Images and motives of I.A. Bunin

Literature lesson in 11th grade.

Theme: "The lyrics of I. A. Bunin." slide 1.

Goals and objectives: to acquaint students with the poetic world of I. A. Bunin, to identify the main themes of his poetry, the features of the poetics of poems, to improve the skills of analyzing a lyrical text . (Slide 2)

slide 3.Epigraph:

I'm looking for combinations in this world
Beautiful and eternal. away
I see the night: sands in silence
And starlight above the dusk of the earth.”
I. Bunin

Introduction by the teacher. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is an outstanding Russian writer who became famous as a prose writer. But Ivan Alekseevich began his literary life with poetry and entered the beautiful galaxy of poets of the Silver Age.

“After all, I am ... first of all a poet. A poet! And then only a prose writer,” said I. A. Bunin.

I.A. Bunin did not join any of the literary movements. In the poetry of the Silver Age, his name stands apart. In general, he was very skeptical of literary delights and innovations, believing that the formalist sophistication of the Symbolists, Acmeists and Futurists had little to do with poetry.

Slide 4. The poems of I. A. Bunin are peculiar. It is rather rhyming, organized prose rather than poetry in its classical form. But it is precisely with their novelty and freshness that they attract readers. (The poem “Asters shower in the gardens” sounds).

Slide 5. "Against the background of Russian modernism, Bunin's poetry stands out as good old",- wroteJ.Aikhenwald . Bunin's poetry clearly traces the traditions of Russian poets, his predecessors, primarily Pushkin, Tyutchev and Fet.

Slide 6. Bunin is a faithful keeper of the Pushkin tradition. For him are kindred thoughtsPushkin that true poetry is in simplicity, naturalness of real feelings, phenomena, moods. Both poets reflect in their poems the existing harmony between man and nature.

Slide 7. LikeTyutchev , Bunin is attracted by nature in its catastrophic states, in the struggle of elemental, light and dark forces.

Bunin also perceives nature as a whole, as a living organism in constant motion. Poets are inexorably attracted by the sky. Therefore, they so appreciate the moment, which gives them a brief but unconditional involvement in the infinite.

Slide 8. The desire to express the “inexpressible” through an instant lyrical flash, to inspire the reader with his mood, is one of the fundamental properties of poetryFeta , which was continued by Bunin's poetry. He, like Fet, in the literal sense of the word “stops the moment”, but contains the whole world in it in its objective and sensual richness.


Landscape poetry.

Student's message. Landscape lyrics are typical for the poetry of I. Bunin at the turn of the century and are predominant in all his work.

Bunin's first poem was published when he was only seventeen, four years later the first collection of poems was published, but fame came to him only ten years after the release of the collection"Leaf fall" in1901 year, marked by the Pushkin Prize of the Academy of Sciences.

In the landscape lyrics, Bunin's difference from the poetry of the Symbolists is most noticeable.

Where the symbolist saw in nature "signs" of a different, higher reality, Bunin sought to objectively reproduce the reality he idolized. Hence the picturesque accuracy and sophistication of Bunin's sketches. It is I. Bunin's landscape lyrics that are mostly characterized by an abundance of color effects, as well as a stunning fullness of sound effects.

Slide 9. Reading an excerpt from the poem "Falling Leaves".

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

Enters his motley tower

Today in an empty field

In the middle of a wide courtyard

Air web fabric

Shine like a net of silver.

Playing all day today

The last moth in the yard

And like a white petal

Freezes on the web

warmed by the warmth of the sun;

Today it's so bright all around

Such dead silence

In the forest and in the blue sky

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf.


Find paths that help the poet create a color effect (color painting).

Find an olfactory image . (The forest smells of oak and pine).

Hear ... rustling).

Teacher's word. True to the traditions of the realistic landscape of the 19th century, I. Bunin at the same time emphasizes the self-sufficiency and independence of nature from man. The poet experiences the loneliness of man among nature and the loneliness of nature without man, the “blissful melancholy” of the wilderness.

Bunin's poems are lyrical and contemplative pictures of nature, created by means of fine details, light colors, halftones. Their main intonation is sadness, sadness, but this sadness is “bright”, cleansing.

The night has turned pale and the moon is setting
Over the river with a red sickle.
Sleepy fog in the meadows is silvering,
The black reed is damp and smoking,
The wind rustles like reeds.
Quiet in the village. Lamp in the chapel
Fading, tired grief.
In the quivering dusk of a chilled garden
Coolness pours from the steppe in waves -
Dawn breaks slowly.

I. Bunin prefers to describe nature at the “borderline” time of day: evening, foggy morning ...

Slide 10. Poem"Evening" written in the style of a classic sonnet. Shakespeare and Pushkin wrote sonnets about love, philosophical sonnets. In Bunin's sonnet, the world of man and the world of nature are sung.

We always remember happiness.
And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it
This autumn garden behind the barn
And clean air pouring through the window.

In the bottomless sky with a light, clean cut
It rises, the cloud shines. For a long time
I follow him ... We see little, we know.
And happiness is given only to those who know.

The window is open. She squeaked and sat down
A bird on the windowsill. And from books
I take my tired eyes away for a moment.

The day is getting dark, the sky is empty,
The hum of the threshing machine is heard on the threshing floor.
I see, I hear, I am happy. Everything is in me.

How do you understand the last phrase - “Everything is in me”?

(Everything in a person: kindness and malice, love and discoveries, heaven and hell. “Everything in me” truly speaks for itself. What an abyss of wisdom lies in this phrase! The volume and depth of meaning makes it related to biblical wisdom: “The kingdom of God is within you").

Let's think about the questions:

1. Determine the theme of the poem. What does he have in common with the poem "And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn ..."?

2. What images of the poem surprised you and why?

3. How is the sense of time and space conveyed in the poem?

4. Name emotionally colored epithets.

5. Explain the meaning of the line: “I see, I hear, I am happy ...”

Teacher's word. Bunin's landscape is truthful, subtle and beautiful, as no symbolist ever dreamed of. In the poems of Ivan Alekseevich, we do not see the personality of the author. From his poetry, he excludes the main component of lyricism - "I". This is the main reasonthe fact that Bunin was reproached for coldness. But this is not coldness, but rather chastity.

