Conversational style and its features. Comparison of colloquial speech style with other styles

The concept of "stylistics"

Stylistics is a science that studies the language at its different levels and the expressive means that the language has.

The style is practical. The style is functional

Practical stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the functioning of units and categories of all levels of language in the literary language in typical speech situations, in contexts of various semantic, expressive content, taking into account the current language norms (phonetic stylistics, morphological stylistics).

Functional stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the differentiation of the literary language according to its historically established varieties (functional-style units). It develops general principles of typology, classification and selection of the main functional varieties (functional styles) of the literary language.

3. Basic concepts: synonymy and variance, norm and usage, norm codification

Synonymy is the closeness of the meaning of different language and speech units.

The norm is an example of the correct and obligatory for all variants of the pronunciation of form formation, the construction of sentences.

The variability of the norm is the obligatoriness and admissibility within the limits of the norm.

Usus is the generally accepted use of linguistic units (words, fixed expressions, forms, constructions) by native speakers of a given language.

Codification as a developed set of rules that brings normalized options into the system, creating an integral code (code). Means of codification - dictionaries, language guides, textbooks for high school, scientific linguistic studies that establish the norm. A codifier is someone who is fluent in Russian. Preserves the dignity of the literary language. This is a linguist, writer, journalist, public figure, radio and television announcer, artist, teacher, university teacher, editor, proofreader, etc.

The concept of modern Russian literary language

The literary language is a processed part of the national language, which has, to a greater or lesser extent, written norms; the language of all manifestations of culture, expressed in verbal form.

The Russian language belongs to the eastern group of Slavic languages ​​belonging to the Indo-European family of languages.

The modern Russian literary language is a standardized language that serves the cultural needs of the Russian people; it is the language of state acts, science, press, radio, theater, and fiction.

The system of styles of the Russian literary language. The concept of "style"

Style - as a historically developed and socially conscious variety of the literary language, functioning in a certain area of ​​human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of the use of language means in this area and their specific organization.

1 style - scientific.

2 style - business, official.

3 style - journalistic.

4 style - colloquial.

The first 3 styles are bookish.

The main features of the conversational style

Conversational style is a style that caters to the realm of oral communication or verbal communication.

Conversational style (colloquial speech) is used in a wide range of personal, i.e. informal, off-duty relationships. This style is more often called colloquial and everyday, but it would be more accurate to call it colloquial and everyday, since it is not limited only to the everyday side, but is used as a means of communication in almost all areas of life - family, industrial, socio-political, educational, scientific , cultural, sports.

The function of conversational style is the function of communication in its "original" form. Speech is generated by the needs of direct communication between two or more interlocutors and acts as a means of such communication; it is created in the process of speaking and depends on the response of the interlocutor - speech, facial expressions, etc.

A huge role in sounding speech is played by intonation, logical stress, tempo, pauses. In conditions of easy communication, a person, to a much greater extent than in the presence of official relations, has the opportunity to show his personal qualities - temperament, emotionality, sympathy, which saturates his speech with emotional and stylistically colored (mostly stylistically reduced) words, expressions, morphological forms and syntactic constructions.

In colloquial speech, the function of communication can be supplemented by the function of the message or the function of influence. However, both the message and the impact are manifested in direct communication, and therefore occupy a subordinate position.

The most common factors in the colloquial-everyday style are the personal, informal nature of the relationship between the participants in communication; their direct participation in communication; continuation of speech in the process of communication without prior preparation.

Although these factors are closely related to each other, their role in the formation of the actual language features of the conversational style is far from homogeneous: the last two factors - direct participation in communication and the unpreparedness of communication - are closely related to the oral form of speech and are generated by it, while the first factor is the personal, informal nature of the relationship also applies to written communication, for example, in personal correspondence. On the contrary, in oral communication, the relationship between its participants can be official, service, "impersonal".

Language means used during personal, everyday, informal relationships between speakers are characterized by additional shades - ease, a sharper evaluative moment, more emotionality compared to neutral or bookish equivalents, i.e. these language means are colloquial.

Such linguistic means are widely used outside of colloquial speech - in artistic and journalistic, as well as scientific texts.

The norms of colloquial-everyday style in oral form differ significantly from the norms of other functional styles, for which the written form is defining (although not the only one). The norms of colloquial style are not established and are not officially regulated, i.e., they are not subject to codification, which gives rise to the illusion, which is very common among non-specialists, that colloquial speech does not have a norm at all: whatever you say, that's fine. However, the very fact of automatic reproduction in speech of ready-made structures. Phraseological turns, various kinds of stamps, i.e. standardized language means corresponding to certain standard speech situations, indicates an imaginary or, in any case, limited "freedom" of the speaker. Conversational speech is subject to strict laws, has its own rules and norms, as evidenced by the fact that the factors of book and written speech in general are perceived in colloquial speech as alien. Strict (albeit unconsciously following ready-made standards) is the norm of unprepared oral speech.

On the other hand, the unpreparedness of the speech act, its attachment to the situation, along with the lack of a clear idea of ​​the norm, determine a very wide freedom in choosing options. The boundaries of the norm become unsteady, vague, the normativity itself sharply weakens. Casual everyday dialogic speech, consisting of short replicas, allows significant deviations from generally accepted norms due to its inherent impulsive nature.

The colloquial style of the language is opposed to all other styles, which are called bookish. The main condition for such a contrast is that the conversational style uses predominantly dialogic speech, and this style functions mainly in oral form, while book styles are distinguished mainly by the written form of presentation and monologue speech.

The colloquial style performs the main function of the language - the function of communication (in the narrow sense of the word), its purpose is the direct transmission of information, mainly orally (with the exception of private letters, notes, diary entries). The language features of the conversational style are determined by the special conditions of its functioning: informality, ease and expressiveness of speech communication, the absence of a preliminary selection of language means, automatism of speech, everyday content and dialogic form.

