Tatar accordion for abstract. Summary of a music lesson on the topic “Play, accordion! Presnogorkovskaya secondary school

Aigul Batdalova
Direct educational activities in middle group on the topic "Tatar folk instruments"

Goals: introduce Tatar folk instruments, to form an idea of ​​the structure of musical tools systematize knowledge about geometric shapes ah, continue to exercise in quantitative and ordinal counting.



Expand children's knowledge about Tatar folk instruments kubyz, accordion, mandolin and kurai;

Contribute to the formation of knowledge about the structure of musical tools;

Strengthen the ability to distinguish geometric shapes;

To fix the counting skill within 5; knowledge about the ordinal value of numbers;


Cultivate interest in folk culture;

To promote aesthetic education;

Provide education of perseverance, initiative;


Develop musical ear;

Develop creative imagination- design a silhouette "mandolin" according to the sample;

Develop the ability to compare objects by color, shape and spatial arrangement.

caregiver: Guys, guests came to us to say hello to them.

Children: Hello

caregiver: Guys, what republic do we live in?


caregiver: We were born and live in Tatarstan, so our small motherland is a republic Tatarstan.

Ask us: - where are you from?

We are from the Volga, from Kazan

Volga water gives us water

We grow bread, graze herds

We pump oil, load ships

In free Tatarstan

caregiver: Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes

caregiver:Then I invite you to go on a unique boat trip. What type of transport is a ship?

Children: By water transport.

caregiver: AT Tatarstan has many rivers, name what you know?

Children: River Zay flows into Kama near Almetyevsk. And Kama meets with the Volga.

caregiver: I suggest you make entertaining journey along one of the largest rivers - along the Volga to the cultural center and capital of our republic - to Kazan.

Guys, do we have enough passenger seats on the ship? Count how many seats we have on the left side?

Children: five

caregiver: And on the right?

Children: five

caregiver: So we have 5 passengers on the left and 5 passengers on the right can sit on the ship.

Take your seats in accordance with your tickets - geometric shapes. You need to find the same figure on the ship so that it matches in shape, color, but differs in size.

There is a horn. Noise of the river.

caregiver: Guys, we have an unusual trip. We will get acquainted with the musical tools who likes to play Tatar, Russian, Bashkir peoples. People different nationalities who live in our republic. Stops are also unusual - musical.

First stop "Pinch"

caregiver: Guys, listen to what interesting sound?

(kubyz sounds behind the screen)

Guys what do you think the instrument plays for us?

Children: Kubyz

Coming out from behind the screen of Su Anasa (water). Look what a guest came to us.

Su Anasy: did you recognize me children?

Children: No

Su Anasy: I am Su Anasy from Tatar fairy tale written by G. Tukaem "Su Anasy".(points to blackboard)

S. A.: Guys, you correctly named tool! (showing tool talks about it) Kubyz is one of the oldest musical tools. It is a metal or wooden arc with a tongue in the center. The performer clamps tool lips and holds it with his left hand, bringing it closer to his teeth. The tongue is pinched with a finger right hand and it comes when vibration makes sound. Listen again to how it sounds. Sound instrument is quiet or loud. yes sound instrument quiet.

What geometric figure does kubyz look like?

Children: on a triangle.

caregiver: We really liked your story, the guys and I want to invite you to travel with us.

Su Anasy, how do you manage to be so beautiful and slim and maintain your health, because you live in such dampness?

S. A. I do exercises in the morning, I temper myself.

I suggest you stretch too. Fizminutka to the music.

Second stop "Keyboard" (harmonica sound is heard)

S. A. Guys, what do you think this is instrument sounds?Yes this the instrument is called accordion. The accordion consists of a right and left semi-body, each of them has a keyboard with buttons or keys. And what geometric figure does the accordion look like?

Children: to a rectangle.

You guys are probably tired on the road. Let's play a mobile game "Day Night"

What do you do during the day?

Children: We play games. We do gymnastics. We sing songs, dance, sculpt, design, practice. We go out for a walk.

When I say "Day", you can jump to play and when I say "Night" sit down and close your eyes with your hands. (accompanied by accordion)

caregiver: You guys are probably a little tired on the road.

