Why is the Mother of God dreaming? What is the dream of the Mother of God with a baby in the sky.

The icon of the Mother of God, which appeared to the dreamer or dreamer in a dream, encourages him or her to pay attention to spiritual values. Such a dream is often an important sign for the "seeking and suffering" - a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation, in need of help, wise advice, patronage and guidance on the true path. What is the dream of the icon of the mother of God? As one of the most pure, righteous and benevolent, such a dream can express both support and patronage, as well as shame and reproach. Much depends on the circumstances and details of sleep, which at first glance seem insignificant, but in fact can radically change the chosen interpretation.

First of all, the dreamer or dreamer should pay attention to the appearance of the Mother of God depicted on the icon in a dream.

Seeing the icon of the Mother of God in gold, in expensive clothes, jewelry and jewelry is a bad omen. Such a dream is a warning about the fall of the moral "bar" of the dreamer or dreamer.

He or she becomes increasingly disillusioned with spiritual ideals and moral standards, and is therefore prone to temptation and fall into sin. The dream warns that neglect of spirituality and morality will not bring him or her to good. Having rolled down to vile and low deeds, the dreamer or dreamer runs the risk of never getting out of them and derailing her whole life.

Even a seemingly insignificant trifle, such as, for example, participation in a dubious adventure or a passion for an insidious person, can make the dreamer or dreamer bitterly regret what they have done.

Touching the icon of the Mother of God in a gold frame is a favorable omen. Such a dream promises the dreamer or dreamer prosperity and the rapid enrichment of his or her enterprise. In financial matters, he or she will be promoted by fabulous success.

Seeing the icon of the Mother of God - the Virgin - next to a candle - is a harbinger of a difficult life stage in the life of a dreamer or dreamer. He or she will have to feel all the hardships of repentance and, with the help of willpower and firmness of character, make the right choice, preferring moral standards to material wealth and pleasures.

Especially revered images of the Kazan or Tikhvin Mother of God in a dream are extremely important warnings. The dreamer or dreamer should start re-prioritising as soon as possible. Recently, material goods and pleasures occupy an unacceptably large part of his or her life.

  • Seeing an icon in your home is a harbinger of personal problems in the life of a dreamer or dreamer.
  • The icon of the Mother of God in a church in a dream is a harbinger of the dreamer or dreamer having an influential patron.

The actions of the dreamer in a dream

An equally important role in the interpretation of the dream, in which the icon of the Mother of God appears, is also played by the actions of the dreamer or dreamer himself.

  • Dropping or breaking the icon of the Mother of God in a dream by negligence is a harbinger of a wrong decision. A choice that will subsequently bring bitter disappointment to the dreamer or dreamer.
  • To burn or spoil an icon intentionally is a harbinger of the fall, extravagance.
  • Kissing an icon or praying in front of it in a dream is a good omen. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer or dreamer has moral and ethical principles, ideals and norms, which he or she strictly follows even in critical situations.
  • The dream also suggests that the dreamer's or dreamer's faith, whether it be faith in God or other supernatural, mystical and devoid of a mystical halo of power, is strong and fruitful. Firm confidence gives the dreamer or dreamer a reliable support in all endeavors.
  • Prayer in a dream can also be interpreted as a reproach to the dreamer or dreamer. He or she puts material values ​​above all others, and does not put moral principles and norms of morality in anything.

A neglectful attitude can lead both to a lack of self-awareness and a state of a kind of “lost soul” unable to find the right way out for itself, as well as to numerous quarrels, conflicts and scandals based on disagreements and lack of mutual understanding.

Dream Interpretation Virgin

The image of the Mother of God can appear in a dream to a believing person, and to someone who does not believe in divine powers. This symbol has its own meaning, and you should not ignore it.

Dream of a divine image

Why is the Mother of God dreaming? This dream can promise trials that will fall to the lot of a sleeping person, but at the same time, it also portends pleasant changes in life, joy and tranquility.

To understand what exactly this image came to you, it is worth reviewing the predictions that dream books give.

Predictions of some interpreters

I dreamed of the image of the Mother of the Lord

It will be nice if you remember all the fragments of the dream, your actions or feelings. Any nuance will help you better unravel the dream and reveal the secret of the future to you.

Female interpreter

The Mother of God dreamed, which means that an important event will soon happen in your life. It will be pleasant and positively affect the rest of your life.

Worldly dream book

It is important to remember what the Mother of God did in a dream:

  • To see how she smiles - a great joy awaits you, which will spread to your family.
  • The holy virgin will cry - there will be grief in the family.
  • The holy maiden is sleeping - the enemies have ceased to be interested in you. Nothing threatens you anymore, you can live peacefully and to your heart's content.

