defoe daniel robinson crusoe short. Foreign literature abbreviated

Title of the work: Robinson Crusoe
Defoe Daniel
Year of writing: 1719
Genre: novel
Main characters: Robinson Crusoe, Friday

The immortal story of the English writer is compactly and succinctly presented in the summary of the novel "Robinson Crusoe" for the reader's diary.


Robinson Crusoe - Englishman 18 years old, goes on his first voyage to London. For several years he sails on different ships, crashes, overcomes storms and encounters obstacles, until one day he gets into a storm in which all his comrades die, and he manages to escape and swim to a desert island. Crusoe settles down on the island, gets food, grows rice and barley, tames goats and waits for help. Years pass. He studies the island from all sides and settles in the best way. Two decades later, a ship crashes near the island. Crusoe rescues a young sailor and names him Friday. Together they find other people, repulse the natives and escape on a ship built by themselves. Crusoe returns home, where his beloved sisters are waiting.

Conclusion (my opinion)

This story teaches to appreciate the benefits available, to be kind and patient with parents. Crusoe did not obey his parents and, in spite of them, set sail. Defoe teaches to love nature, animals and plants, and shows how Crusoe develops spiritually and physically, being alone with himself. We see how important it is for man to be a society of his own kind and that man differs from animals due to the presence of spirit and reason.

Robinson dreamed of traveling since childhood. His parents did their best to persuade him not to go to sea. They have already lost two sons. One brother of Robinson was killed in battle with the Spaniards, the second was missing. But in spite of everything, on September 1, 1651, Robinson Crusoe sailed from Hull to London.

The first day of the voyage was marked by a violent storm, which aroused remorse in Robinson's soul. But drinking with other sailors quickly relieved him of this feeling. The storm returned a week later. The ship sank. The crew miraculously escaped on the boat. But Robinson does not give up his intention to become a sailor.

As a friend of the captain, Robinson sails on another ship to Guinea. During the journey, he acquires some knowledge in maritime affairs and soon sets off for Guinea on his own. The expedition was unsuccessful. The ship was captured by a Turkish corsair, and Robinson had to go through a test strip. From a successful merchant, he turned into a slave. Only two years later he managed to escape. He was picked up by a Portuguese ship bound for Brazil.

In Brazil, he is thoroughly settled. Breaks up plantations of sugar cane and tobacco. His business is moving successfully, but his passion for travel does not leave him.

There were not enough workers on the plantations, and Robinson and his neighbor planters decided to secretly bring slaves from Guinea on a ship and divide them among themselves here. Robinson himself was to play the role of a ship's clerk and be responsible for the purchase of blacks. And the neighbors promised to look after his plantations in his absence. September 1, 1659 he sails. Two weeks later, shipwrecked and miraculously surviving Robinson finds himself on the shore of the island. He soon realizes that the island is uninhabited. Having reached his ship, which was washed ashore by the tide, he loads everything that he may need for life on the island onto the raft. Having visited the ship several times, he brought food, gunpowder, gear and other necessary things on a raft.

Robinson sets up a safe and secure home on the hillside. He establishes agriculture and cattle breeding, maintains a calendar, making notches on a pole. I live with him three cats, a dog from the ship and a talking parrot. He keeps a diary of his observations using paper and ink from the ship. So in everyday worries and waiting for rescue, Robinson spends several years on the island. His attempt to build a boat and sail away from the island ends in failure.

In one walk Robinson saw a footprint in the sand. Fearing that these are traces of savage cannibals, he does not leave his part of the island for two years, and his life is gradually returning to its usual course.

Twenty-three years have passed since the day he arrived on the island. He is still waiting to be rescued. Loneliness upsets him, and he comes up with a cunning plan. Decides to save the savage destined for slaughter and find in him a friend and ally. After another year and a half, he succeeds.

