Computer games on a biblical theme. Collection of bible games

I propose the second version of the game "All Scripture" - it has a more complex description of books. This is for those who find it too easy. I hope you enjoyed remembering in this playful way. different facts about bible books.

The game cards are also useful for remembering the order of the written books of the Bible. My older children had such a period when they already read and knew the books of the Bible, but they could not quickly find them at the meeting - such cards helped us a lot. In the form of a game, everything is remembered faster.

The game consists of 66 cards. Each card is double sided. First side contains: title, drawing and indications of who, where and when wrote this book. Second side - description of the content and features of the book. Both sides are playable, you can perform with them different types tasks, which are written in the rules of the game.

Rules of the game:

Arrange shuffled cards side with description up. The participants of the game take turns taking one card at a time, read aloud and guess the name of the book.

If the player finds it difficult to answer, then the next clockwise the player has the right to give mine Possible answer. The card is turned over and as a victory point goes to the player who gives right answer. Regardless of the correct answer, the player can only take one card.

When all cards are guessed and turned over title of books , then all together should decompose them into groups:

  1. Books of Moses(6)
  2. Israelites entering the Promised Land (3)
  3. Times of Israelite kings (6)
  4. Return of Jews from captivity(3)
  5. Poetry books and collections of wise sayings(4)
  6. Prophets(16)
  7. A Narrative of the Life and Ministry of Christ (4)
  8. The Formation and Growth of the Christian Congregation (1)
  9. Letters of the Apostle Paul (14)
  10. Books of other apostles and disciples of Christ(7)

How to make:

Must be printed to colored printer:

1) PDF cards

a) name and picture

b) description

2) Game rules and box in PDF format

Print. On the cards with the description on the side of the hint field - they will need to be removed after they are glued. Otherwise, even before the start of the game, you will look for which book which description fits. Trim the white margins around the cards and glue. It is better to cut with a clerical knife along the ruler. Dry under pressure (in the pages of a thick large book) and then cut into cards.

The rules of the game and stickers on the box are easy to print. Scheme and manufacturing process boxes written . Stick labels on the top and sides of the box so that you can easily find it later.


10 games that will help teachers educate a child spiritually - moral personality. They can be safely used on holidays and at any time. free time both indoors and fresh air. Especially children love to play these games at the holiday, when parents take part.

1. "Pick a color"

Tasks: create conditions for self-affirmation of the child in a group of children and adults; expand the vocabulary of antonyms and learn to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher reads to the children a poem by V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad." Then he gives the children cards of 2 colors: white and black and offers to choose the color of the card for the word “good” ( White color) and for the word "bad" (black color).

The teacher calls the words, and the children pick up and show desired color for antonyms.

Good evil

sorrow - joy

good bad

industriousness - laziness

greed - generosity

cowardice - bravery

love is hate

rudeness - politeness

peace is war

darkness - light

friendship - enmity

dirt - cleanliness, etc.

2. balloon with wishes

Tasks: expand vocabulary words and teach children to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher reminds the children that every person is pleased to hear good wishes.

In a simple free environment, you can play a game - a wish.

Inflate a small balloon and invite everyone present to toss it from one person to another so that the balloon does not fall on the floor and on other objects. In this case, the host must turn on the tape recorder or play any musical instrument.

After a short time, the host stops the music. The person who last touched the ball before the music stops must tell everyone present or any one person a wish out loud.

3. Five nuts.

Tasks: create conditions for self-affirmation of the child in a group of children and adults; expand your vocabulary and learn how to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that each person has good qualities.

Invite the children to name the good qualities of a person. 2-3 children are called, who take turns calling words. For each correctly spoken word, a nut is given. The one who collects 5 nuts wins. Qualities: good, kind, caring, hardworking, gentle, loyal, affectionate, loving, honest, hard-working, smart, generous, courageous, purposeful, assiduous, cheerful, benevolent, sympathetic, modest, sociable, clean, etc.

4. “Help grandpa and grandma.