For parents, a dream in which they saw the divine face is auspicious. So the kids will be fine. Find a common language with them.

Pray before the icon

There is an icon in front of you, and you ask God for your child - try to communicate more with your child, do not let him out of your sight. Your child is in danger.

Often a dreaming holy image reminds you: you have not been to church for a long time. Find time and visit a holy place, at the moment the sleeping person needs the wise advice of a clergyman.

Interpreter G. Miller

Gustav Miller believed that the holy face could be dreamed of if the sleeping person feels remorse for his deed, perhaps plans to do an unkind deed. After such a dream, you should think about your behavior, if possible, change it.

Do not think about the bad, do not do vile deeds, because you will have to answer for them.

Dream Interpretations by Seasons

These interpreters are in rather high demand. It is believed that a dream should be considered from the perspective of the day of which month the sleeping person was born.

Birthdays of the first four months can count on the help of higher powers in a difficult matter, if they dream of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms.

The face of the Mother of God shines

Those born in the summer months and at the end of spring can expect that their communication with children will be easy, without misunderstandings.

The rest of the birthday people should take care of the future of their offspring, you should not let everything take its course and rely only on the will of God.

What else can the dream of the Mother of God mean?

It happens that in a dream you see yourself standing in the temple of the Lord, and next to the Mother of God, who is praying. Such a night vision suggests that you will witness events that will go beyond your understanding of reality. Nothing bad will happen, interpreters believe that everything will happen just the opposite, you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Mother of God asks you to pray with her - you can safely expect a pleasant surprise from fate.

To be in a temple where the face of a saint shines - your plans will come true. This will happen for the reason that you are a kind and wise person with pure thoughts.

As Loff wrote in his dream book, the Mother of God, who appeared from heaven, suggests that the dreamer's wildest dreams may soon begin to come true. Your faith is unshakable, it gives you inner strength.

We saw the face of the Virgin in the clouds, which means that you have lost faith in the Lord God, lost faith in your abilities, and lost the incentive to move on.

To dream of the Mother of God standing in the middle of the street with Jesus in her arms - you stopped communicating closely with your relatives, focused on secondary things. Such a dream suggests that it is worth remembering that the family is the most important thing in our worldly life.

The holy virgin hugs you in a dream - you should go to reconciliation with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Virgin dream in a dream according to 5 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the symbol "Virgin Mary" from 5 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Mythological dream book

Mother of God, mother of the God-man I. Christ- protection, happy event, wise advice; less warning of danger. But again, under the guise of the Mother of God, a Luciphage can appear, who will seduce and corrupt a person in every possible way. An example of such a temptation was the founder of the Church of the Mother of God of the Sovereign John Bereslavsky, who calls himself both a prophet, and an archbishop, and a blessed one. Such conceit, obvious pride, definitely indicates that it was not the Most Holy Theotokos who appeared to him, but a demon of a high level, with the help of which a new “church” was organized so quickly - another demonic egregor.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream about how you pray to the Mother of God- to care about the future of their children.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing the Mother of God in a dream- Good relationship with children.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Hear the Mother of God in a dream- to help in difficult cases; to see the smiling Mother of God- to joy, crying - to trouble, sleeping virgin- Enemies will leave you, they won't notice you.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Mother of God - help in charitable deeds, mercy

Video: Why is the Mother of God dreaming

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The Mother of God dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Mother of God is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello! A dream from the sky descended down the steps (Holy Face of the Seven-shooter icon) an arrow flew into the window and while it was falling turned into a colored scarf, the edge of the scarf burned with fire, but when the scarf fell to the floor it was solid and without damage

    I dreamed of the Virgin. she was dressed in black and stood on a high mountain and looked at me. we looked at each other and were silent. then she mentally allowed me to cover my head with a handkerchief. I covered my head and woke up.

    • I saw in the window the image of the Virgin in white clothes, she baptized me, and an unfamiliar girl was sitting in my arms, and I thought who the Virgin baptized, the girl or the two of us, probably the two of us, and I woke up.

  • I was walking along the edge of the forest with my little son and suddenly a flood begins. Very quickly, clear blue water is approaching us from all sides. We run up the hill. I kneel down and begin to cross myself, turning alternately on all four sides and asking for help. The water recedes. To my left, the Mother of God appears, all in yellow. In the form of a large icon, from heaven to earth, radiance. He descends to the ground in the form of a woman and picks up something light from the ground in the form of a bunch of black fluff. I say that I understood everything, it is necessary to clear the planet of garbage, otherwise we will be in trouble. Everything disappears, I go home and sing songs loudly. Then I see my house in which I was born and this is where the dream ends. In fact, the house is no longer there; it burned down a long time ago. And I live in the city in an apartment. The son has his own family.