Robinson's life was filled with new worries. He named the rescued savage Friday. He proved to be a faithful comrade and a capable student. Robinson teaches him to wear clothes, speak English, and eradicates his savage habits. Friday tells Robinson that there are seventeen captured Spaniards living on the mainland. They decide to build a pirogue and rescue the captives. But their plans are violated by savages who brought Friday's father and one of the Spaniards to the island. Robinson and Friday free them and send them to the mainland. A week later, new guests appeared on the island. The ship's crew decided to deal with their captain, his assistant and the passenger of the ship. Robinson saves them and together they deal with the villains. Robinson asks to deliver them with Friday to England.

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Summary Robinson Crusoe Defoe

This work is one of the most popular in a number of English novels. It tells about the life of a sailor from York, who spent 28 years on a desert island, where he ended up as a result of a shipwreck.

The theme of the work was based on the spiritual and intellectual development of a young guy who ended up in unusual living conditions for him. The main character has to re-learn how to live, make the necessary items, get food and take care of himself.

1. Since childhood, Robinson Crusoe dreamed of connecting his life with sea voyages, but his parents were against such a passion for his son. But despite this, when Robinson was 18 years old, he took his friend and his father's ship and they went to London.

2. Already from the first day of sailing, a disaster happens to the ship, it gets into a storm. The protagonist, frightened, promises never to go to sea again and be always on land, but as soon as the storm calmed down, Robinson forgot all his promises and gets drunk. As a result, the young team is again overtaken by a storm and the ship is sinking. Robinson is ashamed to return home and he decides on new adventures.

3. Arriving in London, Crusoe met the captain, who wants to take the guy with him to Guinea. Soon the old captain died, but the heroes continue their journey. So sailing near Africa, the ship is captured by the Turks.

Robinson Crusoe is taken prisoner for three years, after which he managed to escape by deceit, taking the boy Xuri with him. Together they swim to the shore, where the roar of animals is heard, in the afternoon they go ashore to find fresh water, and also to hunt. Crusoe explores the island, hoping to find signs of life.

4. Heroes find savages with whom they manage to make friends, so they filled up the supplies of the necessary. They gave the leopard to the savages as a token of gratitude. After spending some time on the island of heroes takes the Portuguese ship.

5. Robinson Crusoe lives in Brazil and grows sugarcane. There he makes new friends to whom he tells about his travels. After some time, Robinson is offered another trip in order to obtain golden sand. And so the team sets off from the coast of Brazil. In navigation, the ship lasted 12 days, after which it gets into a bura and sinks. The team is looking for rescue on the boat, but even so went to the bottom. Only Robinson Crusoe managed to get out alive. He is glad to be saved, but still sad for his dead comrades. Crusoe spends his first night in a tree. and is engaged

6. Waking up, Robinson saw that the ship had washed much closer to the shore. The hero sets out to explore the ship in order to find supplies of food, water and rum. To transport the things found, Robinson builds a raft. Soon the hero realizes that he has landed on an island, in the distance he sees several more islands and reefs. It takes several days to transport things, to build a tent. Crusoe managed to translate almost everything that was on the ship, after which a storm arose, which carried the remains of the ship to the bottom. he got to the island

7. Robinson Crusoe dedicates the next two weeks to sorting out stocks of food, gunpowder, and then hiding them in the crevices of the mountains.

8. Robinson came up with his own calendar, a dog and two cats from the ship became his friends. He keeps a diary and writes down what happens to him and what surrounds him. All this time, the hero waits for help to come for him and therefore often falls into despair. So a year and a half passes on the island, Crusoe practically does not wait for the ship to come, so he decides to equip his place of residence as best as possible.

9. Thanks to the diary, the reader learns that the hero managed to make a shovel and dig out a cellar. Crusoe hunts goats and also tames a wounded kid, and he also catches wild pigeons for food. One day he finds ears of barley and rice, which he takes for sowing. And only after four years of life, he begins to use grains as food.