Tasks: educate children industriousness, desire to help, mercy, compassion.

Preliminary work. The teacher reminds the children that in the family, children should take care of their grandparents, who at one time took care and take care of their grandchildren. Then after many years you will get the relationship you were striving for. Your grandchildren will become interested in your health, mood, and will take care of you.

The game. Newspapers and books are piled up on the table in disarray, glasses “fell” on the floor. Nearby, near the chair, there is a basket. Balls of wool are scattered around her, near the chair lies a “fallen” grandmother's scarf.

Two children are called. Who can help faster? One child helps clean up the table for grandfather. She stacks books in a stack, separates newspapers in a stack, picks up her glasses from the floor. And the other, collects balls in a basket, picks up and hangs a grandmother's scarf on a chair.

5. Easter cake

Tasks: encourage children to want to know what products are used to make Easter cake, Easter.

preliminary work

On the flannelgraph, there are pictures of products in disorder: flour, sugar, herbs, eggs, sausage, cucumbers, milk, tomatoes, yeast, potatoes, butter, carrots, salt.

Exercise: leave only those products from which you can cook Easter cake. The rest of the drawings must be removed.

6. "Treasured Letters"

Tasks: to teach children among several letters to choose the right ones.

preliminary work: Talk about celebrating Easter.

On the magnetic board is a drawing with an image of an Easter egg. Nearby are letters from the magnetic alphabet. Children are invited to place on the Easter egg those two letters that are always written on Easter eggs and Easter cakes.

7. "Pink Glasses"

Tasks: create conditions for self-affirmation of the child in a group of children and adults; expand your vocabulary and learn how to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that everyone is good. And you need to see only the good in it.

The teacher explains to the children what the expression "look through rose-colored glasses" means. Then he reads the poem.

You sigh sadly

Seeing in a dachshund - a crocodile,

In an orange - peel,

In the summer - a terrible heat,

Dust in the closet, spots in the sun ...

It's a matter of sight, probably.

So take the advice

little oldies,



Those glasses will fit you...

You will see - and soon

In a dachshund - the best girlfriend,

In an orange - a mug of juice,

In summer - a river and sand,

And in the closet - some outfits ...

I know you will be happy!

And then he offers to try on “rose-colored glasses” for the children themselves, and they, having chosen any child, say only good things about him.

8. "Magic Chair"

Tasks: create conditions for self-affirmation of the child in a group of children and adults; expand the stock of polite words and learn how to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that each person is good in his own way: one sings beautifully; the other is friendly, kind to people, always ready to help; the third is reliable in business, etc. He proposes to organize the Magic Chair game. Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people. One of them sits down on the "magic" chair. Children only talk about his good deeds.

Children sit on the “magic” chair at will, as if passing the baton to each other.

First stage- The game is played in small groups.

Second phase- The game is played with the participation of all the children of the group.

9. Candle

Tasks: expand the vocabulary of words, teach children to build sentences correctly and try not to repeat what was said.

preliminary work. The teacher reads several wishes in poetic form, and then offers to play the game.

The teacher lights a candle and invites the children to stand in a circle. Passing a carefully lit candle, the children say good wishes to each other.

10. Guardian angel.

Tasks: teach children to show love for others, mercy, compassion.

preliminary work. The teacher reminds the children that God at baptism gives every Christian a Guardian Angel who invisibly protects a person from all evil, warns against sins. He is our helper and protector. He leads us on the right path, leading us away from dangers. But man does not see his angel.

The game. The teacher offers to play the game "Guardian Angel". There are obstacles on the floor. Two children are called. One is blindfolded. Another is invited to carefully lead the blind child past obstacles, that is, to become his guardian angel.

Tips for organizers

1. If the children liked the game, play it repeatedly. Try to get every child to participate in the game.

2 . If there are children who do not express a particular desire to play, in no case force them - they have the right to choose.

3. Pay special attention to the tone of the game that you set. Therefore, be sure to participate in the game with children on an equal footing. Your help is especially needed where the child speaks little.

