The main idea of ​​the story is first love.

Having a symbolic name - "First Love", is one of the most unusual lyrical-epic works of Russian classical literature in terms of plot and design. It was written in 1860, when the writer was 42 years old and he was comprehending his past from the height of his years.

The composition of the story

The work consists of 20 chapters, in which, in the first person, there is a consistent presentation of the main character's memories of his youth. The story begins with a prologue - the prehistory of memories. All the same main character - Vladimir Petrovich, being already aged, is in a company where everyone tells each other about their first love. He refuses to tell his unusual story orally and promises his friends that he will write it and read it the next time they meet. Which is what it does. Next comes the story itself.

The plot and its basis

Despite the fact that the characters, as in other works of Turgenev, have fictitious names, the writer's contemporaries immediately recognized them as real people: Ivan Sergeevich himself, his mother, father and the object of his first passionate and unrequited love. In the story, this is Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Zasekina, in life - Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya.

The father of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev did not marry for love, which subsequently affected his family life with his wife. She was much older than him, stood firmly on her feet, doing housework on the estate on her own. The husband lived as he wanted, and touched little on any family issues. He was handsome, charming and popular in the eyes of the ladies.

In the story, we also meet a married couple where the wife is older than her husband and lives in constant hard-to-disguise irritability due to the lack of attention from her husband. In the image of their son Vladimir, we recognize the young Turgenev. We find him at the moment when he is preparing for exams for entering the university at a dacha in the suburbs. The hero's thoughts are far from learning, young blood excites the imagination and awakens fantasies about beautiful strangers. Soon he really meets a stranger - a neighbor in the country, Princess Zasekina. This is a real beauty, a girl of rare charm and a peculiar - magnetic character.

At the time of the meeting with the main character, she is already surrounded by many fans, she is amused by communicating with them and her power over everyone. Involves Volodya in his circle. He passionately falls in love, forgetting about books, studies and walks in the neighborhood, and becomes completely attached to his beloved.

Many pages in the story are devoted to depicting the stormy and constantly changing experiences of the young man. And more often he is happy, despite the capricious and mocking behavior of Zinaida. But behind all this, there is a growing anxiety. The hero understands that the girl has her own secret life and love for an unknown person...

As soon as the reader, together with the main character, begins to guess who Zinaida is in love with, the tone of the story changes. A completely different level of understanding of the word “love” comes to the surface. The girl's feelings for Volodya's father Pyotr Vasilievich, in comparison with the young man's romantic passion, turn out to be deeper, more serious and piercing. And Volodya is illuminated by a hunch that this is true love. Here the position of the author is guessed: the first love is different, and the one that cannot be explained is the real one.

To understand this problem, the scene closer to the end of the story is important: the young man accidentally witnesses a secret conversation between his father and Zinaida, which takes place after their separation. Pyotr Vasilyevich suddenly strikes the girl's hand with a whip, and she, with an expression of humility and devotion, brings the scarlet mark of the blow to her lips. What he sees shakes Volodya. Some time after the incident, the hero's father dies from a stroke. Zinaida Zasekina marries another man and dies four years later in childbirth.

It is amazing that in the heart of the hero there was no resentment towards his father and girlfriend. He realizes how majestic and inexplicably strong is the love that was between them.

Biographers of Turgenev proved that all the events described in the story happened in the same way with its prototypes. Many contemporaries condemned the writer for a frank demonstration of family secrets on the pages of the story. But the writer did not consider that he was doing something reprehensible. On the contrary, it seemed to him extremely important to relive and artistically rethink what happened to him in his youth and influenced him as a creative person. The image of the beauty, complexity and versatility of the feeling of first love is what the writer was striving for.

  • "First Love", a summary of the chapters of Turgenev's story
  • "Fathers and Sons", a summary of the chapters of Turgenev's novel

Turgenev, reviews of which are given in this article, was first published in Russia in 1860. It tells about the emotional experiences of the young protagonist, his first true love, which had to face dramatic and sacrificial relationships between adults.

History of creation

The story "First Love" by Turgenev, with reviews can be found in this article, was written by the author in St. Petersburg in early 1860.

As the writer himself admitted, the work was created by him on the basis of his own emotional experience, as well as events that actually took place in the writer's family. Turgenev later admitted that he described everything as it was, trying not to embellish anything. One of the main characters was his father. Later, many condemned the writer for such frankness, and especially for the fact that he did not hide the fact that all these were real events, and not fiction.

Turgenev himself was firmly convinced that there was nothing wrong with this, since he had nothing to hide from the public.

The plot of the story

Turgenev's story "First Love" received mostly positive reviews. Both from readers and literary critics.

