Patricia Kaas: “Alain Delon confessed his love to me. Patricia Kaas, husband The beginning of a singing career

Small dusty town of Forbach, Lorraine (almost on the border of France and Germany). Josef Kaas lived and worked here. Since he was 14 years old, he went down into the mine early every morning in order to come out of it at sunset covered with corrosive coal dust. But neither hard work nor need broke him. Just as Josef was a sweet merry fellow and a joker, so he remained one. It is not surprising that such a shirt-guy had no end to the fans. A rare girl did not look at his sincere smile, but he saw only one in front of him - the little German Irmgard. Since I met her at one of the festivities, I could not think of anyone else! It was love at first sight. Their marriage was fruitful. One by one, six children appeared. Irmgard and Josef worked tirelessly to provide them with food. But, despite the poverty (what wealth can a miner and a housekeeper have?), The family was strong and friendly. Pregnant for the seventh time, Irmgard wished: "A girl will be born - I will name Patricia in honor of my beloved actress Grace Patricia Kelly."

Patricia was born on December 5, 1966. She did not repeat the path of her namesake - the great actress.

Angular, daring, a little clumsy Patricia from childhood was more like a hooligan boy. She started singing early. Irmgard was in seventh heaven: she knew for sure that Patricia had a great future. Finally, someone from her family will break out of the circle of poverty!

Irmgard found out that the Citywide Competition for Young Talents from the Ages of Four to Fourteen would be held in Forbach a few weeks before the competition itself. An opportunity like this doesn't come along very often, she thought feverishly. “Patricia simply has to perform.” Weeks filled with rehearsals flew by unnoticed. On the evening before the decisive day, silence reigned in the Kaas apartment, unusual for such a crowded family. All the children were quiet, afraid to interfere with Patricia. Her beautiful, strong voice literally filled the small apartment and rushed up, to freedom, beyond the cramped rooms. The whole family was excited. Only Pat remained imperturbably calm. Before going to sleep, peering into her mother's worried face, she said not childishly seriously: “Don't worry, mom, you wanted me to fight. And I will. Everything will work out!

Children in white ruffles and bows performed at the competition: they sang, danced, showed tricks - in a word, they demonstrated their little simple talents. Nothing clouded the solemn calm until number 11 entered the stage. A surprised whisper rustled through the hall. The program read in black and white: No. 11, Patricia Kaas, 10 years old. But instead of a little girl in lace, on the stage, smiling impudently, stood a real imp in striped men's trousers and a giant cap a la Gavroche, famously shifted to her left ear. Surprise increased when the imp in a hoarse, sensual voice in the purest German bawled out the hit “Lili Marlene”! It was a blast. After singing the song to the end, ignoring the dumbfounded audience, Patricia rushed backstage, into the arms of her mother. Words were unnecessary, in the eyes of Irmgard Pat read admiration.

Naturally, she won. Where can meowing kids with the voice of Edith Piaf compete? The competition was immediately followed by an invitation to sing at the beer festival. And Patricia sang. But the first take-off, so dizzying for any ten-year-old child, turned out to be a real failure for the ambitious Patricia. Already at the end of the holiday, Pat realized that drunken beer lovers did not pay attention to her songs at all, they were much more interested in intoxicating drink and greasy jokes. There were tears of resentment in his eyes. But ... for another three years, despite her squeamishness, she performed at beer festivals, festivities, in night cabarets. The family needed money, and Patricia sang. Less and less time was left for study. With her mother's permission, she dropped out of school. So the youngest in the family, Patricia, in essence, became its head, became the main breadwinner and breadwinner. And believe me, the work of this crumb was no easier than the work of her father, a miner.

When Patricia turned 13, a little-known German blues band drove into Forbach. Having got to the performance of little Kaas, the bluesmen were literally stunned with delight: this is a voice, this is a talent! The producer of the group, without any hesitation, offered Patricia a contract for a series of performances at the Rum River club in the city of Saarbrücken. Ambitious and hardworking Patricia has long understood that beer holidays are not her level. And the "Rum River" is a springboard for starting.