4 . Do not be afraid of pauses, silence, when the children are silent, do not find what to say. Defuse the situation: calmly say that it’s so easy, without effort you won’t always find the right words. But you have to study and try. From your words it will become more comfortable, and the group will speak.

1 Prepare a list of people in the Bible whose occupations you know. For this you can use the Bible Dictionary. Say the name, and let the person who wants to answer the question about his occupation. You can also divide the players into groups.

For example:
1. Peter (fisherman)
2. Lydia (sold clothes)
3. Paul (missionary)
4. Dmitry (silver)
5. Zechariah (priest)
6. David (king, shepherd)
7. Luka (doctor)
8. Habakkuk (prophet)
9. Isaiah (prophet)
10. Zacchaeus (tax collector)

2 The purpose of this game is to develop the ability to relate people to places in the Bible. List the names of people who met in special places mentioned in the Bible. Players must name the place where these heroes met.

For example:
1. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (Jacob's Well)
2. Jesus and John the Baptist (Jordan River)
3. Gabriel and Mary (her home in Nazareth)
4. Adam and Eve (Garden of Eden)
5. Two spies and Rahab (Jericho)
6. Ruth and Boaz (field near Bethlehem)

3 Prepare a list of biblical cities with which the players could relate an event from the Bible. After you name the city, the players must say what event happened there.

For example: The host says: "I visited the city ..."
1. Jerusalem - Passover
2. Nazareth - native city Jesus
3. Bethany - Jesus raised Lazarus
4. Nain - Jesus resurrected the widow's son
5. Capernaum - Jesus healed the son of a courtier
6. Bethlehem - the birth of Jesus

5There is such a children's ball game. The child hits the ball on the ground and says: "I know five names of girls: Olya - one, Sveta - two, Katya - three ...". And so he calls five female names. It is important to say one word for each hit of the ball.

Try to remake this game in a Biblical way - "I know five Biblical female names: Mary - one, Eve - two ...", etc. If a player is out of rhythm, or cannot think of a name, or speaks incorrectly, the ball passes to the next player.

Here is what else can be called in this game (the player always calls five given words):

  • Biblical male names
  • Biblical cities
  • biblical mountains
  • Tribes of Israel
  • Apostles of Jesus Christ
  • Old Testament books
  • New Testament books
  • The Epistles of the Apostle Paul
  • etc.

6The facilitator draws a word on the board that is found in the Bible. Players must guess what he drew and remember all the stories where this word is mentioned.

For example, the word "serpent". It is mentioned:

  • in the story of the fall of man
  • the bronze serpent that Moses made, etc.

7 The names of the contemporaries of Patriarch Jacob are written on nine cards: Abraham, Sarah, Lot, Hagar, Eliezer, Ishmael, Isaac, Melchizedek, Rebekah

Two players take turns drawing cards. The winner is the one who first takes three cards with the names of people involved in one event.

For example:

Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael ("Exile of Ishmael") or Abraham, Lot, Melchizedek ("Salvation of Lot")

Note: you can prepare cards with other names associated with other events.

8This game requires preparation, but is reusable. Take a few sheets of A4 color cardboard. Glue 5 pockets at the bottom of each sheet with numbers from 1 to 5. On each such sheet, write the topic of the questions: "Names", "Birds", "Animals", "Cities", "Bible verse", etc. (see picture on the right).

Fasten the sheets together so that they hang one under the other (as shown in the figure). Put leaflets with questions according to the topics in the pockets. How more figure on the pocket - the more difficult the question should be. You can create questions yourself, or you can use the section

BIBLICAL QUESTIONS. The game proceeds as follows. 2-5 teams play. Each team takes turns choosing a question. For example, she calls "Birds 3". This means that the presenter takes out a question from the pocket with the number 3 on the "Birds" sheet. If the team answered correctly, it gets 3 points. If she does not answer correctly, then any other team that first raised her hand can use her question, and this team will receive 3 points for the correct answer. The game ends when all the leaves are taken out, that is, there are no questions left. Whoever has more points wins!

