Magic rituals and conspiracies. Witchcraft rituals and rites of black and white magic

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Just a few years ago, magical rituals were a closed area for the uninitiated, since the rules and conditions for their conduct were kept secret and passed down either by inheritance or from teacher to student. Today the situation has changed radically, and, in many respects, thanks to the development of the Internet.

At present, anyone can get access to previously closed information, anyone can learn the basics of magic and, with the help of special rites, influence their own lives and the whole world around them.

Magic rituals with candles

Candle magic is largely based on the magical properties of the candles themselves. These attributes are used in almost all magical actions, however, there are many rituals in which candles play a leading role.
In such magic, candles themselves are of great importance, because the outcome of each individual ritual largely depends on the ability of the performer to correctly select candles.

Some rituals are based on Christian energy, therefore, to conduct them, you need to use consecrated church candles. Other rituals are based on the forces of nature, therefore, only natural wax candles should be used, there should not be any paraffin in such rituals in any case. In addition, such features of candles as: color, size, shape, etc. can be of great importance.

It is important to remember that candles are used in the rituals of white and black magic, but they are always symbols of the element of Fire.

The fire element has been used in magic since the most ancient times, when candles were not yet invented by man. In those ancient rituals, ordinary bonfires were used, with the help of which magicians performed purification rites, removed negative energy from people, and healed from many diseases and ailments.

Today, candle magic rituals are most often aimed at attracting financial well-being, good luck, love and good work. The candles used also depend on the direction of the rite, for example, in love magic, red, pink, white and church candles are most often used, moreover, they must be made of natural wax.


Ritual Ladder of Wealth

To perform this magical rite, you will need:

  • natural wax candle;
  • long woolen thread of green color;
  • 9 cloves;
  • copper or silver candlestick;
  • matches that light a candle.

Take a thread in your hands and tie all nine prepared clove buds (seasoning) to it. Nodes with buds should be located approximately at an equal distance from each other. Then firmly grasp the thread with both hands and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), created with my own hands a ladder of nine knots. She created it so that I could use it to get to great wealth, to family well-being. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a lot of money. This is my will. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to wrap a thread around the candle along the entire length. Now you must light this candle for nine evenings so that each time it burns out by 1/9.

This ceremony is carried out during the growing moon. To increase the effectiveness of magic, before performing the ritual, take a cleansing herbal bath, wash your face thoroughly and wash your hands. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony with loose hair, removing all jewelry from yourself.

Ritual with candles for love

This ceremony is performed on the growing moon. For the ritual you will need:

  • pink new tablecloth;
  • a piece of food foil;
  • a piece of red chalk;
  • white candle;
  • a candle of your favorite color;
  • two candlesticks;
  • pin;
  • matches.

All attraction rituals bring a positive result.

Cover the table with a pink tablecloth and draw a heart with red chalk in its center. Place candles in candlesticks in the center of the drawn heart, light them from matches and say the words:

“Great Goddess of Love, I am a slave (name), I need your help. I call on your infinite power. I ask you, Goddess, light the fire of love in two hearts, save this fire, do not let it go out and flicker. May my love (name) with a man (name) only grow stronger from year to year, but bring happiness to us. May it be so".

The ceremony is performed after sunset and so that the candles are completely burned out before midnight. At 12 o'clock, only molten wax should remain from the candles. Transfer the wax to the foil and use a pin to write your name and the name of your lover on it. After that, draw a heart on the wax so that both names are enclosed in it.

Wrap the wax in foil and put it in a secluded place.

Magic rituals on Christmas Eve

Christmas among all Christian nations is considered a sacred holiday, during which angels fly over the whole earth, and the most cherished dreams of people come true. It is believed that if you make a wish on Christmas night, then it will certainly come true, the main thing is to make it right and sincerely.

