Musical and didactic game “The sun and the cloud. Musical and didactic games for children

Musical - didactic game "The sun and the cloud"

Target: Develop an idea of ​​the different nature of music (cheerful, cheerful; calm, lullaby; sad, sad).


Encourage to perceive the expressiveness of music, its feelings.

Develop the ability to express emotions and character piece of music through game cards.

Develop musical memory, children's ideas about the different nature of music (cheerful, calm, sad).

Develop auditory perception, elementary musical and analytical thinking.

Develop the ability to compare, contrast music of a different nature.

Quiet - loud - very loud

Game for the development of auditory attention and sound power

Target: Learn to hear the change in sound volume and note it in motion.

game material: Tambourine

Game progress: Children sit on chairs or on a carpet, facing the teacher. The teacher knocks the tambourine softly, then loudly, then very loudly. In accordance with the volume of the sound, the children perform conditional movements. On a quiet sound, they knock with a finger on a finger. Clap your hands for a loud sound. They stomp their feet at a very loud sound. As a figurative comparison, we can offer children to call the quiet sound of a tambourine “Light rain”, the loud sound “Heavy rain”, the very loud sound “Thunderstorm”.

Note: If children cannot independently assess the strength of the sound, they should be prompted at the first stages: “It started to rain a little”, “It poured a heavy downpour”, a thunderstorm began!”. Subsequently, the children themselves will learn to "prompt" themselves. And then complete the task without prompting.

play like me

A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Target: To develop in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200brhythm, to learn to memorize and transmit a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material: tambourine, metallophone, musical hammer, dice, rhythmic sticks, etc.

Game progress: The teacher offers to listen and then perform a rhythmic pattern of five to seven sounds on any of the proposed instruments. When the game is well enough mastered by the children, one of the children takes on the role of the leader.


didactic game"Toys came to visit us"

Topic: Toys came to visit us

Target: learn to recognize and name toys; exercise in the correct pronunciation of onomatopoeia; activate the speech of children (pronounce and finish the songs, nursery rhymes); develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements; create a positive emotional state

Material: toys - cockerel, cat, bunny, squirrel and others according to the number of children, musical accompaniment

Game progress:- I'm glad you came today Kindergarten, you are my guys, you are my kittens, you are my patties ...

Game "Okay"

Sweeties, sweeties!

Where were you?

By Grandma!

What did they eat?

What did they drink?

Drank, ate

Shu, fly!

Sit on your head!

Sit down, sit down

Fly away!

Today toys will come to visit us. Guess who?

Who has soft paws

And in the paws - scratches.

Milk laps

Mur-mur sings.

A toy appears - a CAT.

How does a cat sing a song? (onomatopoeia).

Let's remember a joke:

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!

Don't sit on the path

Our baby will go

It will fall through the pussy! ..

Who is it?

How does a cockerel sing? (onomatopoeia).

What poem do we know?

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

Silk beard!

Don't you let Vanya sleep?

Who is it?

What does the bunny eat?

Mobile game "White Bunny"

1 .White bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this, it moves its ears.

2 .It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap, you need to warm up your paws.

3. It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump, jump, jump, jump - the bunny needs to jump.

4. Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped and galloped away ... (Children are hiding).

Who is it?

What does a squirrel eat? (nuts, cones)

finger game

Squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear clubfoot,

Mustachioed bunny.

Who is it?

How does the dog bark?

Let's tell the dog how we live.

Finger game "How are you?"

How is it going?

Like this! (cam with thumb)

How are you swimming?

Like this? (imitation)

Are you following?

Like this! (waving hand)

Looking forward to lunch?

Like this! (support cheeks with fists)

How are you kidding?

Like this! (hit fists on puffed cheeks)

That's how many toys we have visiting. And you, guys, told nursery rhymes so well for them, sang songs. Well done!

Children play with toys.

