The Return of Saturn: A Theory of the Life Cycles of a Woman.

If we analyze the statistics of calls to an astrologer, we can see a surprising pattern. Most of the clients are between 28 and 30 years of age. What is it that attracts all these people to an astrologer?

It turns out that the answer from an astrological point of view is simply obvious - at this age people experience the so-called return of Saturn in the horoscope. Astrologically, this is described by the fact that the position of Saturn in the starry sky coincides with its position at the time of the birth of a person. For each person, the return of Saturn marks different events and causes different reactions, but there is also a lot in common. The age at which the transit of Saturn connects with the natal one also fluctuates a little, but in any case it falls into the period we are considering.

Saturn returns to its natal position more than once in a human life. The second return of Saturn occurs at the age of 58-60 years, and centenarians may experience it at the age of approximately 88-90 years. Why is the return of this planet so clearly described in human life and destiny?

The fact is that Saturn has the most “convenient cycle” for this. He is 29.5 years old. If we encounter the first return of Jupiter at the age of 12, and experience the second at the age of 24 and already have a subconscious experience of such an impact of the planet, then it is more difficult with Saturn. At the age of 28-30, we experience its first return and that is why it manifests itself so vividly.

If we take the planets beyond Saturn, then the next planet, Uranus, makes its first return only at the age of 84, and the available horoscopes show that this is also tolerated by people very vividly and saturated, but, you see, with our average life expectancy, not everyone may be affected by the return of Uranus. More distant planets have cycles that are no longer comparable to human life - Neptune repeats its position no more than once every 160 years, and Pluto even less often - once every 248 years. (P. Maksimov "Short course of scientific astrology")

Saturn in the horoscope is responsible for life structure, responsibility and limitations. He controls the time and the correctness of its distribution. It is this structuring role of Saturn that further emphasizes the importance of its return to the natal point. Saturn, as an invisible teacher on a subconscious level, says - a new time has come, and it's time to become more mature.

During this period, people experience doubts, they foresee important changes in their lives. Many begin to notice that situations require new solutions, and the old methods no longer work. Many realize that the time has come to change their position in life and are moving towards these changes. Others, on the contrary, prevent them, and then, it seems, the very hand of Fate sends them situations that force a person to realize and synthesize all his previous experience into a complete picture.

As you already understand, the return of Saturn can result in both positive and negative situations. It is important to realize in time what is happening to you and act according to these feelings.

Here is how the popular American astrologer Claire Petilengro describes his feelings during the first return of Saturn in his book Stars and Character:
“I was completely happy, I had a great husband, a great job, but the return of Saturn was coming. I felt a passionate desire to have a child. My life seemed meaningless to me if there was no son or daughter in it. I convinced my husband to address this issue immediately. And two weeks later I became pregnant with my first son, Paris. But not only that has changed in my life. My work has suddenly become incredibly in demand. My articles sold like hot cakes, and then I was offered to write another book. My appetite for life was insatiable, I succeeded in everything. I did not want to leave the house, I liked to bring it to perfection. We broke the partition wall and expanded our bedroom. The room turned out so beautiful that it was even photographed for a magazine. Our son was born healthy and filled our lives with joy. I was sad to hear that many women experience postpartum depression. I didn't have such problems. The return of Saturn prepared me for childbirth and brought harmony into my life. But if my marriage and work did not suit me, I would, without hesitation, quit everything. I have found my calling and Saturn Return has made me prosper."

As you can see, the author consciously used the positive influence of Saturn and put her life in order. There are many examples and a slightly different character. At this age, people experience a reassessment of values. This period is described in the book Periods of Human Life as follows: “This transitional period, which roughly covers the age of 28 to 33, contains the opportunity to work on the shortcomings and limitations of the first adult life structure and create the basis of a more satisfying structure that ends the era early maturity. Somewhere at the age of 28, the time characteristic of the age of twenty ends, life becomes more serious, closer to reality. It should be noted that this book, from which the quote is taken, has nothing to do with astrology, but only confirms its principles.

