Indifference. Philosophical foundations of indifference

Love and hate are not antonyms. The opposite of love is indifference. It hurts much more.

Constant indifference is a disability. A person who does not know how to feel ceases to be a person. Dying... - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

He just stood there... And felt: the smell of freshly cut grass. Trees, birds, a stream, grayish boulders… All this was soothing. It muffled the pain. And instead of suffering came saving indifference.

Mutual indifference can lead to endless love.

Here he is. Messenger of death. There is no more fear. When there is nothing to lose, all horror, all doubts - just die. The duke felt that despair, wild, all-consuming despair, was being replaced by indifference ...

Despair becomes nothing compared to indifference...

If a person is not at all jealous, you are indifferent to him.

To love everyone equally means to have feelings on a certain level. To love everyone is to treat them indifferently. – Oscar Wilde

Sooner or later, even the most terrible despair comes to an end. And his place is filled with indifference...

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

And not to the one who is disgusting to us, we are most unfair, but to the one to whom we have nothing to do.

People no longer have time for each other.

I just wanted to say that if you ignore someone and don't call him, then you can really hurt his feelings.

There is no worse enemy than indifference! It is with the tacit consent of the indifferent that all evil deeds are committed. Have you read Mumu? Got the parable? How did he keep silent? Silent, but the dog? then died.

Or the beast has nothing to do with it, and the whole curse is not at all that man is a beast to man, and even a rabid one, but that man is a log to man. And no matter how much you pray to him, he will not hear, no matter how much you call, he will not respond, you will knock your forehead, knocking your forehead in front of him, will not move: as you put it, it will stand until you fall down or you fall down.

It is easy for people who are indifferent to everything to be selfless, because there is nothing in the whole world that they would treasure.

Of course, you would treat her well - it's always easy if you don't care about the person.

I try to ignore the problem. In the idiotic hope that the problem will get tired of my indifference and disappear ...

No one cared whether he lived or died, and he reciprocated everything. - C. Palahniuk. "Fight club"

Indifference and neglect often do much more harm than open hostility ...

A nervous breakdown is not necessarily a breakdown, it can come in such a way that you quietly and calmly sink into indifference.

In a love relationship, it is very important to keep in mind that the only impenetrable shell, the only long-range cannon, the only mine that cannot be bypassed, and moreover, oh horror, the only bomb that cannot be dropped on the heads of others, for its explosion will only continue the terrible battle, is indifference.

Mom died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know. - Albert Camus. Outsider

How can you be so gifted and at the same time so blind to everything that surrounds you?

In the evening, already lying in bed, I felt that some new feeling appeared in my soul - a mixture of joyless calm and dull indifference. It's a bad feeling, don't give in to it. The main thing is not to weaken and not to spread out on the bed ahead of time, because chronic bedridden patients, who have given up on themselves, as a rule, never get up again ...

They say that death kills a person, but not death kills. Boredom and indifference kill. — Iggy Paul

Every time someone asks me this question, I answer: “Thank you, everything is fine.” Although in reality everything is not at all in order. Do people really want to know how you are when they ask this question? Or is it empty courtesy?

The greatest sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. After all, my dear, if you look closely at people, you yourself will be surprised how much hate is like love.

If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of man. – M. Saadi

It's no secret that no one needs you, the secret is that you doubt it ...

When it becomes indifferent to us how the one we love sees us, it means that we no longer love him.

What do you have left? In the morning - a groan, in the evening - gnashing of teeth ... And who, who in the world cares about your heart? To whom? .. Here, enter any Petushinsky house, at any threshold ask: What do you care about my heart? My God…

Our moral problem is man's indifference to himself. – E. Fromm

The worst crime that we can commit towards people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference; this is the essence of inhumanity. – B. Shaw

Sometimes it is enough not to come to terms with arrogance and swagger in order to turn them into nothing; sometimes it is enough not to notice them so that they become harmless. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, the hardest thing is to hide indifference.

Now only indifference remained in him, and it was more terrible than despair.

Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.

Sometimes it is much easier to shout to God's ears.

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul.

If at that moment they even announced to me that they would not kill me, and I could calmly go home, this would not violate my indifference: you have lost hope for immortality, what difference does it make how long you have to wait - a few hours or several years.