Before sunset ran
A cloud over the forest - and suddenly
A rainbow fell on the hill
And sparkled all around.

Glass, rare and vigorous,
Hurrying with a cheerful rustle,
It's raining and the forest is green
Quiet, breathing cool.

Slide 11. Bunin's poems do not contain the theme of the city and the echoes of social struggle. He hurries to lead the reader into the field, into the forest, or admires the surf, or reflects on the vanity of life. The lines of Bunin's poetry are simple and penetrating.


In the brilliance of lights, behind mirrored glasses,
Expensive flowers bloom luxuriantly,
Delicate and sweet are their subtle scents,
The leaves and stems are full of beauty.

They were raised in greenhouses carefully,
They were brought from beyond the blue seas;
They are not afraid of cold blizzards,
Stormy thunderstorms and the freshness of nights...

There are modest ones in the fields of my homeland
Sisters and brothers of overseas flowers:
They were raised by fragrant spring
In the greenery of May forests and meadows.

They see not mirror greenhouses,
And the expanse of the sky is blue,
They see not the lights, but the mysterious
Eternal constellations golden pattern.

Bashful beauty emanates from them,
They are dear to the heart and look
And they talk about the long forgotten
Bright days.

Russia Theme .

Student's message. The theme of Russia is clearly expressed throughout the entire work of the poet. It reflected Bunin's nostalgia and philosophy. He sought to read and unravel the hidden laws of the nation, which, in his opinion, are eternal. Legends, traditions, parables (folk wisdom) become poetry. Like many other themes in the lyrics, the theme of the Motherland is revealed using elements of the landscape. The poet linked together the image of nature and homeland. For him, the nature of Russia is the steppes of the Oryol region, where the writer was born and raised...

Slide 12. "Motherland" is a poem representing one of the leading themes in Bunin's poetry - the theme of Russia.

They mock you
They, oh motherland, reproach
You with your simplicity
The wretched appearance of black huts ...

So son, calm and impudent,
Ashamed of his mother -
Tired, timid and sad
Among his urban friends,

Looks with a smile of compassion
On the one who wandered hundreds of miles
And for him, by the day of goodbye,
Saved the last penny.


What epithets characterize Bunin's Motherland? ( "tired, timid and


What is the attitude of the poet to the motherland? ( The poet does not idealize the image of the Motherland, on the contrary, he clearly sees all its problems. Homeland poor, hungry, but loved.)

Find a metaphor, define its role. ( The metaphor "Motherland" - an old woman wandering along a dusty road, a mother going to her mentally ill child - is one of the most poignant and poignant images.)

slide 13.Determine the theme and idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poem "The bird has a nest."

The bird has a nest, the beast has a hole.

How bitter was the young heart,

When I left my father's yard,

Say sorry to your home!

The beast has a hole, the bird has a nest.

How the heart beats, sadly and loudly,

When I enter, being baptized, into a strange, hired house

With his old knapsack!

(The theme of homelessness, foreign land and homesickness.

The idea - isolation from the homeland makes a person suffer, fills his soul with bitterness, pain, loneliness.)

Philosophical lyrics

Student's message. An appeal to philosophical lyrics occurs after the first Russian revolution (1906-1911). The most important motive of the poet's lyrics is the superiority of natural being over social life. Bunin is a great lover of life. Love for him is a sacred feeling, a state of his soul. Life for Bunin is a journey of memories. The special atmosphere of Bunin's philosophical poems is the atmosphere of silence. Noise, fuss distract from the main thing - from the spiritual life. Bunin's lyrical hero is having a hard time with his loneliness; in poems, the lyrical hero tries to comprehend the transience of human life and time.

slide 14.

The day will come - I will disappear,

And this room is empty

Everything will be the same: table, bench

Yes, an image, ancient and simple.

And it will also fly

Colorful butterfly in silk,

Flutter, rustle and flutter

On the blue ceiling

And so will the bottom of the sky

Look out the open window

And the sea is even blue

Beckon into your desert space.

What is the theme and idea of ​​the poem?

(Theme: a poem about the inevitability of death. Idea:death is not the end at all, not a catastrophe: even if a person disappears, the whole World will exist, just as eternal and beautiful.

What emotions does it evoke? (Emotions: sadness and hope.)

Determine the role of the butterfly image. (The role of the image of a butterfly: the image of a butterfly represents an endless series of life cycles, the birth of new people who will live and work after (the cycle of life and death (Buddhist motif).

Slide 15 (audio). Bunin studied with Tyutchev how to transform an abstract thought into an artistic image, in which he reflected philosophical motives in everyday correspondences. From his own teacher, Bunin picked up a related idea about the isolation of man in himself.

. ... Why and what to talk about?
With all my soul, with love, with dreams,
Try to open your whole heart -
And what? - in one word!
And at least in human words
It wasn't all beat up!
You will not find meaning in them,
Their meaning is forgotten!
And who to tell?
With sincere desire
Nobody can understand
All the power of someone else's suffering!

Slide 16. Bunin's poetry is stylistically restrained, chased, harmonious. The poet is alien to the search for the new. His poetry is traditional, he is a follower of Russian classics. Bunin is a subtle lyricist, an excellent connoisseur of the Russian language.

And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
And azure, and midday heat ...
The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
“Were you happy in your earthly life?”

And I will forget everything - I will remember only these
Field paths between ears and grasses -
And from sweet tears I will not have time to answer,
Falling to merciful knees.
(Ivan Bunin, 1918)

How is the philosophical problem of human happiness solved in this poem by I.A. Bunin?

(Happiness, according to Bunin, is in communion with nature, in harmony with it, in the pleasure of seeing the azure sky, wild flowers, emerald grass, golden ears of corn ...

Happiness is just walking along the field paths “between ears of corn and grass”.

Happiness is in the blissful silence of the field, in the aroma of ripe ears of corn and hay, in the midday heat, in the whisper of the breeze...)

What do you hear in the polysyndeton (polyunion) of the beginning of the poem?

(Multiunion conveys a flood of feelings of the lyrical hero. It seems that he will non-stop, excitedly list everything that brings joy, gives pleasure, peace of mind, gives happiness.)

Do you believe that the lyrical hero was happy in "earthly life"? Why?

(The sincerity of his feelings is not conveyed by words, feelings overwhelm him:

And I won't have time to answer from sweet words,
Falling to merciful knees.