Ritual before Christmas

This magical rite is held on January 6th and is aimed at healing from diseases. On Christmas Eve, buy a natural linen towel and speak it for healing from all ailments. Later. If someone in your family gets sick, they will need to be wrapped in this towel and prayed over.
Towel spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), speak in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, from seventy-seven ailments, from seventy-seven diseases, from the pain of love, from the night light, from dryness. From a traveling cancer, from an epileptic fit, from spoilage and writhing. As the Blessed Mother Mother of God washed her Son, wiped it with a linen towel, so You, God, bless mine, Your servants (name) flax. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whom I, the servant of God (name), I will wipe with a linen towel, from that seventy-seven ailments and diseases will be erased. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Prayer for strength

This prayer allows the performer to gain not only physical, but also spiritual strength. Early in the morning on January 7, you need to wash yourself, saying a prayer three times:

“The Savior was born on this day, and light appeared throughout the world. I, the servant of God (name), will also be saved with that light. I will have mental strength, physical strength. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Consequences of rituals and magic

There are many opinions about whether magic is safe, and what its consequences may be for an inexperienced performer who decides to try his hand at magic.

The first opinion, popular among church representatives and believers, is that any magic is a terrible sin, and therefore a terrible punishment awaits the performer in the future, which will affect his life on earth and life after death. Oddly enough, but this opinion is very common in our country, although this point of view has nothing but fear of the unknown.

The only strange thing is that the main ideologists of this view of magic are precisely the clergy. In fact, there is no evidence from the Bible that says that all magic is evil and sin. Even if you think logically, what sin can be in using magic to help your neighbor and save him from illness and some life troubles? If this is a sin, then medicine is also a sin, as it interferes with God's plan, and indeed any attempt to change one's life for the better.

Take the choice of a master seriously, the successful course of your situation depends on his actions.

The next point of view is the opinion of professional magicians who provide paid services to the population. Such sorcerers say that magic can indeed have dire consequences, but they threaten only those who wish to independently perform magical rites, without having the proper training and the necessary experience. To explain this point of view is quite simple - financial intent.

Of course, professional magicians earn their living by practicing witchcraft and taking money from people for this. They do not want to lose their bread, and therefore they do not need a simple person to be able to independently influence his life, help himself and his loved ones.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that there is some truth in this point of view, but only if this very opinion is slightly changed.

Magic can really be dangerous, it can lead to serious negative consequences, however, this only applies to magic, which is initially aimed at harm.

Black rituals carry a serious danger, both for the performer and for his relatives. But even such witchcraft can be used and not be afraid of the consequences, the main thing is to follow the main rules, competently conduct rituals, set up protection, pay off, etc.

Each person should remember that our ancestors from the most ancient times used light magic, were not afraid of the Lord's Punishment, did not turn to professional sorcerers for help, and were quite happy. Ancient rituals are practically no different from those rituals that can be found on the Internet. Our ancestors, just like us, wanted to protect themselves and their loved ones from illness and adversity, they wanted to enlist the support of good luck, they wanted to attract happiness and wealth to themselves. Despite the change of generations, the fact that life itself has changed a lot, people have remained the same.

We, like the ancient people, want to live and be happy, we believe in the power of magic and use the available magical means.

If this witchcraft is directed for good, if you experience only positive emotions when performing magical rites, if there is no desire in your thoughts to harm someone, then your magic will be bright and safe, without cruel consequences.

Who really should be afraid of the consequences of magic is people who decide to turn to witchcraft for help in order to do harm, in order to perform a black love spell that deprives the target of will, leading a man away from a strong family.
Remember that whatever the actions and magic you perform, so will their consequences. For love you get love, for hate you get hate, for harm you get harm. This is the main principle of magic, and if you remember about it, then you can not be afraid of witchcraft.

Candlework is a ritual that, for example, uses the incredibly powerful energy of fire. Until recently, magical rituals for the uninitiated were a closed area. Today they are considered one of the opportunities to change the world around you. Printed publications and various online resources offer descriptions of many candle rituals. On the shelves and on the net, you can allegedly find even ancient manuscripts. Should they be trusted, used or not, this is the personal choice of each person.

