List of classics of Ukrainian literature. Famous Ukrainian writers

Ukrainian literature has come a long way of development in order to reach the level that exists at the moment. Ukrainian writers have contributed throughout time from the 18th century in the works of Prokopovich and Hrushevsky to modern works authors such as Shklyar and Andrukhovych. Literature has developed and enriched over the years. And it must be said that modern Ukrainian writers are very different from the authors who laid the foundation for Ukrainian literature. But one thing remained unchanged - the love of the native language.

19th century literature

In this century, Ukrainian literature acquired figures who glorified the country throughout the world with their works. With their works, Ukrainian writers of the 19th century showed the beauty of the language. It is this era that is considered the beginning of the formation of national thinking. The famous "Kobzar" became an open statement that the people are striving for independence. Ukrainian writers and poets of that time contributed huge contribution both in the development of the language itself and in dramaturgy. There are many different genres and trends in literature. These were novels, and stories, and short stories, and feuilletons. Most writers and poets have taken the direction of political activity. Most schoolchildren study authors in school curriculum reading the works and trying to understand main idea each work. Analyzing each work separately, they take out the information that the author wanted to convey to them.

Taras Shevchenko

He is rightfully considered the founder of national literature and a symbol of the country's patriotic forces. Years of life - 1814-1861. The main work is considered to be "Kobzar", which glorified both the author and the people all over the world. Shevchenko wrote his works in Ukrainian, although there are several poems in Russian. the best creative years in the life of Shevchenko were the 40s, when, in addition to "Kobzar", the following works were published:

  • "Gaidamaki".
  • "Hire".
  • "Khustochka".
  • "Caucasus".
  • "Poplars".
  • "Katerina" and many others.

Shevchenko's works were criticized, but the Ukrainians liked the works and won their hearts forever. While in Russia he was received rather coldly, when he returned to his homeland, he always met with a warm welcome. Shevchenko later became a member of the Cyril and Methodius Society, to which other great Ukrainian writers belonged. It was the members of this society who were arrested for Political Views and exiled.

The life of the poet was full of events, both joyful and mournful. But all his life he did not stop creating. Even when passing military service in the form of a recruit, he continued to work, and his work was saturated with love for the motherland.

Ivan Franko

Ivan Yakovlevich Franko is another bright representative literary activity that time. Years of life - 1856-1916. Writer, poet, scientist, he almost got Nobel Prize, but early death prevented him from doing so. The extraordinary personality of the writer causes a lot different statements, since it was he who was the founder of the Ukrainian radical party. Like many well-known Ukrainian writers, in his works he revealed various problems that worried him at that time. So, in his works "Gritseva school science" and "Pencil" he shows the problems of school education.

It is worth noting that Franko was a member of the Russophile society, which existed at that time in Transcarpathia. During his membership, he wrote his works " folk song"and" Petri and Dovbuschuk. famous work Frank is also his translation into Ukrainian language"Faust". For his activities in society, Ivan was arrested for nine months, which he spent in prison.

After his release from prison, the writer temporarily fell out of literary society so he was ignored. But this did not break the poet. During the time that Franco spent in prison, and later, when he was released, he wrote many works that reveal human shortcomings and, conversely, show the breadth human soul. His work "Zakhar Berkut" received an award at the national competition.

Grigory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko

The years of the writer's life - 1778-1843. The main stage of his work falls precisely on the 19th century, it was during this period that he created most of his masterpieces. Being a very sickly boy, and blind until the age of six, creative way Gregory started only in student years. He studied in Kharkov and it was there that he began to write and send his works to a magazine for publication. He wrote poetry and short stories. This was the beginning of his work. The real works that deserved attention were the stories written in the 30s in Ukrainian:

  • "Marusya".
  • "Konotop witch".
  • "Soldier portrait".
  • "Heart Oksana" and others.

Like other Ukrainian writers, Gregory also wrote in Russian, which is confirmed by the novel "Pan Kholyavsky". The author's works are distinguished by a beautiful literary style, simple expressions that are easily perceived by the reader. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko showed excellent knowledge of all aspects of the life of both a peasant and a nobleman, which can be observed in his novels. According to the story of Gregory, the play "Trouble in a County Town" was released, which was the predecessor of the famous "Inspector General".

20th century literature

The Ukrainians distinguished themselves with their works due to the fact that many of them devoted their works to the Second World War. Ukrainian literature experienced a difficult period of development at that time. Partially banned, then studied at will, it has undergone many corrections and changes. But all this time, Ukrainian writers did not stop creating. Their works continued to appear and delight not only the Ukrainian reader, but also other connoisseurs of literary masterpieces.