Sometimes nothing makes such a depressing impression as the striking of a clock. This is a frank admission of complete indifference. It is eternity itself, declaring loudly: “What do I care?”

I feel painfully that we have nothing more to say to each other. Just yesterday I wanted to bombard her with questions: where has she been, what did she do, whom did she meet? But I was only interested in this insofar as Annie was able to give herself to it with all her heart.

Even hatred is better than indifference.

Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.

People who are called weak are only indifferent, for everyone will find strength when the object of his passions is touched. – K. Helvetius

I send you a nameless farewell bow from the shores of who knows what. Yes, it doesn't matter to you.

she scolds me because she loves me, and I am polite to her because I stopped loving her.

There are two ways to kill yourself - suicide and indifference - Simone Weil

You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all equally indifferent.

People live and do not see each other, they walk side by side, like cows in a herd; at best, they will drink the bottle together.

I read somewhere that walruses remain completely indifferent when hunters, attacking the herd, kill their neighbors with clubs - and I saw how during the war entire nations behaved in exactly the same way.

Science has invented a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the most terrible of them - indifference. – Helen Keller

It hurts less when you just don't care. - "Dr. House"

Condescension to evil very closely borders on indifference to good.

All this nonsense that you can hear on TV about expressing feelings is complete bullshit. Nobody really cares what you say.

The main enemy of love is indifference, not hatred. — Clive Lewis

Self-indifference is a glove into which the devil can easily slip his hand.

I know people in whose soul the universe is immeasurable, infinite. But no one cares about her, for the life of me.

It is unlikely that at present there is a person who has never heard this word - "indifference". Perhaps it does not sound as serious and weighty as official scientific terms, but still we think it cannot be disputed that the phenomenon denoted by this word is widespread and cannot but attract the attention of scientists: philosophers, psychologists, sociologists and even doctors, because a person's views of the world have an active influence on his whole life. So it turns out that the degree of a person’s indifference significantly affects not only his relationship with other people (we think this connection will come to your mind first of all), but also his health and even the intimate sphere of his life.

If you are interested in what lies behind the word “indifference”, if you, hearing it, do not quite imagine what it is, in fact, it is, and, finally, if you have already come across this phenomenon closely, but would like to understand it in more detail, our book will help you with this.

In this chapter, we would like to introduce you to modern philosophical theories of indifference. We hope that, having studied them, you will easily be able to identify infidels from among the people around you, and even in a timely manner to detect the features of indifference in yourself.

So let's get started. Those who are familiar with this semi-slang word will easily translate it as indifference. The words “pofigist” or “pofigist”, as a rule, are called people who care or are interested in little in life. It is traditionally believed that if a person doesn’t give a damn at heart, nothing touches him at all. However, in reality this is far from the case.

Indifference is something broader than simple indifference. Let's start with the fact that indifference can be different: from indifference to others and to complete indifference to oneself. And all this fits into the framework of indifference. In addition, the degree of manifestation of indifference in a person can be different. No wonder they say that we are all, to one degree or another, indifferent at heart.

You can be convinced of the complexity of the concept of "indifference" by carefully reading the already mentioned classification of "indifferent". As a result of a long and rigorous study of human characters, scientists have found that there are at least five types of indifference in human nature (of course, this is far from the limit, because human nature is complex, but five types of this philosophical trend stand out most clearly). Let's list them: absolute indifference, militant indifference, relative indifference, reasonable indifference, hidden indifference.

We think that even with a superficial acquaintance with the types of bullshit, you get a good opportunity to judge how wide the range of influence of bullshit on minds and souls is. Can you imagine? You live as you lived, and suddenly at one fine moment you find yourself indifferent features. This is quite possible, and there is no need to be afraid of this: very soon you will realize that there are many good sides to indifference, the main thing is not to go to extremes and not turn, say, from a reasonable indifference into a militant one ... However, we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let's talk better about everything in order.

So, let's start, perhaps, with the most extreme degree of manifestation of indifference, namely, with ABSOLUTE DIFFICULTY. We think that this phrase speaks for itself. An absolute indifference is a person who is characterized by an extreme degree of indifference to everything. As the term suggests, ABSOLUTELY everything.

