Why does the singer Vika Tsyganova have no children. I went on a date with the last money

Together for 30 years. For a couple from show business, such a long marriage is a rarity. The Tsiganovs have no children. And it always gave rise to a lot of rumors. Information about the upcoming adoption appeared several times in the press, but this never happened.

Why did the singer never decide to become a mother? How does she feel about reproaches that supposedly without her husband she would not have been able to build a career? And why did her marriage almost collapse one day? Tsyganova spoke about this in an interview with the host of the Oh, Mommy program, Angelica Raj, on the MIR TV channel.

- Your rapid rise to musical Olympus is inextricably linked with the name of Vadim Tsyganov. Back in 1988, with light hand Vadima, you became the soloist of the group "More". And then they married him. There is an opinion that without Vadim it would hardly have been Russian stage the name "Vika Tsyganova" appeared. Do you agree?

V. Ts.: No. That's funny. We made each other both. How will a child be born without a father or mother? Creativity is our joint product. This is the discovery of each other first of all. And it is not known where Vadim Borisovich would have disappeared, in what kind of poetic bohemia he would have died, inventing poems and washing them down with port wine. So, of course, we made each other. Maybe people because of some kind of limited imagination say so.

- But you are not offended by such an opinion?

V. Ts.: No, absolutely. I do know the truth. So our union from above was destined from somewhere.

- Vadim was once the director of the Laskovy May group. The creator of the group Andrei Razin is a well-known big adventurer. His methods were adopted by many Russian show business. That's what his active use of the phonogram at concerts is worth. Tell me, did Vadim Borisovich take something from Andrei Razin's luggage for your promotion?

V. Ts.: Let's start with the fact that Vadim Krivorotov - that was the name of Andrei Razin - he, of course, is still that adventurer. And I came up with a lot. But Vadim, too, was attached to this. It was he who prompted Andrei to make the Studio group. Vadim had a very good influence on Razin, he always suppressed him a little.

I really worked as the opening act for "Tender May" and I think that it was a very big adventurism, because millions of girls "dry" for this group, and then Vika Tsyganova came out and sang songs to them. But nowhere did they throw tomatoes at me, but this was the case with Tender May.

- You have been married to Vadim Tsyganov for almost 30 years. This number is impressive, really. Reveal the secret of such a long marriage.

V. Ts.: Well, actually it's not much. Because Vadim Borisovich, my Vadyusha, he unique person interesting and real. Here are all the men in my life - and I had a brother, father, grandfather - he seemed to absorb into himself. That's why I'm very interested in him. And I try to be interesting for him. We have a lot of sparks in our relationship, clarifications, there are, if not battle scenes, but something like this.

At the same time, Vadim is very thin man, he is deep, he is a poet. And when he reads his poems with a friend, they both cry until the morning.

And when you look at it, you understand that it cannot be played, it cannot be done, there is no audience there. It costs a lot. You always want to hug him, comfort him. He is an absolute child in these moments.

- According to rumors, you have repeatedly offered your husband to adopt a child from orphanage. Truth?

V. Ts.: Well, it was like that. It was. They write this to me on Instagram, and they often invite me to programs along with people who are unfortunate and destitute. But, you know, everyone has their own way. Maybe I don't have enough love. There are a lot of people who take children and then throw them away. Because this man, he is not mature. And if we do not have children in marriage, then this is destined from above.

I have a lot of godchildren. And there was even a story when I fell in love with one boy and, having arrived from the tour, began to call this Orphanage. Intuitively, I worked through everything. This boy said: "I love poetry, someday I will write them to my mother." And I just live with the poet, I see this boy, you understand, who is somewhat similar to Vadim. Handsome, with such an imprint of intelligence on his face. And then I think: “So, what if he has a brother or sister? Then two will have to be taken. What if he is seriously ill? Is there some kind of disease?"

