Jules Vern the mysterious island of the heroes of the work. Cyrus Smith (The Mysterious Isle of Verne)

As the Civil War between North and South draws to a close, a group of five brave northerners decide to escape from Richmond, now in the hands of the Confederate army, by means of a balloon. As a result of a storm, four people from this company find themselves on a mysterious desert island, while the fifth, an engineer named Cyrus Smith, falls directly into the sea, and for several days the comrades really worry about Cyres, because their intense search does not lead to anything. to what results.

Among the people thrown onto the abandoned island are Gideon Spilett, a journalist by profession and a close friend of Smith, a navigator named Pencroft, in whose care is a fifteen-year-old orphan boy Herbert Brown. Dark-skinned Neb, recently freed from slavery, is passionately devoted to his master Smith, and it is he who discovers Cyres near the coast.

A friendly team led by Smith begins to inhabit the island and make it suitable for human existence. Men go hunting, collect various plants that can be eaten, breed domestic animals, tirelessly perform agricultural work. All colonists are extremely industrious and persevering, they know how to endure any difficulties without complaining, and soon they no longer feel any particular need.

At the same time, courageous Americans are very worried about what is happening in their homeland, which they were forced to leave by the will of fate. After some time, they meet orangutans on the island, the comrades decide to keep one of the monkeys, giving her the nickname Uncle Yupa, and in the future she really becomes a true friend for them.

The day comes when the settlers find a chest containing tools, weapons, and even books written in English. Smith and his friends sincerely wonder how all these things could end up on a previously uninhabited island. With the help of the map, they are convinced that there is a certain Tabor Island not far from their place of residence, and the comrades decide to visit it without fail. While sailing on a raft constructed by the islanders, they discover a bottle, inside of which there is a letter stating that a person on Tabor needs help.

In search of a resident of this island, the Smith team disperses to its different corners, but suddenly the men hear the desperate cry of young Harbert and find that the teenager has to fight with a strange creature, initially it looks like a monkey, but then it becomes clear that in fact they are in front of a person , which has reached a completely wild state.

The colonists transport the unfortunate creature to their island, surround this person with attention and care, and soon a relatively civilized appearance returns to the man. He tells his comrades that he bears the name of Ayrton, in the past he tried to commit a crime, seeking to take possession of the Duncan yacht, which belonged to Lord Glenarvan, and use it for his malicious purposes. As punishment, Ayrton was left on a desert island by Glenarvan and his companions, although the Scottish aristocrat made a firm promise to sooner or later take the offender from the island. Smith and his team members see that Ayrton truly repents of his earlier actions, they accept him into their group. But the man asks for permission to live separately from the rest, at least for some time, in order to get used to people a little again.

Soon the islanders are convinced that on their Lincoln Island, as they conditionally call it, lives and someone else, according to Ayrton, he did not throw a note of help into the sea. When summer comes, the men sail again to Tabor Island and leave a message there for Lord Glenarvan that the people are on a neighboring island.

The colonists have been living in a new place of residence for about three years, their economy is in perfect order and really flourishes. One day they notice a large ship at sea, but a black flag flies over it. Ayrton decides to conduct reconnaissance and finds out that this ship is a pirate ship, he and his comrades will face a serious battle with the invaders.

During the battle, Smith's group manages to shoot down several enemies, but their ship is steadily approaching, it seems to the settlers that they no longer have any hope of salvation. However, suddenly the pirate ship explodes on a mine, and the Americans are finally convinced that they are not the only ones on Lincoln Island.

The colonists are trying to accustom the captured pirates to a peaceful life, but aggressive sailors, on the contrary, are trying to destroy all the economy already existing on the island. Moreover, they capture Ayrton and insist that he come over to their side, using fairly harsh methods of influence.

The former sailor does not give up, his comrades rush to his rescue, while young Harbert is seriously injured. Friends fear that they will not be able to save him. But suddenly a mysterious benefactor again comes to their aid, and the required medicine is in the hands of the settlers.