It is because of the formation of a new life structure that we are not inclined to tolerate the limitations that we have lived with up to this point. You no longer want to endure the shortcomings of your spouse or the arbitrariness of your superiors. You strive for change, and if you make them consciously, then they usually end in success.

If before the return of Saturn you were only planning something, now you are starting to turn your plans into reality. The life picture is synthesized from your past experience, fragmentation is collected into a single whole, and everything that is unclear is suddenly cleared up. Of course, in the life of each person there are own features of the return of Saturn, due to the personal horoscope, but it is growing up that is the main principle of this transitional period. If the first transition period at the age of 12-15 years is more related to physiological maturation, then the second transition period at the age of 28-30 years focuses on psychological maturation, which is often accompanied by changes in life, according to the location of Saturn in your individual horoscope.

Here are some examples of how people's lives have changed at this age:
- Popular singer George Michael made a life-changing decision at the age of 28. He stated that Sony was unable to understand his creative process (fighting limitations, right?). At that time, George Michael was one of the most successful and richest pop singers in the world. And he said that Sony is destroying his career. Newspapers wrote that "D. Michael forever changed the attitude of the heads of the recording industry and artists."
- Pamela Anderson gave birth to a child at twenty-eight. As you can see, she turned out to be a good mother. The birth of a child was a turning point in her life.
- Patsy Kensit gave birth to a child at the age of 28 and then left her husband.

There are many examples, you can find them yourself in the lives of people close to you. These changes do not always occur on the event plane, but psychological maturation always takes place. Approach this consciously, remember that this period will help you move forward. Let the events seem strange and even unpleasant to you at the moment, but know that in the future their influence will change your life for the better.

Cycles of Saturn

From the standpoint of personality development Saturn cycle considered fundamental, given the interpretation of Saturn as "responsible" for the inner core of the personality, for the "backbone" of her psychology.
From the point of view of esotericism, the average person is “designed” by higher forces for three complete cycles of transits of Saturn according to the zodiac. Each of these three cycles has its purpose.

First cycle of Saturn(from birth to 29 - 30 years old) is associated with repayment of debts to parents, relatives, society, traditions, with the active development of the karma of ancestors. In this cycle, a person is not yet completely independent, he is dependent on many rather fatal circumstances, and he has few opportunities to show his free will.

Second cycle of Saturn(from 30 to 58-60 years old) should be used for active, independent work on the implementation of their own ideas and plans, to create their own life principles. In this age interval, a person, as a rule, has his own family, his own business, his own views on the world, his own “life line”.

Finally, third and last cycle of Saturn(from 60 to 88-90 years old) is dedicated to giving back to others the material accumulated over a lifetime - experience, knowledge, material values, etc. A person at this time strives (to one degree or another) to live not for himself, not for self-affirmation, but to enrich the common treasury of awareness. This cycle is also characterized by a recapitulation of the entire life lived, summarizing what has been done.

Possible fourth cycle of Saturn- “long-lived” - is essentially a continuation of the third, that is, a time of spiritual quest or (in the worst case) senile falling into childhood.

Return of Saturn

The first cycle of Saturn ends at 29.5 - 31 years. What is for a person - return of Saturn?
It is necessary to consider all possible options for its impact on a person.

Option 1. Over the past thirty years of life, the individual has not gained awareness of his actions, lived "unconsciously", had a relatively low level of spiritual development. In this case, Saturn makes him look back at his life and realize in horror that nothing has been done, time has been wasted: there is no real family, no prosperity, no normal profession. But - most importantly - Saturn makes you understand that the main program of the first thirty years has not been worked out: the repayment of debts (karmic and domestic, that is, to parents and other ancestors).
The mental state corresponding to this variant of perception saturn return, can be described as severe, depressed. The individual understands that a lot of things need to be changed in his life, and this understanding, of course, does not make him cheerful - after all, he is used to only going with the flow of life, and not actively shaping events.

