Therapeutic possibilities of musical art. Music therapy

Music accompanies us throughout his life. It is difficult to find such a person who would not like to listen to it - either classical, or modern, or folk. Many of us love to dance, sing, or even just whistle a tune. But do you know about the benefits of music for the body? Certainly not everyone thought about it.

But the pleasant sounds of melodies are used as a treatment method without drugs. This method is called music therapy, and its use has positive influence on the body, both adults and children.

A bit of history

The fact that music has an effect on the human body was pointed out by the philosophers of the ancient world. Plato, Pythagoras and Aristotle in their writings talked about the healing power that the melody has. They believed that music served to establish harmony and proportional order in the entire universe. It is also able to create the necessary balance in the human body.

Music therapy was also used during the Middle Ages. This method helped in the treatment of diseases that caused epidemics. At that time in Italy, this method was widely used in the treatment of tarantism. It's heavy mental illness, the cause of which was the bite of a tarantula (poisonous spider).

This phenomenon was first attempted to be explained only in the 17th century. And two centuries later, scientists began to conduct extensive studies of this phenomenon. As a result, the fact was established that the twelve sounds included in the octave have a harmonious connection with 12 systems. human body. With the directed influence of music or singing on our body, amazing things happen. Organs are brought into a state advanced level vibrations. A similar process allows you to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and activate recovery processes. As a result, a person gets rid of ailments and recovers.

Thus, music therapy is considered not only the most interesting, but also a very promising direction. It is used in many countries of the world for recreational and medicinal purposes.

Music and children

Babies living in modern world, most spend their time for computer games and on TV screens. Most often, parents do not mind such activities for their child. Indeed, at this time, silence reigns in the house, and adults can safely go about their business. However, moms and dads should remember that frequent communication with a computer and TV can negatively affect their baby. After all, cartoons often radiate outright aggression, and there are a lot of violence and murders in the plots of films. All this negatively affects the fragile psyche of the child. But it happens that even the relationship between parents is not going well. In this case, the baby gets a real psychological trauma. He becomes insecure and withdrawn. Often these children experience feelings of fear and guilt. They are afraid that no one needs them, and no one is able to protect them. In addition, these children develop bad habits.

All this renders Negative influence on relationships between children. But in young age contacts with peers play an extremely important role. It becomes difficult for the child to enter the team because of self-doubt and fear that he will simply not be accepted.

Music therapy for children can help in this case. It is a psychotherapeutic method that allows you to correct emotional states. The use of this therapy leads to the rapid elimination of mental stress.

The great benefit of music therapy for children lies in its ability to eliminate behavioral problems, as well as to survive age-related crises that are associated with the development of the baby.

The harmonizing effect of melodies on mental processes is used in work with preschoolers. In this case, the teacher can use a huge number of methods. Regardless of which one is chosen, music therapy classes for children up to school age pursue only one goal. It consists in the fact that the baby began to realize himself and his existence in the world around him.

The importance of conducting classes

Music therapy for children early age is a special form of work with children. In this case, the teacher uses various melodies, which can be either records on a tape recorder or a game on musical instruments, singing, listening to discs, etc.

Music therapy in kindergarten is a great opportunity to activate the child. Thanks to this, he begins to overcome the unfavorable attitudes in his mind, establishes relationships with people around him, which improves his emotional state. In addition, music therapy for children preschool age It is also necessary for the correction of various emotional deviations, speech and movement disorders. This technique helps to correct deviations in behavior, eliminate communication difficulties, and also cure a variety of psychosomatic and somatic pathologies.

Music therapy also helps in the development of the child. It creates optimal conditions for education in little man taste and aesthetic feelings, helps him discover new abilities.

The use of music therapy for young children contributes to the formation of their norms of behavior and character, and also enriches the inner world of a small person with vivid experiences. At the same time, listening to songs and melodies allows us to solve the problem of forming moral qualities personality, aesthetic attitude of the baby to the world around. At the same time, children develop a love for art.

Music therapy programs

Experts note that the combination of traditional means and teaching methods with listening to melodies and songs can significantly increase the level of development of preschoolers. This has also been proven by research. Music therapy for preschool children can be used not only for psychological and pedagogical correction, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The possibilities of this method are wide enough. At the same time, a specific music therapy program for preschool children can be selected by a specialist from an extensive list that is available today.