I suggest you relax. Let's do gymnastics.

friends in our group of girls and boys. (fingers of both hands are rhythmically connected to the castle)

You and I are girlfriends little fingers. (rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands)

One, two, three, four, five (alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger)

One, two, three, four, five. (repeat previous movements)

Third stop "String" (mandolin sounds)

S. A.: Mandolin - plucked musical string small size tool, a kind of lute - a soprano lute, but with a shorter neck and fewer strings. The strings are touched by the player, mainly with a plectrum, as well as with fingers and a bird's feather. The mandolin uses the tremolo technique. Because metal strings mandolins make a short sound, then long notes are achieved by quickly repeating the same sound

(showing Mandolin playing)

The game "Assemble a mandolin from geometric shapes" (circles, rectangles) I suggest that you children assemble a mandolin from the geometric shapes proposed on the table.

fourth stop "Wind"


S. A.: Kurai - Bashkir and Tatar wind instrument It has several varieties that differ in design and material of manufacture. Sound, timbre and dynamic capabilities vary by design. The traditional material for manufacturing was the cut and dried stems of the Ural ribcarp, however, it is now widely used modern materials (sliced ​​veneer, metal). Is solo, ensemble and orchestral tool.

Fifth stop stop "Cultural Center"

SA:Children, look, we are approaching Kazan. Kazan-city Russian Federation, the capital of the Republic Tatarstan, major port on the left bank of the Volga River, One of the largest cultural and sports centers in Russia.

See how many cultural centers: theatre, puppet show, opera, ballet, etc.

Su Anasy: Children, it's time for us to say goodbye. I will give you a gift as a gift Tatar the National dish chak chak.

caregiver: Thanks. Goodbye Su Anasa.

With this our journey came to an end.

What did you like the most about our trip?

Children: very beautiful melodies. Our capital.

caregiver: What is the common name we give to the objects that we met on the journey?

Children: musical tools.

caregiver: With what musical tools we met?

Children: Kubyz, accordion, kurai, mandolin.

caregiver: How many were there?

Children: Four.

Educator. Yes, right. Which is accordion.

Children: Second.

caregiver: What is the number of mandolin?

Children: Third.

caregiver: Well done children! No wonder we made this fascinating journey today. And now we'll go to group and drink tea with chak chak.

Basic information

(accordion) - keyboard-pneumatic with bellows and two push-button keyboards. The left keyboard is designed for accompaniment: pressing one button sounds a bass or a whole chord. A melody is played on the right keyboard.

Origin, history

It is impossible to say for sure exactly where the hand harmonica was first invented. It is widely believed that the accordion was invented in Germany, in early XIX century.

However, there are other data. For example, according to the research of academician Mirek, the first accordion appeared in St. Petersburg in 1783 through the efforts of the Czech master Frantisek Kirsnik (he invented new way extracting sound - using a metal tongue oscillating under the action of a stream of air).

There are other views on this problem.


Russian accordions are divided into two types according to the type of sound extraction: firstly, accordions, in which, when the bellows are stretched and compressed, each button, when pressed, gives a sound of the same pitch, and, secondly, accordions, in which the pitch of the sound changes depending on the direction of movement of the bellows.

  • The first type includes such accordions as "livenka", "Russian wreath", "khromka" (the most common in our time).
  • To the second type - "talyanka", "turtle", "Tula", "Vyatka". It is possible to divide harmonies according to the type of the right keyboard, depending on the number of rows of buttons.

The most common harmonica in our time is a two-row "hromka", but there are also three-row tools and tools with one row of buttons.

  • Single row accordions:“Tula”, “Livenka”, “Vyatka”, “Talyanka” (short for “Italian”, there are 12-15 buttons on the right keyboard, and three on the left).
  • Double row accordion:"Russian wreath" (the first two-row), "Khromka".

Video: Accordion on video + sound

Thanks to these videos, you can get acquainted with the tool, see real game on it, listen to its sound, feel the specifics of the technique.

Open lesson: "Play the accordion"

Lesson topic; Play accordion.

Educational and educational tasks:

Educational: Introduce students to Russian. nar. instrument - accordion.

Learn the song "Accordion - talker" - Z. Root.

Developing: Develop sound - pitch, timbre hearing and musical memory.

Educational: to educate a spiritually and aesthetically developed personality, a steady interest in the subject, respect for Russian musical culture.

Equipment: Music center, synthesizer, flash drive, accordion, accordion, button accordion, magnetic board, task cards, song lyrics. Harmonicas with emoticons.

During the classes.


Students enter the class under Russian. nar. music - in a round dance and stand to their chairs. (00-Early)

Greeting: chant - "Salem - Nellow"


a) What are the groups of instruments that you know?

B) Work on cards. (For each desk.) - group work.

Distribute and show with an arrow which group the instruments belong to.

c) What music was playing when you entered the classroom?