Revenge of the ugly duckling

Best of the day

"Well, a hole!" - thought Bernard Schwartz, looking around the main square of Saarbrücken. If not for the forced stop, this Parisian producer would never have come here of his own free will. But there was nothing to do, and he went to the nearest hotel to rent a room for himself for the night. The room turned out to be a match for the city: just as miserable. Throwing things, the producer went down to the lobby to ask the receptionist where you can have dinner and pass the evening. The receptionist said that the most respectable place in town was the Rum River Club.

"Rum River" did not impress the irritated producer at all. He finished his dinner without appetite and was about to leave, when suddenly his legs gave way, and he flopped back into his chair. No, it was not a heart attack that struck Schwartz on the spot! Patricia just came on stage. And this skinny girl, who looks like a boy, sings Liza Minnelli's song no worse, and maybe even better than Liza herself! Incredible! For the first time that evening, Bernard thanked fate for bringing him to this godforsaken city. This is good luck, so good luck: his last project failed miserably, and with this vociferous zany, he can achieve a lot.

After the performance, Patricia went to the dressing room. An unbearable boredom gripped her. With her forefinger, Pat drew a monogram on a dusty mirror and half-heartedly listened to her boyfriend Christophe. A local guy, a simple hard worker, was devoted to the girl like a dog. He selflessly, not noticing that Patricia did not follow the course of his thoughts at all, painted their joint future with bright colors: “... and when you become an adult, it will not be long to wait, we will get married, get our own housing! Really, great? Yes, Pat? Patricia never intended to marry him. She always knew that she deserved more, and then, either from loneliness, or from having nothing to do, she favorably accepted his courtship. The guy's monologue was interrupted by a knock on the door. Right from the doorstep, Schwartz invited her to conquer Paris together. With her usual frankness, ignoring Christophe's fearful eyes, the girl agreed.

But the path to the stars, as everyone knows, lies through thorns. Patricia's first single "Jealous", released with the help of Gerard Depardieu, did not bring much success. 19-year-old Patricia continued to vegetate in obscurity. “Nothing, baby,” Bernard consoled her. - With a voice like that of Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich, you will not be lost. You just need a hit!" “Stop comparing me to them! Pat's voice took on a vicious edge. I'm no worse than those two. I will prove it to you and to everyone else!”

And she proved. The impetus, no matter how scary it sounds, was a terrible event - the death of a mother, the closest and dearest person. At the beginning of her creative career, Patricia often thought: “Mom will be happy. She will be proud of me. She'll like it." And when Irmgard died, Patricia began to work with redoubled energy, remembering her mother's desire to see her daughter, illuminated by glory. The single "Mademoiselle sings the blues" was released immediately after the death of Irmgard, and six months later the press was excitedly writing about the new star of French chanson - the magnificent Patricia Kaas.

On December 5, the day of her coming of age, Patricia stepped onto the stage of Olympia, the most famous hall in France. A second of silence… And Pat was hit by the roar of thirty thousand clapping hands. For this she lived, for this she appeased drunken burghers with her wonderful voice, for this she left school.

After singing the last song, bowing for the millionth time and catching the hundredth bouquet, Patricia rushed backstage: “Bernard! Where is he?! I'll tell him everything!" - was spinning in her head. She had already known for a long time that she loved him. Without a doubt, he is the man of her dreams. He made a singer out of her, was there for many years, after the death of his mother he became the closest and dearest person. Today, on the day of success, the time has come to open your feelings to him. With difficulty overcoming the crowd of people hugging and congratulating her, Patricia hung on Bernard's neck and whispered passionately in his ear for a long time: “I love you! I love you! I love you!" The answer of a beloved man brought her down from heaven to sinful earth. Gently pushing Patricia aside, Bernard kissed her on the cheek with the words: “Well done, congratulations. You celebrate here, and I go home. The wife was waiting: the youngest son does not feel well.

