Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf - Russian folk tale

Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden.

Someone began to visit the royal garden, steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can keep track of the kidnapper.

The king stopped eating and drinking, he became homesick. Father's sons console:
- Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

Elder son says:
- Today it's my turn, I'll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.

The eldest son left. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he did not follow anyone, he fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:
- Well, won't you please me: have you seen the kidnapper?
- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, but I didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept all night, and in the morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.

The time has come for the younger brother to go guard. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers garden and was even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his sleep is overwhelmed, he will wash himself with dew from the grass, sleep and out of sight.

Half of the night has passed, and it seems to him: there is light in the garden. Lighter and brighter. The whole garden was lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on the apple tree and pecking at the golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled up to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The Firebird started up and flew away, leaving one feather from its tail in his hand.

The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?
- Dear father, I didn’t catch it, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This, father, is the Firebird.

The king took this pen and from that time began to drink and eat, and not to know sadness. At one fine time, he thought about this about the Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:
- My dear children, if you saddled good horses, you would travel around the wide world, you would know places, you would not attack the Firebird somewhere.

The children bowed to their father, saddled the good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time, or a short one. The day was summer. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and fell down to sleep himself.

How much, how little time has passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, he sees - there is no horse. He went to look for him, walked, walked and found his horse - only gnawed bones.

Ivan Tsarevich was sad: where without a horse to go so far?

"Well, - he thinks, - he took it - there is nothing to do."

And he went on foot.

Walked, walked, tired to death.

He sat down on the soft grass and mourned, sitting.

Out of nowhere, a gray wolf runs towards him.

What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting down, hung your head?
- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.
- It's me, Ivan Tsarevich, I ate your horse ... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, why did you go far, where are you going?
- Father sent me to travel around the world, to find the Firebird.
- Fu, fu, you won't get to the Firebird in three years on your good horse. I alone know where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Get on top of me and hold on tight.

Ivan Tsarevich sat on him, the gray wolf and galloped - he misses the blue forests past his eyes, sweeps the lakes with his tail. How long, how short, they run to a high fortress. Gray wolf says:
- Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, do not be afraid - the hour is good, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the tower, there is a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird sits in the cage. You take a bird, put it in your bosom, but don’t touch the cages!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall, saw this tower - there is a golden cage on the window, the Firebird sits in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and stared at the cage. His heart flared up: “Oh, what a golden, precious one! How can you not take one!” And he forgot that the wolf punished him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: the trumpets blew, the drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:
- Whose are you, where are you from?
- I am Tsar Berendey's son, Ivan Tsarevich.
- Oh, what a shame! Yes, the king's son went to steal.
- And what, when your bird flew, our garden was ruined?
- And you would come to me, honestly asked, I would give her so, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey. And now, in all cities, I will let a bad reputation about you ... Well, okay, if you do me a favor, I will forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden maned horse. Bring him to me, then I'll give you the Firebird with the cage.

Ivan Tsarevich got angry and went to the gray wolf. And the wolf to him:
- I told you not to move the cage! Why didn't you listen to my order?
- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.
- That's it, I'm sorry ... Okay, sit on me. I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. How long, they run to the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands.

Climb, Ivan Tsarevich, over the wall, the watchmen are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but don’t touch the bridle!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the watchmen were sleeping, went into the stable, caught a golden-maned horse, and coveted the bridle - it was set with gold and expensive stones; in it the golden-maned horse can only walk.

Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, a sound spread throughout the fortress: trumpets blew, drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Kusman.

Whose are you, where are you from?
- I'm Ivan Tsarevich.
- Eka, for what nonsenses undertook - to steal a horse! An ordinary man will not agree to this. Well, I'll forgive you, Ivan Tsarevich, if you do me a favor. The king of Dalmat has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich became even more mournful and went to the gray wolf.

I told you, Ivan Tsarevich, don't touch the bridle! You did not listen to my order.
- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.
- That's it, I'm sorry ... Come on, sit on my back. Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. They run to the king of Dalmat. In his fortress in the garden, Elena the Beautiful walks with her mothers and nannies. gray wolf says:
- This time I won't let you go, I'll go myself. And you go back by way, dear, I'll catch up with you soon.

Ivan Tsarevich went back along the road, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall - and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers, nannies. She walked and walked, and only lagged behind the mothers and nannies, the gray wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back - and ran away.

Ivan Tsarevich is on his way, suddenly a gray wolf overtakes him, Elena the Beautiful is sitting on him. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, and the gray wolf to him:
- Get on me quickly, as if there was no pursuit for us.