The poem permeates the feeling of beauty, the feeling of happiness... What other feeling have we not mentioned?

(On the feeling of gratitude to the Creator.

When there are a lot of problems and suffering in a person’s life, when there is neither peace, nor wealth, nor mutual love, when you are alone and it seems to you that you are the most unfortunate person on earth, you begin to grumble or, even worse, curse this difficult earthly life .. Remember that you have priceless riches - air, earth, water, sky, forests, lakes, sea, steppe, field, river ... Remember what peace of mind and peace bring the sound of the sea surf, bird singing, the light of a strawberry meadow , the rustle of golden ears.

A person who loves nature, understands its beauty, is a happy person.)

The theme of the poet and poetry.

Teacher's word. Like any poet, I. Bunin tried to comprehend his mission, the role of the creator, the essence of poetry. The program poem for him on this topic is the lyrical work "To the Poet" - the code of his poetic honor. Bunin's muse is nature, therefore he writes more about it, and the theme of the poet and poetry is not widely embodied in Bunin's lyrical works.

slide 17."To the poet"

In deep wells the water is cold
And the colder it is, the cleaner it is.
The careless shepherd gets drunk from a puddle
And in a puddle he will water his flock,
But the good one will lower the tub into the well,
The rope to the rope will be tied tighter.

A priceless diamond dropped in the night
A slave seeks by the light of a penny candle,
But vigilantly he looks at the dusty roads,
He holds a dry palm with a ladle,
Protecting fire from wind and darkness -
And know: he will return to the palaces with a diamond.

What calls the poet Bunin?

Love lyrics.

Teacher's word. The theme of love in the lyrics is less noticeable. In it, the author avoids deliberately beautiful phrases.

I went to her at midnight.
She slept - the moon shone
In her window - and blankets
The deflated satin shone.
She lay on her back
Naked bifurcated breasts -
And quietly, like water in a vessel,
Her life was in a dream.

Reading by heart a poem by a student:

slide 18.

I am a simple girl on the tower,
He is a fisherman, a cheerful person.
The white sail is sinking on the Liman,
He saw many seas and rivers.

They say Greek women on the Bosphorus
Good ... And I'm black, thin.
Drowning a white sail in the sea -
Maybe never come back!

I will wait in the weather, in bad weather ...
I can’t wait - I’ll read from the tower,
I will go out to the sea, I will throw a ring into the water
And I'll strangle myself with a black scythe.

How is this poem different from previous ones? What emotions did it evoke?

The intimate lyrics of I. Bunin are tragic, they sound like a protest against the imperfection of the world. Again, in the love lyrics, there is a motive of loneliness, so characteristic of Bunin's entire poetics. The lyrical hero breaks up with his beloved, experiencing a tragic feeling and continuing to love. The theme of love, which was not widely embodied in Bunin's poetry, was continued by him in prose.

slide 19."Loneliness" (audio).

Slides 20 - 21.Questions for writing an essay - analyzing a poem "Loneliness".

    How does the theme of the poem "Loneliness" reflect the social position of the author?

    What form does I. Bunin choose for his poem? How does this reflect the author's intent?

    Drawing a parallel between nature and the hero, determine the nature of the relationship between them.

    How do syntactic and lexical means help the poet express the inner state of the hero?

    Observe the trails and determine the reason for their stinginess.

    What is interesting about the rhyme of the poem, how is it related to the form?

    How does the emotional structure of the poem change from the beginning of the poem to the end?

    What combination of meter is present in the poem? What does the author achieve with this?

    Prove that the genre of the poem is elegy. What stanzas most clearly emphasize this?

    Find the climactic lines. How do they reflect the main idea of ​​the poem?

    What is the function of verbs?

    What is the originality of the ending of the poem? What trope is present here and how does this characterize the lyrical hero?

Homework: write an essay “Analysis of A. A. Bunin’s poem “Loneliness”.

Slide 22. Consolidation. Determine the features of the poetics of Bunin's poems.

(1.preservation of the traditions of the poetry of the masters of the 19th century.

2. clarity and "accuracy" of the selection of epithets

3.simplicity and naturalness of poetic language


  • sound recording

    color painting


    "three epithets" - a technique for selecting three consecutive epithets that quite fully characterize the image



    high vocabulary of biblical quotations (for philosophical lyrics)

5. existential motives).

slide 23.Conclusion.

Reading poems by I.A. Bunin, we inhale the “faded aroma of aspens”, we feel the “cool breath of the meadows”, “the fragrance of the garden”, “the fragrant languor of hay” ... We rejoice at the meeting with a shy flock of pigeons, “sparkling with snowy whiteness” ...

In the world of his poetry, “nightingales sing all night”, “orioles chatter carelessly” ...

And we will certainly hear “the rumble of a threshing machine on the threshing floor”, “the sound of a roller and an ax, the noise of a mill” ...

Happiness, according to Bunin, is a complete merging with nature, it is peaceful labor in the native generous land. He considered himself to be among the happy, because "happiness is given only to those who know."

Bunin's poetry teaches to see, hear, understand, love the world, life, native land, its beauty - and be happy

The poetry of I. Bunin is “a spring, living and sonorous”, “living water” ...

Resources used:

1.I. A. Bunin - Poems

2. Aikhenvald Yu. I. « Ivan Bunin"

It occupies a rather significant place in his work, despite the fact that Ivan Alekseevich gained fame primarily as a prose writer. However, Ivan Bunin himself claimed that he was primarily a poet. The path in the literature of this author began precisely with poetry.

It is worth noting that Bunin's lyrics go through all his work and are characteristic not only for the early stage of development of his artistic thought. Bunin's original poems, unique in their artistic style, are difficult to confuse with the works of other authors. This individual style reflects the poet's worldview.

Bunin's first poems

When Ivan Alekseevich was 17 years old, his first poem was published in the Rodina magazine. It's called "The Village Beggar". In this work, the poet talks about the sad state in which the Russian village was at that time.

