Summary: Sociological research Attitude of young people to reading. Research work "Problems of Youth in Modern Russian Literature" (based on the work of T

Surname, name, patronymic (in full) Smirnova Irina Yurievna

Name of place of work/study MBOU "Novoportovskaya boarding school named after L.V. Laptsuy"

Name municipality Locality name New Port village

Today, in the age of computers, super smart gadgets, robots, nanotechnologies, one of the main problems is the problem of spiritual, moral, aesthetic and patriotic education youth.

Our society aims young people at success, self-sufficiency, and the ability to earn money. These are the requirements of a market economy. Media promotes norms modern life inspiring young people that such vices as pride, anger, gluttony, envy, despondency, avarice, fornication are not sins at all. As a result, in the process of becoming a person, we get a human consumer who is absolutely indifferent to other people's pain, other people's problems, a person who suddenly forgot that no wealth can replace honesty, kindness, decency. A modern young man, mentally developed, possessing certain scientific knowledge, spiritually and emotionally is at the lowest level.

main goal school library is the formation of thinking and feeling, loving and active person ready to be creative in any area of ​​life. The moral education of the younger generation is the primary task of society, since morality is the highest measure of humanity. The school and the library should join forces in shaping moral values.

As a librarian, I am interested in how emotionally young readers perceive artistic text how deeply they understand him, whether they empathize with literary heroes. The ability of the reader, and even more so of the young reader, to experience joy, anger, sadness is important in the spiritual life of a person. Emotional imagination enables the reader to understand the world of feelings literary heroes, live their life with them, imagine yourself as any character from the book, break away from reality and experience incredible adventure. Hence the conclusion - reading develops the imagination. “The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads experiences only one ”(D. Martin).

Loud readings are often held in our library with stops to answer questions that arose during the reading of a work of art, to discuss the actions of literary heroes. And even those guys who do not like to read are imbued with an interest in the fate of the heroes of the book, a thirst to find out what will happen next, how the plot will end.

Of particular interest are books that tell about the fate of teenagers like ours. dear readers(Zheleznyakov V.K. "Scarecrow", Kaverin V. "Two Captains"), books about the Great Patriotic War(Kuznetsov A. "Babi Yar", Kassil L. "Street younger son”, Baklanov G. “Forever nineteen”, Cherkashin G. “Doll”, etc.) about friendship and love (Shcherbakova G. “You never dreamed of”, Grossman D. “Whom to run with”, Sabitova Dina “Three of your name", Sharon Draper "Hi, let's talk"), historical plots.

To attract students to reading spiritual and moral literature, book and illustrative exhibitions are held dedicated to the life of Sergius of Radonezh, Alexander Nevsky, the great enlighteners Cyril and Methodius. On the days of the Orthodox book, review conversations are held in the library, round tables, loud readings of the evangelical theme of Russian writers I. S. Shmelev ("Summer of the Lord", "Praying"), L. Andreev ("Hotel"), A. P. Chekhov ("On Strastnaya"), N. S. Leskova ( "Figure"), L. N. Tolstoy ("Candle"), F. M. Dostoevsky ("Christ's boy on the Christmas tree"),

In our library, just like in any other, there is a fund Orthodox literature, which is used in exhibition work when it comes to the ethno-cultural traditions of the Russian people. And, as you know, the culture of the Russian people is inextricably linked with Orthodoxy. All well-known and celebrated Orthodox holidays: Naum Literacy Day December 14, January 25 - St. Tatiana's Day, celebrated as Students' Day, May 24 - Memorial Day Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, aka Day Slavic writing and culture. There are always a number of events held at the school for these holidays. These are exhibitions of fiction and Orthodox literature, review talks, loud readings, quizzes, flash mobs, etc.

Adolescence, according to many teachers and parents, is difficult and critical. A good book can help a teenager understand the system of moral values ​​and ideals, organize his behavior and activities, teach self-control and responsibility for the results of his actions. There are many contemporary authors, both Russian and foreign writers for teenagers.

Here are some of them: Eduard Verkin "Cloud Regiment"; Olga Gromova "Sugar Child"; Vladislav Krapivin "On the night of the high tide"; Tamara Kryukova "Witch"; Mark Levy "Shadow Thief"; Boris Almazov "Look - I'm growing"; Nikolai and Svetlana Ponomarev "Are you afraid of the dark?" and "Photo on the ruins"; Mikhail Samarsky "Rainbow for a friend", Evgeny Yelchin "Stalin's nose"; Boris Balter's story "Goodbye, boys!". These are books by modern authors about philanthropy, moral problems, understanding the meaning of life, about the experiences of heroes, their struggle for justice and honesty, their nobility, readiness to help their friends and their selflessness.

A children's book should give children hope that everything can be fine, that is. a good choice. The book helps to understand where there is goodness, mercy, compassion, what repentance is and what self-love, idleness, anger, envy, pride are. Find and recommend good book the task of a librarian and teacher of literature is for a teenager. Reading parents can also become leaders in reading a teenager, because they can introduce them to reading by personal example.

Over the past two or three years, there has been an increased demand for classic literature not included in the school curriculum. This is Dostoevsky F.M. "The Brothers Karamazov"; Tolstoy L.N., "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection"; Fadeev "Young Guard", Shmelev "Summer of the Lord".

And, of course, the works of Pushkin A. S., Lermontov M. Yu., Gogol N. V., Tolstoy L. N., Dostoevsky F. M., Chekhov A. P., Sholokhov M. - allow the young reader not only to learn the past, but also to experience together with the heroes of their books, form views, feelings, character, awaken love for the beautiful, bring up readiness to fight for the triumph of good and truth.

Modern teenagers prefer to watch a film based on literary works, and not to read the work itself, since a lot of time is spent on reading. But the one who read the book did not regret the time spent. Here is what the guys who read books about the war say:

“Any book about war teaches us to value life, to protect the most precious thing, to believe, to hope. We learn about such qualities as kindness, self-sacrifice, the ability to be friends. Every self-respecting person must read at least one book about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945!”

The guys believe that reading books about the war is necessary for every person in order to know the history of their country, to know at what price the peace in which we all live was paid, in order to remember the heroes of the war, about their exploits.

Reading books about war teaches you to be humane even in the most difficult and terrible situations, teaches you to adhere to your principles to the end, teaches you to love, believe, hope, teaches people to unite for the sake of one great goal - Victory.

Nowadays, it is necessary to read books about the war, especially about the Great Patriotic War, in order to cultivate the spirit of patriotism, pride in one's country, and most importantly, so that the current generation does not forget thanks to whom it lives on this earth under a peaceful sky. It's not obligatory fiction, but also documentary, reading which allows you to develop your own point of view on current events.

young people who read knowing the traditions, history and culture of their country - a high potential for the future of Russia.