10. The island is overtaken by an earthquake. Crusoe begins to get sick, he is tormented by a fever, which he treats with tobacco tincture. Crusoe soon explores the island more thoroughly and finds new fruits and berries. In the depths of the island there is clean water, and so the hero establishes a cottage. In August, Robinson dries the grapes, and in the period August-October, the season of heavy rains begins on the island.

11. During heavy rains, Robinson is engaged in weaving baskets. He makes the transition to the opposite side of the island, and it turned out that the conditions for life there are much better.

12. Robinson continues to grow barley and rice, and to scare away the birds, Robinson uses the corpses of their comrades.

13. Robinson tames a parrot and teaches him to talk, as well as learn how to make dishes from clay. For some time he learns to bake bread.

14. The hero devotes the fourth year of his stay on the island to building a boat. He also hunts animals for skins so that he can make new clothes. To protect himself from the sun's rays, Crusoe makes an umbrella.

15. The construction of the boat took about two years, with its help it was possible to make a trip around the island. During all this time, the hero got used to the island and it seems to him already completely native. Soon he managed to create a smoking pipe.

16. It was the eleventh year of Robinson's stay on the island, by which time his supplies of gunpowder were running out. Crusoe tames goats in order not to be left without meat supplies. Soon his herd grows larger and larger, thanks to which the protagonist no longer lacks meat food.

17. Once Robinson Crusoe found someone's imprint on the shore, it was clearly a man. This find frightens the hero, after which Robinson cannot sleep peacefully and leave his shelter. After spending several days in the hut, Crusoe nevertheless went out to milk the goats and realized that the traces found were his. But carefully examining the size of the print, I realized that it was still a trace of a stranger.

18. Two years have passed since Robinson Crusoe found footprints on the island. One day he explored the west of the island and finds a shore with human bones there. After such a discovery, Crusoe does not want to explore the island anymore and is on his part doing home improvement.

19. Twenty-four years of the protagonist's stay on the island pass. And the hero notices that an unknown ship has crashed not far from the island.

20. Robinson Crusoe failed to understand whether someone survived from the destroyed ship or not. On the shore, he found the body of the cabin boy, and on the ship, a dog and some things.

21. Robinson Crusoe finds himself a new friend, calls him Friday, since on this day he was saved. Now the main character sews clothes and teaches Friday, thanks to which Crusoe feels not so lonely and unhappy.

22. Robinson teaches Friday to eat animal meat, teaches him to eat boiled food. The savage, in turn, gets used to Robinson, tries in every possible way to help him and talks about the island, which is not far away.

23. Robinson and Friday are making a new boat to leave the island, adding a rudder and sails to it.

24. The main characters are attacked by savages, but are rebuffed. Among the savages in captivity was a Spaniard, as well as Friday's father.

25. A Spaniard helps Robinson build a ship.

26. Escape from the island is delayed due to low tide.

27. Armed people make their way to the island for their missing comrades. But Friday with helpers cope with some of the attackers.

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  • Peace is not for Robinson, he barely hatches in England for several years: thoughts about the island haunt him day and night. Age and prudent speeches of his wife for the time being keep him. He even buys a farm, intends to take up rural labor, to which he is so accustomed. The death of his wife breaks these plans. Nothing else keeps him in England. In January 1694, he sails on the ship of his nephew, the captain. With him is faithful Pyatnitsa, two carpenters, a blacksmith, a certain "master for all sorts of mechanical work" and a tailor. It is difficult even to enumerate the cargo that he takes to the island, it seems that everything is provided, right down to “brackets, loops, hooks”, etc. On the island, he expects to meet the Spaniards, whom he missed.
    Looking ahead, he tells about life on the island everything that he learns later from the Spaniards. The colonists live unfriendly. Those three inveterate ones that were left on the island did not come to their senses - they are loafing, they are not engaged in crops and a herd. If they still keep themselves within the bounds of decency with the Spaniards, then they exploit their two compatriots mercilessly. It comes to vandalism - trampled