Pavel Zagrebelny

Pavel Arkhipovich Zagrebelny is a writer of that time who made a huge contribution to literature. Years of his life - 1924-2009. Pavel's childhood passed in a village in the Poltava region. Then he studied at the artillery school and went to the front. After the war, he entered the university in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, and only there he began his career, publishing the collection "Kakhov's Stories" in the Rodina magazine. Among the works of the author there are such famous ones as:

  • "Steppe flowers".
  • "Europe, 45".
  • Southern Comfort.
  • "Wonder".
  • "I am Bogdan."
  • "Pervomost" and many others.

Anna Yablonskaya

Anna Grigoryevna Yablonskaya is another literary figure that I want to talk about. The years of the life of the writer - 1981-2011. Since childhood, the girl was fond of literature and dramaturgy. Firstly, her father was a journalist, wrote feuilletons, and it was largely because of him that she developed a passion for literature. Secondly, since school, Anna began to write poems and read them with pleasure from the stage. Over time, her works began to be published in Odessa magazines. In the same school years Yablonskaya performed at the theater of Natalia Knyazeva in Odessa, who subsequently staged a play based on Yablonskaya's novel The Door. One of the most famous works of the author, which Ukrainian writers talk about, was the play "Video Camera". In her works, Anna skillfully showed the pros and cons of society, combining different facets family life, love and sex. At the same time, there was not a hint of vulgarity, and not a single work shocked the viewer.

Anna died very early as a result of a terrorist attack at Domodedovo Airport. She did not manage to do much, but what she managed to do left an indelible mark on the literature of that time.

Alexander Kopylenko

Alexander Ivanovich Kopylenko was born in the Kharkov region. Born 08/01/1900, died 12/1/1958. I have always striven for knowledge and learning. Before the revolution, he studied at the seminary, then traveled a lot, which gave him a lot of experience and impressions for further literary activity. Was in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Georgia. During the war of 1941-1945. worked on the radio, where he broadcast for partisan detachments. After that he became the editor of the Vsesvit magazine and worked closely with many directors, screenwriters and writers. His poems first saw the light in 1922. But most of all he wrote prose:

  • Kara Krucha.
  • "Rampant hop".
  • people".
  • "Solid Material" etc.

He also has children's works, such as:

  • "Very well".
  • "tenth graders".
  • "In the woods".

In his works, the writer wrote about many problems of that time, revealed various human weaknesses, covered historical events and battles of the times civil war. Kopylenko's works have been translated into many foreign languages peace.

Modern Ukrainian writers

Modern Ukrainian literature does not lag behind in terms of prominent people. Nowadays, there are many authors whose works are worthy of being studied in schools and translated into different languages peace. We present you a list of far from all modern authors, but only the most popular ones. Their popularity was taken in accordance with the rating. To compile the rating, Ukrainians were interviewed, who were asked several questions about contemporary authors and their works. Here is the list:

  1. L. Kostenko.
  2. V. Shklyar.
  3. M. Matios.
  4. O. Zabuzhko.
  5. I. Karpa.
  6. L. Luzina.
  7. L. Deresh.
  8. M. and S. Dyachenko.

Lina Kostenko

He is in first place in the ranking of modern Ukrainian writers. She was born on March 19, 1930 in a family of teachers. Soon she herself went to study at the Pedagogical Institute, and then at the Moscow Literary Institute. Her first poems, written in the 50s, immediately attracted the attention of readers, and the book Travels of the Heart put the poetess on a par with outstanding literary figures. Among the works of the author such works as:

  • "Over the banks of the eternal river."
  • "Marusya Churai".
  • "Uniqueness".
  • "Garden of non-melting sculptures".

All works by Lina Kostenko are distinguished by their individual literary style and special rhyme. The reader immediately fell in love with her work and is looking forward to new works.

Vasily Shklyar

While still a student, Vasily created the first work - "Snow". Living at that time in Armenia, he wrote about the culture of this people, about their way of life and customs. In addition to the fact that Shklyar created himself, like many Ukrainian writers, he translated a lot of works from the Armenian language, which earned him special respect. Readers are well aware of his works "Elemental", "Key". His works have also been translated into different languages ​​of the world, and book lovers different countries enjoy reading his prose.

