Test how beautiful your voice is. Voca-loka voice cards and audio greetings

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According to music teachers and experts, there is no person on Earth who does not have a musical ear. The thing is that some people are endowed with an ear for music more, others less. However, there are no people in whom it would be completely absent!

The vocal voice is very closely connected with the ear for music, and its development requires tremendous strength and energy. To find out if you have a voice, and how developed it is, it is enough to conduct a few small experiments.

Try to sing some very simple tune. If the melody seems too hard to master, try singing a normal scale (do, re, mi...). Record your singing with a voice recorder or mobile phone.

Listen and hear how your voice sounds. Most people who hear their own voice on a recording panic and don't like the voice or the way it sounds at all. Actually, this is normal. The voice will sound alien because you hear it through the bones, and because of this, some of the overtones are lost. However, listening to the recording, you will hear your clear voice, the way everyone around hears it.

Now, you can absolutely analyze whether you have a voice or not. So, on the record, all the falsity that was allowed during singing will be heard. And if you really hear it when listening, it's great, as it is confirmation that you still have a hearing. If there is no falsehood, this does not mean that everything is lost. Quite possibly, on the contrary, you are gifted with a developed ear and voice from birth.

If you don't believe yourself, play your recording to a vocal or music teacher, some musician, who will tell you for sure whether you have a voice or not. Most likely, the answer will be yes, however, depending on how developed the hearing is, the number of errors indicated may be different.

What to do if it turns out that you really have a hearing? You can do whatever you want with this. You can apply to a music school and get additional skills, experience and special education. You can try yourself in some singing competition and so on.

Of course, you can do nothing at all, thereby ruining your will to music. This is the easiest way that a huge number of people have gone. Today, there are far fewer people who sing than there used to be. And the point is not even that there are fewer talented people, but that no one wants to work on themselves. Previously, many even spoke in rhyme, but now they don’t ...

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Surely most people who decide to take up singing have the same question, how to check their voice. In general, a lot is known about the voice, it is enough to look through the relevant literature or use the Internet. However, any person who is fond of vocals is naturally interested in his native voice. That's what we'll talk about.

How to check for a voice

First of all, you need to sing and record a simple melody or a simple scale on the recorder. It may happen that the first time you do not succeed. This is because, most likely, your hearing is still underdeveloped, and your voice is not coordinated with it.

When you listen to the recording for the first time, you probably won't recognize your voice. This is because in reality a person hears himself through the bone, but those around him easily recognize the performer.

If, after listening to the recording, you managed to hear false notes that you did not feel during the performance, then you can safely count on the fact that you still have a hearing. If there was no falsehood, then you are the owner of a natural developed coordination of voice and hearing.

You can refer to friends who make music. They will surely help you with the question of how to check if there is a voice. To do this, you need to work out with the musician and try to repeat the notes played with your voice.

In addition to friends, you can always contact a singing teacher at school, or a vocal teacher at a music school. A professional vocalist will help you understand the possibilities of your voice and change it for the better. With the question of how to check your voice, it is also advisable to contact a phoniatrist. Most of these professionals work privately with music schools.

Even if you are not naturally the owner of a strong voice, this will not prevent you from singing. Voice parameters can be easily corrected and developed in the course of classes. The reason why you will not be able to learn vocals may be the pathology of the hearing organs, which are responsible for the formation of the voice.

Each voice is unique and inimitable in its sound. Thanks to these features, we can easily recognize the voices of our friends even on the phone. Singing voices differ not only in timbre, but also in the height of the opening of the voice, range, and individual coloring. And in this article you will learn how to correctly determine the type of voice of a child or an adult. Also, how to determine your comfortable range.

Singing voices always fit one of the vocal characteristics that came up in the Italian opera school. They were compared in sound to the musical instruments of a string quartet. As a rule, the sound of the violin was compared with the female voice of the soprano, the viola with the mezzo. The lowest voices - contralto - were compared with the sound of a horn (like the tenor timbre), and low bass timbres - with a double bass.

This is how the classification of voices, close to choral, appeared. Unlike, in which only men sang, the Italian opera school expanded the possibilities of singing and made it possible to create a classification of female and male voices. Indeed, in the church choir, women's parts were performed by treble (soprano) or tenor-altino. This characteristic of voices has been preserved today not only in opera, but also in pop singing, however, in the stage, the sound delivery is different. Some criteria:

4 criteria for determining the vote

Professional singing has its own definition criteria. While listening, the teacher pays attention to:

  1. Voice timbre . This is the name of the unique coloring of the voice, which can be light and dark, rich and soft, lyrical tender. The timbre is made up of the individual coloring of the voice, which each person has. In one, the voice sounds soft, subtle, even a little childish, while in the other, already in the early years it has a rich chest coloration. There are head, chest and mixed timbres, soft and sharp. It is the main color characteristic. There are voices whose harsh timbre sounds very repulsive and unpleasant to the point that they are not recommended to practice vocals. Timbre, like the range, is a distinctive feature of the singer, and the voice of outstanding singers and singers is distinguished by a bright individuality and recognizability. In vocals, a soft, beautiful and pleasant timbre is appreciated.
  2. Range. Each type of voice has not only its own characteristic sound, but also a range. It can be determined while singing or by asking a person to sing a song in a key that is convenient for him. Usually singing voices have a certain range, which allows you to accurately determine its type. Distinguish between working and non-working voice range. Professional singers have a wide working range, which allows them not only to replace colleagues with other voices, but also to beautifully perform opera arias for other parts.
  3. Key . Any voice has its own key, in which it is convenient for the performer to sing. It will be different for each type.
  4. Tessitura. This is the name of a certain part of the range in which it is convenient for the performer to sing. There is one for every voice. The wider this area, the better. It is often said that there is a comfortable and uncomfortable tessitura for a voice or a performer. This means that a song or part in a choir may be comfortable for one performer to sing and uncomfortable for another, although their ranges may be the same. So you can determine the features of the voice.

Howcorrectly determine the type of voice in children

Children's voices do not yet have a formed timbre, but already at this time it is possible to determine their type in adulthood. Usually they are divided into high and low, both in boys and girls. In the choir they are called soprano and alto or treble and bass. Mixed choirs have 1st and 2nd sopranos, as well as 1st and 2nd altos. After a transitional age, they will acquire a brighter color and after 16-18 years it will be possible to determine the adult type of voice.

Most often, tenors and baritones are obtained from trebles, dramatic baritones and basses are obtained from altos.. The low voices of girls can turn into mezzo-soprano or contralto, and the soprano can become a little higher and lower and acquire its own unique timbre. But it happens that low voices become high and vice versa.

The treble is well recognizable by its sonorous high sound. Some of them can even sing parts for girls. They have a well-developed high register and range.

Violas both boys and girls have a chest sound. They have better low notes than high ones. Sopranos - the highest voices among girls - sound better high notes, starting from the first octave G, than low ones. If you determine their tessitura, then you can understand how it will develop. That is, how to determine the range of this voice in adulthood.

Howcorrectly identify your voice type

There are currently 3 types of female and male voices. Each type has its own differences.

Soprano is the most sonorous, light high female voice. It has a bright feminine timbre and can sound high, resonant and piercing. It is more convenient for him to sing at the end of the first octave and in the second, and some coloratura sopranos easily sing high notes in the third. In men, the tenor has a similar sound.

Mezzo-soprano is a juicy and rich medium female voice. Most often, it has a beautiful deep timbre and a range that opens up beautifully in the first octave and at the beginning of the second. The low notes of this voice sound full, juicy, with a beautiful chest sound. It is similar to the sound of a baritone.

Contralto is a deep, sensual, velvety and the lowest voice in women. It has a sound reminiscent of a cello in timbre, and can take low notes of a small octave. And the lowest male voice is the bass profundo, which is very rare in nature. Most often, the lowest parts in the choir are sung by basses.

After listening to the outstanding singers of your gender, you can easily understand how to determine your type by color.

How to determine accurately the tonality of the voice? You can do this at home if you have a musical instrument. Choose a song that you like and sing it in a comfortable key. It must have a wide range to cover at least one and a half octaves. Then try to pick up its melody. In what range do you like to sing it? Then lift it up and down.

Where is your voice best revealed? This is the most comfortable part of your working range. The soprano will be comfortable singing at the end of the first and the beginning of the second octave and above, the mezzo in the first, and the contralto sounds brightest in the last tetrachord of the small octave and in the first sixth of the first. This is a good way to correctly determine the tone of your voice.

Here is another way how to determine what kind of natural voice you have. You need to take a chant in the range of an octave (for example, do - mi - la - do (up) to -mi - la (down), and sing it in different keys, which will differ by a second. If the voice opens when you sing the top, it means that his type is soprano, and if it fades and loses its expressiveness - mezzo or contralto.

Now do the same from top to bottom. In what key did you find it most comfortable to sing? Did the voice begin to lose its timbre and become dull? When moving down, sopranos lose their timbre at low notes, it is inconvenient for them to sing them, unlike mezzo and contralto. So you can determine not only the timbre of the voice, but also the most convenient area for singing, that is, the working range.

How to determine what kind of voice you have in the studio? Choose several backing tracks of your favorite song in different keys and sing them. Where the voice is best revealed, and it is worth singing in the future. Well, at the same time, you will know how to determine your timbre by listening to the recording several times. And while you may not recognize your voice out of habit, sometimes a recording can most accurately define its sound. So if you want to define your voice and understand how to work with it, go to the studio. Good luck!