What are rituals and how do they work?

From time immemorial, specially trained people have been engaged in magical rites and rituals, knowing the tricks that could arise when communicating with magical power, and correct them. When carrying out certain actions, some opportunities open up, forces begin to act. But the principle of communicating vessels works. If the second door opens, then the resulting draft slams the first one. Often a ritual is understood as the regular performance of sequential actions, but they should not be endless. The layman is unable to determine when to finish on time. Therefore, the result of a spontaneous or incorrect ritual may not be what was expected, or even absent.

Ritual action can be accompanied by visualizations, affirmations, incantations, the formulation of desire. Magic does not accept allegorical, it takes all words literally. If said, but changed your mind or made a mistake, it is almost impossible to return to the beginning of the action. This can be illustrated by a story that happened in the cartoon. A cold girl undertook to conduct the ceremony. She tried to summon Cupid, but her voice became nasal, and "k" only sounded like "g", but instead of the expected deity, a black witch. In the cartoon, she turned out to be a good mentor for the girl who called her, who tries to be objective and fair, but in reality everything may turn out differently.

Is it worth doing magical rituals?

Human life is accompanied by various, including negative events. Sometimes the situation seems hopeless (illness, damage, unsolvable financial problems, difficulties on the love front, and many others), as if only magic can help, but there is no opportunity to turn to a specialist, and it is not always possible to make a mistake, take a charlatan for a person who owns magic . To prevent this from happening, use the tips from the article Psychics charlatans: how to recognize

You can always use your own powers, imposing maternal protection on loved ones or purifying and speaking water. Ask candles for advice, make amulets for the house if you feel the strength to do so. If you still wanted to conduct the ritual yourself, you need to remember the most important rules.

Rules for conducting rituals that you need to know:

1. You can only turn to magic once a day, on Monday you can’t do this at all.
2. Before any ritual, you need to read "Our Father" or "Virgin Mary". After them - preferably a prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik.
3. Before performing any ritual, you need to put on clean clothes and wash them after the ritual. Cleaning the house doesn't hurt either.
4. Morning rituals are performed facing east, and evening rituals facing west.

5. If it is not said how many times to read the conspiracy (prayer), then you need to repeat it three times.
6. In a bad mood, ceremonies and rituals are absolutely impossible to carry out, otherwise they will be charged with negative energy.
7. Rituals aimed at growth (well-being, beauty or love) are done on the full moon or on the growing moon, unless otherwise stated in the description.
8. During a magical rite, it is forbidden to cross arms, legs, as well as attributes, otherwise the energy flows will be blocked.
9. In a conspiracy, not a single word can be changed, each of them is repaired by other words, and only words spoken in a certain order can have an effect.
10. If the ritual is performed by a woman, she must be simple-haired, braids, tails, remove hairpins and jewelry.
11. Rituals are performed without witnesses, except when another person takes part in them, conspiracies are read quietly but clearly.
12. If it’s free, then “the demon pays”, therefore, if a specially trained person conducts the ceremony, he needs to be repaid, i.e. redeem or redeem.
13. A candle during the ritual cannot be held with a bare hand. You can use a handkerchief or gloves.
Faith is the basis of any ritual, if you do not believe in the result, then it is pointless to conduct it.

Magic invisibly follows a person throughout his entire existence on earth, it is everywhere: in plants, in water, air and earth.

Some consider magic the beginning of all religions that exist in the world. And even today in our society there are people who, at the sight of a black cat, cross to the other side of the road and spit over their right shoulder. One way or another, magical rituals have firmly entered our lives and we often use them ourselves without realizing it. At the same time, there are rituals that require special training, knowledge and skills, they can be developed in oneself independently.

Magic around us

Every time, hearing the word “magic”, a person imagines something mysterious and incomprehensible to the bulk of humanity. In fact, magic is all around us, and in order to find magical helpers, it is enough to look around. So, in order to acquire a talisman called Barda, whose magical properties were described in the books of the sorcerer Merlin, it is necessary to approach any apple tree at dawn on the first new moon of the month and carefully cut off a thin dry twig. Its length should be three to four brushes.

