottom" of the TsATRA theater.

On television, Dmitry Nazarov also played the main role of Viktor Barinov in the television series "Kitchen" (continuing his "culinary" role, he played a chef here). And in the mystical project "Challenge" Dmitry entered the image of the head of the group named Khromov, who was investigating mysterious crimes. For a children's audience, Nazarov also tried, taking part in the voice acting of the animated series "Duck Tales" in 1992 and 1994.

Also, one cannot help but recall the hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Alexandrovich Nazarov, who was a platoon commander with the rank of junior lieutenant. He joined the active army in 1943, served as a platoon commander of the 243rd Infantry Regiment.

On February 7, 1945, Komsomol member Alexander Nazarov, together with fellow soldiers, had a chance to repel several enemy attacks. He personally knocked out an enemy tank and two self-propelled guns. Nazarov's death was truly heroic - he rushed with grenades under the enemy's tank at the most critical moment, blew up the car, paying for the victory in battle at the cost of his life. June 27, 1945 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to Nazarov was erected near the school where he studied in the city of Kaspiysk.

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