Comparative characteristics of Chatsky silence and sophia. Life principles of Chatsky and Molchalin

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OIesya (20:26:35 27/11/2012):
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Guest (21:20:55 28/05/2013):
Griboedov worked on his comedy Woe from Wit in the late 10s and early 20s of the 19th century. These were significant years in the history of Russia. The Patriotic War of 1812 had just ended with victory. I think this victory confirmed the will of the Russian people for freedom and independence, their ardent love for the Motherland. People hated autocracy and serfdom, which interfered with the economic and cultural development of the country. After the Patriotic War, secret political societies began to appear in Russia, the members of which were revolutionary-minded nobles, ready to fight against tyranny and despotism. The future Decembrist societies were born in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the political mood of the noble youth, to which Griboedov belonged, undoubtedly influenced his worldview and the direction of his work. But such progressive thoughts did not take hold of everyone, and the majority of the population of Moscow still adhered to the old foundations of the serf system. It was against this majority that the young noblemen, the revolutionaries, opposed. This is the historical situation in the country and reflected Griboyedov in his sharp and well-aimed comedy "Woe from Wit". Chatsky and Molchalin are the heroes of Griboedov's comedy “Woe from Wit. They are completely different both in character and in worldview. But despite the deep dissimilarity, in Molchalin and Chatsky one can find common features that attracted Sofya Famusova to each of them (at different times). These two young and intelligent people are connected with the Famusov house. Chatsky is the son of a friend of Famusov, brought up in this house. At a young age, he left Moscow, "searched his mind", studied, saw and learned a lot. Molchalin works as a secretary in Famusov's house, enjoys universal love and respect: As far as I work and strength, Since I am listed in the Archives, I have received three awards. But now the author brings them together in a comedy, and we see how different Chatsky and Molchalin are from each other, and this dissimilarity cannot be hidden under the outer shell. The very appearance of these heroes in a comedy can tell about many traits of their characters. Chatsky literally breaks into the plot, he is passionately in love and happy after a long separation to see Sophia. Joy and energy fill him so much that he does not immediately notice the coldness of the girl. Molchalin, on the other hand, enters the comedy first silent, and then justifying and confused. And soon we will learn something about these heroes through their assessment by other actors, in their speeches and actions. How do household members of the Famusov house and the owner himself speak of Chatsky? Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, Like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky! He is sharp, smart, eloquent, Especially happy among friends... ...he is small with a head, And he writes and translates nicely. Chatsky is a nobleman and is proud of it. He is distinguished from those around him by love of freedom and independence of views, frankness and directness of statements. Chatsky sees the purpose of his life in serving the fatherland, he is a true patriot of his homeland, however, cringing, fighting for ranks, titles, awards oppress him and revolt: I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve. He is ready to serve "the cause, not the persons," but this is impossible in the Famus society. It is the independence of judgments, the desire to judge a person by deeds, and not by the position he occupies in society, openness and directness in relation to Chatsky cause a complete misunderstanding of others, aggression and rejection on their part: Ah! My God! he's a carbonara! A dangerous person! And I don't want to know you, I can't stand depravity. But what about Molchalin? How did he gain confidence and win the sincere respect of those very people who are so ruthless to Chatsky? Look, he has gained the friendship of everyone in the house, He has been serving with the priest for three years, He often all the rights are protected to no avail, angry, And he will disarm him with silence, Forgive him from the kindness of his soul. And by the way, I could look for Gaiety; Not at all: they won’t step over the threshold from the old people. A little time is needed to understand that Molchalin fully accepts the laws of the Famus society and becomes indispensable for him. He is cowardly and always subordinates his way of thinking to what is accepted in society: At my age, one should not dare to have His judgment. After all, you have to depend on others. Molchalin considers his most important virtues to be helpfulness, moderation and accuracy. A flatterer, a hypocrite, a sycophant and a clerk, most of all in life he dreams of "reaching the known degrees", which, most likely, will come true, "because now they love the dumb" Calculating to the smallest detail, Molchalin can always count on the support and patronage of "the powers that be ". Relations with Sophia bring Chatsky and Molchalin together, two opposing positions painfully collide. Chatsky is impeccably honest and sincere with Sophia and expects the same frankness from her. He does not hide not only his joy and happiness, but also bewilderment and even indignation. Very soon he realizes that he is unloved by the girl, but he wants to know: who is the rival? Oh! Sophia! Is Molhalin chosen by her! Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him; But in order to have children, Who lacked intelligence? Helpful, modest, there is a blush in his face. Here he is, on tiptoe, and not rich in words; With what divination he knew how to get into her heart! However, a few minutes of communication with this petty and flattering man dispel his suspicions: With such feelings, with such a soul, We love you!.. The deceiver laughed at me! Sophia, under the influence of French novels, has a different opinion. Having fallen in love with a cunning and dishonest person, she does not know how to see the true face under the mask: Molgalin is ready to forget himself for others, The enemy of insolence, always shyly, timidly Kiss the night with whom you can spend like this! But what about Molhalin? Molhalin moves forward in life, fulfilling his father’s precepts: My father bequeathed to me: First, to please all people without exception The owner, where I happen to live, The boss, with whom I will serve, His servant who cleans dresses, The porter, the janitor, to avoid evil . The janitor's dog, to be affectionate. Therefore, Sophia for Molhalin is just another step in conquering the career ladder. Without embarrassment, he admits: And now I take the form of a lover In the pleasing of the daughter of such a person. However, this does not prevent Molgalin from shamelessly flirting with Liza, with whom he does not even consider it necessary to hide his vile little soul: I don’t see anything Enviable in Sofya Pavlovna ... Having learned about Sophia’s chosen one, Chatsky cannot restrain his indignation: Here I am sacrificed to whom! I don’t know how I tempered the rage in myself! I looked and saw and did not believe! But Sophia is also struck by the "curvature of the soul" of her former beloved, she drives him away in anger. In his comedy, Griboyedov created a gallery of typical characters that go beyond the historical framework of the era and the play itself. Chatsky type of wrestler who is ready to defend his beliefs in any situation, and even in the event of a defeat does not change them. Today, hypocrites and liars, vile careerists and low-worshippers are called Molhalins. And in our time, "Molgalins are blissful in the world," but Chatsky is the engine of progress, a representative of young progressive youth. I think that Griboedov, having portrayed the types of Chatsky and Molgalin, suggested that his contemporaries and descendants make their own moral choice, learn to appreciate people according to their human dignity, and not according to the masks they put on.

