Work experience in the specialty. Books that shaped my inner world

« Historical meaning each person is measured by his merits, and human dignity- by the strength of his patriotism"
I. G. Chernyshevsky

About myself

Lukyanova Marina Vasilievna I have the highest qualification category. Experience pedagogical work- 27 years.

I have the appropriate scientific and theoretical training, I know the methodology primary education. The article "Generalization of experience on the topic: "HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES" has been published. Public speaking at the city scientific and methodological conference. INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR ANIMAL WELFARE, IFAW awarded an HONORARY DIRECTORY for huge contribution in environmental and environmental education. The Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region presented a diploma for participation in the regional action "Let's keep the planet clean and green". Thanksgiving letters: WFP "UNITED RUSSIA" for active work and fruitful cooperation with the party.

I pay much attention to developmental education, the development of students' logical thinking (Zankov's program).

I promote development creativity pupils. In 1997, she organized the EcoSpas Public Environmental and Patriotic Association. The formation of students' love for their homeland, the study native land, active participation in the gardening of my city, respect for the older generation, preservation of the traditions of my country, I educate children in patriotism and awareness of their place in society. The following were taken as the basis of the association: local history, ecological and patriotic directions, preservation of the traditions of the Russian people. Under my guidance, children spend joint holidays with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, participate in charity events, performances, competitions, festivals, conduct environmental and patriotic propaganda among schoolchildren. In 2009 – 2010 academic year took patronage over the newly built Church of the Presentation of the Lord, cleared the territory of the Temple of debris, planted flower beds, looked after the animals located on the territory of the temple. Together with the Church of the Nativity of Christ, we hold charity events and other events dedicated to various holidays. We signed an agreement with the library No. 25.30. Garbage is removed on the territory of the library, flower beds are planted, bushes, a dwarf Christmas tree are planted, borders are painted. We spend charity concerts for veterans of the Second World War and Labor: Day of the elderly, Mother's Day, Christmas meetings, Day of military glory - February 2, Victory Day.

I am working on the problem “Development of creative thinking and abilities of students”, actively using innovative forms and methods in classroom and extracurricular work in order to increase the interest of their pupils in learning.

I am working on the formation of universal human qualities: kindness, love, justice, mercy. I constantly improve my professional level: advanced training courses, remote, self-education, participation in school and regional methodical associations.

Books that shaped my inner world

My view of the world

Spiritual and moral development and education: to provide a systematic approach to creating conditions for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.

My achievements

Pupils are winners of district and regional poetry festivals, diploma winners and laureates of Regional festivals of environmental performances. ACTION "EASTER EGG" was held in the Youth Theatre, a mini-performance "EASTER HOLIDAY" was shown. The plot of the performance was shown on the TVC channel. "NEW VERSION", sites: "SARINFORM", "SAROBLNEWS". On January 15, 2010, the Saratov regional branch of the UNITED RUSSIA party held the Days of Mercy as part of the action celebratory event in the Pediatric building of the 3rd Clinical Hospital. S.R. Mirotvortseva SGM. In addition to gifts, carols performed by creative team School No. 77 "EcoSpas". Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and parties" United Russia» held a charity event for young patients of the 7th Children's Hospital New Year. Children from the public children's ecological and patriotic association "EcoSpas" took an active part in the holiday - the leader is Marina Lukyanova. Young artists staged a theatrical performance for patients with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and loved by children fairy tale characters. The action "New Year for you" was carried out jointly with the chairman of the committee on public culture and public relations and information policy, deputy of the regional duma, director of the state television and radio company "Saratov" A.V. Rossoshansky. In the Administration of the Volzhsky District, for children from low-income families, with disabilities, the Frunzensky and Volzhsky Districts showed a fabulous musical performance "Forget about whims, sweets for everyone, surprises for everyone

My portfolio

Environmental problems that have become global affect the interests of each person and humanity as a whole. Their resolution depends primarily on the level of formation of environmental education of the entire population and, in particular, the younger generation. In this regard, one of the leading principles of education is the principle of continuity, indicating the need only for direct communication with nature, it is possible to include a student in real situations, perhaps to instill in them knowledge and skills to solve specific problems in the field of protection. environment. Ecological and patriotic education is one of the most important tasks of my public children's ecological and patriotic association "EcoSpas".