Smith and his comrades intend to finally deal with the pirates, but in the right place they find only Ayrton, who almost lost his life, who is also unable to say who destroyed the pirates and moved him to another place from the cave where he was tortured.

The colonists decide to build a ship on their own to take them home. One evening, they receive a telegraph, carried out by themselves, a request to come to a certain place on the island. It is there that the settlers meet their mysterious assistant nicknamed Captain Nemo. In reality, this man is Prince Dakkar of India, who previously fought for the independence of his country. Now all his comrades-in-arms have already passed away, and Captain Nemo himself is also dying.

The inhabitants of the island receive a box with real jewels from his hands, and before his death, the old man warns them about the imminent explosion of a nearby volcano. Smith and his friends after the death of Nemo tirelessly create a ship for themselves, but they do not have time to complete the work.

An explosion still occurs, and the men find themselves on a nearby reef, with virtually nothing left of their island. For ten days they have been dreaming about the arrival of help, but they realize that there is actually nothing for them to hope for. But unexpectedly, Lord Glenarvan's Duncan's yacht turns up next to them, and on this ship everyone returns to the United States.

Thanks to the treasures of Captain Nemo, the former islanders acquire a large piece of land. After that, they again begin to develop the economy, not being afraid of any difficulties.

Year of publication of the book: 1874

Jules Verne's novel "The Mysterious Island" is probably familiar to everyone. After all, it has been filmed more than once, and many television and animated series for children have been created on its basis. Many of Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" read personally and probably plunged headlong into the exciting adventures of the new Robinsons. It is thanks to such works that Jules Verne occupies a high place among, and the name of this writer does not lose its attractiveness among readers over the years.

The plot of Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" briefly

In Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" you can read about how in 1865 five northerners escaping from the surrounded city of Richmond set off on a journey in a hot air balloon. On the way, they are fastened by a storm that takes them to a desert island in the Southern Hemisphere. The head of this group is the engineer Cyres Smith, who is being searched for a long time after the crash, because he was thrown further than the main group. Also present here are Smith's former slave, Neb, and his friend, Gideon Spilett, according to whose records, Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" was allegedly created. Also in this five there is the sailor Pencroff and the fifteen-year-old son of the captain of the ship under whose leadership Pencroff went - Herbert Brown.

Once on a desert island, the five main characters of Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" begin to improve their life. They create their new home, which is located high on a cliff and can only be reached by a rope ladder. In addition, they started farming from a single grain, and also began to improve their way of life. Thanks to the mind and ingenuity, in a short time they practically did not need anything. In addition, a new resident appeared in their house - the orangutan Jup. Jupe is the only monkey left in the house after a mysterious invasion of monkeys into the house. When they seemed to be thrown out of the house by someone, and then lowered, raised by monkeys, a rope ladder.

Further, in our Jules Verne book “The Mysterious Island”, a brief summary should mention a chest with everything you need that appeared on the island. Among other things, there was a map. It discovered an island in the neighborhood - Tabor. The Five build a boat and decide to take a trip to this island. While testing the bot, they find a bottle with a note that another person lives on Tabor, who escaped from a shipwreck. On Tabor they find Ayrton, who is out of his mind. But care and communication allow him to regain his mind again. Ayrton says that for trying to capture the Duncan ship, he was left on the island, but promised to return.

During the return to the island, the travelers were greatly helped by the fire laid out on the shore, but as it turns out, the friends were not involved in it. Therefore, the team is even more imbued with the idea that they are not alone on the island. They arrange a search expedition around the island, but they do not find anyone. The following summer, they decide to go to Tabor again, and leave a note there that Ayrton and five other people need help and that they are on a neighboring island.

Further in Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" you can read about the events unfolding as early as three years later. During this time, the settlers thoroughly settled down, and they even got their own mill and telegraph. But one afternoon they see a ship with a black flag. As it turns out, these are old acquaintances of Ayrton - pirates. And due to Ayrton's carelessness during the reconnaissance, they now know about the people on the island. The next day, two boats descend from the ship. One Robinson manages to return to the ship, killing 3 people, but the second comes ashore. The ship, which opened fire from cannons on the brave six, exploded on a mine. But travelers will find out later.

