Akashic records: what is it, modern interpretation and Indian philosophy.

There are many examples of how a person, after a long treatment in an unconscious state, discovered new knowledge in himself. Some realized that they spoke perfectly in a foreign language that they had never learned. Others discovered in themselves amazing abilities for the exact sciences, although they had been humanists all their lives. All these are examples of people unconsciously receiving new knowledge from the metaverse. But what if you learn to draw revelations of your own free will? The meditative technique of immersion in the Akashic records can help with this. So, the Akashic Records: what is it?

Akashic Records: what is it?

This is the doctrine that all the knowledge of mankind and the secrets of the universe are enclosed in an energy field outside the physical world.

Adherents of the teaching know that the scrolls, like a world computer, keep the eternal secrets of being and are replenished with new knowledge that the world of the living generates. It also contains information about the past and the future, so an experienced practitioner can draw information about their rebirths and predict the future.

The term is taken from Hinduism and denotes the fundamental principles and basic causes of the development of the Universe. Its application to the metaphysical database dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Somewhat later, an esoteric teaching was developed on how to gain access to the Akashic scrolls and learn how to read them.

Nevertheless, any master will say with confidence that the technique of penetrating the metauniverse and obtaining all the necessary information was successfully used by the sages of antiquity, but due to obscurantism and intolerance towards mysticism, until recently it remained forgotten.

How the Akashic System Works

The principle of operation of the system can be described in several points.

  1. There is a metaphysical universe that has neither beginning nor end, and from which the whole tangible world and everything that happens in it flows.
  2. In this Universe, under the protection of the Absolute Being, all knowledge is stored, including those primary truths that cannot be understood by a person.
  3. Through meditative practices, an experienced master can leave his earthly body and penetrate into the bright world of energies, drawing from it any necessary information.
  4. The mystical system can help you learn about your past lives, get rid of unfinished problems and other burdens that prevent a person from living in the present. The Chronicles also contain truths that allow us to interpret the future.
  5. Through turning to the Akashic scrolls, one can gain a source of inexhaustible spiritual power, which will allow a person to activate all his hidden abilities, become confident, and get solid ground under his feet.
  6. After learning the technique, a person can receive answers to his questions, as if in a library, and also achieve the fulfillment of some of his desires.
  7. The filling of the Universal computer is carried out at the energy level. According to Master Casey, every movement of thought or action creates certain energy vibrations. They are entered into a database in which each soul has its own file. Moreover, information is postponed and stored, despite physical death and subsequent reincarnations.
  8. An experienced practitioner can access such a file and learn about himself or another person.

Nevertheless, the need to leave one's body, which is the natural state of human life, distorts the information received. Therefore, the method requires certain skills.

Revealing the Truth Requires Preparation

Akashic records - how to work with them

To enter the metaphysical space of the Akashic field, the medium must know the following conditions.

  1. A person is accustomed to exist in the physical world, while the library is in the energy field. Due to this reincarnation into a flow of energy and the return return to your body, the information received is distorted.
  2. Akashic records must be interpreted, this will require meditation, complete rejection of one's earthly experiences and maximum concentration on a specific issue for which a person turns to a secret library.
  3. Initiation to the truth can be carried out by yourself or you can turn to a specialist. However, the master is required to have a pure desire to help his neighbor, otherwise the information from the scrolls will be distorted.

In general, reading metaphysical information requires the following procedure:

  • drawing up a request: a specific question, pleas, requests for help, and so on;
  • exit from the physical world through trance, hypnosis, seance, travel of the astral body, etc.;
  • gaining scrolls and getting answers from them;
  • returning to the world of the living and scrolling through memories of what they saw with subsequent interpretation;

The last action requires special spiritual strength and maximum responsibility, since one cannot mix one's own impressions with the received truth, clearly distinguishing truth or fiction. Therefore, the experience will have to be scrolled over and over again in order to avoid distortions.

Let's take an example. If a person reads a philosophical book, he is tempted to interpret it at his own discretion or to invent new postulates that were not conceived by the author. This gives rise to a distortion of meaning, sometimes to the point of opposing judgments. If this occurs in ordinary reading, then familiarity with the scrolls, which requires immersion in the metaphysical world, is fraught with an even greater danger of distortion.

Some concepts

Let's consider the basic terms accepted in the doctrine.