K. Schwabe, who is one of the founders of this type of treatment, pointed out that there are three directions in the use of melodic sounds:

  • functional (prophylactic);
  • pedagogical;
  • medical.

Musical influences, which are components of these directions, in turn, are:

  • indirect and non-mediated, based on the scope of application;
  • group and individual, differing in the way of organizing classes;
  • active and supportive, with a different range of action;
  • directive and non-directive, indicating the type of contact between pupils and the teacher;
  • deep and superficial, which characterizes the alleged final contact.

Let's take a closer look at some of these methods.

Individual music therapy

This type of influence can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Distinctively communicative. With this type of impact musical composition the child listens with the teacher. In this case, the melody is able to improve the interaction between the adult and his pupil.
  2. Reactive. Such an effect contributes to purification.
  3. Regulatory. This type of exposure allows you to eliminate neuropsychic stress in a child.

These forms in the music therapy class in kindergarten can be used separately from each other or in combination.

Group audition

This type of music therapy class in kindergarten should be built in such a way that all participants in the process can freely communicate with each other. Only in this case, the classes will become quite dynamic, because within the group relationships of a communicative-emotional nature will certainly arise.

Organization creative activity is one of better ways stress relief. This is especially important for those children who cannot speak out. It is much easier for them to engage in creativity, where their fantasies will find expression. The stories are very difficult for them.

Passive music therapy

This is a receptive form of influence, the difference of which is that the child does not take an active part in the lesson. In this process, he is a mere listener.

During classes using a passive form of music therapy in kindergarten, preschoolers are invited to listen to a variety of compositions or listen to the sounds, selected in accordance with the state of health of the baby and the stage of treatment. Such activities aim to simulate a positive emotional state. All this will allow the child to get out of the traumatic situation through relaxation.

Consider options for conducting passive music therapy classes in work with children.

  1. Music pictures. In such a lesson, the child perceives the melody together with the teacher. In the process of listening, the teacher helps the child to plunge into the world of images proposed by the work. To do this, the child is asked to focus on musical picture. Within 5-10 minutes, the preschooler should be in the world of sounds. Communication with music will have a beneficial effect on the preschooler. To conduct such classes, the teacher must use instrumental classical works or the sounds of the natural world.
  2. Musical modeling. In such classes, teachers are encouraged to use a program that includes fragments of works of various nature. Some of them should correspond to the mental state of the preschooler. The action of the second works neutralizes the influence of the previous fragment. The third type of music is necessary for recovery. At this stage, the teacher should select melodies that have the greatest emotional impact, that is, positive dynamics.
  3. Mini relaxation. Carrying out such music therapy classes in kindergarten helps to activate the muscle tone of the pupils. The child should feel and understand his body well, learning to relax it when tensions arise.

Active music therapy

During classes of this form, the child is offered singing and instrumental playing:

  1. Vocal therapy. Such music therapy classes are held in kindergarten and at home. Vocal therapy allows you to create an optimistic mood in the baby. And for this, he must sing songs that will bring the inner world of the child into a harmonious state. In their texts, the formula "You are good, I am good" must certainly sound. Vocal therapy is especially recommended for egocentric, inhibited and depressed children. This method is also included in the preparation of a music therapy program for school-age children. With group vocal therapy, all the children present at the lesson are involved in the process. But here the specialist needs to take into account the moment of secrecy in the general mass and the anonymity of feelings. Participation in vocal therapy will allow the child to overcome contact disorders, affirming their own feelings for a healthy experience of existing bodily sensations.
  2. instrumental therapy. This view also allows you to create an optimistic mood. At the same time, children are invited to play a musical instrument.
  3. Kinesitherapy. The general reactivity of the organism can be changed under the influence of various means and forms of movement. Such a process will destroy the pathological stereotypes that often occur during the period of the disease. At the same time, new attitudes arise in the mind of the child, which allow him to adapt to the surrounding reality. In such classes, children are taught the technique of expressing their emotions using body movements. This allows them to achieve relaxation. This type of music therapy is used in correctional work with children. Such classes contribute to the normalization of psychological and communicative functions. The method of kinesitherapy includes a plot-game process, rhythmoplasty, corrective rhythmics, as well as psycho-gymnastics.