Option 2. A person who lives quite consciously, calmly and “usually”, at this age begins to feel that “youth is leaving”, that the best is left behind. Nostalgia for childhood, for carelessness and irresponsibility begins to torment. This option usually “works” ideally for those people whose “star time” was at school - it was there that they were the most beautiful, the most capable, in general, the “most-most”. But the school is gone forever, and in adulthood, no one is going to praise for beautiful eyes. Saturn tells such people: you need to represent yourself, to be not just Sasha or Masha, but an individual, a person in the full sense of the word.
Saturn in this case serves as a test of personal development, more precisely, its intensity. Saturn controls the results of activity for 30 years (he is the significator of the Tenth house - the house of results). Those who have only potentialities, but have not created anything real, feel Saturn return badly - a look into the future, where there will be no place for childish irresponsibility at all, does not bode well.

Option 3. Works only for individuals who have reached a high level of spiritual development and have a developed intellect. They, perceiving (consciously or not) the principles of Saturn constructively, calmly and purposefully work on the implementation of their plans. When the crisis comes return of Saturn, such people do not experience disappointment, but, on the contrary, satisfaction from what has been done. It is at this time that the flow of events “throws” at their feet the results achieved over the years of work. In this variant return of saturn- this is a cold-blooded analysis of the results of labors and the realization that the time of freedom has come, since the debts to the ancestors have been repaid in full.

So it is obvious that return of saturn(as, indeed, many other planetary aspects) are strongly dependent on how a person perceives the principles of these planets. In the case of Saturn, the range of perceptions of his return is exceptionally wide - from severe depression and a catastrophic drop in self-esteem to a joyful anticipation of freedom and satisfaction achieved during the past cycle of Saturn. Therefore, according to how a person behaves during saturn return, one can judge both his inner world and what he is like as a person.

Astrologer's article

Dürer's engraving Melancholia contains many symbols, some of them are associated with the planet Saturn

Saturn in traditional astrology is considered a malefic planet, bringing misfortune, difficulties, restrictions and death. However, it is more fair to consider Saturn as the embodiment of karma, which manifests itself in the form of consequences that our previous actions cause.

In cases where a person sacredly observes the principles of Saturn, that is, he has sufficient self-discipline, responsibility, humility, hard work and natural self-restraint, the manifestations of this planet will not be disastrous for him. On the contrary, Saturn will bring him benefits in the form of a good financial position, respect in society, wisdom and longevity.

And vice versa, if a person does not want to bear his cross, evades duties and responsibilities, instead of doing business and benefiting others, he only seeks to enjoy life and amuse his EGO - then the blows of fate can be very severe.

Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant" clearly demonstrates two ways of life, one of which is associated with the acceptance of the principles of Saturn, and the other with denial. So, the Ant works meekly all summer, not hoping for a lucky break and outside help. Yes, his life is not very bright and cheerful, and is filled mainly with ordinary everyday life, but in them he sees the meaning of life and knows how to get joy from a job well done and from the fact that he can winter without problems. For the Dragonfly, who skipped the summer, the prospects for wintering are not very bright. Either she will have to go into the service of the Ant in order to get food and a winter hut (that is, to accept the principles of Saturn: moderate pride and start working), or freeze to death.

Although Saturn is harsh, it always gives a person a choice and the opportunity to work on mistakes. If a person does not endure the lessons and continues to pluck the flowers of life without thinking about the consequences, then more and more restrictions appear in his life and, in the end, a dead end. Saturn blocks further movement on the wrong road. His lesson can manifest itself in the form of a serious illness, great losses and even death.

Knowing the signs of Saturn is quite simple. If a black streak begins in life and problems pile up one after another, it means that Saturn has turned on in the natal chart, and he requires payment of his bills. This is a serious reason to start deep work on yourself. Saturn does not tolerate self-pity, does not tolerate shifting his responsibility onto the shoulders of another. He does not tolerate unfinished business - therefore, all unfinished business will sooner or later appear on the path and require completion. If a person takes his cross and meekly bears it, then its severity weakens over time - Saturn lightens the load and rewards the person according to his merits.