From the very beginning of the literary activity of Ivan Alekseevich, Bunin's lyrics are characterized by their special style, manner and themes. Many of his early poems reflect Ivan Alekseevich, his subtle inner world, rich in shades of feelings. Bunin's quiet clever lyrics of this period resemble a conversation with a close friend. However, she impressed her contemporaries with artistry and high technology. Many critics admired Bunin's poetic gift, the author's skill in the field of language. It should be said that Ivan Alekseevich drew many accurate comparisons and epithets from the works of folk art. Paustovsky highly appreciated Bunin. He said that each line of his is clear, like a string.

In early work, not only Bunin's landscape lyrics are found. His poems are also devoted to civil themes. He created works about the hard lot of the people, with all his soul he longed for changes for the better. For example, in a poem called "Desolation", the old house tells Ivan Alekseevich that he is waiting for "destruction", "brave voices" and "powerful hands" so that life blooms again "from the dust on the grave."

"Leaf fall"

The first collection of poetry by this author is called Falling Leaves. He appeared in 1901. This collection included a poem of the same name. Bunin says goodbye to childhood, to his inherent world of dreams. In the poems of the collection, the homeland appears in wonderful pictures of nature. It evokes a sea of ​​emotions and feelings.

In Bunin's landscape lyrics, the image of autumn is most often found. It was with him that his work as a poet began. This image until the end of his life will illuminate the poems of Ivan Alekseevich with his golden radiance. Autumn in the poem "Falling Leaves" "comes to life": the forest smells of pine and oak, which dried up during the summer from the sun, and autumn enters its "terem" "quiet widow".

Blok noted that few people know how to know and love their native nature like Bunin. He also added that Ivan Alekseevich claims to occupy one of the central places in Russian poetry. A distinctive feature of both the lyrics and prose of Ivan Bunin was the rich artistic perception of native nature, the world, as well as the person in it. Gorky compared this poet in terms of skill in creating a landscape with Levitan himself. Yes, and many other writers and critics liked Bunin's lyrics, its philosophicism, conciseness and sophistication.

Commitment to poetic tradition

Ivan Alekseevich lived and worked at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. At this time, various modernist movements were actively developing in poetry. Word creation was in vogue, many authors were engaged in it. To express their feelings and thoughts, they were looking for very unusual forms, which sometimes shocked readers. However, Ivan Bunin adhered to the classical traditions of Russian poetry, which Tyutchev, Fet, Polonsky, Baratynsky and others developed in their work. Ivan Alekseevich created realistic lyrical poems and did not at all strive for modernist experiments with the word. The poet was quite satisfied with the events of reality and the riches of the Russian language. The main motifs of Bunin's lyrics remain generally traditional.


Bunin is classic. This author absorbed into his work all the great wealth of Russian poetry of the 19th century. Bunin often emphasizes this continuity in form and content. So, in the poem "Ghosts" Ivan Alekseevich defiantly declares to the reader: "No, the dead have not died for us!" For the poet, vigilance for ghosts means devotion to the departed. However, the same work testifies that Bunin is sensitive to the latest phenomena in Russian poetry. In addition, he is interested in poetic interpretations of the myth, everything subconscious, irrational, sad and musical. It is from here that the images of harps, ghosts, dormant sounds, as well as a special melody akin to Balmont come from.

Transformation of landscape lyrics into philosophical

Bunin in his poems tried to find the meaning of human life, the harmony of the world. He affirmed the wisdom and eternity of nature, which he considered an inexhaustible source of beauty. These are the main motifs of Bunin's lyrics, passing through all his work. Ivan Alekseevich always shows human life in the context of nature. The poet was sure that all living things are reasonable. He argued that one cannot speak of nature separate from us. After all, any, even the most insignificant movement of air is the movement of our life.

Gradually, Bunin's landscape lyrics, the features of which we noted, turn into a philosophical one. For the author in the poem now the main thing is thought. Many of Ivan Alekseevich's works are devoted to the theme of life and death. Bunin is very diverse thematically. His poems, however, are often difficult to fit into the framework of any one topic. This is worth mentioning separately.

Thematic facets of poems

Speaking about the lyrics of Ivan Alekseevich, it is difficult to clearly define the themes of his poetry, since it is a combination of various thematic facets. The following facets can be distinguished:

  • poems about life
  • about her joy
  • about childhood and youth
  • about sadness
  • about loneliness.

That is, Ivan Alekseevich wrote in general about a person, about what touches him.

"Evening" and "The Sky Opened"

One of these facets are poems about the world of man and the world of nature. So, "Evening" is a work written in the form of a classic sonnet. Both Pushkin and Shakespeare have philosophical and love sonnets. Bunin, in this genre, sang the world of nature and the world of man. Ivan Alekseevich wrote that we always only remember happiness, but it is everywhere. Perhaps this is the "autumn garden behind the barn" and clean air pouring through the window.

People are not always able to look at familiar things with an unusual look. We often simply do not notice them, and happiness eludes us. However, neither bird nor cloud escapes the poet's keen eye. It is these simple things that bring happiness. Its formula is expressed in the last line of this work: "I see, I hear, I am happy. Everything is in me."

This poem is dominated by the image of the sky. This image is connected, in particular, with the assertion of the eternity of nature in Bunin's lyrics. He is the leitmotif in all the poetic work of Ivan Alekseevich. The sky represents life, because it is eternal and extraordinary. His image is depicted, for example, in the verse "The sky opened up." Here it is the center of reflection on life. However, the image of the sky is closely connected with other images - light, day, birch. All of them seem to illuminate the work, and the birch gives a satin light.

Reflection of modernity in Bunin's lyrics

It is noteworthy that when the revolution had already begun in Russia, its processes were not reflected in the poetic work of Ivan Alekseevich. He remained true to the philosophical theme. It was more important for the poet to know not what was happening, but why it was happening to a person.

Ivan Alekseevich correlated modern problems with eternal concepts - life and death, good and evil. Trying to find the truth, he turned in his work to the history of various peoples and countries. So there were poems about ancient deities, Buddha, Mohammed.

It was important for the poet to understand according to what general laws an individual and society as a whole develop. He recognized that our life on earth is only a segment of the eternal existence of the Universe. From here appear the motives of fate and loneliness. Ivan Alekseevich foresaw the coming catastrophe of the revolution. He considered it to be the greatest misfortune.

Ivan Bunin sought to look beyond reality. He was interested in the mystery of death, the breath of which can be felt in many of the poems of this author. The destruction of the nobility as a class, the impoverishment of the landowners' estates, made him feel doomed. However, despite the pessimism, Ivan Alekseevich saw a way out, which is the fusion of man with nature, in its eternal beauty and peace.