The gray wolf rushed off with Ivan Tsarevich, with Elena the Beautiful on the way back - the blue forests pass by the eyes, the rivers, the lakes sweep with its tail. How long, how short, they run to King Kusman. The gray wolf asks:
- What, Ivan Tsarevich, fell silent, mourned?
- Yes, how can I, gray wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I change Elena the Beautiful for a horse?

The gray wolf says:
- I will not part you with such beauty - we will hide it somewhere, and I will turn into Elena the Beautiful, you and lead me to the king.

Here they hid Elena the Beautiful in a forest hut. The gray wolf turned over his head and became exactly like Elena the Beautiful. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Kusman. The king was delighted, began to thank him:
- Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted this horse and rode after Elena the Beautiful. He took her, put her on a horse, and they ride along the road. And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until evening, and when he had to go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful to the bedroom, but only lay down with her on the bed, looking - a wolf's face instead of a young wife! The king fell out of bed with fear, and the wolf ran away.

The gray wolf catches up with Ivan Tsarevich and asks:
What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?
How can I not think? It is a pity to part with such a treasure - a golden-maned horse, to change it for the Firebird.
Don't worry, I'll help you.

Here they reach the king Afron. wolf and says:
- Hide this horse and Elena the Beautiful, and I will turn into a horse with a golden mane, you and lead me to King Afron.

They hid Elena the Beautiful and the golden-maned horse in the forest. The gray wolf threw itself over his back, turned into a golden-maned horse. Ivan Tsarevich led him to Tsar Afron. The king was delighted and gave him the Firebird with a golden cage.

Ivan Tsarevich returned on foot to the forest, put Elena the Beautiful on a golden-maned horse, took a golden cage with a Firebird and rode along the road to his native side.

And King Afron ordered to bring a gift horse to him and just wanted to sit on it - the horse turned into a gray wolf. The king, out of fear, where he stood, fell there, and the gray wolf took to his heels and soon caught up with Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich got down from his horse and bowed three times to the ground, respectfully thanked the gray wolf. And he says:
- Don't say goodbye to me forever, I'll still be useful to you.

Ivan Tsarevich thinks: “Where else can you be useful? All my desires have been fulfilled." He sat on a golden-maned horse, and again they rode with Elena the Beautiful, with the Firebird. He reached his own edges, he decided to take a midday meal. He had some bread with him. Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.

As soon as Ivan Tsarevich fell asleep, his brothers run into him. They traveled to other lands, looking for the Firebird, returned empty-handed. They drove in and saw that everything had been obtained from Ivan Tsarevich. Here is what they had to say:
- Let's kill the brother, all the prey will be ours.

They decided and killed Ivan Tsarevich. They sat on a golden-maned horse, took the Firebird, put Elena the Beautiful on the horse and frightened her:
- Do not say anything at home!

Tsarevich Ivan lies dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere, a gray wolf ran up and grabbed a raven with a crow.

You fly, raven, for living and dead water. If you bring me living and dead water, then I will let your crow go.

The raven, there is nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf is holding his little crow. How long did the raven fly, how short, did it bring living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled Ivan Tsarevich's wounds with dead water, the wounds healed; sprinkled it with living water - Ivan Tsarevich came to life.

Oh, I slept soundly!
- You slept soundly, - says the gray wolf. If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have woken up at all. Your brothers killed you and took away all your booty. Get on me quickly!

They rode in pursuit and overtook both brothers. Then the gray wolf tore them to pieces and scattered the pieces across the field.

Ivan Tsarevich bowed to the gray wolf and said goodbye to him forever.

Ivan Tsarevich returned home on a golden-maned horse, brought the Firebird to his father, and his bride, Elena the Beautiful.

Tsar Berendey was delighted, and began to ask his son. Ivan Tsarevich began to tell how the gray wolf helped him get prey, and how the brothers killed him, sleepy, and how the gray wolf tore them to pieces.

Tsar Berendey grieved and was soon consoled. And Ivan Tsarevich married Elena the Beautiful, and they began to live and live and not know grief.

Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden.

Someone began to visit the royal garden, steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can keep track of the kidnapper.

The king stopped eating and drinking, he became homesick. Father's sons console:

Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

Elder son says:

Today it's my turn, I'll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.

The eldest son left. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he did not follow anyone, he fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:

Well, won't you please me: have you seen the kidnapper?

No, dear father, he didn’t sleep all night, didn’t close his eyes, but didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept all night, and in the morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.

The time has come for the younger brother to go guard. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers garden and was even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his sleep is overwhelmed, he will wash himself with dew from the grass, sleep and out of sight. Half of the night has passed, and it seems to him: there is light in the garden. Lighter and brighter. The whole garden was lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on the apple tree and pecking at the golden apples. Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled up to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The Firebird started up and flew away, leaving one feather from its tail in his hand. The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?

