The most famous writers What to read: the best modern writers

It is impossible to deny the fact that the nature of the approaching or imminent changes in the life of human civilization was the first to be felt by those who were ahead of their time - famous writers.

Writers - liaison between the future and the present

Among the infinite multitude of writers of each epoch are those authors who, in addition to the merits recognized by all, fiction generously give humanity a new vision. It was they who, much more convincingly than scientists, formulated new concepts and ideas and, as a result, created the intellectual and emotional argumentation of the future. They managed to see his challenge in the everyday and ordinary, expose unsightly problems, point to ongoing conflicts, helping to realize the coming threats and give new hopes.

Great writers of world literature

This list is not perfect. It contains individual famous writers who can be safely called the greatest writers of all times and peoples.

Pleiad of geniuses of poetry and prose

The 19th century was so rich in talent that it managed to give birth to an outstanding galaxy of prose and poetry geniuses. The most famous writers are N. M. Karamzin, A. S. Griboyedov, A. S. Pushkin, K. F. Ryleev, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. A. Nekrasov, N. V. Gogol, A. A. Fet, I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, G. Chernyshevsky, A. P. Chekhov, F. M. Dostoevsky.

Writers who had a significant impact on English literature

The famous created a great many outstanding works, in which they laid a powerful message, so they have retained their relevance in our days.

  • Thomas More, and translator. Author of many translations from ancient Greek and poems, as well as 280 Latin epigrams.
  • Jonathan Swift, a brave publicist and brilliant satirist, poet, is known to the general public as the creator of Gulliver's Travels.
  • founding father of romantic "sensual" literature in Great Britain. With his three whale novels, he undoubtedly formed a stable foundation for his imperishable world fame.
  • founder of English realistic novel, a prolific, profound playwright.
  • Walter Scott, a comprehensively developed personality, warrior, writer, poet, specialist in advocacy and history, founder historical novel 19th century.

Writers who changed the world

After the horrors of the Second World War, it seemed to everyone that henceforth the world would rest on clear, simple and sound principles. Social relations, global politics were based on the modernization of progress and positive trends, faith in education, science. However, from the beginning of the 70s, the idealistic world began to inexorably collapse, and people came to know a different reality. famous writers and the poets, who determined the mindset of the new generation, bore the brunt of the dramatic changes that had come.

Soul and mind of modernity

Below is a list of those writers who determined the soul and mind of our time.

  • Marquez (lawyer). Major works: "The General in His Labyrinth", "Nobody Writes to the Colonel", "One Hundred Years of Solitude", "Born Leaves" and many others.
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn (teacher of physics and mathematics, famous Russian writer). Main works: " cancer corps”, “Red Wheel”, “In the First Circle” and more than provocative “Gulag Archipelago”. Famous writers often fell into disgrace to the ruling system.
  • Toni Morrison (editor). Main works: "Favorite", "Resin Scarecrow", "Jazz", "Love", "Paradise".
  • Salman Rushdie (philologist). Main works: "Shame", "Rage", "Midnight's Children", "Shalimar the Clown", "Satanic Verses".
  • Milan Kundera (director) Main works: "Ignorance", "Immortality", "Slowness", "Funny Loves" and others.
  • Orhan Pamuk (architect). Main works: "Istanbul", " white fortress”, “Other colors”, “ New life”, “Snow”, “Black Book”.
  • Michel Houellebecq (environmental engineer). Main works: "Platform", " Elementary particles”,“ The possibility of the island ”,“ Lanzarote ”.
  • JK Rowling (translator). 7 Harry Potter novels.

  • Umberto Eco (philologist). Major works: "Baudolino", "The Name of the Rose", "The Island of the Eve", "Foucault's Pendulum".
  • Carlos Castaneda (anthropologist). Major works: "The Gift of the Eagle", "The Power of Silence", "Special Reality", "Tales of Power", "Inner Fire", "The Wheel of Time", "The Second Circle of Power" and others. The category "famous writers" would be deprived without mentioning this outstanding person.

Modern domestic literature rich in variety of names. Many book resources make their own ratings of the most widely read authors, best-selling books, top-selling books (,, LitRes.,, Chitai-gorod, We present the "twenty" of the most popular contemporary writers of Russia, whose works can be found in the fund of the Centralized library system Volgodonsk.

