Learning to write an essay: Argumentation of one's own opinion (How to argue correctly?). Composition on the topic “The problem of finding the meaning of life

Composition on the topic “The problem of finding the meaning of life” 4.00 /5 (80.00%) 4 votes

Each of us lives our lives the way we choose to be faithful. We all set ourselves certain goals, tasks, we fulfill or do not fulfill them. For a person to live decent life and was pleased with her, he must determine for himself the meaning of life.

Our parents help us to do this. First of all, of course, our upbringing influences us and our worldview. How we were brought up in childhood, what was invested in us, will control us, our plans for the future and our actions will depend on it.
Many writers and poets wrote about the meaning of life. This problem is relevant at all times, so reasoning about the meaning of life will not interfere with anyone, on the contrary, you need to think about it as much as possible.
In Alexander Sergeevich's novel "Eugene Onegin" main character turns out to be very difficult situation. He does not know how to live in his modern society. The reason for this is his unwillingness and inability to work, to find himself, to act. That is why the hero does not find his happiness, his meaning of life, and remains alone and unhappy.
Also in the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”, Pechorin, the main character of the work, could not direct his forces in the right direction and, just like Onegin, could not find his happiness. Pechorin felt that there was strength in him, in his soul, he could act. But the hero was hindered by the fact that he did not know what to apply this force to, in what direction to direct it. The reason that Pechorin could not find himself is society. After all, his worldview and worldview also depend on the society around him. Pechorin's society was such that outstanding personality there was no place. That is why Pechorin could not become happy and find his meaning in life.
I.A. like previous authors, he talked a lot about the meaning of life. In his novel Oblomov, the main character, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, could not find the meaning of life through no fault of his own stupidity. Oblomov was kind talented person, but his worldview prevented him from acting and becoming happy. Brought up in a warm, kind family circle, Oblomov became a vulnerable, soft and weak-willed person. That is why he could not determine for himself the meaning of life. The lack of high goals in the life of society, laziness and weakness of character ruined a talented person.
The meaning of life is an important component of the life of every person. Each of us should have a meaning to live, to act, to create. After all, it, like motivation, helps us to strive for something, achieve results, improve ourselves and the world. This helps a person to become truly happy and live his life with dignity.

The problem of the meaning of life.

Alexander Mikhailovich Adamovich raises the problem of the meaning of life.

Involving readers in a difficult conversation about the meaning of life, the author asks the question: "What is the meaning of human existence?". Answering this question, the publicist recalls the words of Albert Schweitzer, who said that thinking about the meaning of life "already has value in itself."

Each of us must answer the question about the meaning of life, because it is one of the "eternal" questions of being. The purpose of the author is to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the value of life is in life itself (pr. 30-31). Man is an inextricable link in the chain of generations. Each of us is responsible for the future of the planet, for the preservation of life on Earth.

From the point of view of the author, the meaning of life lies in self-knowledge, self-improvement and constant development. It is difficult to disagree with this, because without searching for an answer to the question of the meaning of life, it is impossible spiritual development personality, finding their place in the world.

The problem of the meaning of life was raised by many Russian writers.

One of them is V. Bykov, whose works make one think about the spiritual needs of a person. Let's turn to the work "Obelisk".

The story takes place during the Great Patriotic War. The main character is a village teacher Ales Ivanovich Moroz. His students were seized by the police and promised to be released if the teacher came to them. Frost voluntarily surrenders and stays with the children until last minutes their lives.

It is my deep conviction that the teacher saw the meaning of life in selfless service to his work, in educating students and helping them. in a difficult life situation he sacrificed his life for the sake of his children. Only a real person could do that.

The problem of the meaning of life is raised by M. A. Sholokhov in the story “The Fate of a Man”. Andrei Sokolov was captured during the Great Patriotic War, went through all the horrors of the war, lost his family. It would seem that there is no one to live for, life has lost all meaning.

