Tarot layout what to do next. What to do when you don't know what to do? Interesting recommendations and effective methods

There was a question with partners about the sale of the business. Big losses. I do not want to sell. business of my soul. But there is no strength to drag. No money. I do not know what to do. She asked what to do in this situation. 1. lovers. 2. 3 denarii. 3. 8 swords. 4. jack of denarii
I would be grateful for your interpretation. Help. Very important for me.

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Hello! I really hope to help! My son is 16, I am raising one (my husband died 7 years ago). The boy is smart, but cruel, a manipulator, torments me, but most of all I'm afraid for his future life, I tried all the methods of influence, at a dead end. Answer: 1 King of swords, 2. King of cups, 3. Four denarii, 4. Empress. Help ra ... tsya! Thanks

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Good evening, dear tarologists! At work, an employee tried to show me signs of attention. I, shall we say, very unkindly dismissed him. In retaliation, he framed me in front of the leadership. I asked the cards what to do in this situation (take offense, take revenge, or just let go of the situation and forget)? Here's what the cards said:
1. Death; 2.World; 3. Emperor; 4. King of denarii.
Forget. Did I understand correctly? Explain, please, in more detail. Never guessed at a man. Can not understand. Thanks in advance.

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Good day, Light!!!
There is absolutely nothing to forget here. I understand that by nature you are a soft person, like the cat Leopold (sorry for such a comparison), and it’s really easier for you to forgive, forget, but this is not the right Option. Try to distance yourself from this person as much as possible. Show your boundaries that you cannot cross. It would not be superfluous to clarify this issue. Well, of course, communication, only on working moments, so that he sees you as a colleague, not a girl.
Wisdom and discretion to you.

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Thank you very much, Elenaki!

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How to get started? -
1. 9 of wands
2. 10 cups
3. 3 of wands
4. Strength

Thank you for your help with decryption!

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As a volunteer, I adopt a dog, she stayed too long. What can I do to make her fit in well?
1 2 wands
2 Wheel of Fortune
3 Chariot
4 7 cups

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Dear tarologists, tell me according to the alignment, I asked the question: "How to encourage a person to closer communication?" Answer: 1. Four of swords, 2. Priest, 3. Moon, 4. Emperor. Thank you!

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Natalie, hello, help me to fight in the scenario. The question of selling a thing, what else do I need to do to buy it, 6 denarius, world, chariot, 9 swords, so it seems to start well and swords ... I don’t understand

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Hello dear tarot readers. A very difficult relationship with my husband. What should I expect? dropped out
1. Jack of Wands
2. King of Wands
3. Nine denarii
4. Ace of swords

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In the institution where I work, everyone is friendly against everyone. After long butts, good, friendly relations were established with my leader. Sometimes we flirt a little, sometimes a little more. But I'm not sure that I'm interested in him. Rather, he treats me as a like-minded person. Or does not allow himself to relax.
How should I deal with him?
Moon - 9 of Wands - King of denarii - Peace

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Leave intrigues, distrust and omissions for everyone else. Consider yourself one of those who work. Invest in your career and work. This is the right way.
Good luck!

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Hello, dear tarologists! I turned to the tarot for advice in this difficult situation, please help with the interpretation.
My son's father once left us for another woman. After the tragic death of his passion, he offered me to "restore the family", I gave him such hope, but doubts gnaw ... There are reasons to think that by choosing life with him I will jeopardize my own future and I will also damage the interests of the child. And those close to me now the people who helped me survive alone with a child will turn their backs on me.
And now you have to choose...
I am between two fires
What is the right thing to do so as not to destroy our life with my son?
1) King of Wands
2) Hermit
3) Eight of Wands
Thank you in advance!

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Hello Natalie! The holding bought the neighbors' land for the construction of a store. The project does not comply with the norms of the law - they plan to build a store at a distance of 1.5 meters from the wall of our house. Plus, build a wall that will block the access of light to the window. Plus noise. Our house will lose value, it will be uncomfortable to live.
Wrote an objection to the administration. But the administration gave them permission. Apparently, they were given a bribe. They offered to buy our land, they do not want to.
We contacted the lawyers, we will sue.
What is the possible outcome?
1. Jester
2. Star
3. 5 swords
4. 9 denarii.
Thank you!