It is quite easy to recognize an absolute indifference, because you cannot hide indifference to everything, no matter how hard you try. The most remarkable thing is that the absolute indifference does not try to hide it, because the way others treat him is as indifferent to him as everything else. Here is one of the clearest signs of an absolute indifference: if you are going to talk with him, get ready for the fact that his speech will be full of words and expressions like: "don't give a damn", "figs", "figs two" and even "don't care fog" , as well as expressions with a similar meaning “but I don’t give a damn”, “I wanted to sneeze at it”. He often has everything to the light bulb and everything is on the drum, which he immediately reports.

Another striking sign by which you can recognize the absolute pofigist is as follows. Unlike other nihilists, the absolute does not care about their own problems or the problems of others. He will not be equally worried about failures at work, or problems on the personal front with his best friend (if there is one at all), or an empty refrigerator (food is also not the main thing), or his own chronic pyelonephritis. An absolute indifference prefers not to know about all this at all, not to pay due attention to it, and if this is not possible, then at least not to remember it, erase it from memory and forget.

Note that this is quite rare and, no doubt, an extreme case of indifference. Getting acquainted with the proposed classification, you will find that all other nihilists are indifferent to only one thing: either to their own problems or to the problems of others.

So, an absolute nihilist is a nihilist with a capital letter, a nihilist of the most extreme degree.

In this regard, the question arises of how good it is to be indifferent to everything, that is, how profitable it is - to profess absolute indifference. Here, as elsewhere, there are pluses and minuses. On the one hand, being an absolute don't care, you can safely go with the flow without the risk of stumbling upon a reef. In other words, while a non-figurator will worry, doubt, worry, or even experience emotional shock about some more or less significant failure, an absolute nihilist, finding himself in a similar situation, simply will not pay any attention to failure. And based on the fact that nerve cells tend to wear out in the ups and downs of life (and they don’t recover, keep this in mind), an absolute indifference will keep them safe and sound until the end of his life, since nervousness is not characteristic of him at all. In fact, indifference saves us from many troubles.

But on the other hand, it is worth seriously thinking about the ratio of positive and negative in absolute indifference. Doesn't he border on complete moral deafness and the absence of any interests in life? For the time being, we will leave this question open: you will find the answer in the following chapters.

It should be noted that absolute indifference as an extreme manifestation of indifference in general is quite rare. But the second type, which in our classification is designated as a militant indifference, is much more common than you think. Rummage through your memory, take a closer look at your friends and acquaintances: for sure there will be a couple or two militant infidels among them.

If you try to define the concept of "militant indifferent", it will turn out something like this: this is a person who is exclusively occupied with his own person. At the same time, the problems, interests and desires of other people do not excite him at all and do not interest him.

As you can see, there are many common features between the absolute indifference and the militant indifference: they are equally indifferent to the problems of those around them. However, if an absolute nihilist is just an indifferent person who does not even care how he lives, a militant nihilist is a real egocentrist. It happens that an aggressive militant nihilist, for his own good, is ready to go over other people's heads! In any case, it is better not to expect sympathy for the problems of others from a militant indifferent. It's easy for him, how about you?

RELATIVE DIFFICULTY is a milder form of indifference compared to the previous two. Those who, after reading the following definition of the concept, classify themselves as relative infidels, can be partly envied: relative indifference, as a rule, is inherent in geniuses, extraordinary personalities. Imagine a person obsessed with a lofty idea, and if you are endowed with imagination, the portrait of a relative infidel will immediately rise before your eyes.

A relative nihilist is by no means a passive absolute fellow who prefers to go with the flow, ignoring everything. Not at all. A relative nihilist is a nihilist who has set some goal, which must be achieved at all costs. It doesn't have to be shooting a best-selling movie, studying physics, or mastering Chinese, because important goals can be so different! For example, it will be a desire to make a career or a passionate desire to buy an expensive suit (after all, not everyone is able to become a great composer or director who annually receives an Oscar for another film masterpiece: the goals of relative infidels can relate to completely trivial things and issues).

Of course, it’s very good to set a goal, but a relative doesn’t give a damn about it, so that in pursuit of achieving such a desired goal, everything else is swept away from oneself: both the benefit of one’s loved ones and one’s own needs. But, by the way, the ability to concentrate on achieving a goal is called purposefulness and is rightly regarded as a positive quality of a person.