Further in Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" in a summary, you will learn how the settlers tried to peacefully resolve the conflict with the pirates, but this failed. They began to destroy their economy and captured Ayrton. Rushing to his aid, Harbert is seriously injured, but thanks to medicines that come from nowhere, he can be cured. After his full recovery, they decide to deal the final blow to the pirates, but they find only their corpses and Ayrton, tortured to a pulp. When he comes to his senses, he says that the pirates foolishly flooded the boat, so the trip to Tabor will have to be postponed and start building a new boat.

At this time, the volcano wakes up again, which travelers considered sleeping. Several strong earthquakes make them worry and speed up the construction of the ship. But one evening the telegraph rings, and an unknown voice suggests following the newly laid cable from the ship. They go out into a huge grotto, where the submarine is, and get acquainted with Captain Nemo. He reports that during earthquakes the level of the grotto has shifted and that he can no longer go to sea. All his friends died, and he himself was dying. Therefore, he asks to flood the submarine and gives a chest with precious stones. Nemo also reports that the structure of the island is such that when it erupts, it will explode. Having fulfilled the request of Nemo, travelers with a vengeance begin to build a ship. But they don't make it. The island explodes and they narrowly escape on a small reef left from the island.

Further in Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" you can read the denouement. For ten days, all the travelers, except for Jupe, who did not manage to escape, starve on the reef. But they are saved by "Duncan", who arrived for Ayrton. On the island, he found a note that Nemo left for the travelers. Upon returning to America, friends buy a large piece of land and live like on an island, thanks to Nemo's jewelry box.

Jules Verne's "The Mysterious Island" on Top Books

For many years, Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" has been read by many generations. This adventure book captures the minds of not only teenagers, but also adult readers. Thanks to this, the stable interest in the book allowed it to take its rightful place in the ranking. And for sure in our subsequent ratings we will meet this work more than once.

You can read Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" online on the Top Books website.

/ / "Mysterious Island"

Date of creation: 1875.

Genre: fantasy novel.

Topic: omnipotence of reason and science.

Idea: scientific and technological progress opens up endless possibilities.

Issues. The advantage of collective activity over individual.

Main heroes: Cyrus Smith, Pencroft, Herbert, Spilett, Neb, Ayrton, Captain Nemo.

Plot. During the American Civil War, five people and a dog make a daring escape from captivity in a hot air balloon. Aeronauts get into a strong storm, after which they begin to slowly descend into the open sea. Fortunately, the wind carries them to some island.

The unfortunate aeronauts consider themselves the founders of a new American colony and name the island after Lincoln.

Under the guidance of engineer Smith, the colonists go through a long path of technical development, from the production of fire to the production of chemicals. Their home is a huge cave - the Granite Palace.

In the spring, the colonists found a shot in a dead wild piglet. It became clear that there are or recently were other people on the island. The lucky find was a large box containing essential items: tools, weapons, appliances, books.

The colonists did not stop equipping the island: they made the Granite Palace impregnable, sowed grains from the first ten ears of wheat, set up a poultry house and acquired draft power - onagers.

The anniversary of being on the island was approaching. With the help of the sextant found in the box, the colonists determined the exact coordinates of their location. Tabor Island was 150 miles away. It was decided to take up the construction of a real sea vessel. Smith at this time established a rough production of felt.

When the ship was ready, the colonists decided to go around their island on it. During this walk, they picked up a bottle that contained a note asking for help from Tabor Island. Pencroff, Herbert, and Spilett immediately set off thither. They found a feral man and brought him to Lincoln Island. The former savage admitted that he was the leader of a gang of villains named Ayrton. He was landed on Tabor Island as punishment. At the same time, Ayrton said that he never threw bottles into the sea asking for help. In addition to this strange fact, the colonists have repeatedly encountered mysterious phenomena. It seemed that some supernatural power was helping them.

