Polish language from A to Z.

In this article, we publish a selection of 15 books that we think will help you learn Polish. Here you will find books that contain not only theory, but also exercises in Polish. All Polish textbooks have been tested by us and believe me, they work. The article also contains links to stores where you can easily purchase all the textbooks and books listed below.

So let's start.

Hurra Po Polsku 1. Aneta Szymkiewicz, Małgorzata Malolepsza

A modern edition filled with practical tasks that are aimed at developing various communication skills. Be it speech or writing. Also in the book there are exercises that develop a better perception of the language by ear and visually.

Hurra Po Polsku 2. Aneta Szymkiewicz, Małgorzata Malolepsza

A very popular textbook. It is divided into 4 main parts that develop the following skills: speaking, writing, reading and understanding the language. The topics are quite modern and not hackneyed. Here you will get acquainted not only with the Polish language, but also with the customs, holidays and national characteristics of Poland. Also in the book there are interesting crossword puzzles, quizzes and contests, which in a playful way will allow you to better learn the material.

Hurra Po Polsku 3. Aneta Szymkiewicz, Małgorzata Malolepsza

Third edition of the popular textbook. The textbook is intended for students. It will reveal your knowledge of Polish and teach you how to communicate on various topics: everyday life, sports, society, etc. Also in the textbook there is an opportunity to independently practice vocabulary and grammar.

Wasilewska D., Karoljak S. "Polish Language Textbook"

The textbook is perfect for those who are just starting to learn a language or for those who want to strengthen their existing knowledge. The main emphasis of the textbook is on getting acquainted with the phonetics, spelling and grammar of the Polish language. There is also a section with exercises and keys to these exercises so that you can always test yourself and your knowledge.

"Exam for the Pole's Card"

This material will help you prepare for the . There are all the questions that you may be asked and there are detailed and understandable answers to them. All questions are related to the history, culture and geography of Poland. There is also a quick guide to questions and answers. This material should certainly help you prepare for the Polish Card exam.

D.Vasilevskaya. "Polish language. Textbook"

This book is structured in an unusual way. First you read a simple text in Polish, then you look up a dictionary and a translation of the text. Gradually, you come to the fact that the translation becomes less and less, and fewer words are translated in the dictionary. And the text is getting more and more difficult every time.

Przemysław E. Gębal "Od słowa do słowa toczy się rozmowa" (The conversation goes from word to word)

A textbook by Polish authors, designed specifically for foreigners. From word to word, we go to the conversation. The textbook will prepare you to level B1 and B2, its main goal is to develop the necessary communication skills. After the course, you will be able to carry on a simple conversation.

M. Kowalska Marzena "O biznesie po Polsku" (About business in Polish. Intermediate level B1, B2. Polish language guide, introduction to business)

A very interesting textbook that will introduce you to Business Polish at B1 and B2 levels. Suitable for those who are going to work in Poland, with this textbook you will increase your knowledge and be able to conduct dialogues in a business environment. The textbook is divided into 14 specific topics, which together cover a wide range of business topics.

Stempek, A. Stelmach, S. Dawidek, A. Szymkiewicz "Krok po Kroku Polski A1+A2" (Step per step PolishA1+A2)

A textbook from a large series, written by Poles especially for foreigners. It is important to note that the textbook meets all standards and is certified as a material recommended for learning Polish as a foreign language.

The books listed below are self-study textbooks. Each book develops certain language skills in you. The selection is suitable for those who are just starting to learn the Polish language from scratch, as well as for those who want to hone their skills to perfection!

Język polski. Korepetycje maturzysty. (Polish language. Tutor.)

The new series of textbooks for high school tutoring "OLDSCHOOL - the good old school" is an effective study of what you really need. The series has been prepared by experienced teachers and methodologists in collaboration with teachers and students themselves.

The textbook is intended for all high school students who need constant study of the Polish language and the desire to know all the questions and answers useful in the exam in high school. This book will also be of great help to teachers and educators.

Ilustrowany sł ownik phraseologiczny(Illustrated dictionary of phraseological units)

Phraseological expressions are the most interesting, most fascinating and amazing combinations of words in any language. They are not governed by any laws or regulations, sometimes look funny, sometimes illogical, and of course almost always have different meanings. Getting to know them and knowing how to use them correctly will undeniably help in learning the Polish language.

T.S. Mochalova. Polish from scratch

The textbook "Polish from scratch" is intended for beginners and can be used both at the initial stage of a deep and thorough study of the language, and in order to master the elementary skills of reading, writing and speaking in the shortest possible time

"Ilustrowany słownik przysłów" (Illustrated Dictionary of Proverbs)

The illustrated dictionary of proverbs contains the most interesting and important proverbs that can be found in everyday life. The dictionary was created mainly for elementary school students, but it will be useful for both children and adults. Proverbs are explained in an accessible way, each of which contains a story illustrating the proverb. All stories are written with humor. This makes you read the dictionary like a book, so it will be very difficult for you to stop reading it. In addition, beautiful and funny illustrations make reading especially enjoyable.