As you can see, there is a lot in common between the relative indifferent and his predecessors according to the classification. The absolute indifference to the relative indifference is united by the fact that both of them are ready to say “don't give a damn” both to their own interests and to the interests of those around them. And with the militant indifferent to his “relative partner”, they are related by the fact that both of them are nevertheless directed at themselves: the first - at his own person, and the second - at the goal that he himself set for himself. And although they say that the end justifies the means, this is far from always the case, especially when, in pursuing your goal, you forget absolutely everything and everyone.

REASONABLE DIFFICULTY is, perhaps, the ideal form of indifference. We believe that a reasonable nihilist can only be envied. A person who adheres to the philosophy of reasonable indifference does not accept all the bad things that occur in his life. This rejection is expressed in the fact that a reasonable nihilist simply does not notice the bad, and if he notices, he does not attach any importance to it. It would seem, what then is the difference between him and the absolute indifference? After all, both of them save their nerve cells, preventing them from wearing out. However, the difference is very large. It lies in the fact that a reasonable nihilist, not paying attention to any negative aspects in his life, is quite capable at the same time of noticing all the good that surrounds him. In other words, if we proceed from the well-known aphorism “life is striped”, we can say about a reasonable indifference that black stripes simply do not exist for him, but white ones shine in front of him! Whereas for an absolute indifference, there are no white or black stripes in life, because he does not pay attention to either one or the other. And it is not at all clear why he lives in the world then.

Isn't the position of a wise man not attractive? Live without focusing your attention on problems, without tormenting yourself with vain experiences, without falling into depression! And at the same time, do not forget that there are so many good things in life that there are a lot of wonderful people around with whom you can get along well without infringing on their interests and without harming your own! In a word - a truly reasonable indifference. Such people, as a rule, live quite easily: their philosophy of life prescribes not to get upset over trifles and not to notice evil in the world at all. Such people are able to find something good even in the most unsightly, and this happens to them quite naturally, without any effort.

If you are familiar with the classics of Russian literature, reasonable indifference will seem to you somewhat akin to reasonable egoism from Chernyshevsky's famous novel What Is To Be Done?, whose characters live in harmony with their own "I" and with the people around them. Their life principle was, if you remember, - to live in such a way as not to infringe on the interests of others. Isn't it true that reasonable indifference is akin to a philosophical principle proclaimed by the great classic? You can easily find the same sincere response to what is happening around you in a reasonable nihilist, note an uncontrived interest in the world around you. Although this will be discussed in the next chapter, I would like to add that a reasonable nihilist is able to respond vividly to the good and beautiful that, fortunately, our life is filled with.

Let's move on to the fifth type of infidels. Note that it differs significantly from all previous types. The fact is that all varieties of indifference, which we told you about, can be considered pronounced, open. At the very least, no matter how indifferent (absolute, militant, relative or reasonable) the person you are interested in or yourself may be, you can recognize the indifferent in it quite easily: someone prefers to “live like everyone else and swim like everyone else”, not paying attention to anything; someone is concerned only with their own problems, completely ignoring the problems of others; someone pursues a goal that is more important than which he does not have in life. But there is another type of indifference, which can be very, very difficult to recognize. Imagine: a human soul will always sympathize with you, will always listen to your spiritual outpourings ... In a word, not a person, but simply a miracle, you think. And you have no idea that you are dealing with a real scumbag.

In this case, we are talking about HIDDEN DIFFICULTY - one of the most interesting manifestations of the phenomenon we are studying. Hidden indifference is the case when behind the outward manifestation of sympathy and spiritual participation ... nothing is hidden. Yes, there is really nothing behind this sympathy, since the hidden nihilist actually does not care about your problems at all.

Perhaps he cares about how others treat him. Being by nature a person who is indifferent to the problems of others, the hidden indifferent, however, strives to be perceived as a sincere, understanding person. In a word, if we apply the words from the famous novel by Margaret Mitchell to our case, he is by no means an angel of mercy, but he is not averse to being branded as one.

Such an attitude of a hidden nihilist to others is psychologically justified: agree that spending sleepless nights due to the fact that your girlfriend or friend has some minor troubles that she or he is quite capable of solving on their own, without your help, in general , not worth it. Psychologists often even offer to check yourself: if your general well-being is deteriorating, is it because you take on other people's problems too often?

However, not being a nonsense and “having shouted” the hidden nonsense, you will certainly feel a great disappointment, finding that nothing really lies behind the apparent ability to sympathize.

