Mozart full name. The last period of the life and work of Mozart

Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) - a virtuoso Austrian musician and composer, the most popular among all classical composers, his influence on world culture in the field of music is huge. This man had a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise. His compositions have become masterpieces of world chamber, symphonic, choral, concert and opera music.

Early childhood

In the city of Salzburg, which at that time was the capital of the Salzburger Archbishopric, on the Getreidegasse street in the house 9 was born musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This happened on January 27, 1756. Wolfgang's father, Leopold Mozart, served in the court chapel of the local prince-archbishop as a composer and violinist. Baby's mother, Anna Maria Mozart ( maiden name Pertl), was the daughter of the commissioner-trustee of the St. Gilgen almshouse, she gave birth to only seven children, but only two remained alive - Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna.

That babies are gifted by nature musical talent was evident from early childhood. At the age of seven, the girl's father began to teach her to play the harpsichord. Little Wolfgang also liked this activity, he was only 3 years old, and he already sat down at the instrument after his sister and had fun, picking up consonant melodies. In such early age he could play from memory on the harpsichord some fragments of pieces of music he had heard. The father was impressed by his son's abilities and began to learn minuets and harpsichord pieces with him when the boy was just over 4 years old. A year later, Wolfgang was composing his first little pieces, and his father was recording after him. And by the age of six, in addition to the harpsichord, the boy independently learned to play the violin.

The father loved his children very much, and they reciprocated him. For Maria Anna and Wolfgang, the Pope became the most a good man in their lives, educator and teacher. The brother and sister never attended school in their lives, while they received an excellent education at home. Little Mozart was fully carried away by the subject that he studied in this moment. For example, when he studied arithmetic, the whole house, table, walls and chairs were covered with chalk, there were only numbers around, at such moments he even forgot about music for a while.

First travels

Leopold dreamed that his son would become a composer. By old custom, future composers first had to establish themselves as performers. In order for the boy to be patronized by well-known noble persons, and in the future it would be possible to get a good position without any problems, Father Mozart decided to arrange a children's tour. He took the children to travel around the princely and royal courts of Europe. This time of wandering lasted almost 10 years.

The first such trip took place in the winter of 1762, the father and children went to Munich, the wife stayed at home. This journey lasted three weeks, the success of the miracle children was resounding.

Father Mozart strengthened his decision to take the children around Europe and planned a trip to Vienna for the fall with the whole family. This city was not chosen by chance, at that time Vienna was known as the cultural center of Europe. There were still 9 months left before the trip, and Leopold began to intensively prepare the children, especially his son. This time he did not bet on the boy's successful game on musical instruments, but on the so-called effects, which the audience perceived much more enthusiastically than the music itself. By this trip, Wolfgang had learned to play on the keys covered with fabric and with a bandage over his eyes, while he did not make a single mistake.

When autumn came, the whole Mozart family went to Vienna. On the mail ship they sailed along the Danube, made stops in the cities of Linz and Ybbs, gave concerts and everywhere the audience was delighted with the little virtuoso. In October, the fame of a talented boy reached the imperial majesty, the family was given a reception at the palace. They were met politely and warmly, the concert given by Wolfgang lasted several hours, after which the Empress even allowed him to sit on her lap and play with her children. For future performances, she gave the young talent and his sister beautiful new clothes.

Every day after that, Leopold Mozart received invitations to speak at receptions with dignitaries, he accepted them, a small unique boy performed for several hours. In the middle of the winter of 1763, the Mozarts returned to Salzburg, and after a short break, preparations began for the next trip to Paris.

European recognition of the young virtuoso

In the summer of 1763, the three-year journey of the Mozart family began. On the way to Paris there were many concerts in different cities of Germany. In Paris young talent have been waiting. There were a lot of distinguished people who wanted to listen to Wolfgang. It was here, in Paris, that the boy composed his first pieces of music. These were four sonatas for harpsichord and violin. He was invited to perform at the Royal Palace of Versailles, where the Mozart family arrived on Christmas Eve and spent two whole weeks there. They even attended the solemn New Year's feast, which was a special honor.