Marina Mikhailovna Lukyanova was born in the city of Kopeyka (Chelyabinsk region) on June 30, 1960. During her school years, little Marina attended a city studio, where she received her initial art education.

Marina Mikhailovna- a strong, energetic person who is drawn to both large-scale projects and famous people. And this is once again proved by her thesis, which the artist performed at the end of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. Herzen.

The diploma work was a sculptural composition on the theme: "Music", in the image of the great Italian violinist and composer Nicolo Paganini, who immediately earned the high praise of the teachers. And today this bust amazes with the power, scope, psychologism of the young artist. Even then, "Paganini" warned - a talent was born.

Immediately after graduation Marina Lukyanova actively began to create. Annually takes place a large number of her personal exhibitions, both in Russia and abroad.

A lot of time Marina Lukyanova gives to pedagogical work. Thanks to her work, she received the title of teacher of the highest qualification.

Marina Mikhailovna Lukyanova organized about a hundred solo exhibitions in such a short period of time: in Staraya Russa, Chudovo, Holm, Novgorod, St. Petersburg.

In addition to the cities of Russia, the works of this artist were also exhibited at the opening day in Finland in 1990 and 1997 in Loimaa. Another solo exhibition Lukyanovo and in Finland took place in 1993. It was held in the exhibition hall of the Alpo Yaakola Sculpture Park.

The artist was not limited only to Finland, at the beginning of the 21st century her personal exhibitions passed in Germany. many paintings Marina Mikhailovna are exhibited in many art museums Russia and abroad, both near and far. Some of her paintings are also in private collections.

In 1997 Marina Mikhailovna became a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Features of the work of Marina Lukyanova.

Anyone who looks at the pictures Marina Mikhailovna Lukyanova, especially on her early works, the question involuntarily arises: where does the artist get such a vision of the world?

The artist's paintings are characterized by lyricism, romanticism, many art critics also talk about the divinity of paintings. Marina Lukyanova. The artist's credo is to reflect the beauty of God's world in her work.

In human images Lukyanova depicts the virtues of his inner world, not the outer. In addition, the artist does not recognize caricature of the human image. Lukyanova does not only represent beautiful people, for her, every person is beautiful - someone externally, and someone internally.

The portrait gallery of the artist has hundreds of paintings, and they are all different. On the most portraits depict children, and all these works are imbued with one common feeling - the Feeling of Love.

Marina Lukyanova endowed with such qualities as a subtle sense of color and an innate vision of the composition. Thanks to these qualities, as well as daily work, she paints pictures quickly enough. It even happens that two or three hours is enough for a large canvas.

It should also be noted that by painting a picture in nature, Marina Lukyanova very rarely finishes it at home. Basically, this refinement consists of a few strokes in the workshop.

Marina Lukyanova paints pictures very easily, and the expression "torments of creativity" is not acceptable for her. The artist enjoys her work no matter what she draws.

To reflect the world in all its diversity, Lukyanova, the artist must be able to do everything: create in any genre, use any means of painting, master any manner of writing.

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2002 - defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Management of the effectiveness of investment projects."

1999 - graduated from the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, Faculty of General Economics, specialization "Finance and Credit", with honors.

Ch. accountant ( retail network), consultant in consulting projects for the food industry (directions - finance, budgeting, organizational structure), a financial analyst for a telecommunications company.

Center distance learning and Master's Degree at the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov,

MIPK REA them. G.V. Plekhanov - Presidential Program for Advanced Training of Managerial Personnel, Accounting and Taxes (at the Department of Professional Assessment and Expertise of Property of MIPC),

Trainings at Sakhalinsk-Energo (accounting and finance),

IEF "Synergy" (for students of the second higher education).