The situation has a great influence on the conversational style - the real, objective situation of speech. This allows the utterance to be reduced to the limit, in which individual components may be absent, which, however, does not interfere with the correct perception of colloquial phrases. For example, in a bakery, the phrase “Please, with bran, one” does not seem strange to us; at the station at the ticket office: “Two to Rekshino, for children and adults”, etc.

In everyday communication, a concrete, associative way of thinking and a direct, expressive nature of expression are realized. Hence the disorder, fragmentation of speech forms and the emotionality of style.

Like any style, conversational has its own special scope, a certain theme. Most often, the subject of conversation is the weather, health, news, any interesting events, purchases, prices ... It is possible, of course, to discuss the political situation, scientific achievements, news in cultural life, but these topics also obey the rules of conversational style, its syntactic structure , although in such cases the vocabulary of conversations is enriched with book words and terms.

For a relaxed conversation, a necessary condition is the absence of officiality, trusting, free relations between the participants in the dialogue or polylogue. The attitude towards natural, unprepared communication determines the attitude of speakers to language means.

In a colloquial style, for which the oral form is native, the most important role is played by the sound side of speech, and above all intonation: it is it (in interaction with a peculiar syntax) that creates the impression of conversationality. Unconstrained speech is distinguished by sharp rises and falls in tone, lengthening, “stretching” of vowels, scanning of syllables, pauses, and changes in the tempo of speech. By sound, one can easily distinguish the full (academic, strict) pronunciation style inherent in a lecturer, orator, professional announcer broadcasting on the radio (all of them are far from colloquial style, their texts are other book styles in oral speech!), From incomplete, characteristic of colloquial speech. It notes a less distinct pronunciation of sounds, their reduction (reduction). Instead of Alexander Alexandrovich, we say San Sanych, instead of Marya Sergeevna - Mary Sergeevna. Less tension of the speech organs leads to changes in the quality of sounds and even sometimes to their complete disappearance (“hello”, not “hello”, not “says”, but “grit”, not “now”, but “lose”, instead of “what » «cho», etc.). This “simplification” of orthoepic norms is especially noticeable in non-literary forms of colloquial style, in common speech.

Radio and television journalism has special rules for pronunciation and intonation. On the one hand, in improvised, unprepared texts (conversation, interview), it is natural and natural to follow the pronunciation norms of conversational style, but not vernacular options, but neutral ones. At the same time, the high culture of the speaker's speech requires the accuracy of pronunciation of words, the placement of stresses, and the expressiveness of the intonation pattern of speech.

The vocabulary of the colloquial style is divided into two large groups:

1) commonly used words (day, year, work, sleep, early, you can, good, old);

2) colloquial words (potato, reader, real, nestle).

It is also possible the use of colloquial words, dialectisms, jargon, professionalism, that is, various non-literary elements that reduce the style. All this vocabulary is predominantly everyday content, specific. At the same time, the range of book words, abstract vocabulary, terms and little-known borrowings is very narrow. The activity of expressive-emotional vocabulary (familiar, affectionate, disapproving, ironic) is indicative. Evaluative vocabulary usually has a reduced color here. The use of occasional words (neologisms that we come up with just in case) is typical - “good-looking”, “dealing”, “kundepat” (poorly done).

In a colloquial style, the law of “saving speech means” applies, therefore, instead of names consisting of two or more words, one is used: condensed milk - condensed milk, utility room - utility room, five-story house - five-story building. In other cases, stable combinations of words are converted and instead of two words one is used: restricted area - zone, academic council - council, sick leave - sick leave, maternity leave - decree.

A special place in colloquial vocabulary is occupied by words with the most general or indefinite meaning, which is concretized in the situation: thing, thing, business, history. “Empty” words are close to them, acquiring a certain meaning only in the context (bagpipes, bandura, jalopy). For example: And where will we put this bandura? (about the closet).

The conversational style is rich in phraseology. Most Russian phraseological units are of a colloquial nature (at hand, unexpectedly, like water off a duck's back, etc.), colloquial expressions are even more expressive (the law is not written for fools, in the middle of nowhere, etc.). Colloquial and colloquial phraseological units give speech vivid imagery; they differ from bookish and neutral phraseological units not in meaning, but in special expressiveness and reducedness.

Compare: to die - to play in the box, to mislead - to hang noodles on your ears (rub glasses, suck from your finger, take from the ceiling).

The word formation of colloquial speech is characterized by features due to its expressiveness and evaluativeness: here suffixes of subjective assessment are used with the meanings of flattery, disapproval, magnification, etc. as well as suffixes with a functional coloring of colloquialism, for example, for nouns: suffixes -k- (locker room, overnight stay, candle, stove); -ik (knife, rain); -un (talker); ‑yaga (hard worker); ‑yatin (yummy); -sha (for feminine nouns of professions: doctor, conductor). Non-suffixed formations are used (snoring, dancing), word compositions (couch potato, windbag). You can also indicate the most active cases of word formation of adjectives with an estimated meaning: eye-eyed, spectacled, toothy; biting, pugnacious; thin, healthy, etc., as well as verbs - prefix-suffixal: to play pranks, to speak, to play games, suffixal: der-anut, spec-kul-nut; healthy; prefixal: lose weight, buy, etc.

In order to enhance expression, doubling of adjectives is used, sometimes with additional prefixation (he is so huge - huge; water is black-black; it is big-eyed - big-eyed; smart - smart), acting as a superlative.