And then I come home in a couple of days, I call this very orphanage and find out that he was adopted just a day ago. I'm crying, I'm shaking. And then they say to me: “You know, this boy has a brother. And he has cerebral palsy.” The boy also has asthma. And I understand that everything that I intuitively felt, it was all so.

And in general, my husband is like ten children to me.

- This year in your creative biography significant date - 30 years on stage. I know that preparations are in full swing for anniversary concert which will be held in Moscow. Will there be any surprises for fans during this concert?

V. Ts .: I would not want to reveal everything, just like that, to tell right away. November 2 will be my concert, big concert. I am very glad that this will not be a standard concert, like a show program. Rather it will musical performance, whose main task and thought is not to surprise. I want to touch the soul, I want to look inside myself. I don't want to be just a woman on horseback, I've already proved it to everyone. I just want to be gentle, sensitive, vulnerable and slightly reveal another Vika Tsyganov. With a light shadow of light sadness.

- 15 years ago, you and Vadim had a crisis. Why did your marriage almost die?

V. Ts.: Well, not 15, but 20, even more. I think that every marriage has certain dates when there is a downturn in the relationship, when it is necessary closer friend get used to a friend again. And as my beloved father said: “The first 20 years are hard, and then you endure, fall in love.”

V. Ts.: Central Television(laughs). Producers from Germany sent me to Eurovision. They really wanted to, but at that time there was such a situation that Aziza was invited to the competition. Then we did not really share everything that was connected with her, with Talkov. And I didn't want to be with her.

I called my father and asked him what to do. He says: “When are you supposed to sing?”. I replied that there would be a live broadcast tomorrow and I should sing a song on the air. He told me: “Go, tomorrow is Forgiveness Sunday, ask everyone for forgiveness, sing this song. This is what you must do." Well, I sang and did not go. But for the first time in my life I understood how it is to ask for forgiveness.

Victoria Tsyganova - popular singer 90s, with the work of which every person met at least once in his life, being an adult in those days. The woman managed to gain popularity thanks to beautiful voice and spiritual songs, became one of the first performers of chanson. The star was also remembered for her hooligan and impudent character. Strong, independent and beautiful woman and today is a role model.

"Vika Tsyganova plastic surgery did it repeatedly, ”many fans of the star are sure. Most artists decide to make drastic changes in appearance with age. Vika Tsyganova has significantly changed her appearance.

Vika Tsyganova in her youth before plastic surgery.

Now the star is not so easy to recognize - plastic not only rejuvenated her, made her face look more toned, but also slightly changed the look of Vicki. The updated appearance of the star confuses a lot of fans.

First plastic surgery

Lots of modern girls thought about changing the size of their own breasts. Moreover, with the size and shape of her breasts, a girl can sometimes also get an inferiority complex.

It happens that the natural breasts for a girl are large - therefore they decide to reduce it. And it happens the other way around - there is a need to add in its size. Sometimes such an operation decides a lot, helps to arrange personal life, to feel more beautiful, more confident.

Experts believe that Victoria Tsyganova used the services plastic surgeons. The domestic star, being a sex symbol and enjoying great popularity, decided on a plastic surgery to increase her breasts to the third size. Russian pop singer only emphasized and highlighted her natural beauty.

Victoria has repeatedly mentioned that she always tries to be beautiful for her husband.

The decision to have breast augmentation surgery has become quite strange for many fans, because the woman was already beautiful and famous. Moreover, the singer's large breasts do not correspond to the song repertoire that she performs. Yes, and with her husband Victoria lives quite happily, without scandals and conflicts.


Vika Tsyganova has experienced various plastic surgeries, one of which is rhinoplasty of the nose. The star's natural nose was said to be a potato. After the intervention of surgeons, Victoria's nose acquired a sharper, more regular and aristocratic shape.

The nose is a key part of our face. Great amount people are not satisfied with the shape or size of the nose given by nature. Surgeons can easily help solve this problem and eliminate appearance flaws.

