Ivanovo Musical Theatre: repertoire, photos, reviews. Musical theatre, Ivanovo: hall layout and repertoire reviews Musical theater in Ivanovo

In 1930, a traveling troupe of operetta artists was created in the Ivanovo region. In 1931 this troupe was reorganized into the mobile Ivanovo-Voznesensky Theater of Musical Comedy. In 1934 he received the building and became stationary. On the new stage opened with the play "Harry Domella" (music - A. Ashkenazy, production and libretto - V. Lensky, the first artistic director of the theater). During the years of the Great Patriotic War artists as part of concert teams went to the front, performed in front of the wounded in hospitals. An important page in the history of the theater is associated with the name of B. Brushtein. In 1975, the performances "Then in Seville" by M. Samoilov (1971) and "An Ordinary Miracle" by V. Gorokhovsky (1974) staged by him were successfully shown on tour in Moscow. The team worked closely with the composer M. Samoilov, most of whose operettas were staged for the first time on the Ivanovo stage. In 1985 it was reorganized and received modern name. In 1987 he moved to a new building. Awarded with the "Golden Mask" ("Khanuma" by G. Kancheli, "Best Actor in an Operetta/Musical" - A. Menzhinsky, 1999).

The musical theater is the pride of the city of Ivanovo. Him rich story. Today, the theater's repertoire is extensive and varied. Talented artists perform here, among which there are laureates and diplomats of the highest theater award in our country " golden mask».

Theater history

Exists since 1930. At first it was a group that toured the Ivanovo region. In September 1931, a reorganization took place. The group turned into a mobile Ivanovo-Voznesensk theater of musical comedy. But the troupe did not have its own building for several years. In 1934, the regional executive committee and the presidium united the visiting group with the Regional drama theater, so it appeared Regional theater musical comedy. In 1935 he had his own building.

The first stationary performance of the theater was "Harry Domela", the author of the music for which was A. Ashkenazy, and the librettist and director - V. Lensky, who was also the first artistic director. In 1936, the composition of the troupe changed significantly, young, but already experienced operetta artists came to the theater: M. Matveev, E. Mai, Z.D. Gabrilyants, K. Constant, N. Skalov and others. In the same year, the premiere of the production of "Servant" by N. Strelnikov took place.

Over time, the theater acquired its own face, built a repertoire, gathered interesting artists into a troupe. During the Great Patriotic War, actors as part of propaganda teams performed at the fronts in front of soldiers and in hospitals in front of wounded soldiers and officers.

Special place in creative life The Ivanovo Theater of Musical Comedy is occupied by V. Brushtein's operettas, which enjoyed great success with the audience and were generously endowed with rave reviews from the press, not only local, but even metropolitan. The performances shocked with their plastic expression of poetic speech, even the poets themselves, for example A. Voznesensky, expressed delight on this occasion. In 1986, the theater received the status of a regional one. And since 1987 he moved to a building belonging to the Palace of Arts, where he is still located.

theater building

The theater was built on the site of the male one, which was founded by the princes Cherkassky in 1579 in their village of Ivanovo. Initially, all the monastery buildings were wooden, they were dilapidated. In the 19th century, an ensemble of two already stone churches appeared in their place - Pokrovsky and Trinity. An almshouse for orphans and widows was built nearby.

Gradually, the village of Ivanovo grew and merged with Voznesensky Posad, as a result of which the city of Ivanovo-Voznesensk was formed. In 1931, the Pokrovsky and Trinity Cathedrals were demolished, and a theater building grew in their place. The architect for the design of the premises was chosen through a competition in which 11 specialists took part. Among their projects was a very original one, the author of which was Ilya Golosov. The scheme of the Musical Theater (Ivanovo), which he proposed, resembled a television in its form. As a result, the project of Alexander Vlasov was chosen, who soon after became the chief architect of Moscow.

The building was completed in 1940. After 8 years, the theater was renovated, and after 20 years it was held large-scale reconstruction. All this happened for the reason that the wooden floors rotted, the foundation was weak, and besides, it was constantly washed away by the stream. In 1987, another reconstruction took place, after which the theater added halls - now there are four of them - for the musical theater, for the drama, for the puppet and for the Green nightclub. Now the building bears the proud name of the Palace of Arts.

In 2008, a new renovation was carried out, now the floors and ceilings were changed. In 2009, the foyer was restored, and new, modern sound equipment was purchased. In 2011, the facade was updated, chairs were replaced, new lighting equipment was purchased. A little less than one and a half thousand spectators can accommodate the Musical Theater (Ivanovo). The scheme of the hall is presented in this article below.


The Musical Theater (Ivanovo) is a large team of talented professionals. More than 30 vocal soloists work here, many of whom are laureates and diploma winners of competitions and festivals, including the national theater award "Golden Mask" (Alexander Menzhinsky and People's Artist Russian Irina Sitnova). Seven actors have the title Russian Federation". ballet troupe represented by talented dancers in the amount of twenty-one. The theater also employs 19 choristers and 28 orchestra members.

Creative team and management

The theater (Ivanovo) today operates under the direction of Yuri Vladimirovich Serkov. The main director is Pecherskaya Natalya Vladimirovna. chief conductor- Arkady Lvovich Lodyzhensky. Chief choreographer- Lisovskaya Valentina Evgenievna. Lead Artist- Novozhilova Valentina Vasilievna. Chief choirmaster - Godlevskaya Svetlana Konstantinovna. The head of the literary and dramatic part of the theater is Irina Sergeevna Skvortsova. Concertmasters - Olga Aleksandrovna Vinogradova and Serafima Yakovlevna Sigalova. There are also six decorators, four dressers, two fashion designers, seven tailors, three props and other creative workers.


