Elista will host the anniversary concert of Arkady Mandzhiev. Arkady Mandzhiev's anniversary concert will be held in Elista Arkady Mandzhiev's concert on December 11

On December 11 at 17:00 on the stage of the new cultural and sports complex (BU RK "RTsSP") there will be a big anniversary concert of the musician, composer, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kalmykia and world master Arkady Mandzhiev.

The concert will become a kind of report on the creative activity of the composer and singer in different years. The concert program will include both familiar hits and premieres.

Together with the world master, the People's Artist of Kalmykia, artists of the State Song and Dance Ensemble "Tulip", the National Drama Theater named after B. Basangov, the children's choreographic ensemble named after. Emba Manjiev "Gerel".

For many years, Arkady Naminovich Mandzhiev has been delighting the audience with beautiful songs and melodies.

The maestro's songs are among the most beloved in Kalmyk art. The artist's professional path began with work as a leader and soloist-vocalist of the Kalmykia group.

The next stage in the career of an artist is an acquaintance with the people's poetess of Kalmykia Vera Shugraeva, on whose verses more than 100 songs have been written.

1991 opens another page of creativity for the composer. He turns to a new genre for him - the genre of Kalmyk national music. By order of the Kalmyk State Song and Dance Ensemble "Tulip", A. Mandzhiev writes the vocal and choreographic suite "Song of the People" based on the epic "Dzhangar", as well as music for dances: "Ur Sar", "Dance of the Oirat Girls", "Gifts ”, “Dance of the Kalmyk warriors of the participants in the war of 1812”, “Evening in Datsan”, “Oirat camp”.

In this genre, the composer Arkady Naminovich Mandzhiev, without using a single quotation, wrote music that is basically national, at the same time, he managed to enrich it with new colors, thereby significantly advancing the development of Kalmyk national professional music. Later he writes music for the dances of the Oirats ensemble: "Adoration of the Sun" and "Dance of the Lamas".

The music for the choreographic performances "Spell of Fire", "Goddess Green Tara", "Dance of Shiva-Nataraja" became a new word in the Kalmyk musical art.

Since 1990, Arkady Naminovich Mandzhiev began cooperation with the famous choreographer, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Tuva, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tuva Vyacheslav Dongak. Their first joint work - the lamaist mystery "Tsam", which became the most interesting theatrical performance of the anniversary celebrations of the "550th anniversary of "Dzhangar", - was the beginning of a long-term, fruitful cooperation. "Tsam", "Goddess Green Tara", "Riders", "Mingn bair", the musical "Girl as beautiful as a bird" are currently not only a significant part of the repertoire of the leading artistic groups of the republic, but also largely determined their further stylistic direction .

He wrote more than 100 songs, many of which are so popular that they have become kind of folk, for example, the song "Ying mini". The songs written for the group "Kalmykia": "Bichya ul", "Nogala", "Halmg kuukn", "Tsagan tsasn", "Kuryad irich", "Zanda", "Siberian ballad" have a pronounced variational character. The performance of these songs is not only sufficient vocal skill, but also improvisation skills within the given melodic pattern of the song. A special place in the composer's vocal work is occupied by songs of the hymnal type. One of them, "Mini Torskn", can be considered a true anthem to the Motherland, native steppe, and the melody and lyrics of the song evoke special feelings in the heart of every Kalmyk.

Among the compositions, 3 symphonies, a string quartet, 2 ballets, a sonata for solo violin, 4 musicals, vocal cycles for feature films can be distinguished.

It is impossible to talk about his work and not be amazed at the power of composer's talent with which Arkady Mandzhiev is endowed, his inexhaustible melody, mastery of composing technique in literally all genres.

The work of Arkady Mandzhiev has become an integral part of the "golden fund of culture" of the Republic of Kalmykia. Dear viewers, new songs are waiting for you, as well as hits by a wonderful composer.

Elista, Republic of Kalmykia

On December 11 at 17:00 on the stage of the new cultural and sports complex there will be a big anniversary concert of the musician, composer, honored worker of arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Arkady Mandzhiev.

The concert will become a kind of report on the creative activity of the composer and singer in different years. The concert program will include both familiar hits and premieres. Together with Arkady Mandzhiev, People's Artist of Kalmykia Tatyana Chikteeva, artists of the State Song and Dance Ensemble "Tulip", the National Drama Theater named after B. Basangov, and the children's choreographic ensemble named after E. Mandzhiev "Gerel" will perform on the same stage.