Integrative Music Therapy

In this technique, in addition to listening to melodies, the teacher also uses other types of art. He invites children to play a game to the music, draw, create a pantomime, compose stories or poems, etc.

Active music playing is important in such classes. It increases the child's self-esteem, which helps to overcome ambivalence in behavior. In order for children to perform simple plays, the teacher can give them the most simple tools, such as a drum, xylophone, or triangle. Such activities, as a rule, do not go beyond the search for simple harmonic, rhythmic and melodic forms, representing a kind of improvised game. Children participating in such a process develop dynamic adaptability and are fully prepared for mutual listening. Due to the fact that similar classes are a form of group music therapy, during which all participants must actively communicate with each other. This will allow the process to be as dynamic as possible, which will lead to the emergence of a communicative-emotional relationship between children. The most important thing in this case is the child's self-expression through playing a musical instrument suggested to him.

Dance Movement Therapy

This form of study serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious world. allows the child to express himself in movements. This will allow him to maintain his own individuality and establish contact with his peers. Such classes are the only type of music therapy that requires significant free space. During the dance, the child's motor behavior expands, which allows him to realize the conflicts of desires and contributes to the experience of negative feelings. Such an impact leads to liberation from the negative.

Especially valuable for the health of the child is the combination of dance with singing or improvisation of movements to the sounds of classical melodies. Oscillatory rhythmic movements that are performed to music that has three measures also have therapeutic value.

Treatment of speech disorders

Musical rhythm helps to eliminate some speech therapy problems. Among them is such a disorder of speech function as stuttering. Music therapy for children with speech disorders is carried out in the form of subgroup sessions. At the same time, the specialist offers his wards rhythmic games, breathing exercises and playing the melody at a slowing down as well as at an accelerating pace.

Use music in the process independent work. At this point, there is no verbal communication. With such music therapy, the exceptions are exercises for children in the form of reading to music. The specialist makes sure that the volume of the sound of the melody is strictly metered. The sounds that children hear should not be too loud, but at the same time too quiet.

Development of correctional programs for music therapy and their further use for the treatment of children with speech defects require joint participation music teachers and psychologists.

It should be noted that the use of this technique to eliminate speech pathologies is considered to be very effective and promising. This became possible due to the strong influence of music, which it has on the emotional state of a person. During such classes, as practice shows, there is a correction and development of perception sensations, which allows stimulating the speech function and normalizing the prosodic side of speech, that is, timbre and rhythm, as well as the expressiveness of intonation.

For children with speech therapy problems, special programs, in which only those works should be used that all little patients will certainly like. It can be musical pieces that are well known to children. The main condition for choosing a work is the factor that it should not distract the child from the main thing, attracting him with its novelty. The duration of listening does not exceed 10 minutes during one lesson.

Autism treatment

The main objective of the music therapy technique for correcting the condition of children with such a mental disorder is to establish auditory-vocal, auditory-motor, and visual-motor coordination, which should subsequently be synthesized in one activity.

The basic principle of conducting classes with children-outs lies in mental ecology. It provides for the presence of soft music at the beginning and at the end of classes. During the period of work, the specialist must carefully monitor changes in the emotional state of each small patient, adjusting the intensity of therapy if necessary. In addition, classes are built on the principle of passing from simple to complex material. Their structure includes:

  1. greeting ritual.
  2. Regulatory exercises that promote the activation of motor, auditory and visual attention.
  3. Correctional and developmental exercises.
  4. Farewell ritual.

Music therapy for children with autism is a highly effective remedy for many problems.

Development of musical and artistic activity of preschoolers by means of music therapy

