Examples of parallelism in Russian literature. What is Syntactic Parallelism: Examples from Fiction What is Parallelism

What is the role of literature in our life? As strange as it may seem, its significance is very great. Reading the works of great writers and poets, we learn to distinguish good from evil. But the book will not make us stronger, more experienced, we need to draw valuable knowledge from it and apply it in real life. You can’t live with illusions alone, and works of art create fictional situations and characters. Such a technique as parallelism is quite common in the literature, but few people pay attention to it. We propose to get acquainted with this concept a little closer.

The role of artistic means

Parallelism in literature, like many other techniques, must be present. Their role is really very great. Anyone who likes to read non-fiction knows that this particular genre is poor in expressive means. This is a solid dry text that does not cause any emotions at all. The main task of literature is to captivate the reader so that the work is read in one breath and makes you want to know the continuation.

Without expressive means, we would not experience any feelings when reading a work: no pity, no sympathy, no joy. Parallelism in literature is also important. What is its main role?


This concept can be heard in rhetoric, it means repetition or comparison. Reception is used to emphasize the similarity of objects or their differences. Also, parallelism in the literature is used to emphasize significance. Let's take an example - the famous poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". There are the following lines: “Will I see your bright eyes? Will I hear a gentle conversation? In a similar way, the author emphasizes what is extremely important for Ruslan. But this is just one example of possible use cases.


What is parallelism in literature? We propose to analyze this on the example of ancient literature and folklore. If we consider versification, then this technique acts as an assistant in the construction of stanzas and rhymes. In biblical or, as it is also called, Hebrew versification, this technique and synonymy are used in parallel, which makes it possible to vary similar images.

The ancient German verse is also not without parallelism, only it necessarily appears together with alliteration. Let's not disregard the Finnish folklore, where it manifests itself with gradation.

Russian folklore

Parallelism here takes several forms:

  • binomial;
  • polynomial;
  • negative;
  • formal.

The first of the items presented is the simplest form. Consider the parallelism in literature, examples from folklore: "A falcon flew across the sky, a fine fellow walked around the world." It was from this form that more complex or polynomial forms were formed. This type represents several parallels at once. An interesting form often used in the work of authors is negative parallelism. For example: "It was not the birch that bowed, but the red-haired girl bowed at her feet." As for the latter type, it is often found in ditties. There is absolutely no logical connection between the compared objects.

Later times

Modern and classical literature also use the technique of parallelism, in addition, it is borrowed from folklore. The origin of this trend was in ancient times.

European fiction is also not devoid of parallelism, only here it borders on antithesis and anaphora. Our great and mighty Russian language also contains many other techniques used by authors to this day in order to interest their reader, to make the work really interesting and exciting.

PARALLELISM - (from Greek- located or walking nearby) - a compositional device that usually emphasizes the connection between two or three elements of speech in a work of art. These elements are located in parallel in adjacent phrases, verses, stanzas, due to which their commonality is revealed, a single poetic image is created. It is customary to distinguish several types of parallelism.

Syntactic Parallelism is most common and consists in the fact that the same sentence structure is observed in adjacent verses. For example:

Only in the world is there that shady dormant maple tent. Only in the world is there that radiant Childish thoughtful gaze. Only in the world there is that sweet-smelling headdress. Only in the world there is this clean parting to the left. (A.A. Fet)

Stanzaic parallelism lies in the fact that in adjacent stanzas of the poem the same syntactic, and sometimes lexical construction is repeated. For example:

If you love, then without reason, If you threaten, then in earnest, If you scold, so rashly, If you chop, so blatantly! If you argue, it’s so bold, If you punish, then it’s for business, If you forgive, then with all your heart, If you feast, then feast with a mountain! (A.K. Tolstoy)

rhythmic parallelism is expressed in the fact that the motives of the poem are emphasized by the corresponding repetition of the rhythmic pattern. For example:

The garden is in bloom, The evening is on fire, So refreshingly joyful to me! Here I stand, Here I go, As if I'm waiting for a mysterious speech. This dawn, This spring is so incomprehensible, but so clear! Am I full of happiness, Am I crying, You are my blessed mystery. (A.A. Fet)

In addition to direct, negative parallelism occurs in poetry:

Not cold winds rustle, Not quicksands run, - Again grief rises, Like an evil black cloud.

