Strelnikova breathing exercises complex. Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was a singer and actress who once lost her voice. In addition, she suffered from a choking cough. Her mother helped her to recover, voice teacher Alexander Severov. She picked up a set of breathing exercises for her daughter, which helped to quickly restore the ligaments and voice, and at the same time improve the general condition of the body.

Alexandra Nikolaevna took into account the experience of her mother, supplemented and systematized these exercises. As a vocal teacher, she worked with singers, set their voices, offering to chant and restore the sound of the voice to perform the exercises that once saved her. Gradually, she noticed that proper breathing affects not only the voice and its sound, but also the body as a whole. Especially on the respiratory organs. Alexandra Strelnikova continued her experience on sick people. And what was her surprise when the technique began to help her patients. The fame of the healing properties of breathing exercises soon spread throughout Moscow and throughout the country. In the early seventies of the last century, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received a patent for the breathing exercises she developed and since then began to officially help asthmatics.

The essence of breathing according to the Strelnikova method

The essence of Strelnikova's technique is proper breathing. The author tested all the developed exercises of Strelnikov directly on herself.

The main feature of this breathing gymnastics is a special breathing technique, in which the main attention is paid to the duration of breath holding and exhalation. Inhalation should be energetic, powerful, through the nose, and exhalation should be passive, slow, smooth. All movements are performed at the same pace, but energetically. Breaths of air are performed in multiple series (from 4 to 32 times). After that, a break of 3-5 seconds is taken for a short rest.

During exercise, it is forbidden to hold air when inhaling and exhaling. Properly performed inhalation is carried out simultaneously with the compression of the chest, as a result of which oxygen enters the tissues of the body faster, saturates them with oxygen and improves well-being. All charging movements are performed along with exhalations.

Through a coordinated combination of breathing and movement, the development of the muscles associated with breathing is stimulated. They become stronger and get stronger faster.

It is noteworthy that the technique of Alexandra Strelnikova gives a very fast result. If you perform a set of exercises recommended by the author, the effect can be felt on yourself after 15 minutes.

To understand whether you are doing gymnastics correctly, your condition will help. If breathing has become easier, lightness has appeared in the body, efficiency has increased, mood has improved, there is a surge of strength, you are doing everything right.

It is noteworthy that breathing exercises can be successfully carried out while walking in the fresh air, during rest. It is ideal for both individual and group lessons. It is enough to take a few “correct” breaths at an average pace. For example, eight breaths, a short pause of 3-5 seconds, eight more breaths. In 20-30 minutes of such charging, the body will have enough time to saturate with oxygen.

Who shows Strelnikova's breathing exercises

Properly performed breathing exercises by Alexandra Strelnikova have practically no contraindications. It is ideal for men and women, children, young people, middle-aged people and the elderly.

Breathing exercises can be used as a prophylactic against respiratory diseases in children. She copes well with asthma in children and adults. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews published in print media, on Internet forums, and in social networks.

Indications for breathing exercises are diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • respiratory tract,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • nervous system,
  • urinary system,
  • thyroid gland,
  • digestion,
  • voice device.

Successfully use breathing exercises for:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • allergies,
  • overweight,
  • snoring,
  • viral diseases,
  • anemia,
  • diabetes,
  • stuttering
  • nicotine addiction,
  • deviated nasal septum,
  • stuttering
  • during the normal course of pregnancy.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

Despite the usefulness of breathing exercises, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting training. This is especially necessary in the presence of chronic diseases, so that the doctor correctly determines the degree of load and intensity of exercise.

The first workouts should be done with caution. At this time, you should listen to your body and its reactions to exercise. Start with the minimum load, then - in normal condition - gradually increase it. At the first stages of gymnastics, it can be difficult for the body to adjust to deep breathing, so you need to do it without fanaticism. In this case, the “do no harm” rule should be followed.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated in:

  • fever and high fever
  • severe diseases of organs and body systems,
  • brain injury,
  • concussion,
  • chronic cervical osteochondrosis,
  • spinal injuries,
  • severe myopia and glaucoma,
  • stone disease of the kidneys and gallbladder,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • bleeding
  • high arterial, ocular or intracranial pressure.

Breathing exercises

A complete set of breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen exercises. One basic complex includes 12 exercises. But you don't have to master them all. At first, it is enough to study three or four exercises and regularly perform them, gradually adding new ones to them.

"Fists" or "Palms"

For this exercise, turn your open palms away from you, bend your elbows and raise them vertically, as psychics do. Take noisy, powerful breaths, sharply clenching your palms into fists. Repeat the exercise 4 times, exhaling slowly each time. Then take a short break and repeat the exercise again. The entire series must be completed 24 times.


Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, head up. Clench your hands into fists and place them at waist level. As you inhale, sharply throw your hands down, open your fists and spread your fingers. In this case, the "shoulder straps" - the muscles of the shoulders, forearms and hands should be in tension. One series of exercises consists of eight such breaths with a short pause of 3-5 seconds. In total, you need to complete 12 series of exercises.


Starting position, as in the exercise "Shoulder straps" (legs slightly wider than shoulders). Lower your shoulders, and stretch your arms along the body. Slowly bend down, imagine that you have a pump in your hands, inhale sharply and noisily. Then exhale slowly. The series consists of eight breaths with a short pause. There are 12 episodes in total.

These are the basic exercises. But in the Strelnikova complex there are still no less effective ones. Learn them and put them into practice. But do not forget to listen to your body, pay attention if pain occurs.

It has long been proven that the most complete saturation of the body with oxygen helps to get rid of excess weight, as well as to cope with some diseases. This axiom is successfully used by authors, many of whom came to us from the West (for example, or) or even from the East (). The most famous technique developed in our country has become breathing exercises of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

It was intended to restore singing voices, but was widely used as a means of healing. Strelnikova's gymnastics can be put on a par with other breathing practices for weight loss, but it has certain specifics that we have to get to know.

Principles of Strelnikov's gymnastics

The main difference between Strelnikov's know-how is a special breathing technique: energetic inhalation - passive exhalation. Air is inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, as if sniffing during a coryza, and leaves the lungs through the half-open mouth without expending any effort. Another feature of this technique is that all gymnastics movements are performed synchronously with breaths. This allows the muscles to strengthen much faster.