Remember, young citizen,

Book - growth vitamin!

The great Russian writer A. M. Gorky wrote: “I owe everything good in life to books.”

Today, more than ever, it is important to familiarize children and adolescents with the world of spiritual values ​​of history and culture. Russian classical literature, striving for harmony and the search for the meaning of life, for resolution eternal questions, makes it possible to use the richest material for the formation of a culture of personality. For example, to rethink the essence human relations and actions are helped by the books “Alive” by B. Mozhaev, “The Usual Business” by V. Belov, “Farewell to Matera” by V. Rasputin. They affirm the ideals of reason, beauty, harmony, they speak of a person's responsibility for every step on earth.

Modern youth needs to read and read the best of the classics in order to understand themselves, who you are, what you want to achieve. The moral problems of the individual can be traced in the works of such writers as Chingiz Aitmatov, B. Vasiliev, V. Astafiev, V. Rasputin, Yu. Bondarev and many others.

But the most important thing that the book gives is wise advice.

A teenager observing thoughts, feelings, experiences and actions literary characters, learns not to make their mistakes in his life, tries to take an example only from goodies.

Books teach the younger generation to think, imagine, experience and empathize. Sometimes they just help them have a good time, and sometimes they become indispensable friends and advisers. Books teach you to do the right thing in a given situation, they seem to ask their readers to be better, they help you navigate life.

An important role in the development of a teenager's personality is played by books about prominent people both our country and other countries of the world. The history of mankind over the millennia of its existence has accumulated a lot of life experience, and it would be nice to study this experience for our children. A series of books "Life wonderful people” will open the details of the biographies of prominent personalities.

Reading books about outstanding people helps readers to worthily walk the paths of life, shape their character, and achieve their goals. These books are a great motivator for those who have met with obstacles on the way to their dreams. Books educate moral qualities a person, teach to think and reason, help to develop the inner world.

  • The book teaches you to think.
  • The book teaches to speak.
  • The book teaches to understand people.

I consider Vladimir Vysotsky's poems "The Ballad of the Struggle" to be the best poems dedicated to children's and teenage reading. Summary ballads in a poem by V. V. Radin:

Books teach children

All the wisdom of life -

How to be human

And to be needed by the Fatherland,

And how truth from lies

Everyone must be different.

How to deal with the enemy

And how to overcome evil.

I want to finish my thoughts with the words of A. M. Gorky: “Love a book, it will make your life easier, it will help you sort out the motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events in a friendly way. It will teach you to respect the person and yourself, it inspires the mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for the person.


  1. Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in the modern library environment / ed. comp. E. M. Zueva. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. - 336 p.
  2. Kagan M.S. Philosophical theory values. - SPb., 1997.
  3. Komensky Ya. A. On the skillful use of books - the first tool for the development of natural talents / School Library - 2000. - No. 5 - p.58-62