Bunin's lyrics are very versatile. Briefly, within the framework of one article, only its main features can be noted, only a few examples can be given. Let's say a few words about the love lyrics of this author. She is also very interesting.

love lyrics

In Bunin's works, the theme of love is one of the most frequently encountered. Ivan Alekseevich often sang this feeling both in verse and in prose. The poetry of love by this author anticipates the famous cycle of stories by Bunin

Poems dedicated to this theme reflect various shades of love feelings. For example, the work "The sadness of shining and black eyelashes ..." is filled with the sadness of parting with his beloved.

"The sadness of eyelashes shining and black ..."

This poem consists of two stanzas. In the first of them, the author recalls his beloved, whose image still lives in his soul, in his eyes. However, the lyrical hero bitterly realizes that his youth has passed, and his former lover can no longer be returned. His tenderness in the description of the girl is emphasized by various means of expression, such as metaphors ("sadness of eyelashes", "eye fire", "diamonds of tears") and epithets ("heavenly eyes", "rebellious tears", "shining eyelashes").

In the second stanza of the poem, the lyrical hero thinks about why his beloved still comes to him in a dream, and also recalls the delight of meeting this girl. These reflections are expressed in the work by rhetorical questions, which, as you know, should not be answered.

"What's ahead?"

Another poem on a love theme - "What lies ahead?" It is filled with an atmosphere of calm and happiness. To the question "What lies ahead?" the author replies: "Happy long journey." The lyrical hero understands that happiness awaits him with his beloved. However, he sadly thinks about the past, does not want to let him go.

Bunin's lyrics: features

In conclusion, we list the main features that are characteristic of Bunin's lyrical poetry. This is the brightness of details, the desire for descriptive detail, laconism, classical simplicity, poeticization of eternal values, especially native nature. In addition, the work of this author is characterized by a constant appeal to symbolism, a wealth of subtext, a close connection with Russian prose and poetry, and a gravitation towards the philosophical. He often echoes his own stories.

1.Landscape lyrics

It is typical for the poetry of I. Bunin at the turn of the century and is predominant in all the work of I. Bunin.

True to the traditions of the realistic landscape of the 19th century, I. Bunin at the same time emphasizes the self-sufficiency and independence of nature from man. No matter how the geography of Bunin’s poems changes: from the expanses of the steppe and the wilderness of the early period to the Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific landscapes of 1903-1916, the poet experiences the loneliness of man among nature and the loneliness of nature without man, the “blissful melancholy” of desert2. I. Bunin prefers to describe nature in the "borderline" time of day - evening, foggy morning.

Most of all, Bunin's difference from the poetry of the Symbolists is palpable in landscape lyrics. Where the symbolist saw in nature "signs" of a different, higher reality, Bunin sought to objectively reproduce the reality he idolized. Hence the picturesque accuracy and sophistication of Bunin's sketches. It is the landscape lyrics of I. Bunin that are more characterized by visual and abundance of color effects, as well as a stunning fullness of sound effects.

2. Theme of Russia.

Vividly expressed throughout the work.

Bunin's nostalgia and philosophy are reflected in this topic. He seeks to read and unravel the secret laws of the nation, which, in his opinion, are eternal. Legends, legends, parables - folk wisdom becomes poetry.

"Motherland" is a poem representing one of the leading themes in Bunin's poetry - the theme of Russia. It, despite the fact that it was written by a relatively young poet (21 years old), is extremely characteristic of all subsequent work of the lyricist. Three epithets about the Motherland - "tired, timid and sad" - this is a characteristic of Russia in many of his poems. The poet does not idealize the image of the Motherland, on the contrary, he clearly sees all its problems and focuses on them in his lyrical works. And in some poems, he speaks sharply about his native country - impoverished, hungry, but beloved. The disclosure of the metaphor "Motherland" - an old woman wandering along a dusty road, a mother going to her morally ill child - is one of the most poignant and poignant images.

Like many other themes in the lyrics, the theme of the Motherland is revealed using elements of the landscape. The poet linked together the image of nature and homeland. For him, the nature of Russia is the steppes of the Oryol region, where the writer was born and raised - truly Russian nature in the author's opinion.

3. Philosophical lyrics

An appeal to philosophical lyrics occurs after the first Russian revolution (1906-1911). The most important motive of the poet's lyrics is the superiority of natural being over social life. In his poems, Bunin acts as a great lover of life. Love for him is a sacred feeling, a state of his soul. Life for Bunin is a journey of memories. Earthly life, the existence of nature and man are perceived by the poet as part of the action unfolding in the expanses of the universe. The eternal (this is nature and beauty) in Bunin's image is not hostile to the temporal, it is woven from the threads of the temporal. Bunin sings not the sky, but the earth's eternal longing for the sky. Eternity, united harmony, beauty, God are unchanging values ​​for Bunin. A sense of proportion helped him merge into a harmonious whole the dream of the eternal and the interest in the temporal, the desire for heaven and love for the earth.

The special atmosphere of Bunin's philosophical poems is the atmosphere of silence. Noise, fuss distract from the main thing - from the spiritual life. The lyrical hero of Bunin is having a hard time with his loneliness; in poems, the lyrical hero tries to comprehend the transience of human life and time.

One of the directions of I. Bunin's philosophical lyrics was poems dedicated to God6. God is revealed as Love – warmth, freshness, light. The atmosphere of silence is an opportunity to hear God. In the midst of universal darkness, the only bearer of light is the divine. Poetry is characterized by the use of biblical motifs7.

Motives are used: death, sorrow, loneliness, silence, the difficulty of the path to truth, biblical motifs, etc.; often the use of pathos invective.

4. The line of the poet and poetry.

Like any poet, I. Bunin tried to comprehend the purpose of himself, the role of the creator, the essence of poetry. The program poem for him on this topic is the lyrical work "To the Poet" - the code of his poetic honor. The author does not oppose the poet to the crowd, he calls not to lose the gift of speech, and this gift, according to Bunin, is a diamond given to man by God. Bunin's muse is nature. Therefore, he writes more about her, and the theme of the poet and poetry was not widely embodied in Bunin's lyrical works.