Dear father, I didn’t catch, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This, father, is the Firebird.

The king took this pen and from that time on he began to drink and eat and not know sadness. At one fine time, he thought about this about the Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

My dear children, if you saddled good horses, you would travel around the world, you would know places, you would not attack the Firebird anywhere.

The children bowed to their father, saddled the good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction. Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time, or a short one. The day was summer. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and fell down to sleep himself.

How much, how little time has passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, he sees - there is no horse. He went to look for him, walked, walked and found his horse - only gnawed bones. Ivan Tsarevich was saddened: where without a horse to go to such a distance?

"Well, - he thinks, - he took it - there is nothing to do." And he went on foot.

Walked, walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and mourned, sitting.

Out of nowhere, a gray wolf runs towards him:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting down, hung your head?

How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, why did you go far, where are you going?

Father sent me to travel around the world, to find the Firebird.

Fu, fu, you won't get to the Firebird in three years on your good horse. I alone know where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Get on top of me and hold on tight. Ivan Tsarevich sat on him, the gray wolf and galloped - he misses the blue forests past his eyes, sweeps the lakes with his tail. How long, how short, they run to a high fortress. Gray wolf says:

Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, do not be afraid - the hour is good, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the tower, there is a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird sits in the cage. You take a bird, put it in your bosom, but don’t touch the cages!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall, saw this tower - there is a golden cage on the window, the Firebird sits in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and stared at the cage. His heart flared up: "Oh, what a golden, precious one! How can one not take such a one!" And he forgot that the wolf punished him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: the trumpets blew, the drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:

Whose are you, where are you from?

I am Tsar Berendey's son, Ivan Tsarevich.

Oh, what a shame! Yes, the king's son went to steal.

But what, when your bird flew, our garden was ruined?

And you would have come to me, honestly asked, I would have given it like that, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey. And now in all cities I will let a bad reputation about you ... Well, okay, if you do me a favor, I will forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I'll give you the Firebird with the cage.

Ivan Tsarevich got angry and went to the gray wolf.

Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.
And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden.
Someone began to visit the royal garden, steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can keep track of the kidnapper.
The king stopped eating and drinking, he became homesick. Father's sons console:
- Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.
Elder son says:
- Today it's my turn, I'll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.
The eldest son left. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he did not follow anyone, he fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.
In the morning the king asks him:
- Well, won't you please me: have you seen the kidnapper?
- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, but I didn’t see anyone.
The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept all night, and in the morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.
The time has come for the younger brother to go guard. Ivan went - the prince to guard the fathers garden and was even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his sleep is overwhelmed, he will wash himself with dew from the grass, sleep and out of sight. Half of the night has passed, and it seems to him: there is light in the garden. Lighter and brighter. The whole garden was lit up. He sees - on the apple tree of the village Zhar - a bird and pecks golden apples. Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled up to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The heat - the bird started up and flew away, one feather from its tail remained in his hand. The next morning Ivan comes - Tsarevich to his father.
- Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?
- Dear father, I didn’t catch it, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This, father, the Fire is a bird.
The king took this pen and from that time on he began to drink and eat and not know sadness. At one fine time, he thought about this about the Firebird.
He called his sons and said to them:
- My dear children, if you saddled good horses, you would travel around the wide world, you would know places, you would not attack the Firebird somewhere.
The children bowed to their father, saddled the good horses and set off on the road - the road: the elder one in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan the prince in the third direction. Ivan rode - the prince for a long time, for a short time. The day was summer. Ivan, the prince, got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and he himself fell to sleep.
How much, how little time has passed, Ivan - Tsarevich has awakened, he sees - there is no horse. He went to look for him, walked, walked and found his horse - only gnawed bones. Saddened Ivan - Tsarevich: where without a horse to go to such a distance?
"Well, - he thinks, - he took it - there is nothing to do." And he went on foot.
Walked, walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and mourned, sitting.
Out of nowhere, a gray wolf runs towards him:
- What, Ivan - Tsarevich, are you sitting down, hung your head?
- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.
- It's me, Ivan - Tsarevich, I ate your horse ... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, why did you go far, where are you going?
- Father sent me to travel around the wide world, to find Zhar - a bird.
- Fu, fu, you on your good horse in three years will not reach the Firebird. I alone know where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you with faith - the truth. Get on top of me and hold on tight. Ivan sat down - the prince rode on him, the gray wolf and galloped - he skips the blue forests past his eyes, sweeps the lakes with his tail. How long, how short, they run to a high fortress. Gray wolf says:
- Listen to me, Ivan - Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, do not be afraid - the hour is good, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the tower, on the window there is a golden cage, and in the cage sits the Fire - a bird. You take a bird, put it in your bosom, but don’t touch the cages!
Ivan - Tsarevich climbed over the wall, saw this tower - there is a golden cage on the window, Fire - a bird is sitting in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and stared at the cage. His heart flared up: "Oh, what a golden, precious one! How can one not take such a one!" And he forgot that the wolf punished him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: the trumpets blew, the drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.
King Afron became angry and asked:
- Whose are you, where are you from?
- I am Tsar Berendey's son, Ivan is Tsarevich.
- Oh, what a shame! Yes, the king's son went to steal.
- And what, when your bird flew, our garden was ruined?
- And you would come to me, honestly asked, I would give her so, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey. And now in all cities I will let a bad reputation about you ... Well, okay, if you do me a favor, I will forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I'll give you Zhar - a bird with a cage.
Ivan, the Tsarevich, began to grieve, he goes to the gray wolf. And the wolf to him:
- I told you not to move the cage! Why didn't you listen to my order?
- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.
- That's it, I'm sorry ... Okay, sit on me. I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty.
Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan the Tsarevich. How long, how short, they reach the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands.
- Climb, Ivan - Tsarevich, through the wall, the watchmen are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but don't touch the bridle!
Ivan - Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the watchmen sleep, went to the stable, caught a golden-maned horse, and coveted the bridle - it was removed with gold, expensive stones; in it the golden-maned horse can only walk.
Ivan - Tsarevich touched the bridle, the sound spread throughout the fortress: the trumpets blew, the drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan - Tsarevich and led to Tsar Kusman.
- Whose are you, where are you from?
- I'm Ivan - Tsarevich.
- Eka, for what nonsenses undertook - to steal a horse! An ordinary man will not agree to this. Well, I'll forgive you, Ivan - Tsarevich, if you do me a favor. The king of Dalmat has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.
Even more saddened Ivan - Tsarevich, went to the gray wolf.
- I told you, Ivan - Tsarevich, do not touch the bridle! You did not listen to my order.
- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.
- That's it, I'm sorry ... Come on, sit on my back.
Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan the Tsarevich. They run to the king of Dalmat. In his fortress in the garden, Elena the Beautiful walks with her mothers and nannies. gray wolf says:
- This time I won't let you go, I'll go myself. And you go back the way - dear, I'll catch up with you soon. Ivan - Tsarevich went back the way - the road, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall - and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers, nannies.
She walked and walked, and only lagged behind the mothers and nannies, the gray wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back - and ran away.
Ivan - Tsarevich goes the way - dear, suddenly a gray wolf overtakes him, Elena the Beautiful sits on him. Ivan was delighted - Tsarevich, and the gray wolf to him:
- Get on me quickly, as if there was no pursuit for us.
The gray wolf rushed with Ivan - Tsarevich, with Elena the Beautiful way back - the blue forests pass by the eyes, rivers, lakes sweep with its tail. How long, how short, they run to King Kusman. The gray wolf asks:
- What, Ivan - Tsarevich, fell silent, grieved?
- Yes, how can I, gray wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I change Elena the Beautiful for a horse?
The gray wolf says:
- I will not part you with such beauty - we will hide it somewhere, and I will turn into Elena the Beautiful, you and lead me to the king.
Here they hid Elena the Beautiful in a forest hut. The gray wolf turned over his head and became exactly the same as Elena the Beautiful. Prince Ivan led him to Tsar Kusman. The king was delighted, began to thank him:
- Thank you, Ivan - Tsarevich, that got me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle. Ivan the Tsarevich mounted this horse and rode after Elena the Beautiful. He took her, put her on a horse, and they go by the way - the road.
And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until evening, and when he had to go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful to the bedroom, but only lay down with her on the bed, looking - a wolf's face instead of a young wife! The king fell out of bed with fear, and the wolf ran away.
The gray wolf catches up with Ivan the Tsarevich and asks:
- What were you thinking about, Ivan the Tsarevich?
How can I not think? It is a pity to part with such a treasure - a horse with a golden mane, to change it for a Fire - a bird.
Don't worry, I'll help you. Here they reach the king Afron. wolf and says:
- Hide this horse and Elena the Beautiful, and I will turn into a horse with a golden mane, you and lead me to King Afron.
They hid Elena the Beautiful and the golden-maned horse in the forest. The gray wolf threw itself over his back, turned into a golden-maned horse. Ivan - Tsarevich led him to King Afron. The king was delighted and gave him the Zharptitsa with a golden cage.
Ivan - Tsarevich returned on foot to the forest, put Elena the Beautiful on a golden-maned horse, took a golden cage with a Firebird and went along - the road to his native side.
And King Afron ordered to bring a gift horse to him and just wanted to sit on it - the horse turned into a gray wolf. The king, out of fear, where he stood, fell there, and the gray wolf took to his heels and soon caught up with Ivan the Tsarevich:
“Now I’m sorry, I can’t go any further. Ivan - Tsarevich dismounted from his horse and bowed three times to the ground, respectfully thanked the gray wolf. And he says:
- Don't say goodbye to me forever, I'll still be useful to you.
Ivan - Tsarevich thinks: "Where else will you be useful? All my desires are fulfilled." He sat on a golden-maned horse, and again they rode with Elena the Beautiful, with the Firebird. He reached his own edges, he decided to take a midday meal. He had some bread with him. Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.
Only Ivan - Tsarevich fell asleep, his brothers run into him. They traveled to other lands, looking for the Firebird, returned empty-handed. They drove over and see - everything was obtained from Ivan - Tsarevich. Here is what they had to say:
- Let's kill the brother, all the prey will be ours. They decided and killed Ivan the Tsarevich. They sat on a golden-maned horse, took the Firebird, put Elena the Beautiful on the horse and frightened her:
- Do not say anything at home!
Ivan is lying - the prince is dead, crows are already flying over him.
Out of nowhere, a gray wolf came running and grabbed a raven with a crow:
- You fly - ka, raven, for living and dead water. If you bring me living and dead water, then I will let your crow go.
The raven, there is nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf is holding his little crow. How long did the raven fly, how short, did it bring living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled the wounds of Ivan Tsarevich with dead water, the wounds healed; sprinkled it with living water - Ivan - Tsarevich came to life.
- Oh, I slept soundly! ..
- You slept soundly, - says the gray wolf. If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have woken up at all. Your brothers killed you and took away all your booty. Get on me quickly!
They rode in pursuit and overtook both brothers. Then the gray wolf tore them to pieces and scattered the pieces across the field.
Ivan - Tsarevich bowed to the gray wolf and said goodbye to him forever. Ivan returned - the prince home on a golden-maned horse, brought to his father
Zhar - a bird, and for himself - a bride, Elena the Beautiful.
Tsar Berendey was delighted, and began to ask his son. Ivan began to tell how the gray wolf helped him get his prey, and how the brothers killed him, sleepy, and how the gray wolf tore them to pieces. Tsar Berendey grieved and was soon consoled. And Ivan - Tsarevich married Elena the Beautiful, and they began to live - to live and not know grief. That's