In the field of morphology, the conversational style is distinguished by a special frequency of verbs, they are used here even more often than nouns. Indicative and especially frequent use of personal and demonstrative pronouns. Personal pronouns (I, we, you, you) are widely used because of the constant need to designate the participants in the conversation. Any dialogue (and this is the main form of colloquial speech) involves I - the speaker, you - the listener, who alternately takes on the role of the speaker, and him (he) - the one who is not directly involved in the conversation.

Demonstrative pronouns and others are necessary for colloquial style due to their inherent breadth, generalization of meaning. They are concretized by a gesture, and this creates the conditions for a very concise transmission of this or that information (for example: It's not here, but there). Unlike other styles, only colloquial allows the use of a pronoun accompanied by a gesture without first mentioning a specific word (I will not take this; This does not suit me).

Of the adjectives in colloquial speech, possessive ones (mother's work, grandfather's gun) are used, but short forms are rarely used. Participles and gerunds are not found here at all, and for particles and interjections, colloquial speech is a native element (What can I say! That's the thing! God forbid about this and remember something! Surprise on you!).

In a colloquial style, preference is given to variant forms of nouns (in the workshop, on vacation, at home; a glass of tea, honey; workshops, a locksmith), numerals (fifty, five hundred), verbs (read, not read, raise, not raise). In a live conversation, truncated forms of verbs are often found, which have the meaning of an instantaneous and unexpected action: grab, jump, jump, knock, etc. For example: And this one grabs his sleeve. Colloquial forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives (better, shorter, harder than everyone), adverbs (quickly, more conveniently) are used. Even colloquial forms are found here in playful contexts (her boyfriend, evon comrades). In colloquial speech, zero endings have been fixed in the genitive plural of such nouns as kilogram (instead of kilograms), gram (instead of grams), orange (instead of oranges), tomato (instead of tomatoes), etc. (one hundred grams of butter, five kilograms of orange).

Under the influence of the law of economy of speech means, the colloquial style allows the use of real nouns in combination with numerals (two milk, two fermented baked milk - in the meaning of "two servings"). Peculiar forms of address are common here - truncated nouns: mom! dad! Kat! Van!

Colloquial speech is no less original in the distribution of case forms: here the nominative dominates, which in oral replicas replaces book controlled forms.

For example: I bought a fur coat - gray astrakhan fur (I bought a fur coat from gray astrakhan fur); Kasha - look! (conversation in the kitchen). Especially consistently, the nominative case replaces all the others when numerals are used in speech: The amount does not exceed three hundred rubles (instead of: three hundred); with one thousand five hundred and three rubles (with one thousand five hundred and three).

The syntax of colloquial speech is very peculiar, due to its oral form and vivid expression. Simple sentences dominate here, often incomplete and extremely short. The situation fills in the gaps in the speech: Please show in a line (when buying notebooks); To you from the heart? (in a pharmacy), etc.

In oral speech, we often do not name the object, but describe it: Did you wear a hat here? As a result of the unpreparedness of the speech, connecting constructions appear in it: We must go. In Saint-Petersburg. To the conference. Such fragmentation of the phrase is explained by the fact that the thought develops associatively, the speaker seems to recall the details and completes the statement.

Complex sentences are not typical for colloquial speech, non-union ones are used more often than others: I will leave - it will be easier for you; You talk, I listen. Some non-union constructions of a colloquial type are not comparable with any book phrases. For example: Is there a rich choice or have you not been?; And for the next time, please, this lesson and the last one!

The order of words in live speech is also unusual: as a rule, the most important word in the message is put in the first place: Buy me a computer; He paid with the currency; The worst thing of all is that nothing can be done; These are the qualities I appreciate.

The following features of colloquial syntax should also be noted:

1. The use of a pronoun that duplicates the subject: Vera, she comes late; The policeman, he noticed it.

2. Putting at the beginning of the sentence an important word from the subordinate part: I love bread, so that it is always fresh.

3. Use of sentence words: Okay; It's clear; Can; Yes; Not; From what? Of course! Still would! Well, yes! Well no! Maybe.

4. The use of plug-in constructions that introduce additional, additional information that explains the main message: I thought (I was still young then) that he was joking; And we, as you know, are always glad to have a guest; Kolya - he is generally a kind person - wanted to help ...

5. Activity of introductory words: maybe, it seems, fortunately, as they say, so to speak, let's say so, you know.

6. Widespread lexical repetitions: so-and-so, just about, barely, far, far, fast-quick, etc.

In conclusion, we note that the colloquial style, to a greater extent than all other styles, has a bright originality of linguistic features that go beyond the normalized literary language.

This does not mean that colloquial speech always conflicts with literary language rules. Deviations from the norm can fluctuate depending on the intra-style stratification of the colloquial style. It has varieties of reduced, rude speech, vernacular, which has absorbed the influence of local dialects, etc. But the colloquial speech of intelligent, educated people is quite literary, and at the same time it differs sharply from the bookish one, bound by the strict norms of other functional styles.

Questions for self-control:

1. How does the scope of functioning determine the linguistic features of the conversational style?

2. Vocabulary and word formation of colloquial style.

3. Morphological and syntactic features of oral colloquial speech.

Table 1. Characteristics of conversational style

If book styles (scientific, official-business, newspaper-journalistic, artistic) are used primarily in an official setting and in writing, require indispensable care about the form of expression, then colloquial style used in informal settings. The degree of preparedness of speech can be different. In everyday conversation, she is usually completely unprepared (spontaneous). And when writing a friendly letter, drafts written in advance can also be used. But this readiness never reaches the degree that is characteristic of book styles.

All this leads to the fact that the dominant of the conversational style, especially the colloquial speech that exists in the oral form of informal personal communication, is to minimize the concern for the form of expression of thoughts. And this, in turn, gives rise to a number of linguistic features of conversational style.