When making any "behavioral decisions", a person, as a rule, focuses on certain life principles, values ​​and ideals acquired by him in the process of socialization. Hence the category "ideal" has a deep social meaning. Ideals essentially express universal human values, organize the life of a person, influence his spiritual potential and creative activity, act as an indicator of the degree of social maturity. Today, the formation of ideals and value orientations young man influences many various factors. There is an opinion that society information technologies the role of traditional channels for the formation of ideals, such as the family, school, art, including fiction, is gradually losing its significance, giving way to channels of mass communication. Despite this, art culture continues to have a significant impact on the inner spiritual world of man. Art and literature are the most important means of self-knowledge, determination of value orientations and preferences, in which the worldview of a young person is formed. Today, people continue to look in art for answers to questions about good and evil, justice and lawlessness, the meaning of life and destiny. The young man, due to his age and psychological features it is common to compare, compare oneself with the heroes of works of art, to transfer onto oneself the events taking place on the stage, on the screen or in the book, to plunge into the world of illusions created by the imagination of the author of the work. Of particular interest in this regard is fiction as a special kind of art, where artistic image is not static, but acts in a certain time and space, thereby setting patterns of behavior in certain situations. Behind each hero is a specific picture of the world. A person often evaluates his actions and actions, sometimes without realizing it himself, comparing them with the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat the reference hero adheres to. Hence, the images created by fiction can have a direct impact on a person's life in a given situation. Thus, fiction is called upon to perform a number of functions that allow people to learn the world, experience certain emotions, get aesthetic pleasure, escape from reality into the world of imagination, enrich the experience of other people by comparing yourself with the heroes of literary works. However, not all of these functions are fully implemented. This raises the problem of the discrepancy between the role that society assigns to fiction as a special kind of art in the process of forming moral and aesthetic ideals. younger generation, and real place of fiction in the life of today's youth in the context of a variety of channels for transmitting values ​​and ideals. The problem of studying the value orientations of young people, as well as the factors in the formation of values ​​and ideals, on the basis of which young people will build their future and the future of the whole country, is of particular research socio-psychological interest. In 2010, on the basis of the Department of Sociology of Youth and Youth Policy of the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University, an empirical study was conducted on the topic "The role of fiction in shaping the ideals of young students in St. Petersburg." Subject of study: reader self-assessment of St. Petersburg students, as well as factors influencing the reading motivation of young people. Was delivered goal– to reveal the mechanism of the formation of ideals through fiction in the structure various kinds arts and youth leisure. Object of study pupils of schools and universities of St. Petersburg (257 respondents) spoke. The age interval is represented by three groups: 15-17 years old, 18-22 years old, 23 years old and over. Of these, 103 boys (40.1%) and 154 girls (59.9%). The survey involved students of various profiles - humanitarian, technical, natural sciences. The data obtained in the course of the study allow us to state that today's youth retains an interest in reading: 82.1% of the respondents confirmed that they love to read. At the same time, a third of the respondents (29.7%) read constantly, every day; more than half of the respondents (54.7%) read occasionally, not daily; 14.1% read very rarely, no more than once a week; only 1.6% do not read at all. In the context this study Fiction is of the greatest interest in terms of its influence on the formation of youth ideals. The results of the survey showed that young people show significant interest in works of fiction. In the system of other arts, fiction ranks third in popularity after music and cinema. Among the books read last six months high school students, most often called works school course: "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky, "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev, "Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakov and others. Of the works not included in the program, it was named a large number of works of contemporary foreign writers(Paulo Coelho, Haruki Murakami, Stephenie Meyer, etc.). As for the students, they show great interest in the works of Russian classical literature. The list of books read over the past six months includes works from the school curriculum on literature (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", etc.), which, perhaps, indicates the desire of students to re-read and rethink some works of the school course from the point of view of their new personal positions. At the same time, the respondents listed non-programmed works by program authors (“The Brothers Karamazov” by F. M. Dostoevsky, “In the First Circle” by A. I. Solzhenitsyn, “Days of the Turbins” by M. A. Bulgakov), which indicates the continued interest in works of Russian classics. On the other hand, students show considerable interest in works of foreign literature, both classical and modern. The most popular among students are the following works: "The Catcher in the Rye" by J. Salinger, "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by K. Kesey, "Three Comrades", "Life on Loan" by E.M. Remarque and others. At each age stage, new motives for reading appear in the reader's demand of students, which is explained by the content of the tasks and requirements that the educational role-playing and, in general, put forward for them. life position. This is evidenced by changes in genre preferences depending on the educational profile. So, for example, students humanitarian profile showing the greatest interest in foreign classics(54.9%), to Russian classics (52%) and modern foreign literature(48%), while students technical specialties they prefer, first of all, science fiction (51.1%), adventure literature (38.6%), fantasy (34.1%) and Russian classics (31.8%). As for students of the natural science profile, unlike the previous category, they put Russian classical literature in first place, and then adventure literature and science fiction. With age, a young person is more aware of his connection with other people, peers and the need to analyze his actions in accordance with accepted norms. Hence, there is an increased interest in works of art that make you think about important moral problems: 52.9% of students noted that they pay attention to the problems raised in the work, for 70% of respondents it is very important, when reading fiction, to be able to think about these problems. It should be noted that young people who devote a significant part of their time to reading fiction are more likely to show the ability for creative activity in the field of literature. Table 1 presents the results of a correlation analysis, which allow us to state that there is a relationship between active reading and creative activity: the desire and ability to write compositions, poems, stories, essays (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = 0.157, significance level p = 0.05). However, the main goal of this study was to identify the mechanism for the formation of youth ideals through fiction. It was shown that this process is carried out not directly, through imitation of the appearance and behavior of the hero, but in a hidden, indirect form, by comparison, identification with the heroes of literary works and their actions in situations similar to their own life circumstances. Table 1. Results of correlation analysis in terms of reading frequency and creative activity* correlation is significant at 0.05 (2-sided); N is the number of used pairs of variable values. The majority of respondents (71.5%) agreed that “when reading fiction, a young person compares himself with the heroes of works and thereby forms his own perfect image". At the same time, 28.5% of respondents believe that fiction does not have an impact on the creation of images and ideals, since, in their opinion, a young person forms his ideal image by other means. For the majority of survey participants (62.6%), the coincidence of life situations, events, characteristic features heroes with their own. At the same time, 41.4% of respondents noted that the behavior of the hero can serve as a personal example. The results of the correlation analysis presented in Table. 2 show that young people, for whom the behavior of literary heroes can serve as an example, need a positive hero (a positive correlation was found r = 0.196 with a significance level p = 0.01). The presence of a positive hero in literature is also significant when comparing one's own life experience with the experience of heroes. literary work(r = 0.158 with a significance level of p = 0.05). Table 2. Results of correlation analysis for two indicators:* correlation is significant at 0.05 (2-sided); * correlation is significant at 0.01 (2-sided); N is the number of used pairs of variable values. Most respondents (84.3%) tend to compare their personal life experience with the experience of heroes of literary works, 70.8% of them turn to the experience of heroes of their favorite books when the situation described in a literary work is identical to their own life situation. On the other hand, 30.1% of respondents believe that no literary work can help in solving personal problems. During the survey, some respondents noted that among the books they read works of art there are those that allowed them to form some life principles, such as “treat people the way you want to be treated”, “a person should strive for the best, work on himself, achieving a goal”, “bad experience is also an experience ”, “attitude towards life as a great miracle”, etc. Thus, the results of the study allow us to conclude that today's youth retains an interest in fiction. In addition, many young people are in need of goodies, which could be guided in certain life situations. Unfortunately, as the results of the study showed, modern domestic literature does not provide young people with a sufficient number of such characters that could act as a role model. The issue of developing domestic literature, popularizing the works of domestic authors, raising the artistic level of books, stimulating the publication and distribution of social significant literature requires attention from the scientific community, the media and government institutions in order to identify priority areas for the support and development of reading in Russia, including in St. Petersburg. Pushkina A.V. Influence of fiction on the formation of the ideals of modern Russian youth // Social psychology and society. 2014. Volume 5. No. 2. S. 152-157. LITERATURE 1. Bakhtin M.M. Author and Hero: philosophical foundations humanities. SPb., 2000. 2. Lisovsky V.T. Spiritual world and value orientations of Russian youth. SPb., 2000. 3. Sikevich Z.V. youth culture: for and against: notes of a sociologist. L., 1990. 4. Fiction. Problems historical development, functioning and interpretation of the text. Sat. scientific tr. Minsk, 2001.