The whole lesson from start to finish takes place at the same pace and counting. Inhalations-movements are considered approaches (series), and the number of breaths in one series must be a multiple of four (from 4 to 32). A short (3 to 5 seconds) pause is made between series. The norm for the number of breaths-movements in one exercise is the so-called "Strelnikov's hundred" - 96. The way to achieve it depends on the level of training: the higher it is, the more breaths-movements in one approach - and, accordingly, the number of approaches themselves is less.

Gymnastics Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen exercises. The "cornerstone" of the complex are three exercises:

  • "palms";
  • "chauffeurs";
  • "pump".

They are mastered at the first stage of training, and those who do not want to leave the status of beginners can limit themselves to only them - this will be enough for a positive effect. Those who decide to advance above the basic level can gradually master other exercises:

  • "cat";
  • "hug your shoulders";
  • "big pendulum";
  • "small pendulum";
  • "ears";
  • "head turns";
  • "rolls";
  • "Steps".

Having mastered all these exercises, it is best not to break them into parts, but to complete the entire complex in one session. Let's consider each element in detail.

Basic breathing exercises according to Strelnikova in pictures

Warm-up exercise. It is performed while standing, to assume the starting position, you need to bend your elbows, holding your palms in front of you and, as it were, demonstrating them to the audience. The arms should be parallel to the body. When inhaling, the palms are vigorously clenched into fists, while exhaling, they relax freely. Only the fingers work, the hands themselves remain motionless.​

Shoulder straps

In a standing position, it is necessary to press the fists of bent arms to the stomach at the level of the belt. At the moment of inhalation, you need to sharply lower your hands down and spread your fingers. Shoulders should be tense, arms should be extended in a straight line. On exhalation, you should return to the starting position. To perform the exercise, you need to stand up straight, hands freely lowered along the body. Then - bend down to the floor, lowering your head and rounding your back. At the end point of the inclination, an energetic quick breath is taken. On exhalation, the body rises, but it is impossible to straighten up to the end. The angle of the torso should not exceed 90 degrees.​ Performed standing, the distance between the feet should be slightly less than the width of the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the sides, the hands are lowered and are at chest level. On inspiration, you need to sit down slightly and turn the body to the side, at the same time making a grasping movement with your hands. Turns are made alternately to the right and left, and exhalations are carried out involuntarily when returning to the starting position. During squats, the knees should “spring” and the back should remain straight.

Embrace your shoulders

You need to stand up straight and raise your arms bent at the elbows above the chest so that the forearms are parallel to the floor. On inspiration, the right hand should grab the left shoulder (and vice versa), and at the moment of crossing the lines of the hands they will form a triangle. Since the arms must always remain parallel to each other, one of them will be higher than the other. This position cannot be changed. Exhalation will occur when moving back - and you should not completely bring your hands to the starting position, your forearms and shoulders should rather form a square. Anyone who has mastered this exercise well can throw his head back at the moment of inhalation.

big pendulum

It can be called a synthesis of the "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders" exercises. On inhalation, an inclination is made to the floor, on the next inhalation, you need to hug yourself by the shoulders, slightly tilting your head back and bending at the waist. The exhalation "fits" between the main breaths-movements.

head turns

In a standing position, you need to turn your head to the right and left, while making a noisy breath. The air must be exhaled between breaths, without slowing down the pace of movements. The muscles of the neck are relaxed, the shoulders can participate in turns, but the torso must remain motionless.​ Performed standing or sitting. It consists in alternating head tilts to the right and left - as if the ear needs to touch the shoulder. In this case, the movements should not be too abrupt. When tilting, a sharp breath is taken, followed by a free exhalation. The shoulders should not reach for the head, only the muscles of the neck work.

small pendulum

Similar to the previous exercise, but head movements are performed back and forth. On the first breath, the head leans towards the chest, on the second it leans back. Energetic breaths alternate with passive exhalations without stopping. Movements should be fast, but at the same time quite smooth.


Taking the starting position, you need to stand in such a way that the right foot is one step ahead of the left, and the weight of the body is distributed evenly. It is necessary to alternately transfer weight from one leg to another, as if “rolling” it back and forth. With each breath, the supporting leg should squat slightly, and the free leg should rise to the toe. Exhalation will be carried out during the "rolls". The exercise is performed smoothly, on "springy" legs. Hands can be slightly bent and kept at waist level. The second version of the exercise is when the left leg is put forward in the starting position. It is desirable that the complex includes both options.​ This exercise resembles walking in place - both forward and backward. With the “front” step, while inhaling, you need to raise the right leg bent at the knee to the stomach, at the same time squatting a little on the left leg. On exhalation, the legs return to their original position - and, without slowing down, change "roles": now the left one stretches up, and the right one slightly "springs". The arms are relaxed and can imitate walking movements. The back remains straight.

"Back" step it is performed similarly to the “front” one - with the only difference that the active leg is bent at the knee and retracted, that is, the heel, as it were, tends to touch the buttocks. The lesson should work out both "front" and "back" steps.

Methodology and program of classes

Gymnastics according to Strelnikova must be performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, before meals or an hour and a half after it. By the way, you can start eating already 10 minutes after the end of the workout, and if breakfast or dinner was not too plentiful, the waiting time can be reduced to 40 minutes.

The first lesson is devoted to three basic exercises, and then every day a new one is added to them. Thus, the full complex is mastered in a little longer than a week.

Standard lesson Strelnikovskaya gymnastics includes the performance of all 11 exercises in the order in which they were presented. Each exercise is performed once - this means that the number of breaths-movements in it should not exceed 96, "Strelnikov's hundred". The standard scheme for their implementation is 12 repetitions of 8 breaths-movements (“eights”) with short pauses between repetitions. In the future, the scheme may become more complicated and look like this:

Expert comment: This video is very useful, since many adherents of Strelnikov's gymnastics do it on their own and do not have the ability to control their mistakes. Improper exercise, firstly, negatively affects their effectiveness, and secondly, it can simply harm health. For example, when doing the "Big Pendulum", you should not bend too much in the lower back - this may not be very useful for the lumbar spine and exacerbate existing problems.

The video is a six-minute lesson on the Strelnikova complex. During this time, all 11 exercises are performed, however, each of them is worked out according to the “1 series of 32 breaths-movements” scheme. Breaks are taken only between exercises.

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As humanity develops, more and more diseases appear. Pharmaceutical companies are investing millions in the development of a variety of drugs, but ordinary people are increasingly preferring folk and alternative methods of healing the body. Modern medicine has long proven that a complete saturation of the body with oxygen can save a person from excess weight and help to cope with some serious diseases.