A.Częścik, J.Częścik “Gramatyka co z głowy nie umyka”

In this book you will find: a complete Polish grammar course written for students, many great methods for memorizing the material (highlighted in bold), a number of interesting facts about the language (highlighted in color), non-traditional problems and puzzles (marked with a question mark) , a table of contents that will allow you to quickly find the material you need.

Translation of an article from www.thepolyglotdream.com.

I am often asked the question “Why did you decide to learn such and such a language?”. I confess that I do not have a universal answer to this question. I have learned each of the languages ​​I speak for different reasons and under different circumstances.

How I started learning Polish

If the reason for learning a foreign language is different for everyone - subjective and personal, then the question"how to teach"will be of interest to many. Especially for those who plan to study independently and from the basics.

The first thing I did after visiting Poland was to buyPolish course from the famous company ASSIMIL, which publishes a series of courses on the study of European and other languages.

I chose this particular course because it is the most suitable for my method of learning foreign languages.

Here are the top benefits of ASSIMIL books:

  • Funny dialogues from life
  • Texts in two languages
  • Phonetics explanations
  • Grammar on the fingers
  • Effective Exercises
  • Lots of pictures
  • Audio recordings in target language only

Polish pronunciation - the first difficulties

When you just start to dive into another language, everything seems new and unfamiliar.

As for the Polish pronunciation, two things (both aurally and visually) struck me:nasal sounds and consonant combinations. The nasal sounds were familiar to me, since I already spoke French and Portuguese. The nasal “en” in Polish is written as “ę” in such a word as “węch” (smell).

But I was much more surprised by the combinations of consonants:

Cz, dz, dż, dzi, dż, drz, sz, ść, szc

Learning to pronounce these sounds separately will not take you much time. But imagine them in a sentence:

“Skąd moge wiedzieć dlaczego przestal pisać do ciebe?”

At first it seems that learning to pronounce all this is almost impossible, but with a certain approach there will be no great difficulties. But more on that in future articles.

Is Polish grammar difficult or easy?

As in any Slavic language, Polish has cases and declensions. But those who know Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian can perceive the meanings of many words even by ear. Learning grammar will also be much easier for them.

Tip: don't pay too much attention to grammar, it will come latently with the gradual mastering of the language.

Be positive

Although Polish may seem difficult to learn at first glance, remember how many people learned how to communicate in it before you. The main thing is the attitude to the language. I won't say anything new, but regular classes for 20-30 minutes in a few months they will bring such a result that you will even be surprised. There is another way - to immerse yourself in the language environment for several months in Poland. If you have the opportunity, I recommend you go.


You can learn to speak Polish in 2-3 months if your native language is part of the Slavic group. Watch a video lesson of Polish for beginners.

Imagine that you are sitting in the stands of a football stadium and watching the game. Only the match is a little strange. A group of guys randomly runs around the field and only dreams of running to the ball, hitting it and hitting it in an unknown direction. No one knows in which direction to send the ball. Side lines, in principle, could not exist. A hand strike surprises no one. Violation? Nobody heard anything about it. This is what a language without grammar looks like.

Several times on my teaching path I met people who once studied at Polish schools or for some time were among native speakers. When they started speak polish I had some rather strange sensations. Like the words are all familiar, but at the same time total chaos. “I come to Minsk to introduce a beautiful woman…”

Grammar organizes thoughts, brings order to them and helps to tame chaos. With. One day, a man who only heard spoken Polish and then began to study grammar told me that he finally understood what his favorite Polish movie was about. Chaos has been tamed.

Grammar carries meaning. We are used to the fact that the bearer of meaning is the word. However, it turns out that a simple grammatical analysis helps to understand the meaning of the statement. Even if you cannot understand the meaning of a word or several words, but you know the case endings of different genders or understand tense forms of the verb, you can roughly understand what the statement is about.

Grammar makes communication easier. One knowledge of words allows you to express an idea in the most general terms. In principle, the alternate pronunciation of words from the dictionary is not too different from sign language. Knowing the basics of grammar will make your statement clear and precise. And this will ease the fate of your interlocutors. Of course, you can say things like "I want a bottle of water" all the time. I think that they will even understand you, but you will cause problems to your interlocutor. Perhaps he will endure a short exchange of primitive phrases with you, but in the future he will not want to talk to you.

Is it necessary to learn grammar in Pole's card ?

Yes need. The consul should see that you are not pronouncing a memorized set of words, but that you understand what you are saying and can formulate your thought into a simple but meaningful statement. And it is very easy to check your understanding, it is worth asking a question in a different form, not in the one that you have memorized, or starting a simple dialogue with you.