Maria Matios

Maria published her first poems when she was fifteen years old. Later, Matios tried her hand at prose and wrote the short story “Yuryana and Dovgopol”. The writer is loved for her works rich in meaning. Her books of poetry include:

  • "Women's Fence in the Garden of Impatience".
  • "From grass and leaves."
  • "Garden of impatience".

Maria Matios also created a number of prose works:

  • "Life is short"
  • "Nation"
  • "Sweet Darusya"
  • "Diary of the executed and many others".

Thanks to Maria, the world got acquainted with another talented Ukrainian poetess and writer, whose books are read with great pleasure abroad.

Children's Ukrainian writers

Separately, it is worth talking about those writers and poets who create works for children. It is their books that children read with such pleasure in libraries. It is thanks to their works that the guys from the very early age have the opportunity to hear beautiful Ukrainian speech. Rhymes and stories for toddlers and older children are what authors such as:

  • A. I. Avramenko.
  • I. F. Budz.
  • M. N. Voronoi.
  • N. A. Guzeeva.
  • I. V. Zhilenko.
  • I. A. Ischuk.
  • I. S. Kostyria.
  • V. A. Levin.
  • T. V. Martynova.
  • P. Punch.
  • M. Podgoryanka.
  • A. F. Turchinskaya and many others.

Ukrainian writers, the list of which is presented here, are familiar not only to our children. Ukrainian literature as a whole is very multifaceted and vibrant. Its leaders are known not only in the country itself, but also far beyond its borders. The works and quotes of Ukrainian writers are published in many editions of the world. Their works are translated into dozens of languages, which means that the reader needs them and is always waiting for more and more new works.

Because of the annexation of Crimea and the war in the East of the country, the world has finally learned that Ukraine is not part of Russia. However, the identification of our country only with the war (or borscht or beautiful girls) cannot be called positive. Ukraine has a rich culture and talented writers recognized abroad.

He talks about Ukrainian writers whose books are translated and published abroad.

Vasily Shklyar

The name of Vasily Shklyar is well known in Ukraine and abroad, and his works become bestsellers. He is well versed in Ukrainian history, and the heroes of his novels are often rebels who are fighting for the independence of Ukraine.

In 2013, the London-based publishing house Aventura E books, which had not issued Slavic literature before, printed English translation popular novel by Vasily Shklyar "The Black Raven". Ukrainian bestseller tells about the struggle of Ukrainian rebels with Soviet power in Kholodny Yar in the 1920s.

The same writer's novel was translated into Slovak and Portuguese, and it was published in Portuguese in Brazil. Not less famous novel Fans of Shklyar also read "The Key" in Swedish and Armenian.

Maria Matios

The works of Maria Matios have repeatedly become the "Book of the Year of the Air Force" and brought the writers other awards. The author of many novels and poetry collections is one of the best-selling writers in Ukraine.

Her works are widely represented in the world. For example, the popular novel "Licorice Darusya" about the fate of people mutilated by the occupation Western Ukraine Soviet troops, published in 7 languages. It is read in Polish, Russian, Croatian, German, Lithuanian, French and Italian. And soon the release in English and Serbian is expected.

The family saga "Mayzhe nikoli nevpaki" was published in English in the UK in 2012. And 2 years before that, the English version of the novel was published by another publisher in Australia. The Australian publishing house also published the novels "Moskalitsya" and "Mama Maritsa", as well as the short story "Apocalypse". By the way, this short story has been translated into Hebrew, German, French, Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian.

Roman "Cherevichki" Mother of God"published in Russian and German. A collection of "Nation" can be found in Poland.

Evgeniya Kononenko

Writer and translator Evgenia Kononenko simply and realistically writes about what is familiar to everyone. Therefore, her small and large prose captures readers around the world.

Kononenko is the author of poems, short stories and essays, short stories and novels, children's books, literary translations, and the like. short prose Evgenia Kononenko can be found in English, German, French, Croatian, Finnish, Czech, Russian, Polish, Belarusian and Japanese.

Almost all anthologies of modern Ukrainian literature, translated and published abroad, contain works by Evgenia Kononenko. Some of them even received titles of the same name with the works of the writer included in them.

Andrey Kurkov

It is possible to argue about whether a Russian-speaking person can be a Ukrainian writer indefinitely. A similar discussion begins when the conversation turns to Andrey Kurkov.

He is the author of more than 20 books, including both adult novels and fairy tales for children. All of them are written in Russian, except for one children's book "Little Lion and Lvov Mouse". However, Kurkov himself considers himself a Ukrainian writer, which is confirmed by both his political position and his own work.