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" will be interesting and exciting for you. And a thought comes, followed by a desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, to win the love of a modest and wise princess. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful for itself. Folk tradition cannot lose its relevance, due to the inviolability of such concepts as: friendship, compassion, courage, courage, love and sacrifice. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they "breathe life" into creation and the events taking place in it. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages rethinking oneself, is crowned with success. An important role for children's perception is played by visual images, with which, quite successfully, this work abounds. The tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" is certainly necessary to read online for free, not for children alone, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden.

Someone began to visit the royal garden, steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can keep track of the kidnapper.

The king stopped drinking and eating, he became homesick. Father's sons console:

- Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves will begin to guard the garden.

Elder son says:

“Today it’s my turn, I’ll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.”

The eldest son left. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he did not follow anyone, he fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:

“Well, won’t you please me: have you seen the kidnapper?

- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, but I didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept all night, and in the morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.

The time has come for the younger brother to go guard. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers garden and was even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his sleep is overwhelmed, he will wash himself with dew from the grass, sleep and out of sight.

Half of the night has passed, and it seems to him: there is light in the garden. Lighter and brighter. The whole garden was lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on the apple tree and pecking at the golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled up to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The Firebird started up and flew away, leaving one feather from its tail in his hand.

The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

“Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?

- Dear father, I didn’t catch it, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This is, father. Firebird.

The king took this pen and from that time began to drink and eat, and not to know sadness. At one fine time, he thought about this about the Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

“My dear children, you would saddle good horses, travel around the wide world, get to know places, you wouldn’t attack the Firebird somewhere.

The children bowed to their father, saddled the good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time, or a short one. The day was summer. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and fell down to sleep himself.

How much, how little time has passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, he sees that the horse is gone. He went to look for him, walked and walked and found his horse - only gnawed bones.

Ivan Tsarevich was sad: where without a horse to go so far?

"Well, he thinks, he took it - there is nothing to do."