Speaking of modern Russian literature, one cannot help but recall the masters of writing novels.

Ludmila Ulitskaya. Bright representative Russian literature of the post-Soviet period. She began writing prose when she was over forty. In her own words: "First she raised children, then she became a writer." The first collection of short stories of the writer "Poor Relatives" was published in 1993 in France and was published on French. Ulitskaya's book "Medea and Her Children" brought her to the finalists of the Booker Prize in 1997 and made her truly famous. Prizes « The big Book"were awarded: a collection of short stories" The people of our king "," Daniel Stein, translator ", which soon received the status of a bestseller. In 2011, Ulitskaya presented the novel The Green Tent, which tells about dissidents and the lives of people of the generation of the "sixties". The autobiographical prose and essays of the writer were included in the book Sacred Garbage, published in 2012. Admirers of the writer characterize her work exclusively as bold, subtle, intelligent.

Dina Rubina. Critics often refer to her as a "women's writer," although her novel On the Sunny Side of the Street won the third Big Book Prize in 2007, when Ulitskaya's "Stein" won first. The 2004 novel Syndicate, which satirically describes the Moscow branch of the Israeli agency Sokhnut, quarreled her with many in Israel. But Russian readers are still big fans of her work. The story "When it snows" brought the author particular popularity. The work went through several editions, was filmed, played on theater scenes. The writer's books are distinguished by colorful language, vivid characters, a rude sense of humor, adventurous plots and the ability to talk about complex problems and things in an accessible way. From latest works- trilogy "Russian Canary". The plot, the character of the characters, the ruby ​​language - it's impossible to tear yourself away from all this!

Aleksey Ivanov.High-quality Russian prose in the genre of realism. The words of one critic that "Alexei Ivanov's prose is the gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russian literature" are often reproduced on the covers of his books. The heroes of Ivanov, whether they are the mythical Voguls of the 15th century (“The Heart of Parma”), the semi-mythical rafters of the 18th century (“The Gold of Riot”) or the mythologized modern Permians (“The geographer drank away his globe”), speak a special language and think in a special way. All works are very different, but they are united by subtle author's humor, gradually turning into satire. The writer Alexei Ivanov is notable for the fact that while emphasizing his “provinciality”, he, nevertheless, carefully monitors in any novel that the plot follows all the laws of a Hollywood action movie. His last novel"Bad weather" was ambiguously received by the reading public. Some talk about the cardboard and lifelessness of the characters, the hackneyedness of the criminal theme, others speak with enthusiasm about the writer's ability to create a portrait of our contemporary - a man brought up during socialism, who received a solid Soviet education, and during the global breakdown of society, left alone with his conscience and questions. Isn't this a reason to read the novel and write your own? personal opinion about him?

Oleg Roy.A bright name among novelists. He lived outside of Russia for a little over a decade. It is at this time that it begins creative career writer. The name of the debut novel, Mirror, was presented to post-Soviet readers as an Amalgam of Happiness. After this book, he became famous in book circles. O. Roy is the author of more than two dozen books of various genres for adults and children, as well as articles in popular print media. The writer's work will appeal to those who love simply good prose. Writes in the genre of urban romance - life stories, slightly flavored with mysticism, which gives the author's work a special flavor.

Pavel Sanaev.The book “Bury Me Behind the Plinth” was appreciated by critics and readers - a story in which the theme of growing up seems to be turned upside down and acquires the features of surreal humor! A book in which the very idea of ​​a happy childhood is parodied in a Homeric funny and subtly evil way. The continuation of the cult story was published only in 2010 under the title "Chronicles of Gouging".

Evgeny Grishkovets. He began as a playwright and performer of his plays, but then the dramatic scene seemed to him not enough. He added music lessons to this, and then went into prose writing, releasing the novel "The Shirt". It was followed by the second book - "Rivers". Both works, judging by the reviews, were warmly received by readers. Short stories and collections of short stories followed. Despite the fact that the author works very seriously on each of his works and then proudly notes that the “author’s position” in this book is completely different from the “author’s position” in the previous one, it seems that Grishkovets, with his plays, performances, prose and songs all his life he writes the same text named after himself. And at the same time, each of his viewers / readers can say: “He wrote it right about me.” The best books of the author: "Asphalt", "A ... a", collections of stories "Plank" and "Footprints on me."