Musical and didactic game "Drum".
Vanya will take a stick
And beat the drum
And now it's loud
We will answer "bam-bam-bam."
Children repeat onomatopoeia in the game.

“Who is screaming? »

Target: Develop children's speech attention.

Stroke: The mother of the bird had a small chick (shows pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: "chirp - chirp" (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (rearranges the picture with the image of the chick away). The bird is calling son. What does she call him? (Children together with the teacher repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he chirp? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?


Goal: move according to the word of an adult.

Materials: rattles on the handle (2 for each child); boxes (baskets) for folding rattles.

Children stand in front of an adult holding a box of rattles and saying:

All quickly run to me, Rattles get!

An adult quickly distributes rattles to children. (You can put the rattles on the gymnastic bench, the children will take them themselves.)

The children took the rattles. With them quickly walked!

An adult goes ahead of the children, waving the remaining rattles, recites:

They began to run and jump. Play with rattles!

Children run around, ringing rattles. The adult continues:

We must now all stand in a circle, Show rattles!

Children stand in a circle. As soon as they calm down, the adult joins them, then picks up the rattles with the words:

Raise rattles. And then drop them. Raise and lower! Raise and lower!

Children raise and lower rattles. Then the adult crouches and taps the handles of the rattles on the floor with the words:

Children began to squat, Rattles to knock. Knock - and right! Knock and straight! Knock, knock, knock! And everyone got up.

Children squat, knock rattles on the floor, get up, repeat these movements twice; to the words “knock, knock, knock” they quickly knock three times on the floor with rattles, then rise.

These are exciting and, at the same time, useful children's games. For their implementation, certain didactic materials which help the child to better absorb the information. It is not difficult to make these materials on your own, because for this you only need paper or cardboard, scissors and pencils. Be sure to involve the child in this process, he will certainly be interested in him.

This article presents several musical and didactic games for younger children. preschool age. These musical children's games will help the kid develop his ear, musical inclinations, teach him to feel the mood of music, its character.

Sun and cloud

This musical children's game will teach the child to capture the mood of the sounding music.

Three picture cards: a bright sun; the sun, slightly covered by a cloud; cloud with rain.

As mentioned above: you can prepare the necessary didactic materials with your child in advance. Suggest him to do applied art and then proceed to music lessons Both are very beneficial for the development of children. On our website you can find ready-made cards, you just need to print them out and ask the child to cut them out.

It is necessary to select three diverse pieces of music (or excerpts), it is better to use classical works They are very easy to find on the Internet. For example, you can use Kabalevsky's "Rondo March", Prokofiev's "The Month Walks in Circles", Krutitsky's "Winter" - teachers often use them during musical children's games.

Next, you need to alternately turn on the works and ask the child to show a card that conveys the nature of the music, the kids really like this game. You can also ask the child to describe the music in his own words, while prompting him with new, unknown adjectives, this will help increase vocabulary. Of course, after a couple of sessions, fragments need to be changed, gradually complicate the task, choose works whose nature is not so obvious.

"Color" music

Many musicians believed that music and color are inextricably linked, for example, Alexander Nikolaevich Skryabin. In our article, we have already talked about the method of color matching, this musical and didactic game for children is based on it, it, like the previous one, helps the child learn to capture musical moods.

Squares cut out of cardboard in different colors.

Cardboard cards can also be prepared in advance with your child, it's very simple, you just need to cut out multi-colored squares of any size, for example, 7 by 7 centimeters. You can choose any colors to your taste, we offer such an option:

  • Red - bright, energetic, decisive, victorious, inviting, grandiose, spectacular, optimistic.
  • Yellow - joyful, sunny, radiant, sparkling, cheerful, dazzling.
  • Pink - gently, softly, calmly, good-naturedly, affectionately, "transparently", at ease.
  • light blue - easy, weightless, contemplative, dreamy, sublime, winged, bewitched.
  • Blue - hard, sad, strict, serious, cumbersome, weighty, tense.