5. Love lyrics.

The theme of love in the lyrics is less noticeable. In it, the author avoids deliberately beautiful phrases

The intimate lyrics of I. Bunin are tragic, they sound like a protest against the imperfection of the world. And again in the love lyrics there is a motive of loneliness, so characteristic of Bunin's entire poetics. Bunin's concept of love is also embodied in his poems. The lyrical hero breaks up with his beloved, experiencing a tragic feeling and continuing to love. The theme of love in Bunin's poetry did not receive a sufficiently wide embodiment, and the author continued it in prose.


The poetics of the mature Bunin the poet is a consistent and stubborn struggle against symbolism. The handwriting of Bunin the poet is chased, clear, the drawing is concise and concentrated, the manner is restrained, almost cold. His themes, language, ways of rhyming are devoid of their sharp renewal undertaken by the symbolists. “Against the background of Russian modernism, Bunin's poetry stands out as good old,” wrote Y. Aikhenwald. In poetry, Bunin sings beauty and peace, hence the orientation towards classical poetics.

Bunin's poetry clearly traces the traditions of Russian poets, his predecessors, primarily Pushkin, Tyutchev and Fet. Early lyrics were imitative. Bunin, like Pushkin, sees different tendencies in life that come into conflict with each other, and tries to reveal these contradictions. Like Pushkin, he emotionally draws closer to nature, believes that true poetry lies in the simplicity, naturalness of real feelings, phenomena, and moods. Like Tyutchev, Bunin is attracted by nature in its catastrophic states, in the struggle of elemental, light and dark forces. From Fet, Bunin took over the focus on depicting the elusive, mysterious and not entirely clear sensations cast by nature, contemplation of the beautiful.

One of the main stylistic tendencies in Bunin's work is the stringing of words, the selection of synonyms, synonymous phrases for an almost physiological sharpening of the reader's impressions (solution in favor of the tasks of naturalism). His poems are rather rhymed prose organized in a certain way than poetry in its classical form. Characteristics of I. Bunin's poetic detail: clear visibility, visibility, a distinct picture. Bunin's poetry is generally strict and emotionally restrained. It is extremely rare to find a lyrical hero, a lyrical "I". The immediate feeling is entrusted to the character.

In general, the poetics of Bunin the poet is characterized by:

1. preservation of the traditions of the poetry of the masters of the 19th century

2. clarity and "accuracy" of the selection of epithets

3. simplicity and naturalness of poetic language

4. techniques (sound painting, painting (color), oxymoron, “three epithets” - a technique for selecting three consecutive epithets that sufficiently characterize the image, personification, metaphor, high vocabulary of biblical quotations (for philosophical lyrics)

5.existential motives

The theme of nature is one of the main themes in the early works of I.A. Bunin. In the landscape lyrics, the poet captured the features of the nature of the beloved Oryol region. Many poems dedicated to nature evoke memories of the colorful paintings of I. Levitan (“The hollow water is raging ...”, “Spring Tale”, “Russian Spring”). Bunin created many magnificent paintings of dim Russian nature, filled with love and admiration. Autumn, winter, spring, summer - in this endless cycle of time, in the joyful renewal of nature, Bunin draws impressions and colors for his poems. His landscapes are distinguished by amazing concreteness and accuracy of descriptions:

In the bluish rusts, cornflowers bloom, Turquoise flax is visible, Eared barley is silvery, Oats are turning green at ease ....

For landscape lyrics by I.A. Bunin is characterized by the spiritualization of natural phenomena: And spring in a green grove

Waiting for the dawn, holding your breath,

Sensitively listens to the rustle of trees,

Vigilantly looks into the dark fields.

The personification of natural phenomena is complemented by capitalization: And Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower.

And motionless Night sits Above the quiet sea: Leaning on her knee, she looks

On the boulders where the foam melts.

Almost all of the young poet's poems are a tireless hymn to the beauty and harmony of natural life. One of the leitmotifs of Bunin's early poetry collections is the motive of unity of the lyrical hero with the natural world. Poems written at the beginning of the creative path are full of joyful acceptance of life, unity with nature:

You open my arms, nature, so that I merge with your beauty! .

The unity of the poet with the world of nature also sounds in his poem "The Thaw": And, reveling in beauty,

Only in it breathing more fully and wider,

I know that all living things in the world Live in the same love with me.

The beauty of nature for Bunin is an eternal value, so the motif of beauty is also a leitmotif in landscape lyrics:

And the world is full of beauty everywhere.

Everything in it is dear and close to me now: And the sparkle of spring beyond the blue seas,

And northern meager fields... .

Man in Bunin's poems appears not as a spectator of nature, but, as Tyutchev said, "a thinking reed", a part of nature:

No, it's not the landscape that attracts me,

The greedy eye will not notice the colors, But what shines in these colors: Love and the joy of being.

The harmony of natural life always gives rise to a feeling of happiness in the soul of a lyrical hero: There is a rainbow ... It's fun to live

And it's fun to think about the sky

About the sun, about ripening bread

And cherish simple happiness: With an open head to wander, To look at how the children scattered

In the gazebo, golden sand ...

There is no other happiness in the world.

The motive of happiness in many of Bunin's early poems is transformed into the idea of ​​happiness. So, the lyrical hero of the poem "Evening", reflecting, is trying to understand what happiness is. It turns out that people do not notice happiness, they either dream about it or look for it in their memories. But the lyrical hero makes the discovery that “happiness is everywhere”: in the beauty of the autumn garden, in the bottomless sky with a shining white cloud, in the singing of birds. The feeling of beauty and harmony of the surrounding nature leads the lyrical hero to the realization that people see and know too little, “and happiness is given only to those who know”, that happiness is in the human soul: “I see, I hear, I am happy. Everything is in me."

“A characteristic feature of many poems of Bunin’s pantheistic lyrics is the motive of admiration for the Divine beauty and harmony of nature”, therefore, the lines of Bunin’s poems sometimes sound like chants, such as, for example, the final part of the poem “In the Church”, in which an appeal to God sounds:

Wonderful world is yours! It blooms, warmed by you,

In your heavens the sun shines eternal light,

Hymn of nature life-giving

Flying towards the sky...

In it is your temple not made by hands, Your great temple! .