Of all the art forms, music has the greatest power of influencing a person, directly addressing his soul, the world of his experiences and moods. It is called the language of feelings, a model of human emotions. Musical and artistic activity plays a huge role in the process of educating a child in spirituality, culture, emotional sphere and cognitive processes.
The direct influence of music on the emotional sphere of the child contributes to the emergence of initial response actions, in which one can see the prerequisites for the formation of the main musical ability which are necessary for mastering musical and artistic activity.
Modern researchers have proven that it is necessary to start developing the musical and artistic sphere of a child as early as possible. The earlier children join the world of music, the more musical they subsequently become, and the more joyful and desirable new encounters with music will be for them.
Preschool is a bright and unique page in the life of every person. At this age stage, the main stages of the process of socialization of the child are laid, preschoolers are introduced to culture and universal values, and the foundation of health is laid.
The development of musical abilities is one of the important aspects in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. And this direction DOW has always been given great attention. Music lessons are held regularly in almost every preschool, because through the development of musical abilities, the formation of the cognitive, motor, emotional sphere of the child takes place.
Thus, it can be noted that the art of music is one of those areas that is easy and accessible for the perception of a child from a very early age. There are enough psychological and pedagogical grounds to believe that every child carries the potential for creativity.
At one time B.M. Teplov, and after him, many other scientists defined abilities as such psychological features a person who are related to the success of any activity and which are created in the process of mastering this very activity.
Considering current situation When most of the psychological and pedagogical problems are associated with a violation of the emotional sphere of the child (for example, increased aggressiveness, hyperactivity, etc.), musical art comes to the rescue, which helps the child in a playful, interesting, exciting way to master the basics of spiritual and moral education and develop Creative skills personality.
Music classes in kindergarten are aimed at the following:
becoming musical culture child;
development of musicality;
development of musical abilities ( musical memory, musical perception, imagination, associative thinking); mastering knowledge about music, its intonational and figurative nature, the impact on a person, the relationship with other types of art;
education of an emotional and value attitude to music, the formation of motor skills (development of coordination, etc.);
mastering practical skills in musical and artistic activities (singing songs, musical fairy tales, playing the simplest musical instruments);
process formation active listening and performing culture.
The poverty of musical impressions of childhood, their absence can hardly be made up for later, as an adult. Maybe that's why, many experts argue that preschool age is the most favorable period for the formation and development of musical and artistic activities.
The field of music therapy allows you to include in musical process not only the child, the educator, music director but also a psychologist. In any preschool institution, the syncretic work of specialists in the field of preschool child development is fundamental. Often, integrated classes are organized by a music director, educator, psychologist and speech therapist. Therefore, the wide field of music therapy allows organizing (mainly in a group form) various types of music therapy in a preschool institution: active music therapy, integrative, receptive.
The use of the methodology of music therapy in music classes is a fairly common phenomenon in the methodological tools of music leaders.
However, due to the fact that at preschool age children often need to normalize their psycho-emotional states, in this case, the methods of music therapy in combination with music lessons give a good result and allow not only to correct the emotional state of children, but also to use the methods of music therapy to activate and development of the cognitive sphere.
Along with vocal therapy, you can actively include elements of dance therapy.
The main goal of dance therapy– Achievement of internal and external state of harmony through dance.
Tasks of dance therapy:
stress relief
Ridding the child of fears, fatigue
Help with personal problems (isolation, lack of sociability, problems with emotionally unbalanced children)
Reveal and unleash the creative abilities of the child
Raise self-esteem of the individual.
The main methods of dance therapy include (A. Shkurko):
use of spontaneous unstructured dance;
use of circular group dance– where the circle is a symbol of intra-group unity
purposeful music selection that supports free improvisation
rhythmic group activity, when participants move to a single rhythm
kinesthetic empathy, that is, "mirroring" the movements of a dance partner (the teacher or music director demonstrates the movement, the child repeats)
dance with a purposeful theme or in combination with playful methods.
Music lessons with the use of music therapy tools can be built according to the presented scheme:
1. Musical greeting ( Organizing time to focus the attention of children).
2. A set of motor exercises, specially selected for the formation of a certain emotional state: these can be smooth musical movements, or vice versa, an active set of exercises that is used to warm up and form an active cheerful mood of the child (for example, as part of morning exercises).
3. The main part, which can be listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, etc. - this structural element of the lesson using the methods of music therapy can be determined by certain goals and objectives that are formulated by the music director together with the psychologist and educator of the group.
4. The final component in this musical lesson is relaxation.
To the main tasks musical education and development of children in preschool age Yu.B. Aliyev attributes the development of musical abilities and the improvement of the emotional sphere of the child, which happens in the process of including music therapy in the work of a music director.
When using music therapy in their work on the development of musical and artistic activity and the development of the emotional and cognitive spheres of the child, there is a joint psychological work aimed at correcting children with psychological problems (aggressiveness, increased anxiety etc.).
As the main principle of work, it is necessary to use a personality-oriented approach, in which the specifics of the development of children of a certain age group, focus on the psychophysiological characteristics of each child.
Thus, the methodology of music therapy allows the music director to solve the following tasks: to develop the musical and aesthetic education of preschoolers; provide psychological relief through various kinds musical activity; contribute to the accumulation of emotional experience through the child's communication with music.