Today, rhinoplasty is a common type of plastic surgery, almost every third Russian star resorted to this type of intervention.

Trusting experienced doctors, as a result of this procedure, you can significantly improve your nose, which Tsyganova did.


Time does not spare anyone, and sooner or later signs of aging appear on the face - wrinkles, age spots or other causes of anxiety. Thanks to a facelift, the skin acquires a new, fresh look.

In order not to lose the interest of the public, famous people have to go through these procedures over and over again. So the star of the 90s is no exception to the list - Victoria Tsyganova also made herself a plastic face. After that, the singer apparently changed and became much younger. Even some fans didn't recognize her at first.

Comparing the photos of Vika before and after plastic surgery, all the fans were divided into two groups. The first say that the changes were unfortunate, as the star lost her personality and became like other stars who also did braces. And the latter note that the star successfully carried out the procedure - because now she looks much more beautiful and younger.

beauty injections

With age, the skin of the face loses elasticity, so famous people periodically you have to do beauty injections to maintain tone. Of course, not all stars decide to take such a step. Vika Tsyganova argued that one should resort to the help of doctors only when it is really necessary. Apparently, beauty injections are exactly the necessary case for Victoria.

It is not excluded the fact that the singer has repeatedly resorted to beauty injections of various kinds. This helps her at 54 to be the owner of healthy, well-groomed, toned skin, which looks very good and quite natural.

How else did Vika Tsyganova improve her appearance

Actress and composer Victoria Tsyganova outwardly changed a lot, many say that the changes have taken place for the better. The singer carefully monitors the figure, observes proper nutrition cares for hair and skin.

It can be seen that Victoria does not save on cosmetologists and hair and face care products.

The singer regularly goes in for sports, goes to the bathhouse, loves walking, and is sure that it is an active lifestyle that has a positive effect on health.

Diet Vika Tsyganova

As for nutrition, Vika Tsyganova adheres to the regimen: she tries to eat breakfast and lunch on schedule. The singer claims that she does not adhere to any special and secret diets. She believes that the main thing in nutrition is that food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.

The star regularly eats natural products: homemade eggs, goat cheese, goat milk, since she has her own farm. And also all the vegetables and fruits that the star eats are grown in the garden and have not undergone any chemical treatments. Victoria drinks alcohol on holidays, but she chooses it very carefully and always monitors the amount of alcohol she drinks.

Photos before and after plastic surgery

Vika Tsyganova did plastic surgery, but this did not happen as often as many people think. The singer looks younger than her years and always tries to be in good shape, although she is not a regular visitor to plastic clinics.

After plastic surgery, the singer has changed: the shape of the nose, lips, face oval. The skin of the face looks more toned, the shape of the eyes has also changed, it is not the same as before. Some say that such changes are good for the singer, because the years go by - and her appearance is younger and younger. Victoria's eyes sparkle, she infects those around her with her positivity and optimism.

How much do the singer's operations cost

Vika Tsyganova performed plastic surgery thanks to the best plastic surgeons. To maintain beauty, you need to spend money well, because this pleasure is not cheap.

The cost of operations experienced by the pop singer is not exactly known, but you can make up sample list prices for certain types services of plastic surgeons in Moscow.

Breast augmentation costs from 150 thousand to 250 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the implants and the experience of the surgeon. Rhinoplasty of the nose - from 170 thousand to 240 thousand rubles, including consultations and computer modeling of the desired shape of the nose. A facelift can be carried out from 80 thousand to 150 thousand rubles. The cost of beauty injections is from 2 thousand to 34 thousand rubles per procedure.

A more accurate price depends on the quality of the material and the required procedure, as well as the level of complexity of its implementation.

Personal life and latest news about Victoria

The star is always good mood, enjoys the life she has chosen for herself and is always glad to have guests. On the topic of personal life, Victoria does not like to talk too much. She does not pay attention to all the rumors and gossip that spread about her, and with the same passion and enthusiasm continues to give concerts to her beloved fans, and also often participates in different kind charity.