The feeling of longing for happiness, harmony and unity with nature is a characteristic motif of Bunin's landscape lyrics, which also develops in the lyrics of the 1900s. So, the lyrical hero of the poem "Childhood" feels happiness from the memory of the children's openness to nature. He is deeply attached to nature, which fills him with happiness. The poem conveys the beauty of nature in the smallest detail. It is all permeated with power and majesty. The lyrical hero of Bunin is anxious about every manifestation of nature. He notices everything, remembers everything, keeps everything in his heart. Each, even a fleeting image of her is full of enduring meaning for him. The poem is permeated with motifs of warmth, light, joy, a sense of kinship with beautiful nature. Sunlight seemed to mix with the resinous aroma and acquired its smell:

... And it seems that it is not pine that smells,

And the heat and dryness of sunlight.

But the landscape that Bunin shows us is also a picture of his soul. Close contact with nature, understanding of its life makes a person young and happy.

In landscape lyrics, Bunin sought to capture the colorful natural life in all its fullness and diversity. Hence, in Bunin's poetry, there is an abundance of epithets, personifications, metaphors, the maximum saturation of figurative detail.


1. Bunin I. A. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T.1. - M .: Fiction, 1987.

2. Kovaleva T.N. The modeling function of the beginning of the novel by I.A. Bunin "The Life of Arseniev" (the experience of semiotic research of artistic time-space) // Bulletin of the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. - 2002. No. 1. - P.54-55.

3. Kovaleva T.N. “Everything is created by You…”: pantheistic lyrics by I.A. Bunin // University readings - 2016. Materials of scientific and methodological readings of PSLU. - Pyatigorsk: PSLU, 2016. - p. 35-39.

4. Kovaleva T.N. Types of artistic time and their role in the novel by I.A. Bunin "The Life of Arseniev" // Problems of Historical Poetics. Issue. 14. 2016. - p. 354-376.

5. The space of the ocean (sea) and its sign potential in the story by I.A. Bunin "Dreams of Chang" // Prospects for the development of modern human sciences Collection of scientific papers following the results of the international scientific and practical conference. 2016. S. 15-18.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is one of the recognized classics of Russian literature. Moreover, his name is also known abroad, because for many years the poet and writer was forced to live in exile. Many know him exclusively as a writer, meanwhile he began as a poet. Bunin's lyrics occupies a huge place in his work.

The future writer was born in 1870, in a family from an old noble family. Bunin's father owned a small estate in the Oryol region - little Vanya's childhood passed there. He will later reflect the impressions of those years in his work, and he will remember the quiet life in the estate until the end of his days. Ivan loved to read from an early age and began to compose small poems himself. In addition, he grew up as a very artistic child, which later helped him become a wonderful reader.

At the age of ten, he went to study at a gymnasium in the city, and he did not like city life. Nevertheless, he survived four years, and then simply did not return from the holidays and was expelled. After that, fourteen-year-old Ivan began to live on his grandmother's estate with his older brother Julius, who was closely involved in Vanya's education. I must say that the brothers maintained a close, warm relationship throughout their lives. Thus, Ivan Alekseevich spent his teenage years in his beloved village among peasant children, from whom he heard many interesting stories, later expressed by him in his work.

The beginning of the creative path

Little Vanya wrote his first timid poems at the age of seven or eight. Then he read Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Maykov, Lermontov, Fet. He tried to imitate them in his "verses". The very first serious poems, which were even published, Ivan Alekseevich composed at the age of seventeen. They were published in one of the St. Petersburg newspapers - only twelve pieces during the year. There also appeared two debut stories of the young author - "Nefedka" and "Two Wanderers". Ivan Alekseevich embarked on the path of literature.

Writer or poet?

Most of the population Ivan Alekseevich is known primarily as a prose writer. "Dark Alleys", "Mitya's Love", "Antonov's Apples" and other iconic stories of his are studied in schools and universities. What can we say about the extensive autobiography "The Life of the Arsenievs"! Nevertheless, Bunin himself considered himself primarily a poet. This is no coincidence - after all, it was with a love for poetic forms that his passion for literature in principle began.

Influence of colleagues

In the mid-1890s, Bunin met Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - he had admired him before. His ideas, character and views had a huge impact on Bunin's life, which manifested itself both in his prose and in lyrics. Also, the author was greatly impressed by his acquaintance with Anton Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, the actors of the Moscow Art Theater, as well as the composer Sergei Rachmaninoff. Bunin's work was reflected in his entry into Moscow literary circles, and rotation among such personalities as Alexander Kuprin, Konstantin Balmont, Fedor Sologub and others.

First collections

The first poetry collection of Ivan Alekseevich was published in 1891. It was called uncomplicatedly - "Poems of 1887-1891", contained the first, trial, youthful poems, which were perceived favorably by reviewers as a whole. Even then, it was noted how accurately and picturesquely the novice poet conveys the beauty of nature - Bunin's first poems belonged precisely to landscape lyrics. They also said that the future “great writer” appeared before the readers.

However, those poems did not bring real fame, large-scale, to Ivan Alekseevich. And they brought the following two collections: the first book of stories published in 1897 and the second - of poems, published a year later (the collection was called "Under the open sky"). Then Bunin, as they say, woke up famous.

"Leaf fall"

The third book of poems by Ivan Alekseevich was published in 1901 by a Moscow publishing house. It was called "Leaf Fall" and contained poems written under the impression of communicating with the Symbolists. Reviews of critics varied - who was restrained, who admired, who was perplexed. But two years later, the Pushkin Prize put everything in its place - Ivan Bunin was awarded it precisely for this collection.

Features of Bunin's poetry

Perhaps Bunin's lyrics are not studied as diligently as his stories and novels, but it occupies an honorable place in Russian literature, which all literary critics can easily confirm. It has many features that you will not find more in the work of any other author.

First of all, you need to remember what time Ivan Alekseevich lived - the turn of two centuries, the time of searching for oneself, which was also reflected in Russian literature. How many different circles and movements arose! Futurists, acmeists, symbolists... Poets strove to become innovators, experimented, searched for new forms of the word. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, unlike most of his colleagues, was never attracted by this. He remained a conservative in literature, continuing to sing of classical Russian traditions, continuing the work of his predecessors - Tyutchev, Fet, Lermontov, Pushkin and others.