Andrey Kurkov's books have been translated into 36 languages. Most translations are in German. They were carried out for Austria, Germany, Switzerland. A large number of works translated into French, English and Ukrainian.

In 2011, his novel Picnic on Ice became the first Ukrainian book translated into Thai. In total, this novel has been translated into 32 languages.

And in 2015, his Maidan Diary was released on Japanese. The course of events of the Revolution of Dignity, reflections and emotions of Andrey Kurkov during the socio-political upheavals of the winter of 2013-2014 have also been translated into Estonian, German, French and English.

Oksana Zabuzhko

The popular Ukrainian writer and intellectual is one of those who are associated with the emergence of modern Ukrainian literature in the international arena. The works of Oksana Zabuzhko take their psychology, depth, criticality, and some fiction novels- shocking.

Oksana Zabuzhko's work is diverse: she is both a connoisseur of Ukrainian history and a master of feminist prose. Not surprisingly, her books are also interesting to foreign readers.

The writer's works have been translated into more than 20 languages. They were published as separate books in Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Iran, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Russia, Romania, Serbia, USA, Hungary, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden. Theater directors Europe and the USA put on performances based on the works of Zabuzhko.

Sergey Zhadan

The author of the popular in Ukraine novels "Voroshilovgrad", "Mesopotamia", "Depeche Mode" and many collections of poetry is no less famous abroad. His work is sincere and truthful, speech is often not devoid of sharp words and irony.

One of the most successful novels Zhadan "Voroshilovgrad" was issued, in addition to Ukraine, in Germany, Russia, Hungary, Poland, France, Belarus, Italy, Latvia and the USA. "Mesopotamia", "Hymn of Democratic Youth", "Percentage of suicides among clowns" and the like were also published in Polish and German.

Read also: Serhiy Zhadan: Many people forget that Donetsk and Luhansk had their own Maidans

In general, Sergei Zhadan's texts have also been translated into English, Swedish, Italian, Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, Czech, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Russian, Armenian.

Irene Rozdobudko

One of the most popular contemporary writers, journalist and screenwriter Iren Rozdobudko is the author of almost 30 works of art. She is in the top 10 writers who are most published in Ukraine. She won the prestigious literary competition "Coronation of the Word" three times, and her novels are often filmed.

Series and films "Button", "Autumn Flowers", " Mysterious Island"and" Trap "were filmed according to her scripts. Interestingly, Iren Rozdobudko also had a hand in writing the script for" The Guide "of Olesya Sanin (who fought, albeit to no avail, for the Oscar in 2015).

The Dutch-English publishing house Glagoslav, which translated the book of Maria Matios, at the same time, in 2012, issued English novel Irene Rozdobudko "Button".

Larisa Denisenko

The same Dutch-English publishing house received the rights to Larisa Denisenko's novel Sarabande of Sarah's Gang. Roman is a prime example mass literature.

An easy and relaxed work tells the story of people who, at a certain stage, are forced to live together. Therefore, in the book - and love, and frank conversations, and everyday situations that can make you look at life differently.

Lyubko Deresh

Ukrainian prodigy in literature Lyubko Deresh made his debut with the novel "Cult" when he was 17 years old. By the way, it was this novel that was published, in addition to Ukraine, in Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland, Germany, Italy and France.

The writer himself defines the novel as fantasy. However, "Cult" is a more gothic goror.

Yuri Andrukhovych

The name of Yuri Andrukhovych is associated with the first facts of interest in modern Ukrainian literature in the West. One of the founders of the poetry group Bu-Ba-Bu Andrukhovych is the author of novels, short stories, poetry collections and essays.

Western critics define Andrukhovych as one of the most prominent representatives postmodernism. His works have been translated into many European languages, in particular, the somewhat crazy novel "Perversion" was published in Germany and Poland.

Andrukhovych's novels, short stories and essays have been translated into Polish, English, German, French, Russian, Hungarian, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian and Esperanto. They are sold as separate books in Poland, Germany, Canada, Hungary, Finland and Croatia.

Yuri Vinnichuk

Yuri Vinnichuk is called the father of black humor and a hoaxer because of his inclination to fiction. mysterious stories for their novels. In his prose, the Galician writer usually mixes elements of adventurous, love, historical and modern novels.

His works were published in England, Argentina, Belarus, Canada, Germany, Poland, Serbia, USA, France, Croatia, Czech Republic. In particular, one of the most popular novels was "Tango of Death", published in 2012.