Such a number of concerts affected material well-being family, the Mozarts had enough money to hire a ship and go on it to London, where they stayed for almost fifteen months. Very important acquaintances in the life of young Mozart took place here:

  • with the composer Johann Christian Bach (son of Johann Sebastian), he gave the boy lessons and played four hands with him;
  • with Italian opera singer Giovanni Manzuolli, who taught the child to sing.

It was here, in London, that the young Mozart had an irresistible desire to compose. He began to write symphonic and vocal musical works.

After London, the Mozarts spent nine months in Holland. During this time, the boy wrote six sonatas and one symphony. The family returned home only at the end of 1766.
Here, in Austria, Wolfgang was already perceived as a composer, and he was given orders to write all kinds of solemn marches, laudatory songs, minuets.

From 1770 to 1774, the composer traveled several times to Italy, where he wrote such famous operas:

  • "Mithridates, king of Pontus";
  • "Ascanius in Alba";
  • "Scipio's Dream";
  • Lucius Sulla.

At the peak of the musical path

In 1778, Mozart's mother died of a fever. And in the next 1779 in Salzburg he was hired as a court organist, he had to write music for Sunday church singing. But the ruling Archbishop of Colloredo at that time was stingy by nature and not too receptive to music, so the relationship between him and Mozart did not work out initially. Wolfgang did not tolerate bad attitude to himself, resigned from the service and went to Vienna. It was 1781.

In the autumn of 1782, Mozart married Constance Weber. His father categorically did not take this marriage seriously, it seemed to him that Constance was getting married according to some subtle calculation. In marriage, a young married couple had six children, but only two remained alive - Franz Xaver Wolfgang and Karl Thomas.

Father Leopold did not want to accept Constance. Soon after the wedding, the young people went to visit him, but this did not help him get closer to his daughter-in-law. Constance was also coldly received by Mozart's sister, which offended Wolfgang's wife to the core. She was never able to forgive them until the end of her life.

AT musical career Mozart's peak. He really was at the zenith of fame, for his musical compositions received large fees, he had many students. In 1784, with his wife, they settled in a luxurious apartment, where they even allowed themselves to keep all the necessary servants - a hairdresser, a cook, a maid.

By the end of 1785, Mozart had completed one of his most famous operas, The Marriage of Figaro. The premiere took place in Vienna. The opera was well received by the audience, but it was impossible to call the premiere grandiose. But in Prague, this work was a stunning success. Mozart was invited to Prague for Christmas 1786. He went with his wife, they were given a very warm welcome there, the spouses constantly went to parties, dinners and other social events. Thanks to such popularity, Mozart got a new order for an opera based on the play Don Giovanni.

In the spring of 1787, his father, Leopold Mozart, died. Death shocked the young composer so much that many critics agree that this pain and sadness runs through the entire work of Don Juan. In autumn, Wolfgang and his wife returned to Vienna. He got new flat and new position. Mozart was recruited as an imperial chamber musician and composer.

Last creative years

Gradually, however, the public began to lose interest in Mozart's works. The play Don Giovanni staged in Vienna was a complete failure. While Wolfgang's rival, the composer Salieri, new play"Aksur, King of Armuz" was a success. A total of 50 ducats received for "Don Juan" bet financial situation Wolfgang is in a dead end. The wife, exhausted by constant childbirth, needed treatment. I had to change housing, in the suburbs it was much cheaper. The situation became deplorable. Especially when Constance had to be sent to Baden on the recommendation of doctors to treat a leg ulcer.

In 1790, when his wife was once again on treatment, Mozart went on a journey, as once in his childhood, in the hope of earning at least some money to pay off his creditors. However, he returned home with negligible fees from his concerts.