This form of parallelism is often found in folklore, although it is not uncommon in author's poetry.

In literature and rhetoric, a technique called "parallelism" is often used. Next, we will consider in more detail what parallelism is and what role it plays in poetic speech.

What is parallelism: definition and types

Parallelism is a speech technique in which two or more phenomena or objects are compared using their parallel image. This comparison allows you to emphasize the differences or similarities of the compared phenomena/objects.

  • Most often, phenomena that are similar in content are compared. Example: "The clouds of heaven are eternal wanderers" (M. Yu. Lermontov). Clouds are compared with wanderers - you can draw a parallel-comparison between these concepts.
  • Syntactic parallelism is also common, when homogeneous members in the syntactic structure of a phrase are compared (for example, lines in verses that are built according to the same scheme).
  • There is also a sound parallelism, which is widely used in poetry. Such parallelism is manifested in rhyme, monotony, ending, as well as in the repetition of parts of speech in different forms.

Parallelism is also used in folk art - for example, it can be found in ditties, folk songs.

The artistic technique of parallelism is used in literature and means the same structure of one or more sentences in terms of syntax. It helps to figuratively and vividly convey the author's thought, his feelings and mood.

Parallelism is one rhyme trick, used along with other rhetorical figures such as epiphora, gradation, anaphora, or inversion. Often, rhetorical questions are also used to enhance the effect.

Origin of concurrency

The name of this figure of speech is based on the Greek word parallelos, which can be translated as “walking alongside”. Its meaning becomes clearer if we recall a similar mathematical term.

ancient greek philosophers and speakers actively used the method of comparison or repetition in their speeches and writings to make them more expressive. Parallelism was one of the techniques of ancient Greek rhetoric.

Gradually, he penetrated into many natural sciences to denote mathematical rules, physical and biological laws. In literature, the method of comparing or contrasting two different phenomena helps to make a poetic work more emotional. He emphasizes the differences or coincidences of objects or circumstances, the efforts of the expressiveness of the work.

There are several definitions of parallelism, which include different applications of this artistic technique in connection with the context of the work itself. Information can be found in Ozhegov's dictionary, and Wikipedia.

In general, parallelism is defined as a group of words that contains a meaning, which the author also refers to the second group of words to create a poetic image. Parallelism can be different in form and meaning.

Parallelism thematic

Many poets use thematic parallelism to illustrate their inner experiences, finding echoes of their own thoughts and feelings in the surrounding phenomena. In this case phenomena similar in content are compared. This technique was delicately honed Anna Akhmatova in her work.

... And there is my marble double,

Defeated under the old maple,

He gave his face to the lake waters,

Heeds the rustle of green.

And light rains wash

His clotted wound...

Cold white wait

I, too, will become a marble.

In this poem she compares himself to a marble statue"my marble double" in an effort to find the same composure and equanimity.

Syntax parallelism

Another literary technique is to build sentences according to the same scheme, observing the same alternation of parts of the text. This is syntactic parallelism, which is equally actively used in both prose and poetry. For example, at Sergei Yesenin find an excerpt:

And there is a birch

In sleepy silence

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

Alexey Tolstoy this is how he starts his book "Childhood of Nikita": Through the frosty patterns on the windows, through the stars wonderfully painted with silver and the palmate leaves, the sun shone. The light in the room was snow white.

These are examples of incomplete syntactic parallelism. If in the composition of the work more than two phrases in a row have the same number and alternation of syntactic elements, then this technique is called complete syntactic parallelism.

Sergei Yesenin uses full and incomplete syntactic parallelism in different parts of the works:

Where the threshold is strewn with roses.

A pensive peri lives there.

In Horossan there are such doors,

But I couldn't open those doors.

There is gold and copper in the hair.

I have enough strength in my hands

But I couldn't open the door.

Andrey Bely uses this trick lightly and gracefully:

I'm flying by: so empty, so naked...

They fly - over there and over there -

They fly - beyond the villages of the village,

They fly by - all behind the scales; -

And a tavern, and a churchyard, and a child,

Falling asleep there at the breasts, -

There are miserable flocks of huts,

There are miserable flocks of people.

Parallelism in folk song

Parallelism has deep roots that can be traced in folklore, in epics, fairy tales, songs and carols.