    Crops, destroyed huts. Finally, the Spaniards also lose patience and this trinity is expelled to another part of the island. Do not forget about the island and the savages: having learned that the island is inhabited, they run into large groups. There are bloody battles. Meanwhile, the restless trio begs the Spaniards for a boat and visits the nearest islands, returning with a group of natives, in which there are five women and three men. The British take women as wives (religion does not allow the Spaniards). The common danger (the biggest villain, Atkins, shows himself excellently in a fight with savages) and, perhaps, the beneficial female influence completely transforms the odious Englishmen (there are two of them left, the third died in the fight), so that by the time Robinson arrives, peace and harmony are established on the island .
    Like a monarch (this is his comparison), he generously endows the colonists with inventory, provisions, clothes, settles the last differences. Generally speaking, he acts like a governor, which he might well have been, if not for his hasty departure from England, which prevented him from taking out a patent. No less than the well-being of the colony, Robinson is concerned with establishing "spiritual" order. With him is a French missionary, a Catholic, but the relationship between them is sustained in the educational spirit of religious tolerance. For starters, they marry married couples living "in sin." Then the native wives themselves are baptized. In total, Robinson stayed on his island for twenty-five days. At sea they meet a flotilla of pirogues full of natives. A bloody slaughter flares up, Friday dies. There is a lot of blood shed in this second part of the book. In Madagascar, avenging the death of a rapist sailor, his comrades will burn and cut out an entire village. Robinson's indignation turns thugs against him, demanding to land him ashore (they are already in the Bay of Bengal). The captain's nephew is forced to yield to them, leaving two servants with Robinson.
    Robinson meets with an English merchant who tempts him with the prospect of trade with China. In the future, Robinson travels by land, satisfying natural curiosity with outlandish customs and views. For the Russian reader, this part of his adventures is interesting because he returns to Europe through Siberia. In Tobolsk he met exiled "state criminals" and "not without pleasantness" spent long winter evenings with them. Then there will be Arkhangelsk, Hamburg, The Hague, and, finally, in January 1705, after ten years and nine months of space, Robinson arrives in London.

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    The ship, on which Robinson Crusoe set off on a journey, crashed during a storm: ran aground. The entire crew was killed, except for one sailor. This was Robinson Crusoe, who was thrown by a wave onto a desert island.

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    First of all, I put on the raft all the boards that I found on the ship, and on them I put three sailors' chests, breaking their locks before that and emptying them. Having carefully weighed which of the things I needed, I selected them and filled all three boxes with them. In one of them I made food supplies: rice, crackers, three heads of Dutch cheese, five large pieces of dried goat meat, which was the main food on the ship, and the remains of grain for chickens, which we took with us and have long since "eaten. This there was barley interspersed with wheat; to my great regret, later it turned out that rats spoiled it ...

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    I made another discovery: not a patch of cultivated land was visible anywhere - the island, by all indications, was uninhabited, maybe predators lived here, but so far I have not seen one; but there were many birds, however, completely unknown to me ...

    Now I was more worried about how to protect myself from savages, if any, and from predators, if they are found on the island ...

    At the same time, I wanted to meet several conditions that are extremely necessary for me: firstly, a healthy area and fresh water, which I have already mentioned, secondly, a shelter from the heat, thirdly, safety from predators, both bipedal and and four-legged, and finally, fourthly, the sea must be visible from my dwelling, so as not to lose the opportunity to be freed if God sent a ship, because I did not want to give up the hope of salvation ...

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    My situation seemed to me very sad. I was thrown by a terrible storm on an island that lay far from the destination of our ship and several hundred miles from the trade routes, and I had every reason to believe that the sky judged so, and here, in this solitary and loneliness, I would have to end my days. Plentiful tears streamed down my face as I thought about it...

