Popular musical genres. Main directions in music

Really talented and brilliant musicians never adhere to a certain framework of any or style. Moreover, thanks to rapid development styles of modern mass music, these frameworks do not have pronounced boundaries.

But still, people involved in music professionally, and just music lovers, need to understand the variety of musical styles, especially if they are dealing with modern music. music industry.

So, before answering the question, what styles are in contemporary music, you need to decide what a musical style is. I would like to immediately warn against confusion between the concepts of style and genre. Genre (from French word genre - genus) in music has a broad concept that defines any type of work. Style is connected with the language itself, with the way the musician expresses himself. The most basic and widely used styles of modern music are discussed below.

folk music

The term for this type of music (folk music English) became widely known at the end of the last century, to define folk music in different cultures peace. Naturally, the species itself originated much earlier and is one of the first in music. In turn, three main genres can be traced in it: instrumental, song and dance.


As a musical style, it originated in the 19th century, and acquired a wide one already at the beginning of the next. It is a mixture of several styles of music from African American culture such as "work song", "spirituals" and "cholera". The blues had a great influence on the emergence of other musical styles, in particular pop music, jazz, rock and roll, rhythm and blues and a number of others.


Jazz, based on the blues, is characterized by great incendiary and improvisation. The main feature of this style is polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythm. Jazz is an elitist music that developed thanks to the mastery of new models of rhythm and harmony by musicians. Some genres of jazz can be attributed to the professional-academic direction. For example, cool jazz, bebop.


In the middle of the 20th century, rock and roll appeared in the United States. This style combines an incredible mixture of a huge, and as it seems at first glance, incompatible number of genres. Distinctive feature rock'n'roll - a clear rhythm and frankly uninhibited performance. The boundaries of rock'n'roll expanded significantly, due to which rock music appeared - absolutely independent, new style.

Rock music

Rock in English means to swing, which can be attributed to the characteristic of this style. Rock music has great amount directions, ranging from pop-rock, brit-rock, which can be attributed to lighter options. And ending with heavy and aggressive: death metal (death metal), thrash metal (thrash metal), hardcore (hardcore) and many others. Also certain genres rock music is inextricably linked with subcultural phenomena: hippies, punks, goths, metalheads and others.

Electonic music

This type music combines works created with the help of electronic technologies and instruments, mainly specialized computer programs and synthesizers. Established in the second half of the 20th century and combines a wide range of different genres, subgenres and styles. The music of composers using modern computer technologies belongs to academic electronics.


In 1979, a new style of music was born in the United States in the African-American environment - hip-hop. Two elements - rap (clearly rhymed rhythmic recitative) and the rhythm set by the DJ (basically and bass lines) - are the basis of the genre. Hip-hop, like many of the styles listed above, also has a huge number of genres and sub-genres.

All these styles of modern mass music are very popular. We may not have named any individual subspecies, but basically we have opened the question of what styles are there in modern music. All of the above is the basis, the core, and exactly what they repel contemporary composers and musicians when creating their works. Thanks to this basis and the mixing of existing musical styles, completely new directions appear, but nevertheless, it is quite possible to trace the origins in them.

And lastly, take a look wonderful video on which B.B. King, the king of the blues, plays Blues Boys Tune on guitar:

We immediately warn you that it is very difficult to answer the question of what genres of music are in one article. Throughout the history of music, so many genres have accumulated that it is impossible to measure them with a yardstick: chorale, romance, cantata, waltz, symphony, ballet, opera, prelude, etc.

For more than a dozen years, musicologists have been “breaking spears” trying to classify musical genres (by the nature of the content, by functions, for example). But before dwelling on typology, let's clarify the very concept of genre.

What is a musical genre?

A genre is a kind of model to which specific music is related. It has certain conditions of execution, purpose, form and nature of the content. So, the goal of a lullaby is to calm the baby, so “swaying” intonations and a characteristic rhythm are typical for it; c - all means of expression music adapted to a clear step.

What are the genres of music: classification

The simplest classification of genres is according to the way of performance. These are two large groups:

  • instrumental (march, waltz, etude, sonata, fugue, symphony)
  • vocal genres (aria, song, romance, cantata, opera, musical).

Another typology of genres is related to the setting of the performance. It belongs to A. Sohor, a scientist who claims that the genres of music are:

  • ritual and religious (psalms, mass, requiem) - they are characterized generalized images, the dominance of the choral principle and the same mood among the majority of listeners;
  • mass household (varieties of song, march and dance: polka, waltz, ragtime, ballad, anthem) - they are distinguished by a simple form and familiar intonations;
  • concert genres (oratorio, sonata, quartet, symphony) - performance in concert hall, lyrical tone as the author's self-expression;
  • theatrical genres (musical, opera, ballet) - require action, plot and scenery.