And he went on foot. Walked, walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and mourned, sitting. Out of nowhere, a gray wolf runs towards him:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting down, hung your head?

- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

- It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse ... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, why did you go far, where are you going?

- Father sent me to travel around the wide world, to find the Firebird.

- Fu, fu, you won't get to the Firebird in three years on your good horse. I alone know where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Get on top of me and hold on tight.

Ivan Tsarevich sat on him, the gray wolf and galloped - he misses the blue forests past his eyes, sweeps the lakes with his tail. How long, how short, they run to a high fortress. Gray wolf says:

- Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, do not be afraid - the hour is good, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the tower, there is a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird sits in the cage. You take a bird, put it in your bosom, but don’t touch the cages!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall, saw this tower - there is a golden cage on the window, the Firebird sits in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and stared at the cage. His heart flared up: "Oh, what a golden, precious one! How can one not take such a one!" And he forgot that the wolf punished him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: the trumpets blew, the drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:

— Whose are you, where are you from?

- I am Tsar Berendey's son, Ivan Tsarevich.

- Oh, what a shame! Yes, the king's son went to steal.

- And what about when your bird flew, our garden was ruined?

- And you would come to me, honestly asked, I would give it like that, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey. And now, in all cities, I will let a bad reputation about you ... Well, okay, if you do me a favor, I will forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I'll give you the Firebird with the cage.

Ivan Tsarevich got angry and went to the gray wolf. And the wolf to him:

“I told you not to move the cage!” Why didn't you listen to my order?

- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- Well, I'm sorry ... Okay, sit on me. I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. How long, how short, they reach the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands.

- Climb, Ivan Tsarevich, through the wall, the watchmen are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but don’t touch the bridle!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the guards sleep, went into the stable, caught a golden-maned horse, and coveted the bridle - it was removed with gold and expensive stones; in it the golden-maned horse can only walk.

Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, a sound spread throughout the fortress: trumpets blew, drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Kusman.

— Whose are you, where are you from?

- I'm Ivan Tsarevich.

- Eka, what stupid things he took up - to steal a horse! An ordinary man will not agree to this. Well, I'll forgive you, Ivan Tsarevich, if you do me a favor. The king of Dalmat has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich became even more mournful and went to the gray wolf.

- I told you, Ivan Tsarevich, do not touch the bridle! You did not listen to my order.

“Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- I'm sorry ... Come on, sit on my back.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. They run to the king of Dalmat. In his fortress in the garden, Elena the Beautiful walks with her mothers and nannies. gray wolf says:

“This time I won’t let you in, I’ll go myself.” And you go back by way, dear, I'll catch up with you soon.

Ivan Tsarevich went back along the road, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers, nannies. She walked and walked and only lagged behind the mothers and nannies, the gray wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back - and ran away.

Ivan Tsarevich is on his way, suddenly a gray wolf overtakes him, Elena the Beautiful is sitting on him. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, and the gray wolf to him:

- Get on me quickly, as if there was no pursuit for us.

The gray wolf rushed off with Ivan Tsarevich, with Elena the Beautiful on the way back - the blue forests pass by the eyes, rivers, lakes sweep with its tail. How long, how short, they run to King Kusman. The gray wolf asks:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich, fell silent, mourned?

“But how can I, gray wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I change Elena the Beautiful for a horse?

The gray wolf says:

- I will not part you with such beauty - we will hide it somewhere, and I will turn into Elena the Beautiful, you and lead me to the king.

Here they hid Elena the Beautiful in a forest hut. The gray wolf turned over his head and became exactly like Elena the Beautiful. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Kusman. The king was delighted, began to thank him:

“Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted this horse and rode after Elena the Beautiful. He took her, put her on a horse, and they ride along the road.

And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until evening, and how should one go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful to the bedroom, but only lay down with her on the bed, looking - a wolf's face instead of a young wife? The king fell out of bed with fear, and the wolf ran away.

The gray wolf catches up with Ivan Tsarevich and asks:

“What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?”

How can I not think? It is a pity to part with such a treasure - a golden-maned horse, to change it for the Firebird.

Don't worry, I'll help you.

Here they reach the king Afron. wolf and says:

- You hide this horse and Elena the Beautiful, and I will turn into a horse with a golden mane, you and lead me to King Afron.

They hid Elena the Beautiful and the golden-maned horse in the forest. The gray wolf threw itself over his back, turned into a golden-maned horse. Ivan Tsarevich led him to Tsar Afron. The king was delighted and gave him the Firebird with a golden cage.