Then you should bring it to your home and gently peel it off the bark, you can sand it if you wish, but you can’t paint or varnish it, as it will lose its connection with nature. After that, for three days it should be stored in the bedroom (east corner), and during this time it is necessary to purchase silver bells, there should be as many of them as there are shoots on a branch. Instead of silver, you can take silver-colored products. Using a white or blue ribbon, we fix the bells so that they do not touch each other during the ringing. The talisman is ready, as a rule, it is used before the start of rituals to cleanse the surrounding aura.

Well, how can you perform magical rituals and ceremonies without a magic wand? With its help, energy is concentrated during sorcery. For its manufacture, a hazel twig is used that is long from the elbow to the fingertips of the hand. After cleaning and polishing, the wand is charged for three nights under a full moon.

Magical rituals on the full moon can help a novice magician gain self-confidence, and a practicing sorcerer improve his abilities. For this, seven dry oak leaves are taken, which are placed in a small bag of blue silk. On the full moon, the bag with the contents must be laid out on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it. If there are clouds in the sky, then it is better to perform the ceremony on the next full moon.

We attract money

Money plays one of the main roles in our life. But, even getting a good salary, you can be left with an empty pocket at the end of the month. Special magical rituals to attract money will help to significantly improve your well-being. In order for magical actions to take place, certain rules must be followed.

First, remember that odd days of the week are favorable days for rituals for men, and even days for women. Secondly, all rituals related to money are best performed on the growing moon. Thirdly, the ceremony should be performed in the appropriate mood, and before that, a three-day fast must be observed. Immediately before the ritual, the aura of the selected place should be cleansed.

Prepare three white candles (you can use paraffin), a candle and a small sheet of brown paper, a candlestick for one candle (you can use a vessel filled two-thirds of wheat instead) and a new wallet. I would like to note that you should not buy the cheapest version of the wallet, choose a model that can last at least two to three years.

Exactly at midnight on the new moon we light three white candles. On brown we scratch the numbers that indicate the required amount of money, it must be real and justified. We write the same amount on brown paper. We light a brown candle and put it in a candlestick, take a wallet and circle it three times over the candle. Then we burn the brown paper folded four times on a brown candle, and put the ashes in some small pocket in the purse. If not, then you can use a small bag. And most importantly, magical rituals to attract money should be carried out in complete silence, but thoughts should be exclusively about the amount that a person wants to receive. After that, white candles can be extinguished, and brown ones should burn out to the end.

birthday energy

Birthday is a special time when all the doors are open to the birthday person in order to change their life for the better. The most famous ritual that almost every person performs on his birthday is blowing out the candles on the cake, while making a secret wish. And if you constantly think about it for a week, then it will definitely come true within a year.

In addition, a birthday is just perfect for performing a purification ceremony. Unlike the previous ritual, purification should be carried out in complete solitude. For this, it is necessary to prepare silver water in nine days. This is done as follows: in the predawn time, spring water is collected (you can use water from a well, but not from a tap) and three silver things fall into it for nine days. In the morning, the birthday boy washes himself with silver water, clearing all the negativity that has accumulated over the year.

Also, magic rituals on a birthday and for attracting love into your life are effective. It is better to perform such magical actions before going to bed, but before midnight. Having taken off all our clothes, we light a red candle, write the name of a loved one on a small piece of paper and burn it together with nine dry red rose petals. Pour the ashes into a pre-prepared bath with lavender oil and take procedures in this water. After it, you can not wipe yourself with a towel, all droplets should dry on their own.

I would like to note that after performing such manipulations over the next week, it is forbidden to swear, go to cemeteries and commemorations, cry, gossip, and commit acts that are contrary to generally accepted moral principles.