    Hello! Please help me figure out the dream I had. I see a pectoral cross hanging in the air at the top. I think to myself, this is not the place for Him and I reached out to take it off, put it on myself. And I hear a voice behind my back (I didn’t see it, but I know for sure that it was the Mother of God) who tells me: YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT ... With these words, I woke up. What exactly does this dream mean?

    Hello. I have a dream, as if I am sitting in the dark, watching TV. Suddenly I see through the light from the TV how the Mother of God enters the room, moving smoothly (only a shadow is visible). I froze. she walks, sighs: "AH", approaches me. then, approaching me, he stands over me with outstretched arms, says something, sighs again.

    (I believe in God, I pray.)

    Hello! Now my daughter is 9 months pregnant! I have a dream that she is giving birth and I want to go to her hospital, they ask me her name and I call it, but in response they tell me that this is not the name that you call, they open the door to the delivery room and I see her as she gives birth and they say that her name is the Virgin! Tell me, what can such a dream mean?

    I dreamed of Our Lady in a stone guise - like a statue of old castles. About the height of my waist ... She was among the things in the room and held the little Jesus Christ in her arms. My sister and I went up to her, squatted down, and she took turns - first to her sister, and then she let me hold her little son in her arms. I was so happy, I pressed him to me, and the Mother of God also smiled, then I gave him into her arms __ And left the room.

    I dreamed of the Mother of God in a stone guise - like a statue, tall to my waist, with little Jesus Christ in her arms. I went into the room where she was near things. Then my sister came from somewhere, we squatted down near the Virgin, and she took turns - first to her sister, and then she let me hold her son in her arms. I was very glad, pressed him to me, and then gave it back to the Mother of God. And she left the room.

    Hello, I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday. My aunt and I walked (for some reason at night) along the street. And she pointed to the sky, where I clearly saw the image of the Virgin: her face. And she looked into my eyes, the look was not evil, she looked at me good-naturedly. And my aunt told me, sit down and pray to her ... What can this dream mean. And so I have been crying at night for almost a year, with health problems, my husband left with a child. In general, I don’t really want to live ...

    Today between: 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning I saw in a dream - in the sky from the clouds a large statue of the Virgin was perfectly and clearly visible! And exactly the same statue was on the ground near some cathedral or church, Irina

    Once I dreamed that I was standing on the road and there was a large car with a booth in front of me and the doors to this booth were open and the Most Holy Theotokos was standing there, and two angels were on her sides. They were dressed in all white and long. And I fall on my knees and start to pray. I had this dream many years ago, but I still can’t forget it and still think about it.

    I dreamed that I was supposedly reading lines about the Mother of God abruptly from a holy book and I was advised to find her abode, which is indicated where it is and I arrive in a taxi to some place and look for her, but I didn’t find it help decipher the dream

    I dreamed of the Mother of God in a blue glow, in the mountains. my body was buzzing, I saw an angel, I felt a different vibration ... I also dreamed of three healthy front teeth that fell into my palm and I was very sorry for them, I was upset. it was a dream in one night .. thanks ..

    I walked around the city with the Mother of God. But she somehow angered the townspeople, we came to the church. Everyone was angry, and I was protecting her. And we were all waiting for God to come to the church to resolve our dispute.

    Initially, I started praying to the Holy Mother of God with the same arrow from the moment of Easter, but without the icon. A week later, I bought icons of the same arrow, the Holy Mother of God, (the defender of human malice and the giver of human love, and an indestructible wall.
    Here, I bought it for parental day, I did it, I read a prayer of detention, from evil
    of people. And after a while I dreamed about the tone, if memory does not deceive? I think today.

    I was standing on a mountain. And suddenly, in the sky I saw, as it were, a slide show. Some pictures began to appear. I don’t remember them clearly. Then I saw the Virgin with a baby in her arms, it was also like a picture. She was in a lying position, but then she turned and seemed to get up. She was so colorful and bright! Then I heard two men talking behind me. I don’t remember verbatim, but one said: “Now I know which road I should take,” we will be fine.” And I woke up abruptly. I had a dream on Friday before Trinity.

    I dreamed of a Girl with a coating on her head, all in sparkles, and I also decorated her with sparkles and she smiled pretty, the coating was large, long, like that of the Virgin, so I decided that this was her wonderful omophorion, all in sparkles and multi-colored patterns

    In a dream, I went into the building, the Mother of God stood on the right, and silently looked at me very calmly, and on the left in the air was Archangel Michael, and I began to pray to them, first about my beloved (he is a drug addict), and then asked for all people. And Michael, in the process, said that I was praying correctly.