... The motorcycle flew through the night Paris at breakneck speed. Pat, clinging to the back of the faithful Christophe, breathed in the prickly air with pleasure. “Hurry! Even faster! she urged on, as if she could run away from her humiliation, as if a headwind could drive out of her head the memory of how the man she loved had refused her. Sparing no effort, Christoph pressed on the gas. The speedometer needle went off scale, the motorcycle stopped obeying, they rolled over on a deserted road. Christoph was badly injured, while Patricia escaped with a broken nose. Having survived plastic surgery, Kaas left the hospital a completely different person.

She terminated the contract with Bernard. He tried to reason with her. He had to go through court in an attempt to defend his name and the money invested in the singer, but Schwartz went bankrupt and was forced to change his profession. So Patricia avenged him for unrequited love! Since then, she decided for herself that the main thing in life is a career. The sad experience discouraged her from falling in love.

She bought a luxury apartment in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, an area of ​​the Parisian elite. And she changed dramatically in appearance: from an angular teenager she turned into a sexy woman. Now, instead of the ugly duckling, a languid panther appeared on the stage, at the sight of which the men took their breath away.

Her career reached its zenith, she was known and loved by millions: the glory of the queen of French chanson thundered far beyond the borders of France. All her discs went platinum. Isn't that what she's been striving for since childhood? But why then such sadness in the eyes and fear of returning from the next tour to a luxurious, but empty apartment, where no one is waiting for her?

Alain Delon

All Paris from morning to evening sang the praises of Patricia Kaas: “Nakhodka! Talent! Miracle!" Monsieur Delon put aside the morning issue of Le Figaro with another ode to the newly minted singer. “I wonder what they all see in her? he thought. - Is it really so good? We should have a look."

The result exceeded all expectations. When, under the first chords of "Mademoiselle Sings the Blues", the spotlight outlined the figure of Patricia on the stage, Alain Delon, a handsome man, a thunderstorm and the love of all women, opened his mouth. Monsieur Delon caught himself thinking that for a long time no woman had caused him such sweet dizziness.

A little later, when he placed a bouquet of roses at the feet of Mademoiselle Kaas with a beautiful gesture, he managed with difficulty to squeeze out: “Shall we have dinner together?” In the restaurant, Patricia seemed to be paralyzed. She did not understand what was happening around. They brought some dishes, and she ate without feeling the taste. She drank some expensive rose wine, like beer, in large sips. And she broke an almost full bottle, accidentally brushing it off the table.

Patricia didn't flatter herself. She could not believe that a man like Delon could become attached to a woman like her. Pat didn’t make plans, she just enjoyed the moment and brushed off all questions: “He’s just interested in talking to me.” Nevertheless, their romance continued. Probably, it could last to this day, if not for the extravagance of Delon in love. And he really loved his “mademoiselle blues”, and so passionately and strongly that he was ready for any crazy act, just to prove his feelings to Patricia who did not believe in love.

In December 1990, the French chose Kaas as the "Voice of the Year", in honor of which a whole program dedicated to the singer was broadcast on one of the central channels - "Patricia Kaas Evening". Alain Delon volunteered to be the host. But instead of announcing the queen of chanson according to the script, he shouted into the microphone: “Now you will see Mademoiselle Kaas. This is a divinely beautiful woman and a great singer. I love her!"

Secular Paris was in shock! What sheer shamelessness! After all, Delon was waiting at home for a pregnant girlfriend - the Dutch fashion model Rosalie.

Patricia was afraid that the connection with Delon in front of the evil-speaking press would cause irreparable damage to her career. She began to refuse to meet him, sent bouquets back, did not answer calls. And soon she presented to the public a disc full of revelation "I call you on you ...". The separation was difficult for both. Patricia was alone again.