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Hello. Please tell me, I asked the question: what else needs to be done in order to sell an apartment in August? The situation is somehow frozen, and time is running out (Layout: ace of denarii, strength, 8 of wands, empress. Thank you for your help!

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Hello! Help me understand the cards. I live alone in a 3-room apartment, and it is privatized to me, my ex-husband and 2 children. Now everyone wants money and therefore they want to leave me with nothing. I did not expect this from my son, but like this demand their shares. 1. Card-Jester, 2-Star, 3-Three of swords, 4-Queen of swords. Thank you,

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Hello! Is there any hope for happiness in your personal life? Long time no one...
1. 7 cups
2. Lady of denarii
3. King of denarii
4. Empress
Thank you!

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You have too many fantasies about this. You are divorced from reality and wish to achieve material well-being through partnership.
And the cards advise you to focus, firstly, on your career. And secondly - look for a person who is close to you in terms of interests, to whom status and external decorum are important.
Everything will be fine.
Good luck!

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Hello Natalie! Thanks for the answer. Probably fantasies about reuniting with an ex-man, but I get rid of them. I have neither the desire nor the ability to improve my financial situation at the expense of a man, and it contradicts my attitudes. But for a man to match me, yes. But this, in my opinion, is normal. Thanks again

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Good afternoon! I asked the cards how to open a business (what to do to start a business. Help with the interpretation.
1. Ace of swords
2.six of cups
3. Six denarii
4. Abstinence

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It is necessary, without delay, to accept the offered help. Development will go in several directions.

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Hello fellow tarologists! Please help me to correctly interpret the cards and understand the layout.

Question: For a long time alone, met a man, will we be together?

I would be grateful for any help in interpreting.

1. 4 cups
2.4 swords
3.8 cups
4. Jester

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Good evening! I turn to tarot in rare cases when the situation is really important. Now I am going through a difficult period: the man abruptly left me, saying in a message that he decided to return to his ex-wife. For me, this is a shock, since their relationship was over a long time ago, and for six months of our relationship I did not notice anything. Everything happened very abruptly, I can’t forgive him. To clarify for myself at least some truth, I decided to write to his ex-wife. But I don't know if this is the correct solution. The Tarot said the following: 1 - six denarii, 2 - peace, 3 - lovers, 4 - nine denarii. Help me interpret correctly. I will be very grateful

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Never write to your wife! What are you? If a man does not belong to you, then self-esteem - to keep or trample on - depends on you.
In addition, she will not tell you the truth, and a woman without pride and a man is not needed.

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To begin with, a person must put his emotions in order. It is necessary to calm down, let through all the experiences, take a breath. And only when a person feels that his condition has returned to normal, you can proceed to the most important thing - to think.

If he is overwhelmed by the question of what to do when he does not know what to do, then he is in a vicious circle. Man will endlessly torment himself with these words. But the question will never be answered. Although, in fact, it is not.

There is always a way out. And the answers are too. We just think they don't exist. What comes to mind, a person dismisses, because it does not suit him. But you can't give up options. Everything that comes to mind has the right to life. But what if each thought is developed as a possible scenario for the development of an event? Even the most absurd. Since, as it seems, there is no way out, then you can try.

A fresh look

The problem with many people thinking about what to do when they don't know what to do is their standard way of thinking. Suppose a person urgently needs money. It's still a long time before payday. No one to borrow. As a rule, more than a person does not allow any options. Either pay or borrow.

When thinking, you need to go beyond the usual. Even if the thoughts are completely absurd. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that everything happens in our life. And in any case, there is a way out. Usually the subconscious produces an unusual, non-trivial option. Sometimes, an epiphany comes to a person. And the idea, which had not previously arisen as an alternative, turns out to be quite adequate and capable of influencing the situation.

listen to yourself

Often a person who thinks about what to do when you don’t know what to do is hindered by his head. And to be more precise - logic and reason.

Let's say there are two scenarios. For clarity, a fictional example can be given. Suppose a young man was offered a promising permanent job abroad, which he dreamed of all his adult life. But here, in Russia, he has a girlfriend with whom they have been together for several years. And she cannot go with him, as she continues her studies in the magistracy. Or she simply does not want to go to this country, being afraid of a foreign language, environment, mentality, and if only because she does not know what she can do there.