In addition, the genre itself can be divided into other genres. Thus, opera-seria (“serious” opera) and opera-buffa (comic) are also genres. At the same time, there are several more varieties that also form new genres (lyric opera, epic opera, operetta, etc.)

Genre names

One can write a whole book about what are the names of genres of music and how they appear. The names can tell about the history of the genre: for example, the dance owes the name “kryzhachok” to the fact that the dancers were located in a cross (from the Belarusian “kryzh” - a cross). Nocturne ("night" - translated from French) was performed at night in the open air. Some names originate from the names of instruments (fanfare, musette), others from songs (Marseillaise, Kamarinskaya).

Often music gets the name of a genre when it is transferred to another medium: for example, folk dance- in ballet. But it also happens the other way around: the composer takes the theme “Seasons” and writes a work, and then this theme becomes a genre with a certain form (4 seasons as 4 parts) and the nature of the content.

Instead of a conclusion

Talking about what genres of music are, one cannot fail to mention a common mistake. This is a confusion in terms when such as classical, rock, jazz, hip-hop are called genres. It is important to remember here that the genre is the scheme on the basis of which the works are created, and the style indicates rather the features musical language creations.

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Music genres

Blues(English blues, from blue devils - melancholy, sadness) - originally - solo lyric song African Americans, later - a direction in music. Blues appeared in the second half of the 19th century. in the USA. The blues melody is characterized by a question-answer structure and the use of a blues fret. AT lyrical texts many blues reflect the theme of social and racial oppression.

vocal music- this is music in which the voice dominates or is equal to the instruments, with accompaniment or a cappella. Major genres- musical and dramatic work, oratorio, medium genres - cantata, vocal cycle, liturgy, choral concert, small - vocal miniature (song, romance).

gospel(eng. gospel music) - a genre of spiritual Christian music developed in the first third of the 20th century. in the USA. A distinction is usually made between Negro gospel and white gospel. What they have in common is that both were born in the Methodist churches of the American South.

Jazz(English jazz) - form musical art that arose at the beginning of the 20th century. in the United States as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures and subsequently became widespread. characteristic features The musical language of jazz was originally improvisation, polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythms and a unique set of techniques for performing rhythmic texture - swing. The further development of jazz was due to the development jazz musicians and composers of new rhythmic and harmonic models.

Country(English country, the second name is country and western, English country and western) is the most common type of American folk music of white residents (cowboys) of the South and Southwest of the United States.

Classical music- a concept free from terminological rigor, used, depending on the context, in three meanings.

1. In terms of quality assessment: music of the past that has stood the test of time and has an audience in modern society. Already today, not only the peaks of high musical art are perceived as classical, but also the best examples entertainment genres of the past: for example, the peaks of the French, Viennese and Hungarian operetta of the 19th - early 20th centuries, waltzes by Johann Strauss, etc.

2. In a narrow historical sense: the music of the second half of the XVII - early XIX in. (this period is traditionally correlated with classicism). The concept of classicism in relation to music is not very widely applicable, so that in a stable characterization of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven as Viennese classics there is also a considerable share of the qualitative assessment of their work as the foundation for further development musical composition.

3. In a typological sense: the so-called academic music, which is in relation to continuity primarily to those formed in Europe in the 17th-19th centuries. musical genres and forms (opera, symphony, sonata, etc.), melodic and harmonic principles and instrumental composition.

Musical(sometimes called a musical comedy) - a musical stage work in which dialogues, songs, music, dances are intertwined, while the plot, as a rule, is uncomplicated. Many genres had a great influence on the musical: operetta, comic opera, vaudeville, burlesque. How separate genre Theatrical art was not recognized for a long time and is still not recognized by everyone.

folk song - the most common type of folk music, a product of the collective oral art. Reflects the character of each people, customs, historical events, is distinguished by the originality of genre content, musical language, structure. The folk song exists in many local versions, gradually changing.

Opera(Italian opera, literally - composition, from Latin opera - labor, product, product) - artistic and dramatic form theatrical performances in which speech is combined with music (singing and accompaniment), and stage action are of paramount importance. The first Opera theatre for public performances was opened in 1637 in Venice; earlier, the opera served only for court entertainment. Peri's Daphne, performed in 1597, can be considered the first major opera. The opera soon spread throughout Italy and then to the rest of Europe.

Punk rock(English punk rock) - a genre of rock music that arose in the mid-1970s in the United States and Great Britain, which combined social protest and musical rejection of the then forms of rock: deliberately primitive playing and perkyness of early rock and roll were cultivated.