On the one hand, the colloquial style of speech is characterized by a high degree of standardization of the language. Typified, standard constructions are convenient for spontaneous (unprepared) speech. Each typical situation has its own stereotypes.

For example, etiquette stereotypes include phrases: Good afternoon!; Hi!; What's new?; Bye! Stereotypes are used in urban transport: Are you leaving on the next one?; in the shop - Weigh three hundred grams of oil etc.

On the other hand, in a relaxed environment, the speaker is not limited by the strict requirements of official communication and can use untyped, individual means.

It should be remembered that colloquial speech serves not only the purposes of the message, but also the purposes of influence. Therefore, the colloquial style is characterized by expressiveness, visualization and figurativeness.

Among the characteristic features of the conversational style are the following:

Language tools Examples
Language level: Phonetics
Incomplete type of pronunciation. Grit instead of He speaks; hello instead of hello.
Intonation as one of the main means of expressiveness and organization of speech: a quick change of intonations, timbre, tempo, overflows of intonational colors, etc.

The organizing role of intonation in non-union sentences, in sentences with free connection of parts, etc. ( We were walking / it was raining; Subway / here?)

Accelerated pace when pronouncing the formulas of greeting, farewell, names and patronymics ( Tan, hello!); when expressing motivation, especially when combined with the emotion of irritation. ( Shut up!)

Slow pace with lengthening of vowels when emphasizing conviction - lack of conviction ( Yeah. Mind-e-tsya); to express surprise - He's already arrived. - Come-e-hal?) and etc.

Language level: Vocabulary and phraseology
A large percentage of neutral specific common vocabulary. Sofa, bed, sleep, dress, faucet.
Neutral colloquial vocabulary. Doctor, usher, knife, understand.
Some socio-political and general scientific terms, nomenclature names. Revolution, administration, governor, analysis, radiation, bulldozer, excavator.
Emotionally evaluative colloquial vocabulary. Hard worker, headless, poor fellow, parasite.
Standardized figurative means. Metaphors: get stuck in the city; well, you're a beetle!; phraseological units: bend your back; stuff a pocket; hyperbole and litote: awful fun; terribly funny; you can go crazy from this computer science; I would eat a bull now and etc.
Interspersed with professionalism, jargon, colloquial words, etc. We have four today couples. Yes with a window. Crazy not to move out in the evening!
Language level: Morphology
The frequency of the nominative case compared to other cases. There is a store like this / Products / / and the entrance is on the left / under the stairs / /
Frequency of personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and adverbs, particles. Grandma// Played cards with me/ the fool// We were left... we were left alone/ me/ and her// And John's dog, so// We fed this John/ and then sat down... I ran to her for cigarettes/ and we sat down to play/ the fool// Well, ten games a day// Here//
Absence of gerunds, rare use of participles (only passive past tenses). You gave me a broken chair! Is it sewn or ready made?
Free handling of temporary forms (change of times, use of the form of time is not in its meaning). And there we met. "Kolya, hello" ... And we are sitting, or rather, standing, chatting there, we will sit on the bench for literally three hours. How will we begin to remember how our bus sat down, how we were pulled out.
The use of verbal interjections. Jump, lope, shast, bang, fuck.
Language Level: Syntax
Short simple sentences, as if strung on top of each other. We lived in a country house. We lived in the country house. They always left early. We also had a doctor.
Incomplete sentences, especially with the omission of the main members. - Tea?
- Half a cup for me.
Phrase restructuring on the go, broken structure with interruptions in intonation. Activity of connecting structures, with introductory words and particles. My husband was in the soldiers. He served in the artillery. Five years. And so. They told him: “Here is a bride for you. Grows. Very good".
Activity of interjection phrases. Oh is it? Well, strength!
Freer word order (words are arranged in the order of thought formation). In this case, everything important moves to the beginning of the sentence. Well, we, of course, lost money there. Because they were ordinary workers. I was a turner there.
She gave a wicker basket.
He was in Moscow then.

It should be remembered that, on the one hand, almost all norms of colloquial style are optional (optional), and on the other hand, the features of colloquial speech and colloquial style in general should not be transferred to official oral, especially written speech. The use of elements inherent in the colloquial style in other styles (publicistic, artistic) should be stylistically justified!


Stylistic features of the colloquial style of speech

A high culture of speaking and writing, a good knowledge and development of a sense of the native language, the ability to use its expressive means, its stylistic diversity is the best support, the surest help and the most reliable recommendation for every person in his social life and creative activity.

V.A. Vinogradov


My work is devoted to the study of colloquial speech style.

The main goal is to identify the stylistic features of this style of speech, to figure out how colloquial differs from other styles. My task is to define the conversational style of speech, divide it into types, determine the specifics and intra-style features of the conversational style.

Language is a means of communication between people, a tool for the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilating new information, new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, the native speaker of a given language must have a good command of it, i.e., have a speech culture.

M. Gorky wrote that language is the primary element, the main material of literature, that is, that vocabulary, syntax, the entire structure of speech is the primary element, the key to understanding the ideas and images of the work. But language is also an instrument of literature: “The struggle for purity, for semantic accuracy, for the sharpness of language is a struggle for an instrument of culture. The sharper this weapon, the more accurately directed - the more victorious it is.

Stylistics (the word "style" comes from the name of the needle, or stylet with which the ancient Greeks wrote on waxed tablets) is a branch of the science of language that studies the styles of the literary language (functional styles of speech), the patterns of the functioning of the language in different areas of use, the features of the use of language means depending on the situation, content and goals of the statement, the scope and condition of communication. Stylistics introduces the stylistic system of the literary language at all its levels and the stylistic organization of correct (in compliance with the norms of the literary language), accurate, logical and expressive speech. Stylistics teaches the conscious and expedient use of the laws of language and the use of linguistic means in speech.