February 15 at 10:30 a.m. on the territory of the MBOU "Kalmyk ethno-cultural gymnasium named after Zaya Pandita" will be held the Forum workshop "My Grant".
GTRK Kalmykia
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RIA Kalmykia
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04.02.2020 We invite socially oriented non-profit organizations to take part in the My Grant Forum Workshop!
06.02.2020 On March 10, the Kremlin will host a three-hour concert by Kalmyk art masters.
GTRK Kalmykia
06.02.2020 Today, the championship of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Kalmykia in rapid chess among men and women of the department took place.
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06.02.2020 Congratulations to the team "Uralan 2004" and their coach Anatoly Mikhailichenko with a bright and convincing victory in the Futsal Championship in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District among boys born in 2004,
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The concert will become a kind of report on the creative activity of the composer and singer in different years. The concert program will include both familiar hits and premieres.

Together with the world master, the People's Artist of Kalmykia Tatyana Chikteeva, artists of the State Song and Dance Ensemble "Tulip", the National Drama Theater named after B. Basangov, the children's choreographic ensemble named after. Emba Manjiev "Gerel".

The next stage in the career of an artist is an acquaintance with the people's poetess of Kalmykia Vera Shugraeva, on whose verses more than 100 songs have been written.

1991 opens another page of creativity for the composer. He turns to a new genre for him - the genre of Kalmyk national music. By order of the Kalmyk State Song and Dance Ensemble "Tulip", A. Mandzhiev writes the vocal and choreographic suite "Song of the People" based on the epic "Dzhangar", as well as music for dances: "Ur Sar", " Dance of Oirat girls", "Present ", " Dance of the Kalmyk warriors of the participants in the war of 1812», « Evening in Datsan”,“ Oirat camp ”.

In this genre, the composer Arkady Naminovich Mandzhiev, without using a single quotation, wrote music that is basically national, at the same time, he managed to enrich it with new colors, thereby significantly advancing the development of Kalmyk national professional music. Later he writes music for the dances of the Oirats ensemble: “Adoration of the Sun” and “ Dance of the Lamas».

Music for the choreographic performances "Spell of Fire", " Goddess Green Tara», « Dance of Shiva-Nataraja"became a new word in the Kalmyk musical art.

Since 1990, Arkady Naminovich Mandzhiev began cooperation with the famous choreographer, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Tuva, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tuva Vyacheslav Dongak. Their first joint work - the lamaist mystery "Tsam", which became the most interesting theatrical performance of the anniversary celebrations of the "550th anniversary of" Dzhangar "- was the beginning of many years of fruitful cooperation. "Tsam", " Goddess Green Tara”, “Riders”, “Mingn bair”, the musical “A girl as beautiful as a bird” are currently not only a significant part of the repertoire of the leading art groups of the republic, but also largely determined their further stylistic direction.

He wrote more than 100 songs, many of which are so popular that they have become kind of folk, for example, the song "Ying mini". Songs written for the Kalmykia group: Bichya ul”,“ Nogala ”,“ Halmg kuukn ”,“ Tsagaan tsasn», « Kuryad irich"," Zanda "," Siberian ballad» have a pronounced variational character. The performance of these songs is not only sufficient vocal skill, but also improvisation skills within the given melodic pattern of the song. A special place in the composer's vocal work is occupied by songs of the hymnal type. One of them - " Mini Torskn”, can be considered a true hymn to the Motherland, native steppe, and the melody and lyrics of the song evoke special feelings in the heart of every Kalmyk.

Among the compositions, 3 symphonies, a string quartet, 2 ballets, a sonata for solo violin, 4 musicals, vocal cycles for feature films can be distinguished.

It is impossible to talk about his work and not be amazed at the power of composer's talent with which Arkady Mandzhiev is endowed, his inexhaustible melody, mastery of composing technique in literally all genres.

The work of Arkady Mandzhiev has become an integral part of the "golden fund of culture" of the Republic of Kalmykia. Dear viewers, new songs are waiting for you, as well as hits by a wonderful composer.

Elista, Republic of Kalmykia

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!
February 15 at 10:30 a.m. on the territory of the MBOU "Kalmyk ethno-cultural gymnasium named after Zaya Pandita" will be held the Forum workshop "My Grant".
06.02.2020 On March 10, the Kremlin will host a three-hour concert by Kalmyk art masters.
GTRK Kalmykia
06.02.2020 Kalmykia and Kalmyk science suffered a heavy loss. With deep regret, we learned the heavy news of the death of Praskovya Erdnievna Alekseeva, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Kalmykia,
RIA Kalmykia
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