This is about the situation when you don’t know what to do with a person. On the one hand - the improvement of one's own life, prospects and a chance, which, perhaps, will not happen again. But on the other - the second half. Well, if all possible compromises are sorted out, then there is only one thing left - to listen to the inner voice. And be honest with yourself. The heart will tell you what is more important and necessary. And after making a decision, a person himself will feel whether he made a mistake or not. Usually the heart does not deceive.

Of course, the first time after making a decision will not be easy. After all, a person will still have to give up something. Or, at least, make adjustments to the plans. But time will put everything in its place.

Search for information

What to do when you don't know what to do? Of course, look for useful information that can help in other sources. No need to limit yourself to your own thoughts, especially if they do not help. You can turn to a close friend for advice, to various thematic resources. Watch a movie, read a book, listen to music. Sometimes it happens - the ear "clings" to some phrase, and then the person realizes that the right decision lies in its context. In any case, even if you can’t find the answer to the question of what to do when you don’t know what to do, you will definitely be able to get distracted. And then, after a little mental relaxation, you can return to the pressing problem.

Appeal to conscience

The Austrian writer Karl Kraus said: "When you don't know what to do, do the right thing." There is a simple truth in this philosophical phrase. "Right" as conscience tells, so as not to harm anyone. Sometimes it turns out that a person acts stupidly, but correctly. An example is a simple situation. Let's say a person found a wallet. Inside, in addition to a considerable amount of money, was the owner's debit card. He takes, takes the wallet with all the good things attached to it to the bank branch. Employees find the owner's data, call him, describe the situation, and a happy but absent-minded person comes to collect his property, heartily thanking the one who found everything.

Silly act? Surely many will nod in the affirmative. After all, you could have kept the money. Is it correct? Definitely. After all, everyone could be in the place of a person who lost his wallet. Again, everything happens in life.

With God's help

But it happens that all the arguments are useless. And the person really does not know what to do. And believers even seek help from the Almighty. There is even a special prayer. When you do not know what to do, the Orthodox faith will help. There will be a result or not - this is a separate conversation. But it will be easier for a person, at least.

Who to pray to when you don't know what to do? Lord God. The words are something like this: “Lord Almighty, I thank You for allowing me to spiritually see into this situation and mercifully come to terms with it. God, You are all-knowing, guide me to the truth and strengthen me in love. Amen".

Motivation and action

To resolve this or that situation, you need to completely discard fear. Modern people are too much and often afraid. Fear blocks the mind and prevents thinking. And also uncertainty. These are two qualities that make it difficult to make a decision that, it would seem, is already in the palm of your hand. That is why you need to gain confidence. Quotes of great and successful people often help with this. Michael Jackson, for example, said: “If you are not confident in yourself, then nothing good will ever come of it. Why? But because if you don’t believe in yourself, then how can someone believe in you?

In general, motivating quotes often help to make the same decision. They seem to morally push a person to this. And in his subconscious, the thought arises: “This is an authoritative person who has achieved a lot. So this man knew what he was talking about. He can be trusted."

One should remember such a person as Nick Vuychich. This is a modern motivational speaker. Looking at him, everyone understands that there are no hopeless situations. After all, this man has no arms or legs. But he was able to succeed, goes in for sports, got married and always smiles. He also travels to different countries and cities, gives performances and publishes books. That kind of perseverance is impressive. Well, Nick once said, "You can't run when you're in trouble. You have to look for solutions without stopping and believe that everything is for the best. Patience is the key to victory."

radical change

There are thousands of situations in which a person gives up because he does not know what he needs to do. So, it was said above - you should never run away from problems. It is, but if there is definitely no way out, you can try.

For example, at work, a person has a disgusting boss who forces him to do something that is not in his competence. Quitting is not an option, because you can be left without money. Suddenly there will be no other work? In this case, you need to put aside the fear and quit. And then - be, as it will be. Many will confirm that the problem is solved much faster and more efficiently when a person comes face to face with it. In extreme cases, it will be possible to “interrupt” with part-time jobs for some time.

This is just one example. As practice shows, radical changes often become the right decision. After all, they change not only a person’s life, but also his worldview in some way.