There are two directions in linguistic stylistics: language stylistics and speech stylistics (functional stylistics). Language stylistics explores the stylistic structure of the language, describes the stylistic means of vocabulary, phraseology and grammar. Functional stylistics studies, first of all, different types of speech, their conditionality by different goals of the utterance. M. N. Kozhina gives the following definition: “Functional stylistics is a linguistic science that studies the features and patterns of the functioning of the language in various types of speech corresponding to certain areas of human activity and communication, as well as the speech structure of the emerging functional styles and “norms "selection and combination of language means in them" 1 . At its core, style should be consistently functional. It should reveal the connection of different types of speech with the subject, the purpose of the statement, with the conditions of communication, the addressee of the speech, the attitude of the author to the subject of the speech. The most important category of stylistics is functional styles - varieties of literary speech (literary language), serving various aspects of social life. Styles are different ways of using language when communicating. Each style of speech is characterized both by the originality of the selection of language means, and by their unique combination with each other.

The classification of styles is based on extralinguistic factors: the scope of the language, the topics determined by it and the goals of communication. The spheres of application of the language correlate with the types of human activity corresponding to the forms of social consciousness (science, law, politics, art). Traditional and socially significant areas of activity are: scientific, business (administrative-legal), socio-political, artistic. Accordingly, they also distinguish styles of official speech (bookish): scientific, official business, journalistic, literary and artistic (artistic). one

Functional style ¾ is a historically developed and socially conscious variety of the literary language (its subsystem), functioning in a certain area of ​​human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of the use of language means in this area and their specific organization 2.

Chapter 1

Conversational style is a functional style of speech that serves for informal communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary.

The usual form of implementing conversational style is dialog, this style is more commonly used in spoken language. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, an important role is played by extralinguistic factors: facial expressions, gestures, environment.

The conversational style is characterized by emotionality, figurativeness, concreteness, and simplicity of speech. For example, in a bakery, the phrase: “Please, with bran, one” does not seem strange.

The relaxed atmosphere of communication provides greater freedom in the choice of emotional words and expressions: colloquial words are more widely used ( to be stupid, rotozey, talking shop, giggle), colloquial ( neigh, deadhead, awful, disheveled), slang (parents - ancestors, iron, world).

In the colloquial style of speech, especially at its fast pace, a smaller reduction of vowels is possible, up to their complete loss and simplification of consonant groups. Word-building features: subjective evaluation suffixes are widely used. To enhance expressiveness, doubling words is used.

Oral speech is a form of speech activity, including understanding sounding speech and the implementation of speech utterances in sound form ( speaking). Oral speech can be carried out with direct contact of interlocutors or can be mediated by technical means ( telephone etc.), if communication takes place at a considerable distance. Oral speech, unlike written, is characterized by:

    redundancy (the presence of repetitions, clarifications, explanations);

    usage non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions),

    economy of speech, ellipses(the speaker may not name, skip what is easy to guess).

Oral speech is always conditioned by the speech situation. Distinguish:

    unprepared oral speech ( conversation, interview, performance in discussions) and prepared oral speech ( lecture, report, performance, report);

    dialogical speech (direct exchange of statements between two or more persons) and monologue speech (a type of speech addressed to one or a group of listeners, sometimes to oneself).

    Literary colloquial style

Literary language can be divided into two functional varieties - bookish and colloquial.
Calling this division of the literary language "the most general and most indisputable", D.N. Shmelev wrote about this: “At all stages of the development of the literary language, even when overcoming one way or another the alienation of the language of writing, when the halo of just literacy and mastery of a special bookish language is dimmed, the speakers in general never lose the feeling of difference between “how one can say" and "how to write".
The next step in the division of the literary language is the division of each of its varieties - book and spoken languages ​​- into functional styles. The colloquial variety of the literary language is an independent and self-sufficient system within the general system of the literary language, with its own set of units and rules for their combination with each other, used by native speakers of the literary language in conditions of direct, unprepared communication in informal relations between speakers.
The spoken literary language is not codified: certain norms certainly apply in it (due to which, for example, it is easy to distinguish the oral speech of a native speaker from the oral speech of a native speaker of a dialect or vernacular), but these norms have developed historically and are not consciously regulated by anyone and are not fixed in the form of any rules and recommendations.
Thus, codification - non-codification - is another, and, moreover, a very significant feature that distinguishes the bookish and colloquial varieties of the literary language. Conversational style is a special kind of language that is used by a person in everyday, everyday communication.
The main difference between the colloquial style and the book styles of the Russian language lies in the different manner of presenting information. So, in book styles, this manner is subject to the rules of the language recorded in dictionaries. Conversational style is subject to its own norms, and what is not justified in bookish speech is quite appropriate in natural communication.

    Conversational style

Colloquial-everyday style functions in the sphere of everyday communication. This style is realized in the form of a relaxed speech (monologue or dialogue) on everyday topics, as well as in the form of private, informal correspondence. The ease of communication is understood as the absence of an attitude towards a message that is of an official nature (lecture, speech, answer to an exam, etc.), informal relations between speakers and the absence of facts that violate the informality of communication, for example, strangers. Conversational speech functions only in the private sphere of communication, in everyday life, friendly, family, etc. In the field of mass communication, colloquial speech is not applicable. However, this does not mean that the colloquial style is limited to everyday topics. Colloquial speech can also touch on other topics - a conversation in the family circle or a conversation of people who are in informal relationships: about art, spider, politics, sports, etc .; conversation of friends at work related to the profession of speakers, conversations in public institutions, such as clinics, schools, etc.
The colloquial-everyday style is opposed to book styles, as they function in the same spheres of social activity. Spoken speech includes not only specific language means, but also neutral ones, which are the basis of the literary language. Therefore, this style is associated with other styles that also use neutral language means.