These are just some of the options. The main thing is to discuss with the child in advance all the “properties” of colors, their “character”, ask what he thinks: what “qualities”, in his opinion, certain colors have. Over time, you can expand the color range by adding other shades, they will allow you to convey the nature of the music in more detail, to capture the nuances.

For one musical children's game, it is necessary to select only three or four passages, some of them may be similar in character, some, on the contrary, are different. In turn, turn on one or another fragment to the child and ask him to show a card with a color, perhaps he will choose several cards, ask him to justify the answer, describe the mood that he caught.

musical ladder

This musical and didactic game for children first of all teaches the child to hear the melody, to catch its movement (up or down the sound range). It is good for developing hearing in children.


  • - Scales - they can be found on the net, it will not be difficult. You want a passage in which the melody moves up (key is not important in this case) and then down. I think everyone knows the C-major scale: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-do - and vice versa.
  • -Ladder, cut out of cardboard, on which the girl (or any other character) climbs up.
  • -Ladder, on which the girl goes down.

Again, prepare the materials ahead of time with your child. You can print ready-made options, which are presented below, or you can ask the child to draw everything on their own, then color and cut it out.

It is necessary to turn on the child either a melody moving down or moving up, while asking him to show this or that card.

Musical instruments

This musical children's game will teach the child to distinguish the sound of one musical instrument from another. We have already written about the benefits of children's musical instruments-toys, this game will help the child learn how the instruments sound ideally.


  • -Sounds musical instruments. Start with something simple and small in number, such as guitar, trumpet, violin, harmonica, balalaika, and drum sounds.
  • -Cards with the image of the selected tools: you can print ready-made pictures, in addition, in bookstores sell special didactic cards.

Tell the child that now he will hear how fabulous musicians play, each of them plays only one instrument, the child’s task is to understand which one. Of course, in advance, some time before the quiz, you need to introduce the child to the sound of instruments, because he cannot guess what he does not know. When the kid guesses, ask him to choose the right card. If the task causes difficulty, try asking leading questions, ask what the sounding fragment reminds him of, is it beats or, for example, the sound of strings? Never scold a child if he does something wrong, all children need a different amount of time to remember the information, if he made a mistake, turn on the fragment again, tell him what instrument sounds, and come up with an associative series. For example: "This is a violin. The violin is stringed instrument. A musician strokes the strings with a bow in order to get a sound, which is why it turns out to be drawn out, sometimes mournful. "You can also draw a parallel with color.

Synopsis of musical - didactic game

The sun and the cloud"


Target: Develop an idea of ​​the different nature of music (cheerful, cheerful; calm, lullaby; sad, sad).


Encourage to perceive the expressiveness of music, its feelings.

To form the ability to express emotions and the nature of a piece of music through playing cards.

Develop musical memory, children's ideas about the different nature of music (cheerful, calm, sad).

Develop auditory perception, elementary musical and analytical thinking.

Develop the ability to compare, contrast music of a different nature.

Game material: cards by the number of players: bright sun, sun covered by a cloud, cloud with rain.

Game progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like listening to music? Does anyone know what kind of music is by nature?

Children: Cheerful, sad, calm, sad….

Educator: Guys, what else can you say funny, sad, sad?

Children: Mood

Educator: Show a cheerful mood using facial expressions; then sad; sad. Well done.

Now we will listen to music with you, and I suggest you play the game "Sun and cloud".

Listen to the rules of the game:

If you hear cheerful music, raise the "sun".

If cheerful - "sun".

If sad - "the sun behind the cloud."

If a evil, the sounds of a thunderstorm - "a cloud with rain."

Listen carefully to the music and show the correct card.

Remember the rules of the game: You don't need to say words, just show the card.


1 composition: ……………………….

Children: show a cloud

Educator:“Why did they show a cloud? »

Children: The music sounded sad, gloomy, plaintive

Educator: Look guys, did everyone answer correctly? (slide)

2 composition: …………………..