D) What instrument was played by the piece?

Look carefully at the instrument that is on the stage. What instrument do you think we will get acquainted with today?

3) New topic:

That's right, guys, let's read the topic of our lesson together. (open the topic of the lesson on the board)

Play accordion!

Now I will introduce you to this tool.

The harmonica is a wind reed instrument with bellows and two keypads. When was the accordion born? In history, there is evidence from researchers that the accordion first appeared 250 years ago in St. Petersburg in Russia, thanks to the efforts of the organ master Frantishik Kirshnik. He came up with a new way to extract sound using a metal tongue vibrating under the action of an air stream.

In the course of time, the accordion really liked and began to spread among the Russian people. Many varieties of accordion appeared, thanks to craftsmen it changed, rows of buttons were added, on each keyboard, from a small single-row to a large multi-row on each keyboard.

Depending on the area where the accordion was perfected, it was called that. In Tula, the Tula accordion developed, in other areas - Livenka, Vyatskaya, Talyanka, and the most common in our time is an accordion called Khromka.

Tula, Livenka, Vyatskaya - single-row accordions.

Russian wreath, Khromki - two-row.

Now let's see how harmonies look like different districts Russia.

View photo.

But not only among the Russian people, the accordion was common, and among the Kazakh people, musicians participated in aitys, accompanying themselves on the accordion.

How convenient was the accordion? Not heavy, you could take it anywhere, walk along the road and play, and those who walked nearby sang songs, danced, sang ditties, rested after labor day.

And if you watch the TV program “Play the accordion”, you see how the accordion is loved by the people.

She will cry and mourn, at the hour of fun she amuses, and if a balalaika joins her, then there is no end to the fun.

In the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk this year in the ethno-village, museum-reserve, the third regional festival of instrumental folk art"Play the accordion. Ring the dombra."

Let's hear how the accordion sounds:

№01-Levin accordion

No. 2-Saratov accordion.

The development of this instrument did not end with the accordion; later, more advanced ones appeared - the button accordion and the accordion.

The button accordion has more rows on each keyboard, more powerful sound.

It is similar to the left keyboard accordion, and right keyboard accordion exactly like a piano.

Let's listen to the button accordion and accordion.

A) No. 03 - button accordion

B) No.-04 - accordion

Did you like the sound of these instruments?

Primary fastening:

Now guess the riddles.

He sighs and turns around

And along the village along, walk.

And the people will gather in a circle,

Whatever you want, dance and sing!


He looks like a brother of an accordion,

Where there is fun, there it is.

I won't suggest

What is this…..


The box is dancing on its knees,

She sings, she cries loudly.


I'm younger and stronger

My sounds are pouring.

But with an accordion brother,

He came out of the people.

I will disperse any sadness,

It is very important to drink..

Not angry and not rowdy..

I am a funny brother………

And now musical riddle. Listen carefully and say what instrument sounds?

A) No. -05 - accordion

B) No. -06 - button accordion

C) No. -07 - accordion

Well done! I hope you will remember the tools that you met today for a long time.

2 is part of the lesson.

And now we are moving on to the second stage of our lesson - singing.

1) Please sit down correctly. And get ready to sing.

A) “Like grandmother Natasha” - with movement.

C) Rhythmic warm-up.-3 different - rhythms (clapping, repetition)

2) -Learning:

Today I invite you to learn the song "Hormoshechka - talker"

Listen carefully to it, try to remember the melody.

Teacher performance, accordion accompaniment.

Reading text. (teacher)

Chorus reading.

Line-by-line singing, teacher-student.

Couplet performance, work on breathing, sound science, articulation…

Full performance - chorus.

Execution by groups - 1 verse ...

2 verse...

3 verse together.

Primary fastening: Self-execution.

Lesson summary:

What did you learn new in this lesson?

What did you like the most?

And now think about how you worked today in the lesson and what grade you will give yourself.

Stand up those who rated their work at - five.

For four?

Well done, give each other a round of applause.

Put your grades in your diary.

And write down your homework - page - 42 of the textbook - to teach.

Come up with dance moves to the music you hear.

№8, №9, №10.

And now, prepare the gormoshechki that are on your desk.

And turn to our guests. If you liked the lesson, then unfold your gormoshechki. if not, don't expand.

Thanks a lot for your attention. The lesson is over. See you again. Say goodbye to guests.

Music lesson on the topic

"Play, accordion!"

Grade 2

Teacher: Parfenova S.N.