During his wanderings, he meets an orphaned boy who, like him, was deprived of his relatives and home. In this child he found the meaning of his life. Vanyusha returned to the soldier the opportunity to love and be happy.

The question of the meaning of life is complex issue which sooner or later every person asks himself. What is the sense of life? In search of one's life path, one's place in the world, in continuous development and self-improvement.

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Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery(1900, Lyon, France - July 31, 1944) - famous French writer, poet and professional pilot.

A. de Saint-Exupery " The little Prince». Old Fox taught the Little Prince to comprehend wisdom human relations. To understand a person, one must learn to peer into him, to forgive minor flaws. After all, the most important thing is always hidden inside, and you can’t see it right away.

This is the story of the accidental landing of the writer himself and his mechanic Prevost in the desert.
The symbol of life is water, it quenches the thirst of people lost in the sands, the source of everything that exists on earth, the food and flesh of everyone, the substance that makes it possible for rebirth.
The dehydrated desert is a symbol of a world devastated by war, chaos, destruction, human callousness, envy and selfishness. This is a world in which a person dies of spiritual thirst.

The rose is a symbol of love, beauty, femininity. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence beauty. But after talking with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content.

“Love does not mean looking at each other, it means looking in the same direction” - this thought determines the ideological concept of the story-tale.

He considers the topic of Evil in two aspects: on the one hand, it is “micro evil”, that is, evil inside a single person. This is the deadness and inner emptiness of the inhabitants of the planets, which personify all human vices. And it is no coincidence that the inhabitants of the planet Earth are characterized through the inhabitants of the planets seen by the Little Prince. By this, the author emphasizes how petty and dramatic the contemporary world is. He believes that humanity, like the Little Prince, will comprehend the secret of being, and each man will find his guiding star, which will illuminate his life path. The second aspect of the theme of evil can be conditionally called "macro-evil". Baobabs are a spiritualized image of evil in general. One of the interpretations of this metaphorical image is connected with fascism. Saint-Exupery wanted people to carefully uproot the evil “baobabs” that threatened to tear the planet apart. “Beware of the baobabs!” - conjures the writer.

Saint-Exupery urges us to treat everything beautiful as carefully as possible and try not to lose it in the difficult life path beauty within yourself - the beauty of the soul and heart.
The Little Prince learns the most important thing about beauty from the Fox. Outwardly beautiful, but empty inside, roses do not evoke any feelings in a contemplative child. They are dead to him. The protagonist discovers the truth for himself, the author and readers - only that which is filled with content and deep meaning is beautiful.

Misunderstanding, alienation of people is another important philosophical theme. The deadness of the human soul leads to loneliness. A person judges others only by the “outer shell”, not seeing the main thing in a person - his inner moral beauty: “When you say to adults:“ I saw beautiful house made of pink bricks, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roofs, ”they can’t imagine this house in any way. They need to be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”
People must take care of the cleanliness and beauty of their planet, jointly protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. So, gradually, unobtrusively, another important topic arises in the fairy tale - ecological, which is very relevant for our time. The journey of the Little Prince from star to star brings us closer to today's vision of space, where the Earth, through the negligence of people, can disappear almost imperceptibly.
Love And another secret is revealed by the Fox to the baby: “Only the heart is vigilant. You won’t see the most important thing with your eyes... Your Rose is so dear to you because you gave her all your soul... People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.” To tame means to bind oneself to another being with tenderness, love, a sense of responsibility. To tame means to destroy the facelessness and indifferent attitude towards all living things. To tame means to make the world significant and generous, for everything in it reminds of a beloved being. The narrator also comprehends this truth, and the stars come to life for him, and he hears the ringing of silver bells in the sky, reminiscent of the laughter of the Little Prince. The theme of “expansion of the soul” through love runs throughout the tale.