When making any "behavioral decisions", a person, as a rule,
focuses on certain life principles, values ​​and ideals learned
them in the process of socialization. Hence the category "ideal" has a deep
social meaning. Ideals essentially express universal human
values, organize human life, influence
his spiritual potential and creative activity, are an indicator
degree of social maturity.
on the formation of ideals and value orientations of a young person
influenced by many different factors. There is an opinion that in
information technology society the role of traditional channels
formation of ideals, such as family, school, art, including
fiction, is gradually losing its significance, yielding to
place for mass communication channels.
to this, artistic culture continues to have a significant
influence on the inner spiritual world of a person. Art and literature
are the most important means of self-knowledge, determination of value
guidelines and preferences in which the worldview of the young
person. Today, people continue to look for answers to questions about art in art.
good and evil, justice and lawlessness, the meaning of life and fate.
to a person due to his age and psychological characteristics
tend to compare, compare themselves with the heroes of works
art, to transfer onto itself the events taking place on the stage, on the screen
or in a book, immerse yourself in a world of illusions created by the author's imagination
interest in this regard is fiction as a special
a kind of art where the artistic image is not static, but acts in
a certain time and space, thereby setting patterns of behavior in
certain situations. Behind each character is a specific picture of the world.
. A person often evaluates his actions and actions, sometimes he himself does not
aware of this, comparing them with those values ​​that he adheres to
standard hero. Hence the images created by fiction,
can have a direct impact on a person's life in one way or another.
a different situation.
Thus, fiction is called upon to perform a number of functions,
allowing people to know the world around them, to experience certain emotions,
get aesthetic pleasure, get away from reality into the world
imagination, enrich the experience of other people by comparing yourself with
heroes of literary works. However, not all of these features
are fully implemented.
From here
there is a problem of discrepancy between the role that society assigns
fiction as a special kind of art in the process
formation of moral and aesthetic ideals of the younger generation, and
the real place of fiction in the life of modern youth in
conditions of the diversity of channels for the transmission of values ​​and ideals.
studying the value orientations of young people, as well as the factors of formation
values ​​and ideals upon which young people will build
its future and the future of the whole country, represents a special
research socio-psychological interest.
2010 on the basis of the Department of Sociology of Youth and Youth Policy
Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University, conducted an empirical study on
topic "The role of fiction in the formation of the ideals of the student
Youth of St. Petersburg”.
Subject of study: reading self-assessment of St. Petersburg students, as well as factors influencing the reading motivation of young people.
A goal has been set
- to reveal the mechanism of formation of ideals through artistic
literature in the structure of various types of art and youth leisure.
Object of study
pupils of schools and universities of St. Petersburg (257 respondents) spoke.
The age interval is represented by three groups: 15-17 years old, 18-22 years old,
23 years and over. Of these, 103 boys (40.1%) and 154 girls (59.9%). AT
the survey involved students of various profiles - humanitarian,
technical, natural science.
In the course of the study, the data suggest that modern
young people remain interested in reading: 82.1% of respondents confirmed that
who love to read. At the same time, a third of respondents (29.7%) read constantly,
everyday; more than half of the respondents (54.7%) read from time to time
occasion, not daily; 14.1% read very rarely, no more than once a
a week; only 1.6% do not read at all.
In the context of this study, of greatest interest is
fiction in terms of its influence on the formation
youth ideals. The results of the survey showed that young people show
significant interest in works of fiction. AT
system of other arts, fiction ranks third
place in popularity after music and cinema.
books read over the past six months by high school students, most often
the works of the school course were called: “Crime and Punishment” by F.M.
Dostoevsky, "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Fathers and Sons" by I.S.
Turgenev, "Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakov and others. From works not
included in the program, a large number of works were named
contemporary foreign writers (Paulo Coelho, Haruki Murakami, Stephanie
Mayer, etc.).
concerns students, they show great interest in the works
Russian classical literature. In the list of recent reads
six months of books presents works from the school curriculum on
literature (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and
punishment”, M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero
of our time”, etc.), which may indicate a desire
students to reread and rethink some works of school
course from the point of view of their new personal positions. In the same time
respondents listed non-program works of program
authors (“The Brothers Karamazov” by F.M. Dostoevsky, “In the First Circle” by A.I.
Solzhenitsyn, "Days of the Turbins" by M.A. Bulgakov), which speaks of the surviving
interest in the works of Russian classics.
On the other hand, students show considerable interest in the works
foreign literature, both classical and modern. the largest
popular among students are the following
works: “The Catcher in the Rye” by J. Salinger, “Over the Kukushkin
nest" by K. Kesey, "Three comrades", "Life on loan" by E.M. Remark and others.
On the
At each age stage in the reader's demand of students, new
motivating motives for reading, which is explained by the content of tasks and
requirements put forward before them by role-playing and in general
life position. This is evidenced by changes in the genre
preferences depending on the educational profile. So, for example, students
humanitarian profile show the greatest interest in foreign classics
(54.9%), Russian classics (52%) and modern foreign literature
(48%), while technical students
prefer, first of all, science fiction (51.1%), adventure
literature (38.6%), fantasy (34.1%) and Russian classics (31.8%). What
concerns students of the natural science profile, in contrast to the previous
categories, they put Russian classical literature in the first place, and
then adventure literature and fantasy.
As a young person ages, they feel more connected to
surrounding people, peers and the need to analyze their
actions in accordance with accepted standards. Hence the growing interest in
works of art that make you think about important
moral problems: 52.9% of students noted that they
attention to the problems raised in the work for 70% of respondents
it is very important, when reading fiction, to be able to
think about these issues.
note that young people who devote a significant part of their time to reading
fiction, more often show the ability to creative
activities in the field of literature. Table 1 presents the results
correlation analysis, allowing to assert that there is a connection
between active reading and creative activity: desire and
the ability to write compositions, poems, stories, essays (coefficient
Pearson correlation r = 0.157, significance level p = 0.05).
The main goal of this study was to identify the mechanism
formation of youth ideals through fiction.
It has been shown that this process is carried out indirectly, through
imitation of the appearance and demeanor of the hero, and in a hidden,
mediated form, by comparison, identification with the characters
literary works and their actions in situations similar to
own life circumstances.

The majority of respondents (71.5%) agreed that “reading
fiction, the young man compares himself with the heroes
works and thus forms its own ideal image. AT
At the same time, 28.5% of respondents believe that the creation of images and
ideals, fiction has no effect, because, according to
in their opinion, a young man forms his ideal image by others
of the majority of survey participants (62.6%) are also important when reading
fiction coincidence of life situations, events,
characteristic features of the characters with their own. At the same time, 41.4% of respondents
noted that the behavior of the hero can serve as a personal example. results
correlation analysis, presented in table. 2 show that
young people for whom the behavior of literary characters can serve
example, need a positive hero (a positive
correlation r = 0.196 with significance level p = 0.01). Availability
positive hero in literature is also significant when comparing
own life experience with the experience of the heroes of a literary work
(r = 0.158 with a significance level of p = 0.05).

the majority of respondents (84.3%) tend to compare their personal
life experience with the experience of heroes of literary works, of which 70.8%
turn to the experience of the heroes of their favorite books when the situation described in
literary work, is identical to their own life situation. FROM
on the other hand, 30.1% of respondents believe that no literary
the work cannot help in solving personal problems.
during the survey, some respondents noted that among the books they read
works of art, there are those that allowed them
form some life principles, such as "treat people
the way you want to be treated”, “a person should strive
for the better, work on yourself, achieving the goal”, “bad experience is also
experience”, “attitude towards life as a great miracle”, etc.
Thus, the results of the study lead to the conclusion that
today's youth retains an interest in fiction.
In addition, many young people are in need of positive
heroes who could be guided in certain
life situations. Unfortunately, as the results of the study show,
modern domestic literature does not provide young people
a sufficient number of such characters who could serve as a model
to emulate. The question of the development of domestic literature, popularization
works of domestic authors, raising the artistic level
books, stimulating the production and distribution of socially significant
literature requires attention from the scientific community, the media
information and government institutions in order to identify priority
directions for the support and development of reading in Russia, including in
St. Petersburg.
A.V. The influence of fiction on the formation of ideals
modern Russian youth // Social psychology and society.
2014. Volume 5. No. 2. S. 152–157.
1. Bakhtin M.M. Author and hero: to the philosophical foundations of the humanities. SPb., 2000.
2. Lisovsky V.T. Spiritual world and value orientations of Russian youth. SPb., 2000.
3. Sikevich Z.V. Youth culture: pros and cons: notes of a sociologist. L., 1990.
Fiction. Problems of historical development,
functioning and interpretation of the text. Sat. scientific tr. Minsk, 2001.