Breathing exercises are recognized worldwide as one of the ways to improve human health.

Based on the characteristics of the human body with the help of breathing to fight diseases, various methods of a healthy lifestyle and cure for ailments have been developed. In Western countries, breathing exercises were implemented in the direction of a healthy lifestyle "oxysize" or "bodyflex", and in the East a fashionable movement "qigong" appeared.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, the most popular and effective method of healing, based on breathing exercises, is the gymnastics of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

Initially, A. Strelnikova's breathing exercises were intended to restore her singing voice, and she did an excellent job with this. And later, when people began to notice positive changes in other aspects of health, after carrying out these breathing exercises, Strelnikova's gymnastics began to be used to treat many diseases.

This breathing technique really helped to cure diseases, became an effective means of dealing with many human ailments. Subsequently, it gained wide popularity and was even recognized by the Ministry of Health of the Union, and Strelnikova received a document confirming the copyright for the developed methodology.

Alexandra Nikolaevna began her career as an opera diva in the first half of the last century, and after the 2nd World War she became a well-known vocal teacher in the USSR.

The impetus for the development of unique gymnastics was the loss of voice. The way to restore ligaments with the help of breathing exercises was suggested to the singer by her mother. Gradually, the individual elements of the methodology formed a whole system, which turned out to be unusually effective.

In 1972, Strelnikova officially registered her invention with the All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination, having received a copyright certificate for it.

Currently, the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics, named after its founder, operates in the capital. The application of this technique has been repeatedly tested in medical institutions of various types, and studies each time confirmed its effectiveness.

Is voice loss such a common problem, readers will ask us. Why are these exercises so popular? The thing is that Strelnikova's method has a beneficial effect not only on the state of the ligaments, but also on the blood, muscles, and respiratory organs.

With this method you can:

  1. Raise the general tone.
  2. Cure asthma, logoneurosis, angina pectoris, tuberculosis.
  3. Get rid of bad habits (smoking).
  4. Deal with obesity.

The mechanism of action of the exercises is based on breaths of different frequency and intensity, in which the diaphragm is actively involved. And exhalation, according to Alexandra Nikolaevna, should be carried out spontaneously with the “ejection” of everything unnecessary.

As a preventive measure or for the treatment of diseases, breathing exercises must be done daily for 1 hour. Repeat the exercises both in the morning and in the evening. M.N. Shchetinin (a student of Strelnikova, the creator and leader of the Center mentioned above) recommends 12-15 sessions.

Specific exercises largely depend on the purpose for which they are used. Not having the opportunity to seek help from specialists, they can watch a video of Strelnikova's breathing exercises and master the technique on their own.

The main principles of breathing exercises A. Strelnikova

The main feature of respiratory gymnastics was special breathing technique - energetic inhalation and passive exhalation.
As when sniffing, the air should be inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, and exhaled through the half-open mouth, trying not to strain at all.

An important point of the technique is that all gymnastics movements must be performed along with exhalations. With this strategy, the muscles become more resilient and strengthen faster. Like many other types of gymnastics, all movements are counted at the same pace, calmly, but energetically.

Movements - breaths of air should take place in multiple series (for example, from 4 to 32 times). And between such series of exercises, short pauses are made - from about 3 to 5 seconds, for a short rest. Strelnikova's complete gymnastics complex consists of more than a dozen different exercises, but only a few of them are considered the main ones.

Indications and benefits of breathing exercises

In fact, Strelkova's breathing exercises, if done correctly and in good health, have no contraindications. However, each of us is worried about something, and sometimes we suffer from some kind of ailment. Therefore, this gymnastics, as well as any effect on the body, must be treated with caution. Let's find out what indications and contraindications, benefits and harms Strelnikova's breathing exercises can bring and in what cases this most often happens.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are not prohibited during a normal pregnancy. Most often it is used as a preventive technique for respiratory diseases, especially in children. With the right approach, it can cure asthma in children, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet, in print media and on television. She is the best at dealing with this illness.

Also, according to many active followers of Strelnikova,gymnastics helps with:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • heart and blood vessels;
  • musculoskeletal system and nervous system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • digestion, thyroid gland;
  • allergies; viruses; obesity snoring; curvature of the nasal septum; diabetes mellitus; anemia; nicotine addiction; stuttering.

Breathing gymnastics by A. Strelnikova gained great popularity in the countries of the former USSR

Contraindications and possible harm from breathing exercises

If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should be very careful about breathing exercises. At first, the intensity of classes should be minimal, and later increase.

It is important to smoothly increase the load in order to reach a good pace without harm to health. The main thing to remember is that improperly performed exercises can bring not good, but harm. At the beginning of the lesson, it is worth resting more often in between sets. When the body is not yet accustomed, it is difficult for it to cope with the increased loads and the results of deep active breathing.

Harm from gymnastics can be in the following cases:

- osteochondrosis of the upper spine;
- injuries of the spine and head;
- acute thrombophlebitis;
- internal bleeding;
- high blood pressure (arterial, ocular, intracranial);
- high body temperature.
Also, do not smoke during periods of gymnastics.

Advantages of gymnastics Strelnikova , as an independent method of healing and getting rid of diseases, consists in a general positive effect on the body. The organs of the body are saturated with oxygen much more than in ordinary life, metabolism and blood circulation improve.

Most often, gymnastics normalizes breathing, restores the strength of the vocal cords, calms the nerves, gets rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, develops the lungs and strengthens muscles, lowers blood pressure and relieves pain during various attacks.

Despite the majority of positive reviews from the use of breathing exercises on oneself, there are also negative examples of its use. Harm from gymnastics occurs in people whose body cannot tolerate respiratory stress. or has an individual intolerance to breathing technique.

In some negative cases of its use, people did not familiarize themselves with the contraindications and did some harm to themselves while doing gymnastics.

So that gymnastics does not cause harm, it is best to consult with your doctor before classes. . Only he knows the characteristics of your body and can unequivocally answer whether you should try this method of self-treatment. In any case, Strelnikova's breathing exercises have brought many benefits to different people around the world, so many people use it on themselves and recommend it to others.

Breathing exercises

Video tutorials on how to do Strelnikova's gymnastics

The benefits of breathing exercises for strength of mind and self-confidence

In the modern world, the opportunity to be in silence with your thoughts is quite rare. Regular breathing exercises will help to establish harmony with oneself, put the mind and body in order, improve psycho-emotional and physical health.