1. Akashic library. So it is customary to call a database with all the information about things and about specific souls, which is constantly filled with new information depending on our actions and thoughts.

2. The Akashic field is an energy space invisible to the eye, in which knowledge is concentrated.

3. Akashic record: the universal computer is an analogy, explained by the fact that the database is constantly filled with new information.

4. Akashic records or Akashic scrolls - all these are the name of individual "files" provided to a person in accordance with his request.

5. The central/terrestrial Akashic records are new knowledge that opens up for humanity as it improves on the path of progress.

6. Metaphysics - the field of knowledge about the original essence of the Universe, its foundations and the invisible ideal part.

7. The metaphysical universe is a world of ideas, an energy field that is inaccessible to ordinary human senses, his touch, hearing, sight and smell. However, the metaphysical universe is the fundamental principle on the basis of which the material world exists.

These terms are used in esotericism and are necessary for any practitioner to perform sessions.

Conditional projection of the Akashic field

Akashic records and tarot cards

Most practitioners can access the global repository of information through special conduits. Tarot cards are one of them. The card system is a set of symbols by which the received information is codified. The performer of the divination session deciphers the information and transmits it in the form of a prediction or an answer to a question. In the course of work, certainly, there can be distortions. But the purer the soul of the mystic, the more informative the session will be.

To understand how this works, you can refer to an example.

  1. Wanting to get information from the Internet, we enter a search query. The more specific it is, the more accurate the information will be.
  2. To compose a request, we need tools: voice typing, keyboard layout, mouse movements, and so on.
  3. In any case, the entered data is transferred into electronic streams, thanks to which the required information comes to the computer in the same electronic form.

It is this stage that reflects the direct use of the Akashic scrolls.

  1. The information is then decoded into a human-readable form.

However, when working with the Akashic “computer”, special skills are required from the user. Here, the interpretation of the information received is extremely important - as if a person asked to retell him an article from the Internet on a given topic. Approximately the same degree of distortion occurs in the Akashic realm.

Akashic Records: End of Humanity

Despite the presence of the whole truth in the Chronicles, it is unlikely that an ordinary person will be able to find answers to “global” questions from them. The larger the request, the larger the response will be. Therefore, the limited mind of a person will not be able to perceive all the flows of information.

Thus, only a few of the most powerful psychics can get an exact answer to questions, such as the date of the end of humanity, and even then this will be fraught with a nervous breakdown or mental disorder for them.

Akashic Chronicles: Krasnoyarsk Pillars

You can get energy boost for more accurate work with scrolls of knowledge, as they say, without interference in places of power. In Russia, Krasnoyarsk pillars are one of such places. In this zone, formed, according to scientists, more than 600 million years ago, a powerful energy field is concentrated. From here, it will be most convenient to make contact with the base of metaphysical knowledge. Therefore, this place is often visited by esotericists.

Akash and Karma

Adherents of the teaching interpret a person as an extra-spatial entity, immersed in a physical shell and reborn after its destruction or natural aging.

In the process of karmic rebirths, the so-called karmic debts settle on the soul - the burden of past experiences, sins and unfinished business. If they accumulate to a large extent, then it can affect the physical life of a person in the form of "bad luck", failures, and so on. However, thanks to the library of truths, these situations can be worked out and resolved by removing the karmic burden from your shoulders or from the shoulders of the client who came to the session.

Akashic records and travel to the past

As already mentioned, in the mysterious scrolls you can find any information about the past, present and future, as well as reveal the mechanisms of their relationship. For humans, this promises great benefits in addition to satisfying scientific interests and other forms of curiosity.

Human energy is revealed especially powerfully in places of power.

In the broadest sense, the question about the Akashic Records - what is it - can be answered by analogy with the universal library. Any person has access to it. However, as you acquire special skills, the scrolls reveal new secrets and provide answers to any questions. According to esotericists, God endowed the human soul with the ability to draw knowledge, thereby showing his boundless love for his creation. Therefore, there is no point in giving up the greatest gift - knowledge.

Since ancient times, Egyptian priests, Tibetan lamas, founders of religions and individual occultists have known about the existence of the Akashic Records in the vastness of the Universe, i.e. such an archive and library, where there is information about the life of each soul, its thoughts, actions, experiences, fate. And this information determines the karmic debts of each soul.