1. Methodological section.

1.1. Relevance of the topic.

1.2. Problem definition.

1.3. Scientific development of the research topic.

1.4. Logical analysis of concepts.

1.5. Purpose of the study.

1.6. Research objectives.

1.7. Object of study.

1.8. Subject of study.

1.9. Hypotheses.

2. Methodology - procedural section.

2.1. Methods for collecting primary empirical information.

2.2. Place, time of the study. The name of the instrument.

2.3. Characteristics of the toolkit.

2.4. Sample.

2.5. Methods of processing social information.

2.6. The practical significance of the study.


2.7. Questionnaire.

2.8. Working plan for the study.

2.9. Bibliography.

3. Analytical section.

1. Methodological section of the program.

1.1. Relevance of the topic.

At present, the problem associated with the fact that people of different ages, social affiliations and nationalities are beginning to read less and less books is becoming increasingly widespread. use mostly only the Internet or listen to music.

Personally, I was inspired to choose this topic, the fact that all people began to read less and the level colloquial speech gets worse, and some don't even know very famous writers.

AT this moment The number of people who like to read is getting smaller. This phenomenon is associated with increasing penetration Western culture to our country and with its increasing pressure on the consciousness of our compatriots, especially on the youth. That is why I am interested in the opinion of people, not so much the elderly as the young.

Let my sociological research program be the impetus for all this. After all, it is useful to read various literature, each time you can learn more and more.

1.2 Definition of the problem.

There is a huge problem right now that people don't want to read. I think this is due to the fact that some do not have time, others are very tired after work or study and therefore can no longer read, while others prefer the Internet or listen to music.

1.3. Scientific development of the research topic.

Reading culture of youth: myths and reality.

Anna Akimova

1) Respondents also answered the question about their attitude to school curriculum on literature. 42% answered that it needs to be supplemented with modern literature. In second place is the answer “it contains best literature"- 32.2%. But mostly those who are still in school answered the same way. Those who are already working, and therefore have the opportunity to read more for themselves, have a very skeptical attitude towards the school curriculum - 21.1% answered that it needs a complete revision.

The most famous contemporary writers respondents included Boris Akunin, Sergey Lukyanenko , as well as authors of ironic detective stories. On the question of modern British writer only 19 people were able to answer, they all named the author of the Harry Potter series (Joanne Rolling) . The rest called either old English writers or even American.

According to the responses of young people, it is clear that they have home libraries: 38.6% answered that they have more than 200 books at home, 43.6% - from 50 to 200 books. But, despite this, young people prefer to buy books to read in bookstores(42.9%), in third place after home libraries were public libraries(18.7%). Of course, the source of obtaining a book strongly depends on age: schoolchildren borrow books from libraries (39.4%), while only 2.8% of working libraries use them.

80% of librarians are sure that today's youth reads less than in the 80s and 90s of the XX century. Although an analysis of sales and reader activity shows that young people now read more than in the 1990s, when acute social problems pushed the young into the streets, besides, there were no new famous authors, which would act as "locomotives". Now books like Harry Potter, Coelho's books , Lukyanenko, Akunina, are attracting more and more young people, and well-known film adaptations only kindle this interest. It is difficult to say something definite about the 1980s because the official statistics of those years give very distorted information.

What hinders reading? 45% of respondents answered that television is the main obstacle for young people to read; more than 50% - that interfere with the Internet and computers. High load at school, she was also among the leaders here - 25% of librarians see this as the main obstacle for young people to read.

Vishnikina Katya (source "Newspaper ALTERNATIVE")

Address :

2) The most popular now is - modern philosophy. It turned out that for the most part, teenagers choose the "advertised" authors of philosophical action games - Angel de Kouatier and Paulo Coelho. Also popular today are the Japanese philosopher Haruki Murakami, Richard Bach, who wrote the famous (and no less complex) Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Libraries always have this book on hand. A very fashionable piece! In second place is usually fantasy. Many young people prefer it. Fiction can be divided into two branches - fantasy (fairy tales) and horror. Stephen King (The Colorado Kid) is always the king of horror. No matter how you scold King, dear teachers of literature, his books will always be popular, people read them different ages.
Dean Koontz is somewhat inferior to King - a modern wonderful science fiction writer.
Most books read The Harry Potter series by Joanne Rolling. They are read by everyone - from young to old. The theme of the beloved fairy world continue the books of the famous French director Luc Besson. The magical adventures of the boy Arthur even began to be filmed. Unfortunately, only a few read books with interest and enthusiasm. About 70 percent of schoolchildren borrow only school literature and materials for reports. From classical works young people prefer "Master and Margarita". This work has attracted the younger generations for a long time. And, finally, the most entertaining literature is magazines. They "divorced" a lot of different ones. For example, "YES!", "Lisa", "GLAMOUR". I think we should not complain that we have become less reading. Yes, the facts are very deplorable: 52% of Russians do not buy books at all, 37% do not read them, 79% do not use libraries.

On literary evolution.

Yu. N. Tynyanov

3) The position of the history of literature continues to be in a number of cultural disciplines the position of the colonial power. On the one hand, it is largely dominated by individualistic psychologism (especially in the West), where the question of literature is unjustifiably replaced by the question of author's psychology, and the question of literary evolution by the question of the genesis of literary phenomena. On the other hand, a simplified causal approach to the literary series leads to a gap between the point from which the literary series is observed - and this always turns out to be the main, but also further social series - and the literary series itself. The construction of a closed literary series and the consideration of evolution within it now and then runs into neighboring cultural, everyday in a broad sense, social series and, therefore, is doomed to incompleteness. Theory of value in literary science caused the danger of studying the main, but also individual phenomena, and brings the history of literature in the form of a "history of generals." The blind rebuff of the "history of the generals" aroused in turn an interest in the study of popular literature, but without a clear theoretical understanding of the methods of studying it and the nature of its meaning.