The practice of gymnastics has helped many people, the results are fraught with an incomparable feeling of unity with oneself.

According to psychotherapists, by performing breathing exercises, a person gains unity with himself, harmony, comprehends the ability to find a solution to many problems: to find inner peace, weed out and remove anxieties and heavy thoughts.

Perhaps that is why Strelnikova's gymnastics has helped so many people and has been practiced for many years, gaining more and more new fans.

Interesting fact! Scientists have long established that there is a connection between the internal psychological state of a person and his immunity. The ability, with the help of simple breathing exercises, to bring the system of internal organs to work by filling it with oxygen, helps to increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

For whom is breathing exercises especially useful?

Frequent practice of breathing exercises is especially beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people. During this age period, the regenerative abilities of the body decrease, resistance to diseases decreases and immunity decreases.

With the help of breathing practices, you can solve the feeling of inexplicable fear, panic conditions, heart palpitations and sudden attacks of psychosomatic asthma. Just 1 hour of practice will help relieve psycho-emotional stress, gain confidence and breathe deeply.

Popular Action Exercises

Exercise "Fire breath"

This exercise is able to clear the mind and replenish internal energy. It is quite simple to do it.

  1. Straighten your back, close your eyes.
  2. We connect together the index and thumb fingers on each hand so that they are connected in a circle. The other fingers should be stretchable.
  3. We direct the palms up. Hands should be on your knees. The hands rest with the wrists on the knees. You need to breathe through your nose.
  4. We try to keep our attention on direct breathing. After each exhalation, we powerfully compress the abdominal muscles.
  5. We exhale air sharply, only through the nose.
  6. We press the stomach to the spine. Powerful exhalation.
  7. After - a short breath. Only the belly moves. We do not strain the press. The face is relaxed. The chest does not move.
  8. We rest for half a minute.

Repeat this at the end of each set. For the best effect from the practice, perform 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercise "20 breaths"

  1. Take 4 short breaths and then 4 short breaths.
  2. Then a deep breath in and out. We breathe through the nose.
  3. Perform each hike through the nose. Perform each approach 4 times. You should get 20 exhalations and inhalations, without stopping. Everything is done without interruption.
  4. Breathing is whole and coherent. After a while, the in-breaths and out-breaths will become conscious and relaxed and become continuous. Gradually you will reach the pace that suits you best.

With regular performance of this exercise, breathing cycles are normalized and nervous tension is relieved.

Exercise "Tonic and relaxing"

This exercise cleanses the body, improves brain activity and strengthens the nervous system.

  1. We take the lotus position. Head, back, neck on the same line - straight. Shoulders are melted.
  2. We report the breath to the pulse. You need to feel the pulse on your hand and remember its rhythm.
  3. Continue execution to the rhythm of the pulse. In harmony with yourself.
  4. Deep breath, release the lungs. We inhale through the left nostril.
  5. We make a delay, exhale air through the right nostril, inhale with the right.
  6. Exhale with the left. We alternate. It turns out one cycle.

If on the count, then the following proportions should be observed: inhaled, one, pause, four, exhaled, two.

As a result of this exercise comes physical and emotional peace. A balance is achieved between the positive forces in the body. There is a proper redistribution of forces.

Maintaining the necessary state of internal balance with the help of breath holding helps to improve the functioning of the lungs, spleen, stomach, and intestines. Constant adherence to the correct technique of breathing exercises reduces the risk of asthmatic and sclerotic phenomena.

Because breathing is life, and if you breathe properly, you will live long.

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Breathing gymnastics by Strelnikova is a non-drug healing method created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore a singing voice. In 1972, the author of the method, teacher-phoniator Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, received a copyright certificate for her development, which passed the registration procedure by the State Institute of Patent Examination.

Since singing is the most complex function of the respiratory organs, gymnastic exercises that restore even a singing voice, on the way to achieving the goal, restore simpler functions, and first of all, normal breathing. As a result, daily exercises help stop asthma attacks, relieve headaches and heartaches, normalize blood pressure, strengthen immunity, and also increase mental and physical performance.

Indications for the use of exercises are:
- pneumonia and bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- vasomotor rhinitis and sinusitis;
- skin diseases;
- violations of the musculoskeletal system (injuries of the spine, scoliosis, kyphosis);
- disorders and defects of the genitourinary system (enuresis, phimosis, etc.);
- stuttering and diseases of the vocal apparatus;
- Various neuroses.

Exercises (classes for various diseases)

Breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova includes a lot of exercises, but the basic ones are three - “Palms”, “Pogonchiki” and “Pump”. These exercises are present in all specialized complexes aimed at the treatment of certain diseases.

1. Exercise "Palms".

Starting position - standing or sitting straight, arms bent at the elbows, palms directed away from you. Clench your palms into fists while taking sharp and noisy breaths. After completing a series of 8 breaths, take a short break and repeat the exercise (20 series of 8 breaths in total).,

2. Exercise "Carriers".

Starting position - standing or sitting straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, hands at waist level, palms clenched into fists. As you inhale, lower your arms sharply, unclenching your fists and spreading your fingers, and at this moment try to strain your hands and shoulders with maximum force. Do 8 sets of 8 times.

3. Exercise "Pump".

Starting position - standing or sitting straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Inhale loudly and slowly bend over, and then just as slowly return to the starting position, as if you were pumping. Do 8 sets of 8 times.

Gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchitis

With this disease, therapeutic exercises Strelnikova helps to facilitate coughing and stimulates the excretion of sputum. You should do 2 times a day for 30 minutes, performing the following exercises:

1. Exercise "Pump".

2. Exercise "Hug your shoulders."

Starting position - standing or sitting, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level. Inhale sharply and at the same time move your hands towards each other, as if trying to wrap your arms around your shoulders. As you exhale, spread your arms slightly apart. For greater effect, it is recommended to alternate breaths through the nose and breaths through the mouth - both of them should be performed 16 times.

3. Exercise "Eight".

Starting position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, inhale quickly through your nose and hold your breath, and then while holding your breath, count out loud to 8 over and over again, trying to get as many "eights" as possible.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova for weight loss

Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method will also help people suffering from overweight. Along with exercise "Palms", "Leaders" and "Pump" the main complex includes an exercise "Cat":

Starting position - standing straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms lowered along the body, and the body is relaxed. Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down while turning your torso to the left. During the turn, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows, and the palms clenched into fists. After completing the turn, exhale and repeat the exercise with a turn to the right. In total, perform the exercise 12 times for 8 squats.