Victoria Tsyganova at the presentation of her own clothing line.

Victoria Tsyganova will soon be 55 (the singer was born on October 28, 1963 in Khabarovsk). The star lives with her beloved and single husband Vadim in country house, surrounded by pets. Unfortunately, Victoria and her husband did not succeed in having children, this is the only thing that overshadows the couple's life. AT recent times Victoria has become very devout - she regularly attends church.

Victoria Tsyganova with her husband happy marriage for many years.

The singer recently got new genus activities. She became interested in fashion design and already has her own brand "TSIGANOVA", which today is very popular not only among many stars. domestic stage but also beyond. The singer now devotes a lot of personal time to her business.

The singer is on Instagram and Facebook, where she often publishes various information and last news from your life.

New image

From the photographs of Vika Tsyganova, you can compare what she was like before, and what kind she acquired thanks to plastic surgery. Throughout her life, the Russian pop star often changed her image.

News about the singer's latest changes quickly spread among fans. A lot of various comments and photo evidence of the "new" plasticity of the star of the 90s appeared. visible significant changes what Victoria was before, and what she became after all the procedures. One thing has not changed, Victoria is happy and cheerful, radiant with health and energy.

What Vika says about the changes that have taken place

Victoria Tsyganova does not particularly advertise her plastic surgeries, but they cannot be hidden from curious fans. The singer claims that she is changing exclusively for her beloved husband Vadim, because she always wants to please him. But besides her husband, the surrounding people also notice changes in her appearance. The chanson star says that over the years she only feels more confident, which she is very glad about.

Vika Tsyganova has undergone various plastic surgeries to improve her appearance, the singer remains young in body and soul. This year, the star of Russian chanson will turn 55 years old, and every year she only gets younger.

Victoria Tsyganova claims that main secret her beauty is happiness. Also, Victoria does not hesitate to show home photos where she is without makeup. And even in these photographs it is clear that the singer nevertheless found her happiness in life: her beloved and caring husband, her favorite work, an exciting hobby, which brings pleasure and profit, a lot of grateful fans.

Video about the singer Victoria Tsyganova

Vika Tsyganova about family and personal life:

Interview with Victoria Tsyganova about creativity and plans for the future:

Victoria Tsyganova - successful Soviet singer, which managed to win a whole horde of fans thanks to sincere songs and melodic voice.

At the beginning of her career, the girl tried herself as theater actor, but soon decided to conquer the musical Olympus, and did not lose. In addition, she boasts a large number of awards and prizes, which she rightfully deserved thanks to her fruitful work on herself and her songs.

Vika Tsyganova's childhood

Victoria Zhukova (her maiden name) was born on October 28, 1963 in Russian city Khabarovsk. The girl was born in an ordinary average family, which has nothing to do with the stage. Mom was a housewife and took care of her long-awaited daughter all the time, and dad was an officer in the navy.

AT school years Vika often arranged concerts for her parents and showed mini-performances. Even then it became clear that a real artist would grow out of a girl.

In 1981 she moved to Vladivostok to apply to the Far Eastern Institute of Arts. The girl successfully studied for 4 years and received higher education theater and film actresses. After she learned all the subtleties of this profession during her studies, she decided to connect her life with the theater.

Theatrical career of Vika Tsyganova

In 1985, immediately after graduating from the institute, Vika got a job as an actress in the Jewish Chamber Musical Theatre.

After working there for quite a bit of time, she moved to the regional drama theater in the city of Ivanovo, and in 1987 she changed her job to the Youth Musical Theater, where she performed until 1988.

It is worth noting that the girl was repeatedly approved for the main roles in responsible plays. She always played emotional and full of feelings heroes such as Gitel Moska in the play "Let's all together" directed by Yuri Sherling and Zoya - in the play "Snowstorm".