    Ten or twelve days passed, and it occurred to me that, in the absence of books, pen and ink, I would lose count of the days and finally cease to distinguish weekdays from holidays. To prevent this, I set up a considerable pillar on the place of the coast where the sea had thrown me, and, having written in letters on a wide wooden board the inscription: "Here I stepped ashore on September 30, 1659," I nailed it crosswise to the pillar.

    On this quadrangular pillar I each made a notch with a knife; every seventh day, made twice as long - this meant Sunday; On the first day of each month, I marked even longer Zarubin. So I kept my calendar, marking days, weeks, months and years.

    It is also impossible not to mention that we had two cats and a dog on the ship - I will tell in due time an interesting story of the life of these animals on the island. I brought both cats ashore with me; as for the dog, he jumped off the ship himself and came to me on the second day after I carried my first load. He has been my faithful servant for many years...

    As already said, I took pens, ink and paper from the ship. I saved them as much as I could and, as long as I had ink, I carefully wrote down everything, but it happened, when he was gone, I had to abandon the notes, I did not know how to make ink for myself and could not think of something to replace it with ...

    The time came when I began to seriously reflect on my situation and the circumstances in which I found myself, and began to write down my thoughts - not to leave them to people who will have to experience the same as me (there are hardly many such people ), but to express everything that tormented and gnawed at me, and thereby at least lighten my soul a little. And how hard it was for me, my mind slowly overcame despair. I did my best to console myself with the thought that something worse could have happened, and opposed good to evil. Quite rightly, as if profits and expenses, I wrote down all the troubles that I had to experience, and next to it - all the joys that fell to my lot.

    I was thrown onto a terrible, deserted island and I have no hope of salvation.

    I would be singled out and separated from the whole world and doomed to grief.

    I am aloof from all mankind; I am a hermit, banished from human society.

    I have few clothes, and soon I will have nothing to cover my body with.

    I am defenseless against the attack of people and animals.

    I have no one to talk to and comfort myself.

    But I am alive, I did not drown like all my comrades.

    But I am distinguished from our entire crew by the fact that death spared only me, and the one who so strangely saved me from death will rescue me from this bleak situation.

    But I did not starve to death and perish in this deserted place where a person has nothing to live from.

    But I live in a hot climate where I would hardly wear clothes if I had one.

    But I ended up on an island where you can not see such predatory animals as on the shores of Africa. What would happen to me if I was thrown there?

    But God worked a miracle, driving our ship so close to the shore that I not only managed to stock up on everything necessary to meet my daily needs, but also have the opportunity to provide myself with food for the rest of my days.

    All this irrefutably testifies that it is unlikely that there has ever been such an evil situation in the world, where next to bad there would not be something good, for which one should be grateful: the bitter experience of a person who has suffered the most misfortunes on earth shows that we always have consolation, which in the account of good and evil must be credited. "

    The attention of Robinson Crusoe was interested in savage cannibals who brought captives to the Robinson Island for a sacrificial rite. Robinson decided to save one of the unfortunates so that this person would become a consolation in his lonely life, and also, perhaps, a guide for crossing to the mainland.

    One day, fortune smiled on Robinson: one of the captive cannibal savages ran away from his executioners, who were pursuing the prisoner.

    I became convinced that the distance between them was increasing, and that when he managed to run like that for another half an hour, they would not catch him.

    They were separated from my castle by a cove, which I have already mentioned more than once at the beginning of the story: the same one where I moored with my rafts when transporting Property from our ship. I clearly saw that the fugitive would have to swim across it, otherwise he would be caught. Indeed, he, without hesitation, threw himself into the water, although there was just a tributary, swam across the bay in some thirty strokes, climbed out to the opposite shore and, without slowing down, rushed on. Of the three pursuers, only two threw themselves into the water, and the third did not dare, because, apparently, he did not know how to swim. He stood hesitantly on the shore, looked after the other two, and then slowly walked back.

    So a friend appeared in Robinson, whom he named Friday in honor of the day of the week when the event of the release of the prisoner took place.