The repertoire of the Musical Theater (Ivanovo) is diverse, which is called "for every taste." Here you can enjoy classical foreign and Russian operetta, ballet performances, children's musical tales, modern vaudeville, musical performances.

Presented here:

  • Musical performance "Khanuma" (G. Kancheli).
  • Children's musical performance « flying ship"(V. Vadimov).
  • Children's musical " The Bremen Town Musicians"(G. Gladkov).
  • Operetta "Silva" (I. Kalman).
  • Operetta "Mr. X" (I. Kalman).
  • Musical "The Ghost of Canterville Castle" (V. Baskin).
  • Musical comedy " True story lieutenant Rzhevsky "(V. Baskin).
  • Ballet "Star of Paris" (M. Vasiliev).
  • Musical comedy "Donna Lucia, or Hello, I'm your aunt" (O. Feltsman).
  • Operetta " white locust"(I. Dunayevsky).
  • Children's musical "The same cat" (N. Prokin).

And this is not the whole list of performances that the Ivanovo Musical Theater offers to the public.

Touring activity

The city of Ivanovo is actively tour activity and rides on different cities Russia. At a time when the hall of the Musical Theater (Ivanovo) was under reconstruction, the troupe worked mainly on the road. During this time, the artists visited such cities as Lipetsk, Nerekht, Zelenograd, Rybinsk, Teikov, Bryansk, Dzerzhinsk, Kovrov, Volgorechensk, a number of cities in the Ivanovo region, etc. The performances that the theater took to recent times on tour:

  • "Wedding in Malinovka";
  • "Flying ship";
  • "Donna Lucia";
  • "Gypsy Baron"

Musical theater in Ivanovo

The musical theater in Ivanovo is one of the oldest theaters of this genre in Russia. In 1930, a traveling troupe of various operetta artists was created in the Ivanovo region, which gave interesting performances and concerts in the villages and cities of the region. This team was destined to become the basis for the organization of the Ivanovo Theater of Musical Comedy. Theatrical policy at that time foresaw the transition to a stationary theater regime. Control theater enterprises Ivanovo region invited the team to transform into a mobile Musical Theatre comedy. The theater was transformed in September 1931, as a result of which it was named the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Theater of Musical Comedy.

For three years, the theater was forced to lead a wandering lifestyle, while serving the Ivanovo region, and sometimes travel outside the region. The Executive Committee of the Regional Council and the Presidium of the Regional Trade Union Council made a decision in December 1934 to merge the theater of the Regional Trade Council with the Regional Drama Theater and organized a regional musical comedy theater. The theater premises are located in the city of Ivanovo.

The theatre's debut on the new stage took place in March 1935, where they demonstrated the play "Harry Domella" (staging and libretto by V. Lensky, music by A. Ashkenazy). Highly significant event in the life of the city was precisely the opening of a new theater of musical comedy. Unfortunately, a number of first performances showed that cultural level The theater was not up to par. In connection with such problems, measures have been taken to recruit new, more experienced and strong creative forces. The 1935-1936 season was opened in the presence of a new composite group, which included: Z. D. Gabrilyants, M. Matveeva, M. Toporkova, K. Konstan.

Musical theater in Ivanovo today

To date, the musical theater in Ivanovo presents the most diverse concerts as ever. The stage presents classical operetta, musical comedy, various musicals, ballets, vaudeville. Creative team the theater was headed by the main screenwriters: director - N. Pecherskaya, conductor - A. Ladyzhensky, artist - V. Novozhilova, choreographer - V. Lisovskaya, choirmaster - S. Godlevskaya. They also work with recognized masters and folk artists of Russia I. Sitnova and V. Kleny, Honored Artists of Russia V. Birillo, T. Drachuk, Z. Stupak., Honored Artists of Kazakhstan - V. Zlygarev, L. Gracheva, and an experienced youth group: Honored Artist of Russia D. Solovyov, O Balashova, R. Khazhieva. L. Lebed, laureate of the international youth vocal competition - N. Furaeva, D. Babashov, D. Siyanov.

The history of the theater does not stop, a lot of bright pages that are inscribed with the performances of the last theatrical seasons, such as: "Frasquita", " Bat”, as well as “Mr. X”, “Pirate Triangle”, “Husband at the Door”, “Party Party with Italians”, musicals - “The Ghost of Canterville Castle”, “Christmas Detective”, ballets - “Esmeralda” and “Masquerade” Ivanovsky musical theater will always live and develop, because its team is filled with creative plan and faith.

Musical theater poster in Ivanovo

The poster of the musical theater in Ivanovo can please us with such performances:
"Khanuma" - G. Kancheli
"Flying ship" - V. Vadimov
"Mr. X" - I. Kalman
"White acacia" - I. Dunayevsky
"The true story of Lieutenant Rzhevsky" - V. Baskin
"The same cat" - N. Prokin
"Maritsa" I. Kalman
"The Bremen Town Musicians" G. Gladkov
"Donna Lucia, or, Hello, I'm your aunt" - O. Feltsman
"Stars of Paris" - M. Vasiliev

Musical theater in Ivanov: time in the theater will be remembered for a long time, thanks to the mass of positive emotions.

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