Symbolically, Saturn is associated with the Moon - it is designed to protect, protect the human soul, creating good conditions for its life and development. Chronic rejection of the principles of Saturn leads to illness of the soul, and often to its death even during the life of a person. The body, on the other hand, performs a certain program based on habits for some time.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, an asocial lifestyle and other phenomena in which Saturn is denied lead to the death of the soul. Therefore, at the first manifestations of these diseases, relatives need to forcibly implement the principles of Saturn: introduce strict restrictions and control into the life of the patient, otherwise they will be implemented from the outside: in the form of a hospital, prison, and ultimately death.

Saturn completes a complete revolution in the Zodiac for 29.5 years, staying in each sign for about 2.5 years. Every 7 years, transiting Saturn makes a negative aspect to the natal and at this time its influence is felt more clearly.

So, at seven years old the child goes to school and this brings the first duties and restrictions into his life. His carefree childhood is over, and he begins to join the rules of adulthood. During this period, a person's teeth change.

14 -15 years old- a transitional age, a very crisis period. At this time, a powerful restructuring of the body and consciousness takes place, a person enters childbearing age, he begins to realize himself in a new way, looking for the meaning of life. At this time, the risk of depressive moods, poor health, and antisocial manifestations increases.

21 - 22 years old- the time of completion of basic education, the beginning of adulthood. A person searches for himself, starts building a career, receives the first assessments of his activities from the society. Strives to create a family.

28 -30 years old is the time of the first return of Saturn. One of the most critical periods in a person's life. There is a deep rethinking of one's life and a reassessment of values. At this time, a person can change jobs or even professions. It can limit the circle of its communication and even be left alone. During this period of time, the likelihood of divorces, injuries, illnesses, depressive moods increases in a person, the theme of death may appear in life in the form of the departure of older relatives.

34-36 years old– “Having passed my earthly life halfway, I ended up in a gloomy forest” ... The middle of life is an assessment of what has been done. Dissatisfaction with the results can lead to depression and decline. The return of Jupiter helps to overcome the crisis, which opens up new opportunities and prospects.

40-42 years old- coincides with the cycle of Uranus. One of the most difficult periods in life, called the midlife crisis. At this time, a person has a very great desire for change, which is often manifested through the destruction of the old. At this time, families break up, men have a demon in their ribs, and women often use the last opportunity to give birth to a child.

49-50 years old- coincides with the treatment of Chiron. At this time, deterioration in health is possible, a high likelihood of chronic diseases. But the energy of Chiron allows you to miraculously heal from previously tormenting health problems. Remarriage is very likely at this time.

57-60 years old. Retirement. This time is associated with getting used to a new way of life, finding new activities and hobbies for yourself, new wisdom. In many ways, the success or failure of a person will be associated with his new worldview (Jupiter) - if it is constructive, then a person’s life after 60 takes on new colors and new opportunities. Wrong outlook leads to disease and destruction. This time is often associated with the appearance of grandchildren in a person’s life, and the acquisition of a new meaning of life through them.

(c) Astrologer Eleonora Danilova [email protected]

About the author

Eleanor Dan

Eleanor Dan, consulting astrologer. She studied at the St. Petersburg School of Astrology. I am engaged in consultations on reading the natal chart, relationships, career, career guidance, life mission. I am an expert in forecasting. I answer various questions.