Finally, the connection between the history of literature and living modern literature - a connection beneficial and necessary for science - turns out to be not always necessary and beneficial for developing literature, whose representatives are ready to accept the history of literature as the establishment of certain traditional norms and laws, and the "historicity" of a literary phenomenon is confused with "historicism" in relation to him. As a result of the last conflict, a desire arose to study individual things and the laws of their construction on a non-historical plane (the abolition of the history of literature).

Evgeny Leshchinsky (source "Our World")

Address: http://www.

4) In a similar way, the most difficult, least investigated question is solved: about literary genres. The novel, which seems to be a whole, a genre developing within itself over the centuries, turns out to be not one, but variable, with material changing from literary system to system, with a changing method of introducing non-literary speech materials into literature, and the very features of the genre evolve. The genres "story", "story" in the system of the 20s - 40s were determined, as it is clear from the very names, by other signs than ours. We tend to name genres by secondary productive features, roughly speaking, by size. The names "story", "story", "novel" are adequate for us to determine the number of printed sheets. This proves not so much the "automation" of genres for our literary system, but rather the fact that genres are defined in our country according to other criteria. The magnitude of a thing, speech space is not an indifferent sign. In a work isolated from the system, we are not at all able to define the genre, because what was called an ode to the 20s XIX years century or, finally, Fet, was called an ode not according to the signs that during the time of Lomonosov.

On this basis, we conclude that it is impossible to study isolated genres outside the signs of the genre system with which they correlate. Tolstoy's historical novel is not correlated with Zagoskin's historical novel, but is correlated with contemporary prose.

Strictly speaking, outside the correlation of literary phenomena, there is no consideration of them. Such, for example, is the question of prose and poetry. We tacitly regard metrical prose as prose and non-metrical free verse as verse, without realizing that in another literary system we would be put in a difficult position.

But prose differentiates, evolves, and verse also evolves at the same time. The differentiation of one related type entails, or rather is connected with, the differentiation of another related type. Metrical prose arose (for example, Andrei Bely). This is due to the transfer of the verse function in verse from meter to other signs, partly secondary, productive ones: to rhythm as a sign of verse units, special syntax, special vocabulary, etc. The function of prose to verse remains, but the formal elements that fulfill it - other.

The further evolution of forms can either fix the function of verse in prose over the centuries, transfer it to a whole series of other signs, or violate it, make it insignificant; and like in contemporary literature the correlation of genres is unimportant (according to secondary, productive signs), so a period may come when it will not be significant in a work whether it is written in verse or prose.

Anna Skvortsova

Address: http:// gazeta. en /

5) If we agree that evolution is a change in the ratio of the members of a system, that is, a change in functions and formal elements, then evolution turns out to be a "change" of systems. These changes are from epoch to epoch either slower or abrupt in nature and do not imply a sudden and complete renewal and replacement of formal elements, but they imply a new function of these formal elements. Therefore, the very comparison of certain literary phenomena should be carried out according to functions, and not only according to forms. Completely dissimilar in appearance phenomena of different functional systems can be similar in function. and vice versa. The question is obscured here by the fact that each literary direction in a certain period, it looks for its strongholds in previous systems - what can be called "tradition".

So, perhaps, the functions of Pushkin's prose are closer to those of Tolstoy's prose than the functions of Pushkin's verse are closer to those of his imitators in the 1930s and Maikov.

To summarize: the study of the evolution of literature is possible only if one regards literature as a series, a system correlated with other series, systems conditioned by them. Consideration should go from the constructive function to the literary function, from literary to speech. It must elucidate the evolutionary interaction of functions and forms. Evolutionary study should go from the literary series to the closest correlated series, and not further, even if the main ones.

The dominant importance of the main social factors is not only not rejected by this, but must be clarified in full, precisely in the question of the evolution of literature, while the direct establishment of the "influence" of the main social factors replaces the study of the evolution of literature with the study of the modification of literary works, their deformation.

Young people in the new century will read less and less, do not make excuses. Young people now read a lot, and on their own, without pressure from the school and parents. Young readers are interested in different genres and authors, the book business industry makes it possible to recognize more and more new names. Reading has not suffered from the development of new information technologies, so far only television competes with reading. Reading over the years has become primarily entertainment, to the most popular genres now include detectives and fantasy. This is what worries me the most: after all, in the Russian tradition, fiction has long shaped life values ​​and educated the younger generation. Libraries in such a situation should encourage the development of taste and critical thinking among young readers. Reading in our time is really prestigious!

1 .four. Logical analysis of concepts.

1.4.1. Interpretation and operationalization of concepts.

Key concepts:

3. Literary genres;

4. Youth.

Theoretical interpretation of key concepts:

1. Books - a collection of sheets of paper, parchment or other sheet material containing text and (or) illustrations transferred to them in any way, fastened along one edge and protected by a cover. Each side of a sheet in a book is called a page. Sometimes a book is a large section of a document or literary work. A book recorded in electronic format is also called an e-book or electronic book.

2. Genre - a set of formal and content features of the work. Genres are formed by sets of conditions; many works use multiple genres by borrowing and combining these terms. Possible definitions of "genre" are sometimes limited to art and culture, especially literature, but a long history of usage this concept also seen in rhetoric. In genre studies, the concept is not compared with the original meaning. Rather, all existing works reflect certain conditions, while participating in the creation of the definition of the concept of genre.

3. Literary genres: epic, drama, ode, elegy, story, story, novel, poem, poem.

Bylina is a heroic song of a narrative nature.

Drama - the main difference between drama and others literary genres- purpose for the stage.

Ode is a solemn pathetic poem. In the V - IV centuries. BC. performed only with music, singing, dancing. AT Ancient Greece odes glorified sport competitions. AT Ancient Rome Horace separated the ode from the music. The great master of od was considered in the 16th-17th century in France by Malerbeau. At the same time, Lomonosov, Trediakovsky, Derzhavin were the best in the ode genre in Russia.

Elegy - a genre of lyrics, originated in the 7th century BC in ancient Greece.

A story is a small form of epic prose literature.

The story is the oldest genre of Russian literature.

The novel originated in the Romance languages ​​in the ancient and middle ages, but had only some features of the modern novel.

A poem is a variety of subjects of this poetic genre.

A poem is a large form of the lyric-epic genre, a poetic work with a plot-narrative organization, a story or a novel in verse. heyday this genre associated with romanticism. Poems were written by Byron, Shelley, Mickiewicz, Pushkin, Lermontov.

4. Youth is a specific socio-demographic physical group, characterized by a period of social adaptation, the formation of social maturity and psychological characteristics.

1.5. Purpose of the study.

To identify which genres of literature are most preferable among young people, since I believe that now in our time it is very important to read.