Only friendship can melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, as it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.
“It's sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone has a friend,” says the hero of the tale. At the beginning of the tale, the Little Prince leaves his only Rose, then he leaves his new friend Fox on Earth. “There is no perfection in the world,” the Fox will say. But on the other hand, there is harmony, there is humanity, there is a person's responsibility for the work entrusted to him, for the person close to him, there is also responsibility for his planet, for everything that happens on it.
Exupery wants to say that each person has his own planet, his own island and his own guiding star, which a person should not forget. “I would like to know why the stars shine,” the little prince said thoughtfully. “Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find their own again.”

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy ---1828 --- 1910 Novel "War and Peace"

Pierre (Tolstoy "V. and the World") was helped to survive in captivity by the wisdom of Platon Karataev, who taught him to live simply and appreciate what you have: the sun is shining, the rain is coming - everything is good. No need to rush, rush about in search of happiness - live and rejoice, be happy that you live. He found with everyone mutual language even with the French.

On the example of Pierre Bezukhov and Platon Karataev L. N. Tolstoy showed two completely different types of Russian characters, two different social heroes.
The first of them is the count, who was captured by the French as an "arsonist" and, miraculously, escaped execution. The second is a simple, wise, patient soldier. Nevertheless, the soldier Platon Karataev managed to play an extremely important role in the life of Pierre Bezukhov.
After the execution of the "arsonists", which Pierre became an eyewitness, "it was as if in his soul that spring was pulled out on which everything rested, and everything fell into a heap of senseless rubbish. Faith in the improvement of the world was destroyed in him, and in human soul, and into God.
The meeting in the booth with Platon Karataev helped spiritual revival Pierre: "He felt that the previously destroyed world was now being erected in his soul with new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations." Karataev made a huge impression on Pierre with his behavior, common sense, the expediency of actions, the ability to "do everything not very well, but not badly either." For Pierre, he became "an incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth."
Bezukhov, who endured severe suffering and the fear of death, finds himself in another world. He sees how Karataev neatly arranged all his "household" in the corner, how a little dog ran up to him and began to caress. The soldier spoke of something very simple, began muttering prayers. All these everyday words and deeds in those conditions seemed to Pierre a miracle, a great discovery of the truth of life. Pierre felt the new beauty of the recently destroyed world, received “calmness and contentment with himself”: “And he, without thinking about it, received this calm and this agreement with himself only through the horror of death, through deprivation and through what he understood in Karataev".
Karataev feels himself a part of the people: ordinary soldiers, the peasantry. His wisdom is contained in numerous proverbs and sayings, behind each of which an episode of Plato's life is guessed. For example, "where there is a court, there is untruth." He suffered from an unfair trial, and is forced to serve in the army. However, Plato takes any twists of fate calmly, he is ready to sacrifice himself for the well-being of the family. Karataev loves every person, every living being: he is affectionate with an ordinary stray dog, helps other prisoners, sews shirts for the French and sincerely admires his work.
Platon Karataev becomes for Pierre an example of the perception of another world, where simplicity and truth, love for humanity dominate.
The relationship between Platon Karataev and Pierre Bezukhov did not develop for long in the novel. Due to the aggravated illness, the French shot Karataev.
The soldier quietly passed away, and Pierre took Karataev's death calmly, as a matter of course.
Plato appeared next to Pierre, like a savior, at the most difficult moment of his life and left casually. But, despite this, his personality is so outstanding and the influence on the fate of Pierre is so great that Karataev cannot be simply ranked as episodic heroes novel.
Not without reason, years later, Pierre often remembered him, thought about what Plato would say about this or that event, "would he approve or disapprove." The meeting of these two heroes largely determined further fate Count Pierre Bezukhov and showed the greatest wisdom Russian people, embodied in the guise of a soldier Platon Karataev

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Probably, each of us will someday think about why he was born, try to determine his destiny. For example, your neighbor sees the meaning of his life in a vacation abroad, a car of a certain brand, his wife - a model ... Does it mean that your priorities should be set in this way? How to live, in the words of the author of the text proposed for discussion, “the time allotted by nature”? Looking for an answer to this question famous writer B.L. Vasiliev, raising the problem of the meaning of life.