Lyricism in Bunin's work occupies an important place. He wrote in a "traditional" style, but nevertheless showed new facets and possibilities of the poem. The writer has always remained faithful to the once and for all found style - clear, restrained, harmonious. It sometimes seems that his language is dry, but how surprisingly accurately he conveys the beauty of nature, and the pain of love, and feelings about life ... The state of the author's soul is what Bunin's lyrics absorbed. Its philosophy, laconicism and sophistication did not leave indifferent readers, and many of his fellow writers, and critics who admired Ivan Alekseevich's ability to feel and convey the word. His sense of language and great skill were spoken about everywhere.

Another characteristic feature of Bunin's lyrics is that even showing the negative facets of life, thinking about it, he does not give himself the right to judge anyone. It only gives the reader the right to decide for himself "what is good and what is bad." His poetry is real, it is not for nothing that Ivan Alekseevich is called the successor of Chekhov's realism.

If we talk about the features of the poetics of Bunin's poems, we can single out the following: the preservation of the traditions of the nineteenth century, the exact use of epithets (his lyrics abound with them), the simplicity and naturalness of the word (it seems to be alive in his poems), the presence of existential motifs even in poems on other topics, the indispensable use of stylistic figures and techniques, such as sound writing, oxymoron, metaphors, personifications, the already mentioned epithets, and many others. He actively uses synonyms, like beads, stringing words one on top of the other, so that the reader has a vivid picture.

Themes of Bunin's lyrics

Relatively speaking, the poems of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin can be divided into three large parts - landscape, philosophical and love. Of course, he touched on other topics in his work, but it is these three that dominate the lyrics of Ivan Bunin.

landscape lyrics

It was with landscape poems that Ivan Bunin began his career. The verses of Bunin's landscape lyrics have incredible expressiveness, they are so picturesque that it seems that you are looking at the picture, and not reading the text. Not without reason, Bunin's colleagues spoke of him as a creator of nature, they said that in the depiction of the landscape he is similar to Levitan, that, apart from him, few people feel and understand nature like he does. Perhaps this is true - according to Bunin, nature is the only harmonious one, it is an integral part of human life. Only in it there is beauty that can heal humanity - such is the law of Bunin's landscape lyrics.

The image of autumn and the Russian forest is most often used by the poet. The forest for him is like music, which he sings with great love, and therefore all his poems are musical. In Bunin's depiction of landscapes, there are many different colors and sound effects, accurately selected epithets, personifications, metaphors, helping the author to create amazingly accurate images. There is no lyrical hero here, all attention is focused on the beauty of nature.

Very often, Bunin shows night landscapes, since night is his favorite time of day. At night, the sleeping nature seems magical, alluring, enchants even more - that is why many poems are dedicated to the night. As a rule, in most of his poems, in addition to the night and the forest, there are images of the sky, stars, and endless steppes. Composing landscape lyrics, the poet saw before him his beloved Oryol region, where he spent his childhood.

Philosophical lyrics

Bunin's landscape lyrics gradually gave way to philosophical ones, or rather, smoothly flowed into it. It began at the turn of the century, at the beginning of the new century. Then the poet was very fond of the Koran, read the Bible, which, of course, could not but be reflected in his works.

Bunin's philosophical lyrics speak of life and death. Bunin wanted to figure out why an event happens, he thought about the eternal - about good and evil, about truth, about memory, about the past and the present. During this period, in his poems one can find many appeals to the history of different countries. He was interested in the legends of the East, ancient Greece, deities, Christianity. Loneliness and doom, eternity, human destiny - these topics are also not uncommon in Bunin's philosophical lyrics. He sought in his poems to understand the meaning of life - and the connection between philosophical poems and landscape ones becomes characteristic: it was in love for nature and reverence for her that the poet found salvation for the human soul.

The philosophical lyrics of Ivan Alekseevich are distinguished by a special atmosphere - absolute silence. When you read poems on this subject, it seems that even the air stops oscillating. You completely immerse yourself in the experiences of the lyrical hero (here he is present), you surrender to them as if they were your own. Such silence, according to Bunin, is needed in order to be able to hear God, who is the bearer of Light, Truth and Love. Many of the author's poems have been written about God and biblical motifs.

love lyrics

Poems about love in the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin are presented in somewhat smaller quantities, but nevertheless play a large role among his works. A long time ago, Bunin's love lyrics were defined as tragic - perhaps this is the most capacious and accurate definition.

Love for Ivan Alekseevich is the most intimate, important, the main thing, for which it is worth living on earth. He is absolutely sure of the existence of true love, and although many of his poems are devoted to love suffering, he also writes about mutual, happy love, albeit less often. One of the main motives of Bunin's love lyrics is loneliness, unrequited love, the inability to experience happiness. It is tragic because it is dominated by thoughts about what did not come true, memories of the departed, regrets about the lost, the fragility of human relationships.

Bunin's love lyrics are in contact with the philosophical - love and death, and with the landscape - love and the beauty of nature. Bunin is pessimistic - in his poems, happiness cannot live long, love is followed by either separation or death, a successful outcome is not given. However, love is still happiness, because it is the highest that a person can know in life. At the same time, the poet himself in his personal life, after several unsuccessful attempts, nevertheless found family happiness and a wife who, until the end of his days, supported him in everything.

As in any other, Bunin's love lyrics have a number of features. These are, for example, the avoidance of beautiful phrases, the use of nature as an observer of love suffering, the mention of spring (the poet's favorite season) as a symbol of love, an open protest against the imperfection of the universe, an indispensable combination of spiritual and physical (it is impossible to know the soul without comprehending the flesh). At the same time, there is nothing shameful or vulgar in Bunin's poetry, it is holy and remains a great mystery for him.

Other motives of Bunin's lyrics

In addition to the topics mentioned above, the following are present in the work of Ivan Alekseevich: civil lyrics - poems about the hard fate of the common people; the theme of the Motherland is nostalgia for old Russia, poems on such topics are not uncommon for the emigre period of the poet's work; the theme of freedom, history and man; the theme of the poet and poetry is the purpose of the poet in life.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin made a great contribution to the development of Russian literature. No wonder it was he who became the first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize - in fact, world recognition. Every person should know both Bunin's prose and poetry, especially if he considers himself a connoisseur of literature.

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