By the second anniversary of his stay on the island, Smith managed to make a telegraph linking the Granite Palace with Ayrton, who settled next to the corral (cattle corral). The wheat field fully provided the colonists with bread, and the number of livestock and poultry increased.

One day a pirate ship approached the island. The colonists had to wage a real war. The mysterious force helped them again: first, the pirate ship was destroyed, and then the colonists found the corpses of the five surviving robbers.

It's been three years. The colonists decided to build a large ship so that they could cross the ocean and reach civilization. The work was carried out in a hurry, as the dormant volcano on the island began to emit clouds of smoke again.

One day the telegraph rang in the Granite Palace. There was no one in the corral at that time. It became clear that this was a signal from a mysterious stranger. Following his instructions, the colonists reached the cave. There they found Captain Nemo in his submarine, who provided them with assistance. Dying, he told the colonists the story of his life. Nemo gave them a chest of jewels and asked them to flood the Nautilus after his death.

After that, the activity of the volcano increased significantly. The construction of the ship continued in great haste. The eruption of fiery lava began. The night before the launch of the ship, there was a terrible explosion. Only a bare piece of rock remained from the island, which became the last refuge of the colonists. The ship was destroyed. It remained to wait for inevitable death.

But suddenly a ship appeared on the horizon. It was "Duncan" who came for Ayrton. Nemo managed to help the colonists even after death. He left a note on Tabora with the coordinates of Lincoln Island.

The colonists were saved. With the jewels donated by Captain Nemo, they bought a land plot and founded a working community in which the spirit of equality and friendship reigned.

Review of the product. The novel by J. Verne "The Mysterious Island" is one of the most popular works in the world of children's literature. Fascinating adventures of the main characters are intertwined with faith in the triumph of science. The writer also defends the idea that a person is not able to survive alone. Only a close-knit group of people can overcome all difficulties and defeat the forces of nature.

Jules Verne

"Mysterious Island"

March 1865 In the United States, during the American Civil War, five daredevil northerners flee from Richmond, taken by the southerners, in a balloon. A terrible storm throws four of them onto the shore of a desert island in the Southern Hemisphere. The fifth man and his dog are hiding in the sea near the shore. This fifth - a certain Cyrus Smith, a talented engineer and scientist, soul and leader of a detachment of travelers - for several days involuntarily keeps his companions in suspense, who cannot find either himself or his devoted dog Top anywhere. The former slave, and now the devoted servant of Smith, the Negro Neb suffers the most. In the balloon were also a military journalist and friend of Smith, Gideon Spilett, a man of great energy and determination, possessing an ebullient mind; sailor Pencroff, a good-natured and enterprising daredevil; fifteen-year-old Herbert Brown, the son of the captain of the ship on which Pencroff sailed, left an orphan, and whom the sailor treats as his own son. After a tedious search, Neb finally finds his master, inexplicably saved, a mile from the coast. Each of the new settlers of the island has irreplaceable talents, and under the leadership of Cyres and Spilet, these brave people unite and become a single team. First, with the help of the simplest improvised means, then by producing more and more complex objects of labor and everyday life at their own small factories, the settlers arrange their lives. They hunt, collect edible plants, oysters, then even breed domestic animals and farm. They make their dwelling high in a rock, in a cave freed from water. Soon, thanks to their industriousness and intelligence, the colonists no longer know the need for food, clothing, or warmth and comfort. They have everything except news about their homeland, about the fate of which they are very worried.

One day, returning to their home, which they called the Granite Palace, they see that monkeys are in charge inside. After a while, as if under the influence of insane fear, the monkeys begin to jump out of the windows, and someone's hand throws out to the travelers a rope ladder, which the monkeys raised into the house. Inside, people find another monkey - an orangutan, which they keep and call Uncle Jupe. In the future, Jup becomes a friend to people, a servant and an indispensable assistant.