Taras Prokhasko

Taras Prokhasko mainly writes for adults, but his children's book "Who Makes Snow", co-authored with Maryana Prokhasko, interested readers abroad as well. A few years ago it came out in Korean.

"Who Makes Snow" is an instructive story about the little ones, friendship and mutual assistance, care and home comfort and also about who actually makes the snow.

His works have been translated into Polish, German, English and Russian. One of the most popular is the novel "Uneasy". It reveals another mythology of the Carpathians in the first half of the 20th century. In Prohasko, the Carpathians are not only an authentic territory, but also a zone open to other cultures.

Irena Karpa

Outrageous Irena Karpa is known to the Western world not only for her work. Since October 2015, he has been the First Secretary for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of Ukraine in France.

Creativity Irena Karpa readers perceive ambiguously. This is evidenced by various ratings and awards: for example, the book "Good and Evil" received both a literary anti-award and a place in the top ten best Ukrainian books of the year.

However, Karpa's works are published abroad. The novels "Freud would cry" and "50 minutes of grass" were translated into Polish, and "Pearl Porn" was published in Czech, Russian and Bulgarian.

Valery Shevchuk

Valery Shevchuk is a living classic of Ukrainian literature. A master of psychological prose, he is a representative of the sixties.

His creativity is historical novels, and prose about modern life and literary works. Many of his works have been translated into English. One of the most famous of them is the novel "The Eye of the Abyss". This is a historical and mystical dystopia, the events of which unfold in the 16th century. But in the totalitarian regime that the author describes, it is easy to recognize the USSR.

Andrey Lyubka

Lyubka is one of the most successful Ukrainian novelists and poets. The 29-year-old Latvian native writes poetry, essays, short stories and novels in Ukrainian.

Some of his poems have been translated into English, German, Serbian, Portuguese, Russian, Belarusian, Czech and Polish languages. Besides, individual publications his collection of short stories "Killer. Collection of stories" was published in translation by the Polish publishing house Biuro literackie and a collection of poems by the Austrian publishing house BAES.

Historically, the Ukrainian people have always been creative, loved to sing and dance, invent poems and songs, myths and legends. Therefore, for many centuries, truly great and talented people worked in all corners of Ukraine.

Ukrainian literature is phenomenal and unusual in its essence. Famous Ukrainian writers described each historical stage metaphorically and topically. That is why, through the lines from the yellowed sheets of paper, they look at us completely real characters. And we, delving into the story, begin to understand what worries the author, inspires, frightens and reassures. It is quite possible to learn history from the masterpieces of Ukrainian literature - the events are described so truthfully and sometimes painfully.

Who are all these geniuses of the pen, who penetrate the soul with a word, make us laugh and cry with them? What are their names and how did they live? How did they come to success and did they catch it at all? Or maybe they never found out that their creations brought them eternal glory and reverence, forever inscribing their name in the classics of Ukrainian literature?

Unfortunately, not all Ukrainian writers were able to enter the world literary arena. Many masterpieces have not been in the hands of the Germans, Americans, British. Hundreds of wonderful books have not received their well-deserved awards in literary competitions France or Germany. But they are really worth reading and understanding.

And although hundreds wrote on the "nightingale move" talented people, perhaps, it is worth starting with a unique and phenomenal woman. This is a brilliant poetess, whose lines express a storm of emotions, and poems remain deep in the heart. And her name is Lesya Ukrainka.

Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka

Lesya, being a weak and small woman, showed incredible strength spirit and courage, becoming a role model for millions of people. The poetess was born in 1871 in a noble family of the famous writer O. Pchilka. At birth, the girl was given the name Larisa, and her real name was Kosach-Kvitka.

Since childhood, suffering from a terrible disease - tuberculosis of the bones - Lesya Ukrainka was bedridden almost all the time. Lived in the South. The beneficial influence of the mother and passion for books (especially the master of Ukrainian literature - Taras Shevchenko) bore fruit.

FROM young age the girl began to create and publish in various newspapers. Like many famous Ukrainian writers, in her works Larisa adhered to the moods and traditions of Taras Shevchenko, creating several cycles of lyrical and philosophical poems.

About the work of Lesya

Intrigued by magical mythology and world history, Lesya devoted many books to this topic. Most of all she liked novels about Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, about humanism and human qualities, about the fight against despotism and evil, as well as Mystic stories about the undead and the nature of Western Ukraine.