    I saw in a dream Yesterday from Friday to Saturday. I’m standing with my daughter-in-law and you are the Mother of God in heaven. I tell my daughter-in-law how to be baptized? She didn’t answer me. In fact, she always tells me to be baptized .. I’m not baptized. that she will fall on me from the sky. But she crossed herself ..

    Hello Tatyana, on the night from Saturday to Sunday I had a dream, I am in the temple, are there many different icons? but I clearly see the icon of the Mother of God with the baby, some voice in a dream tells me: “this is the icon of the Kazan Mother of God with the baby, ask,” and I ask

    I looked at God, then his mother appeared, everything was white around. Before that, everything was normal. I walked with friends, as a result, in a dream I saw only a guy that I like. They began to call me, so that I could look where the Lord stood. He was not tall, probably as tall as me, and this is about 155-160. I approached God, began to seem to be talking with him, I told something and he silently listened. I wanted to touch him when his mother appeared. She looked at me with a completely calm look. Next to me, I felt somehow calmer than in real life. All this time when I was with God, and his mother, I cried. But in the end I saw the smile of the Mother of God. He and she were in white clothes (no halo). I remember the Mother of God more clearly. (I am interested in the question: why, when I walked with friends in a dream before, and after, I only saw a guy that I like)

    The Mother of God dreamed, initially in a dream someone performed some kind of ritual, it was very scary, they were pouring around, so I understood for some reason the blood of mothers and their children and I didn’t remember that, but I somehow deceived and prevented this ritual, they wanted to cause something not that bad and I I didn’t allow this, and then the Mother of God appeared from the darkness, there was light from her, and as a sign of gratitude, she gave me the keys to the apartment, the dream was terrible when she saw her, she cried very much, it was a pity for the children and their mothers, she calmed me in my soul, there was pacification,

    On Saturday, my granddaughter and I went on a pilgrimage tour of holy places .. And after that, at night, I had a dream in which images (similar to barbie dolls) of the Blessed Virgin Mary were put in a box. there were four of them. They were all neatly folded. I didn't see anything else.
    And the next night I put something like ostrich eggs in a basket, there were not many of them - about 4-5.
    In these dreams, I singled out only objects, not myself or other people. These dreams were not in color.
    Thank you in advance. God bless you

    I'm lying in a coffin alive, I'm cold. I feel water dripping from the pictures on the wall onto my forehead. I think it's flooded from above. I raise my eyes and understand that the mother of the deceased is crying over me as if in a veil, the veil dissipates and I see the image of the Virgin and tears from my eyes roll down the picture right on my forehead. I woke up drops on my forehead. I still feel cold in this place

    I dreamed of an icon depicting the Mother of God with Jesus in her arms. They were kind, I think they smiled. Jesus tightly hugged the Mother by the neck and looked at me. The icon opened like a book and contained images of saints. I don’t remember exactly, but it seems there was an image of a Guardian Angel.

    Hello, recently (40 days have not passed yet) my beloved husband committed suicide (thrown off the 5th floor) and died on the second day in the hospital. And yesterday I had a dream: I left the store and met my husband. I knew in a dream that he had died and went up to him, hugged him tightly and said: why did you do that? Why did you leave me alone? When will you take me with you??? My husband was very surprised that I knew that he was not there, and told me: I can’t pick you up now, I can’t. And you'd be better off here. I ask him, will you come to me? He replied that yes I would come, but now it is time for him to go. I asked him And now where are you: in heaven or THERE? He replied that nowhere neither there nor there. We joined hands and walked around the neighbor's house, I did not want to let him go and walk with him longer. And when they began to approach my house, we met some guy and told my husband that it was time for them. The husband nodded and at this very time this friend tells me LOOK MARY YOU NEED THE GRASS, NOW WILL GO DOWN FOR THE GRASS. I did not understand what kind of Maria and what kind of grass. And he beckoned me with his finger for the house. I approached and saw that from the sky to the ground there was a column of fire, so strong that it burned the whole body, there was such a noise as if someone was howling, it hurt my ears. Then the flame was replaced by a bright light from which my eyes did not hurt and I saw angels who sang a song to the Virgin, then after that I saw the figure of the Virgin who was already entering this column of angels with grass. The grass looked like a bunch of tulips. And soared up, while this column was surrounded by people whom I did not know, but I was sure that these were not dead souls. After that, I woke up abruptly. And when the Mother of God took off, she turned to me, and began to glow with such a bright, bright and at the same time cold light, I would be grateful to receive a decoding of the dream. Thanks

    I dreamed about my late husband, but he stood aside. I went into the hall where the icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem lay on the pedestal. I went up to her and kissed her, and she began to laugh at me in response.