Mail: [email protected]

Other professional activities

Development of development programs municipalities(draft program for the socio-economic development of the urban district in the Penza region),

Strategic development consultant for a telecommunications company,

Reviewer of 4 MGIMO (U) textbooks with a total volume of more than 40 pp.,

Scientific consultant of the section "Management" of the Collection of tasks for universities based on the materials of the newspaper "Vedomosti" and the magazine "Smart money",

Participant of the project "Scenarios for the Development of the Forest Complex of Russia until 2015" under the auspices of Vneshtorgbank,

Project consultant for the development and implementation of a budgeting system in a company Food Industry trainings on Accounting(for Sakhalin Energy),

Electronic developer study guide"International Financial Reporting Standards",

Telecom Financial Analyst (1999-2001),

Chief Accountant of ZAO Komilfo (1997 - 2003).

Teaching activity:

Reading courses:

Anti-corruption policy

Strategic public administration

State programs

Control Systems Research (MIS)

State and municipal administration

Organization theory

Publications and patents:

- Problems strategic management municipalities(monograph).– Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "PREU" G.V. Plekhanov", 2013. - 252 p.

- Lukiyanova M.N.The Organizational Design of the Urban Management System: Russian Phenomenon-World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (12): 1816-1820, 2014.

Scenario planning in state and municipal management. − Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov", 2012. - 76 p.

Small and medium business in Russia: state, modernization, innovative breakthrough. Part 2 / under the total. ed. A. V. Orlova - M. : "Rialtex", 2011. - 128 p. - auth. section 4.2. - With. 89-101.

Application comprehensive plan in city development: US experience// Innovations and investments. - 2012 - No. 2 - S. 12-18. (included in the list of VAK)

Practice of municipal government: city Pflugerville, Texas, USA − II International scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students, undergraduates and young scientists "Economics and management in the pre-crisis period". - M .: Publishing house "Sputnik +", 2011. - 376 p. - auth. - p. 39-42.

Certificate of registration of electronic resource No. 18408 Electronic educational and methodological complex "Scenario methodology in the practice of state and municipal government"

Teaching activity

16 years old

General work experience

​19 years old

Work experience in the specialty

16 years old

Advanced training / professional retraining

Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation "Local self-government: a strategy for long-term development" 2015-2017 (grant acc. 15-02-00025/15 from 14.05.2015)

Scientific research

RGNF grant

Research topic " Local self-government: a strategy for long-term development»

RGNF grant No. 15-02-00025а,

supervisor doctoral student, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Lukyanova Marina Nikolaevna

"Strategic management of municipalities" - a doctoral dissertation is being written

Additional Information

VKontakte group

scientific problem, which the project is aimed at, consists in the absence of models and mechanisms that ensure the financial independence of municipalities, as well as strategies for long-term development local government in Russia.

Scientific novelty The research involves the creation of a methodology for designing a new model of a municipality aimed at its budgetary self-sufficiency, and strategies for its long-term development. At the same time, the proposed model should take into account the specifics of municipalities, their economic, historical and national characteristics.

Scientific results expected at the end of the first year of the project

Analysis of existing theoretical positions about municipal management and designing strategies and their applicability in the practice of local self-government in Russia.

The concept and model of research based on a system of hypotheses.

Ranking the reasons for the high subsidization of municipalities, taking into account regional specifics.

Analysis of the practice of functioning of local self-government in financially independent municipalities (MO).

Proof of the hypothesis about the need for a state strategy for the long-term development of the MO.

The mechanism for the implementation of regional strategies for the long-term development of MO, based on the clustering of regions.

Conducting surveys and brainstorming.

History of the project, its participants and experts

The information is reflected in the file [ Presentation_RGNF_about_LSU]

Main performers

Lukyanova M.N. Abramov R.A. Kovaltsev G.I. Akindeev Yu.A. Uzlovsky D.A.

support staff

laboratory assistant Gorodnicheva O.V., graduate student Abramova O. G.


V. Orlov R.T. Mukhaev L.A. Zhigun

Project activities

  • Brainstorm - April 2015
  • Expert assessments - May 2015
  • Articles
    • First episode - June 2015
    • Second series - August-December 2015
  • Report writing

Research results (examples of publications)

The results of brainstorming and questioning, as well as the ranking of factors are given in the articles [ Lukyanova_Uzlovsky #025_Practice_financial_self] [Lukyanova_Mn_zhnl_#025_p_3_7_Ranking of the reasons for the subsidization of the Moscow Region]


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