1. Gerasimova, E.N. Educational process in a mixed age group kindergarten: essence, specificity, basics of construction. - Yelets, 2001. - 212 p.
2.Gogoberidze. A.G. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children. – M.: Academy, 2005. – 320 p.
3. Zimina, A.N. Fundamentals of musical education and development of children younger age. – M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2000. - 304 p.
4. Petrushin, V.I. Musical psychotherapy. M., 1999. -176 p.
5. Teplov, B.M. Psychology of musical abilities. M., 1947. - 240 p.

Therapeutic possibilities musical art.

The perception of music, its performance are the main forms of not only musical perception, but also musical psychotherapy. History has left many facts testifying to the successful use of the therapeutic possibilities of musical art since ancient times. Humanity learned about the healing properties of music from the Bible.

The first to scientifically explain the healing effect was Pythagoras. In the III century BC. e. in the Parthian kingdom, a musical medical center was created, where, with the help of specially selected melodies, they treated melancholy, nervous disorders, and heart pains.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous psychoneurologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev began to study the influence of music on the human body. The scientist came to the conclusion that music can relieve fatigue and energize a person, positively affect the circulatory and respiratory system. Academician Bekhterev believed that mothers sing to their babies for a reason. “Without a lullaby, the full development of a child is generally impossible,” the scientist wrote.

Spiritual, religious music restores peace of mind gives a feeling of peace. If we compare music with medicines, O religious music is an analgesic in the world of sounds, that is, it relieves pain.

Thanks to scientific research Swedish scientists became known to the whole world that the sounds of the bell, containing resonant ultrasonic radiation, kill typhoid bacilli, causative agents of jaundice and influenza viruses in a matter of seconds. And it is no coincidence that during the period of epidemics, bells rang tirelessly in churches.

Mozart's music has a universal effect - and all experts are unanimous in this. It has a truly magical effect: for colds and headaches, depression and mental stress. Moreover, the effect of the music of the great Austrian extends not only to people, but also to domestic animals and even to inanimate objects. For example, in Europe, they found that cows who regularly listened to Mozart's works gave more milk, and the Japanese believe that Mozart makes bread more fluffy, and sake rice vodka more fragrant.

It has been established that during singing there is a special vibration of the internal organs. On the one hand, it helps diagnosis, on the other hand, it activates the functions of breathing. Singing cheerful songs helps with heart ailments, contributes to longevity.

Feel like better man help not only certain melodies, but also certain instruments. So, it is believed that the harp harmoniously affects the work of the heart. The drum also helps the diseased heart to normalize the rhythm and heals the hematopoietic system. A gentle violin heals the soul and promotes self-knowledge of a person. The noble organ harmonizes the activity of the spine and puts "order in the head." It was not for nothing that works were performed on it mainly in churches and temples, after which people came out with a clearer consciousness and pure thoughts.

The piano normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, and the flute expands and cleanses the lungs.

Music therapy can be effective method treatment of childhood neuroses, which today are increasingly affecting preschoolers. The current preschool educational institutions should by all possible means help the society to solve these problems.

The main focus is on introducing children to the works of high musical art: the works of the "golden fund" of musical culture. The best music for treatment and relaxation is classical.

Relaxing, relaxing music can be listened to both during the day and in the evening, before going to bed, in a comfortable, pleasant environment. At the same time, the room should have a muffled, calm light. Comfortably seated, or lay down the children, remind about correct breathing(As a rule, experts advise not to breathe with the chest, as we are used to, but with the stomach, exhale at the expense of “ten”.) Thanks to such breathing, air enters the cells and helps to relax better.

activating classical music improves brain activity, helps to return the lost and expended energy. Use this music while playing, taking morning routines.

Music therapy has three types: receptive (passive), active, integrative.

Integrative Music Therapy includes two methods:

Musical color therapy- synthesis of music and color (perception of music in combination with color).

Music isotherapyI- based on the synthesis of musical and visual perception. Musical perception in combination with viewing the masterpieces of world painting, it has the strongest psychotherapeutic effect on the child, helps to get out of conflict situations, deepens attention, awakens a feeling of love for oneself, life. Transferred to paper (in drawing) music gives self-confidence.