guest (20:23:34 07/10/2013):
the plan is excellent. but I need to compose myself according to this plan

Guest (18:22:39 24/11/2013):
Thank you for the detailed and understandable plan =) I hope that it will help to write an essay

guest (09:47:49 05/24/2014):
The plan is bad, firstly, the first and third parts are never divided into components; secondly, it turned out not a plan, but a ready-made essay, too detailed, this is also considered a mistake, thirdly, verbs cannot be used in the plan!

Yelik (15:57:00 02/10/2018):
Thanks to whoever came up with this plan.

A comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” is dedicated to the life of Russia in the first decades of the 19th century. At this time, the Russian nobility was divided into two camps. Some nobles were supporters of conservatism, while others defended advanced ideas. The conflict between the two groups of Russian society can be traced if we compare Chatsky and Molchalin - two heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit".

They are the same age, but youth is the only thing that unites Chatsky and Molchalin. The characters differ sharply from each other in their views and personal qualities. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is a true patriot, ready to devote all his strength and talent to the happiness of his native country. He returns to Russia with a desire to change the life of Russian society for the better, but he sees that no changes have taken place during his absence. The country is dominated by the same conservative customs. The hero criticizes the fall and the noble society, ironically speaks of Moscow:

What new will Moscow show me?

Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.

Molchalin is completely satisfied with the life of lordly Moscow, he enthusiastically tells Chatsky about the delights of Moscow life. If the main character laughingly describes representatives of high society, then Molchalin shows respect and respect for the cream of the Russian nobility. Secretary Famusova bows before the authority of rich and noble people, dreams of the same career. The ideal of life for him is as follows: "And take awards, and have fun." Therefore, Molchalin is engaged in sycophancy and hypocrisy, which help him advance his career. He already has awards and is Famusov's indispensable assistant, although Molchalin, by his own admission, has only two talents - moderation and accuracy. Chatsky has a lot of advantages, but he does not serve anywhere. The reason is the unwillingness to engage in hypocrisy and sycophancy, as the words of a proud and honest comedy hero clearly show:

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.