    I dreamed of an icon of the mother of God with a baby in her arms. she came to life and the voice said, ask what you want, she will fulfill. I asked, I was just pregnant. My husband was already in the colony at that moment ... and I asked for him too. Now our daughter is a year old.

    the virgin appeared in the clear night starry sky, her hands were attached to her chest when she took her hands away from herself and opened her hands, she had a lion cub, after which the face of Jesus appeared from her womb, which took the lion cub out of her hands towards him

    We walked with my mother along the road, away from the guests. Before that, I was informed that I would soon be laid off at work. a flock of white birds appeared in the sky and among them I saw a white statue. I told my mother: look - a doll. the statue sank to the ground and already = this is the Most Holy Theotokos. knelt down. she told me not to walk through the school stadium, but to go past the houses where people were. the area is not ours, the city is on the sea. I didn’t see the sea, but I knew that it was behind the houses. asked her about the late aunt, to which she said that she was restless, put on her chains aunt.

    I was walking somewhere and it was as if there was a big store, like a supermarket with posters, and among them a beautiful beautiful picture of the Holy Mother of God and so holy that it overshadowed all the other posters, and she shone like in multi-colored roofing felts with multi-colored roofing stones like the stars in the sky are burning.

    it was not a dream but a vision .... I woke up in the morning and then closed my eyes and saw first Jesus Christ and immediately after him the Mother of God with a baby in her arms .. She walked and behind her the rays of light she approached and, as it were, held out the child ... I opened my eyes and closed again and again she .... and so for several minutes she came closer and closer ... ... then the vision disappeared.

    Late in the evening or even at night, my mother sent me outside for some reason, while saying that in a certain place there is an icon (maybe relics) of the Mother of God and gave a large thick candle made of dark wax and asked me to put it near the icon. I took the candle in my hand and went, reached this place, the icon stood on stands right on the street, Several people also wanted to put it there, I was afraid that there would not be enough space for my candle. I asked the old man who was guarding the icon on the right side if I could put it , having received a positive answer, I was going to do it, but the candle while I was carrying it in my hand became soft, I had to clot-sculpt it with my hands, another girl in a long black skirt put it in front of me, I still doubting that I could put it, I asked can I put it down, she stepped back and said sharply to me, “You have already been told yes, you fool.” And she went away.
    The next dream in the morning was that somehow unexpectedly for myself and others I gave birth to another son, and I was already joyful and proud with two children, that I gave birth so easily unexpectedly, for some reason I remembered the date of birth of my son and the name October 7 Alexander.
    Please explain. I saw dreams from Thursday to Friday.

    My husband and I are sitting at the kitchen table. And the Virgin and Child appeared behind us, not an icon, but an ivory-colored statuette. then she enveloped us with her light and warmth. and it became so nice and good. and then I woke up.

    I saw a dream in February-March of this year. I saw the whole of Russia in front of me, I stood as if in front of a big map, only a real one. I turn my head to the left and see the Mother of God — so beautiful — hovering over the northern part of the Black Sea and looking at our entire country. Then a veil appears in her hands, which she throws over the whole country - a very delicate veil, luminous flowing, soft silvery. My soul felt warm, calm, light and pure. And I woke up.

    I constantly dream of vanity, running around, and in the last 3 months I dream of a church and a priest who offers to go to church and says that he has been friends with our family for more than 10 years, then just a church, then a grandmother who died a long time ago with white bread and says that will take it to the temple, and today, as always, the bustle of dilapidated buildings and the icon of the Mother of God is an indestructible wall that we have at home on the floor.

    I just dreamed of the face of the Virgin in heaven, next to the cathedral. My soul felt both anxiety and calmness. And about eight years ago, I also dreamed of the face of a saint in heaven, I think Nicholas the Wonderworker. Thank you.

    at the beginning I saw a river with clear water, I went into the water of the river and said I’m afraid, and suddenly I felt a tall man standing with me, I didn’t see his face, but turning my head I saw that this man was in a long white robe and we went along the river and the second once said that I’m afraid again, don’t be afraid of the answer to me, and so we walked together more than half the river and I said again, I’m afraid, but I heard the answer don’t be afraid while I’m with you and you’re not afraid with me and then he moved away and I saw him in the distance with his back high and a long white robe and then I saw a big tree, I climbed this tree and waited for the water to go away and then I saw gold coins, I climbed down from the tree, there was no crumpling, a girl of about thirteen was running, and where the coins she didn’t answer me, but suddenly I see a large a coin on a coin number 5 when I picked up a coin then on the coin I saw the face of the MOTHER OF GOD then I see beautiful stones they radiate rays among the stones I see an ingot of gold I pick up and on the ingot the face of the MOTHER OF GOD And I woke up as 7 january