Musical career of Vika Tsyganova

In the late 80s, the girl realized that on theater stage she exhausted herself, so she decided to conquer show business. Her singing career began with participation in the SEA group, where Vika successfully performed the role of a soloist.

While the girl was working in a team, they managed to release two long-awaited albums: Love Caravel and Autumn Day. whole year from 1988 to 1989 successful group toured the largest cities of Russia, speaking to devoted fans.

Vika Tsyganova - Russian Vodka

After spending a lot of time in the team, the girl decided that she had gained enough experience to start her own solo career. Therefore, in 1990, she left the group and began to collaborate with musician Yuri Pryalkin and talented poet Vadim Tsyganov. A year later, she could boast of the release of her first solo album titled "Walk, anarchy."

Your debut solo concert the singer gave as much as 2 years later in one of the capital's theaters. This event was attended by quite a few a large number of listeners, because at that time she was already quite a successful and popular artist.

In 1991, Victoria could boast of songs that in such a short time could fall in love with the audience and become real hits of that time. Feeling the return from her fans, the girl with a calm soul continued to write new songs, perform in Moscow and abroad, and also tour Russia and neighboring countries.

The girl did not stop for a second to be inspired by new victories and develop creatively, therefore, working daily on new songs, she managed to release a new album every year.

In 1992, the album "With Love for Russia" was released, the next - "Strawberry", in 1993 "My Angel" was released, in 1994 Victoria presented the album "Love and Death", in 1995 - "Oh, it's not a sin ", and finally in 1996 came out" Russian songs. Who needs it?!"

Vika Tsyganova - Love and Death

Starting in 1996, romantic feelings flooded over the woman, which radically changed her repertoire and message. At this time, she did not write patriotic and hooligan songs, but completely opposite lyrical ballads, as, for example, in the collection “Only Love” or in the album “Kalina Krasnaya”, and also experimented with romances.

In 1998, a turning point came in Victoria's career. She so wanted to embrace most audience and attract new fans, which decided on a radical change. Then the singer completely changed her style in clothes and appearance in general, and also changed the repertoire of her songs.

As a result, the woman released the Sun album, which, as intended, attracted new listeners, who later became devoted fans, which was completely different from the rest.

However, already in 2001, Victoria Tsyganova nevertheless returned to her past style and began to collaborate with the famous chansonnier Mikhail Krug. During this period, the singer wrote the song "Come to my house", which in the future became one of the most recognizable among all her compositions.

Vika Tsyganova and Mikhail Krug - Come to my house

2002 was marked in the biography of the singer thanks to a concert in honor of the day Navy. In 2004, a woman first showed herself as a television actress, playing a small role in the Russian TV series "On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 4". It was not difficult for her to express herself with better side in a new role, as she played herself. The series starred such actors as Anatoly Lobotsky, Igor Livanov, Alexander Berda, Olga Sidorova.

In 2006, Vika pleased all her listeners with another album called Voyage-Vintage. It was not like the previous ones because of the original arrangement. However, fans this time accepted the changes of the singer and appreciated her new work.

Vika Tsyganova's personal life

Victoria has never been deprived male attention However, she still managed to choose the most worthy. Since 1988, she has been married to the talented poet and songwriter Vadim Tsyganov.

They met at the institute and got married so that there would be no problems with accommodation in hotels during the tour. Since that time, the singer began to wear sonorous surname. And a few years later, on October 2, 1994, they got married in the church of George the Victorious.

Their family lives in love and prosperity, but they never managed to have their own children. The couple lives in a country house, where two dogs Lordy and Pluto, a cat Frosya, a parrot Zhora, a goat Bela are accommodated with them.

Vika Tsyganova today

Until 2011 successful singer continued to record new hits and tour Russia and neighboring countries with incredibly energetic concerts, but from that moment she began to appear less and less on television.