Checking such a person for the presence (absence) of indifference is very simple. It will be enough just to observe whether he will move from sympathetic silence to concrete help, whether he will give you practical advice. If not, in front of you, most likely, is a real hidden nihilist. As a rule, communication with such people is fraught with continuous disappointments, because at first glance it does not look at all at all.

So, you got acquainted with the latest philosophical concept of indifference. The origins of indifference, apparently, lie in human nature itself, since a person is simply not able to focus on everything, from which it is inevitably clear that a person will be indifferent to something, indifferent. In essence, is it bad not to get hung up on problems, to take failures lightly and not to shoulder other people's worries in addition to your own?

Of course, you will have to judge how useful indifference is, however, we hope that the content of the following chapters, concerning how indifference manifests itself in various areas of life, will help to understand its essence, its positive and, if any, negative sides. .

What are the philosophical and psychological features of indifference?
Why is there no such term in modern psychology and philosophy?

Yes, because none of the scientists studied this phenomenon, although such a need is absolutely relevant and long overdue. Even such a great Scientologist and cannibalist as Ron Hubbard did not give a place in his research to apathy, in particular, he did not place it on his "emotional tone scale"! This speaks of the extreme limitations of his "teaching".

Everyone has heard of indifference, but unfortunately, as a slender concept, indifference is unknown to the general public. Indifference is one of the protective reactions of the human body to the surrounding and inner world. Indifference is a science, religion and psychotherapy at the same time. However, it is not propagandized, not preached and not studied for two simple reasons: those in power are not interested in it, and secondly, no one cares. Therefore, each person comes to indifference independently, fortunately, in each person, indifference is present from birth in a latent form. As for indifference as a doctrine, it is true, because it is true. And it is true because it is true.

The poet expressed the essence of indifference succinctly and briefly:

Indifference is the serene lightness of being. (Tetcorax)

Indifference and psychology.

Many people are constantly tormented by their problems, passions and desires. Most of them just have an “awl in the ass”, they are so sausage, so they are spinning and spinning in this life in order to climb higher, become richer, “take everything from life”, etc. And they constantly complain that they do not get everything they deserve from this life. Do they know what they deserve? 🙂 And they are completely unaware that all this worthless fuss of theirs is vanity of vanities, vanity and catching the wind. (See the post of the same name ➡

What is indifference in the psychological aspect?

Indifference is different from other mental states of a person. Moreover, it is not a combination of other states of the human psyche, and the introduction of this term into dictionaries, encyclopedias and educational courses has long been a necessity.

Indifference, contrary to the opinion of the vast majority of modern psychologists, is not synonymous with such concepts as apathy, depression (depressed), melancholy, ataraxia, abulia, euthymia. The pofigist is also not an analogue of the phlegmatic / melancholic, although he has many of their external signs. Equanimity, prudence, slowness, composure, calmness in acute situations, steady aspirations, a more or less constant mood, a weak outward expression of emotions, characteristic of a phlegmatic person, are also characteristic of a philistine. However, these features are not the essence of indifference or its causes. They are just its consequences.

Indifference is not melancholy, not apathy, and even less depressive.
For example, what is apathy? This is a state of detachment from all passions, liberation from a sense of fear and problems of the surrounding reality, “withdrawal into oneself”, indifference. In this state, “I don’t want anything” and “nothing pleases”.
Apathy is caused by various reasons (loss of something significant, illness, fiasco in personal or public life, "crush of hopes", extreme fatigue, etc.)
The result is a state of suppressed will, lack of mental strength for struggle and other active actions, an increase in the emotional threshold, an incorrect assessment of surrounding events and incorrect reactions to these events. A person, as they say, “breaks down” and becomes indifferent to what will happen next. He has resigned himself to his fate and is completely overwhelmed by the situation.

Is this a portrait of an infidel? Absolutely not!
The nihilist always controls the situation, assesses it adequately. But he does not want to spend his strength, time, money and other resources on it. Or maybe spend. "How the card will fall." 🙂 He deliberately ignores petty, from his point of view, threats and circumstances. Indifference is a conscious, completely volitional and controlled act. It doesn't cost anything for a pofigist to immediately switch from a situation of calm contemplation to frenzied activity and back. The question is different. What about fig? What the hell is needed? "What the hell?" - this is the main question of the past, present and future!