Almost family

Her career continued to fly up at a frantic pace, and loneliness and sadness in her eyes worked for the image of a mysterious woman. Three concerts in the Zenit hall, in fact, coincided with the peak of the singer's fame. Patricia was advised to invite the talented Belgian composer Philip Bergman to warm up the audience. And the foreign star was immediately discharged from Brussels.

Before the concert, Pat smoked, peering at her reflection in the mirror. Footsteps were heard behind her, next to her reflection, Patricia saw a broadly smiling male face. She shuddered and turned sharply to the stranger: “Who are you? What do you need?" Philip Bergman. Nice to meet you". For a minute they looked at each other in silence, eye to eye. And then, without saying a word, they burst out laughing. “Let's take a walk after the concert. I'll take you!" - shouted Philip, running to the stage. It was so unexpected that Patricia didn't even have time to nod back.

Two fabulous weeks flew by like one day. They walked in the Bois de Boulogne, not for a second disengaging their hands, wandered around Montmartre, drank coffee in small cafes on the outskirts of Paris, went to the movies, bought tickets to the last row and kissed, kissed, kissed. And then Philip flew home. Flew in order to return. Already forever.

He alone understood that behind the cold gaze of this iron woman was the suffering of a truly lonely person. He was always there, he devoted his life to her, her schedule, her lifestyle, he even replaced her mother. Previously, Pat had rushed backstage into the arms of Irmgard, now Philip's strong arms were waiting for her. They were inseparable.

Philip loved her with all his heart, dreamed of having children, a home and a family. But Patricia was overcome by other dreams. For six years, Philip persuaded his beloved to give birth to a child. But the thought of the interrupted concert activity horrified her. And Bergman was tired of meetings between tours ... He became the first man who left Patricia. “This woman is made of flint. She is obsessed with her career,” he said in an interview.

Patricia shouted at the back of the departing Bergman: “I will sing! Is always! Whatever it costs me!"

Or maybe in vain ...

Or maybe it was in vain that she then let Philip leave? Or maybe she devoted her whole life to her career in vain? Or maybe fame, fame, recognition are all empty and transient compared to love, loyalty, family?

Today, Patricia is 40. She is still remembered and loved, but she will never again repeat the enchanting success of the 90s. And even shooting in the film by Claude Lelouch "And now ... ladies and gentlemen" did not return her former success.

She started an affair with a partner in the picture, Jeremy Irons, but they did not advance further than kissing in front of the paparazzi. Of course, because Irons, unlike Kaas, has a strong family: a wife and two children. Does anyone want to risk their happiness because of a woman who is ready to give up everything for the sake of her career, including real feelings?

She condemned herself to loneliness, from which it is impossible to get rid of. They say that sometimes she wants to return the past: a big friendly family, the times when she was still poor and unknown to anyone. But beloved!

She still, as in childhood, bites her nails and falls asleep every night in an embrace with a teddy bear, the one that her mother gave her before her death. She wants to have children! But ... instead, she drags her spoiled dog Tequila around the world, caring for her like a mother for a child. “Why do you have to pay so much for success?” - read many in her sad eyes.

Hanna Dumaine 01.10.2006 12:33:10

Childhood of Patricia Kaas

Patricia Kaas (in Russia her name is often written as Patricia Kaas) became the seventh child in a large family. Father, Joseph Kass, was a Frenchman by nationality and worked as a miner. Mother, Imgrad, is a German, was a housewife.
From an early age, Patricia was fond of music and singing. Already at the age of nine, she performed as part of the Black Flowers group (Black Flowers) on dance floors in local clubs and at festivals. At the age of 13, Patricia signed a contract with the cabaret club Rumpelkammer in the German city of Saarbrücken and performed there every Saturday for seven years under the pseudonym "Pady Pax".
→ Patricia Kaas in her youth
Her fees became the main source of income for a large family. In addition to performing in clubs, from the age of 16, Patricia began working in a modeling agency in the city of Metz in northeastern France. So her childhood ended very quickly.