1.6. Research objectives.

1) determine the attitude of young people to reading books;

2) find out the dependence of the choice of the genre of the book on age;

3) to reveal the dependence of the choice of the genre of the book on gender;

4) identify favorite places to read books;

5) what books are of interest to today's youth.

1.7. Object of study.

The object of the study are full-time students of the Russian State Technical University of Moscow, who prefer various genres of literature.

1.8. Subject of study.

The subject of the study is the genres that students of different ages prefer.

1.9. Hypotheses.

  1. Most students think that reading books is a waste of time. (The question in the questionnaire No. 5 was used for verification).
  2. How older man the more he reads scientific books. (The question in the questionnaire No. 1 was used for verification).
  3. Girls prefer novels, and young people prefer stories and novels. (The question in the questionnaire No. 3 was used for verification).
  4. Most people prefer to read in transport, on vacation, at home, at work and at the university. (The question in the questionnaire No. 11 was used for verification).
  5. Circumstances preventing reading are the lack of books, lack of time, life cycle family, lack of interest. (The question in the questionnaire No. 6,7 and 8 was used for verification).

2. Methodological section of the program.

2.1. Methods of collecting primary sociological information.

Poll in the form of a questionnaire.

2.2. Place and time of the study. The name of the instrument.

Location: Moscow.

Date: November, 2008.

Tools: Questionnaire.

Toolkit name: Literary genres of literature.

2.3. Characteristics of the toolkit.

There are 12 questions in the questionnaire, including:

1. Content questions:

1.1. About the personality of the respondent - №1-3.

1.2. About the facts of behavior - No. 10.

1.3. About the facts of consciousness - No. 5.

2. Questions in the form:

2.1. Open - No. ---.

2.2. Closed - No. 6,7,8,11.

2.3. Semi-open - No. 10.

3. Questions about registration:

3.1. Linear - No. 1-12.

3.2. Tabular -No. ---

4. Questions-filters -№1-12.

5. Trap questions -№---.

6. By function:

6.1 Main - 10.

6.2 Minor - 2.

2.4. Sample.

This sociological study involved 50 people aged 17 to 25 years.

2.5. Methods of processing sociological information.

This sociological study provides for a manual method of processing empirical information.

2.6. The practical significance of the study.

This sociological study is of great practical importance. The processed data can be used as existing libraries for further development individual areas or the development of a completely new, previously not attracted attention.

In addition, the results of the study can show which genre of literature is most preferable in the Russian Federation.

Attachment 1.


Dear survey participant! We are asking you to express your preference in literature.

The survey is anonymous. The survey results will be used in aggregate form.

Filling technique: after reading the questions, underline (circle) the answer code that is closest to your personal opinion or write your own version.

2nd year FU student

Trubitsyna Natalya

1. Your age.

a) under 18

b) from 18 to 20

c) from 20 to 23

d) from 23 to 25

2. Your occupation.

a) student not working

b) student working

If your answer is b) indicate the profession _______________

3. Your gender.

a) male

b) female

4. Your education.

a) average

b) secondary special

c) incomplete higher education

If you answered NO, go to question #12

6. What do you prefer more domestic or foreign literature?

a) domestic literature

b) foreign literature

7. What do you read?(two possible answers)

a) classic

b) modern books

8. What genre of book do you prefer?

a) epic

b) drama (tragedy, comedy)

d) lyrics (elegy)

e) story (essay, essay, short story)

f) story

h) a poem

9. How much time do you usually read per day?

a) less than an hour

b) 1 to 3 hours

c) 3 to 5 hours

d) other ______________

10. How long did it take you to read your last book?

a) per day

b) per week

c) per month

d) other _________________

11. Where do you usually read?(multiple answers possible)

b) at the institute

c) at work

d) in public transport

d) on vacation

f) other ______________

12. Do you have a home library?

Thanks for answers!!!
Appendix 2

Working plan for the study.

Name of events Deadlines


Development of the CSI program 05.11 – 07.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Toolkit development 08.11 – 10.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Development of instructions for organizers and interviewers 11.11 – 12.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Replication of tools 13.11 -15.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Briefing of organizers and interviewers 16.11 – 18.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Collection, processing and preparation of questionnaires 19.11 – 21.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Analysis of the information received, its generalization and display 22.11 – 23.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Preparation of analytical notes and reports 24.11 - 27.11 Trubitsyna N.D.
Presentations and implementation of research results into practice 28.11 – 30.11 Trubitsyna N.D.

Appendix 3


1. Reading culture of youth: myths and reality. Anna Akimova.

2. Vishnikina Katya (source "Alternative Newspaper")

3. About literary evolution. Yu. N. Tynyanov.

4. Evgeny Leshchinsky (source "Our World") http://www.

5. Anna Skvortsova http :// gazeta . en /

3. Analytical section.

1. Do young people read (in %):

Conclusion: young people now read a lot, and on their own. The circle of interests of young readers includes different genres and authors. So far, only television has competed with reading. Reading over the years has become primarily entertainment, with detective stories and fantasy now among the most popular genres. This is what worries me the most: after all, in the Russian tradition, fiction has long shaped life values ​​and educated the younger generation.

2. Choice literary genre, depending on age (in%):

Bylina Drama Oh yeah Lyrics Story Tale Novel Poem Poem
<18 0 14 7 0 7 0 36 14 22
18-20 1 17 2 4 13 17 26 13 5
20-23 0 32 0 17 0 17 17 0 17
23-25 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 0 0

Conclusion: the novel, which seems to be a whole, a genre developing within itself over the centuries, turns out to be not one, but variable, with material changing from literary system to system, with a changing method of introducing non-literary speech materials into literature, and the very features of the genre evolve. It is most preferred in young people under 18 years of age. Basically, young people aged 18 to 25 prefer: "story", "story". On this basis, we conclude that it is impossible to study isolated genres outside the signs of the genre system with which they correlate.

3. The choice of literary genre, depending on gender:

Conclusion: in the same way the most difficult, least investigated question is solved: about literary genres.

The fact is that prose and poetry are related to each other, there is a mutual function of prose and verse. The function of verse in a certain literary system was performed by the formal element of meter.

The table shows that young people love poetry, and girls love novels.

4. Most preferred places to read:

5. What are the most popular books for young people?

Conclusion: now such modern books as "Harry Potter", Coelho's books , Lukyanenko, Akunina, attract young people more and more, and well-known film adaptations only kindle this interest, foreign literature is also a success.

General conclusion.

During the study, many hypotheses were proven, some were refuted.

Based on the results, we can conclude that many students like to read, while others do not.

Most students read in a public place, on the way from the institute or to the institute, it turns out that in the subway and on buses.