The advanced man of the era, intelligent and talented, has no place in aristocratic Moscow, but this society needs a man like Molchalin. The protagonist bitterly says that the young sycophant "will reach the known levels, because now they love the dumb." When you read the lines of a comedy, you feel sympathy for Chatsky, who is surrounded in Famusov's house only by enemies, forced to stay where wealth and rank are more important than the human soul. Griboyedov's hero is accustomed to evaluating people by their personal qualities and services to the country. Chatsky always defends his own opinion, he is an enemy of all authorities, and Molchalin professes completely different views. The laughter of Alexander Chatsky is caused by the words of Molchalin that you need to depend on more noble and wealthy people, to bow to the pillars of lordly Moscow, because "we are in small ranks." In comparison with Chatsky, Molchalin seems to be an incompetent quiet man, who is so aptly characterized by the main character:

here he is, on tiptoe,

And not rich in words.

The talent and dignity of Chatsky is recognized even by members of the Famus society. The young nobleman, as Famusov says, “writes and translates well”, he is witty, ironic. The main character is well aware of the benefits of science and education, Chatsky can be called one of the most educated people of the era. And Molchalin is a typical representative of the "past century", a supporter of all the laws and customs existing in the country. Molchalin does not condemn serfdom, which Chatsky opposes. The protagonist lets his peasants go free, which causes bewilderment and indignation of lordly Moscow.

I think that the attitude of the heroes of the comedy towards Sophia very clearly shows the difference between the two natures. Chatsky and in love shows his best qualities. Before us is a sincere, gentle and noble man, who only for the sake of his beloved came to the aristocratic Moscow hated by him. For a young nobleman, Sophia is still the same dreamy, fragile, sensitive girl with whom he grew up and was brought up. Molchalin, even in love, seeks to find personal gain. This careerist plays the role of a lover, because Sophia is the daughter of a wealthy Moscow gentleman, with whom Molchalin serves: And now I take on the guise of a lover The pleasing daughter of such a person. A hypocrite and a scoundrel, ready for anything for the sake of moving up, to wealth and nobility.

Chatsky and Molchalin are two completely different people, representatives of opposing camps in Russian society at the beginning of the 19th century. Not age, but views and beliefs underlie the division into "the current century" and "the past century." The young man Alexei Molchalin belongs to the old time, and Alexander Chatsky in comedy is the spokesman for the advanced ideas of the era.

Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is a unique cast of the emerging, but already irreconcilable struggle in society at the beginning of the 19th century between progressive, progressive-minded youth and conservative-minded representatives of serf antiquity. These two different social camps in the comedy are picturesquely represented by Chatsky and Molchalin - people of opposite life positions, moral norms, worldview.

Despite the deep dissimilarity, in Molchalin and Chatsky one can also find common features that attracted Sofia Famusova to each of them (at different times). These two young and intelligent people are connected with the Famusov house. Chatsky is the son of a friend of Famusov, brought up in this house. At a young age, he left Moscow, "searched his mind", studied, saw and learned a lot. Molchalin works as a secretary in Famusov's house, enjoys universal love and respect:

As far as I work and strength, Since then, as listed in the Archives, I received three awards.

But here the author brings them together in a comedy, and we see how much Chatsky and Molchalin differ from each other, and this dissimilarity cannot be hidden under the outer shell. The very appearance of these heroes in a comedy can tell about many traits of their characters.

Chatsky literally breaks into the plot, he is passionately in love and happy after a long separation to see Sophia. Joy and energy fill him so much that he does not immediately notice the coldness of the girl. Molchalin, on the other hand, enters the comedy first silent, and then justifying and confused. And soon we will learn something about these heroes through their assessment by other actors, in their speeches and actions.

How do household members of the Famu-owl house and the owner himself speak of Chatsky?

Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, Like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky! He is sharp, smart, eloquent, Especially happy among friends... ...he is small with a head, And he writes and translates nicely.

Chatsky is a nobleman and is proud of it. He is distinguished from those around him by love of freedom and independence of views, frankness and directness of statements. Chatsky sees the goal of his life in serving the fatherland, he is a true patriot of his homeland, but servility, the struggle for ranks, titles, awards oppress him and revolt:

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.

He is ready to serve “the cause, not the persons”, but in the Famus society this is impossible. It is the independence of judgments, the desire to judge a person by deeds, and not by the position he occupies in society, openness and directness in relation to Chatsky cause a complete misunderstanding of others, aggression and rejection on their part:

Oh! My God! he's carbonari! A dangerous person! And I don't want to know you, I can't stand depravity.

But what about Molchalin? How did he gain confidence and win the sincere respect of those very people who are so ruthless to Chatsky?

Look, he has gained the friendship of everyone in the house, He has been serving with the priest for three years, He often gets angry for no reason, And he will disarm him with silence, Forgive him from the kindness of his soul. And by the way, I could look for Gaiety; Not at all: they won’t step over the threshold from the old people.