On another day, the settlers find a chest of tools, firearms, various appliances, clothes, kitchen utensils, and books in English on the sand. The settlers wonder where this box could come from. According to the map, also in the box, they discover that Tabor Island is located next to their island, not marked on the map. The sailor Pencroff is eager to go to him. With the help of his friends, he builds a bot. When the boat is ready, everyone goes on it together for a trial voyage around the island. During it, they find a bottle with a note saying that a shipwrecked man is waiting for rescue on Tabor Island. This event strengthens Pencroff's confidence in the need to visit the neighboring island. Pencroff, journalist Gideon Spilett and Harbert set sail. Arriving at Tabor, they discover a small shack, where, by all indications, no one has been living for a long time. They disperse around the island, not hoping to see a living person, and try to find at least his remains. Suddenly, they hear Harbert's scream and rush to his aid. They see that Herbert is fighting with a certain hairy creature that looks like a monkey. However, the monkey turns out to be a feral man. Travelers tie him up and transport him to their island. They give him a separate room in the Granite Palace. Thanks to their attention and care, the savage soon turns back into a civilized person and tells them his story. It turns out that his name is Ayrton, he is a former criminal, he wanted to take possession of the Duncan sailboat and, with the help of the dregs of society like him, turn it into a pirate ship. However, his plans were not destined to come true, and as a punishment twelve years ago he was left on the uninhabited island of Tabor, so that he would realize his act and atone for his sin. However, the owner of the Duncan, Edward Glenarvan, said that he would someday return for Ayrton. The settlers see that Ayrton sincerely repents of his past sins, and he tries to be useful to them in every possible way. Therefore, they are not inclined to judge him for past misdeeds and willingly accept him into their society. However, Ayrton needs time, and so he asks to be given the opportunity to live in a corral that the settlers built for their domesticated animals some distance from the Granite Palace.

When the boat was returning from the island of Tabor in a storm at night, it was saved by a fire, which, as they thought, those sailing on it, had been lit by their friends. However, it turns out that they were not involved in this. It also turns out that Ayrton did not throw a bottle with a note into the sea. The settlers cannot explain these mysterious events. They are more and more inclined to think that besides them, on Lincoln Island, as they dubbed it, someone else lives, their mysterious benefactor, who often comes to their aid in the most difficult situations. They even undertake a search expedition in the hope of finding his place of residence. However, the search ends in vain.

The next summer (for since Ayrton appeared on their island and before he told them his story, five months had already passed and the summer was over, and in the cold season it is dangerous to sail) they decide to get to Tabor Island to leave a note in the hut. In the note, they intend to warn Captain Glenarvan, if he returns, that Ayrton and five other castaways are waiting for help on a nearby island.

The settlers have been living on their island for three years. Their life, their economy reached prosperity. They are already harvesting rich crops of wheat grown from a single grain found in Harbert's pocket three years ago, they have built a mill, they breed poultry, they have completely equipped their dwelling, they have made themselves new warm clothes and blankets from mouflon wool. However, their peaceful life is overshadowed by one incident that threatens them with death. One day, looking at the sea, they see a well-equipped ship in the distance, but a black flag flies over the ship. The ship anchors off the coast. It shows beautiful long-range guns. Ayrton, under the cover of night, sneaks onto the ship to make reconnaissance. It turns out that there are fifty pirates on the ship. Having miraculously eluded them, Ayrton returns to the shore and informs his friends that they need to prepare for battle. The next morning, two boats descend from the ship. On the first, the settlers shoot three, and she returns back, while the second sticks to the shore, and the six pirates remaining on it hide in the forest. Cannons are fired from the ship, and it comes even closer to the shore. It seems that nothing can save a handful of settlers. Suddenly, a huge wave rises under the ship, and it sinks. All pirates on it die. As it turns out later, the ship hit a mine, and this event finally convinces the inhabitants of the island that they are not alone here.