The colloquial and everyday style is opposed to book styles, as they function in various areas of social activity. However, colloquial speech includes not only specific language means, but also neutral ones, which are the basis of the literary language. 3
Within the literary language, colloquial speech is opposed to codified language. (The language is called codified, because in relation to it, work is being done to preserve its norms, its purity). But the codified literary language and colloquial speech are two subsystems within the literary language. As a rule, every native speaker of the literary language knows these two varieties of speech. With
The main features of the everyday conversational style are the already indicated relaxed and informal nature of communication, as well as the emotionally expressive coloring of speech. Therefore, in colloquial speech, all the wealth of intonation, facial expressions, and gestures are used. One of its most important features is the reliance on an extralinguistic situation, i.e. the immediate environment of speech in which communication takes place. For example: (Woman before leaving home) What should I wear? (about the coat) Is that it? Or that? (about jacket) Won't I freeze? Listening to these statements and not knowing the specific situation, it is impossible to guess what they are talking about. Thus, in colloquial speech, the extralinguistic situation becomes an integral part of the act of communication.

3 - Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook (edited by Prof. V. I. Maksimov. - M .: Gardariki, 2002. - 89 - 93 p.

Everyday colloquial style of speech has its own lexical and grammatical features. A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is its lexical heterogeneity. There are the most diverse groups of vocabulary both thematically and stylistically: common book vocabulary, terms, foreign borrowings, words of high stylistic coloring, as well as facts of vernacular, dialects, jargons. This is explained, firstly, by the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to everyday topics, everyday remarks; secondly, the implementation of colloquial speech in two keys - serious and playful, and in the latter case, it is possible to use various elements.
Syntactic constructions also have their own characteristics. For colloquial speech, constructions with particles, with interjections, constructions of a phraseological nature are typical: "They tell you, they say, but everything is useless!", "But where are you going? There is dirt!" and so on.

The colloquial style, as one of the varieties of the literary language, serves the sphere of easy communication of people in everyday life, in the family, as well as the sphere of informal relations at work, in institutions, etc.

The main form of implementation of the colloquial style is oral speech, although it can also be manifested in writing (informal friendly letters, notes on everyday topics, diary entries, replicas of characters in plays, in certain genres of fiction and journalistic literature). In such cases, the features of the oral form of speech are fixed.

The main extra-linguistic features that determine the formation of a conversational style are: ease (which is possible only with informal relations between speakers and in the absence of an attitude towards a message that has an official character), immediacy and unpreparedness of communication. Both the sender of speech and its recipient are directly involved in the conversation, often changing roles, the relationship between them is established in the act of speech itself. Such a speech cannot be preliminarily considered; the direct participation of the addresser and the addressee determines its predominantly dialogic character, although a monologue is also possible.

A conversational monologue is a form of informal story about some events, about something seen, read or heard, and is addressed to a specific listener (listeners) with whom the speaker must establish contact. The listener naturally reacts to the story by expressing agreement, disagreement, surprise, indignation, and so on. or asking the speaker about something. Therefore, the monologue in colloquial speech is not as clearly opposed to the dialogue as in writing.

A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is emotionality, expressiveness, evaluative reaction. Yes, to the question Wrote! instead of No, they didn't write usually followed by emotionally expressive responses such as Where did they write it? or Directly¾ wrote!; Where did they write it!; So they wrote!; It's easy to say¾ wrote! etc.

An important role in colloquial speech is played by the environment of speech communication, the situation, as well as non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, the nature of the relationship of the interlocutors, etc.).

The extralinguistic features of the conversational style are associated with its most common linguistic features, such as standardization, stereotypical use of language means, their incomplete structure at the syntactic, phonetic and morphological levels, discontinuity and inconsistency of speech from a logical point of view, weakening of syntactic links between parts of the statement or their lack of formality. , sentence breaks with various insertions, repetitions of words and sentences, the widespread use of linguistic means with a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring, the activity of language units of a specific meaning and the passivity of units with an abstract generalized meaning.

Conversational speech has its own norms, which in many cases do not coincide with the norms of book speech, fixed in dictionaries, reference books, grammars (codified). The norms of colloquial speech, in contrast to the book ones, are established by usage (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone. However, native speakers feel them and any unmotivated deviation from them is perceived as a mistake. This allowed researchers (O.B. Sirotinina, A.N. Vasilyeva, N.Yu. Shvedova, O.A. Lapteva and others) to assert that modern Russian colloquial speech is normalized, although the norms in it are rather peculiar. In colloquial speech, to express similar content in typical and repetitive situations, ready-made constructions, stable turns, various kinds of speech clichés are created (formulas of greeting, farewell, appeal, apology, gratitude, etc.). These ready-made, standardized speech means are automatically reproduced and contribute to the strengthening of the normative nature of colloquial speech, which is the hallmark of its norm. However, the spontaneity of verbal communication, the lack of preliminary thinking, the use of non-verbal means of communication and the specificity of the speech situation lead to a weakening of the norms.

Thus, in a colloquial style, stable speech standards coexist, reproduced in typical and repetitive situations, and general literary speech phenomena that can be subject to various shifts. These two circumstances determine the specifics of the norms of conversational style: due to the use of standard speech means and techniques, the norms of conversational style, on the one hand, are characterized by a higher degree of obligation compared to the norms of other styles, where synonymy is not excluded, free maneuvering with a set of acceptable speech means. . And on the other hand, the general literary speech phenomena characteristic of the colloquial style can, to a greater extent than in other styles, be subject to various displacements.