Analyzing this issue, the author compares the life of an animal and a person and finds out that if the "sum of the stored energy" is correlated with the life span of the animal, then the time allotted to a person "does not fit into the dates on the tombstone." It is important for B.Vasiliev to show that a person, unlike an animal, lives not only “the time allotted by nature” - absolute time, but also relative time, when seconds can stretch like hours, and days can fly by like moments. In the central part of the text, the writer deduces the dependence of the time allotted to a person on his spiritual culture. Indeed, the higher the culture, the more possibilities. This, from the author's point of view, explains why everyone has a different relative time. The key, from my point of view, is the final part of the text, in which the narrator refers to his childhood memories: it was then that he heard important words from his father about the role of labor, which “became the main commandment, alpha and omega” of the worldview.

I would like to substantiate my point of view by referring to the work of F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. Before us is the main character - a former student Rodion Raskolnikov. Analyzing the article, which outlines his idea of ​​dividing people into two groups, you understand that the meaning of life for Rodion was the desire to make sure whether he could cross blood for the sake of a great goal. Dostoevsky convincingly shows that the goals of the protagonist turn out to be disastrous not only for himself. Alienated from the people Raskolnikov, the unfortunate mother and sister, who went after him to hard labor Sonya Marmeladova - these heroes became hostages of the immoral idea that Raskolnikov took for the meaning of life.

I would like to substantiate my position by referring to the work of Khaled Hosseini "The Wind Runner". One of the main characters is the son of an influential aristocrat, Amir. Using his example, the author shows that the path to a correct understanding of the meaning of life can go through mistakes. Measured family life, successful career writer, peace, glory sacrifices the protagonist in order to fulfill his duty as a brother and friend, to wash away the stain of shame - this is what Amir sees the meaning of his life. The story of the protagonist leaves no doubt: it is important that moral values ​​take the main place in life.

By making a search query “what is the meaning of life?” in a search engine, you will receive thousands of different answers. Appeal to the texts of B.L. Vasilyeva, F.M. Dostoevsky, H. Hosseini helped me to understand: no matter how we define the purpose of our life, it is important to remember the laws of morality and not cross them.

Text by F. M. Dostoevsky

(1) Man was created for centuries, judging by the huge, incomparable expenditure of strength. (2) The lion, having killed the antelope, rests in a well-fed slumber for a day. (3) The mighty elk, after an hour-long battle with an opponent, settles for half a day in the thicket, convulsively moving its failed sides. (4) Aitmatovsky Karanar saved up strength for a year to rage, rage and triumph for half a month. (5) For a person, such feats are the brilliance of the moment, for which he pays with such a small fraction of his reserves that he does not need to rest at all.

(6) The purpose of the beast is to live the time allotted by nature. (7) The amount of energy embedded in it is correlated with this period, and a living being spends not as much as he wants, but as much as he needs, as if some kind of dosing device is provided in him: the beast does not know desire, it exists according to the law of necessity. (8) Isn't that why animals don't suspect that life is finite?

(9) The life of animals is the time from birth to death: animals live in absolute time, not knowing that there is also relative time, only a person can exist in this relative time. (10) His life never fits into the dates on the tombstone. (11) It is larger, it contains seconds known only to him, which dragged on like hours, and a day that flew by like moments. (12) And the higher the spiritual structure of a person, the more opportunities he has to live not only in absolute, but also in relative time. (13) For me, the global super-task of art is its ability to prolong human life, saturate it with meaning, teach people to actively exist in relative time, that is, to doubt, feel and suffer.

(14) This is about spirituality, but also in the ordinary, physical life man is given more "fuel" than is necessary in order to live according to the laws of nature. (15) Why? (16) For what purpose? (17) After all, in nature everything is reasonable, everything is verified, tested for millions of years, and even an appendix, as it turned out, is still needed for something. (18) And why is a huge supply of energy many times greater than the needs for which a person is given?