Early success for Patricia Kaas

Once, during a performance in a club, the architect Bernard Schwartz drew attention to her, after meeting he invited the young singer to Paris and introduced him to the songwriter Francois Bernheim from Phonogram Records. He was given a demo of her songs, which he really liked. Berheim convinced his friend Gérard Depardieu to sponsor Kaas' recording of a single called "Jalouse". In 1985, the single was released by EMI with lyrics written by Berheim and Depardieu's wife Elisabeth. The song was a failure.
In 1987, Patricia Kaas signed a recording contract with PolyGram Records. In the same year, the famous single Mademoiselle chante le blues ("Mademoiselle sings the blues") was released, the author of the text of the song was the French poet and composer Didier Barbelivien. The song took 14th place in the French hit parade and was sold in the amount of about four hundred thousand copies. On her birthday, December 5, 1987, Patricia Kaas performed on the stage of the Parisian Olympia, the most prestigious hall in France.
UMA2RMAH & Patricia Kaas - You Won't Call

World famous Patricia Kaas

On January 18, 1988, Kaas released her first album "Mademoiselle chante le blues", which took 2nd place in the charts. Within three months, the album went platinum (more than 350,000 copies) in France, and later in Belgium and Switzerland. In the same year, the singer won France's most important musical award, Victoire de la Musique, in the Discovery of the Year nomination. In 1989, Kaas gave several concerts in Europe and the USSR, and in 1990 she went on her first tour of 12 countries, which lasted 16 months.
In April 1990, Kaas changed her record company to CBS Records and released her second album Scène de vie. The songs of this album were on the top lines of the hit parade for ten weeks. After the release of the album, the singer went on tour, visited 13 countries and gave 210 concerts. She became one of the most popular performers in the world. In 1991, the singer received the world famous music awards World Music Awards and "Bambi".
April 1993 saw the release of their third album, Je te dis vous, which was recorded at London's Eel Pie Studio with renowned producer Robin Miller. "Je te dis vous" is considered the most successful album of the singer, it was sold in the amount of two million copies. On tour with this album, the singer gave 150 concerts in 19 countries.

→ Patricia Kaas with her beloved dog Tequila
The fourth album was "Dans ma chair" ("Inside me") in 1997, recorded in New York with famous American producer Phil Ramone. The album includes 50 songs by different authors. The singer dedicated it to her parents. The circulation of this album was 750,000 copies. After its release, Kaas went on another tour of 23 countries, during which she gave 120 concerts.
In 1999, Patricia released another album, Le mot de passe, created under the direction of producer Pascal Obispo. In November of the same year, the singer again went on a world tour.