At the very beginning of 1791, Wolfgang's music began to rise. He composed a lot of dances and concertos for piano and orchestra, quintets and E-bimole majors, symphonies and operas "The Mercy of Titus" and "Magic Flute", he also wrote a lot of sacred music, and in Last year of his life worked on the "Requiem".

Illness and death

In 1791, Mozart's condition worsened very much, fainting often occurred. On November 20, he fell ill from weakness, his legs and arms swelled to such an extent that it was impossible to move them. All the senses were sharpened. Mozart ordered even his beloved canary to be removed, as he could not bear her singing. He barely restrained himself from tearing off his shirt. She interfered with his body. Doctors recognized that he had rheumatic inflammatory fever, as well as kidney failure and articular rheumatism.

In early December, the composer's condition became critical. From his body began to emanate such a stench that it was impossible to be with him in the same room. December 4, 1791 Mozart died. He was buried in the third category. The coffin was supposed to be, but the grave was common, for 5-6 people. At that time, only very rich people and representatives of the nobility had a separate grave.

Of all the representatives of the Vienna classical school Mozart is the most unique. His talent was evident in early childhood and developed up to unexpected death. The Austrian composer created more than 600 works, played virtuoso, worked in various musical forms. His ability to play from the age of four and early death became the subject of much controversy and overgrown with myths. Biography of Mozart, summary whose life and work is divided into sections, presented in the article.

early years

He was born on 01/27/1756 in the family of the violinist and composer Leopold Mozart. His hometown was Salzburg, where his parents were considered the most beautiful married couple. Mother, Anna Maria Mozart, gave birth to seven children, of whom two survived - daughter Maria Anna and Wolfgang.

The ability to music manifested itself in a boy from the age of three. He loved to play the harpsichord and could pick up harmonies for a long time. The father began to study with the boy from the age of four, because he had a pronounced ability to memorize the melodies he heard and play them on the harpsichord. That's how it started musical biography Mozart, which is difficult to write about briefly, it is so rich in events.

By the age of five, Mozart could compose short pieces. Their father wrote them down on paper, putting the date of creation in the margins. In addition to the harpsichord, Wolfgang learned to play the violin. The only instrument that terrified the young musician was the trumpet. He could not listen to her sound without the accompaniment of other instruments.

Not only Wolfgang was a virtuoso in the Mozart family. His sister was no less talented. They gave the first concerts together and delighted the audience. In Vienna, they were introduced to Empress Maria Theresa, who listened to their concert for several hours.

With his father, they traveled around Europe, giving concerts to noble nobles. Only for a short time did they return home.

Vienna period

After a misunderstanding with his employer, the Archbishop of Salzburg, Amadeus Mozart, short biography which is presented in this article, decides to change his life and goes to Vienna. He arrived in the city on 03/16/1781. The time was chosen unsuccessfully to start a career in Vienna. Most of the aristocrats went out of town for the summer, and there were practically no concerts.

Mozart hoped to become a teacher to Princess Elisabeth, who was educated by Joseph II. But all attempts ended in failure. Instead, Joseph II chose Salieri and Zummer. However, Wolfgang had enough students, albeit less noble ones. One of them was Teresa von Trattner, who is considered his lover. The composer dedicated to her a sonata in C minor and a fantasy in C minor.

After long expectations and obstacles, Mozart married Constance Weber. They had six children, but only two of them survived. It was the connection with Constance that spoiled the musician's relationship with his father, whom he loved from birth. Mozart's biography, summarized, is impossible without a version of his death.

Last year of life

In 1791, Mozart was commissioned to "Requiem", which he did not have a chance to complete. This was done by his student Franz Xaver Süsmeier. In November, the composer became very ill, he could not walk, he needed the help of doctors.

They stated that he had an acute millet fever. Many inhabitants of Vienna died from it at that time. The disease was complicated by a general weakening of the body.

By December 4, the composer's condition became critical. Mozart died on December 5th. The (short) biography of the composer, who left many wonderful works to posterity, ends here.