Children: show the sun

Educator: What was the music like?

Children: Cheerful, joyful

Educator: Attention to the screen, whoever chose the same card did right choice.

3 composition: ………………….

Children: show the sun behind the clouds.

Educator: Well done boys. Look, we have 3 very interesting pictures. What can you say about the first / second / third picture?

Guys, look, I have 2 cards, which card will we attach to 1 picture?

Children: Rain

Educator: And to the second?

Children: The sun behind the clouds.

Educator: You and I have a third picture, where it is very light, the day is depicted, the birds are flying. What card can be attributed to this picture?

Children: Sun.

Educator: But I don't have a card for this painting. Who knows what we can do with you so that our picture has a card?

Children: draw.

Educator: That's right guys, we will draw the sun.

But in order for you and me to draw the sun, you need to go to the workshop and become real artists. And for this we need to say our magic words: Kribly, krable, booms.

This is how we became artists. We sit down at the tables.

Take a seat at your jobs.

We want to draw, but we don’t have pencils and paints, what can we draw with? And we will draw with you with the help of cotton swabs. To make the sun look like a real one, let's remember what it is. What does it look like? (Children's answers.)

Educator:- Which one geometric figure reminds us of the sun (Children's answers.)

What color is the sun? (Children's answers.)

That's right guys. And in order for us to get a beautiful and bright sun, we need to do exercises for our pens:

Finger gymnastics“Give us, the sun, warmth”

We stretched out our palms

And looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)

Give us, the sun, warmth,

To have a strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to themselves.)

Our fingers are tiny

They don’t want to wait a minute, (They bend and unbend their fingers rhythmically.)

Knock - knock, with hammers, (They bend down and alternately rhythmically knock their fists on their knees.)

Clap - clap, with paws, (Rhythmically clapping on the knees.)

Jump - jump like bunnies

They jump on the lawn. (Knocking with half-bent fingers on the knees.)

Now, move the leaves towards you. Each of you has yellow paint, cotton swabs and napkins on the table.

In order to draw the sun, you need to draw a little paint on the tip of a cotton swab and with such movements first draw the outline of the sun, that is, a circle. Now our circle is ready, what does the sun lack?

I think the same guys, rays. We draw rays in the same way, look like this.

That's how beautiful we get with you.

The one who finished cotton swab put on a napkin and hang your work on the picture.

And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words: cribs, crabs, booms.

Here we are in kindergarten. You can attach a picture of your sun to your locker or take it home. The sun will warm you in cloudy and cold weather, create good mood.

And now let's smile at each other and go for a walk to cheerful music.


Development in children musical memory, attention, dexterity, speed, ingenuity, communication skills;

ability to perform elements of dance movements: spring, movement around oneself.

Description and course of the game.

The proposed game can be played with preschoolers in kindergarten and at home.

The nature of the movements produced is determined by the musical intonation of the poems, which are pronounced measuredly, somewhat in a singsong voice or in the rhythm of the dance.

Children easily catch musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of speech. The text itself suggests the nature of the movements.

Before the start of the game, with the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is chosen - “the sun”, the rest of the children are “sleeping”.


The sun is calling everyone

The bell sings to us

Ding-bom, ding-bom

Get out of the circle!

The text is read slowly, with soft intonation.

The players form a circle. In the center of the circle is the "sun", in his hands he has 4 hoops yellow color.

Option one.

Sunshine, sunshine

Take a walk by the river

Sunshine, sunshine

Throw out the rings!

On lines 1 - 4 everyone goes to the right in a circle. The "Sun" moves to the left, laying out the hoops on the floor, closer to the players.

We will collect rings

Let's take gold.

Let's play, let's play

On lines 5 - 7, the children standing next to the hoop take it and form a small circle (there are four such circles-teams).

And we'll get you back!