The fact is that prose and poetry are related to each other, there is a mutual function of prose and verse. The function of verse in a certain literary system was performed by the formal element of meter.

The novel, which seems to be a whole, a genre developing within itself over the centuries, turns out to be not one, but variable, with material changing from literary system to system, with a changing method of introducing non-literary speech materials into literature, and the very features of the genre evolve.

Research project "Problems of Youth in Modern Literature (based on the work of Zoe Sugg "Girl Online")"

In the adult world, it is generally accepted that childhood should be happy. However, in life one has to observe episodes that are very far from well-being and happiness. I seriously thought about the problem of my peers when I read the work of Zoe Sugg "Girl Online". Of course, in modern society, this topic concerning the problems of adolescents is not new. But now it seems to me especially relevant. It is raised in television programs, on the radio, in newspaper publications. The writers' interest in the "teenage" theme is due, first of all, to the opportunity to explore the initial, complex and dramatic process of the formation of a person, his worldview, and the ethical foundations of personality. The image of a teenager in literature is shown in dynamics: the moral and ethical content, the way the hero is characterized, changes.
An object- youth novel by Zoe Sugg "Girl online"
Subject- the problems of the heroes of the work of Zoya Sugg "Girl Online" and teenagers of our school.
Hypothesis: If we consider Zoe Sugg's novel Girl Online, we can identify the range of youth problems and prove that they correspond to the modern psychological and pedagogical concept of "teenager".
The purpose of this work: to identify the range of adolescent problems reflected in modern literature (on the example of Zoya Sugg's work "Girl Online") and in life.
- to study theoretical material about the characteristics of adolescence;
- consider how the image of a teenager is depicted in modern literature;
- read and analyze the work of Zoya Sugg "Girl online";
- to study the characters of the heroes of the story, the motives of their actions;
- to identify difficult situations in the world of the characters of the novel and the reasons for their occurrence;
- to conduct a survey to identify the range of problems of adolescents;
-analyze the profiles of students in grades 7-9;
Summarize the problems in the life of adolescents and draw conclusions.
The work is an experience of independent research. Research methodology:
- study of theoretical material,
- analysis of the work of Zoe Sugg "Girl online"
- questioning students;
- analysis of the obtained results;
- drawing up diagrams,
- Presentation to students.
The structure of the work is: introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references, application.

A teenager in psychology and literature.
Features of adolescence
Who can be considered a teenager and what is the significance of this period in the development of personality? The works of many researchers in the field of psychology, philosophy and sociology are devoted to this issue.
Mankind has not always had the concept of "teenager" in its vocabulary. As F. Aries notes, in pre-industrial Europe they did not distinguish between childhood and adolescence, and the very concept of "adolescence" arose only in the 19th century. The first to propose to consider this period as a transitional period from childhood to adulthood was St. Hall.
When considering the image of a teenager from the point of view of his psychological characteristics, it should be noted that in science there is no exact definition of the age limits of adolescence. Medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological literature defines different boundaries of adolescence: 10-14 years old, 14-18 years old, 12-20 years old, etc. In this study, we rely on the opinion of the supporters of the social approach (Averin, Dolto) in determining the boundaries of adolescence, i.e. We consider the main criterion to be the social influence on the development of the individual. According to T.M. Prostakova, "the development of the personality in its content is determined by what society expects from a person, what values ​​and ideals it offers him, what tasks he sets before him at different age stages."
The study of adolescence is a very complex, long and multifaceted process that has not been completed to this day. It is no coincidence that this age is called "transitional" from childhood to maturity, but the path to maturity for a teenager is just beginning, it is rich in many dramatic experiences, difficulties and crises. At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and ways of emotional response are formed and formed, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and psychological health, social and personal maturity. Adolescence (adolescence) is a time of achievement, a rapid increase in knowledge, skills, the formation of morality and the discovery of the "I", the formation of social attitudes.
A feature of adolescence is the task of moral maturation, that is, determining one's own attitude towards oneself and the world, the formation of a worldview and moral values, norms and personal meanings.
It is known that the moral, intellectual, aesthetic development of children and adolescents is directly related to the spiritual food they receive. As a rule, adolescents, in search of the correct answer to moral questions, turn to sources such as scientific and popular literature, fiction, works of art, print, and television.
How today's teenagers solve their problems, what values ​​they choose for themselves, depends on our immediate future, our tomorrow's society. And we should seriously think about this problem. But it’s up to teenagers or adults, when the frantic pace of life and the struggle for existence leave no time to even think about themselves.
Adolescence is characterized by imitation of models. As the modern scientist-psychotherapist A.A. Shchegolev, a teenager with his characteristic maximalism, tries not only to copy, but also in many ways to surpass his idol. It is important that such a role model be a worthy, aesthetically sublime and morally stable example. Such an example, in our opinion, can be the artistic image of literature.

1.2 The image of the teenage hero in modern literature
One of the main aesthetic functions of literature is the formation of a fully developed personality. The entry of a child into the book universe occurs primarily with the help of literature specially created for children.
Along with the changing life, the image of a literary hero is also changing, which is especially pronounced in the works of teenage literature. The process of a teenager's entry into adulthood is becoming more complicated due to changes in socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions.
Modern teenage prose, worthily continuing the traditions of the classics, reflects the realities of modern life and serves as its illustration; in addition, it creates a sense of a living image of adolescents.
Today, modern teenage prose is undergoing some stagnation. As Sergei Kolosov notes, at present, despite the fact that the book industry is experiencing a rapid upswing (book counters are literally choking on all kinds of books: from frivolous detective fiction in cheap bindings to weighty folios, sometimes costing more than one thousand rubles), literature about adolescents suffers a serious collapse. "Maybe the most important series of books is not visible - about modern 13-16 year old teenagers. Our Russians".
But not everything is as bad as it seems. Currently, there are several interesting writers who have paid and continue to pay considerable attention to the teenage theme in their work. These are such authors as L. Matveeva, T. Kryukova, G. Gorlienko, O. Dziuba, E. Lipatova, T. Mikheeva, V. Zheleznikov, E. Murashova.
Genre originality is not rich, these are: a fantastic story (works by T. Kryukova), a story of a socio-psychological nature (works by E. Murashova, V. Zheleznikov) and romance novels (works by G. Gordienko, T. Mikheeva, L. Matveeva, E. Lipatova ).
As a rule, the heroes of modern teenage prose are ordinary, at first glance, unremarkable girls and boys. Teenage heroes seek to gain social independence in the absence of such an opportunity. However, the situations in which they find themselves help to gain self-confidence and realize their own significance.

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