The complex ends with the exercise "Hug your shoulders".

Gymnastics Strelnikova with asthma

Performing gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method is also indicated for patients with bronchial asthma. With the help of special breathing exercises, you can reduce the dosage of medications and learn how to prevent asthma attacks. Here are just some of the exercises recommended for this disease:

1. Performed in bed, after waking up. Lying on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, while exhaling for a long time through your mouth. Repeat the movement as many times as you can.

2. Put your hands on your waist. While inhaling through your nose, inflate your stomach as much as possible, and then exhale sharply, drawing in your stomach.

3. Breathe alternately through the right and left nostrils. Close the left nostril with your fingers, inhale, then close the right nostril and exhale, then repeat the exercise in reverse order.

4. Sitting, hands on knees. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides, and as you exhale, pull your left knee to your stomach with your hands. Repeat the exercise, this time pulling your right knee up.

5. Sharply, jerkily inhale through the nose at the expense of "one-two-three", then exhale through the teeth, pronouncing the sounds "z", "sh".

6. Exercise "Lumberjack". Starting position: standing, hands clasped in the castle. While inhaling, raise your hands up, and then, as you exhale, sharply lower them down with the sound “uh” or “uh”.

Gymnastics Strelnikova with sinusitis

To get rid of the disease as soon as possible, exercises should be done in 4 sets, making a small 5-second break between them. The most effective for sinusitis are exercises such as “Palms”, “Crosses”, “Pump”, “Cat”, “Hug Your Shoulders” and “Big Pendulum”. The last exercise is a combination of the “Pump” and “Hug Your Shoulders” exercises: from a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, on an inhale, lean forward as if working with a pump, and on the next inhale, straighten up and wrap your arms around your shoulders.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova with stuttering

For the treatment of stuttering, it is necessary, first of all, to perform the exercises "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders", which allow you to improve ventilation of the lungs and develop extremely deep breathing.

As a result of the regular performance of these and other exercises from the Strelnikova gymnastics complex, a person suffering from laryngospasm changes the stereotype of breathing and speech, which helps to get rid of the disease. For best results, gymnastics should be performed daily 2 times a day before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova for children

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova can be performed from 3-4 years old. Such gymnastics allows you to increase immunity, so it is especially recommended for children who often suffer from colds. In addition, exercises contribute to the development of flexibility and plasticity, help eliminate postural disorders and, in general, optimize the work of a growing organism.

Before learning gymnastics according to Strelnikova, teach your child to breathe in the air correctly: the breath must be jerky and short, only with the nose. Together with your baby, smell the flower, inhale the aroma of an apple or freshly cut grass, and only then proceed to mastering the three basic exercises: “Palms”, “Crosses” and “Pump”. Exercises must be done in the rhythm of a drill step (imitating the soldiers on the march, walk 2-3 minutes in place and then you will feel the rhythm).


Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method are contraindicated for very high blood pressure, a heart attack, a high degree of myopia, and glaucoma.

As humanity develops, more and more diseases appear. Pharmaceutical companies are investing millions in the development of a variety of drugs, but ordinary people are increasingly preferring folk and alternative methods of healing the body. Modern medicine has long proven that the full saturation of the body with oxygen can save a person from excess weight and help to cope with some serious diseases.

Breathing exercises are recognized worldwide as one of the ways to improve human health.

Based on the characteristics of the human body with the help of breathing to fight diseases, various methods of a healthy lifestyle and cure for ailments have been developed. In Western countries, breathing exercises were implemented in the direction of a healthy lifestyle "oxysize" or "bodyflex", and in the East a fashionable movement "qigong" appeared.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, the most popular and effective method of healing, based on breathing exercises, is the gymnastics of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

Initially, A. Strelnikova's breathing exercises were intended to restore her singing voice, and she did an excellent job with this. And later, when people began to notice positive changes in other aspects of health, after carrying out these breathing exercises, Strelnikova's gymnastics began to be used to treat many diseases.

This breathing technique really helped to cure diseases, became an effective means of dealing with many human ailments. Subsequently, it gained wide popularity and was even recognized by the Ministry of Health of the Union, and Strelnikova received a document confirming the copyright for the developed methodology.

A little about the author A. Strelnikova and the principles of breathing exercises

Alexandra Nikolaevna began her career as an opera diva in the first half of the last century, and after the 2nd World War she became a well-known vocal teacher in the USSR.

The impetus for the development of unique gymnastics was the loss of voice. The way to restore the ligaments with the help of breathing exercises was suggested to the singer by her mother. Gradually, the individual elements of the methodology formed a whole system, which turned out to be unusually effective.

In 1972, Strelnikova officially registered her invention with the All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination, having received a copyright certificate for it.

Currently, the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics, named after its founder, operates in the capital. The application of this technique has been repeatedly tested in medical institutions of various types, and studies each time confirmed its effectiveness.

Is voice loss such a common problem, readers will ask us. Why are these exercises so popular? The thing is that Strelnikova's method has a beneficial effect not only on the state of the ligaments, but also on the blood, muscles, and respiratory organs.

With this method you can:

  1. Raise the general tone.
  2. Cure asthma, logoneurosis, angina pectoris, tuberculosis.
  3. Get rid of bad habits (smoking).
  4. Deal with obesity.

The mechanism of action of the exercises is based on breaths of different frequency and intensity, in which the diaphragm is actively involved. And exhalation, according to Alexandra Nikolaevna, should be carried out spontaneously with the “ejection” of everything unnecessary.

As a preventive measure or for the treatment of diseases, breathing exercises must be done daily for 1 hour. Repeat the exercises both in the morning and in the evening. M.N. Shchetinin (a student of Strelnikova, the creator and leader of the Center mentioned above) recommends 12-15 sessions.

Specific exercises largely depend on the purpose for which they are used. Not having the opportunity to seek help from specialists, they can watch a video of Strelnikova's breathing exercises and master the technique on their own.

The main principles of breathing exercises A. Strelnikova

The main feature of respiratory gymnastics was a special breathing technique - energetic inhalation and passive exhalation. As when sniffing, the air should be inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, and exhaled through the half-open mouth, trying not to strain at all.

An important point of the technique is that all gymnastics movements must be performed along with exhalations. With this strategy, the muscles become more resilient and strengthen faster. Like many other types of gymnastics, all movements are counted at the same pace, calmly, but energetically.