Kaas at present

In October 2001, a collection of songs by Patricia Kaas Best Of was released, which included her best compositions.
In 2002, Patricia Kaas made her acting debut in Claude Lelouch's And Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, in which she played the female lead, Jane Lester. Patricia recorded the soundtrack "Piano Bar" for this film, and an album with the same name was subsequently released. In 2003, the singer went on tour in Europe, Scandinavia, Finland, Canada, USA, Russia and Japan. Two concerts were held at the Theater Royal, Covent Garden, London.
On December 1, 2003, the album "Sexe Fort" ("The Stronger Sex") was released. In it, Patricia radically changed her performance style to a more solid one, with elements of rock. In June 2004, the next tour of the singer began, which lasted until October 2005 and covered 25 countries. At the end of the tour, Patricia announced that she intended to take a two-year break.
Patricia Kaass Les Hommes Qui Passent.
In the summer of 2007, Patricia began work on a new album, Kabaret, and in February 2008, she recorded her first Russian-language song, Don't Call, in a duet with the famous Russian band UMA2RMAN. This song has been on the top lines of the Russian charts for a long time. In November, work on the album "Kabaret" was completed. The name is spelled with an error not by chance (in French it is written "Cabaret"), the letter "K" is a hint of the surname Kaas. In support of the album, Patricia gave concerts in Moscow and Khabarovsk, as well as in 11 different countries.
In the same period, the singer participated in the advertising campaign of L'Etoile, the largest chain of perfumery and cosmetics stores in Russia, becoming her "face".
In May 2009, Patricia Kaas performed at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 in Moscow, representing her native country, France. She performed the song "Et s`il fallait le faire" from the new album "Kabaret". During the voting, she scored 107 points and took 8th place.
On February 26 and 27, Kaas performed in Moscow, at the State Concert Hall of the Kremlin, along with other Russian performers.
The latest album to date, "Kaas chante Piaf" (Kaas sings Piaf), was released on November 5, 2012. On December 6, 2012, Patricia performed with the program of this album in Moscow, at the Operetta Theater, and on December 9, at the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Kyiv.
In 2012, Kaas played the title role in the film directed by Thierry Binisti "Assassine" ("Murdered").
The singer often visits Russia and gives concerts in Moscow several times a year.

Personal life of Patricia Kaas

The personal life of Patricia Kass was not as successful as her career. In her youth, she confessed her love to Bernard Schwartz, but he did not reciprocate her, refusing her marriage proposal. She experienced a strong shock and because of the experience even got into a motorcycle accident. After that, she focused on her career.

→ The personal life of Patricia Kaas is often in full swing - she had an affair with Alain Delon himself
At 21, after the death of her mother, Patricia began dating her manager, Cyril Prieur. Their relationship lasted three years. According to the singer, she was not lucky with men, she had many novels, but they never ended in a wedding. For some time she met with the famous actor Alain Delon. Currently, the singer has been living with a man named Philip for more than 4 years, with whom they have complete understanding, they plan to get married and have a child.

She takes offense when people compare her to Cinderella. For this singer, success was not a gift of fate. The seventh child in the family, she worked hard and sacrificed herself on the stage, without having time to give birth to a child.

Best - for the stage

The fact that the stage is more important than love, Kaas learned at the very beginning of her career. This lesson, unwittingly, was taught to her by her adored mother. Patricia had just arrived in Paris from a small mining town on the border with Germany and sang her famous song Mademoiselle chante le bluz when she found out that her mother was terminally ill and her days were numbered. They were very close, and Kaas immediately rushed back to spend the last months next to her mother. But as soon as she appeared in the hospital, her mother yelled at her. Patricia was very worried. And I realized what was the matter only when some stranger in the presence of her mother asked her for an autograph. The already familiar grimace of suffering on the woman's face dissipated, and Patricia saw eyes glowing with happiness. Her daughter's success was her best medicine.

- If I had not seen what makes my mother happy, my career would not have gone uphill so fast. I would not have had the determination to declare myself, to show the will to win. I was very shy, with a lot of complexes. And a very motherly daughter.

For Patricia, the most important task was to meet the expectations of her mother. In the shortest possible time, she recorded the first album, they started talking about Kaas. All this time, my mother acted like she was waiting for something. She died when she was convinced that fame awaited her daughter - Patricia was just about to go on her first tour.

I do not believe anybody

Having already become a star and living in Paris, the singer still did not believe that someone could like not only her voice in her. Everywhere she seemed to be a catch. It came from childhood. A mother warned her 11-year-old daughter, who had just started singing in a cabaret, not to let men get too close to her. Such a psychological attitude had a very negative impact on the singer's later life. Alain Delon himself wished to see her next to him on the red carpet in Cannes.

I was so scared that I couldn't talk to him. I mumbled something about being busy and will call back.

She had an excuse - preparation for a new show, but Patricia would never have dared to go to Cannes with Delon:

He and I! Yes, it's just a prank. He wants to laugh at me.