The plot of the story "First Love" by Turgenev, reviews of which are in this article, is a memoir of an elderly person. At the end of his life, he recalls the very first romantic feeling that visited him in his youth.

In the center of the story is the main character named Vladimir. He is only 16 years old. Together with his family, he lives in the country estate of his parents. There he meets the charming 21-year-old Zinaida Alexandrovna Zasekina, a princess who settles in the neighborhood. He immediately falls in love with a beautiful girl, who, moreover, herself gives him signs of attention.

There are many obstacles in his way. Firstly, Zinaida is surrounded by a large number of other young people, each of whom seeks to achieve her location. And secondly, his feelings are not mutual. Zinaida is capricious, has a playful character, she often taunts the hero, ridiculing him for various reasons. For example, for his comparative youth.

Secret of Zinaida

The story "First Love" by Turgenev, "reviews of which are given in this article, captivates the reader. Especially when it turns out who was the true object of love of Zinaida herself. This is Vladimir's father, whose name is Peter Vasilyevich.

The protagonist secretly observes the scene of a romantic meeting between his father and Zinaida, which, however, ends in a break. Pyotr Vasilyevich decides to leave the young girl. However, his wife becomes aware of the affair of the spouse. The family leaves the estate.

Soon Pyotr Vasilyevich dies. He suffers from a stroke. At the end of the story, the main character learns that Zinaida has married Mr. Dolsky. He is going to see her, but does not have time. Princess Zinaida dies during childbirth.

Prototypes of the heroes of the story

As already mentioned, Turgenev's story "First Love" is based on real events. In the reviews of the work, you can find direct indications of the prototypes of the main characters.

The prototype of Peter Vasilievich is his father, whose name was Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev. His personal life was not entirely successful. He married by calculation on a woman who was much older than him, but more wealthy. The writer's mother is Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova. When they got married, she was 28 years old, and Turgenev's father was 22.

Sergei Nikolaevich never felt love and tenderness for his wife. Therefore, after several years of a relatively happy family life, he began to frankly stare at other women. In this he succeeded, Turgenev's father was popular with the opposite sex. His most famous mistress, with whom he had the longest relationship, Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya. Shortly after breaking up with her, he died at a relatively young age. He was only 40 years old.

Father Turgenev's mistress

Princess Shakhovskaya became the prototype of Zinaida Alexandrovna in Turgenev's story "First Love". You can find reviews about the work in this article. She was a poetess, the young Turgenev himself was really in love with her, but she preferred his father.

Her fate developed as described in the story. Soon after breaking up with Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, she married Lev Kharitonovich Vladimirov. Six months later, they had a boy. Shakhovskaya had a hard time giving birth, a week after the birth of the child, she died.

Analysis of the work

In the analysis of the work "First Love" by Turgenev, it is worth noting that the author was best able to depict the birth of a bright and great feeling that every person visits, as well as the development of love that emerged from a fleeting youthful passion.

The author claims that love can give a person a huge range of different feelings. And they may not always be positive. Love gives not only delight or peace, but is also able to settle hatred and anger in the soul.

In this work, you can follow all the stages of love. The protagonist at first experiences moments of happiness and rapture, then a feeling of black jealousy. And also annoyance and disappointment when it turns out that his main rival is his own father.

Narrative Features

Simplicity of presentation is one of the main advantages of Turgenev's entire prose. The reader does not have to constantly build complex facts into a single chain. Instead, a simple plot creates an impression of realism and sincerity. All remarks sound very natural, because everything actually happened in the life of the author. For this reason, working on this story gave him such pleasure.

The story "First Love" by Turgenev, the analysis of which is given in this article, is divided into chapters. Each of them contains a certain, completely independent plot. Thanks to this construction, the writer can more easily convey his ideas to the reader, demonstrate the entire spectrum of the development of the feelings of the characters.

The climax of the story comes in chapter 12. It describes in detail the entire gamut of powerful and conflicting feelings that the main character has for Princess Zinaida. The reader has a unique opportunity to look into the souls of the characters. Find out what they really feel, how they experience the events taking place.

Hero Skins

It is also important that almost all the characters in Turgenev's story are in development. The father of the protagonist is vividly and contrastingly presented. At some point, the reader may even sympathize with him, because his life is doomed. He is married to an unloved woman, and all his relationships on the side are doomed.

The image of the main character, Princess Zinaida, also changes dramatically throughout the story. Her image is undergoing a process of evolution. She transforms from the frivolous girl she was at the very beginning into a truly loving, strong and independent woman.