The ethereal world is the only one among many others that is not inhabited by rational beings, but contains projections of these worlds. It consists of many shells of different quality and density and is closely connected with the material structure of the planet and the world ether.
This is, first of all, what we call Space. Space is transcendental and multidimensional. It arises together with the birth of time at the very first stages of Creation. “And the Spirit of God hovered over the waters” (Gen. 1:2). Our mind is not able to accommodate this concept, because in the ether of space there is a place for everything at the same time. For example, a TV set receives different programs, but all these waves of information exist simultaneously and do not interfere with each other. Similarly, the Space of a point contains all the information about everything at the same time.
In three-dimensional space, the ether is manifested by electromagnetic nature, which, in addition to the role of a shielding shell and life-giving force, is able to record all the events of the life of the planet. A few years ago, water magnetization devices, treatment with magnets and magnetic fields were very popular. All this has a deep meaning, because torsion - information fields in material reality have their own projections: electric - Yang (male) field and magnetic - Yin (female).
Subtle information is captured, held and reproduced by the solar system. Compressed and systematized, it is instantly transmitted further. The ethereal field, connected with the thinner information layers of the Earth, is the Noosphere (energy-informational field), according to Vernadsky, or the memory (brain) of the planet, where everything that happened, is happening and will happen is recorded.
On the other hand, it is a chronicle and at the same time a program for future development, which records not only real events, but also dreams, emotional and sensory experiences and reflections of all beings who have lived and are living on the planet, as well as alternative versions of the future. The space itself, as well as the chronicle of everything that was and will be, in Sanskrit is called the Akashic Records.
K. Jung introduced his concept and called the information field the collective unconscious. But the concept of the Akashic Record is more multidimensional, because it serves as a material for all the darkness of things. On the contrary, it provides for the reasonableness of space.
After the death of a person, all information about him, with the disintegration of the etheric body and the double, is encoded and enters the corresponding cells of the Chronicles. Access to one or another layer of the Chronicles is possible through the disclosure of the corresponding level of consciousness.
In the etheric body of a person, all the information of personal history is similarly recorded, encrypted and transmitted (or perceived) further into the subtle bodies. After the collapse of the lower conductors, information about the personality of this incarnation is stored in the Information field of the planet (Bardo, according to the Tibetan tradition), and in a more concise form is reflected in the higher individuality of a person.
With the displacement of the magnetic poles on Earth - inversion - the ethereal record of the Chronicles is transferred to more subtle layers of the world ether and becomes practically inaccessible to the perception of most people. At this time, all non-natural materials and synthetic substances (primarily their ethereal holograms) disintegrate into primary elements. Thus, the Earth is cleared of everything artificial, having a left-handed rotation of torsion fields. It becomes clear why the monuments of the past civilizations of the planet are preserved only in stone. After the pole shift, the surviving humanity loses its memory and plunges into savagery, and the emerging new race is forced to start its ascent almost from scratch.
Only a few spiritual people managed to keep their memory and knowledge in the past, and it was they who became the avatars or messiahs of the new civilization. Sometimes in a certain zone of the Earth there was a spontaneous or deliberate manifestation of the knowledge of previous civilizations, and then the brightest civilizations of antiquity arose overnight. It seems that the knowledge was realized by them in one day, and then there was a period of gradual degradation. Such civilizations include Babylon, Sumer, Ancient Egypt, the Mayan culture.
In the zone of action of the Akashic Records related to our planet, and these are the information and electromagnetic fields of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the Solar system, there are about 60 layers (perhaps more), and our unconscious is connected with each of them.
The chronicles are formed both by the spiritual - superconscious worlds, and the mental ones, which include the awareness and subconsciousness of a person. From each layer of the Akashic Records, knowing the key, you can extract any information. Access to data banks is always open, if only the consciousness is able to realize this information. Basically, information comes through premonition, intuitive insight, “accidental meeting”, newspaper headline, through dreams. A conscious journey through the Chronicles is carried out by people who have developed higher centers of consciousness and restored the connection with their immortal essence, or the Inner Man, and only then there is no need for books. Naturally, these wisdoms were taught in closed schools, because knowledge is dangerous and destructive for children's consciousness.
Any information from the Akashic Records can be read through hypnosis, meditation, a spiritualist saucer, an ordinary pendulum or a dowsing frame. All of them perform one function - they translate signals from the unconscious to the conscious level. At present, even the development of computer technology is underway, which will connect us not only with the Chronicles, but also with the Subtle worlds.
All people are tightly merged with the Chronicles at the level of their unconscious and perceive only the information that they are able to realize. This is how culture, psychological types and the development of nations are defined. And although the Chronicles are not inhabited, they also have different fields of information and intelligence - egregors. Egregors, as a rule, subconsciously influence the worldview and form the moral laws of society. This is the aura of tens and hundreds of thousands of people who have lived or are living on the planet. Many egregors have been inherited by us from previous civilizations and, to one degree or another, control our unconscious.
Chronicles contain Libraries of books of past and future civilizations, all the information about the protohistory of mankind and the Earth, the fate of people, projects of inventions that people have yet to discover, and much, much more. Thus, no one and nothing is forgotten and will exist forever.
Russian fairy tales say how, through a certain cipher or a magic word, it is possible to learn to read and write and the science of mental transformation of space. This is another way to collect information, and sometimes control energy fields and even egregors. Naturally, the magic word needs to be acquired through some kind of cosmic initiation that changes the energy and spiritual status of a person. In a trance state or under hypnosis, any information concerning the present, past and future can be read from the Information field of the Earth. For example, what did your great-grandfather do in such and such a year or who were you in a past life, etc. It is believed that it is through immersion in a deep trance that modern adepts receive new space technologies.
If you are disturbed by past events, then their effect can be weakened or completely overwritten in the subconscious databanks or the Akashic Records. To do this, it is advisable for you to remain alone and mentally return in time to the details of the disturbing event. Here it is important to restore it in detail, with the same emotional nuances in the mood. Then again scroll through the situation in your brain, but with the ending that you would like to prefer. A new event needs to be lived emotionally, as if you experienced it all in reality. The created scenario, superimposed on the previous scheme, partially neutralizes or reduces its influence on fate. The technique should be repeated on other days until the problem ceases to bother you.
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For us Akasha is the record of the history of the Earth. This is a huge system of organized energy that stores the wisdom of millennia. Many ancient tests speak of Akash as the Book of Life. In addition to the earthly Akash, there is an Akash for every planet, for every star, every Galaxy and Universe. And there is one common Akasha that contains all these hotel archives, this is the Akasha of ALL that is. In this vast repository there is an Akasha for every Soul.