We all know we can read on the Internet that Saturn is a strange planet, frame-system and in general tough by it's nature. Of course, everyone has their own Saturn - a different status. Mine, for example, karmically - a clear unit (thanks, ancestors, for my laziness), but horoscopically +6, which I am "indescribably glad" - hello my crazy chart that chokes my throat!
Saturn puts us in a box. In a vice. Points us to a clear (does everyone have ???) system. Gives limits, managing our time. All in all, pichalbida from this Saturn to all lazy people... and that's why:
The most interesting thing is that this planet is going treacherous and relatively very long. Imagine a 360 degree circle where all the signs of the zodiac are located. And in these signs, all your planets were randomly located at the time of birth. The card is fixed. Blinded. It is almost impossible to change (for the "magic pill" - in line! I know how, I'll tell you soon).
And your entire 360 ​​degree circle takes 29.5 years.!!! Why is it so terrible? Everything from the fact that it would be okay if he just "walked" on his own, so he also makes all sorts of aspects to your planets. Well, if the positive aspects to the good planets, but how about some "bad" square to the evil Mars?
Here and conflicts, and gluttony, and blows to the head, broken bones, cruelty and anger on their own and from the outside, and other delights of a protracted period. Why protracted? For those who are especially puzzled - under cat.

Why shouldn't Saturn take an example from Neptune, it has been going on for about 160 years. We don’t live in a drain, it can have little effect on our life, or even cooler - Pluto - 360 degrees in 248 years. Well, isn't it lovely? Although, I do not advise you to delude yourself too much, it has its own pitfalls.

But the most the main theme of Saturn- this is what returning to your place, as we already remember, at about 30 years old (and for those who read under the cut and guessed it for themselves, then in the period from 28 to 30 years old) he's ruining our lives.

But here is the first "magic pill" from me. If you are now 25 years old (before this age, please do not disturb, your planet is Jupiter for now, it will come "back" at 24). think about your near future:

Saturn, though cruel, but grateful planet. If you have worked very, very long, tried very, very hard, happiness will come to you. Saturn loves the diligent and dislikes the lazy. It is quite expected that if you sat on the priest exactly, then you give a kick under your soft ass. If you have been hit, then a promotion or a positive change in your career cannot be avoided. Choose yourself.
And even though Saturn squeezes you into the frame, forces you to be in the system, then by the age of 30 the former system will still have to be broken, changed, etc. For example, you "give a child." Looks like happiness? And not for everyone! You will be placed in the care of the baby. Well, if you yourself wanted it.
But you can change everything yourself. Panacea: renovation, marriage, new job, additional income to old job, birth of a child. Write about the worst? I don't think it's worth it. Sometimes it seems to me that it is better to break the wall in your apartment than someone will break your head later.

Short version - Break your system so that the system doesn't break you.

Who did not make it to 30 years old, expect changes by the age of 58. Happiness to you!

Saturn is the most severe planet, which most strongly calls us to responsibility for the committed transgressions. Remember your school years and you will definitely come to mind the name of that strict teacher, whose knees were shaking when he took out a magazine to call another victim to the board.))) Saturn works in the same way, we just don’t see it in front of us, but - how we feel when he starts asking us about unlearned homework!

Favorable Saturn in the horoscope is the blessing of the Lord, which indicates that in a past life you lived according to your conscience and tried to create only good karma. But this is rarely seen - for this we came to Earth, and were not born on the Paradise Planets. Here, on Earth, we will work out our karma to the fullest, and Saturn will follow this day by day.

In the life of each of us there are periods when it seems that life has fallen so hard with its negative side that you can’t even take a deep breath. This is how Saturn operates when the time comes for its inauspicious transit.

O Saturn transits

Transit- the movement of the planet through the houses of our horoscope. There are 12 of these houses in total, which are responsible for different areas of our life.

Saturn is a very slow planet, so it stays in each house for about 2.5 years. Saturn makes a full circle in all houses in 30 years.
For example, Saturn comes to the house of Marriage for 2.5 years. If his initial position is bad in the birth chart, and at the same time he is strongly connected with the house of marriage, then it begins: it will not seem enough! Here are tensions, divorces, postponements of the wedding, loneliness - that is, the concrete working off of the sins that we had associated with the house of marriage begins. But everything has its time - Saturn leaves after 2.5 years to another house, but very often people manage to get divorced by that time, because it was unbearable to endure the lessons of Saturn.