It should be noted that Lesya Ukrainka was a polyglot and knew more than ten languages. This gave her the opportunity to make high-quality literary translations the works of Hugo, Shakespeare, Byron, Homer, Heine and Mickiewicz.

The most famous works that are recommended for everyone to read are "Forest Song", "Obsessed", "Cassandra", "Stone Lord" and "Songs about Freedom".

Marko Vovchok

Among famous writers Ukraine was another extraordinary woman. Many called her Ukrainian George Sand - as her patron Panteleimon Kulish dreamed. It was he who became her first assistant and editor, giving her the first impetus to develop potential.

Woman with fiery heart

Marko Vovchok was a fatal woman. As a child, her mother sent her to a private boarding school, away from the bad influence of her father, then to Oryol - to a rich aunt. There began an endless love cycle. Marko Vovchok - Maria Vilinskaya - was very beautiful girl, therefore, it is not surprising that crowds of gentlemen revolved around her all her life.

Among these knights were well-known writers, whose names are well known to us. Even though she tied the knot (as she later admitted, not out of love) with Opanas Markovich, her husband could not do anything with the attractive energy of this young lady. Turgenev, Kostomarov and Taras Shevchenko fell at her feet. And everyone wanted to become her teacher and patron.


by the most famous work Marko Vovchok reveals the story "Marusya" about a girl who gave her life to help the Cossacks. The creation so impressed readers and critics that Maria was awarded the honorary award of the French Academy.

Men in Ukrainian literature

The work of Ukrainian writers was also under the auspices of talented men. One of them was Pavel Gubenko. Readers know him under the pseudonym Ostap Cherry. His satirical works made readers laugh more than once. Unfortunately, this man who smiles at us with newspaper sheets and textbooks of literature, in life had few reasons for joy.

Pavel Gubenko

As a political prisoner, Pavel Gubenko honestly served the prescribed 10 years in a forced labor camp. He did not abandon creativity, and when the harsh authorities instructed him to write a cycle of stories from the life of prisoners, even there he could not resist the irony!

Writer's life

But life put everything in its place. The one who had previously accused Ostap Vishnya himself ended up in the dock and became an "enemy of the people." And the Ukrainian author returned home ten years later and continued to do what he loved.

But these long years in correctional camps left a terrible imprint on the state of Pavel Gubenko. Even after the war, returning to the already free Kyiv, he still could not forget the terrible episodes. Most likely, the endless internal experiences of a man who always smiled and never cried led to the fact that he tragically died from heart attack at the age of 66.

Ivan Drach

Ivan Drach completes a short digression into the work of Ukrainian writers. Many contemporary authors still turn for advice to this master of (self) irony, sharp words and humor.

Life story of a genius

Ivan Fedorovich Drach began his career when he was still a seventh grader, with a poem that was willingly published in a local newspaper. Once the writer has finished high school, began teaching Russian language and literature in a rural school. After the army, Ivan enters the philological faculty of Kyiv University, which he never graduated from. And all because of the fact that a talented student will be offered a job in a newspaper, and then, after the course, the writer will receive the specialty of a screenwriter in Moscow. Returning to Kyiv, Ivan Fedorovich Drach begins to work at the famous film studio named after A. Dovzhenko.

For more than 30 years creative activity from the pen of Ivan Drach came out a huge number of collections of poems, translations, articles and even film stories. His works have been translated and published in dozens of countries and appreciated all over the world.

A life rich in events tempered the character of the writer, brought up in him an active civic position and a peculiar temperament. The works of Ivan Fedorovich express the moods of the sixties and the children of the war, longing for change and praising the achievements of human thought.

What is better to read?

Acquaintance with the work of Ivan Drach is better to start with the poem "Feather". It is it that is the credo of life and conveys the leitmotifs that permeate all creativity. brilliant poet and writer.

These famous Ukrainian writers made an invaluable contribution to the national and world literature. Dozens of years later, their works convey to us relevant thoughts, teach and help in various life situations. The work of Ukrainian writers has great literary and moral value, is perfect for teenagers and adults and will bring pleasure from reading.

Each of Ukrainian authors unique in its own way, and unusual individual style from the first lines will help to recognize your favorite writer. Such a writer's "flower garden" makes Ukrainian literature truly extraordinary, rich and interesting.


Being a writer is a very important job. It is very important to correctly convey your thoughts to readers. It is especially difficult to be a writer, as there is a stereotype that a man should be a writer. Women, in turn, express their thoughts more vividly and expressively.