Movements - breaths of air should take place in multiple series (for example, from 4 to 32 times). And between such series of exercises, short pauses are made - from about 3 to 5 seconds, for a short rest. Strelnikova's complete gymnastics complex consists of more than a dozen different exercises, but only a few of them are considered the main ones.

Indications and benefits of breathing exercises

In fact, Strelkova's breathing exercises, if done correctly and in good health, have no contraindications. However, each of us is worried about something, and sometimes we suffer from some kind of ailment. Therefore, this gymnastics, as well as any effect on the body, must be treated with caution. Let's find out what indications and contraindications, benefits and harms Strelnikova's breathing exercises can bring and in what cases this most often happens.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are not prohibited during a normal pregnancy. Most often it is used as a preventive technique for respiratory diseases, especially in children. With the right approach, it can cure asthma in children, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet, in print media and on television. She is the best at dealing with this illness.

Also, according to many active followers of Strelnikova, gymnastics helps with:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • heart and blood vessels;
  • musculoskeletal system and nervous system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • digestion, thyroid gland;
  • allergies; viruses; obesity snoring; curvature of the nasal septum; diabetes mellitus; anemia; nicotine addiction; stuttering.

Breathing gymnastics by A. Strelnikova gained great popularity in the countries of the former USSR

Contraindications and possible harm from breathing exercises

If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should be very careful about breathing exercises. At first, the intensity of classes should be minimal, and later - increase.

It is important to smoothly increase the load in order to reach a good pace without harm to health. The main thing to remember is that improperly performed exercises can bring not good, but harm. At the beginning of the lesson, it is worth resting more often in between sets. When the body is not yet accustomed, it is difficult for it to cope with the increased loads and the results of deep active breathing.

Harm from gymnastics can be in the following cases:

Osteochondrosis of the upper spine; - injuries of the spine and head; - acute thrombophlebitis; - internal bleeding; - high blood pressure (arterial, ocular, intracranial); - high body temperature.

Also, do not smoke during periods of gymnastics.

The advantages of Strelnikova's gymnastics, as an independent method of healing and getting rid of diseases, consist in a general positive effect on the body. The organs of the body are saturated with oxygen much more than in ordinary life, metabolism and blood circulation improve.

Most often, gymnastics normalizes breathing, restores the strength of the vocal cords, calms the nerves, gets rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, develops the lungs and strengthens muscles, lowers blood pressure and relieves pain during various attacks.

Despite the majority of positive reviews from the use of breathing exercises on oneself, there are also negative examples of its use. Harm from gymnastics occurs in people whose body does not tolerate respiratory stress or has an individual intolerance to breathing techniques.

In some negative cases of its use, people did not familiarize themselves with the contraindications and did some harm to themselves while doing gymnastics.

So that gymnastics does not harm, it is best to consult with your doctor before classes. Only he knows the characteristics of your body and can unequivocally answer whether you should try this method of self-treatment. In any case, Strelnikova's breathing exercises have brought many benefits to different people around the world, so many people use it on themselves and recommend it to others.

Breathing exercises

Video tutorials on how to do Strelnikova's gymnastics

The benefits of breathing exercises for strength of mind and self-confidence

In the modern world, the opportunity to be in silence with your thoughts is quite rare. Regular breathing exercises will help to establish harmony with oneself, put the mind and body in order, improve psycho-emotional and physical health.

The practice of gymnastics has helped many people, the results are fraught with an incomparable feeling of unity with oneself.

According to psychotherapists, by performing breathing exercises, a person gains unity with himself, harmony, comprehends the ability to find a solution to many problems: to find inner peace, weed out and remove anxieties and heavy thoughts.

Perhaps that is why Strelnikova's gymnastics has helped so many people and has been practiced for many years, gaining more and more new fans.

Interesting fact! Scientists have long established that there is a connection between the internal psychological state of a person and his immunity. The ability, with the help of simple breathing exercises, to bring the system of internal organs to work by filling it with oxygen, helps to increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

For whom is breathing exercises especially useful?

Frequent practice of breathing exercises is especially beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people. During this age period, the regenerative abilities of the body decrease, resistance to diseases decreases and immunity decreases.

With the help of breathing practices, you can solve the feeling of inexplicable fear, panic conditions, heart palpitations and sudden attacks of psychosomatic asthma. Just 1 hour of practice will help relieve psycho-emotional stress, gain confidence and breathe deeply.

Popular Action Exercises

Exercise "Fire breath"

This exercise is able to clear the mind and replenish internal energy. Performing it is quite simple.

  1. Straighten your back, close your eyes.
  2. We connect together the index and thumb fingers on each hand so that they are connected in a circle. The other fingers should be stretchable.
  3. We direct the palms up. Hands should be on your knees. The hands rest with the wrists on the knees. You need to breathe through your nose.
  4. We try to keep our attention on direct breathing. After each exhalation, we powerfully compress the abdominal muscles.
  5. We exhale air sharply, only through the nose.
  6. We press the stomach to the spine. Powerful exhalation.
  7. After - a short breath. Only the belly moves. We do not strain the press. The face is relaxed. The chest does not move.
  8. We rest for half a minute.

Repeat this at the end of each set. For the best effect from the practice, perform 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercise "20 breaths"

  1. Take 4 short breaths and then 4 short breaths.
  2. Then a deep breath in and out. We breathe through the nose.
  3. Perform each hike through the nose. Perform each approach 4 times. You should get 20 exhalations and inhalations, without stopping. Everything is done without interruption.
  4. Breathing is whole and coherent. After a while, the in-breaths and out-breaths will become conscious and relaxed and become continuous. Gradually you will reach the pace that suits you best.

With regular performance of this exercise, breathing cycles are normalized and nervous tension is relieved.

Exercise "Tonic and relaxing"

This exercise cleanses the body, improves brain activity and strengthens the nervous system.

  1. We take the lotus position. Head, back, neck on the same line - straight. Shoulders are melted.
  2. We report the breath to the pulse. You need to feel the pulse on your hand and remember its rhythm.
  3. Continue execution to the rhythm of the pulse. In harmony with yourself.
  4. Deep breath, release the lungs. We inhale through the left nostril.
  5. We make a delay, exhale air through the right nostril, inhale with the right.
  6. Exhale with the left. We alternate. It turns out one cycle.