Zakhar Prilepin.His name is known the widest circle readers. Prilepin's childhood and youth passed in the USSR, and growing up took place in the difficult 90s of the 20th century. Hence the frequent reviews of him as the "voice of generations." Zakhar Prilepin was a participant in the Chechen campaigns of 1996 and 1999. His first novel, Pathology, about the war in Chechnya, was written by the author in 2003. The best books of the writer are social novels"Sin" and "Sankya", in which he shows the life of modern youth. Most of the author's books were warmly received by the public and critics, "Sin" received rave reviews from fans and two awards: " National Bestseller"and" Russia's faithful sons. The writer also has the "Supernational Best" award, which is given out for the best prose of the decade, as well as the all-China award "Best Foreign Novel". New romance- "Abode", about the life of the Solovetsky camp special purpose, became a bestseller due to its historical and artistic content.

Oksana Robsky.She made her debut as a writer with the novel "Casual", which marked the beginning of the genre of "secular realism" in Russian literature. Oksana Robski's books - "Day of Happiness - Tomorrow", "About LoveOFF / ON", "Oysters in the Rain", "Casual 2. Dance with Head and Feet", etc. caused numerous and contradictory reviews of critics. According to some observers, the novels faithfully reproduce the atmosphere of Rublyovka, testify to the lack of spirituality and artificiality of the world of the so-called Rublyov's wives. Other critics point to numerous inconsistencies and say that Robski's works have little to do with reality. Everyday life business elite. Artistic merit her works are rated generally low; At the same time, some critics emphasize that Robsky, in fact, does not pretend to high artistic goals, but sets out events easily, dynamically and in clear language.

Boris Akunin.Fiction writer. Akunin is a pseudonym, and not the only one. publishes his works of art also under the names of Anna Borisova and Anatoly Brusnikin. And in life - Grigory Chkhartishvili. Fame for the author brought novels and stories from the series " New detective"("The Adventures of Erast Fandorin"). He also owns the creation of the series "Provincial Detective" ("The Adventures of Sister Pelagia"), "The Adventures of the Master", "Genres". In each of his "brainchild" creative person combines literary text with cinematic visuality in an amazing way. Positive reviews Readers testify to the popularity of all stories without exception.

Many readers prefer detective genres, adventure literature.

Alexandra Marinina. She is called by critics nothing less than the queen, the prima donna of the Russian detective. Her books are read in one breath. They differ realistic scenes, which makes the reader wholeheartedly experience the events that happen to the characters, empathize with them and think about important life issues. Some of the new works of the author, which have already managed to become bestsellers: "Execution without malice", "Angels on Ice Don't Survive", "Last Dawn".

Polina Dashkova.Wide popularity came to the writer after the publication of the detective novel "Blood of the Unborn" in 1997. During the period 2004-2005. the author's novels "A Place in the Sun", "Cherub" were filmed. The style of the writer is characterized by bright characters, an exciting plot, a good style.

Elena Mikhalkova. Critics say that she is a master "life" detective. The best books of the writer are detective stories in which all the characters have their own own history, which is interesting to the reader no less than the main storyline. The author takes plot ideas for his works from everyday life: a conversation with a supermarket clerk, leaflet texts, a family conversation at breakfast, etc. The plots of her works are always thought out to the smallest details making each book very easy to read. Among the most popular books: "Whirlpool of Alien Desires", "Cinderella and the Dragon".

Anna and Sergei Litvinov. They write in the genres of adventure and detective literature. These authors know how to keep the reader in suspense. They have more than 40 novels to their credit: The Golden Maiden, Sky Island, The Sad Demon of Hollywood, Fate Has a Different Name, and many others. In their reviews, readers admit that the Litvinovs are masters of intrigue and an exciting plot. They harmoniously combine in their texts a mysterious crime, vivid characters and a love line.

One of the most popular literary genres among Russian readers is female love story.