Presnogorkovskaya secondary school

Subject: Play accordion!

Target: show the originality and place of harmony in human life.

Tasks: 1. Create conditions for acquaintance with the Russian folk instrument accordion;

2. develop children's timbre hearing; sense of rhythm; emotional responsiveness to folk music.

3. Generate interest in folk instruments.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

I.Organizing time.


- Violin and drum

But this is our button accordion,

Balalaika and dombra,

And dabyl, and dangyr,

Answer in a moment

Together they are ... (tools).

Goal setting:

a) Guys, can you tell me what the lesson will be about?

B) Let's think together what tasks we will set for ourselves?

Knowledge update:

1. C ancient times to this day they live next to a person musical instruments.

Teacher's word.

Currently, more than 50 types of Kazakh musical instruments are known. Each instrument has its own sound and traditional performance techniques. For the manufacture of musical instruments were used: wood, reeds, reeds, leather, bones, horns, horsehair.

Musical instruments are divided into the following groups:


Dombra is the most widespread instrument among the people, made of solid wood, most often two-stringed. There are two methods of playing the dombra: by hitting the strings with all fingers and plucking the strings;

Harmonic(colloquial - accordion, Greek ἁρμονικός - consonant, slender, harmonious) - reed keyboard-pneumatic musical instrument. Harmonics are all hand harmonicas that are not related to the button accordion and various accordions.

The design of the accordion, like most other types of manual harmonicas, consists of a right and left semi-body, each of them has a keyboard with buttons or keys. The left keyboard is for accompaniment - pressing one button sounds a bass or a whole chord; melody is played on the right.

What musical instruments are we familiar with?

2. Let's warm up and see how you know them?

II. "Find an extra tool" - warm-up

A) dombra, balalaika, trumpet, komuz.

B) tokyldak, dangyr, dabyl, sherter.

C) bugle, kobyz, trumpet, horn.

III. "Accordion-talker" - an introduction to the topic, a conversation.

In the lesson, today we will get acquainted with another musical instrument, which, now we will guess (riddle)

You will take it in your hands

You stretch, then you squeeze.

Voiced. elegant,

Russian, two-row.

Will play, just touch.

What is her name?... (accordion)

(accordion show)

1. What is the name of the accordion in this riddle - what is it? (Russian, sonorous, elegant, two-row).

2. Why is the accordion called double-row? Where are those two rows?

3. And if there were three rows, how could we say about the accordion? ("triple").

4. And if there was one row, how would we say? (Single row).

5. And here's another riddle, what do you think it is?

She has her whole soul wide open

And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,

Not a turkey, but inflates,

And not a bird, but flooded. (Harmonic)

6. The riddle talks about the buttons on the accordion. What kind of buttons does the accordion have?

7. Why do we need these buttons - buttons?

9. Why does this riddle say that the accordion either gets thinner or gets fatter?

10. Depict with your hands how the harmonica is played and how the harmonica stretches - it gets fatter, and how it shrinks - it gets thinner.

Teacher's word.

The harmonica is a very interesting musical instrument. He is not stringed, and not percussion, and not wind. He is a keyboard-pneumatic.

Explain how you understand what a keyboard-pneumatic is?

The harmonica came to Russia from Western Europe in the 19th century. The first master who made the harmonica is usually called Kirill Demianov, a Bulgarian by nationality. It was very simple in its design. And such an instrument appeared in Russia at the famous Nizhny Novgorod fair. In the summer of 1830, artisan Ivan Sizov went to the fair and heard the harmonica there. The instrument was very expensive, but Sizov bought it and brought it home. At home, he first disassembled the instrument and looked at what it consisted of. Making sure that there was nothing complicated, he took and made the same with his own hands. (A poster depicting an accordion). Unfortunately, now the accordion can be heard less and less. But in the hands of a real musician, the accordion sounds amazingly beautiful, unusual. Let's listen and take part in the performance of folk tunes. You will compose rhythmic accompaniment on your musical instruments.

Physical education minute :

There is a forest on the mountain circular motion),

He is not low (squat down), not high (stand on toes),

(imitation of an accordion, a pipe, a drum, an accordion).

Along the path we came to you from school from afar (walking),

We looked to the right, to the left (head turns),

And then we said:

“So many sounds of instruments we have not heard yet” (shoulders up).

Brainstorm Guess the riddle.

Guys! I will give you riddles, and you can guess what musical instruments live here?

Let's try:

1st riddle:

You will take it in your hands

You stretch, then you squeeze.