When the Soul prepares for incarnation on any planet, it takes with it its personal Akasha. It is like our personal file, which records absolutely everything from the entire history of the existence of the Soul from the moment of its birth.

It resides in the eighth strand of interdimensional DNA and is never lost. When the Soul changes its place of residence or work, incarnating in other worlds, in our case on Earth, it takes with it its “personal file”, which is stored in the “personnel archive” of its new place of residence.

You can lose access to this data, but it can also be restored.

The Akasha of planet Earth is also a kind of archive that stores absolutely all the data about the history of the Earth and everything that has already happened or will happen on it, and the data that aliens from other worlds brought with them. When these "strangers" leave our planet, they take their "personal files" with them, but a copy remains in the archive of the Earth. Nothing disappears without a trace.

So, in the Akashic Records of the Earth there are sections that contain the story as a whole. But this universal history is subdivided into the histories of all its participants. For example, if we consider the story of Cleopatra, Caesar or Mark Antony, then it takes into account all the experiences of all participants, and not just these three characters. As a result, it becomes possible to compile an extensive and most complete description of past events.

In another section there is a history of a certain family of souls, about what projects were invented and carried out by its members. It also has its own subsections. Everything is complicated by the fact that different realities are added and taken into account in these chronicles.

There are spaces where, for example, everything about music is stored. There are already composed works, and those that will be composed. There, music fills the space, there is information about all musical instruments, all composers, performers... Boundless musical space... There are such spaces in absolutely all directions. It is from there that inspirations, insights, ideas come to us ...

There are records in the Akashic Records that tell everything about us: who we are, what we are, what lives we have already lived and in what roles, why we are here now, for what purpose, what is the task for this incarnation, what interests us, what we should do and what to pay attention to and much more everything that is connected with our Soul.

When a person loses his memory, for various reasons, he tries with all his might to restore it. This is the situation we are in right now. Our history is hidden from us, access to Akash is lost, and we, realizing this, are trying to find a path to our history.