9 Play 3-15 people.
One Biblical hero is guessed. One player must guess it,
and the others help him. Everyone takes turns saying one word that is associated with this hero.
For example, Adam is guessed. Words for it can be: first, sin, prohibition, etc. The next guesser is the player on whose word the correct answer was given.

10 This is a game for children or for those who are just starting to study the Bible.
5-10 people play.
Each participant writes on a small piece of paper the name of one Biblical hero, the story about which he himself knows well. Then the leaves are rolled up and mixed. Players draw one piece of paper and take turns telling about the Biblical hero whose name they got.
If the player is at a loss in the story, then the one who wrote the name that fell out should help him.

11 The game requires 3-10 people. One person comes out, and the rest think of some word or concept from the Bible, for example, the Star of Bethlehem. The guessing player enters and starts asking everyone in turn questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no".
For example:

  • is it alive?
  • is it wooden?
  • is this edible?
  • did Jesus have it?
  • now we can have (see) it?

When, finally, the guessing player guesses the word,
then the next to guess is the one to whom the last question was asked.

15 themed game

Invite everyone present (5-35 people) to write 5-10 nouns that they can relate to. For example: man, woman, student, etc.

After everyone wrote, ask who wrote

  • about himself, that he is a man
  • about their belonging to the family (wife, mother, father, etc.)
  • about their belonging to the profession (doctor, student)
  • about his relationship to the church and ministry

And who wrote that he is a sinner? Most of you will probably forget about it.

CONCLUSION: You think well of yourself. There are few sinners among you. But the Bible says that Christ came to save sinners. Where will you be?

One person sits on a chair, his eyes are blindfolded. Candy is fixed under the chair (you can use adhesive tape). Three volunteers, located at different ends of the room, are trying to get to the seated person and take candy from him. The seated person tries to stop them by saying "STOP" and pointing to the side where he thinks the noise is coming from. If he showed correctly, the caught player remains in place, the rest continue their dangerous journey.

17Introduction to the lesson about the blind Bartimaeus.

One volunteer is blindfolded, having previously learned whether he is well oriented in the room. Put an object in a hard-to-reach place, unwind the person in the bandage and send for the object.

18Introduction to the topic: “Rom. 10:15 (And how can they preach unless they are sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the gospel of peace, those who proclaim good things!)

Find the largest foot in the group… the smallest… the most original… and talk about Romans 10:15

19 The game is very simple. Its main advantage is that it helps to learn Bible verses in a fun way. The game is good to play in a home group. Can participate from 3 to 15 people.

Each person (or a team of several people, if there are many of you) receives a piece of paper with a verse written on it. After a while, the players take turns showing their verse in gestures (they come up with gestures themselves), while the verse should be spoken aloud. You can also explain how to understand this verse and why certain gestures were invented. You can also give the same verse to two teams. Their performances are compared and evaluated, whose is better.

For example, I will give you how to use gestures to show the verse "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

For so loved - two punches in the region of the heart (when we are in love, our heart beats often)

God - hand points to the sky

the world - the palm is open, we show around us

what he gave - with both hands we tear off as if something from the chest

His Son - the hand seems to touch the head of a small child

so that everyone index finger m point to one, second, third person

believer - put your palms together, as for prayer

in Him - again we point to the sky,

did not die - first we show the index finger as "not allowed", then we show death - crossed arms on the chest

but had life - we feel the pulse (there is a pulse - it means the person is alive)

eternal - a symbol of eternity - a vicious circle, we draw a circle in the air with our hand.