The power of the waning moon

The period of the lunar cycle, when the moon is waning, is traditionally used to get rid of problems that have arisen. It can be diseases, and competitors, and obsessive fans, and even extra pounds. Well-known nutritionists confirm that a diet is the most effective if a person uses it on a waning moon, and if certain magical rituals and rituals are added to it, then excess weight can be forgotten forever.

You can use this method: the next after the start of the last lunar phase, you need to take a sponge soak it in water and, rubbing your face, sentence

"Water, water, take everything that's left of me."

After that, squeeze the water from the sponge into a small plate and put it in a sunny place so that it evaporates until the evening, you can not wipe your face. Repeat these actions every morning until the new moon.

Magical rituals for the waning moon are also used to ward off unwanted brides and grooms. To do this, you need to take the thing donated by the person and bury it under a tree in the evening twilight so that no one sees it. In this case, you should pronounce these words three times

“How I hide you, how I lose you, how you leave my life, so let (Name) leave and don’t disturb me with my feelings.”

After that, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. And with a fan (s), you should stop any communication (even greetings should not be exchanged) within a month.

To solve the problem, you need to take an apple of any size, cut it into two halves and peel it from seeds. The essence of the problem is described on a small piece of paper. Then it is folded and placed in the middle of one of the halves and covered with the other so that the fruit seems whole, we tie it with red threads. Then, at midnight, this item must be “buried” in a place where there are no people. As soon as the apple rots, the problem will be solved.

Calling for love

Love is a feeling that no person can live without. After all, his main task is to love and be loved. But what if time passes, and the second half does not appear? Magic rituals for love will help to change the current situation. As a rule, such actions are performed on the growing moon, then the impressions and feelings will be brighter and richer.

A talisman bag will help you find new romantic relationships, which anyone can do. First we make a bag, for this you can use fabrics such as silk or linen. Now let's fill it (we use only petals): we take 7 parts of jasmine, 5 parts of rosemary, 3 parts of tea rose, 1 part of lavender. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oil. For three nights, put the bag on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. Everything, the talisman is ready, carry it with you and it will help you find true love.

To refresh the feelings between the spouses, you should wake up at dawn, go to the apple orchard and pick an apple (you can use a pear). Turn and examine it carefully from all sides, and mentally imagine that you see the best moments of your married life on the apple. After that, wipe it with a hem and put it on the hollow of your chest, then return home and wear it until your spouse wakes up on his own (in no case should you wake him up).

After the spouse woke up, you should squeeze the juice out of the apple, pour it into a glass and attach it to your temple, while you need to remember and try to feel the feelings that you experienced for the first time after meeting. Then give the juice to your partner to drink. Please note that the juice must be freshly squeezed, the nectar from the bags will not work, because after processing it has lost touch with nature. Such a ritual is carried out all week, during this period one cannot quarrel, shout, cry, the situation in the house should be calm.

Fulfillment of desires

There is probably no such person in the world who does not have at least one cherished desire. Every effort is made to fulfill it, but there are still no results. Magical rituals for the fulfillment of desires will help correct the state of affairs. It is better to perform magical actions on the full moon alone, having previously cleaned the room where the ceremony will take place and having cleansed its aura. Also, you need two or three tablespoons of honey, a thin wooden stick, a shallow plate, a glass of warm water and a candle.

Shortly before midnight, we light a candle, write our wish on the bottom of the plate with a stick and honey. Pour water into a plate and wait until the inscription dissolves, while pronouncing a desire to ourselves. When everything is completely dissolved, drink water from the plate. If the ritual is carried out correctly, then the desire is fulfilled within two to three months.

You can also use another method. To do this, you need a thick plain candle without patterns and decorations, a small piece of paper, a needle and a little vegetable oil. Write a wish on paper with a needle and oil, then burn it in a candle flame, and spread the ashes. Such actions must be performed in the first phase of the lunar cycle for three days.