In colloquial style, in comparison with scientific and official-business, the share of neutral vocabulary is much higher. A number of stylistically neutral words are used in figurative meanings specific to this particular style. For example, the stylistically neutral verb cut off(‘to separate something, part of something’) in a colloquial style is used in the sense of ‘reply sharply, wanting to end the conversation’ (Said¾ cut off and did not repeat), fly(‘move, move through the air with the help of wings’) ¾ in the meaning of ‘break, deteriorate’ (Flew the internal combustion engine). See also: dump(‘shift the blame, responsibility onto someone’), toss up(‘give, deliver’), put(‘appoint to some position’), take off(‘dismiss’), etc.

Common vocabulary is widely used: to be greedy, to stir up, instantly, tiny, unaware, rightly so, on the sly, electric train, potato, cup, salt shaker, panicle, brush, plate etc.

The use of words with a specific meaning is common in the style under consideration and is limited with an abstract one; the use of terms, foreign words that have not yet become commonly used is uncharacteristic. Author's neologisms (occasionalisms) are active, polysemy and synonymy are developed, and situational synonymy is widespread. A characteristic feature of the lexical system of conversational style is the richness of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology. (a hard worker, a parasite, an old man, a fool; a fool, a swirling one, cast a shadow on the wattle fence, take it by the throat, climb into a bottle, starve it out).

Phraseologisms in colloquial speech are often rethought, change their form, the processes of contamination and comic update of the phraseme are active. A word with a phraseologically determined meaning can be used as an independent one, while maintaining the meaning of the whole phraseological unit: don't poke your head¾ meddle¾ poke your nose into other people's business¾ get off the tongue. This is the expression of the law of economy of speech means and the principle of incomplete structure. A special kind of colloquial phraseology is made up of standard expressions, the usual formulas of speech etiquette such as How are you?; Good morning!; Be kind!; Thank you for attention; I beg your pardon etc.

The use of non-literary vocabulary (jargon, vulgarism, rude and swear words, etc.) is not a normative phenomenon of colloquial style, but rather a violation of norms, just like the abuse of book vocabulary, which gives an artificial character to colloquial speech.

Expressiveness and evaluativeness are also manifested in the field of word formation. Formations with suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of flattery, diminutiveness, neglect, (dis)approval, irony, etc. are very productive. (daughter, daughter, daughter, hands, furious, huge). Formations of words with the help of affixes are active, giving a colloquial or colloquial connotation. This includes nouns with suffixes -ak (-yak): weakling, good-natured; -k-a: stove, wall; -sh-a: cashier, secretary; -an(-yan); old man, troublemaker; -un: braggart, talker; -ysh: strong man, baby; -l-a: imagined, bigwig; rel-I: running around, pushing; adjectives with suffixes usch (-yushch): huge, thin; with prefix pre-: kind, unpleasant; preffixal-suffixal verbs: walk around, walk around, sentence, whisper; verbs in - to be fashionable, to grimace, to wander, to carpentry; on the (-a) -nut: push, scold, scare, grumble, gasp. Colloquial speech, to a greater extent than book speech, is characterized by the use of multi-prefixed verb formations. (re-elect, hold back, reflect, throw away). Attachment-reflexive verbs are used with bright emotional-evaluative and figurative expression (to run, to work out, to agree, to think out), complicated attachment-return formations (to dress up, to invent, to talk).

To enhance expression, doubling words is used, sometimes with prefixation. (big-big, white-white, fast-fast, small-very small, tall-high). There is a tendency to reduce names, replacing non-single-word names with one-word ones (grade book ¾ credit card, ten-year school ¾ decade, nautical school ¾ sailor, surgical department ¾ surgery, eye specialist ¾ oculist, schizophrenic patient ¾ schizophrenic). Widely used metonymic names (Today there will be a meeting of the trade union bureau¾ Today the trade union bureau; Dictionary of the Russian language, compiled by S.I. Ozhegov¾ Ozhegov).

In the field of morphology, one can note, firstly, grammatical forms that function mainly in a colloquial style, and secondly, the use of stylistically unmarked grammatical categories, their relationship here is different compared to other functional styles. This style is characterized by forms on -a in the nominative plural, where in book styles the normative form is on -s (bunker, cruiser, searchlight, instructor), forms on -y in the genitive and prepositional cases (a kilogram of sugar, a glass of tea, a bunch of grapes, in the workshop, on vacation); zero inflection in the genitive plural (five grams, ten kilograms, a kilogram of tomato, compare book: grams, kilograms, tomatoes).

The quantitative distribution of case forms of nouns is specific: the nominative case is in the first place in terms of usage, the genitive case is rarely used with the meaning of comparison, a qualitative characteristic; the instrumental with the meaning of the subject of the action is not common.

Possessive adjectives are used, synonymous with oblique cases of nouns: Pushkin's poems (Pushkin's poems), Brigadier's sister (brigadier's sister), Katya's brother (Katya's brother). In the predicative function, it is usually not the short form of the adjective that is used, but the full one: The woman was of few words; The conclusions are indisputable(compare the book: True wisdom is laconic; The conclusions are indisputable). Short forms of adjectives are active only in amplifying constructions, where they are characterized by a pronounced expressive coloring: Well, cunning!; Painfully, she is simple; Your deeds are bad!

One of the characteristic features of colloquial speech is the widespread use of pronouns, not only replacing nouns and adjectives, but also used without relying on context. For example, the pronoun such can denote a positive quality or serve as an enhancer (She's such a woman!¾ beautiful, magnificent, smart; Such beauty all around! A pronoun in combination with an infinitive can replace the name of an object, i.e. exclude the noun. For example: Give me something to write; Bring something to read; Do you have something to write about?; Take something to eat. Due to the use of pronouns in colloquial speech, the frequency of the use of nouns and adjectives is reduced. The insignificant frequency of the latter in colloquial speech is also due to the fact that objects and their signs are visible or known to the interlocutors.