A little time is needed to understand that Molchalin fully accepts the laws of the Famus society and becomes indispensable for him. He is cowardly and always subordinates his way of thinking to what is accepted in society:

At my age, one should not dare to have His judgment. After all, you have to depend on others.

Molchalin considers his most important virtues to be helpfulness, moderation and accuracy. A flatterer, a hypocrite, a sycophant and a clerk, most of all in life he dreams of "reaching the known degrees", which, most likely, will come true, "because now they love the dumb" Calculating to the smallest detail, Molchalin can always count on support and patronage "the mighty of this world."

Relations with Sophia bring Chatsky and Molchalin together, two opposing positions painfully collide. Chatsky is impeccably honest and sincere with Sophia and expects the same frankness from her. He does not hide not only his joy and happiness, but also his bewilderment and even indignation. Very soon he realizes that he is unloved by the girl, but he wants to know: who is the rival?

Oh! Sophia! Is Molchalin chosen by her! Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him; But in order to have children, Who lacked the mind? Helpful, modest, there is a blush in his face. Here he is, on tiptoe, and not rich in words; With what divination he knew how to get into her heart!

However, a few minutes of communication with this mean and flattering person dispels his suspicions:

With such feelings, with such a soul, We love!.. The deceiver laughed at me!

Sophia, under the influence of French novels, has a different opinion. Having fallen in love with a cunning and dishonorable person, she cannot see the true face under the mask:

Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others, Enemy of insolence, - always shy, timidly A whole night with whom you can spend like this!

But what about Molchalin? Molchalin moves forward in life, fulfilling the precepts of his father:

My father bequeathed to me: Firstly, to please all people without exception - to the Owner, where he happens to live. To the chief, with whom I will serve, to his Servant, who cleans dresses, to the Porter, the janitor, to avoid evil. The janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate.

Therefore, Sophia for Molchalin is just another step in conquering the career ladder. Without hesitation, he admits: material from the site

And now I take the form of a lover In the pleasing of the daughter of such a person.

However, this does not prevent Molchalin from shamelessly flirting with Lisa, with whom he does not even consider it necessary to hide his vile little soul:

I don't see anything enviable in Sofya Pavlovna...

Having learned about Sophia's chosen one, Chatsky cannot restrain his indignation:

Here I am donated to whom! I don’t know how I tempered the rage in myself! I looked and saw and did not believe!

But Sophia is also struck by the "curvature of the soul" of her former beloved, she drives him away in anger.

In his comedy, Griboyedov created a gallery of typical characters that go beyond the historical framework of the era and the play itself. Chatsky is a type of fighter who is ready to defend his beliefs in any situation, and even in case of defeat he does not change them. Today, the Molchalins are called hypocrites and liars, vile careerists and low worshipers. And in our time, "Molchalins are blissful in the world," but Chatsky is the engine of progress, a representative of young progressive youth.

I think that Griboyedov, having portrayed the types of Chatsky and Molchalin, suggested that his contemporaries and descendants make their own moral choice, learn to appreciate people according to their human dignity, and not according to the masks they put on.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • Woe from Wit Characteristics of the Heroes Chatsky and Molcholin
  • chatsky and molachlin as 2 moral poles of comedy
  • characterization of silence from the comedy Woe from Wit
  • in the comedy Woe from Wit characterization of Chatsky
  • comparison of Chatsky and Silent in the comedy Woe from Wit

In ten years there will be two centuries, as the comedy "Woe from Wit" plays on the stages of theaters with the same success. Among the brilliant characters that Griboyedov portrayed in his work are Chatsky and Molchalin. It is to them that our article is dedicated.

The classic of Russian literature at the beginning of the 19th century was an extraordinary personality: a brilliant diplomat "worth an army of 20,000", one of the most educated people of his time. The viewer is fascinated by the model of an aristocratic Moscow society created by the playwright. The characters of Griboedov's comedy are bright and relevant.

In particular, the life principles of Chatsky and Molchalin, two young people of 23 and 24 years of age, who begin their social life in Russian society, are conceptual. The principles of the first are reduced to the destruction of the foundations of serfdom. The second is fixated on an effective career within a stable state.