The funeral took place on December 6, 1791 in the presence of only close friends. Then his body was taken to the cemetery for burial. Where it is located is unknown, but presumably a monument to the "Weeping Angel" was erected in that place over time.

The legend of Mozart's poisoning

Many works describe the myth of Wolfgang's poisoning by his friend and famous composer Salieri. Some musicologists still support this version of death. However, there is no conclusive evidence. At the end of the last century, in the Palace of Justice (Milan), Antonio Salieri was acquitted on charges of murdering Wolfgang Mozart.

Biography of Mozart: briefly about creativity

Mozart's works combine strict and clear forms with deep emotionality. His works are poetic and carry a subtle grace, while they are not without masculinity, drama, contrast.

He is known for his reformist approach to opera. It is their novelty that captivates both the opera and Mozart's biography, a summary of which begins at the age of three. In his works there are no clearly expressed negative or positive characters. Their characters are multifaceted. The most famous operas:

  • "Don Juan";
  • "The Wedding of Figaro";
  • "Magical flute".

AT symphonic music Mozart (biography, brief but informative, certainly allowed you to learn a lot about this composer) distinguished himself by the presence of melodiousness in opera arias and dramatic conflicts. Symphonies numbered 39, 40, 41 are considered popular.

According to the thematic catalog of Kechel, Mozart created:

  • spiritual creations - 68;
  • string quartets - 32;
  • sonatas (variations) for harpsichord and violin - 45;
  • theatrical works - 23;
  • sonatas for harpsichord - 22;
  • symphonies - 50;
  • concerts - 55.

Mozart's hobbies

Most of all, the composer liked to be in a cheerful society. He gladly attended balls, masquerades, hosted receptions. He often danced at balls.

Like his other peers, Wolfgang Mozart, whose brief biography we have described, played billiards well. At home, he had his own table, which was a special luxury at that time. He often played with friends and his wife.

As pets, he liked canaries and starlings, which he willingly kept. In addition, he had dogs and even horses. On the recommendation of his doctor, he took early horseback rides every day.

Mozart's biography briefly told about the fate of a genius who did not live long, but made an invaluable contribution to musical art all over the world.


Mozart managed to conquer all the musical heights that were available at that time, but this did not bring him success during his lifetime. Unfortunately, only a few of his contemporaries could appreciate the full depth of his talent, and he was worthy of the highest degree of glory.

Perhaps the genius was unlucky with the era in which he lived, but who knows if we would enjoy his works now if he had been born in another time or place.

Little gift

The future musical prodigy was born in the family of assistant conductor Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna-Maria in 1756 in Salzburg. The mother could not recover for a long time after childbirth, the birth of her son almost cost her her life. The next day the boy was baptized and named Johann Chrysostomos Wolfgang Theophilus. The Mozarts had seven children, but five died in early childhood, leaving their older sister Maria Anna and wolfgang.

Father Mozart was a talented musician and an excellent teacher, whose works have been teaching aids. Extraordinary musical ability began to show and his daughter. The lessons of the father and sister on the clavier were incredibly interesting for the three-year-old Wolfgang- he could sit for hours and pick up thirds on the instrument, enjoying the search for the right harmonies. A year later, Leopold began to learn small pieces with his son, and then he himself began to compose short melodies, only to write down his efforts in music book the child could not.

First wolfgang asked his father to write down his creations, and once he himself tried to convey the composed music with notes that were interspersed with blots. These pen tests were discovered by the father and asked what the child depicted. The boy confidently declared that this was a clavier concerto. Leopold was surprised to find notes among the ink stains and was delighted when he realized that his son correctly and according to all the rules wrote down the invented music. The father praised his child, but said that it was almost impossible to perform such a difficult work. The boy objected, noting that you need to exercise well, then everything will work out. After some time, he managed to play this concerto.