At first they are not going to exterminate the pirates, wanting to give them the opportunity to lead a peaceful life. But it turns out that the robbers are not capable of this. They begin to loot and burn down the settlers' farm. Ayrton goes to the corral to visit the animals. The pirates grab him and take him to a cave, where they try to torture him into agreeing to go over to their side. Ayrton doesn't give up. His friends go to help him, but Harbert is seriously injured in the corral, and his friends remain in it, unable to move back with the dying young man. A few days later they still go to the Granite Palace. As a result of the transition, Harbert develops a malignant fever, he is near death. Once again, providence intervenes in their lives and the hand of their kind mysterious friend throws them the necessary medicine. Harbert makes a full recovery. The settlers intend to strike the final blow against the pirates. They go to the corral, where they expect to find them, but they find Ayrton, exhausted and barely alive, and nearby the corpses of robbers. Ayrton reports that he does not know how he ended up in the corral, who carried him out of the cave and killed the pirates. However, he reports one sad news. A week ago, the bandits went to sea, but, not knowing how to control the boat, they smashed it on the coastal reefs. The trip to Tabor has to be postponed until a new vehicle is built. For the next seven months, the mysterious stranger does not make himself felt. Meanwhile, a volcano wakes up on the island, which the colonists considered already dead. They are building a new large ship, which, if necessary, could deliver them to inhabited earth.

One evening, already preparing to go to bed, the inhabitants of the Granite Palace hear a call. The telegraph works, which they carried from the corral to their home. They are urgently summoned to the corral. There they find a note asking them to walk along an additional wire. The cable leads them to a huge grotto, where they see, to their amazement, a submarine. In it, they meet her owner and their patron, Captain Nemo, the Indian prince Dakkar, who fought for the independence of his homeland all his life. He, already a sixty-year-old man, who buried all his associates, is dying. Nemo gives new friends a chest of jewels and warns that when a volcano erupts, the island (such is its structure) will explode. He dies, the settlers batten down the hatches of the boat and lower it under water, and they themselves tirelessly build a new ship all day long. However, they fail to finish it. All living things die during the explosion of the island, from which only a small reef in the ocean remains. The settlers who spent the night in a tent on the shore are thrown into the sea by an air wave. All of them, with the exception of Jupe, remain alive. For more than ten days they sit on the reef, almost dying of hunger and no longer hoping for anything. Suddenly they see a ship. This is Duncan. He saves everyone. As it turns out later, Captain Nemo, when the bot was still safe, sailed on it to Tabor and left a note for the rescuers.

Returning to America, with the jewelry donated by Captain Nemo, the friends buy a large piece of land and live on it just like they lived on Lincoln Island.

In the spring of 1865, during the American Civil War, Southerners captured Richmond. Five guys fly away from the city in a balloon, but a storm knocks them astray, and they find themselves in the Southern Hemisphere on a desert island. The fifth daredevil, Cyrus Smith, who led this journey, did not manage to get ashore. His dog Top also disappeared. For several days, travelers continue their search: the servant of the missing Neb, the journalist Gideon Spilet, the sailor Pencroff and his 15-year-old ward Harbert Brown. And suddenly Smith is found a mile from the coast. The settlers are trying to settle down in a new place, equipping their dwelling at a height in a cave, and begin to engage in animal husbandry and agriculture. Once monkeys climbed into their dwelling, and after the arrival of the owners, everyone fled, except for one orangutan, whom people called Yupa and allowed to live with them.

The settlers found a box of valuables on the island: tools, weapons, books, clothes, and kitchen utensils. There they find a map on which they see the nearby island of Tabor. The settlers build a boat and make a trial swim, during which they catch a bottle in the sea with a note from a shipwrecked person from a neighboring land. Harbert, Pencroft and Spilett sail to Tabor, but they do not find anyone in the discovered hut. During the search, a 15-year-old boy is attacked by a feral man, whom they tie up and decide to transport to their island in the evening. Upon returning back, people find themselves in a storm, and only thanks to a blazing fire do they find their way home. But on the island it turns out that the fire was not kindled by their friends. The savage turns out to be the criminal Ayrton, who 12 years ago wanted to capture the Duncan sailing ship and become a pirate, and for this he was landed on a desert island, promising to return for it someday. He also assured that he did not write any note about salvation. The settlers take pity on Ayrton and accept him into their team. But the savage asks for some time to live away from them in a building erected by them for animals.