Anna Berseneva. it pseudonym Tatyana Sotnikova. She wrote her first novel, Confusion, in 1995. Anna Berseneva is the only author who managed to populate modern women's novels with outstanding male characters. After all, it is precisely the absence of expressive male characters, according to sociologists, that is the reason why the female novel is practically absent in the domestic book market. A cycle of novels by A. Berseneva about several generations of the Grinev family - “ Unequal marriage”,“ The Last Eve ”,“ The Age of the Third Love ”,“ The Fisherman of Small Pearls ”,“ The First, Random, The Only ”- formed the basis of the serial television film“ Captain’s Children ”.

Ekaterina Wilmont. Her books are loved by readers all over Russia. She wrote her first love story at the age of 49 (“The Journey of an Optimist, or All Women are Fools”). Then I tried myself in the genre child detective. In their women's novels wilmont reveals inner world modern, mature, independent women who are able to manage circumstances, talk about their failures and victories, tragedies and joys, and about what worries every reader - about love. The novels of Ekaterina Vilmont are humor, cheerfulness and witty titles: “In Search of Treasures”, “The Hormone of Happiness and Other Nonsense”, “Incredible Luck”, “With all the foolishness!” , "An intellectual and two Ritas". This is an ironic, light, lively prose that is read in one breath and charges readers with optimism and self-confidence.

Maria Metlitskaya. Her works appeared on the market of modern women's love literature relatively recently, but have already managed to win the respect of fans. The first novel was published in 2011. The best books of the writer are known for the accuracy of details, life-affirming mood and light humor. Feedback from her fans suggests that these books helped them find a way out of difficult situations. life situations. To date, the list of the writer's works includes more than 20 novels and short stories. Among her latest works, it is worth highlighting the following: “Our Little Life”, “Mistake of Youth”, “Two Street Road”, “Faithful Husband”, “Her Last Hero” and others.

In modern Russian science fiction there is a whole galaxy of talented writers whose names and works deserve attention.

Sergey Lukyanenko. One of the most circulated authors among science fiction writers. The first print run of his book The Last Watch was 200,000 copies. Films based on his novels have become an important factor in increasing popularity. The release of the blockbusters "Night Watch" and "Day Watch" increased the circulation of books by this author by more than seven times.

Nick Perumov.He became widely known after his first publication in 1993 of the epic "Ring of Darkness", which takes place in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's Middle-earth. From novel to novel, Nick's style becomes more and more individual and unique, and the initial opinion of critics and him as a Tolkienist has remained in the past. The best books of Perumov and his series are included in the treasury of the Russian fantasy literature: Chronicles of Hjervard, Chronicles of the Rift, Soul Reavers, Black Blood and many others.

Andrey Rubanov.Fate was not easy: he had to work as a driver and bodyguard in the difficult 90s, live in the Chechen Republic at the height of the military campaign. But it gave him the necessary life experience and helped to successfully start his journey in literature. The most flattering reviews deserve the work rightly included in the list best books science fiction: "Chlorophilia", "Plant and it will grow", "Living Earth".

Max Fry.The author's genre is urban fantasy. Her books are for people who have not lost faith in fairy tales. Stories about ordinary life and light syllable capable of capturing any reader. An attractive contrast makes the image of the protagonist popular and extraordinary: male external role and behavior and female motives for actions, a way of describing and evaluating what is happening. Among popular works: "The Power of the Unfulfilled (compilation)", "Volunteers of Eternity", "Obsession", "Simple Magical Things", " Dark side"," Stranger.

These are far from all the names of modern Russian literature. World domestic works varied and captivating. Read, learn, discuss - live in step with the times!

According to the ranking of the Internet database Index Translationum UNESCO, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov are the most frequently translated Russian writers in the world! These authors are ranked second, third and fourth respectively. But Russian literature is also rich in other names that have contributed huge contribution in the development of both Russian and world culture.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Not only a writer, but also a historian and playwright, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian writer who made his name in the post-Stalin era and the debunking of the cult of personality.

In some way, Solzhenitsyn is considered the successor of Leo Tolstoy, since he was also a great truth-seeker and wrote large-scale works about people's lives and social processes that took place in society. Solzhenitsyn's works were based on a combination of autobiographical and documentary.