    He was a good guy, tall, immaculately built, with even, strong arms and legs and a well-developed body. He looked to be twenty-six years old. There was nothing wild or cruel in his face. It was a manly face with a soft and gentle European expression, especially when he smiled. His hair was long and black, but not curly like sheep's wool; the forehead is high and wide, the eyes are lively and shining; the color of the skin is not black, but swarthy, not that nasty yellow-red of the Brazilian or Virginian Indians, but rather olive, very pleasant to the eye, although it is difficult to describe. His face was round and full, his nose was small, but not at all flattened, like the Negroes. In addition, he had a well-defined mouth with thin lips and regular shape, white, like ivory, excellent teeth.

    No one else, perhaps, had such an affectionate, such a faithful and devoted servant as my Friday: no anger, no stubbornness, no self-will; always kind and helpful, he leaned against me as if he were his own father. I am sure that if it were necessary, he would give his life for me. He proved his loyalty more than once, and so: soon the slightest doubt disappeared from me, and I was convinced that I did not need a warning at all.

    However, Robinson Crusoe was a protective person: he did not immediately rush to the boat that moored from the ship to the shore.

    Among the 11 people, three were prisoners, whom they decided to land on this island. Robinson learned from the prisoners that it was the captain, his assistant and one passenger; the ship is captured by the rebels, and the captain entrusts Robinson with the role of leader in the fight against the rebels. Meanwhile, another boat landed on the shore - with pirates. During the fight, some of the rebels die, while others appear to the Robinson team.

    So for Robinson opened the opportunity to return home.

    I decided not to let the five hostages who were sitting in the cave anywhere. Twice a day Friday gave them food and drink; two other prisoners brought food to a certain place, and from there Friday received them. I appeared to those two hostages accompanied by the captain. He told them that I was a confidant of the governor, I was instructed to look after the prisoners, without my permission they did not have the right to go anywhere and at the first disobedience they would be shackled and put in a castle ...

    Now the captain could equip two boats without hindrance, repair a hole in one of them and pick up a team for them. He appointed his passenger as commander of one boat and gave him four people, and he himself, with his assistant and five sailors, got into the second boat. They timed it so accurately that they arrived at the ship at midnight. When it was already possible to hear them from the ship, the captain ordered Robinson to call to the crew and say that they had brought people and a boat and that they had to look for them for a long time, and also tell them something, just to divert their attention with conversations, and meanwhile stick to board. The captain and the first mate fled to the deck and knocked down the second mate and the ship's carpenter with the butts of their guns. With the support of their sailors, they captured everyone on deck and on the quarterdeck, and then began to lock the hatches to detain the rest below ...

    The captain's mate called for help, despite his wound, burst into the cabin and shot the new captain in the head; the bullet hit the mouth and exited the ear, killing the rebel on the spot. Then the whole crew surrendered, and no more blood was shed. When it was all over, the captain ordered seven cannon shots to be fired, as we agreed in advance, to inform me of the successful completion of the case. Waiting for this signal, I swung around on the shore until two in the morning. You can imagine how happy I was when I heard it.

    Having distinctly heard all seven shots, I lay down and, tired with the anxieties of that day, fell asleep soundly. I was awakened by the sound of another shot. I immediately jumped up and heard someone calling me: "Governor, Governor!" I immediately recognized the captain's voice. He stood above my fortress, on a hill. I quickly went up to him, he squeezed me in his arms and, pointing to the ship, blew:

    “My dear friend and savior, here is your ship!” He is yours with everything they have on them and with all of us.

    So I left the island on December 19, 1686, according to the ship's records, having stayed on it for twenty-eight years, two months and nineteen days. I was freed from this second captivity on the same day that I had fled on a longboat from the Moors of Sale.

    After a long sea voyage, I arrived in England on June 11, 1687, having been absent for thirty-five years.

    A gunner is a person who maintains cannons.

    Translation by E. Krizhevich

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