Ancient wise elders said:
First there was a question. And this question was: “What the hell?”
The answer was the Word. And after this Word, everything that exists was created.

We should also remember the prophecies that come to us from the future:
The main question of the Vorlon race is "Who are you?"
The main question of the Shadow race is "What do you want?"
The main question of the Human race is “What the hell?”

Which of these questions is more important? Of course, the main one is the question “What the hell?” And according to this indicator, the race of people will far outstrip in time all other intelligent beings of the Universe. This future superiority is being laid right now. Therefore, the movement of infidels should expand, multiply, strengthen and grow into the masses right up to the very outskirts.

You can often hear accusations of indifference in indifference. Like, they are indifferent and indifferent people! And therefore, be afraid of the infidels:

Fear the indifferent! With their silent consent, all the evil in the world is done. (Exupery)

This is absolutely false! The pofigist is not indifferent. He just doesn't care! He may make an effort to solve the problem and sacrifice a lot, or he may not make an effort and not sacrifice. A priori, it doesn’t give a damn about it, it’s on the drum, it’s purple, it doesn’t scratch or sway. And this is its main difference from callous, indifferent and indifferent people who have the initial intention not to take anything on their shoulders and to be away from any problems. In addition, the nihilist, as a rule, has a similar attitude towards himself. Because he does not consider himself as the universal navel around which the entire universe revolves. He doesn't care about navels and other petty human passions. And this is precisely the difference between a philosopher who doesn’t give a damn and a person who is preoccupied and overwhelmed by desires. In a pofigist desires are secondary.

Indifference among all emotions is the psychological state closest to the optimum. It allows you to most adequately assess the situation and make the most correct decisions. The composition of production and any other teams must necessarily include a nihilist, as the average and most balanced psychological type.
The pofigist is in a state of unstable equilibrium. He is the dividing line between extroverts and introverts, egoists and altruists, enthusiasts and parasites, etc. His activity, with sufficient force of influence, can be directed in any direction. (Of course, only after he decides why he needs it. 🙂 After he answers the main question: “What the hell?”) He is like a center of gravity for which activists / enthusiasts, lazy / parasites and others are fighting .

The main cry of enthusiasts (these are those who have an awl in their ass): “Let's do it!”
The main cry of parasites (these are those whose ass is rooted to the sofa): “I don’t want to do anything!”
The main cry of the infidels: “What the hell?”

Before taking sides, the nihilist decides the fundamental question: should I do it or shouldn't I do it? That is, it solves the main task of a warrior-commander: goal - expediency - means. He is the commander! Because it is he who asks the main question and solves the main question, why the hell do you need all this. 😎 He seeks the truth and finds it! And since the truth, in principle, is also a light bulb for him, he gives it to others free of charge. And with this trait he resembles an altruist even more than an altruist himself!

Basic postulates of indifference.

In indifference, as well as in other teachings, there are postulates-justifications for its essence. Some require proof, and some are accepted as true on the basis of statistics. Here is some of them.

1. Indifference is an impregnable ivory tower. (Tetcorax)
2. Giving a fuck is one of the surest ways to get into heaven. (Tetcorax)
3. If you want to be happy - be happy. (Kozma Prutkov)
4. Everything we really need is either cheap or nothing at all. (Seneca)
(This is an adult thought of a wise aksakal, and its realization requires a certain life experience and intellectual effort. Many people are not able to comprehend it until the very end of their lives.)
5. Any situation is either solved by itself, or not solved at all. Your participation in this situation is completely unnecessary.
6. If you cannot change the situation, then why suffer because of this? Deal with it, get away from it or throw it away. You can't change circumstances - change yourself. As an additional psychotherapeutic technique, you can swear at her.
7. If you complain about a problem, it doubles, and if you laugh at it, it leaves you. Well, if you kick her in the ass, then the problem turns into a blessing and entertainment!
8. If you sit on the river bank for a long time, you can see how the corpse of your enemy floats along it. (Chinese epil.)
(This is a figurative expression, a metaphor, an analogue of the ancient Egyptian proverb “Everything comes in time for those who know how to wait.” The nihilist does not just sit on this shore and waits. The nihilist does not fuss, he goes to bed there, immediately doing two useful things for himself)
9. There is only one way to happiness - to stop worrying about things that are not subject to our will. (Epictetus)
10. Sadness is carried away on the wings of indifference. (Jean Lafontaine on indifference)

We lack the strength of character to dutifully follow all the dictates of reason. (La Rochefoucauld)

The pofigist just has enough character for this!