How to make it easier for yourself to study grammar, which method is better to turn to? There are many options, but in the end they all come down to two: the traditional school approach and the intuitive approach. In the first case, you will learn the rules, study grammar tables, conjugate, decline. Well, and do many, many exercises ... In the second case, it is proposed to read a lot of texts, constantly listen to the language. It seems like after a while on a subconscious level a person learns to build the right statements.

In my opinion, the truth lies in the middle of these two extremes. I love the traditional approach to learning grammar, it pays off, but after the tablets and exercises to automate new material, I definitely reinforce the material with a significant number of exercises for the development of conversational speech. Otherwise, a situation will turn out when a person ideally does written exercises, but cannot use knowledge in a conversation. For example, I need to reinforce the use of past tense verbs in speech. I propose to describe the pictures, tell what the person did yesterday, a month ago, and so on. You can offer to write a text about your last vacation and ask him to tell. A lot of options to make sure that the automation of skills occurs in colloquial speech.

Linguistic intuition will begin to appear when a person understands the principles of functioning of a living organism, which is language. It's like with a person's experience: first we fill bruises over and over again, we get "nuts" from life, and then we acquire it and use it. By the way, I heard the opinion that intuition is an extensive life experience that tells us how to act correctly.

Today again about the little things that, as we remember, decide everything. Jaki dzień jest dziś? The answer to this question is insidious not only because it implies the presence of ordinal numbers in the answer (which in itself, at times, terrifies many))), but also by the ending of this very numeral. Unlike the Russian language, where we would answer...

There are verbs (although why only verbs), which, despite their external, apparent simplicity, do not want to fit in the heads and often provoke confusion. Today we are going to talk to you about a pair of Polish verbs with very close but not identical meanings. Having dealt with them, we will be able, to a certain extent, to diversify the vocabulary and confidently juggle them there, ...

As usual, life itself threw a topic for another article on our blog. The other day, under one of my videos on YouTube, I received a comment with a question: Indeed, in Polish there are several ways to form the future tense: two of them are for imperfective verbs (these are those that denote an unfinished, i.e. incomplete, imperfect action: czytać, pisać, uczyć się,...

You find amazing things sometimes. How sometimes a person manages to invent problems for himself from scratch. Today we will talk about a phenomenon that often occurs in people who are trying to formulate their first independent thoughts in Polish. Years of teaching practice allow me to state that the problem that will be discussed is almost universal. Few people manage to avoid confusion in the verbs "to say" and ...

The topic of today's article is rather trifling, but it is precisely such trifling moments that often become a stumbling block. I noticed, for example, that words that are very similar to words from their native language, but differ slightly (gabinet, egzamin, etc.) are sometimes even more difficult to remember than some kindersztub’y. In short, to the point. We are all familiar with negative pronouns...

It's time to say a few words about the passive voice in Polish. Just in case, let me remind you that the passive voice is a form when the action is performed not by the subject, but over it, for example: Polska została zaatakowana ze wschodu 17 września 1939 r. (As you can see, Poland is not doing something here, but the action is taking place over it) Strictly speaking, in ...

The ability to correctly decline surnames is not only a matter of literacy, but also a guarantee of good social ties and just personal relationships, we talked about this in the material on the declension of Polish surnames. Today we will try to look at how the Poles change foreign names and surnames, there are several interesting situations here. Let's start with a situation that once made me...

Life continues to dictate its own rules and show us the path along which we are moving. The topic of this material was born from a discussion of one of the posts in the group Polish from A to Ż on Facebook. The ability to handle surnames correctly is difficult to overestimate, because if grammatical errors in other words can get away with a foreigner and be perceived with ...

The most difficult time in the Polish language is the present, no matter how paradoxical it may sound after all our English, French and German times. And the most difficult interesting thing in the present tense of a Polish verb is the first conjugation or e-koniugacja. Here we will meet with a number of alternations predictable, not very and "very not". If you've been watching...

And again about verbs, more precisely about the conjugation of Polish verbs in the present tense. I am sure that you have been using the am-conjugation for a long time without any problems. Moreover, we started talking about the second or i-conjugation, and even apart from the basic rule, we figured out the peculiarities of the conjugation of verbs, the stem of which ends in a labial consonant. However, the i-conjugation is full of surprises to...

Friends, today's material will be devoted to several interesting resources that can be very useful for us in mastering the grammar of the Polish language. Catch the elusive verb: attempt number 1 We all know that the Polish verb is such that it will not be given immediately, it would be necessary to tinker with it. Often one cramming of the rules is not enough here. Something more is needed - experience, ...

Time goes fast. As it turned out, we started talking about i-conjugation two months ago. In that material, we met with the basic rule. However, unlike the am-conjugation (it is also III), where everything is clear and understandable, things are much more interesting with our today's hero. There are several nuances here, about one ...

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