In colloquial style, verbs predominate over nouns. The activity of personal forms of the verb increases due to the passivity of verbal nouns, as well as participles and participles, which are almost never used in colloquial speech. Of the forms of participles, only the short form of the passive past participle of the past neuter gender singular is active (written, smoked, plowed, done, said). Significant number of adjectivized participles (a knowledgeable specialist, a hard-working person, a wounded soldier, a tattered boot, fried potatoes). A striking sign of colloquial speech is the use of verbs of multiple and single action. (read, sat, walked, spun, whipped, fucked), as well as verbs with the meaning of ultra-instant action (knock, break, jump, lope, fuck, shash).

The immediacy and unpreparedness of the utterance, the situation of verbal communication and other characteristic features of the colloquial style especially affect its syntactic structure. At the syntactic level, more actively than at other levels of the language system, the incomplete structure of the expression of meaning by language means is manifested. The incompleteness of structures, ellipticity ¾ is one of the means of speech economy and one of the most striking differences between colloquial speech and other varieties of the literary language. Since the conversational style is usually implemented in conditions of direct communication, everything that is given by the situation or follows from what was known to the interlocutors even earlier is omitted from speech. A.M. Peshkovsky, characterizing colloquial speech, wrote: “We always do not finish our thoughts, omitting from speech everything that is given by the situation or the previous experience of the speakers. So, at the table we ask: “Do you have coffee or tea?”; having met a friend, we ask: “Where are you going?”; having heard the annoying music, we say: “Again!”; offering water, let’s say: “Boiled, don’t worry!”, Seeing that the interlocutor’s pen does not write, let’s say: “And you with a pencil!” etc."

In colloquial syntax, simple sentences predominate, and they often lack a verb-predicate, which makes the statement dynamic. In some cases, statements are understandable outside the situation and context, which indicates their linguistic consistency. (I'm at the cinema; He's in the hostel; I would like a ticket; Tomorrow to the theater), in other ¾, the missing verb-predicate is suggested by the situation: (at the post office) ¾ Please, a stamped envelope(give). Sentence words are used (affirmative, negative, incentive): ¾ Will you buy a ticket?¾ Mandatory; Can you bring a book?¾ Of course;¾ Did you read the note?¾ Not yet;¾ Get ready! March! Only colloquial speech is characterized by the use of special words and corresponding sentences expressing agreement or disagreement. (Yes; No; Of course; Of course) often they are repeated (¾ Shall we go to the forest?¾ Yes Yes!;¾ Are you buying this book?¾ No no).

Of the complex sentences in this style, compound and non-union sentences are more active. The latter often have a pronounced colloquial coloring, and therefore are not commonly used in book speech. (Will you come¾ call; There are people¾ do not feel sorry for themselves). The unpreparedness of the statement, the lack of the ability to pre-think the phrase prevent the use of complex syntactic constructions in a colloquial style. Emotionality and expressiveness of colloquial speech due to the widespread use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences (Didn't you see this film? Do you want to see it? Let's go to the "October" now, Why are you sitting at home! In such weather!). Interjection phrases active (No matter how!; Yes, well!; Well, yes?; Of course!; Oh, is it?; Wow!); connecting structures are used (The plant is well equipped. With the latest technology; He is a good person. Besides, he is cheerful).

The main indicator of syntactic relations in colloquial speech is intonation and word order, while morphological means of communication ¾ transmission of syntactic meanings using word forms ¾ are weakened. Intonation, closely related to the tempo of speech, tone, melody, voice timbre, pauses, logical stresses, etc., in a colloquial style carries a huge semantic, modal and emotionally expressive load, giving speech naturalness, ease, liveliness, expressiveness. It makes up for what is left unsaid, contributes to an increase in emotionality, and is the main means of expressing the actual articulation. The topic of the utterance is highlighted with the help of logical stress, so the element that acts as a rheme can be located anywhere. For example, the purpose of the trip can be clarified using the questions: Are you going to Moscow on a business trip? ¾ Are you going to Moscow on a business trip?¾ Are you going to Moscow on a business trip? ¾ Are you going on a business trip to Moscow? circumstance (in business trip) can occupy a different position in the statement, since it is highlighted by logical stress. Highlighting the rheme with the help of intonation allows you to use interrogative words where, when, why, why etc. not only at the beginning of the utterance, but also in any other position (When will you go to Moscow? - When will you go to Moscow?¾ When will you go to Moscow? A typical feature of colloquial syntax is the intonational division of the topic and rheme and their formation into independent phrases (- How to get to the circus?¾ To the circus? Right; How mach is this book?¾ This? Fifty thousands).

The order of words in colloquial speech, not being the main means of expressing the actual articulation, has a high variability. It is looser than in book styles, but still plays a certain role in expressing the actual articulation: the most important, essential element, which has the main meaning in the message, is usually placed at the beginning of the statement: The snow was heavy in the morning; He is strange; The Christmas tree was fluffy; You have to run faster. Often a noun in the nominative case is put forward in the first place, since it serves as a means of actualization: Train station, where to get off?; Shopping mall how to get there?; The book was lying here, didn't you see it?; The bag is red, please show me!

For the purpose of expressive emphasis, often a complex sentence begins with a subordinate clause in cases where in other styles its postposition is the norm. For example: What to do¾ don't know; What was not afraid¾ well done; Who is brave¾ come out.

The simultaneity of thinking and speaking in direct communication leads to frequent restructuring of the phrase on the go. At the same time, the sentences either break off, then additions to them follow, then their syntactic structure changes: But I don't see any particular reason to worry so much... although, by the way...; They recently bought a cat. so cute etc.

Table of Differential Features of Functional Styles

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