It should also be noted that any person is available for indifference, and there is indifference in any person. So what's the difference between a bully and other people? The difference is in the dose!

Pofigists are a very modest, quiet and inconspicuous part of society. What does a demonstration of pofigists look like? They are just sleeping! 🙂
To be indifferent is correct and prestigious.

An indifferent person or "don't give a damn" is a character that perfectly complements the picture of today's world and even claims the status of "positive". Having set some goal, he is able to concentrate on it to such an extent that other areas of his life (including concern for the welfare of loved ones) will fade into the background.

This ability in modern society is called purposefulness (some psychologists call it relative indifference) and is considered a positive quality. The absolute "don't care" differs from the relative one in that he is indifferent not only to the needs of other people, but also to his own.

The ideal form of indifference is considered reasonable "indifference". The attractiveness of this form of indifference is that, no matter what impression this person leaves about himself, he will remain indifferent in any situation, “not noticing” negative events. But if he still notices something negative, he will not attach any importance to it.

Sociologists call indifference the conscious refusal of a person to participate in changes that concern not only his own life, but also the life of society. The indifferent does not worry about others, is prone to inaction and is constantly in a state of apathy.

Indifference is characteristic of many people and does not arise without reasons. One indifferent person from childhood got everything he wanted, grew up an egoist, got used to thinking only about himself and he doesn’t give a damn about the others. Another, brought up in an atmosphere of mutual respect, but found himself in a situation where the good he did was repaid with evil, lost faith in justice and deliberately turns a blind eye to someone's cruelty.

People belonging to the second type, not wanting the unpleasant situation to happen again, move away from what is happening and often pass by cruelty. But there is also a third type of people. “Everyone gets what they deserve. Intervening, I prevent them from correcting what their ancestors or they themselves have done in their past lives, ”such is the course of their thoughts.

About the reasons for indifference

One of the reasons for indifference may be a mental disorder - a state in which a person does not know how to show emotions. Compassion is a feeling inaccessible to his understanding. Such people are often called pragmatists, phlegmatic, crackers, but it is impossible to change the situation with offensive words, especially if the cause of the mental disorder is a serious physical injury.

No less dangerous are teenage psychological and bodily injuries received due to love experiences. A young but indifferent person, who even once experienced severe mental (or bodily) pain, can forever lose faith in people.

The lack of affection and warmth, experienced in childhood, is also a good “building material”. According to statistics, most indifferent people were "unloved" in childhood.

"People, stay indifferent!" (psychopath motto)

Specialists from the field of psychiatry often replace the word "indifference" with the medical terms "apathy" and "detachment". The stoic calm inherent in an indifferent person is considered by official medicine to be a serious mental deviation.

Apathy is a psychological disorder that awaits absolutely everyone, both the lucky ones and the losers. It can occur in any person, regardless of his psychological and material solvency. The main cause of apathy, and, consequently, indifference, some doctors call boredom. It is from boredom, according to a group of experts, that even the happiest families who have their dream job and raise talented and obedient children are not insured.

Also, the cause of the disease can be fatigue - both emotional and physical. An indifferent person often suffers from seizures, he is depressed, does not make acquaintances and does not make plans. His own life seems to him dull and useless.

A cheerful and sociable person can be turned into an indifferent and apathetic by the situation:

  • when he is in tension for a long time;
  • does not have the opportunity to rest;
  • experienced the death of loved ones or dismissal from work;
  • when an indifferent person, adapting to society worse than others, is ashamed of his natural needs;
  • suffers from misunderstanding on the part of others;
  • is under the pressure of the person on whom it depends;
  • when he takes hormonal drugs.

Psychologists advise looking for the causes of indifference in the patient's inner world - where all his grievances and desires "live". Psychologists see indifference as a way to protect yourself from stress and negativity.

Many people suffering from psychological disorders deliberately put on a "mask" of indifference in the hope of shutting themselves off from the hostile world that has rejected them for so long.

Indifference through the eyes of a philosopher

Philosophers view indifference as a moral problem based on the lost awareness of the significance of each person as a unique individual. Gradually turning into a tool to achieve their own goals, considering each other as a commodity, people themselves become things.

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