Ukrainian writers are a special flavor of Ukrainian literature. They write the way they feel, while popularizing the Ukrainian language, making a huge contribution to its development.

We have selected for you 11 most popular modern Ukrainian writers who brought a lot of quality works to Ukrainian literature.

1. Irena Karpa

Experimenter, journalist and just bright personality. She is not afraid to write candid works, because in them she shows herself real.

Irena Karpa ©

Most popular works: "50 hvilin herbs", "Freud bi weeping", "Good and evil".

2. Lada Luzina

Although Lada Luzina is a Ukrainian writer, she still remains Russian-speaking. FROM writing activities Lada Luzina also combines theater criticism and journalism.

Lada Luzina ©

The most popular works: "Collection of short stories and novels: I am a witch!"

3. Lina Kostenko

This outstanding Ukrainian writer was banned for a very long time - her texts were not published. But her willpower was always higher, so she was able to achieve recognition and convey her thoughts to people.

Lina Kostenko ©

The most popular works: "Marusya Churai", "Notes of a Ukrainian Madman".

4. Katerina Babkina

A poetess who is not afraid to write about forbidden topics. At the same time it also leads journalistic activity and writes scripts.

Katerina Babkina ©

The most popular works: "Fire of St. Elmo", "Girchitsya", "Sonya"

5. Larisa Denisenko

A writer who can combine incompatible things. She is an outstanding lawyer, TV presenter and one of the best writers in Ukraine.

Larisa Denisenko ©

The most popular works: "Corporation idiotiv", "Ponmilkovі reimannya or life for the rozklad vbivts", "Kavovy prismak cinnamon"

6. Svetlana Povalyaeva

A journalist who, with her works, can very accurately convey the mood of society.

Svetlana Povalyaeva © Tatyana Davydenko,

Besides the fact that Tychyna was a good poet, he was also an excellent musician. These two talents are closely intertwined in his work, because in his poems he tried to create music from words. He is considered to be the only true follower of the aesthetics of symbolism in Ukraine, however literary critic Sergey Efremov noticed that Tychina does not fit into any literary direction, because he is one of those poets who create them themselves.

However, when Ukraine officially joins the SRSR, Tychyna becomes true Soviet writer, "singer of a new day", descends to composing praises new government and lines like “Tractor in the field dir-dir-dir. We are for the world. We are for the world." For communist party he left many works, but for posterity - perhaps only the first three collections: "", "", "In the space orchestra". But even if after the first of them he had not written a single line, Tychyna would still have been enrolled in the ranks of the best Ukrainian poets.

The poet, scientist, translator, leader of the Ukrainian neoclassical Mykola Zerov in his work has always focused on the spiritual values ​​and traditions of the world classics verified over the centuries - from antiquity to the 19th century. However, his poems are not the inheritance of classical texts, but the modernization of the culture of the past.

Zerov sought to recreate the harmony between the individual and the world around him, feelings and mind, man and nature. And even in terms of sound, his poems are distinguished by an ordered, polished form, because he used only clear classic poetic meters.

Zerov was an authority not only for his neoclassical colleagues, but also for many other writers, including prose writers. He was the first, and after him all the rest, proclaimed that it was worth destroying the primitive "Liknep" reading for the masses, which filled bookshelves Soviet Ukraine, and direct our literature along the European path of development.

The heir of an ancient Polish noble family, Maxim Rylsky became one of the most famous Ukrainian poets. In the fateful 1937, he changed the apolitical course of the neoclassics to glorify the valor of Soviet workers and peasants, thanks to which he was the only one from the “group” who survived. However, becoming a propagandist, he did not stop being a poet. Unlike the same Tychyna, he continued to write thin lyrical works dedicated to everyday life.

However, the real creative revival of the poet falls on the 50s, when Khrushchev thaw. Poetry collections of this last period the poet's life - "", "", "", "" - adequately complete his biography. They synthesized all the best from previous books. Rylsky was mostly remembered for exactly the kind of poet he became in his later days - a supporter of wise simplicity and a melancholy dreamer in love with autumn.

Folk poetic images, which in all their diversity abounded in the Ukrainian poetry of the Romantic era, in the 20th century receive a new development in the work of Volodymyr Svidzinsky. This poet refers to pre-Christian Slavic beliefs, archaic legends and myths. In the structure of his poems one can find elements magical rituals and spells, and their vocabulary is replete with archaisms and dialectisms. In the sacred world created by Swidzinski, a person can communicate directly with the sun, earth, flower, tree, etc. As a result, his lyrical hero completely dissolves in such a dialogue with Mother Nature.