When a person cannot decide on his own how best to act, what to do, what to expect from his actions and deeds, he should turn to magic and its many rituals for help. So, the simplest fortune-telling can get rid of uncertainty and uncertainty, suggesting what to do in a particular case.

Do not believe that magic can solve your problem and find an answer to it? Then pick up the cards and start fortune telling, as they will most fully tell you about your past, present and future, as well as about your personal life and work.

Almost all fortune-telling on the situation with the help of a playing deck or Tarot cards are built according to the same principle. The fortuneteller needs to ask a specific question and get an answer to it by reading it in the meaning of the images that have fallen out. Each fortune-telling has its own interpretation, but usually they are similar, for example, a six of any suit is a road, but which one can only be known by suit.

These fortune-telling can be simple, answering questions unambiguously - “yes” or “no”, as well as complex - with difficult layouts that only experienced fortune-tellers can not only interpret, but also lay out.

Fortune telling on the situation (what worries the heart)

This is a common way of divining the current state of affairs in your life. It is based on runes, although above it was about cards. But they are not alone in providing answers. We decided to start with runes, since they do not require complex layouts, specific days of the ritual, time and place.

Before divination, completely relax, abstract from the world around you, focusing on a specific issue or situation.

With the help of one rune, you can get good advice. So, without looking into the bag of stones, take out the first stone that fell into your hands and, without turning it over, put it on the table.

In what position - straight or inverted - the stone will lie is very important. After all, most often the direct position interprets even the runes that are negative in meaning in a light that is more favorable for you and your question, the inverted position is not good, but it is not a sentence either.

If you do not know the interpretation of the runes, you can easily find them on the Internet. The main thing is to carefully study every line and every sentence, penetrating the essence of the council of the dropped rune.

Tarot is an amazing divination tool.

For beginners, we strongly do not recommend guessing on several runes, as you can get confused in the meaning of a large number of runes and not understand the essence of the answer. One rune is one answer - clear and concise, and most importantly - always to the point.

The layout of the "Cross"

This layout is one of the simplest that tarot cards have seen. With its help, you can analyze any life situation and find the answer to your question, ask it clearly enough and the information will flow into your hands. We will tell you how to make a layout, and for general interpretations, look for yourself on the Internet, where they are available in large numbers.

Concentrate, shuffle the deck, mentally asking a question, and put five cards on the table. The first three are placed in one line: 1, 2, 3. The fourth card is placed above the second, and the fifth below the second. So we have a cross.

Moreover, each card has its own meaning: the first one will tell about the past, the second one will tell about the present, the third one will tell about the future, the fourth one will give advice, and the fifth one will warn.

Fortune telling "Arrow of time"

This divination is performed on Tarot cards and helps to study in detail the issue and options for solving it. The Arrow of Time can cover most of the life cycle if it deals with a specific issue. With the help of the alignment, you can learn about the origins of the current situation, important events of the past, and prospects and the near future will also open.

And for all this, only five images are enough, which are laid out in one line and interpreted one by one, as they were laid out. But before that, you need to carefully shuffle the deck, focus on the question and take out five cards one at a time, laying them out on the table in one row.

  • The first card is the cause and origin of the current situation, its beginning.
  • The second is the events of your past that influenced the course of the case.
  • The third one will tell you about what is important in the present, what you need to pay attention to or who to give it to.
  • Fourth, how the situation will develop in the very near future.
  • The fifth is the result and the final result of the situation for which you performed fortune-telling.

Fortune telling online "His plans for a relationship with me" - a free Tarot spread for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what they are for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he makes for you.

By spreading the cards on your loved one, you will also find out how he treats a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, whether you will have a wedding.

Free fortune-telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of the development of relationships, but it is better to turn to this scenario if your union has already developed and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this divination on the plans of a partner.

Tarot cards are ready for online divination "His plans for a relationship with me"

Choose 1st card

Card number 1. What a relationship with you is for a partner.
Card number 2. What your partner wants from a relationship with you.
Card number 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card number 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His willingness to create a family.
Card number 5. What are the partner's fears and hopes regarding marriage with you.
Card number 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card #7. How an existing relationship with a loved one will affect your life.
Card number 8. How the existing relationship will affect the life of your partner.
Card number 9. What will your union come to. How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).
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