If on the count, then the following proportions should be observed: inhaled, one, pause, four, exhaled, two.

As a result of this exercise comes physical and emotional peace. A balance is achieved between the positive forces in the body. There is a proper redistribution of forces.

Maintaining the necessary state of internal balance with the help of breath holding helps to improve the functioning of the lungs, spleen, stomach, and intestines. Constant adherence to the correct technique of breathing exercises reduces the risk of asthmatic and sclerotic phenomena.

Because breathing is life, and if you breathe properly, you will live long.

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Strelnikova - breathing exercises: benefits and harms, features of application

Scientists have long known that full saturation of tissues with oxygen can cure certain diseases, prevent the development of pathological conditions, and even help a person lose weight. Strelnikova's breathing exercises, which appeared back in the Soviet Union, pursue precisely these goals.

The technique was originally used to restore the voice of singers, but at the same time, it also showed itself from the healing side. Today, more and more people are turning to an unusual and affordable program. Many of them note obvious positive changes in their condition.

Basic information about breathing exercises

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, who is the author of a unique approach, was an opera singer. Engaged in the development of an unusual technique, she was forced by the loss of her voice against the background of heart problems and the appearance of asthma attacks. Basic exercises to restore the ligaments and alleviate the condition were suggested to her by her mother. Over time, the auxiliary complex turned into an extensive independent program. Today, there is a respiratory gymnastics center in which this author's technique is actively used.

If desired, exercises and rules for their implementation can be found on the Internet. They are quite simple, albeit specific. The indisputable advantages of the approach include its accessibility, the absence of side effects if the recommendations are followed correctly, and the obvious positive effect on the body. True, there are several contraindications to the use of the system, so it is better to consult a doctor before starting sessions.

Indications for the use of Strelnikova's technique

Doctors still do not have a clear opinion about the unusual approach. Despite this, they recognize its effectiveness and clear positive changes in the condition of patients and healthy people. First of all, they note the fact that Strelnikova's breathing exercises stimulate the immune system and have a general strengthening effect on the body. Experts believe that the program can be carried out even in the absence of health complaints, but still there are several indications for breathing exercises:

  • Neurotic states and depressions that have passed into a chronic phase.

Tip: Despite the fact that today on the Internet you can find many organizations involved in the treatment of people through Strelnikova's breathing exercises, they are not carriers of the author's approach. In the case of obvious problems, it is better not to take risks and not engage in the program on your own or in such institutions.

To obtain the desired results, you should contact the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics named after A.N. Strelnikova.

  • Pregnancy period (subject to the normal course of the natural process).
  • Bronchial asthma, inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension and vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction.
  • The recovery period after a stroke, epileptic seizures, frequent headaches and migraines.
  • Diseases caused by metabolic disorders. Pathology of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus.
  • Some infectious and viral diseases, dermatitis.
  • Smoking.
  • Problems with potency in men.
  • Overweight and a tendency to gain weight.
  • Studies have shown that correct and regular breathing exercises help to cure anemia, get rid of snoring and stuttering, problems in the urogenital area.

The benefits and harms of the sessions are based on stimulating metabolic processes in the body, improving the blood supply to organs and systems. The approach strengthens blood vessels, restores lost functions, reduces the risk of complications due to various pathologies.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises can be combined with other therapeutic measures, taking medications. In the absence of obvious indications for sessions, they can be carried out for preventive purposes. In any case, positive changes in the state will not keep you waiting.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

According to experts, Strelnikova's breathing exercises, with the right approach, are unable to cause any damage to the human body. But in the presence of acute or chronic conditions, the introduction of the technique into the regimen must be approached with increased caution. First of all, this step should be agreed with the doctor.

Deep and active breathing can be harmful if you practice according to the system against the background of such conditions:

  1. Osteochondrosis, especially in the upper spine.
  2. Acute thrombophlebitis.
  3. Internal bleeding or suspicion of these conditions.
  4. Injuries of the spine or head of any etiology and severity.
  5. Increased arterial, intracranial or ocular pressure.
  6. Fever.
  7. It is also important to remember that during the exercise it is forbidden to smoke.

In order not to risk, you need to start classes with a minimum degree of intensity. Loads must be increased gradually. The process should not cause discomfort or be accompanied by difficulties. Until the body gets used to it, you need to rest often during the session, gradually transferring it to a new rhythm.

The basic principles of breathing exercises Strelnikova

The effectiveness of the exercises is based on taking breaths that are different in depth, intensity and frequency. In the process of their implementation, the diaphragm actively works. Exhalations must be spontaneous. During the period of their commission, the body gets rid of everything unnecessary.

Here are a few rules, the observance of which will help to achieve the maximum effect from the exercises performed:

  • Manipulation should be carried out daily. You need to spend at least an hour on it. Ideally, sessions should be repeated in the morning and evening. The minimum number of procedures is 12-15 in one course.
  • The technique of respiratory movements with this approach is special. The inhalation should be very energetic, and the exhalation should be passive. To make sure that the manipulations are performed correctly, you need to listen to yourself. Air is inhaled quickly and very noisily. Exhalation is carried out through the ajar mouth, while the muscles do not tense up.
  • Strelnikova's breathing exercises involve a combination of inhalations and exhalations with special movements. They should be in harmony with each other, everything is done to the count, very calmly, but energetically. This approach allows you to count on strengthening the muscles and increasing their endurance.
  • Breaths of air should be carried out in series, a multiple of 4 (up to 32 times). Between these series make short pauses for rest, lasting 3-5 seconds.
  • The complex itself has more than 10 different exercises, but some of them require special attention.

In general, initially it is better to contact a breathing gymnastics specialist Strelnikova, who will explain all the nuances of the process. This will allow you to act according to the desired system from the very beginning, which will increase the chances of a speedy recovery or relief of the condition. Incorrect exercise can not only not bring benefits, but also seriously harm.

The benefits of breathing exercises and its results

The long-term use of breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method made it possible to highlight many advantages and strengths of this program. Here are just the most basic ones:

  • The system can be used as an independent health improvement program or be part of a set of specialized activities. It relieves a number of diseases and significantly improves the general condition of the body.
  • Active saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen leads to the fact that their functionality increases. This allows you to increase the endurance and performance of a person several times.
  • Intolerance to breathing exercises is extremely rare, so the technique can be used by almost everyone.
  • The combination of the approach with cyclic sports (swimming, running, walking) allows you to count on more pronounced results.
  • No special conditions are required for the classes. The technique is simple and accessible to everyone.
  • Manipulations can be carried out in childhood, adulthood and old age. The main thing is to do everything right.
  • In the course of work, there is a noticeable increase in lung volume, which allows us to count on a further improvement in the condition of the person who has completed the course.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are being improved today, but her principles remain unchanged. The technology can be used throughout life to maintain health and well-being. This will not only not lead to side effects, but will also affect the state of health in the most positive way.