Receptive Music Therapy used in working with preschoolers with visual impairments, speech disorders, who have emotional and personal problems.

Active music therapy includes vocal therapy which helps the cardiovascular system and folklore therapy, which teaches the harmonization of external and inner peace person.

Kinesitherapy develops as an independent technique and is based on the connection between music and movement, includes: choreography, corrective rhythm,rhythm therapyanddance therapy. It gives a positive effect in children with impaired speech, vision and hearing, musculoskeletal apparatus.

A special place in kinesitherapy is occupied by dance therapy. Mastering the dance, those involved not only learn the movements, but also create artistic image. He. It has a great emotional impact on performers and spectators.

Music therapy is used both in the process of listening to music and in the process of the exercises themselves.

To relieve stress, or vice versa, to activate the emotional sphere of the child's personality, they use music for relaxation, as well as recording the sounds of nature (the noise of the sea, forest, thunderstorms, etc.)

Music therapy exercises.

Exercise "Sound of the sea".

Students listen to the sounds of the sea and then invite them to "breathe" like the sea. Take a quiet, soft breath with your stomach and gently raise your hands up. And then exhale to the sound "sh". Exhale for a long, long time, drawing in the stomach so that all the air comes out. Gently lower your arms and inhale again.

Relaxation exercise "Magic dream"

Calm music sounds with the sounds of nature. The teacher offers to sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. Installation:“You are now in a magical dream. Rest easy with your eyes closed. May everyone have a good good dream.”

Eyelashes fall...

Eyes are closing...

We rest in peace (2 times),

We fall asleep with a magical dream.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply ...

Our hands rest...

Feet rest too...

Rest, fall asleep ... (2 times)

The neck is not tense

And relaxed...

Lips slightly open

Everything is relaxing wonderfully ... (2 times)

The tension has gone...

And the whole body is relaxed (2 times),

Like we're lying on the grass

On the green, soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...

Lips are warm and flaccid

And not at all tired.

We rested calmly

They fell asleep with a magical dream.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Exercises for rhythm therapy.

Exercise "Air Bubbles"

To the sounds of the splashing of the waves, the children walk very quietly, lightly and softly on their toes, dancing to the music. They represent themselves as water bubbles, light and weightless.

Exercise "Heron".

Students sing any sound and stand as long as possible on one leg, spreading their arms to the sides like wings. This exercise trains the sense of balance, develops coordination of movements, forms the correct posture, strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Exercise "Snowdrifts and the sun."

One child is the "sun", all the rest are "snowdrifts". To the sound of a blizzard, children “turn into snowdrifts” and freeze in a certain position. The teacher asks what or who they have become. Then the "sun" with a soft touch helps the "drifts" to melt. After all the snowdrifts have "melted", the students dance to any cheerful music.

Exercises formusic therapy.

Exercise "Carpet-flying".

In this exercise, invite the children to fly on a magic carpet with Ivan Tsarevich. Students examine reproductions of paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on gray wolf and Flying Carpet. To calm music, they close their eyes and imagine themselves as Ivan Tsarevich or Tsarevna, the children “fly” in the air on a magic carpet. The teacher touches them in turn, and they tell what they see below, below them, above, whether they are afraid to fly, whether it is cold or warm, whether it is easy to breathe, they want to fly even higher or go down to the ground.

Exercise "Sleeping Princess".

Students examine a reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "The Sleeping Princess". They are asked to imagine themselves as different fairy tale characters pictures, and freeze in a characteristic pose for this character. Then the teacher touches them in turn and everyone “wakes up” and dances in accordance with the chosen images to the music of P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”.

Vocal therapy.

« Melodization proper names or neutral phrases"- Ask the child to sing his name or any phrase (what he is doing now). Complication. Ask to sing your name or phrase with a certain intonation - anger and determination, sadness and despondency, fun and joy, calmness, etc.

« Melodization calls" - Sing emotionally colored calls with different intonations. (“Forward, friends!”, “Oh, how sad I am ...”, “What luck, what joy ...”, etc.). Children sing on a note and pitch that is comfortable for them.

Exercise byfolklore therapy.

Atexercise "Whowhat does he play?"