Voiced, elegant, Russian, two-row! (Answer: Harmonica)


1. Speak the name.

2. Listen to the sound in the recording.

3.Find the tool in the picture.

Similar tasks for each riddle

2 riddle:

What kind of instrument is this?

Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing

Makes everyone happy with the game

And all she needs is three strings for music!

(Answer: Balalaika).


3 riddle:

Well done guys, well done!

And now let's hear another riddle:

What instrument can you sip soup and play music?

(Answer: Spoons)


4 riddle:

folk musical instrument,

Its name has a connection with magpies.

Anyone can own it

Having at least a small vocation!

(Answer: Ratchet)


5 riddle:

Sound kept uneasy

The holes in the sticks are empty.

Who will press the holes

And blow, he will understand.

(Answer: Pipe)

Song warm-up

Teacher. To make the song sound.

Let's choose the soloists first.

Teacher. Guys, let's make paper harmonicas for ourselves now, and then we will compose a song for Antoshka with words: (make paper harmonicas and compose a melody)

V. Improvisation:

"I play the harmonica and walk along the path"

VI. Singing.

For-for-for, for-for-for - a goat is tied here.

Zy-Zy-Zy, Zy-Zy-Zy - a goat has little grass.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu - we untied the goat,

For-for-for, for-for-for - a goat ran into the garden.


If you want to sit and sing

don't sit like a bear

straighten your back,

put your feet on the floor bolder,

once - inhale and sang, the sound flew like a bird,

arms, shoulders - everything is free,

to sing pleasantly and comfortably.

VII. "Winter joys" - performance, work on the nature of the song.

VIII. Reflection.

- What do you remember most from the lesson?

What activity did you enjoy doing the most?

How did you end the lesson? ( children's responses).

In order for you to better remember the musical instruments that you already know, you have the following task:

Beat couplets, what musical instruments are sung about here.

We play in the meadow

The kids are amused:

Ducks - in pipes,

Seagulls - in balalaikas,

Chanterelles - in violins,

Sheep - in drums.

Horses are in harmony

Summing up


IX. Homework: "Picture". Draw your accordion, which you would like to make.

Lesson outline

Subject: Traditions and culture native land

Grade: 6

Topic : Tatar folk musical instruments

Goals :

    To acquaint students with Tatar folk musical instruments, the history of their creation, to show their originality.

    Correction and developmentthinking, attention, memory,auditory and visual perception; enrich students' speech with the use of new words; contribute to the development fine motor skills hands

    To cultivate respect for the culture of the Tatar people and folk musical instruments.

Equipment for the lesson : multimedia equipment with projector,the lesson is accompanied by a presentation made in Power formatpoint,speakers for listening to audio files, handouts,illustrations depicting Tatar musical instruments.

Lesson type : improving knowledge, skills and abilities

Type of lesson : lesson-acquaintance

Methods : visual, comparison, juxtaposition, conversation.

During the classes.

Org. moment . Teacher greeting. (Slide 1)

Accountant : The bell rang

The lesson has begun. Hello.

Learner: (repeat)

Knowledge update .

Accountant : Guys, what country do we live in?

Learner: Tatarstan

Accountant : We were born and live inTatarstan, therefore our small homeland is a republicTatarstan. What can you say about our republic?

Learner: answers.

Ophthalmic training. slide 2)

Accountant : Guys, please look at the screen and tell me what you see? (Musical instruments on the slide) (Slide 3)

Learner: Musical instruments.

vocabulary work: A musical instrument is an object with which various musical sounds. (Slide 4)

Teacher: Why do you think these tools are called − Tatar folk.

Learner: Created them Tatar people.

Teacher: That's right, well done.You may already be familiar with some of the tools.

Accountant : The topic of our lesson is “Tatar folk musical instruments” (Slide 5)

Study of the main material .

Teacher: Now I will give you small cards that we will fill in during our lesson. (Distribution of cards)

Teacher: Guys, listen to that interesting sound?

(sounds kubyz)

Teacher: What do you think aboutthe instrument plays for us? (answers)

Teacher: This is KUBYZ. (Slide 6)

vocabulary work : (Slide 7)

Kubyz (harp) - folk self-sounding reed musical instrument. (showing picture )

Kubyz is one of the oldest musicaltools. tool

Teacher: .

Uch-Xia : The sound is quiet.

Teacher: yes soundinstrument quiet.