Pop music(English pop music, from popular music) - a type of modern entertainment music. In general, this term, especially in Western countries, define the entire spectrum of pop entertainment music, excluding, as a rule, jazz, blues and country. Even though, thus, integral part This term turns out to be rock music, it is often opposed to pop music, seeing in the latter the personification of purely light music, designed for a mass listener.

Rock'n'roll(English rock'n'roll, from rock and roll) - a style of popular music that was born in the 1950s in the United States and was an early stage in the development of rock music. Also a dance performed to rock and roll music and musical composition in the style of rock and roll. In English-speaking countries, the term "rock and roll" is often used in the general designation of rock music. It is believed that the term "rock and roll" in its modern understanding was introduced by Alan Freed, an avid disc jockey from Cleveland, Ohio. The classic sound of rock and roll was formed in 1954-1955 when Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Fats Domino recorded the songs that laid the foundation for rock and roll.

Romance- a vocal composition written on a short poem of lyrical content, mostly love.

Ska(English ska) is a musical style that appeared in Jamaica in the late 1950s. The appearance of the style is associated with the appearance of sound installations (English sound systems), which made it possible to dance right on the street.

Spirituale(English spirituals, spiritual music) - one of the most early genres African American music. Traditionally, spiritual songs are associated with Christian religious themes. How the genre of spirituals took shape in the last thirds of XIX in. in the US as modified slave songs among the Negroes of the American South.

Hip-hop(English hip-hop) - youth subculture, which appeared in the United States in the late 1970s among African Americans. It is characterized by its own music (also called "hip-hop"), its own jargon, its own fashion, dance styles(breakdance, etc.), graphic art(graffiti) and its own cinema. Hip-hop music consists of two main elements: rap (rhythmic recitative with clearly marked rhymes) and a rhythm set by a DJ; at the same time, compositions without vocals are not uncommon. In this combination, rap performers call themselves "MC" (eng. MS - Microphone Controller or Master of Ceremony).

Chanson(French chanson) - French pop songs late XIX-

XX centuries, performed in the style of a cabaret. From the cabaret, this modification of the chansons passed into the French pop music 20th century (the most famous chansonniers were Maurice Chevalier, Edith Piaf, etc.). Outside of France, almost everyone is considered to be a chansonnier. variety performers French songs. Thanks to such an extended interpretation of the term, P. Dupont, Yves Montand, J. Brassens, C. Aznavour, M. Mathieu, Joe Dassin, P. Kaas fall into this category.

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Continuing the series of articles on music theory, we would like to tell you about how genres in music were formed and developed. After this article, you will never again confuse a musical genre with a musical style.

So, first, let's look at how the concepts of “genre” and “style” differ. Genre- This is a type of work that has developed historically. It implies the form, content and purpose of music. Musical genres began to form as early as early stage development of music, in the system of primitive communities. Then the music accompanied every step human activity: life, work, speech, and so on. Thus, the main genre principles were formed, which we will analyze further.

Style also implies the sum of materials (harmony, melody, rhythm, polyphony), the way in which they were used in piece of music. Usually the style is based on the trend of a certain era or is classified by composer. In other words, style is a set of means of musical expression that determines the image and idea of ​​music. It may depend on the individuality of the composer, his worldview and tastes, approach to music. Also, the style determines the currents in music, such as jazz, pop, rock, folk styles and so on.

Now back to genres of music. There are five main genre beginnings, which, as we said, originated in primitive communities:

  • Motority
  • Declamation
  • chant
  • signaling
  • Sound imaging

It was they who became the basis of all subsequent genres that appeared with the development of music.

Quite soon after the formation of the main genre principles, the genre and style began to intertwine into a single system. Such genre and style systems were formed depending on the occasion for which the music was created. This is how genre-style systems appeared, which were used in certain ancient cults, for ancient rituals and in everyday life. The genre had a more applied character, which formed a certain image, style and compositional features of ancient music.

On the walls Egyptian pyramids and in the surviving ancient papyri, lines of ritual and religious hymns were found, which most often spoke about the ancient Egyptian gods.

It is believed that their highest point development ancient music received exactly in Ancient Greece. It was in ancient Greek music that certain patterns were discovered on which its structure was based.

As society evolved, so did music. AT medieval culture new vocal and vocal instrumental genres have already been formed. During this era, genres such as:

  • Organum is the earliest form of polyphonic music in Europe. This genre was used in churches, and it flourished in the Paris school of Notre Dame.
  • Opera is a musical and dramatic work.
  • Choral - liturgical Catholic or Protestant singing.
  • Motet - vocal genre, which was used both in the church and on social events. His style depended on the text.
  • Conduct is a medieval song, the text of which was most often spiritual and moralizing. Until now, they cannot accurately decipher the medieval notes of conducts, since they did not have a definite rhythm.
  • Mass is a liturgical service in Catholic churches. Requiem is also included in this genre.
  • Madrigal - small work on lyrical love themes. This genre originated in Italy.
  • Chanson - this genre appeared in France, and initially choral peasant songs belonged to it.
  • Pavane is a smooth dance that opened the holidays in Italy
  • Galliard - a cheerful and rhythmic dance also comes from Italy
  • Allemanda is a procession dance that originated in Germany.