Blindfolded children one after another must guess the names of folk musical instruments sounding alternately.

In addition to music therapy, music accompanies children and adults during the day in the group.


« hare».

Children perform movements according to the text.

Here are fluffy bunnies

They sleep peacefully in their beds.

But bunnies stop sleeping

It's time to get up grey.

Pull the right hand

Pull the left hand

We open our eyes

Playing with legs

We press our legs

Straighten the legs

Now let's run faster

Along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side

And we'll be completely awake!

Wake up, eyes!

Wake up, eyes! Are your eyes awake?

Children lie on their backs, lightly stroking their closed eyes.

Wake up ears! Are your ears awake?

Rub your ears with your palms.

Wake up, hands! Are your hands awake?

Rub hands from wrist to shoulder.

Wake up legs! Are your legs awake?

They tap their heels on the bed.

Wake up kids!

We woke up! Stretch, then clap.

« Sip».

Who is already awake?

Who stretched so sweetly?


From toes to toes.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small

We are growing, growing, growing!


Children stretch, pull out alternately right hand, then left, arch the backs.

« kittens».

Little kittens are funny guys:

Then they curl up into a ball, then turn around again.

Children lie on their backs, arms along the body. They bend their knees, legs pull up their chests, clasp their knees with their hands, return to her.

To keep the back flexible

So that the legs are quick,

Do kittens

For back charging.

Children lie on their backs, hands “locked” behind their heads, legs bent at the knees.. Tilt the knees to the left, in and. n., tilt of the knees to the right, in and. P.

The steam locomotive puffed

He took the kittens for a walk.

Children sit, legs together, hands in support behind. Bend the legs at the knees, pull them to the chest with the sound "f-f" on the exhale.

Kittens' afternoon soon?

Their bellies are rumbling.

Children sit in Turkish, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose

drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

Here come the kittens

Got to the sun.

Children stand on the floor, raise their hands up, stretch.


little kids

Little kids are sleeping

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Dream magic all look.

The dream is magical and colorful,

And a little funny.

The mischievous bunny is dreaming,

He hurries to his house.

Dreaming of a pink elephant

He is like a small child

Laughing, playing

But he doesn't fall asleep.

Sleep, little children!

A sparrow sits on a branch.

He chirps and you hear:

Hush, hush, hush, hush...


Lullaby of cubs

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

I sing a song to Sasha

About funny teddy bears

What are they sitting under the tree?

One paw sucking

The other one gnaws at the seeds.

The third sat on a stump,

He sings a song loudly:

"Sasha, sleep, sleep,

Close your eyes…”


(lullaby of the Ural Cossacks)

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

There is a house on the edge.

He is not poor, not rich,

The upper room is full of guys.

The upper room is full of guys

Everyone is sitting on benches

Everyone is sitting on benches

They eat sweet porridge.

butter porridge,

The spoons are painted.

The cat sits next to

He looks at the kids.

You, cat-cat,

You have a gray pubis

white skin,

I will give you a kokurka (butter biscuit).

Come on, kitty

Download kids to me,

To me, kids to swing, lull.

And the night will end...

(Russian folk lullaby)

Bye bye, bye bye

And the night will end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in bed until morning.

The cow sleeps, the bull sleeps,

A beetle sleeps in the garden.

And a kitten next to a cat

He sleeps behind the stove in a basket.

Grass sleeps on the lawn

Leaves are sleeping on the trees

The sedge sleeps by the river,

Essentially, each music director does to some extent music therapy, changing the mood and attitude of their pupils with the help of musical art. It is important that children master certain skills, knowledge and skills in the field of music. But the most valuable thing for a teacher is not so much the level of aesthetic training as the nature of the emotional state of the child.

The main task in music therapy is to teach the child a "musical" vision and perception of the world.

Show the child that each of his experiences, whether it be joy or sadness, can and should be expressed in vocal and dance improvisations, i.e. in creativity.

For example, here are a few creative tasks that can be given to children, encouraging them to vocal (song) self-expression:

  • "Sing what's your name."
  • "Sing to your doll how you love her" (or a lullaby).
  • "Sing, what mood are you in right now?"
  • "Say hello with a song."

You can also invite the child to your question-song to come up with and sing the answer-song. For example:

What do you want, bear?

Honey rug.

What do you want, kitty?

A little milk.