Information for parents: Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf is a magical Russian folk tale that tells about three brothers, one of whom Ivan Tsarevich became friends with the magical Gray Wolf. The tale is instructive and will be of interest to children aged 4 to 8 years. The text of the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" is fascinating, so it can be read at night. Happy reading to you and your children.

Read a fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden.

Someone began to visit the royal garden, steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can keep track of the kidnapper.

The king stopped eating and drinking, he became homesick. Father's sons console:

Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

Elder son says:

Today it's my turn, I'll go guard the garden from the thief.

The eldest son left. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he did not follow anyone, he fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:

Well, won't you please me: have you seen the thief?

No, dear father, he didn’t sleep all night, didn’t close his eyes, but didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept all night, and in the morning he said that he had not seen the thief.

The time has come for the younger brother to go guard. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers garden and was even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his sleep freezes, he will wash himself with dew from the grass, sleep and out of sight.

Half of the night has passed, and it seems to him: there is light in the garden. Lighter and brighter. The whole garden was lit up. He sees - the Firebird sat on the apple tree and pecks golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled up to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The Firebird started up and flew away, leaving one feather from its tail in his hand.

The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the thief?

Dear father, I didn’t catch, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from a thief. This, father, is the Firebird.

The king took this pen and from that time began to drink and eat, and not to know sadness. At one fine time, he thought about this Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

My dear children, if you saddled good horses, you would travel around the world, you would know places, you would not attack the Firebird anywhere.

The children bowed to their father, saddled the good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time, or a short one. The day was summer. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and fell down to sleep himself.

How much, how little time has passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, he sees - there is no horse. He went to look for him, walked, walked and found his horse - only gnawed bones.

Ivan Tsarevich was sad: where without a horse to go so far?

"Well, - he thinks, - he took it - there is nothing to do."

And he went on foot.

Walked, walked, tired to death.

He sat down on the soft grass and mourned, sitting.

Out of nowhere, the Gray Wolf runs towards him:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting down, hung your head?

How can I not be sad, Gray Wolf? I was left without a good horse.

It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, why did you go far, where are you going?

Father sent me to travel around the world, to find the Firebird.

Fu, fu, on your good horse in three years you will not reach the Firebird. I only know where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Get on top of me and hold on tight.

Ivan Tsarevich sat on him, the gray wolf and galloped - he misses the blue forests past his eyes, sweeps the lakes with his tail. How long, how short, they run to a high fortress. Gray wolf and says:

Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, do not be afraid - the hour is good, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the tower, there is a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird sits in the cage. You take a bird, put it in your bosom, but don’t touch the cages!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall, saw this tower - there is a golden cage on the window, the Firebird sits in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and stared at the cage. His heart flared up: “Oh, what a golden, precious one! How can you not take one!” And he forgot that the wolf punished him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: the trumpets blew, the drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:

Whose are you, where are you from?

I am Tsar Berendey's son, Ivan Tsarevich.

Oh, what a shame! The king's son went to steal.

But what, when your bird flew, our garden was ruined?

And you would have come to me, honestly asked, I would have given it like that, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey. And now, in all cities, I will let a bad reputation about you ... Well, okay, if you do me a favor, I will forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I'll give you the Firebird with the cage.

Ivan Tsarevich got angry and went to the Gray Wolf. And the wolf to him:

I told you not to move the cage! Why didn't you listen to my order?

Well, forgive me, forgive me, Gray Wolf.

That's it, I'm sorry ... Okay, sit on me. I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty.

Again the Gray Wolf rode with Ivan Tsarevich. How long, they run to the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands.

Climb, Ivan Tsarevich, over the wall, the watchmen are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but don’t touch the bridle!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the guards sleep, went to the stable, caught a horse with a golden mane, and coveted the bridle - it was removed with gold and expensive stones; in it the golden-maned horse can only walk.

Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, a sound spread throughout the fortress: trumpets blew, drums beat, the watchmen woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Kusman.

Whose are you, where are you from?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

Eka, what stupid things he took up - to steal a horse! An ordinary man will not agree to this. Well, I'll forgive you, Ivan Tsarevich, if you do me a favor. The king of Dalmat has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich became even more saddened and went to the Gray Wolf.

I told you, Ivan Tsarevich, don't touch the bridle! You did not listen to my order.

Well, forgive me, forgive me, Gray Wolf.

That's it, I'm sorry ... Come on, sit on my back.

Again the Gray Wolf rode with Ivan Tsarevich. They run to the king of Dalmat. In his fortress in the garden, Elena the Beautiful walks with her mothers and nannies. Gray Wolf says:

This time I won't let you in, I'll go myself. And you go back by the way, dear, I will catch up with you soon.