AT XVII-XVIII centuries in North America rural music - country music - developed quite actively. The genre has been heavily influenced by Irish and Scottish folk music. The lyrics of such songs often talked about love, rural life and cowboy life.

AT late XIX century and at the beginning of the 20th century Latin America and Africa, folklore developed quite actively. In the African American community, the blues is born, which was originally a "work song" that accompanied work in the field. The blues was also based on ballads and religious chants. The blues formed the basis of a new genre - jazz, which is the result of a mixture of African and European cultures. Jazz has become quite widespread and universally recognized.

Based on jazz and blues, at the end of the 40s, rhythm and blues (R'n'B), a song and dance genre, appeared. He was quite popular among the youth. Subsequently, funk and soul appeared within this genre.

Curiously, along with these African-American genres, the genre of pop music appeared in the 1920s. The roots of this genre are found in folk music, street romances and ballads. Pop music has always mixed with other genres, forming quite interesting musical styles. In the 70s, within the framework of pop music, the “disco” style appeared, which became the most popular dance music at the time, relegating rock and roll to the background.

In the 50s, rock bursts into the ranks of already existing genres, the origins of which are in blues, folk and country. It quickly gained wild popularity and grew into many various styles mingling with other genres.

Ten years later, the reggae genre was formed in Jamaica, which became widespread in the 70s. The basis of reggae is mento - a genre of Jamaican folk music.

In the 1970s, rap appeared, which was “exported” by Jamaican DJs to the Bronx. The founder of rap is DJ Kool Herc. Initially, rap was read for pleasure, to throw out their emotions. The basis of this genre is the beat that sets the rhythm for recitative.

In the second half of the 20th century Electonic music established itself as a genre. It is strange that it did not receive recognition at the beginning of the 20th century, when the first electronic instruments appeared. This genre involves the creation of music using electronic musical instruments, technology and computer programs.

Genres formed in the 20th century have many styles. For example:


  • new orleans jazz
  • Dixieland
  • Swing
  • Western swing
  • Bop
  • hard bop
  • Boogie Woogie
  • Cool or cool jazz
  • modal or modal jazz
  • avant-garde jazz
  • soul jazz
  • free jazz
  • bossa nova or latin jazz
  • Symphonic Jazz
  • progressive
  • Fusion or jazz rock
  • electric jazz
  • acid jazz
  • crossover
  • smooth jazz
  • Cabaret
  • minstrel show
  • music hall
  • Musical
  • Ragtime
  • lounge
  • Classic crossover
  • Psychedelic pop
  • italo disco
  • Eurodisco
  • Hi-energy
  • Nu-disco
  • space disco
  • Ye-ye
  • K-pop
  • europop
  • Arabic pop music
  • Russian pop music
  • Rigsar
  • Laika
  • Latin American pop
  • J-pop
  • Rock'n'roll
  • Big Beat
  • rockabilly
  • psychobilly
  • neo-rocabilly
  • skiffle
  • doo wop
  • Twist
  • Alternative Rock (Indie Rock/College Rock)
  • Mat rock
  • Madchester
  • grunge
  • shoegazing
  • Britpop
  • noise rock
  • noise pop
  • Post-grunge
  • lo-fi
  • indie pop
  • Twee pop
  • Art rock (Progressive rock)
  • jazz rock
  • kraut rock
  • garage rock
  • Freakbeat
  • Glam rock
  • country rock
  • Merseybit
  • Metal (Hard rock)
  • avant-garde metal
  • Alternative metal
  • black metal
  • Melodic black metal
  • Symphonic black metal
  • true black metal
  • viking metal
  • gothic metal
  • Doom metal
  • death metal
  • Melodic death metal
  • Metalcore
  • New metal
  • power metal
  • progressive metal
  • speed metal
  • stoner rock
  • Thrash metal
  • folk metal
  • Heavy metal
  • New wave
  • Russian rock
  • pub rock
  • Punk rock
  • ska punk
  • pop punk
  • crust punk
  • hardcore
  • crossover
  • Riot folk
  • pop rock
  • Postpunk
  • Gothic rock
  • no wave
  • Postrock
  • Psychedelic rock
  • soft rock
  • folk rock
  • techno rock

As you can see, there are many styles. For enumeration complete list It will take a lot of time, so we will not do this. The main thing is that you now know how modern popular genres appeared and you will definitely no longer confuse genre and style.

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