Interestingly, in the end, she turns out to be not so frivolous as she might seem at the very beginning of the story. Toward the middle of the work, she appears before us in the form of an unfortunate girl who is doomed to suffer in this life because of love. Literally from the inside, she is constantly tormented and gnawed by the thought that her love for a married man has no future. However, she steadfastly and courageously endures all the hardships that befall her. This says only one thing - during the romance with Pyotr Vasilyevich, she turned into a wise woman who knows the value of her feelings.

The main character of the story

In fact, the main character of the story is a real child. Youthful maximalism in it prevails over many rational feelings. For example, he wants to kill his rival, who prevents him from reuniting with Zinaida Alexandrovna.

However, when he learns that he has to compete with his own father, all his stormy mood passes. He forgives everyone around and looks at the situation in which he finds himself in a completely different way. Agree, the act is very naive and childish in its own way.

Year: 1860 Genre: story

Main characters: Volodya, Princess Zinaida

In the wing next to the family of sixteen-year-old Vladimir, Princess Zasekina is settled. Volodya falls in love with the daughter of the princess - Zinaida. Once he meets his beloved by his own father. Following them, Vladimir realizes that Zina is not indifferent to his father. After the scandal with Zasekina, the neighbors return to Moscow. Some time later, the young man entered the university, and six months later his father died of shock. Four years later, Vova returns to St. Petersburg and visits Zinaida Zasekina, where she learns that she died 4 days ago during the birth of a child.

the main idea. The story tells about an unrequited first love, about how tragic family relationships can be if they are not based on love in any way.


Sixteen-year-old Vova lives with his father and mother in the country and is preparing to enter the university. Princess Zasekina enters the neighboring wing for a rest. The protagonist accidentally meets the daughter of a neighbor and dreams of meeting her. Volodya's mother sends him to a neighbor with a proposal to pay a visit. This is how the first meeting of the young man with the daughter of a neighbor - Zinaida Zasekina, who is a little older than him, she is 21 years old.

During the visit, Zasekina does not create a very good idea of ​​herself, but Zinaida behaves impeccably, but for almost the entire evening she talks only with Vladimir's father. She did not show any interest in the young man during the conversation, but before leaving she asks to pay her a visit. The young man increasingly comes to Zinaida in the evenings, eventually realizing that he is in love with her.
One night, Vladimir becomes an involuntary witness to the meeting of his beloved with his father. Volodya guesses that she is not indifferent to his father. The young man does not stop communicating with the daughter of the princess, pretending that nothing is happening. A week later, his mother received a letter accusing her husband of being involved with a neighbor's daughter. After a scandal in the house, the Zasekins leave for Moscow. Before leaving, the young man in love decides to say goodbye to Zina and promises to love her forever.

A few days later, Volodya again involuntarily observes the scene of the meeting between his beloved girl and his father, he tries to convince her of something, she does not agree and holds out her pen to him. Her father swings and hits her on the hand with the whip, she shudders and puts her hand to her lips, touches her lips to the red mark from the blow. Vladimir runs away.

After some time, the young man's family moved to St. Petersburg. Vova goes to college, but six months later his dad died of shock. After graduating from university, Volodya finds Zina's friend in the theater to pay a visit to his beloved only after a couple of weeks. Arriving at the address, he learns that Zinaida Dolskaya died four days ago during the birth of a child.

Detailed summary of the work First love

The story "First Love" is one of the most popular and famous. This is a story about the first love of a young man who has just left his childhood and is striving for new feelings and sensations. The basis of the plot is the memory of an already adult man about his first experience of communicating with a girl, about youth, striving for the unknown.

The main thread of the story is the idea that the first love is the awakening of all the best in a person. The first love is like the first thunderstorm or a fast flow of water, something spontaneous and beyond the control of the mind.

A young man named Vladimir, who had just completed a course of home schooling, arrived at the country house with his parents. Here he must prepare for admission to the university and take a break from the bustle of the city. And, as it turned out, another family settled in the neighborhood, consisting of two ladies. One was quite young and very beautiful, of course, according to the young man.

Summer, languid evenings, black nights and early dawns did their job, they awakened unknown feelings in the young man. Vladimir fell in love with Zinaida, that was the name of a young neighbor who also turned out to be sociable.

The girl was young, although older than Volodya, smart, open to communication, sometimes windy, sometimes mysterious. she began to allow the young man to come for visits. And, as a result, the young man was more and more immersed in love. Naturally, all other cases were abandoned, as well as preparation for study. There was a need for long walks in the garden and finding a reason to see a beautiful neighbor.