(19) I asked this question in the fifth or sixth grade, when I got to elementary physics, and decided that it explained everything. (20) And she really explained everything to me then. (21) Except human. (22) But I couldn’t explain it. (23) It was here that the straightforward logic of knowledge ended and the frighteningly multivariate logic of understanding began.
(24) Of course, I didn’t imagine this then, but the energy balance did not converge, and I asked my father why a person was given so much.

− (25) For work.

- (26) I see, - I said, not understanding anything, but did not ask.

(27) This property - to agree with the interlocutor not when I understood everything, but when I did not understand anything - apparently, is inherent in me by nature. (28) In everyday life, it always bothered me, because I didn’t get out of triples, writing my theories, hypotheses, and often laws. (29) But there was still one beneficial side to this oddity: I memorized, not understanding, and I myself got to the bottom of the answers, now it’s not so important that most often the answer was wrong. (30) Life requires from a person not answers, but desires
look for them.

(31) I am writing about this only for the sake of my father’s two words, which determined for me the whole meaning of existence. (32) This has become the main commandment, the alpha and omega of my worldview. (33) And I became a writer, probably not at all because I was born with such a brilliance in my eyes, but only because I firmly believed in the need for hard, daily, frantic work.

(According to B.L. Vasiliev *)

Question about the search for meaning human life, has been raised in the literature more than once, and it is this question that can be called initially rhetorical. Heroes of many eminent literary works tried to understand what is the meaning of our existence, each of them did it different ways and chose completely opposite paths in life.

But despite the ideals created over and over again in their lives, they faced almost the same reality. Is it possible to find an unambiguous answer to the question of the meaning of life? And how did his search end? literary heroes, whose images have become so close to many readers? ..

Does life have meaning?

An exemplary example of such a hero can be called Eugene Onegin - the main character of the story of the same name by Pushkin A.S. In the first part of the work, the image of Onegin is revealed to us, which is a nobleman, a secular dandy, whose life is full of entertainment, fun and love affairs. Despite the fact that his life seems eventful, over time he gets bored with it, and wanting to stop boredom, he goes to the village. Onegin begins to take an interest in the life of the village, tries to alleviate the situation of the peasants and take up farming. But this activity also bothers him, and gradually his taste for life cools down, human feelings and emotions disappear from his soul, and he completely cools down inside and out.

The main plot of the story can be called the moment when the main character, having already turned into a soulless and cold egoist, mercilessly rejects the feelings of a young and sincere girl Tatyana. And in the future, he does not spare her wounded feelings, Eugene openly cares for Olga, which makes his own suffer as well. close friend- Lensky. Thus, Onegin loses all the people close to him, people who needed him, and most importantly, whom he himself unconsciously needed.

This loss means for him the loss of himself, and only such sad changes make him change his outlook on life and its meaning. Onegin tries to improve, he finds Tatyana to tell her about his feelings - but it's too late, she has changed and got married. He made fatal mistakes that can no longer be corrected, and understanding this allowed him to realize that until the moment of the destruction of his life, his own existence had no meaning.

Ideal and reality in literature

Similar tragedies haunted and continued to haunt the heroes even after Eugene Onegin. The eternal search for the meaning of life is one of the fundamental themes in Russian and foreign literature. In their literary works, writers highlight the burden of such a search for any person, reveal their ideals and show the bitter reality that they eventually have to face.

This is the fatal tragedy of the heroes who are in search of the meaning of life - relying on their ideals, they have to deal with sometimes cruel and unfair reality. Sometimes their life becomes unbearable precisely because of incorrectly chosen life guidelines, sometimes they have to suffer from continuous contradictions and struggle with the discord between their ideals and what really is. In a similar way they go through a long and thorny path, during which they are trying to find the meaning of a difficult and sometimes completely unfair human life.

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