However, Patricia is now connected with Delon by friendship. The singer is sure: if they met today, with her current sense of self, they would undoubtedly have an affair.

To love a man, you must first love yourself, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. And I couldn't love myself. Sometimes I just hated myself.

By the age of thirty, Patricia began an affair with the Belgian musician Philip Bergman. He was the first to convince her that she was beautiful and should look not like an angular teenager, but like an adult woman. The changes were so radical that the media unanimously started talking about plastic surgery.

In fact, I have never done any surgery. I just grew up. Sometimes age is the best beautician. The only revolutionary change is that I began to straighten my naturally curly hair. And I was a blonde as a child, so this color is familiar to me.

Long blond hair required a different make-up: blue eyes flashed against fair skin, soft pink lip gloss and blush looked harmonious.

Relatives reproached me for the fact that now I have become the same as everyone else. But, looking in the mirror, I did not believe my luck.

Now Patricia's greatest pleasure is visiting the boutiques of famous fashion designers Jeanne Lanvin, Yves Saint Laurent and Gustavo Lins. She showed good taste, and a graceful figure allowed any extravagant experiments. Fans began to follow how outfits from the catwalk are transformed in Patricia's wardrobe. There is also a dress by St. Petersburg designer Yanis Chamalidi with a triple belt.

Like in the movies

- Claude Lelouch has played a huge role in how I feel in life and on stage. When he invited me to the lead role in the film "And now, ladies and gentlemen ..." and said that Jeremy Irons himself would be my partner, I fell into a stupor. I am not an actress. Besides, I always found it unpleasant to see my face on the screen. But the atmosphere on set was so friendly! I was loved! And then, looking at myself in the footage, I realized that I could be beautiful. Everything that I did not like in myself expresses my emotions, and this is my individuality!

Later, Patricia was invited to embody on the screen the image of Marlene Dietrich, a singer whom she outwardly imitated more than once. But it was not possible to get money for the project, and the proposal hung in the air. Recently, Patricia repeated her cinematic experience and starred in the film "Killed", playing the mother of a dead girl. According to the script, it was necessary to cry a lot, and Patricia has problems with tears: “I can’t cry. The last time I cried was at my father's funeral. And to cry in the frame, I had to listen to the melody from the movie "Schindler's List" - only she can squeeze tears out of me.

The fragrance of exclusivity

Recently, the singer took part in the creation of the first personalized perfume called "Ko by Patricia Kaas". She wanted her fragrance to be unlike any of the existing ones. As a result, fruits are heard in the top notes of the composition, giving it freshness and softness. For the heart notes, white flowers were chosen - orange blossom, jasmine and lilies, embodying Patricia's femininity and sensuality. The basis of the fragrance is woody-chypre accords that give the perfume power and mystery.

Patricia became a model only at the age of forty. Previously refusing offers of this kind, she made an exception for the L'Etoile chain of stores. Relations with Russia, where she has been unconditionally loved for more than 20 years, Patricia has always been special. And since for our audience the best perfumes and cosmetics are directly associated with France, there is no better beauty ambassador.

Nothing to regret

This year, Patricia is coming to our city with the show "Kaas sings Piaf". In it, for the first time, she dances on stage:

I took 150 choreography lessons, I think the audience will appreciate it.

Until the age of forty, Patricia had no problems with her figure, but now she spends 2-3 hours a day dancing and feels better than ever. The recipe for her beauty is a healthy sleep with the windows wide open, an ice cube to refresh her face in the morning, and a 20-minute drainage massage at the beauty institute. Kaas does not smoke, eats little and often, drinks apple, carrot, pear and grapefruit juice in the morning. She tries to maintain a positive outlook on life and is ready to subscribe to the words of her idol Edith Piaf: "I do not regret anything." With one caveat: “Well, except for a few bad photos and a couple of bad haircuts!”