Breathing exercises according to the method of A. N. Strelnikova

Many people believe that a person initially needs to be taught to speak, think, write, read correctly. It is equally important to be able to breathe properly. The absence of this skill leads to the emergence of a mass of diseases. “If you take care of your breathing, you will live happily ever after,” said an Indian sage. To test this thesis, they often turn to Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

Characteristics of the method of A. N. Strelnikova

Breathing gymnastics was created by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova in 1930–1940. She was a singer, and at some point she lost her voice. A set of exercises was developed by her to restore her singing abilities. Singing is one of the most difficult functions of breathing, therefore, if gymnastics is intended to restore the ability to sing, it can help you breathe properly.

Strelnikova's method is a unique complex in which the emphasis is on a short, sharp breath through the nose. Movements that compress the chest are also used. As a result, there is a sharp response of the body that needs oxygen. Due to the fact that the exercises are performed in this way, the internal tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen. Receptors on the nasal mucosa are also irritated, and this, in turn, allows you to contact almost all organs. Therefore, the proposed method has a wide spectrum of action, positively affects many systems of our body.

Doctors know many cases when, after surgery, a person does not breathe through the nose. This is due to the fact that special conditioned reflex connections have been created. To restore habitual breathing, you need to practice for a long time. In this case, the technique of Alexandra Nikolaevna successfully helps.

Many consider the gymnastics of A. N. Strelnikova paradoxical, because when it is performed, the chest does not expand, but, on the contrary, contracts. Currently, doctors and specialists from various fields have not come to a consensus about the benefits or harms of the method. One part believes that this is a real panacea for a wide variety of diseases, while others do not recognize the benefits.

Benefits and indications for the technique

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are intended both for the treatment of diseases of various kinds, and for prevention. Many scientists and doctors note the undeniable benefits that exercise can bring. In particular, such positive developments as:

  • restoration of organ functions,
  • the inclusion of all the muscles of the body in the work,
  • increase in lung volume
  • respiratory training,
  • overcoming stress,
  • weight loss,
  • prevention of asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

A set of exercises will help with the following problems:

  • stress,
  • overweight,
  • respiratory diseases,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • stuttering.

After the first exercises, the volume of inhalation of patients increases by 15–20%, while with regular exercises it increases several times.

Exercise rules

Before doing the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Think only about the breath. It is not necessary to type as much as possible - this is the main mistake. It is necessary to inhale shortly, noisily and sharply.
  2. Exhalation is not the main thing in exercises. Breathe out through your mouth, not your nose. No extra stress needed. Feel your breath.
  3. Try to keep pace.
  4. Don't force yourself. You don't have to do the exercise just because you have to. If the body is not ready yet, give it time, do not rush.

Complex basic and additional

For effective training, Strelnikova developed a special complex. It consists of a main part and an additional part. The first includes the following tasks:

  • palms,
  • chauffeurs,
  • Pump,
  • head turns,
  • Ears,
  • small pendulum,
  • Cat,
  • Hug your shoulders
  • big pendulum,
  • rolls,
  • Steps.

Additional exercises include:

  • Sit down - get up!
  • Spring.
  • Raising the pelvis.
  • Metronome.
  • wiggle.

When performing exercises, it is important to follow all the rules, clearly follow the instructions. When you exercise constantly, the body will get used to such a volume of oxygen and it will be easier to work. It is more expedient to first learn the first 3 exercises - basic. Then add 1 new per day. The technique for performing all exercises is covered in the video.

Video: instructions for doing breathing exercises

When children perform exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, you can notice improvements:

  • development in children of plasticity, flexibility,
  • posture correction,
  • development of the organism at the necessary pace,
  • treatment of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It is recommended to start classes with children with 3 basic exercises. These are “palms”, “chauffeurs” and “pump”. These movements will be given to the guys as simply as possible and, in addition, will interest them. You can work with children from 3-4 years old. For the starting "lesson" you can limit yourself to 3 tasks. Further, it is advisable to learn 1 new exercise per workout.

It is necessary to explain to the child how to inhale correctly, that while doing this you do not need to raise your shoulders or puff out your cheeks.

Remember: if the child suddenly turns red or turns pale, immediately stop the workout.

It is best to practice 2 times a day: before breakfast and before dinner. If training is carried out after eating, then not earlier than an hour later. Try not to exercise before going to bed, because a set of exercises will give a charge of vivacity, and it will be difficult to put the child to bed.

Like any medicine, any training, this technique has its contraindications. You should not do it if you have:

  • oncological diseases,
  • brain damage,
  • circulatory disorders, bleeding,
  • kidney or liver stones
  • suffered a stroke,
  • thrombosis,
  • very high blood pressure, severe hypertension,
  • severe myopia,
  • glaucoma,
  • chronic osteochondrosis,
  • acute conditions with elevated body temperature.

It is believed that Strelnikova's gymnastics can increase atherosclerotic tissue damage. The fact is that with such breathing, an energy overexcitation of red blood cells occurs. However, there is a way out: to supplement the gymnastics with endogenous breathing according to Frolov. It consists in filling the lungs with oxygen due to prolonged exhalations.

The opinion of doctors and other specialists

In general, the use of this set of exercises shows good results. For those who practice breathing exercises, the volume of the lungs increases significantly, and immunity also increases. Reviews of doctors characterize the technique as a highly effective aid. Clinical studies also confirm the benefits of gymnastics.

Children suffering from asthmatic bronchitis also note a significant improvement in their condition, only two of them have some exacerbation of the disease due to the addition of acute respiratory infections. Thus, therapeutic exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova has a positive effect when used in patients with bronchial asthma. In the treatment of atopic form of bronchial asthma, the greatest effect is noted.

“The use of therapeutic exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova with bronchial asthma in children "V. I. Sedun, N. F. Byzgu, S. S. Nosach, M. S. Myrzak (Materials of the scientific and practical conference in the collection "Actual issues of pediatrics and childhood surgery", Moldova, Chisinau, 1981.

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