Another wonderful method that does not require much effort and expense is to perform a ritual with a balloon. This method can be used by both children and adults. True, you can use a balloon filled with helium. With the help of a pen, lipstick, pencil or any other means, we write our desire on the ball and release it. We watch how he moves away and try to imagine that the desired is approaching with the same speed.

Many people think that with the help of magic you can solve all issues and create the necessary benefits. This is not entirely true. After all, if everything were so simple, then hardly anyone would work on our planet. What for? You can just conjure whatever you want. However, magical rites and rituals help only those who really want to achieve a certain result and make every possible effort for this.

Amulet for annual income

This magical rite is best performed during the growth of the moon or on the full moon. To complete it, you will need: a green candle, matches, a bag of beautiful fabric, any large coin, a bay leaf, a piece of paper and a pen.

Light the green candle. Concentrate on the amount you would like to earn during the year. Write it down on a piece of paper. On the back of the paper, write your name, or the name of the person who asked you for help. On the side of the amount, put a bay leaf, a coin on top of it and fold the paper so that its contents do not spill out.

Put the paper in the bag and tie or sew it shut. Raise the bag above the flame of the candle, but so that it does not catch fire. Once again focus on your goal and say: “Generous Dazhbog, give money (name). Let them fill the purses over the edge. She/he was given wealth and wisdom. Golden rubles will flow like a river! May it be so. All your will!”

Let the candle burn out to the end in honor of Dazhbog.
Carry the amulet with you for a year or store it at your workplace. In Slavic magic, they believed that such an amulet attracted money.

After a year, bury the amulet under any fruit-bearing tree.

A magical rite for the manufacture of "living" water

To make "living" water, water must be collected at dawn during the growth of the moon.

Take water in a container. Leave it open. Light a blue candle and say: “Holy gods, I appeal to you. I determine for healing and well-being. Then take three wax candles and place them on the table in the form of an equilateral triangle so that one of the candles is on the east side. Place the container of water in the center of the triangle. Light an oriental candle with the words: “The sun rises from the mountains. Oh, healing forces coming from the east, fill this water with life-giving energy, charge it with positive forces so that it contributes to creation.

Imagine how the golden energy of Air comes from a candle and fills the water. Light the southern candle and say: “Oh, the spirits of the south, in honor of you I light this light. Fill this holy water with the power of the Jew, so that it gives victory over Evil and charges it with the energy of creation!”

Imagine how red energy comes from the southern candle and fills the container with water. Light the candle located on the north side and say: “The element of the Earth, the mother of ancient stones, the element of creation! You give life and strength, strength and reliability, charge this magical water with them so that it carries the energy of positive and creation!”

Imagine that green energy comes from the northern candle and fills a container of water. Bend over the surface of the water and whisper 12 times: “Queen Voditsa, you are a mother and sister, you possess magical power, you expel negativity. Bring people joy, success and luck. Youth, health and healing. In the name of all the gods of heaven. This is my will. May it be so!"

Leave the water in the triangle until all the candles have burned out.
In honor of the gods of light, light lavender grass or a lavender incense stick in a censer.

Magic rite for the well-being of the house (family)

For this magical rite, you will need: “living” water, a whisk of pigeon feathers, incense, a blue bag, yarrow grass and juniper, a yellow candle, matches, three ten-kopeck coins.

Place a yellow candle in a candlestick in the center of your home. Around it, form an equilateral triangle from three coins, one of the corners of which is directed to the east. Stand facing east and light a candle. Say: “Makosh-mother, let me take well-being. May it enter this house and those who live in it be happy. They put it on with consent and prosperity, may (the names of the living) be in peace and love.
Light the incense and, starting from the front door, fumigate all the rooms with it, moving clockwise. Speak: “Incense, give way, peace and treasure. May it be so".

Then, moving along the same trajectory, spray "living" water with the help of a pigeon whisk. Say: “Water-mother, deliver from evil. May fate be good to us!

Mix yarrow and juniper grass together, fill a blue bag with them and hang it on a string above the front door, saying: “Lie the sacred herbs in the bag, protect my house from enemy energies. Truly."