What is at our disposal?

There are mediums who have learned to penetrate these Chronicles, but their access there is very limited. Why? Because the right to access to the Akash of any individual person (or entity) has only himself. When we ask the medium to "look" at our situation, we give him some permission to clarify the actual issue. This permission applies only to this meeting and only to the voiced problem. As a result, he does not see the whole picture and his information may be useless.

If you activate the eighth strand of DNA, that is, access to personal Akash (available to those who are able to handle the information contained in it), memories come. But these memories are of little value. Therefore, we are shown only relevant information at the moment, which will help us better understand ourselves. At the same time, it is very important not to lose touch with reality. When this stage passes and the danger of losing touch with reality disappears, more information will be revealed, from which you can already learn more about yourself. And most importantly, we will receive this knowledge from ourselves, and not from an external source that can greatly distort information.

Some points regarding the functioning of the Akashic Records are difficult for us to understand because of our three-dimensional perception. The Akash contains our past, present and future. But the future is a certain potential that is in an active stage. We are in the Free Will Zone. But there are some limits within which decisions can be made. Therefore, it is possible to “calculate”, based on your current state, the best option for the future, its most successful potential. Therefore, the section of the Akashic Records responsible for the future is in constant motion.

The past doesn't stay the same either. We untie karmic knots, get rid of vows and oaths, replay the events of the past, solve our tasks set for this incarnation ... All this and much more affects not only the future, but also the past. It would be more correct to say that it affects the effect that the past has on us.

Akasha is a "living" archive with many changing variables. Therefore, the information received yesterday may already be outdated today.

There is another interesting feature of Akashi. The information obtained in the Akashic Records is sometimes difficult to comprehend because it contradicts all our knowledge and ideas.

Let's take one example.

Many women, looking into the Akashic Records, saw themselves as Cleopatra. For example 111 people. But we believe and know from textbooks that Cleopatra was only one. So the rest of the women are wrong? Or are there other options? For example, do they have access to the Akashic Records, do they “download” their favorite character from a famous story there in order to get to know her life better? The possibility exists. But why did it happen 111 times? So all the other 110 women are mentally ill, or is there another clue to this? Or is it possible that they are all right and that they were all really Cleopatra? Let's assume that they all tell the truth based on their thoughts and feelings. Do they have the right to trust themselves?

Perhaps 11 people are really sick. And the remaining 100 were indeed Cleopatra, but in different realities. There is not only one reality in which we all find ourselves. Each person lives in his own Universe, in his own world, and with each decision made, a person passes into another reality, which becomes manifest for him. There are a myriad of realities whose lowest common denominator is what we have agreed upon and where we are moving…

That is why there may well be 111 or 100 former Cleopatras, as well as former Napoleons.

The Akashic Records have a collective Keepers of Divine Manifestation. This is a group of entities that collect, store and share what happened and unfolded in the Universe, including all thoughts, researches, intentions, as well as all their actual, probable and possible results. It is with them that we conduct a dialogue when we want to get access to our Chronicles, or to the Chronicles of our planet. It is not given to everyone, but the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Have you had the experience of accessing the Akashic Records and how has that affected your life?

Akashic Records

Akashic records, also akashic records- a theosophical esoteric, as well as an anthroposophic term describing mystical knowledge encoded in the non-physical realm of being. It is believed by mystics that the Chronicles contain the entire cumulative and collective human experience and the history of the origin of the Universe. Figurative analogies with "library", "universal computer" or "Mind of God" are used to define the Akashic Records. Mystics believe that the information contained in them is constantly updated with the course of events taking place in the world, however, along with data on history and actual reality, information about possible future events, as well as timeless "eternal truths" can be obtained there. In this regard, the concept of the Akashic Records is used by mystics to explain the phenomenon of clairvoyance, and is also offered as a source of all human discoveries, inventions and works in general, both in the scientific and artistic fields of creativity. It is also suggested by mystics that the most common way of contacting the Chronicles to obtain the necessary information is through the method of astral projection.

The concept of the Akashic Record first appears in the theosophical movements of the 19th century, and in the 20th century, with the development of the New Age movement, it becomes one of the dominant concepts in the philosophy of this movement. Also, since the end of the 20th century, the descriptive scientific term “single information field of the Earth” (or: “... the Universe”) or similar ones has often been used in the same meaning, and it directly or indirectly correlates with the concept of “noosphere”, and as its material correspondence proposed magnetic (or electromagnetic) field of the Earth and/or ionosphere. The development of technical means of recording information on magnetic media served as one of the incentives for putting forward such hypotheses.