Teacher: At you have pictures with different musical instruments on your desks. Find kubyz among them and show me (children show)

Teacher: We listen to the next musical instrument (mondalina sounds)

Teacher: What do you think this one is calledtool? (answers)

Teacher: This is MONDALINA.(Slide 8)

Vocabulary work: (Slide 9)

Mandolin is a small stringed musical instrument.. (showing picture tool on the slide and talk about it )

Mondalinatoolsmallsizes. It has strings on it. To play it, you need to touch the strings with your fingers or a bird's feather.

Teacher: Listen again to how it sounds. Soundinstrument is quiet or loud. (showing Mandolin playing)

Uch-Xia : The sound is not loud.

Teacher: yes soundthe instrument is not loud.

Teacher: You have pictures with different musical instruments on your desks. Find a mondalin among them and show me (children show)

Teacher: And now I propose to take a short pause and spend a physical minute.

PHYSMINUTE. (Slide 10)

Teacher: Thank you, let's continue our work. And so what musical instruments did we meet? (Children's answers).

Teacher: Guys, listen and try to guess what musical instrument this is?

(sounds kuray)

Teacher: This is KURAI. (Slide 11)

Vocabulary work: (Slide 12)

Kurai is a Tatar wind musical instrument. ( showing picture tool on the slide and talk about it )

Teacher: Listen again to how it sounds. Soundtowhich one?

Uch-Xia : The sound is gentle.

Teacher: Yes, soundthe tool is just magical.

Teacher: At you have pictures with different musical instruments on your desks. Find kurai among them and show me (children show)

Teacher: Listen to the next musictool? What is it? (Answers)

Teacher: This is HARMON (according to the Tatar talyan harmun).(Slide 13)

Vocabulary work: (Slide 14)

Harmonica - Tatar keyboard musical instrument.(showing picture tool on the slide and talk about it )

Accordion is a Tatar keyboard musical instrument. Consists of two half-cases - right and left, on which there are keyboards with buttons. Between the half-shells there is a chamber for the possibility of pumping air to the sound bars of the instrument.

Teacher: Listen again to how it sounds. Soundinstrument is quiet or loud. (show playing the harmonica)

Uch-Xia : The sound is loud, cheerful.

Teacher: Yes, soundinstrument is loud, cheerful, sonorous.

Teacher: At you have pictures with different musical instruments on your desks. Find an accordion among them and show me (children show)

Accountant : Here we got acquainted with the main Tatar folk musical instruments. Filled out cards. Who will read? (Student answers) (Slide 15)

Accountant : To consolidate the acquired knowledge, I suggest playing mindfulness games.

Find the missing picture game. (Slide 16)

Game "Find an extra item." (Slide 17)

Accountant : Next game for ingenuity.

The game "Who is faster." (Slide 18)

We collect puzzles, we get an illustration of one musical instrument.

Lesson results.

Accountant : What are the names of the musical instruments that the Tatar people created?

Learner: The musical instruments that the Tatar people created are called « Tatar folk musical instruments.

Accountant : And who will list us the names of these musical instruments?

Learner: Kubyz, kurai, accordion, mondalin.

Accountant : Well done boys.

Accountant : Homework: prepare short message about one Tatar folk musical instrument on cards. Each of you comes to the table and chooses a card with the name and description of a musical instrument.

Accountant : You have emoticons on your desks, at the end of the lesson, choose one and attach it to the board: if you liked the lesson, choose a cheerful emoticon, if not, then sad.

(Students choose a smiley face and attach them to the board using magnets)

Since the lesson is optional, the teacher does not grade student responses.

The lesson has come to an end, thank you all very much.


Harmonic - Tatar keyboard musical instrument. Consists of two half-cases - right and left, on which there are keyboards with buttons. Between the half-shells there is a chamber for the possibility of pumping air to the sound bars of the instrument.

Kubyz (vargan) - folk self-sounding reed musical instrument. Kubyz is one of the oldest musical instruments. It is a metal or wooden arc with a tongue in the center. The performer clampstoollips and holds it with his left hand, bringing it closer to his teeth. The tongue is pinched with the finger of the right hand and it comes into a state of vibration and sound occurs.

Kurai - Tatar wind musical instrument.

Kurai is a tube made of wood or metal.It has several varieties that differ from each other in design and material of manufacture.

Mandolin small stringed musical instrument. Mondalina- string plucked musicalsmall tool. It has strings on it. To play it, you need to touch the strings with your fingers or a bird's feather.Mandolin bodies are oval, semi-oval, flat. The shape of the mandolin body gives a certain timbre.

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Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

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The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...