As I understand it, since you came to read this article, you are specifically concerned about the definition of your voice or the definition of the voice of your student. This topic, as you understand, is very long and I will not now delve into the differences in voices in terms of their spin or magnitude, which I already wrote about in the article "". I think you are wondering, namely the definition of voice by type, i.e.:, etc. By the way, no matter what you write here about the characteristics of various voices, you can familiarize yourself with them in detail in the "" section, that information, I hope, will also help you. I think it's hard to overestimate.

I must say right away that it is impossible to read the text and get up from the computer desk or remove the phone from which you are reading it from the field of view and find out how, without having a vocal school, just take and determine your voice type. I can only help those who are somehow educated, who have guesses, etc. In general, no matter what to dissemble, I will simply explain the ways in which teachers determine the voice of the student, and you decide for yourself, and if after this information you remain unsure, then the road to a music school or to a private singing teacher is booked for you.

So. Now the actual set of features by which the type of voice is determined:

  1. 1. Timbre. Well, of course, the first thing they look at is the sound, color, density of the chest and head registers of the voice, what can I say, if Magomayev, for example, was a baritone, then this purely baritone timbre cannot be confused with anything, of course, some tenors can portray low baritone notes, but it will be clamped, little sonorous, not colored. And vice versa, the baritone will not be able to portray the lightness and flight of the upper formant, which the tenor will demonstrate. The same story with soprano and mezzo, and in principle with any voices. In general, experienced teachers determine the timbre of a student's voice, simply by inner feelings and intuition, because so many voices have already been heard in life that it is almost impossible to deceive their ears.
  2. 2. Transition notes. Each voice has transitional notes, "bridges" between registers, head and chest. There is also a theory that there are 3 registers in each voice and disputes on this topic have been dragging on for centuries, now is not about that. One way or another, there are these adapters, and having felt them, it is also possible, although not with 100% certainty, to still determine the type of voice, for example, the tenor has transitional notes mi-fa # of the first octave, the baritone has re-mi flat first octaves, mezzo transitional notes: D-flat of the second octave, in the soprano mi-fa # of the second octave, etc. So a good idea for the next article was found about transitional tones. But it should be remembered that experienced singers of transitional tones do not feel and simply forget about them.
  3. 3. Range. This is probably the most flexible criterion on this list. At the initial stage of learning to sing, the range is mostly small for everyone and does not tell anyone anything, and as for opera singers, their ranges are often 2.5 - 3 octaves, and therefore it is not a criterion. Many mezzos sing in the Soprano tessitura, and vice versa, contraltos can hit the high notes of mezzos, tenors can hit the notes of baritones, basses can sing in the tessitura of baritones, and so on. Of course, not everyone has these abilities, but still they are. Good singers always have a big range and you can't get away from it.
  4. The structure of the larynx and ligaments. Once upon a time, there were rumors that phoniatrics supposedly could, by looking at the ligaments, predict the voice of the singer or do the same in terms of the size and shape of the Adam's apple. Allegedly, tenors have a small and barely noticeable Adam's apple, while basses have a large one, etc. But having examined at least a couple of dozen singers, you will immediately realize that this is far from the case and the type of voice does not depend on the structure of the larynx, and as for the ligaments, this criterion cannot mean anything either. In the end, if the structure of the ligaments plays a role, then you need to evaluate their size, thickness, strength, elasticity, mobility, etc.
  5. Body type. The myth that mezzo-sopranos and tenors are necessarily full, and basses and coloratura are necessarily skinny, just as does not hold true as a well-founded and proven theory of voice definition, because according to statistics, there will be more than half of the exceptions in this theory, which means that the theory is not makes sense.
  6. Ability to withstand tessitura. As for this ability, everything is clear here, it means the singer's ability to sing for a long time in a uniformly high or low tessitura.

For example, if a baritone is able to take tenor notes, and even in timbre is similar to a dramatic tenor, this does not mean that he is a tenor, because, whatever one may say. But for a tenor, sometimes, the tessitura of the entire work is so high that the ability to hit a high note once will not save, but the tenor is arranged in such a way that it can withstand a high tessitura throughout the entire opera, etc. Although of course, I already wrote about the singer , which could give odds to many tenors and he got up to # 2 octaves, which seems simply incredible.

Is it worth it to conclude from the above that each person makes his own voice from scratch? - "Not! certainly". Because even despite the fact that individually all these factors are not significant, in the aggregate they give rise to the whole science of “defining the voice”. Nature, after all, has invested in each of us a special list of abilities, and it is best to reveal what already exists and even this may not be enough life, not that it would be for the transformation of oneself.

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