On the last line, the players line up in general circle, the hoop is placed on the floor.

At the signal of the leader (the sound of a tambourine), everyone scatters, at the next signal, each team gathers around its hoop. Those who do it faster win.

Option two (quiet game). Children stand in a circle.

On lines 1 - 2, everyone goes to the right, making three stomp on the word "rivers",

on lines 3 - 4 go to the left, making three stomp on the word "rings".

On lines 5 - 6, the players sort out in pairs (agree in advance), hold both hands and spin around with a calm step.

On the word "take" they serve each other right hand and keep spinning to the right.

On the last line, changing hands, spin to the left.



Slides captions:

Goal: Development of attention, dexterity, speed, ingenuity, communication skills; ability to perform elements of dance movements: spring, movement around oneself. The rhyme: The sun calls everyone, The bell sings to us In a clear, thin voice Ding-bom, ding-bom Get out of the circle! SUN Before the start of the game, with the help of a counting rhyme, they choose the driver - “the sun”, the rest of the children - “sleeping”.

OPTION ONE Sunshine, sunshine, Take a walk by the river, Sunshine, sunshine, Scatter the rings! Children go to the right in a circle. The "Sun" moves to the left, laying out the hoops on the floor, closer to the players. The players form a circle. In the center of the circle is the "sun", in his hands he has 4 yellow hoops.

We will collect the rings, we will take the gilded ones. Let's ride, play standing next to the hoop, take it and form a small circle (there are four such circles-teams). OPTION ONE

And we'll get you back! On the last line, the players line up in a common circle, put the hoop on the floor. OPTION ONE

At the signal of the leader (the sound of a tambourine), everyone scatters, at the next signal, each team gathers around its hoop. Those who do it faster win. OPTION ONE

The game starts over, the driver is chosen from the circle that gathered first.


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Slides captions:

THE SUN RUSSIAN FOLK GAME State budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

LEGEND Face - - girl's back Face - - boy's back

OPTION TWO (calm game) Children stand in a circle. Sunshine, sunshine, take a walk by the river, everyone goes to the right, making three stomps on the word "rivers",

Sunshine, sunshine, scatter the rings! go to the left, making three stomp on the word "rings". OPTION TWO (calm game)

OPTION TWO (calm game) We will collect the rings, we will take the gilded ones. the players sort out in pairs (agree in advance), take both hands and spin around with a calm step.

OPTION TWO (calm game) On the word “take”, they give each other their right hand and continue to circle to the right.

OPTION TWO (QUIET GAME) Let's ride, play And we'll give you back! On the last line, changing hands, spin to the left.

RULES IN THE GAME Play honestly, amicably, following the rules. In the game, show more invention, ingenuity (without violating the accepted rules). Try to help out your teammates all the time. The law of each team in the game is one for all and all for one. Don't get too excited! So it is more correct to come to victory. GOOD LUCK IN THE GAME! Pictures / Sources of images and information dances

Synopsis of a game lesson for children of the second year of life "Sun and rain"


The sun cut out of cardboard and attached to a thread.
Audio recordings: E. Grieg "Morning", "Rain-rain, ley-ley-ley".
Yellow circles cut out of cardboard, counting sticks.
Umbrella, sun on a stick.
Trays with semolina.
A stick, transparent bags cut into ribbons are attached to it.
Puddles (paper), paths (correctional).
cardboard drops blue color on strings, basin.
Modeling boards, yellow plasticine, clouds cut out of cardboard.

Lesson progress:

Greeting "The sun rose in the morning"

In a golden cradle
The sun has fallen across the river.
(Parents put the babies on their knees, the baby's arms are folded in front of the chest, forming a “cradle” circle. Imitation of a baby rocking in their arms).

The sun rose in the morning, woke up the kids.
The kids went out for a walk
They started jumping and jumping.
(Hands smoothly rise, separate, smoothly lower. Clap hands on the legs alternately, pat at the same time).