Comparison of Chatsky and Molchalin

The nature of people's social activity is to a certain extent determined by their social position. The origin of Alexander Andreevich Chatsky and Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin is different. Chatsky is an aristocrat, he, not being in the service, has a steady source of income. And not only providing “daily bread”, but also allowing you to go “learn the mind” to Europe. The life principles of Chatsky and Molchalin are the principles of various social groups: aristocrats who despise work and are carried away by the French Revolution, and raznochintsy who achieve recognition with their work.

Chatsky is ironically called the "fiery prophet"

Arriving at home, the aristocrat Chatsky, inspired by the European progress he saw, according to Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, positions himself with the status of a “fiery prophet”, who does not even imagine how the declarative principles he formulated can be implemented in Russia.

Chatsky's phrases are biting and correct. Alexander is a utopian and an egoist. His communication with other people is reduced to fiery monologues and sharp parries of opposing opinions. Alexander Isaevich noticed the communicative incompetence of this hero Griboyedov, his readiness to use the words "to whip" his opponents, and being too carried away by the process.

Pushkin, speaking of Chatsky, was even more ironic - "a funny guy."

Chatsky and Molchalin different attitudes towards society

Unlike his more affluent peer, Aleksey subtly feels the society in which he lives. His tact and helpfulness earn him social bonuses. is more than a secretary, in fact - the right hand of Famusov. He caters to the friends of his patron visiting the Famusov's house.

Is Chatsky right when he denounces the "two-faced", "reptile", "vile" secretary? After all, he does not even try to understand what kind of person Alexey is. Chatsky and Molchalin exposes two completely different personalities with a different type of mind. One - bright, imaginative, ideological, the second - practical, economic. Indeed, in fact, Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin acts within the framework of decency and tolerance.

In the end, he can also be driven by gratitude to Famusov - his benefactor, a person who gives work and shelter. Molchalin does not think about things (in the words of Bulgakov's professor Preobrazhensky) "of a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity." He does more than he says. Moreover, Chatsky also shows that the former is not only loyal to society, but is also its useful cog. The second one should be attributed to the cohort of superfluous people in his Fatherland, following Eugene Onegin and Pechorin. He, following the logic of the author of the work, positions himself as the only "smart person" among the "fools".

The life principles of Chatsky and Molchalin are incomparable. The ideas of the first are torn off from Russian life, they are just general slogans. Before their implementation - the abyss.

Is Molchalin so "insidious"?

Aleksey Molchalin, unlike his opponent, actually earns a living from the service. His life rules are tested in practice. He, working as a secretary, lives in the house of his patron Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, in fact, carrying out for him all the paperwork of the manager of the state place. In other words, Molchalin is a clerk and accountant. He values ​​his place of work. So should he be blamed for "moderation and accuracy"?

In addition, young people are united by a love conflict. Chatsky likes Famusov's daughter, Sophia; and she, in turn, sympathizes with Alexei Khlestakov. The life principles of Chatsky and Molchalin are different, including in relations with the opposite sex. So, Chatsky, who considers himself ideal, has no idea about the reasons that have cooled the girl's feelings for him.

Molchalin is a "live", mistaken character

Molchalin does not find the courage to immediately confess to Sophia that he does not love her. At the same time, he is delicate in dealing with her and does not compromise the girl. Griboyedov in the image of Molchalin shows a careerist who does not have a noble title, however, a pragmatic one. Step by step he follows to achieve a favorable position in society. Molchalins are not fond of ideas, criticism. Their element is daily painstaking work.

Griboyedov brings these two characters into an ideological conflict: Chatsky and Molchalin. After all, they, young people, according to the author, will determine the face of the “coming age”. However, the reader understands that Famusov's secretary is not at all such a prudent monster as Chatsky expresses. Moreover, Alexei is really confused - on the one hand, wanting a relationship with Lisa, whom he loves, and on the other, trying to be nice to the owner's daughter. By chance, Sophia hears his confession to the maid. Chatsky is on hand.

Molchalin's career is ruined by "lordly love"

The situation is not in favor of Molchalin. Most likely, he will lose his job as a secretary of a state institution. However, nothing reprehensible, by and large, he did not. Sophia's reaction to the confession heard can be called "a storm in a teacup". She liked Alexei, and she fantasized to herself that he loved her. The discrepancy between the imagination and reality was presented by Famusov's daughter as the meanness of Molchalin. Chatsky is frankly gloating.

However, he is well aware that his position in the Famusovs' house is rather unsteady. Therefore, the wise phrase spoken by Lisa, about the disastrous consequences for a person of a simple class, both “lordly anger” and “lordly love” - directly concerns him. It is "lordly love" that causes the future collapse of his career as an employee. Comparative and Molchalin, thus, shows that it is the second that is characterized by sociability, modesty, self-discipline, will.