The candle must burn to the end. Collect coins and hide near the threshold at the entrance to your house (apartment).

From an accidental curse

If you cursed someone, then perform the following magical rite. Light a wax candle and read the plot 12 times: “King of heaven, heavenly forces, earthly forces, break my evil words. Protect (name) from dashing words, bad wishes. Direct your feet (name) along a good road, save him from all trouble. Enlighten his path and save, protect and save now and forever and forever and ever. Belbog, bright gods, bless! May it be so!"

Extinguish the candle, but do not blow it out. Hide the stub of the candle.

Slavic magic. Rite of Sorrow
On a sheet of blank paper, write as in my drawing. Try to write so that the lower letters are against the upper ones, and write the Roman numeral X at the corners of the square, sew it into a clean linen cloth and hang it around your neck like an amulet. Or fold the written piece of paper in four and wear it on your body.

x crush x
x e x

Laverna, witch, Dnepropetrovsk

Any ritual and any ritual action includes:

1. Creating a Ritual Environment

2. Summoning and Concentrating Power

3. Create an action structure

4. imprinting

5. Environmental destruction

Creating a ritual environment is creating a space in which nothing will interfere with your work and every detail will contribute to your plan. Drawing a circle, erecting defenses, is part of creating an environment. But this also includes the preparation of ingredients, and the preparation of participants, and the choice of objects, and the design of the room or territory (if the ritual is not performed indoors).

Ritual / action without creating an environment, at best, leads to dispersion of your plan, to its non-fulfillment. At worst, it can turn against you.

It is necessary to distinguish between ritual and ritual action.

What is the difference between ritual and ritual action?

Imagine that you live in a palace. Dozens of servants surround you. You wear velvet and lace, the rooms are lit by hundreds of candles made of the purest expensive wax and filled with the scent of exotic flowers growing in flowerpots. Now you are drinking tea with delicious cakes in the small white drawing room of your palace from a precious china service ... in the company of your dear being ...

Now imagine that today you managed (and weren’t greedy) to buy a couple of cups and a teapot from that very service. You brought the cups home, buying a few candles and cakes along the way. You quickly tidied up the room, lit an incense stick, or sprinkled everything around with aromatic oil, lit candles, brewed tea in a teapot you bought and drink it, turning off the electricity, in the company of your dear creature .... Then you turn on the light and go to the kitchen to wash the cups...

The first case is comparable to a ritual. This is life itself, reality.

The second case - you have only a piece of that reality, and with its help you create for yourself a feeling of that life. This is a ritual act.

Thus, the ritual action is the scraps of rituals. They need to be collected, not only because in this way you can restore some rituals in parts, but also because the ritual action itself, although not able to fulfill the task of the ritual - to significantly change reality, can affect the individual details of this reality, adjust something in the direction you need.

It is useful to look for ritual actions in proverbs and signs. Same in mythology. Do it and post your search results on the forum. Analyze what you find, write your thoughts about what the pieces you found can mean, what goal they can help to achieve on their own and built into the creation of the ritual.

Personal ritual.

A personal ritual is a sequence of actions leading to a programmed result. When building a personal ritual, a goal is chosen, and a certain sequence of actions is composed that allows this goal to be achieved. The sequence of actions is based on intuition.

The choice of time and ingredients of action is made with the help of astrology and numerology. For example, there is a numerological technique - the calculation of the numerical value of a person's name. This number can serve as a starting point for subsequent actions (number of repetitions, stages, steps, etc.).