Ivan Tsarevich went back along the road, and the Gray Wolf jumped over the wall - and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers, nannies. She walked and walked and only lagged behind the mothers and nannies, the Gray Wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back - and ran away.

Ivan Tsarevich is walking along the road, suddenly the Gray Wolf overtakes him, Elena the Beautiful is sitting on him. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, and the gray wolf to him:

Get on me quickly, as if there was no pursuit for us.

The Gray Wolf rushed off with Ivan Tsarevich, with Elena the Beautiful on the way back - the blue forests pass by the eyes, the rivers, the lakes sweep with its tail. How long, how short, they run to King Kusman. Gray Wolf asks:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, fell silent, mourned?

But how can I, Gray Wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I change Elena the Beautiful for a horse?

The Gray Wolf says:

I will not part you with such beauty - we will hide it somewhere, and I will turn into Elena the Beautiful, you and lead me to the king.

Here they hid Elena the Beautiful in a forest hut. The Gray Wolf turned over his head and became exactly like Elena the Beautiful. Ivan Tsarevich led him to Tsar Kusman. The king was delighted, began to thank him:

Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted this horse and rode after Elena the Beautiful. He took her, put her on a horse, and they ride along the road.

And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until evening, and when he had to go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful to the bedroom, but only lay down with her on the bed, looking - a wolf's face instead of a young wife! The king fell out of bed with fear, and the wolf ran away.

The Gray Wolf catches up with Ivan Tsarevich and asks:

What was Ivan Tsarevich thinking about?

How can I not think? It is a pity to part with such a treasure - a golden-maned horse, to change it for the Firebird.

Don't worry, I will help you.

Here they reach the king Afron. wolf and says:

Hide this horse and Elena the Beautiful, and I will turn into a horse with a golden mane, you and lead me to King Afron.

They hid Elena the Beautiful and the golden-maned horse in the forest. The gray wolf threw itself over his back, turned into a golden-maned horse. Ivan Tsarevich led him to Tsar Afron. The king was delighted and gave him the Firebird with a golden cage.

Ivan Tsarevich returned on foot to the forest, put Elena the Beautiful on a golden-maned horse, took a golden cage with a Firebird and rode along the road to his native side.

And King Afron ordered to bring a gift horse to him and just wanted to sit on it - the horse turned into a Gray Wolf. The king, out of fear, where he stood, fell there, and the Gray Wolf took to his heels and soon caught up with Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich got down from his horse and bowed three times to the ground, respectfully thanked the Gray Wolf. And he says:

Don't say goodbye to me forever, I'll still be useful to you.

Ivan Tsarevich thinks: “Where else can you be useful? All my desires have been fulfilled." He sat on a golden-maned horse, and again they rode with Elena the Beautiful, with the Firebird. He reached his own edges, he decided to have an afternoon snack. He had some bread with him. Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.

As soon as Ivan Tsarevich fell asleep, his brothers run into him. They traveled to other lands, looking for the Firebird, returned empty-handed. They drove in and saw that everything had been obtained from Ivan Tsarevich. Here is what they had to say:

Let's kill our brother, all the booty will be ours.

They decided and killed Ivan Tsarevich. They sat on a golden-maned horse, took the Firebird, put Elena the Beautiful on the horse and frightened her:

Don't say anything at home!

Tsarevich Ivan lies dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere, the Gray Wolf ran up and grabbed a crow with a crow.

You fly, raven, for living and dead water. Bring me living and dead water, then I will let your crow go.

The raven, there is nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf is holding his little crow. How long did the raven fly, how short, did it bring living and dead water. The Gray Wolf sprinkled dead water on the wounds of Ivan Tsarevich, the wounds healed; sprinkled it with living water - Ivan Tsarevich came to life.

Oh, I slept soundly!

You slept soundly, - says the Gray Wolf. If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have woken up at all. Your brothers killed you and took away all your booty. Get on me quickly!

They rode in pursuit and overtook both brothers. Then the Gray Wolf tore them to pieces and scattered the pieces across the field.

Ivan Tsarevich bowed to the Gray Wolf and said goodbye to him forever.

Ivan Tsarevich returned home on a golden-maned horse, brought the Firebird to his father, and his bride, Elena the Beautiful. Tsar Berendey was delighted, and began to ask his son. Ivan Tsarevich began to tell how the Gray Wolf helped him get his prey, and how the brothers killed him, sleepy, and how the Gray Wolf tore them to pieces.

Tsar Berendey grieved and was soon consoled. And Ivan Tsarevich married Elena the Beautiful, and they began to live and live and not know grief.

So the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" is over, and whoever listened was well done.

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