The first tour of Wolfgang Mozart

The children of Mozart's father were extraordinarily talented, so Leopold tried to demonstrate this to the world. He organized at the beginning of 1762 a real European tour, during which the family visited the capitals and largest cities, where children played even in front of the highest audience - emperors and dukes. Small wolfgang as if he was in a fairy tale - he attended receptions in palaces and secular salons, talked with prominent people of his era, won praise and invariably heard a storm of applause addressed to him. But this required daily work from the child, not every adult could withstand such a busy schedule.

The miracle boy, according to the reviews of those in front of whom he played, flawlessly performed the most complex plays and improvised for hours, while observing the strict rules of art. His knowledge was higher than that of many experienced musicians.

Despite the rotation in the circles of nobles, Wolfgang Mozart retained the childish spontaneity, openness and lightness. He didn't write moody music, and he wasn't an introverted genius. A lot of funny stories and funny cases are connected with it.

18th century miracle

The Mozarts lived in London for more than a year, where wolfgang met his son, Johann Christian, with whom he improvised and played four hands. Then the family spent almost a year in different cities of Holland. During this period, the musical treasury Mozart replenished with a symphony, six sonatas and a collection of capriccios.

The program of his performances has always amazed the listeners with its complexity and diversity. His virtuoso playing on the violin, harpsichord and organ captivated the public, who nicknamed the boy the "Miracle of the Century". Then he really conquered Europe. After a long and exhausting journey, the family returned to their native Salzburg in 1766.

father did not give Wolfgang relax and began to intensively engage in composition and rehearsals with him concert programs to new appearances consolidate success. He wanted to make his son not only famous, but also wealthy, so that he would not depend on the whims of powerful persons.

Mozart began to receive orders for works. For the Vienna theater, he wrote "Imaginary simpleton", having successfully mastered the new complex genre. But for some reason, the comic opera was not staged on stage. This failure wolfgang suffered very hard.

These were the first manifestations of hostility of rivals towards their 12-year-old colleague, because now he was not just a miracle child, but a serious and famous composer. In the rays of his glory, it was easy to fade.

Young Academician Wolfgang Mozart

Then Leopold decided to take his son to the homeland of operas - to Italy. Three years young Mozart Milan, Florence, Rome, Venice and Naples applauded. His performances attracted huge crowds of fans, he played the organ in cathedrals and churches, was a conductor and a singer.

And here is the long-awaited order from Milansky opera house. In six months, he wrote the opera "Mithridates, King of Pontus", which collected full houses 26 times in a row. He was ordered several more works, including the opera Lucius Sulla.

Brilliant memory and fantastic hearing Mozart amazed sophisticated connoisseurs of music - Italians. One day he heard Sistine Chapel many-voiced choral work, came home and wrote it down in full. It turned out that only the church owned the notes, it was strictly forbidden to take them out or rewrite them, and Mozart I did it just from memory.

Even more public discussion was caused by the election Wolfgang member of the Bologna Academy in such young age. This happened for the first time in the history of the eminent institution.

Such successes Mozart in Italy gave hope for the realization of his father's dream. He was sure that now his son would not be an ordinary provincial musician, but to find a job in Italy for a young Mozart failed. Important people did not recognize the genius in him in time, and he returned to his homeland.

In disgrace at the count

Salzburg met the famous family quite unfriendly. The new earl appointed Wolfgang Mozart conductor of his court orchestra, demanded full submission and tried his best to humiliate him. Servant Position Mozart did not suit him, he did not want to write exclusively church music and short entertaining pieces. wolfgang dreamed of serious work - composing operas.

With great difficulty he managed to get a vacation, along with his mother Mozart went to Paris to try his luck where he had been admired as a child. To a talented musician, who already had almost three hundred works of various genres behind him, there was no place in the capital of France - no orders, no concerts followed. I had to earn a living with music lessons, but this was barely enough to pay for a modest hotel room. With Mother Wolfgang She had a seizure in Paris and she died. A series of failures and this tragedy forced him to return to Salzburg.