Swidzinsky's poems are complex and incomprehensible, they should not be recited, but analyzed, looking for ancient archetypes and hidden meanings in each line.

Antonych was born in the Lemkivshchyna, where the local dialect is so different from Ukrainian literary language that the latter is almost not understood there. And although the poet quickly learned the language, he still did not master all its possibilities. After unsuccessful formal experiments with rhythm and alliteration in the first collection "", he realized that he was primarily the creator of images, and not the melody of verse.

Antonich turns to pagan motifs, which he organically intertwines with Christian symbols. However, this worldview n "yanoy dіtvaka іz sun kishenі”, as he called himself, is more close to the pantheism of Walt Whitman. He looks like a child who is just beginning to discover the world for himself, so landscapes have not yet become familiar to him, and words have not lost their novelty and beauty.

Olzhych considered poetry to be his true calling, but he was forced to work as an archaeologist in order to earn money for his family. His profession in a sense determined his work. By creating poetic cycles"Flint", "Stone", "Bronze", "Iron" he brings into Ukrainian poetry new images of Scythia, Sarmatia, Kievan Rus and not only. He sings of a distant past hidden in the rubble material culture- in jewelry, household utensils, weapons, rock paintings and patterns on ceramic products.

Olzhych was a member of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which also determined the vector of his work. He became the author of heartfelt lines, appealing to the patriotic feelings of readers and urging them to fight for the independence of Ukraine.

Elena Teliga is a civic activist, a member of the OUN, a well-known poetess, who wrote only 47 poems, but this is not much creative heritage secured her a place of honor among our best poets. In her poems, she created the image of a Ukrainian revolutionary woman. Already in the first works, she proclaimed:

І voltage at a glance
Vіdshukati u tmi glibokіy -
Bliskavok fanatical eyes,
And not a peaceful month

Her poems are poetry of high ideological tension, in which there is a direct or veiled call to fight for Ukraine, a proposal to plunge into a mortal risk.

She believed that poetry is not just fiction, but an instrument of influence on the souls of people, so each line places a huge responsibility on the one who wrote it. “If we, poets,” said Teliga, “we write about courage, firmness, nobility, and with these works we ignite and send danger to others, how can we not do this ourselves?” She never backed down from the principles she proclaimed, so when the time came to risk her life, she did it without hesitation. In 1941, Teliga left Poland and illegally arrived in Ukraine, where she was lost a year later. In her cell in the Gestapo, she drew a trident and wrote: “Elena Teliga sat here and from here goes to be shot.”

Pluzhnyk became the most consistent representative of existentialism in Ukrainian poetry. Rejecting all the realities of the surrounding reality, he focuses on the inner life, experiences and thoughts of his lyrical hero. Pluzhnik is primarily interested not in the metanarratives of his time, but in global philosophical issues, such as the dichotomy of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, lies and truth. He possessed unique ability to express a lot in a few words: in his small, concise poems, he reveals complex philosophical thoughts.

This poet visited almost all Ukrainian literary groups and organizations, and left everyone with a scandal. He was also a member of the Communist Party, from which he was expelled several times, and once party officials even sent him to Saburov's dacha, a well-known mental hospital, for treatment. His work did not fit into any ideological parameters of Soviet Ukraine. Unlike his politicized and patriotic colleagues, Sausyura always remained only the author of a beautiful love lyrics. During his long career, he published several dozen collections. If in his first books he sought to shock the reader with unusual images of the imagists like “ pocі the holes are squashing like grains on patelnі”, then in the latter he created simple and heartfelt poems, for example, “If you pull the daring of the gurkoche” and “Love Ukraine”.

The Futurists, those artistic revolutionaries who proclaimed the death of the old and the emergence of an absolutely new art, were a kind of illusionists, showmen of their time. They traveled through the cities of Eastern Europe, read their poems and found new followers. There were many Ukrainian amateur futurists, but those who wrote in Ukrainian were few. And the most talented poet among them was Mikhail Semenko. Despite the fact that he so vehemently denied the continuity of aesthetic principles different eras, his merit to the Ukrainian poetic tradition is undeniable: he modernized our lyrics with urban themes and bold experiments with the form of verse, and also forever entered the annals domestic literature as the creator of unusual neologisms and bright outrageous images.

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