Friends begin to suspect that someone else lives on the island and secretly helps them. They undertake searches but find nothing. During the three years of living on the island, the friends made their stay comfortable: they increased wheat yields, built a mill, and learned how to make clothes. One day a pirate ship sailed to their island, the settlers desperately defended themselves, but the forces are unequal. Suddenly, the ship struck a mine and sank. The surviving pirates do not want peaceful cohabitation, they constantly harm their economy and capture Ayrton. During his release, Harbert is severely wounded, causing the young man to develop a fatal fever. But his life is saved by a drug that comes from nowhere. The next time they try to rescue Ayrton, the settlers discover a barely alive friend who does not remember how all the pirates were killed.

A few months later, a volcano wakes up on the island, and friends begin to build a ship to save them. In the ship, after meeting with the pirates, a means of communication with the dwelling was installed. Once they heard a signal, and when they arrived at the place, they found a note and a cable that led them to a grotto with a submarine. Inside it, they meet their secret patron, 60-year-old Captain Nemo, who gave them jewelry before his death. Friends do not have time to complete their ship when the volcano exploded. They were able to escape on a small reef, on which they were discovered by the captain of the Duncan, who sailed for Ayrton.


Jules Verne's later novels What can and what does Nautilus have Captain Nemo's "Nautilus" is not only a literary phenomenon

"The Mysterious Island" the main characters of the novel by Jules Verne

The main characters of "Mysterious Island"

  • Cyrus Smith- a talented engineer and scientist, soul and leader of a group of travelers.
  • Nab(Nebuchadnezzar) - a former slave, and now a devoted servant of Cyrus Smith. Knows a lot about blacksmithing.
  • Gideon Spilett- A military journalist and friend of Smith, a very energetic and decisive person, with an ebullient mind. Plus, he's an avid hunter.
  • Bonaventure Pencroft- a sailor, a kind person and an enterprising daredevil. As usual with sailors, a jack of all trades. Heavy smoker.
  • Herbert (Harbert) Brown- the son of the captain of the ship on which Pencroff sailed, left an orphan. The sailor treats him like his own son. He showed deep knowledge in the natural sciences.
  • Ayrton- the sixth colonist brought by Spilett, Pencroff and Herbert from a trip to the island of Tabor. At first, it was a wild creature that lost its mind. Then, after his mind returned to him, he was constantly tormented by a complex of guilt for what he had done earlier (see "Children of Captain Grant."), because of which he settled in the corral. www.site
  • top Cyrus Smith's faithful dog.
  • Jupe(Jupiter) - an orangutan tamed during the invasion of monkeys on the Granite Palace.

Captain Nemo is a fictional character in the novel by Jules Verne. Engineer, inventor, designer, oceanologist, fighter against British colonialism. Creator and captain of the fantastic submarine "Nautilus".

Captain Nemo invisibly helps the colonists. He saves Cyrus Smith at the very beginning of the novel by planting a toolbox.

When the boat was returning from the island of Tabor in a storm at night, it was saved by a fire, which, as they thought, those sailing on it, had been kindled by their friends. However, it turns out that they were not involved in this. It also turns out that Ayrton did not throw a bottle with a note into the sea. The settlers cannot explain these mysterious events. They are more and more inclined to think that besides them, on Lincoln Island, as they dubbed it, someone else lives, their mysterious benefactor, who often comes to their aid in the most severe situations, and saves their lives. They even undertake a search expedition in the hope of finding his place of residence, but the search ends to no avail.

In a battle with pirates near the corral, Herbert is seriously injured, and friends remain there, unable to move back with the dying young man. A few days later they still go to the Granite Palace, but as a result of the transition, Herbert develops a malignant fever, he is dying. Once again, providence intervenes in their lives and the hand of their kind, mysterious savior throws them the necessary medicine (quinine). Herbert makes a full recovery. At the end, it turns out that Captain Nemo found shelter on Lincoln Island, and it also turns out what happened to him.

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First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
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The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...