There, the count, with new enthusiasm, began to humiliate Mozart- did not allow him to organize concerts, forced him to dine with the servants at a time when his opera "Idomeneo, King of Crete" was successfully staged at the Munich Theater.

Escape from slavery

Mozart made a firm decision to end this service and submitted a letter of resignation. Neither the first nor the second time it was signed, moreover, a stream of insults poured on the composer. wolfgang almost lost his mind from such injustice. But he gathered his strength and left forever native city, settling in Vienna in 1781.

At 26 wolfgang married Constance Weber against the will of the father and mother of the bride, but the newlyweds were happy. At the same time Mozart ordered to write a comic opera "Abduction from the Seraglio". He dreamed of composing an opera mother tongue, especially since the work was excellently received by the audience, only the emperor considered it too complicated.

The success of this opera helped the composer to get acquainted with famous patrons and musicians, including with, to whom he dedicated six quartets. Only Haydn was able to understand and appreciate the depth of talent Wolfgang.

Enthusiastically met by the public in 1786 and new opera Mozart- The Marriage of Figaro. However, the success did not last long. The emperor and the whole court constantly showed their dissatisfaction with the composer's innovations, this also affected the attitude of the public towards his works. But Figaro's aria sounded in all the restaurants, parks and streets of Vienna, it was popular recognition. In his own words, he wrote music for ears of various lengths.


In the life of the composer, difficult times of lack of money again came. Funding came only from Prague, where his Le nozze di Figaro was included in the theatre's repertoire. Creativity was loved and appreciated in this city Mozart, and he worked there with pleasure on Don Juan, which premiered in the autumn of 1787.

Returning to Vienna again brought disappointment and financial need, but there wolfgang wrote the last three symphonies - E-flat major, G minor and C major, which are considered the greatest. In addition, shortly before his death Mozart premiere of his opera The Magic Flute.

In parallel with the work on this opera, he was in a hurry to complete the order of the Requiem. Shortly before this came to him Unknown person dressed in black and ordered a mass for the dead. Mozart was depressed and depressed after this visit. Perhaps his long-standing ill health simply coincided with this event, but he himself wolfgang took the Requiem as a prediction of his own death. Finish Mass Mozart did not have time (this was later done by his student Franz Xaver Süssmeier), he died on the night of 1791. There are still rumors about the reasons for his premature departure from life, as about any famous person. Most famous myth says that he was poisoned by the composer Salieri. This has never been confirmed.

Because the family has money Mozart was not, he was buried without any honors, and even in common grave Therefore, no one knows the exact place of his burial.


strange visitor Mozart who ordered him a Requiem, was a servant of Count Walsegg-Stuppach, who often bought works for next to nothing from poor composers and passed them off as his creations.

Younger son Mozart Franz Xaver in early XIX century lived and worked in Lvov for twenty years. He taught music to children of noble Galician families and was one of the founders of the first musical society Lvov called "Cecilia". It was on its basis that the Lviv Philharmonic was subsequently organized. And in 1826, the violinist Lipinski and the choir under the direction of Franz Xaver even gave a concert in memory of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Updated: July 29, 2017 by: Elena

Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgang Theophilus Mozart , better known as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, (info); January 27, Salzburg - December 5, Vienna) - a great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor.


In London, the young Mozart was the subject scientific research, and in Holland, where music was strictly banished during fasts, an exception was made for Mozart, since the clergy saw the finger of God in his extraordinary talent.

Antonio Salieri

Mozart and Freemasonry

Incredible genius elevated him above all masters of all arts and all centuries.

Mozart has no anguish, because he is above the anguish.

Works about Mozart

The drama of Mozart's life and work, as well as the mystery of his death, have become a fruitful topic for artists of all kinds of arts. Mozart became the hero of numerous works of literature, drama and cinema. It is impossible to list all of them - below are the most famous of them:

Drama. Plays. Books.