If the position of Saturn is favorable in the birth chart, then this transit may be practically invisible in a relationship.

Each person in his chart Saturn follows his individual route. That is why someone suffers and cries, and someone enjoys life at this time. But everything changes with time - there is nothing eternal, because every second Saturn continues its way and slow movement.

In some houses, Saturn brings happiness and relief, unfortunately it is during this period that a person will begin to believe that he is the navel of the earth, that problems bypass him and only he knows how to live correctly - that is, he earns bad karma, for which Saturn will ask in full, just later.
But the heaviest transit of Saturn occurs when it goes through 12 (house of loss and spiritual release), 1 (house of personality), 2 (house of money). This transit takes 7.5 years and is called Sade Sati. In Vedic Astrology, this transit is given a separate and very respectful place. This is precisely the period when a person most strongly works off his sins and becomes a victim in the hands of Saturn.

It is necessary to prepare for the period of Sade Sati in advance- pray, fast, propitiate Saturn. The best preparation is simply not to create negative karma, to constantly keep in touch with the Higher Forces.
Directly during the period of Sade Sati, one must lead a life as rich as possible with spirituality. The more Divine Goodness will be in your daily life, the easier it will be for you to survive the difficult time.

Now information from Vedic Astrology website about Sada Sati:

Shani [Saturn] is the son of Surya [the Sun]. Shani is a specialist in hard work who does not tolerate any weakness, negligence, inaccuracy. He does not like pomposity and window dressing, he emphasizes hard work and practicality. It is dark in color and emits a blue glow. Its stone is Niilam (blue sapphire) and its metal is iron. Shani is strict and demanding, although he often appears cruel. It represents longevity, death, establishment (certainty), loss, accidents, self-denial, wealth, recklessness, servants. It also represents oil, blackness, disease, sleepwalking, the iron trade, thieves, lawsuits, and prisons. He is thin (thin) with deep-set eyes.

If Shani is badly disposed, then when the native falls under its influence, the circumstances become very difficult and difficult. Suddenly, the native begins to lose his temper, there are financial losses, disputes and fears.
There is a reason for this: Shiva endowed Shani with the right to pass judgment and give punishment to those who are dishonest and angry. Shani makes the native go through various obstacles and trials; and when Shani leaves the born in peace, he will shine like gold. He will make it better by going through hardships. He will make his character impeccable. It is often considered unfavorable. The arbitrator is free from all emotions, and so is Shani. Think about how many people you have hurt. Remember how many times you have been dishonest. Remember how many times you have succumbed to immoral temptations. Shani will make you pay for all this and make you repent. As soon as you begin to change yourself, he will begin to help you. Shani leads a person to the highest goal of life.

The duration of the Sade Sati period in days is 2700 days. Shani exerts its influence on various parts of the body during these 2700 days:
The first 100 days it affects the face; the result is loss.

For the next 400 days it affects the right hand; the result is acquisitions in the profession.

For the next 600 days it affects the legs; The result is travel.

For the next 500 days it affects the stomach; the result is luck.

For the next 400 days it affects the left hand; the result is illness, pain, loss, death of loved ones.

For the next 300 days it affects the forehead; the result is profit, success in dealing with government agencies.

For the next 200 days it affects the eyes; the result is development, advancement, happiness.

For the next 200 days, it affects the lower body; the result is poor results in all areas.

Since Sade-sati lasts about 7 (?) years, and about 22 (?) years pass between these periods (in other words, the beginning of Sade-sati begins every 29 (?) years), a person can experience up to three Sade-sati in his life. sati.

The first cycle of Sade-sati in a person's life can bring physical pain, obstacles and difficulties in various areas, problems for parents.

The second cycle of Sade-sati in a person's life may bring lesser problems such as hard work and struggle to achieve success, mental fatigue. Separation from parents or elders in the family is possible, and even their death.