Be sure to say the scripture where the verse comes from. Poems are best chosen such that it is not difficult to show. I offer the following:

  • For I want mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6)
  • In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
  • For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom 6:23)
  • Better is a piece of dry bread, and peace with it, than a house full of slaughtered cattle, with contention. (Proverbs 17:1)
  • So, if you have risen with Christ, then seek the things above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God; think of the things above, and not of the things of the earth. (Col. 3:1-2)
  • Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and I will dine with him, and he with Me. (Rev. 3:20)
  • God is light, and there is no darkness in Him. (1 John 1:5)
  • For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead (James 2:26)
  • So go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19)

With good training, you can complicate the game. Let someone show a verse (only a well-known one), while others guess.

20 This game is good for youth and children who already know the basic Bible stories. Play 2-4 teams of 3-10 people each. Each team is given the task to depict the Bible story in sounds. The other teams have to listen (everyone close their eyes!) and guess what the story is. I propose to represent the following sounds:

  • How animals enter the ark
  • Fall of the walls of Jericho
  • Parable of the Lost Sheep
  • Construction of the Tower of Babel

21 The facilitator quickly calls out the words. Children must mentally rearrange the letters of this word in reverse and immediately write them on the board with chalk or on a piece of paper "back to front". For example, the leader says the word "pilot", the child writes the word "tolip", "salamander" - "ardnamalas". You can start with short words and replace them with longer ones. You can use Biblical terms and words. - end of cell.

22 The players are divided into two teams, you can still choose a judge to resolve contentious issues. A letter of the alphabet is randomly selected, excluding b, y, b, for this you can take the first book that comes across and the letter located at a prearranged place on a line with a prearranged number on a predetermined page. During the game, the teams simply call words from Scripture in turn starting with the chosen letter. It is impossible to repeat, the words must be common nouns in initial form- Nominative case, singular, and famous enough to make their existence undeniable. Who from the team will name the word is not important.

23 Players are divided into 2-5 teams of 2-7 people each. The teams are given leaflets (download) On these leaflets there is a large table with many letters. You need to find the hidden words (these will be Biblical names). Words can be written horizontally (right to left and left to right), vertically (top to bottom and bottom to top), and diagonally. whoever finds 10 hidden words faster wins.!-- end of cell -->

Several groups of children or even the entire camp can participate in this game. Each group is given a piece of paper with places from Holy Scripture(see list below). Each verse mentions 1-2 things. These items must be found and brought to a certain place. The group that does it the fastest is the winner!

Here sample list. Children receive a list only with places of Holy Scripture, and they find the objects described in the verses themselves by opening the Bible.

  • stone - Matthew 21:42
  • gold - Matthew 2:11
  • water - John 14:4
  • shirt or outerwear— Matthew 5:40
  • cup - Matthew 26:27
  • bread or fish - John 6:9
  • hair or oil - John 12:3
  • earth - Matthew 13:5
  • needle - Matthew 19:24
  • cross - Mark 8:34

24 The idea for this game is taken from the television show Guess the Melody. You can use this game with teenagers to test how well they know the Bible.

Divide the teenagers into two teams, who should stand near opposite walls of the room with the leader in the center of each team. The leader keeps a ten to twelve word list of well-known Bible verses.

The teams then send one representative each to the first round. The player makes a "bet" on the first verse. He says "I can finish the verse after six words!" His opponent might say, "I can finish this verse in five words!" Players continue until one of them says, "Finish", in which case he is counting on the fact that the other player will not be able to finish the verse, but he will be able to do it instead.

If the players stop, for example, at two words of a verse, then the leader must say the first two words of the verse, and the player who gets the chance to try first ends that verse. If the player wins, then the team gets a point. If the player made a mistake or failed. then the opportunity is given to another player, and another word is added to the verse. If successful, his team gets a point. In other words, the one who was told "Finish" begins to guess. If the second player could not finish the verse, then the first player tries again, and another one is also sought for the known words.

To increase the risk of players, use the following rule. If you won the chance to be the first to finish the verse, but could not remember it correctly, then the second player, in case of victory, brings the team two points. To increase the risk even more, allow the second player to consult with his team before answering. This rule convinces that "bets" are made seriously. This game has a lot of fun and also a lot of learning.

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