It is worth noting that show business is not Victoria's only hobby, for a long time the woman was interested in fashion design and even created her own brand - TSIGANOVA, which is popular with famous Russian stage people.

In addition, Vika Tsyganova devotes a large amount of time to charity. It provides any assistance to orphans, people with disabilities and mothers who were left without sons who died in the line of military duties.

Throughout its musical career Victoria Tsyganova not only changed her image, she also experimented a lot with songs that always remained sincere and sincere. Music for her is the main and favorite thing, so she gets great pleasure every time she goes on stage and performs such favorite hits as “Bunches of Rowan”, “Love and Death”, “Russian Vodka” and others. success in creative career largely depends on her personal life, which Tsyganova also developed happily. The husband became for the artist not only a beloved and close person, but also her producer. Having met once, the spouses have been going hand in hand for more than 20 years, overcoming temporary difficulties and family problems.

Victoria Zhukova was born in 1963 in Khabarovsk. Her parents, as well as her grandparents, loved to sing and play various musical instruments. My father was a naval officer, and my mother worked as the head of a kindergarten. Her sister Svetlana also grew up in the family. It is not surprising that the future actress in her childhood was fond of music and played in school plays. After leaving school, she left for Vladivostok, where she entered the Institute of Arts. During her studies, the girl also studied vocals. Having received a diploma, Zhukova began her acting career: playing on the theater stage, she not only created the images of her heroines, but also demonstrated excellent vocals.

In 1988, Victoria was offered to become a soloist of the More group, and soon the aspiring singer released two albums. Two years later, she decided to take up solo career, collaborating at that time with the composer Yuri Pryalkin and the poet Vadim Tsyganov. Many of her songs contain deep meaning: they educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and strengthening family traditions. The singer herself often takes part in charity concerts to collect Money for orphans and disabled children, and also happens in hot spots, speaking to military personnel. Now she is working on a new album in Italy, where she collaborates with the famous music producer Fio Zanotti.

With her future husband, poet Vadim Tsyganov, Victoria met at the dawn of her solo career. At first, there was only a business relationship between them, which soon developed into a romance that changed their personal life. The wedding of lovers took place in 1991, and since then they have not parted. Of course, quarrels and misunderstandings arose in the family. After 15 years life together there was a crisis in the relationship of the spouses. The singer then went to the temple and prayed a lot, and also went to Matronushka, and only after that she was able to solve the problem. Tsyganova realized that in childhood her husband did not receive enough parental love, so he broke down. Since that time, the singer has learned to yield to her husband and forgive him.

In the photo Vika Tsyganova with her husband Vadim Tsyganov

So that Vadim's feelings do not cool down, she still tries to surprise and delight him. The singer is always beautifully made up and dressed, which gives her self-confidence. She does not accept diets, but observes Orthodox posts, which in addition to physical cleansing also contribute to spiritual development. In addition, Victoria regularly massages her body and face, and also resorts to the services of cosmetologists who give her various anti-aging procedures.

Over the years family life the artist became wise and learned to resolve conflicts, but she never managed to know the joy of motherhood. AT last years Tsyganova dreams of taking a child from an orphanage, but her husband is still against the adoption of children.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 20.05.2017

Victoria Yurievna Tsyganova (nee Zhukova). She was born on October 28, 1963. in the city of Khabarovsk in the family of a naval officer.

1981-85 - student of the Far Eastern Institute of Arts (Vladivostok) with a degree in theater and film actress. 1985 - Start theater career future singer in the Jewish Chamber musical theater. Next, work in regional theater drama in Ivanovo (1986) and the Youth Musical Theater of the Magadan Philharmonic (1987-1988).

Throughout her work at the theater, Victoria has played many major roles, including Gitel Moska in the play “Let's all together” (directed by Y. Sherling), Zoya in the play based on L. Leonov's play “The Snowstorm” (directed by E. Tabachnikov), Lipochka - in the play based on the play by A. Ostrovsky "Our people - we will settle", the main roles in the performances "Smash hit, hit, only hit!" (directed by M. Levenbuk) and Leopold the Cat (directed by A. Vilkov).