Obviously, these features aroused Sophia's sympathy.

Instead of a conclusion

Chatsky and Molchalin have a different type of thinking. Alexander Andreevich very temperamentally expresses his idea, he quite clearly justifies the chosen position, immediately criticizes his opponents and does nothing, and then leaves with an offended look. It is worth remembering that lovers of Russian literature have already met a stormy and fruitless stream of thoughts in one character. This is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, familiar to all of us.

Of course, Chatsky is a more dynamic character. However, he had already taken the first step along the path of Ilya Ilyich - he neglected work. No wonder Alexey Molchalin urges him on this score.

At the same time, the characterization of Molchalin and Chatsky, given by the author in the work, gives reason to move away from the classical characterization. And it is right. After all, Chatsky is not so positive, and Molchalin, in fact, is not at all a potential villain.

The characters of Chatsky and Molchalin are opposed to each other.

Chatsky is undoubtedly the main character of the comedy, because it is with his appearance that events begin to unfold in Famusov's house.

Chatsky is not a rich person by origin, but this is not the main thing for him. Others speak well of him: "Who is so sensitive and cheerful, and sharp ...". He used to serve as an official, but left the service because it was “sickening” to serve him. He also served in the regiment and did not become a military man, since the military serve in bad faith, and Chatsky himself understands that he will not be happy in the regiment. Then he travels, but he does not find his calling abroad either, and returns to his homeland.

Chatsky does not want to live his life boring and useless. He loves Russia, says “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant for us”, wants to be useful to her, but does not yet know how. Brought up in the traditions of that society, Chatsky does not know new ways in life, therefore it seems to be empty talk, just wrapping around everyone around.

Chatsky does not want to be an official, because in Famusov's society, promotion is possible thanks to connections, an attempt to curry favor not with one's personal qualities and business skills, but with admiration and flattery for superiors. For a successful career, you need to have such qualities as servility, obsequiousness, wordlessness. For people like Famusov, it doesn’t cost anything to humiliate yourself in front of your boss, just to get your way. No one from the Famus society is trying to make life in Russia better, to be useful. They are only looking for benefits for themselves. Even in education, Famusov sees the bad, he believes "learning is the plague, learning is the cause." Nevertheless, such as Famusov and his guests understand that they are wrong, but they are afraid of some changes and that they will have to achieve their fortune with their own mind and work.

Chatsky does not like these features of the “past century”, he knows that he does not belong in such a society.

His personal drama lies in the fact that he remains misunderstood in Famusov's house. Sophia, for whom he came to Famusov, loves another, one who is not worthy of her, and Sophia turns all the features of Molchalin, which Chatsky considers humiliating, into virtues. Moreover, Sophia becomes like everyone else, and does not understand Chatsky. The Famus society took Chatsky for a madman, because his opinion differs sharply from theirs. All the same, he boldly expresses his thoughts and denounces liars, calling a spade a spade. So, realizing that nothing has changed in Moscow, Chatsky leaves Famusov's house.

Molchalin is Famusov's secretary, lives in his house and plays a secondary role in the comedy, but through him you can see how he differs from Chatsky. Molchalin's father taught him to please all the people, the boss, the owner of the house where he would live, and even the janitor and his dog, so that no one would be angry with him, and he would enjoy the reputation of an educated and well-mannered person.

Molchalin considers moderation and accuracy to be his best qualities. He always praises some of the higher ranks, or plays cards with them, or serves for his own benefit. Molchalin also believes that "he does not dare to have his own judgment", therefore he does not pepper anyone, depending on others.

Living in a strange house, Molchalin starts an affair with Sophia, as with the daughter of an influential rank, behaves timidly with her. But he has sincere feelings for Lisa, and in relation to her it is clear that he is not at all timid and shy; He is open to her, he speaks his thoughts.

Chatsky despises Molchalin, believes at first that Sophia is joking about her attitude towards Molchalin. Upon learning of Chatsky's views, Molchalin is horrified, he sincerely supports the rumor about Chatsky's madness.

In general, Chatsky and Molchalin are completely different. Molchalin lives according to the concepts of the old century, and plans everything in life according to a well-known proven pattern, like everyone else, and does not even consider it necessary to think about the essence of what is happening. And Chatsky, on the contrary, strives for everything new, because Chatsky begins a new century, and this is all his significance and his whole “mind”.

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