All vocal creative tasks are performed individually. As a result, emotional stiffness and tension are reduced and eliminated.

But dance creativity, moreover, also helps children quickly and easily establish friendly ties with other children, which also gives a certain therapeutic effect.

Here are some more creative activities that encourage children to already dance self-expression:

  • You can invite children to the music to go for a walk in a fairy forest.
  • Offer to march around the square with a festive march.
  • Admire a beautiful flower.
  • Show how it moves

crouching cat,

Butterfly flutters,

The mouse is running

There is a crocodile, etc.

Creative self-expression therapy is one of the most fruitful psychotherapeutic techniques.

Watching each other and adults in the process of creativity, children acquire new movements, which at the same time means acquiring a new degree of inner freedom.

Working with children on the development of musical rhythm, we also contribute to the harmonization of the spiritual life of the child. Even K. Stanislavsky pointed out that each human feeling has its own tempo and rhythm, and offered exercises to reproduce the rhythm. For example, such as:

"Okay". This is a well-known and very popular song-game that develops well not only a sense of rhythm, but also voluntary attention and coordination of movements.

Rhythmization of human movements - a calm step, running, imitation of chopping firewood, hammering a nail into the wall.

Rhythmization of animal movements- tap like a sedate cow walks, like a nimble hare runs, a wild horse gallops, a frog jumps, etc.

After doing rhythmic exercises the palms become warm and the children are ready for contact massage. Massage will be more effective if it is carried out to cheerful music. This will cause a strong surge of energy and enthusiasm in children.

Singing with sound reproduction closed mouth also useful from a medical point of view. Here it is important to feel the waves of vibration in the throat and chest. This exercise relieves muscle clamps at the level of the throat and neck, at the base of which is the “vishuddha chakra”, in the practice of yogis, it is considered responsible for the emotional state of the body.

Now a little about the so-called formulas of musical self-hypnosis. To put it simply, these are songs, the text of which is composed in the form of suggestion.

These formulas are aimed at awakening in a person resilience in case of failures, the ability to enjoy life, and maintain an optimistic mood. If a child has low self-esteem, if he is not confident in himself and is timid, the formula of musical self-hypnosis “I am good, you are good” will help him. But if for some reason a child has a bad mood, then it’s time to learn with him the formula of joy “I’m in good mood or “Oh, how fun I am!”

By the way, lullabies are also formulas of musical self-hypnosis and orient children towards relaxation and calm. Remember the songs that were very popular at the time - “I love you, life” by E. Kolmanovsky, “Let's exclaim, admire each other!” B. Okudzhava, "Holy War" by V. Lebedev-Kumach. They are also formulas for musical self-hypnosis.

All of the above refers to the active version of music therapy, when children actively express themselves in music.

But there is also the simplest, passive form of music therapy, when children are offered only to listen to music. But the kind of music that this moment most suitable for their state of mind, which can switch the child from negative emotions to positive ones. Listening to music discharges accumulated negative emotions.

For example, if a child has a depressed mood, quiet, melodic music is effective. But when excited, melodies with an underlined rhythm have a healing effect on the psyche. In order for the music to have the greatest effect on the child, it must be specially prepared and adjusted for this. This setting is to sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and focus on the sounds of music. Essentially, this kind of listening to music is a form of meditation.

The meaning of musical meditations lies in the combination of sounding music, images, a special suggestion formula.

In the process of musical meditation, repressed feelings are released. Even from the practice of yoga exercises, it was recommended to listen to music in such a way as to perceive it not only with the ears, but also, as it were, “inhale the aroma of sound, feel it in your tongue, feel it with your skin, become sound yourself, so that the music penetrates from the tips of your toes to the roots. hair". Also, to relieve internal tension and calm children, you need to teach them to mentally “fly” to the music.

According to scientists, the ability to "fly" to the music helps the child to completely get rid of allergies. Why? Allergy is hypersensitivity body to allergens. And flying to the music, as it were, pulls a person out of this environment, washes it, clears the airways. Even in medicinal collections for the treatment of allergies, dandelion (“flying flower”) is very effective.

Music will always help to reveal the unlimited powers of a person, you just need to try to hear music always and in everything.

Let it be live music raindrops, the solemn song of the ocean, the quiet rustle of grass, the rumble of mighty pines. And let this music of nature merge with the music created by man.

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