    Hello!!! On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, I saw many churches and houses, the domes and roofs were covered with snow, the sensations were warm, bright and frosty freshness, and then between the churches I saw the face of the Virgin and some other saint, in my opinion Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the Mother of God in a dream she blessed and rebaptized me.

    in a dream, the gypsy took off her gold earring and said, as soon as there is money, you will give it back and left. I looked at the earring, it was dark in color and the face of the saint was formed on it, as if the Virgin

    they told me where I should go and I went to the indicated side, and there women among them were tall and larger than all and very beautiful, only then it dawned on me that this was the Mother of God, and the rest of the women were also saints. I don’t remember the rest of the dream, only this episode was remembered.

    I’m in some kind of cave, in the wall there is a statue of the Holy Virgin Mary with Jesus in her arms, it seems like there is water in the form of a fountain near the statue, but there is no fountain, only water, I climbed into this water to swim, and there are nails, I’m lying in this fountain and I sort through these nails with my hands, wondering where they came from.

    I'm walking along a wide forest road, not alone, it seems, a man is with me. And suddenly in the sky, among the clouds, the image of the Virgin appears, it becomes very clear, I want to photograph it, it begins to slowly blur.

    I have to write a thesis, which I can not overcome for several years. There is little time left, I despise myself, I know a lot, but all the same I can’t write anything. Lately I have been asking God for help, because I doubt my abilities. Yesterday I began a Novena to the Mother of God of Pompeii, who will have to pray for 54 days. I was going to get up early today to pray. At night I dreamed that neither the voice of the Virgin Mary nor some kind of call wakes me up from sleep - I have to get up and pray, I understand that it’s impossible to hesitate. It's dark, but I take the rosary and pray on my knees to that Novennay.. Then I woke up at night. In the morning I realized that I had dreamed again that I was praying to the Mother of God in a dream, because it was necessary.

    Slept in a dream. Suddenly I heard explosions. I woke up and went to the window in the sky, first I saw the image of an angel and then above my house the image of the Mother of God. She extended her hand and I began to kiss her hand.

    Hello, here’s my dream, I went out into the street, it was already evening and I turned around and I see the image of the Virgin rising above the church into heaven in her hands, Jesus Christ is small, she is dressed in red-blue clothes like on icons, when I saw the Virgin, I fell to my knees and said a prayer to the Virgin rejoice girl and my tears flowed non-stop then I went into the house and told someone to go see and everything I woke up please if you can explain my dream to me and I also dream only prophetic dreams thank you in advance

    I dream that I look at the sky and see the image of the Virgin, but for some reason, the images of the saints float down the sky, alternating with the image of the Virgin, and I look and pray all the time and say have mercy. have mercy.

    Icon of the Mother of God in the sky. The sky is clear, there are clouds. I prayed and spoke with the icon, asked for something, I don’t remember what. The Mother of God herself crossed her arms on her chest, the color of the icon is brown, warm.

    I dreamed of the Mother of God in the sky, as if from the stars, and she was not alone, but I don’t remember with whom and I was with someone, I don’t remember either, I pointed to the sky and heard church music, as it were, from nowhere. I wanted to go somewhere, but I thought that I should pray and get on my knees. but didn't do it

    Last week I had a dream in which I stood and thought about something, and suddenly the Mother of God with a child appeared in front of me, she was in a black silk robe and with a newborn, she didn’t tell me anything, she just bowed her head and was silent, and I at the moment of her appearance, she begged and asked for help from her to help me find a job. I did not feel any guilt before her, I was amazed by her appearance and at the same time puzzled by my problem. And then I felt that someone else was standing behind me, turning around, I saw my mother standing not far from me and standing behind me, obliquely from me, St. Nicholas the Pleasant with a cross. He didn't tell me or my mom either. Here is such a dream. I don't remember what day of the week I had this dream. What would he mean?

    Write here your dream for interpretation ... The coin is in my hands and on it is the image of the Virgin, and Smolenskaya is spinning in my head, I turn it over, and something like the first coin of the Virgin in Russia is written on the back.