His most notable works- "The Gulag Archipelago" and "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". With the help of these works, Solzhenitsyn tried to draw the attention of readers to the horrors of totalitarianism, which had not yet been so openly written about. modern Russian writers that period; wanted to tell about the fate of thousands of people who were subjected to political repression, were sent to camps innocent and were forced to live there in conditions that can hardly be called human.

Ivan Turgenev

Turgenev's early work reveals the writer as a romantic who felt nature very subtly. Yes and literary image"Turgenev's girl", which has long been presented as a romantic, bright and vulnerable image, is now something of a household name. At the first stage of creativity, he wrote poems, poems, dramatic works and, of course, prose.

The second stage of Turgenev's work brought the author the most fame - thanks to the creation of the "Notes of a Hunter". For the first time, he honestly portrayed the landowners, revealed the theme of the peasantry, after which he was arrested by the authorities, who did not like such work, and sent into exile to the family estate.

Later, the writer's work is filled with complex and multifaceted characters - the most mature period of the author's work. Turgenev tried to reveal such philosophical themes as love, duty, death. At the same time, Turgenev wrote his most famous work, both here and abroad, called "Fathers and Sons" about the difficulties and problems of relations between different generations.

Vladimir Nabokov

Creativity Nabokov completely runs counter to the traditions of classical Russian literature. The most important thing for Nabokov was the play of the imagination, his work became part of the transition from realism to modernism. In the author's works, one can distinguish the type of a characteristic Nabokov's hero - a lonely, persecuted, suffering, misunderstood person with a touch of genius.

In Russian, Nabokov managed to write numerous stories, seven novels (Mashenka, The King, the Queen, the Jack, Despair, and others) and two plays before leaving for the United States. From that moment on, the birth of an English-language author takes place, Nabokov completely abandons the pseudonym Vladimir Sirin, with which he signed his Russian books. Nabokov will work with the Russian language only once more - when he will translate his novel Lolita, which was originally written in English, for Russian-speaking readers.

It was this novel that became Nabokov's most popular and even infamous work - not too surprising, because it tells about the love of a mature forty-year-old man for a teenage girl of twelve years. The book is considered quite shocking even in our free-thinking age, but if there are still disputes about the ethical side of the novel, then it is perhaps simply impossible to deny Nabokov's verbal skill.

Michael Bulgakov

Bulgakov's creative path was not at all easy. Deciding to become a writer, he abandons his career as a doctor. He writes his first works, Fatal eggs"And" Diaboliad ", having settled down to work as a journalist. The first story evokes rather resonant responses, since it resembled a mockery of the revolution. Bulgakov's story dog's heart”, exposing the authorities, refused to publish it at all and, moreover, took away the manuscript from the writer.

But Bulgakov continues to write - and creates a novel " white guard", according to which they put on a play called "Days of the Turbins". The success did not last long - in connection with another scandal because of the works, all performances based on Bulgakov were removed from shows. The same fate would later befall Bulgakov's latest play, Batum.

The name of Mikhail Bulgakov is invariably associated with The Master and Margarita. Perhaps it was this novel that became the work of a lifetime, although it did not bring him recognition. But now, after the death of the writer, this work is also a success with foreign audiences.

This piece is like nothing else. We agreed to designate that this is a novel, but which one: satirical, fantastic, love-lyrical? The images presented in this work amaze and impress with their uniqueness. A novel about good and evil, about hatred and love, about hypocrisy, money-grubbing, sin and holiness. At the same time, during the life of Bulgakov, the work was not published.

It is not easy to remember another author who could so deftly and aptly expose all the falsehood and dirt of the bourgeoisie, the current government and the bureaucratic system. That is why Bulgakov was subjected to constant attacks, criticism and bans from the ruling circles.

Alexander Pushkin

Despite the fact that not all foreigners associate Pushkin with Russian literature, unlike most Russian readers, it is simply impossible to deny his legacy.

The talent of this poet and writer truly knew no bounds: Pushkin is famous for his amazing poems, but at the same time he wrote excellent prose and plays. Pushkin's work has received recognition not only now; his talent was recognized by others Russian writers and the poets of his contemporaries.