  • "Little Tragedies. Mozart and Salieri. -, A. S. Pushkin, drama
  • "Mozart on the way to Prague". — Eduard Mörike, short story
  • "Amadeus". — Peter Schaeffer, play.
  • "Several meetings with the late Monsieur Mozart". -, E. Radzinsky, historical essay.
  • "Murder of Mozart". — Weiss, David, novel
  • "Sublime and earthly". — Weiss, David, novel
  • "Old Chef" - K. G. Paustovsky


  • Mozart and Salieri - , dir. V. Gorikker, in the role of Mozart I. Smoktunovsky
  • Little Tragedies. Mozart and Salieri - , dir. M. Schweitzer As Mozart V. Zolotukhin
  • Amadeus - , dir. Milos Forman, as Mozart T. Hals
  • - documentary, Canada , ZDF , ARTE , 52 min. dir. Thomas Wallner and Larry Weinstein
  • Mozart is a two-part documentary film. It was broadcast on September 21, 2008 on the Rossiya channel.

creative method

Mozart wrote: “When I feel well and am in a good mood, or I travel in a carriage, or I take a walk after a good breakfast, or at night when I cannot sleep, thoughts come to me in a crowd and with extraordinary ease. Where and how do they come? I don't know anything about it. Those that I like, I keep in mind, I sing; at least that's what others tell me. After I have selected one melody, it is soon joined, in accordance with the requirements overall composition, counterpoint and orchestration, the second, and all these pieces form a "raw dough". My soul then ignites, at least if something does not interfere with me. The piece grows, I hear it more and more distinctly, and the piece ends in my head, however long it may be. Then I cover it with a single glance, like good picture or handsome boy, I hear it in my imagination not sequentially, with the details of all parts, as it should sound later, but all in the ensemble.



  • Duty of the First Commandment (Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebotes), 1767. Theatrical oratorio
  • "Apollo and Hyacinth" (Apollo et Hyacinthus), 1767 - student musical drama in Latin text
  • Bastien and Bastienne (Bastien und Bastienne), 1768. Another student piece, a singspiel. German version of the famous comic opera J.-J. Rousseau - "The Village Sorcerer"
  • "The Pretending Simpleton" (La finta semplice), 1768 - an exercise in the opera-buff genre on the libretto by Goldoni
  • "Mithridates, King of Ponto" (Mitridate, re di Ponto), 1770 - in the tradition of the Italian opera seria, based on the tragedy of Racine
  • "Ascanius in Alba" (Ascanio in Alba), 1771. Opera-serenade (pastoral)
  • Betulia Liberata, 1771 - oratorio. Based on the story of Judith and Holofernes
  • The Dream of Scipio, 1772. Opera-serenade (pastoral)
  • "Lucius Sulla" (Lucio Silla), 1772. Opera series
  • "Thamos, King of Egypt" (Thamos, König in Ägypten), 1773, 1775. Music for Gebler's drama
  • "Imaginary gardener" (La finta giardiniera), 1774-5 - again returning to the traditions of opera buff
  • The Shepherd King (Il Re Pastor), 1775. Opera-serenade (pastoral)
  • "Zaida" (Zaide), 1779 (reconstructed by H. Chernovin , )
  • "Idomeneo, king of Crete" (Idomeneo), 1781
  • "Kidnapping from the Seraglio" (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), 1782. Singspiel
  • L'oca del Cairo, 1783
  • Lo sposo deluso
  • Theater Director (Der Schauspieldirektor), 1786. Musical comedy
  • The Marriage of Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro), 1786. The first of the 3 great operas. In the genre of opera buff.
  • "Don Juan" (Don Giovanni), 1787; Don Juan (film, 1979) - adaptation of the opera
  • "That's what everyone does" (Così fan tutte), 1789
  • "Mercy of Titus" (La clemenza di Tito), 1791
  • The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte), 1791. Singspiel