However, although Zina was constantly surrounded by fans, not one of them crossed the line to get closer to the girl. Although Volodya so wanted to see the whole situation. In fact, Zina was in love with the young man's father, and she also experienced her love, but which was forbidden and was not correct. The girl secretly, at night, met with an adult man and at the same time suffered no less than her young neighbor. Zina's relationship with Volodya's father continued for a long time, even after the family returned to Moscow.

Only once when he saw his father with Zina, Volodya realized that the girl was truly in love. And this was a loss for the young man, he learned and determined for himself what unrequited love is.

The story ends tragically. Although Volodya becomes a student and grows up, his father dies an absurd death and this is a great grief for the family. And one day the young man gets the opportunity to see Zinaida, but even here evil fate prevents him. Zinaida dies two days before the meeting.

More than a century has passed since the publication of the story "First Love", but it has not lost the authenticity of the description of the feelings of young people, the description of youth, the boiling of life.

Picture or drawing First love

In the work of Anna Snegina Yesenin, the action takes place in the native land of the poet in the village of Radovo. The story is told by the author himself.

  • Summary Lafertovskaya poppy seed Pogorelsky

    In the 18th century, in Moscow, in the Lefortovo region, an old woman lived. She was already over 80 years old, and she was engaged in the manufacture of cakes with poppy seeds. For this she was nicknamed Poppy.

  • The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "First Love" tells about the emotional experiences of a young hero, whose childhood feelings have grown into an almost insoluble problem of adult life and relationships. The work also touches on the relationship between father and son.

    History of creation

    The story was written and published in 1860 in St. Petersburg. The work was based on the real emotional experience of the writer, so a clear parallel can be drawn between his biography and the events of the story, where Volodya or Vladimir Petrovich is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

    In particular, in his work, Turgenev fully described his father. He became the prototype for the character of Peter Vasilyevich. As for Zinaida Aleksandrovna herself, the prototype for her character was the first love of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who was also his father's mistress.

    Due to such frankness and transferring the lives of real people to the pages of the story, the public met her rather ambiguously. Many condemned Turgenev for his excessive frankness. Although the writer himself has repeatedly admitted that he does not see anything wrong with such a description.

    Analysis of the work

    Description of the artwork

    The composition of the story is built as Volodya's recollection of his youth, namely, the first almost childish, but serious love. Vladimir Petrovich is a 16-year-old boy, the protagonist of the work, who comes to a country family estate with his father and other relatives. Here he meets a girl of incredible beauty - Zinaida Alexandrovna, with whom he falls irrevocably in love.

    Zinaida loves to flirt and has a very capricious disposition. Therefore, he allows himself to accept courtship from other young people, in addition to Volodya, without making any choice in favor of any one, specific candidate for the role of his official boyfriend.

    Volodya's feelings do not reciprocate in her, sometimes the girl allows herself to mock him, ridiculing their age difference. Later, the main character learns that his own father has become the object of desire for Zinaida Alexandrovna. Unnoticed spying on the formation of their relationship, Vladimir understands that Pyotr Vasilyevich has no serious intentions towards Zinaida and plans to leave her soon. Having accomplished his plan, Peter leaves the country house, after which he suddenly dies for everyone. On this, Vladimir stops his communication with Zinaida. After a while, however, he learns that she got married and then died suddenly during childbirth.

    main characters

    Vladimir Petrovich is the main character of the story, a 16-year-old boy who moves to a country estate with his family. The prototype of the character is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

    Pyotr Vasilyevich is the father of the protagonist, who married Vladimir's mother because of her rich inheritance, who, in addition, was much older than himself. The character was based on a real-life person, the father of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

    Zinaida Alexandrovna is a young 21-year-old girl who lives next door. Has a very frivolous disposition. It has an arrogant and capricious character. Due to her beauty, she is not deprived of the constant attention of suitors, including from Vladimir Petrovich and Pyotr Vasilyevich. The prototype of the character is considered to be Princess Ekaterina Shakhovskaya.

    The autobiographical work "First Love" is directly related to the life of Ivan Sergeevich, describes his relationship with his parents, mainly with his father. A simple plot and ease of presentation, which Turgenev is so famous for, helps the reader to quickly immerse himself in the very essence of what is happening around, and most importantly, to believe in sincerity and experience with the author all his emotional experience, from appeasement and delight to real hatred. After all, there is only one step from love to hate. It is this process that the story mainly illustrates.

    The work demonstrates exactly how the relationship between Volodya and Zinaida is changing, and also illustrates all the changes between the son and father when it comes to love for the same woman.

    The turning point of the protagonist's growing up emotionally is perfectly described by Ivan Sergeevich, because his real life experience is taken as the basis.

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