The theme of Pushkin's work is directly related to his biography- events and experiences through which he passed during his life. Tsarskoye Selo, Petersburg, time in exile, Mikhailovskoye, Caucasus; ideals, disappointments, love and affection - everything is present in the works of Pushkin. And the most famous was the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Ivan Bunin

Ivan Bunin is the first writer from Russia to become a laureate Nobel Prize in the field of literature. The work of this author can be divided into two periods: before emigration and after.

Bunin was very close to the peasantry, life common people which had a great influence on the work of the author. Therefore, among it is distinguished the so-called village prose, for example, "Sukhodol", "Village", which became one of the most popular works.

Nature also plays a significant role in Bunin's work, which inspired many great Russian writers. Bunin believed: she - main source strength and inspiration, spiritual harmony, that every person is inextricably linked with it, and in it lies the key to unraveling the mystery of being. Nature and love have become the main themes of the philosophical part of Bunin's work, which is mainly represented by poetry, as well as novels and short stories, for example, "Ida", "Mitina's Love", "Late Hour" and others.

Nikolay Gogol

After graduating from the Nizhyn Gymnasium, Nikolai Gogol's first literary experience was the poem "Hans Küchelgarten", which was not very successful. However, this did not bother the writer, and he soon began working on the play "Marriage", which was published only ten years later. It's witty, colorful and live work smashes to smithereens modern society, which made prestige, money, power its main values, and left love somewhere in the background.

Gogol was deeply impressed by the death of Alexander Pushkin, which affected others as well. Russian writers and artists. Shortly before this, Gogol showed Pushkin the plot of a new work called " Dead Souls”, so now he considered that this work was a “sacred testament” to the great Russian poet.

"Dead Souls" became a magnificent satire on the Russian bureaucracy, serfdom and social ranks, and it is this book that is especially popular among readers abroad.

Anton Chekhov

Chekhov began his creative activity from writing short essays, but very bright and expressive. Chekhov is best known for his humorous stories, although he wrote both tragicomic and dramatic works. And most often foreigners read Chekhov's play called "Uncle Vanya", the stories "The Lady with the Dog" and "Kashtanka".

Perhaps the most basic and famous hero Chekhov's works is " small man", whose figure is familiar to many readers even after" stationmaster» by Alexander Pushkin. This is not a single character, but rather a collective image.

Nevertheless, Chekhov's little people are not the same: one wants to sympathize, to laugh at others (“The Man in the Case”, “Death of an Official”, “Chameleon”, “Scumbag” and others). The main problem of this writer's work is the problem of justice ("Name Day", "Steppe", "Leshy").

Fedor Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky is best known for his works Crime and Punishment, The Idiot and The Brothers Karamazov. Each of these works is famous for its deep psychology - indeed, Dostoevsky is considered one of the the best psychologists in the history of literature.

He analyzed the nature of human emotions, such as humiliation, self-destruction, murderous rage, as well as states that lead to insanity, suicide, and murder. Psychology and philosophy are closely linked in Dostoyevsky's portrayal of his characters, intellectuals who "feel ideas" in the depths of their souls.

Thus, "Crime and Punishment" reflects on freedom and inner strength, suffering and madness, disease and fate, the pressure of the modern urban world on the human soul, and raises the question of whether people can ignore their own moral code. Dostoevsky, together with Leo Tolstoy, are the most famous Russian writers in the whole world, and Crime and Punishment is the most popular of the author's works.

Lev Tolstoy

With whom do foreigners associate famous Russian writers So it is with Leo Tolstoy. He is one of the undeniable titans of world fiction, a great artist and person. Tolstoy's name is known all over the world.

There is something Homeric in the epic scope with which he wrote War and Peace, but unlike Homer, he depicted war as a senseless massacre, the result of the vanity and stupidity of the leaders of the nation. The work "War and Peace" was, as it were, a kind of result of all that had gone through Russian society for the period of the 19th century.

But the most famous all over the world is Tolstoy's novel called "Anna Karenina". It is eagerly read both here and abroad, and readers are invariably captivated by history. forbidden love Anna and Count Vronsky, which leads to tragic consequences. Tolstoy dilutes the narrative of the second storyline- the story of Levin, who dedicates his life to his marriage to Kitty, housekeeping and God. Thus the writer shows us the contrast between Anna's sin and Levin's virtue.

And watch a video about famous Russians writers of the 19th century can be found here:

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