Other works

  • 17 masses, including:
    • "Coronation" (1779)
    • "Requiem" (1791)
  • 49 symphonies, including:
    • "Parisian" (1778)
    • No. 36 "Haffner" (1782)
    • No. 37 "Linzskaya" (1783)
    • No. 38 "Prague" (1786)
  • Concertos for piano and orchestra
  • 6 concertos for violin and orchestra
  • Concerto for two violins and orchestra (1774)
  • Concerto for violin and viola and orchestra (1779)
  • 2 concertos for flute and orchestra (1778)

Mozart for his short life created great amount very different musical works, but it was operas that he himself considered the most important in his work. In total, he wrote 21 operas, with the very first - "Apollo and Hyacinth" - at the age of 10, and the most significant works occurred in the last decade of his life. The plots mostly correspond to the tastes of that time, they depict antique heroes (opera seria) or, as in opera buffa, inventive and crafty characters.

Truly man of culture simply must know what operas Mozart wrote, or at least the most famous of them.

"The Marriage of Figaro"

One of the most famous operas- "The Marriage of Figaro", written in 1786 based on the play by Beaumarchais. The plot is simple - the wedding of Figaro and Susanna is coming, but Count Almaviva is in love with Susanna, striving to achieve her favor at any cost. All the intrigue is built around this. Claimed to be a buffa opera, The Marriage of Figaro, however, transcended the genre due to the complexity of the characters, their individuality, created by music. Thus, a comedy of characters is created - a new one.

"Don Juan"

In 1787 he wrote the opera "Don Giovanni" based on the medieval Spanish opera. According to the genre, this is an opera-buffa, while Mozart himself defines it as a “fun drama”. Don Juan, trying to seduce Donna Anna, kills her father Commander and hides. After a series of adventures and disguises, Don Juan invites the statue of the Commander he killed to a ball. And the Commander is. As a formidable instrument of retribution, he carries the libertine to hell...

Vice is punished, as required by the laws of classicism. However, Mozart's Don Giovanni is not just villain, he attracts the viewer with his optimism and courage. Mozart goes beyond the genre and creates a psychological musical drama, close to Shakespeare in intensity of passions.

"That's what everyone does"

The opera-buffa “So do everyone” in 1789 was ordered to Mozart by Emperor Joseph. It is based on real story that happened at the court. According to the plot, two young people, Ferrando and Guglielmo, decide to make sure that their brides are faithful and come to them in disguise. A certain Don Alfonso incites them, arguing that there is no such thing as female fidelity in the world. And it turns out right...

In this opera, Mozart follows traditional genre buffa, her music is full of lightness and grace. Unfortunately, during the life of the composer, “Everyone Do It So” was not appreciated, but already at the beginning of the 19th century it began to be performed on the largest opera stages.

"Mercy of Titus"

Mozart writes The Mercy of Titus for the accession to the throne of the Czech Emperor Leopold II in 1791. As a libretto, he was offered a very primitive text with a banal plot, but what an opera Mozart wrote!

A wonderful work with sublime and noble music. In the center of attention is the Roman emperor Titus Flavius ​​Vespasian. He reveals a conspiracy against his own person, but finds the generosity in himself to forgive the conspirators. Such a theme was best suited for coronation celebrations, and Mozart did an excellent job.

"Magical flute"

In the same year, Mozart wrote in the German national Singspiel genre, which especially attracted him. This is The Magic Flute to the libretto by E. Schikaneder. The plot is replete with magic and miracles and reflects the eternal struggle between good and evil.

The sorcerer Sarastro kidnaps the daughter of the Queen of the Night, and she sends the young man Tamino in search of her. He finds the girl, but it turns out that Sarastro is on the side of good, and the Queen of the Night is the embodiment of evil. Tamino successfully passes all the tests and receives the hand of his beloved. The opera was staged in Vienna in 1791 and was a huge success thanks to the magnificent music of Mozart.

Who knows how many more great works would have been created, what operas Mozart would have written, if fate had given him at least a few more years of life. But what he managed to do in his short life rightfully belongs to the treasures of world music.

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