The third cycle of Sade-sati in a person's life can bring the most difficult results of the Sade-sati period, such as physical difficulties and health troubles, illness and even fear of death. During the third Sade-sati, only the fortunate and spiritual personalities survive in a person's life.

It is sometimes said that “in the first Sade-sati, a person may lose one of the parents of the parents (for example, grandfather), in the second Sade-sati, one of the parents (for example, father) may lose, and in the third Sade-sati, die on his own”… But this is not a rule, and only indicates the fatality of the Sade-sati period.
In reality, not all seven and a half years of Sade-sati are unpleasant, and some auspicious events may occur during this period, such as marriage, the birth of children, promotion in work and getting a position, winning elections and traveling abroad.

During the 7-and-a-half-year period of Sade Sati one must be humble and humble. It is necessary to be especially devoted to spiritual practices, to help others. No need to rush into making decisions, always think twice. Promises must be made slowly, but quickly fulfilled. We need to do charity work, help those in need. You need to try to consciously manage your mood. And then you will see positive changes in your life. It will be an experience that will never be repeated. Shani will make you shine like a gem. One of Shani's names is 'Mand', meaning "slowly moving". Become slow moving like him. Be careful, weigh everything and only then make decisions.

Corrective measures for the Sade Sati period

The corrective measures for the Sade Sati period are complementary, and the main thing is honesty, hard work and devotion.

Talk to Hanuman: honoring him will free from the adverse effects of Shani. Read Hanuman on Saturdays. Light a lamp with ghee (deepak) in front of his image.

Try to wear sapphire. Attach it to your right hand first. If it does not harm you for 3 days and there are no bad dreams, then make a ring from the ‘pachna-dhatu’ [five metals] and put it on the middle finger on Saturday during the waxing Chandra [Moon].

Don't shop on Saturdays black clothes, iron/steel products, petroleum/oil.
The best remedy for improving the influence of Shani during the period of Sade-sati is the repetition of the Maha-mrityunjaya mantra (repeat 125 days, 1080 times every day).

Chanting the mantra of Shani [Saturn];
. wearing a steel ring on the middle finger, worn on Saturday (Shani day);
. wearing a blue sapphire ring on the middle finger;
. observance of a complete fast (starvation) on Saturdays,. or eating only milk or paneer or fruit juice;
. taking a bath on Saturdays with antimony, black sesame seeds and anise;
. donation of masha (lentils), oil, sapphire, sesame seeds, bull, iron, money, black clothes.

Return of Saturn - second transitional age

If we analyze the statistics of calls to an astrologer, we can see a surprising pattern. Most of the clients are between 28 and 30 years of age. What is it that attracts all these people to an astrologer?

It turns out that the answer from an astrological point of view is simply obvious - at this age people experience the so-called return of Saturn in the horoscope.

Astrologically, this is described by the fact that the position of Saturn in the starry sky coincides with its position at the time of the birth of a person. For each person, the return of Saturn marks different events and causes different reactions, but there is also a lot in common. The age at which the transit of Saturn connects with the natal one also fluctuates a little, but in any case it falls into the period we are considering.

Saturn returns to its natal position more than once in a human life. The second return of Saturn occurs at the age of 58-60 years, and centenarians may experience it at the age of approximately 88-90 years. Why is the return of this planet so clearly described in human life and destiny?

The fact is that Saturn has the most “convenient cycle” for this. He is 29.5 years. If we encounter the first return of Jupiter at the age of 12, and experience the second at the age of 24 and already have a subconscious experience of such an impact of the planet, then it is more difficult with Saturn. At the age of 28-30, we experience its first return and that is why it manifests itself so vividly.