Singer profession

Since 1988 Vika Zhukova becomes the soloist of the SEA group. In the next two years, the albums "Love Caravel" and "Autumn Day" were released alternately. Period 1988-89 marked by large-scale tours of the group "SEA" in the largest cities of the country.

Joint work with composer Yuri Prialkin and poet Vadim Tsyganov in 1990. laid the foundation solo career singers. In 1991 under the name of Vika Tsyganova, her first album, Walk, Anarchy, is released.

First solo performance took place two years later at the Variety Theater in Moscow. By this time, her songs become hits and occupy the top lines in the charts. success and public acceptance led to the birth of new songs, concert programs and tours around the country and beyond.

For the period from 1992-1996. albums are released annually: "With Love for Russia" (1992), "Strawberry" (1993), "My Angel" (1993), "Love and Death" (1994), "Oh, not a sin" (1995), "Russian songs. Who needs it?!” (1996).

In 1996 - 1997 the singer's work takes on a lyrical focus: hooligan and patriotic songs are replaced by a cycle of lyrical ballads from the collection "Only Love", the album "Kalina Krasnaya" and Russian romances from the album of the same name.

1998 becomes turning point in the work of the singer. The desire to update and expand its audience turns it to a contrasting change in image and a new musical direction of songs with elements of rock and roll, rock and pop. Result - new look, album "Sun", series music videos, lines in the charts and the presentation of a new concert program.

2001 returns the audience to the former Vika Tsyganova in tandem with the chanson star Mikhail Krug. Eight duet works were included in the album in memory of M. Krug, released in the fall of 2002, called "Dedication". And the song "Come to my house" becomes calling card singers for many years.

A peculiar result of ten years of work on stage is summed up in a collection from the Legends of the Genre series, published in the same year, entitled Russian Vodka. The best songs".

significant event in 2002. becomes a concert on the day of the Navy on the missile cruiser "Moskva" - the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet (Sevastopol, 2002). This enchanting sea action, entitled " Great Russia under the flag of St. Andrew ”, was first broadcast on central TV, breaking through the long-term information blockade of the singer by the media.

2004 marked by the debut of Vika Tsyganova in the cinema: the singer participated in the filming of the television series "On the corner at the Patriarchs - 4", playing the role of herself. And Vika's album called "Come to my house" at the "Chanson of the Year" award ceremony was recognized as the winner in the "Album of the Year" nomination.

In 2006, the album "Voyage-Vintage" was released. This work is distinguished by unusual musical arrangements of songs. She gave the listeners a journey through countries whose culture is interesting to the singer herself. Author of everything song repertoire Vicki is still her husband and producer Vadim Tsyganov.

The singer's future plans include recording an album of songs from the war years in a duet with her sister Svetlana (backing vocals in the album "Russian Songs") and recording stories for children by Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin "Silver Blizzard".


Charitable performances of the singer in front of the soldiers of the internal troops, orphans and disabled children, participation in actions to help mothers whose sons died in Afghanistan, as well as repeated trips to Chechnya, were marked by many letters and thank you letters for services to the Fatherland. Among them are the medal "For military service" (2000), gratitude from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Russia V.V. Putin for the courage and courage shown in defending the Fatherland (2002), the order "For the revival of Russia. XXI century "(2004), silver order of the International charitable foundation"Patrons of the century" (2005).

Second profession

The singer's long-term hobby is the author's fashion design. For several years now, the results of design work have been demonstrated by Vika on concert venues and from TV screens. And today her products have gained popularity and have become in demand by connoisseurs of style and quality. A series of shows of collections from Vika Tsyganova opened in 2004. her Creative evening at the Metropol Hotel. The grand success of the evening became one of the impulses for the birth of the TSIGANOVA brand in the modeling business.

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