    It wasn't a dream. I was just lying with my eyes closed, when suddenly a bright golden dot began to appear in the darkness, it began to expand, and the face of the Virgin appeared inside this golden circle, then she gathered the golden glow into a small cloud and dropped it on me

    On October 12, in the morning in a dream, I see a bright white spot from above (as if in the sky), which increases in size, a very bright white light pours and the image of the Virgin in white appears, reminiscent of the Tenderness icon. She looks at me very affectionately and smiles. Peace comes from her and her love is felt. But I see on the cape that covers her head a small, small smiling harlequin mask. This mask is not on the cape itself, but somehow on top of it, it stands in parallel on its own or something. What would it all mean?

    at first I saw my ex-husband's grandfather, my grandfather is no longer alive, he was in a good mood and as I understood I wanted to try on us with him, then I cried a lot and raised my head and saw my eyes and then sala the virgin.

    Unfortunately, it was not a dream, but reality. At night, I saw the image of the Virgin in black, she seemed to see that I woke up and left, and at that moment I really wanted her to tell me something ...

    I'm in the room, colleagues are standing nearby. We look out the window there is a thunderstorm. We hear peals of thunder, very strong with a crash. I get scared and start reading a prayer. Then I turn my head to the left and see the light and it conceals Jesus in a second and here the image of the Virgin appears floating down. she also disappears and I notice that the thunderstorm has completely passed. I am getting up.

    I am standing near the window and I see the starry sky, many stars are falling, a few fell right into my window, into my hands, and after that I looked out the window again and saw the icon of the Mother of God on the full window.

    Previously, I saw the crying Mother of God on the icon, she was crying, tears were running down her face and the face of the baby, since some time later I saw on TV that icons began to cry in churches, this was before. Yesterday I dreamed that a huge icon of the Mother of God, several meters high approached me and hovered in the sky before my eyes, then disappeared!


    In a dream, I wanted to talk with the Virgin, or rather ask her a question of interest. I came with my husband, I don't remember where, but not to church. The Mother of God was first in the form of a sleeping statue, i.e. literally lying down. The statue was gray-blue in color, large. Then my husband and I bowed our heads and I saw that the hem of her long robe began to move, as if waking up from a dream. We bowed our heads even lower and looked at her face when she was already sitting in front of us in human form. The Mother of God settled down for us, growing from a normal person, the clothes were no longer blue-gray, but multi-colored - it was on the street, either near some temple, or near Her house, it was warm and evening came. The Mother of God was sitting on a wooden bench in front of the table, and my husband and I were on the same bench across the table. Behind the Mother of God there was still a wooden drop, well, all the personal furnishings, as if somewhere in the country, and even lanterns on the tables on the big ones. I began to ask questions: "Do you have a good life there in heaven?" At first, the Mother of God only smiled at me, and then answered: “Of course it’s good.” I kept talking to her about something, but I don't remember what. Then the Mother of God suddenly tells me herself: “Someone in your family will die in November in Ovidiopol,” and I, “but we don’t have anyone there,” she didn’t answer anything, she just smiled. And then I asked: “Will our husband have more children?” (we don’t have any together), She smiled again and suddenly a girl of 6, 8 years old ran up to the swing and began to swing on it, the Mother of God approached her, took her in her arms, hugged her, sat her on her knees and began to swing along with girl. And all this with a gentle smile on the lips of the Mother of God, I realized that this was Her granddaughter. And my husband and I did not wait for an answer. The Mother of God was swinging on a swing with a girl in her arms, smiling at her, and my husband and I, and I woke up.

    In the evening I walked with my husband. In the sky, I saw the Mother of God with a child, as is usually depicted on icons. Her eyes shone from the first stars in the sky, her eyes were large and looked at me. I turned to tell my husband about it, but when we looked at the sky there was nothing. Thanks in advance!

The dream in which the Mother of God appeared to the dreamer symbolizes the trials that may befall him. But sometimes the Mother of God can promise joy and good luck. In order to understand exactly why this is a dream, dream books recommend remembering your feelings experienced in a dream and how the outcome of the meeting was.

Brief interpretation

If it happens that when you wake up, you can’t remember what exactly you dreamed about, it doesn’t matter. For a dream book, sometimes a small fragment of a dream is enough to explain what this or that is dreaming of.

  • Asking about something is a test.
  • Meet in the church - to surprise.
  • Seeing descending from heaven - to the fulfillment of desires.
  • To see on the street - to reconciliation.
  • Her face appeared on the wall - someone will help you a lot.
  • Pray for something - to hope for a better life.

Miller's dream book

Gustavus Miller believed that the Virgin dreams of people either with dark intentions, or those who are tormented by remorse. If you have done something terrible and are afraid of God's punishment - repent, and all troubles will go away.

For those who are not afraid of the Judgment of the Lord, the psychologist advised to think about the fact that such a dream can be a warning not to do anything wrong. If the Lord God does not punish, then the “boomerang of fate” will definitely return and “hit” very painfully.