If we take the planets beyond Saturn, then the next planet, Uranus, makes its first return only at the age of 84, and the available horoscopes show that this is also carried by people very vividly and saturated, but, you see, with our average life expectancy, not everyone may be affected by the return of Uranus. More distant planets have cycles that are no longer comparable to human life - Neptune repeats its position no more than once every 160 years, and Pluto even less often - once every 248 years. (P. Maksimov "Short course of scientific astrology")

Saturn in the horoscope is responsible for life structure, responsibility and limitations. He controls the time and the correctness of its distribution. It is this structuring role of Saturn that further emphasizes the importance of its return to the natal point. Saturn, as an invisible teacher on a subconscious level, says - a new time has come, and it's time to become more mature.

During this period, people experience doubts, they foresee important changes in their lives. Many begin to notice that situations require new solutions, and the old methods no longer work. Many realize that the time has come to change their position in life and are moving towards these changes. Others, on the contrary, prevent them, and then, it seems, the very hand of Fate sends them situations that force a person to realize and synthesize all his previous experience into a complete picture.

As you already understand, the return of Saturn can result in both positive and negative situations. It is important to realize in time what is happening to you and act according to these feelings.

Here is how the popular American astrologer Claire Petilengro describes his feelings during the first return of Saturn in his book Stars and Character:

“I was completely happy, I had a great husband, a great job, but the return of Saturn was coming. I felt a passionate desire to have a child. My life seemed meaningless to me if there was no son or daughter in it. I convinced my husband to address this issue immediately. And two weeks later I became pregnant with my first son, Paris. But not only that has changed in my life. My work has suddenly become incredibly in demand. My articles sold like hot cakes, and then I was offered to write another book<…>My appetite for life was insatiable, I succeeded in everything. I did not want to leave the house, I liked to bring it to perfection. We broke the partition wall and expanded our bedroom. The room turned out so beautiful that it was even photographed for a magazine. Our son was born healthy and filled our lives with joy. I was sad to hear that many women experience postpartum depression. I didn't have such problems. The return of Saturn prepared me for childbirth and brought harmony into my life. But if my marriage and work did not suit me, I would, without hesitation, quit everything. I have found my calling and Saturn Return has made me prosper."

As you can see, the author consciously used the positive influence of Saturn and put her life in order. There are many examples and a slightly different character. At this age, people experience a reassessment of values. This period is described in the book Periods of Human Life as follows: “This transitional period, which roughly covers the age of 28 to 33, contains the opportunity to work on the shortcomings and limitations of the first adult life structure and create the basis of a more satisfying structure that ends the era early maturity. Somewhere at the age of 28, the time characteristic of the age of twenty ends, life becomes more serious, closer to reality. It should be noted that this book, from which the quote is taken, has nothing to do with astrology, but only confirms its principles.

It is because of the formation of a new life structure that we are not inclined to tolerate the limitations that we have lived with up to this point. You no longer want to endure the shortcomings of your spouse or the arbitrariness of your superiors. You strive for change, and if you make them consciously, then they usually end in success.

If before the return of Saturn you were only planning something, now you are starting to turn your plans into reality. The life picture is synthesized from your past experience, fragmentation is collected into a single whole, and everything that is unclear is suddenly cleared up. Of course, in the life of each person there are own features of the return of Saturn, due to the personal horoscope, but it is growing up that is the main principle of this transitional period. If the first transition period at the age of 12-15 years is more related to physiological maturation, then the second transition period at the age of 28-30 years focuses on psychological maturation, which is often accompanied by changes in life, according to the location of Saturn in your individual horoscope.

Here are some examples of how people's lives have changed at this age:

Popular singer George Michael made a life-changing decision at the age of 28. He stated that Sony is not able to understand his creative process (fighting the limits - isn't it?). At that time, George Michael was one of the most successful and richest pop singers in the world. And he said that Sony is destroying his career. Newspapers wrote that "D. Michael forever changed the attitude of the heads of the recording industry and artists."
- Pamela Anderson gave birth to a child at twenty-eight. As you can see, she turned out to be a good mother. The birth of a child was a turning point in her life.
- Patsy Kensit gave birth to a child at the age of 28 and then left her husband.

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