Through personal rituals, all sorts of little things are corrected. The goal of such rituals is ultimately to obtain some kind of ritual action, in which the necessary intention is written. They can then be used without resorting to cumbersome constructions of the ritual. It is enough to simply perform this action. For example, for many women, make-up is such a personal ritual of setting up for work, business mode. I knew women who couldn’t even clean their apartment properly until they put on eyelashes and powdered their noses. Not made up - so I'm still sleeping. You can charge a mirror during a personal ritual, making it a "talisman of attractiveness", and laying a program on it, that it is enough to look into it, as soon as your appearance in the eyes of others will come into approximate correspondence with the ideal. You can charge some pendant, making it an energy accumulator, then hang it around your neck, and when you are tired and exhausted, you just need to take it out and hold it in your hand to recharge. That is, by creating a certain ritual action in a personal ritual, you save yourself from the need to generate an intention each time, reducing the receipt of the desired result to a simple, often mechanical action.

A personal ritual requires the creation of a magical space in the house, a ritual environment. A magical space is created by various paraphernalia that evokes the necessary mood. This is purely individual. More or less universal here, perhaps, only the altar. Creating and having a home altar in itself sets the right mood, if done right. Although it is correct here - again, follow your intuition.

The main requirement for a personal ritual is that it should be as simple as possible. The principle of creation is the same as the principle of creating a personal oracle.


Now about creating a simple ritual.

First, the ritual is built on paper.

Steps to create a simple ritual:

1. Creating an environment. What's this? Circle? ... where to outline what you say at the same time, what kind of circle (single, triple ...). What is the function of each layer? The circle is protection. It is built in different ways depending on the goals of the ritual. Classic circle - four reference points on the cardinal points. Among the Druids, the circle was often built on 12 reference points. It may be based on a pentagram, a seven-, eight-, nine-pointed star, etc. It can be external and internal or several internal, again depending on the goals of the intended action.

2. The call of forces. It is necessary to calculate, depending on the goals and structure of actions, all the forces that will be needed for this particular ritual. Is it necessary to call the guardians of the cardinal points, archangels, creatures to protect the circle, given the call of the “little things”, the carrion eaters, which will devour the “production waste”. There is no such type of energy in the world that someone would not eat.

3. Create an action. Building up the situation, it is necessary to check the list of called forces. Accordingly, check the correspondence of the called forces to each other, to the intended goals, to their capabilities, to the planned defenses. You should not, for example, build a circle based on elemental forces, calling on the elemental kings of the planet, if you are going to work with the spirits of other worlds in a circle. The elementals of the planet will often not protect you from otherworldly creatures.

4. Creation of a mental model. To create a mental model of the ritual, it is necessary to mentally create a space under the “cap” and scroll through the entire ritual in it in stages. “Cap” is the mental protection of space. It is necessary, because A "raw" ritual can cause trouble even as a mental construct. Then carefully, as in slow motion, you need to view the entire ritual, paying attention to its energy structure. In the latter, it is necessary to look for holes and inconsistencies. After that, on paper, where the ritual is described, make adjustments. It is necessary to look through the ritual (after making the first adjustments) exactly as many times as necessary for the complete absence of holes and flaws.

5. Writing texts for all activities. Texts are written on the stream. Words come by themselves - we look at the mental model and write the text. The structure of the text should be, if not poetic, then, in any case, rhythmic. The text is written for all stages of the ritual. When the text is created, it fits into the mental model. the model is rechecked again as described above (until the structure is perfect - no holes, etc.). When reading texts during the ritual, it is necessary to monitor the voice and intonation - the intonation of what we pronounce is important.


If you are building a personal ritual on the principle of a second-level ritual, i.e., as a simple ceremonial, then you will need:

- tables of God's names in the Hebrew alphabet (these names are aspects of power);

- according to the fairy oracle - Singers of the Spheres (archangels);

- the main keys of power according to Celtic mythology + druidism;

- the main keys of power in Scandinavian mythology;

- keys on four elements;

- the meaning of the basic geometric shapes;

- use of basic magical tools.

Not all, but most of these correspondence tables were made by full-time students and posted on the School's website. Search, look. Perhaps you can supplement the finished tables. Or come up with something of your own (and do it for the School website).


Think about what small problem that occurs frequently, regularly, you can solve by creating some simple magical action. Build a personal ritual "by the rules" to create this action.

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