History of the concept


Since the existence of the Akashic Records cannot be empirically confirmed, the study of the Akashic Records was not considered as any serious scientific discipline. This area of ​​knowledge is non-academic. Also, neither the Christian, nor the Hindu or Vedic traditions consider their sacred texts to be based on any sort of Akashic record.

The Akashic Records in Contemporary Popular Culture

Despite the non-academic nature of the Akashic Records from a purely scientific point of view, they have received quite a wide popularity in modern culture, science fiction and fantasy. Often in fiction and pseudoscience literature, a more "scientific" term is used - akashic field(English) Akashic Field).


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You can touch the secrets of your life with the help of the Akashic Records.

What is the essence of the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is a vast world that lies beyond our consciousness. A world that is impossible to see, like we see the stars in the night sky, or hear like an opera in a theatre.

Chronicles are a world of information recorded on the subtle plane of our existence.

The world that is all around us. A world that many sought to know, but not everyone was given access to it.

The Akashic Chronicles have been mentioned over the centuries under different names: the Book of Life (Bible), the Collective Unconscious, the Cosmic or Universal Mind, the information field. The name doesn't matter. It is important to understand the essence of what they, the Chronicles, are. And they are a huge repository of information.

The Chronicle is a constant and unceasing record of everything we do, think and feel. Everything that we have ever done, everything is reflected on the subtle plane in the form of energy vibrations that can be translated into our human language. Those. presented to us in the form of pictures, words, emotions and sensations that our mind can perceive.

Thus, the Akashic Records is a place that contains vast stores of knowledge about anything and everything. And most importantly, this knowledge can be extracted from there, “read” by a person with the appropriate abilities.

What does the word "akasha" mean?

"Akasha" in Sanskrit means "original substance". The term was used in the theosophical movements of Hinduism.

Since succeeding generations always accept the knowledge of the previous ones and develop them to the best of their abilities and capabilities, the theosophical movement already in the 19th century began to use the term "akasha" for the name of the common "ethereal library".

The idea of ​​Divine Revelations from above has always been present in all religions of the world. And, of course, only the will of supernatural forces could transmit such information to the chosen ones. What actually took place. In the sense that only a select few got access to the "records".

And here we come to the principles of obtaining information from the Akashic Records.

What are the principles for obtaining information from the Akashic Records?

1. We receive information only to the extent that we can perceive, for which our consciousness is ready.

2. We may receive information about ourselves and other people.

3. It is believed that we can obtain information about other people only with the consent of these people. It is required to obtain the consent of the "Higher Self" of the person.

4. Information can be closed from the one who requests it, either in whole or in part.

5. The reader of the Chronicles himself may have restrictions on access to information.

What information is contained in Chronicles?

This is a repository of physical and spiritual experience, both of all mankind and of individuals.

This is knowledge about all things, events and phenomena.

These are records of all talents.

It is a universal system for recording actions, thoughts, words, and emotions.

It is the past, present and future knowledge of all things.

Accordingly, it is possible to work with the Akashic Records in completely different areas of our life. And receive information about past lives, advice for real life, valuable tips for creativity and work.

Who can work with Chronicles?

There is only one principle - one must be mentally prepared for what the Chronicles are, what they give, what they contain.

And you need to have an inclination for such work. If you do not accept the very idea of ​​the Chronicles, then you already have a limitation for the perception of both the Chronicles and everything that is contained there.
In other words, you need to be open to what they offer you.

How to access the Akashic Records?

There are various systems that offer to teach how to connect to the Chronicles.

There are reiki that open the way to the Chronicles through their symbols.

There are hypnotic and trance states that are evoked through meditation.

There is a method of prayers, a set of special words that create a connection channel to the Chronicles.

Either way, you are putting yourself into an altered state of consciousness.

All ways to connect to the Chronicles are good. And it is recommended to choose the one that suits you best, to which you feel a predisposition inside yourself.

For example, I am not close to the Reiki system, and I use either a trance state or a method of saying a prayer.

The key is practice and more practice.

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Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

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The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...