And... (child's name) is here.
(We point with open palms at the called children).

Listening to an excerpt from the musical work by E. Grieg "Morning"

Let's call the sun. Repeat after me:

Sunshine, show yourself quickly!
Warm us up guys!

To the sound of music, the teacher raises the sun by a string.

Reading Agnia Barto's poem "The sun looks out the window"

The sun looks out the window.
Warms our room
We clapped our hands
Very happy with the sun.

Didactic exercise "This is how the sun rises"

Here is the circle. Yellow color. This will be our sun. Pick up the yellow circle.

This is how the sun rises.
Higher, higher, higher.
(Raise your hand with the sun up, stretch)

By night the sun will set
Down, down, down.
(Slowly squat down, lower your hand to the floor)

Good good.
The sun laughs.
And under the sun we
Having fun.

Didactic exercise "A cloud covered the sun"

Suddenly the wind blew. Like this. Blow as the wind blows. The wind brought a cloud. There she is. The cloud covered the sun. Put a cloud on top so that it covers the sun. The wind blew again. Blow. And the cloud flew away. The sun opened up and shone.

Design "Radiant Sun"

And now you yourself will make a beautiful sun. The yellow circle is the sun, and we will make the rays from sticks. You need to lay them out around the yellow circle. Like this. (Teacher shows).

Mobile game "Rain and sun"

Here the sun is shining bright and all the guys are walking. (The teacher holds the sun on a stick, the children walk on the carpet)
But the sun hid behind a cloud, it started to rain. Run all to me under an umbrella. (The teacher opens the umbrella, the children run to him).

Finger gymnastics "Raindrops"

They fell on the grass.
Drop-drop droplets
Cap-cap is small.
(Open one palm, tap on it with the fingertips of the other hand, imitating raindrops)

On the palms of the children
Catch these drops.
Drop-drop droplets
Cap-cap is small.
(We do the same with the other palm)

Exercise "Collect droplets"

That's how many droplets fell from the clouds. Lots of drops. Let's collect them and put them in this bowl.

Drawing with fingers on the croup "Rain dripped"

When drops fall from a cloud to the ground, they leave traces. Let's draw traces from the droplets. Put your finger, press and remove. Here is one drop. And their clouds fall a lot of droplets, so we will do this with our finger many times. You will get a lot of traces of drops. How many drops fell from the cloud? Lots of drops.

Musical-rhythmic exercise "Rain-rain, ley-ley-ley"

Children beat the rhythm with sticks on drums ..

Reading the nursery rhyme "Rain"

Children, let's ask the rain to stop pouring drops on us. The teacher reads the nursery rhyme, and the children shake their index fingers.

Rain, rain
Pour full
Wet little kids!

Mobile game "Jump over the puddle"

These are the puddles left after the rain. Try to jump over the puddle. And this puddle is very big, we can't jump over it. Therefore, we will throw a bridge over it and go through it.

Didactic game "Do not get wet"

Here are my raindrops (a stick, transparent bags cut into ribbons are attached to it). The teacher is trying to hurt those parts of the body of the children in question with “rain”, and the children hide them.

Rain, rain, more fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Lei quieter, do not knock -
Don't get our hands wet!
Lei quieter, do not knock -
Don't wet our ears!
Lei quieter, do not knock -
Don't wet our cheeks!
Lei quieter, do not knock -
Don't wet our eyebrows!
Lei quieter, do not knock -
Don't wet our shoulders!

Bas-relief modeling "Sun"

On cardboard cut out in the shape of a cloud, children stick a yellow plasticine ball, press down and pull out the rays with their fingers.

Dynamic pause "The sun came out from behind the clouds"

The sun came out from behind the clouds
We will stretch our hands to the sun.
Stretching, arms up.

Hands to the sides then
We'll spread it wider.
Stretching, arms to the sides.

We've finished warming up.
Rested legs and back.

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