Most often, they use the simplest artistic techniques, comparisons with what was close and familiar to ordinary people: nature, the change of seasons, life events. In the epic about Alyosha Popovich we find:

From the glorious Rostov red city

As two bright falcons flew out -

Two mighty heroes were leaving.

Negative concurrency

Parallelism can be not only direct, but also negative. It is much more common in folklore, but this technique is so expressive that poets and writers willingly use it. Distinguishing negative concurrency is easy - turns of speech when comparing phenomena or actions in this case begin with the particle “not”.

Ah, I didn't lock the door,

Didn't light the candles

You don't know how, tired,

I didn't dare lie down.

Anna Akhmatova

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry -

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.

Sergey Yesenin

...and me

not a single joyful ringing,

except for the ringing of your favorite name.

And I will not throw myself into the span,

and I won't drink poison

and I can’t pull the trigger over my temple.

over me,

except for your gaze

the blade of no knife has no power.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

To achieve the brightness of the impression and enhance the emotional impact in fiction, various techniques are used - phonetic, lexical, syntactic. One of these means is syntactic parallelism - an artistic technique in which the elements of speech that carry a single idea follow in a certain sequence and create a single image.

In contact with

This way of expression uses the principle of repetition and symmetry. Thus, the phenomenon of generality, homogeneity of syntactic constructions and their arrangement in a compositional connection is syntactic parallelism.

There are several types of arrangement of speech elements. If syntactic constructions are completely identical - this is full parallelism, if the analogy is partial - incomplete.When structures are adjacent, we can talk about contact parallelism if they are separated by others - o distant.

Parallelism as an expressive means of language has been known since ancient times. It is enough to recall biblical texts, ancient epics, thoughts and tales, folk songs, as well as prayers, spells, conspiracies. This technique can be traced in riddles, sayings, proverbs. It is obvious that this phenomenon is typical for oral folk art, as well as for literary works stylized in antiquity.

Sang, sang the little bird and calmed down;

The heart knew joy and forgot.

In this case, there is a comparison of one, the main action with another, secondary, which is a characteristic feature of folklore.

Types of parallelism

In the Russian language, especially in fiction, different types of syntactic parallelism are used:

  • binomial;
  • polynomial;
  • monomial;
  • formal;
  • negative;
  • reverse (chiasm).

The most commonly used is two-term parallelism. Usually such a technique depicts natural phenomena, then describes some kind of life situation.

The reeds rustled over the backwater.

The girl-princess is crying by the river.

When using the polynomial variant, the actor is compared with several images:

We are two trunks lit by a thunderstorm,

Two flames of the midnight forest

We are two meteors flying in the night,

One fate two-stinged bee.

In Russian literature, in particular, in folk art, one-term parallelism is also encountered. At the same time, human characters appear only in the images of plants, animals, birds, however, it is clear that the image of the "clear falcon" implies a young man - a groom, a lover. A girl, a bride, usually appears in the form of a “swan”, “peahen”, or birch, mountain ash, etc.

In some way, the formal version of this technique is similar to the single-term one. However, it is not immediately noticeable, since there is no obvious logical connection between the elements. To understand its meaning, you need to represent the entire work as a whole or a certain period.

Syntactic parallelism is sometimes combined with other forms of this expressive means, for example, with phonetic, which is characterized by the use of the same words at the beginning of a line or the same ending of lines. This combination enhances the expressiveness of the text, gives it a special sound:

Your name is a bird in your hand

Your name is ice on the tongue

Negative parallelism is widely used in oral folk art and works of fiction. This method of expression is found in folk tales, songs, riddles, and authors also use it.

Not the wind blowing from above

Sheets touched on a moonlit night -

You touched my soul...

Speaking about this syntactic means of expression, one cannot fail to mention such a vivid expressive device as its reverse form, chiasm. Its essence is that the sequence of elements changes crosswise or mirror. An example of the so-called "purely syntactic" chiasm is the saying: "Not the people for the power, but the power for the people."

In an effort to achieve the effect, sharpness, and persuasiveness of their public speeches, chiasm has been used by orators since ancient times. This expressive means is found in the works of Russian writers and poets of the "golden" and "silver" centuries, and modern authors cannot do without it.

Folklore and fiction are a reflection of reality, they are closely connected with the history of society, reveal the essence of phenomena and the inner world of a person with the help of numerous expressive techniques. Being a way to enhance the emotional impact, syntactic parallelism often contains various types of artistic expressiveness.

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