Meeting in the temple - to surprises

Pray in a dream in a church and see that the Mother of God is nearby - surprises await you. If the Mother of God also prayed - everything will be fine, she cried - troubles threaten you. If she smiled and offered to pray together, a surprise awaits you.

Did you dream that in a beautiful stone church every day there is a phenomenon of the Virgin with a child in her arms? You can not worry about your plans - they will come true, but very unexpectedly for you. And if the beauty of a stone temple is illuminated only by the bright face of the young Virgin Mary, small, but spiritual joys await you.

Seeing the Mother of God in heaven is a sign of fulfillment of desires

Do you want to understand why you dreamed that the Holy Mother of God was descending from the clouds? Take a look at Pastor Loff's dream book. His interpretation of the dream will please you: desires are about to come true.

But Medea's dream book promises to achieve the goal through trials, interpreting the dream in which you climbed to the clouds along the wide belt of the Virgin, lowered by her to the ground.

The dream that you see the outlines of the face of the Virgin appearing in the sky means the fulfillment of a forgotten dream. And if in the sky you can see not only the face, but the whole Virgin Mary as a whole, your loved ones will help you achieve what you want.

To see on the street - to the difficulties and joys of communication

Those who had a dream that the Most Holy Theotokos, like a living woman, hugs passers-by on the street, can hope for reconciliation with those with whom they are in a quarrel. And if the Blessed Virgin Mary embraces you, you should be the initiator of reconciliation.

The Gypsy dream book will help to understand why the living Mother of God with the baby Jesus in her arms, standing in the middle of a human stream, is dreaming. This means that in the hustle and bustle of life, you do not devote time to your family at all. And the living Mother of God with a baby in her arms in a crowd of people is a warning for parents: something can threaten children.

Why is the Mother of God dreaming? In a dream, she symbolizes protection, patronage, or comes on the eve of trials to strengthen a person in faith. Dream Interpretations interpret this image as a harbinger of happy phenomena.

Help and patronage

What is the dream of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary? The dream indicates the favor of the Virgin Mary, the ability to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Praying in a dream in front of the icon and kissing the image means: a person will receive the protection of the Almighty. When the icon streamed myrrh - thanks to his faith, the sleeper will get rid of his difficulties.

Unfavorable Meanings

If the image was strict, gloomy, blocked your path, it means that you need to reconsider your plans or completely abandon your intentions. They will not be blessed and therefore will fail. She cried? This is a harbinger of very bad events.

When the face is formidable, and clouds are gathering around, the dream book warns of long-term major failures. Seeing her on the walls of the church promises grief.

You will reach the goal, overcome difficulties

Why dream of talking with the Mother of God? Vision is considered prophetic. You need to listen to her orders. Talking with her is an opportunity to realize your plans. But you need to remember all the orders and accurately fulfill them, then you will reach the goal.

To find a medallion with her image in a dream - in reality you will receive unexpected help under seemingly hopeless circumstances.

Had a dream that she accompanied you in the dark? The dream book informs: this is a harbinger of goodwill. Seeing the Virgin Mary in the dark, shrouded in light is a very auspicious sign. Even the most difficult questions will be answered, and wishes will come true.

Also, the dream that the Mother of God appeared in the dark and illuminated everything around promises a way out of the most difficult situations.

Kazan Mother of God

Did you dream of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God? For businessmen, the dream book portends the conclusion of contracts that will turn out to be very promising. Praying in a dream in front of her means receiving support in reality in an important matter for the dreamer. For a girl, such a vision promises a happy marriage very soon.

happy change

Seeing the silhouette of the Mother of God in a dream, descending from the icon and talking to the dreamer, promises him significant changes. If she stretched out her hand to a person, the dream book promises: one can hope for help, support in life, if the sleeper corrects his shortcomings.

What is the dream of the silhouette of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms? This means: a happy event awaits the dreamer's child.

For young women, the Virgin Mary with a baby portends a replenishment in the family. The pregnancy will proceed well or, despite the possible risk, it will end successfully, since it is under the auspices of the Virgin Mary herself.

How did you dream?

For a correct interpretation of sleep, it is important to remember exactly how the Mother of God dreamed:

  • the face in the sky, among the dark clouds - a bad sign;
  • with a baby - according to the dream book: your child is under protection;
  • blessing - support for the dreamer's undertakings;
  • pendant with the image - protection from trouble.

The majestic face of the Mother of God, as depicted on the icon, predicts the happiest event in the life of the sleeping person. This is a prophetic dream: the event will occur within six months after it.

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