FROMeighth child in family. Patricia grew up surrounded by five older siblings. She spent her childhood in a small mining town in Lorraine, on the border with Germany. Mother - Irmgard, a German, was engaged in raising children and housekeeping. Father, Joseph, worked in a mine and tried to provide the family with everything necessary. The Kaas were never prosperous, but they did not live in poverty either.

At 13 the first success came to little Patricia - she won the city competition for young talents. When a blond miniature girl appeared on the stage, dressed in her older brother's pants and a funny kepar, the jury was perplexed. And when this angelic creature sang the famous “Lili Marlene” from the repertoire of Marlene Dietrich in a childish, hoarse voice, the audience listened without moving.

200 marks. This was Patricia's first fee for one performance, when she signed a contract with the cabaret club Rumpelkammer in the German city of Saarbrücken. Every Saturday for several years, Patricia performed there under the pseudonym "Pady Pax". The money turned out to be a good help for the family budget. Of course, the parents were worried about their baby: no matter how someone offended her? In such institutions, the audience was not the most polite. But, firstly, the slender mademoiselle did not go into her pocket for a word, she could put anyone in their place, both in French and in German. And secondly, five adult brothers were responsible for her safety.

Patricia Kaas (1990). Photo: East News

5 years the nightly performances of the future world celebrity in front of the club regulars continued, until Bernard Schwartz appeared on the threshold of one of the institutions. The unfortunate impresario from Paris could not boast of a career, but did not lose hope of finding a new "Edith Piaf". Acquaintance with him immediately convinced Patricia that she had finally pulled out her lucky ticket. But Bernard did not think so: the singer had too thin legs, a nose broken in a car accident, and her French suffered from an unpleasant German accent. But the young lady did not have ambitions. “When I sing, everyone in the hall is my men,” Patricia blurted out when she felt that Monsieur Schwartz was not eager to leave her in Paris. And he believed her. Over the next few years, they will be connected not only by professional, but also by personal relationships. Bernard Patricia will delete from the list of close people after she understands that he is ready to share success and money with her, but not life. But Kaas was sure that they would get married, and Bernard's unwillingness to divorce his wife, she took it as a personal insult.

two great actors France played a certain role in the life of Patricia. True, each at a certain time. She calls Gerard Depardieu her first producer. Bernard Schwartz, for obvious reasons, does not count. In 1985, Depardieu invested in the recording of her first song "Jealous", which claims to be a serious success with the public. The author of the poems was Elisabeth Depardieu, the wife of the artist. Despite the fact that the single failed, another step towards success was taken. Allen Delon also contributed to the promotion of the beginning star. The whole of France and not only gossiped about their romance. In 1991, the most beautiful (once) man in the country publicly confessed his feelings to Patricia after her performance, placing a luxurious bouquet of flowers at Kaas's feet. Allen and Patricia appeared everywhere together, and their unambiguous behavior only fueled the rumors. Later it became obvious that this relationship was just a well-planned PR move. Delon needed the attention of the public, which was already cooling off towards an aging star, and Patricia, thanks to this "romance", became a member of the circle of the most famous French artists.

Six years lasted the most stable romance Kaaas with the Belgian musician Philip Bergman. They met in 1993. Three weeks later, he moved to her in Paris and became everything for Patricia - songwriter, arranger, press officer, accompanied on tour, supported in sorrow and joy. Philip proposed to her, but heard in response: "Let's return to this conversation later." He never waited for the conversation to continue. In 2000 they broke up. And Patricia said that she no longer believes in eternal love.

Eurovision 2009, final Moscow. Photo: Global Look Press

20,000,000 euros. This is how much the shooting of the film "And now, ladies and gentlemen ...", where Patricia played one of the main roles, cost. She already had attempts to try herself in the cinema. So, in the early 90s, the American director Stanley Donen offered her the role of Marlene Dietrich in a biopic about the life of the great diva. But then they could not find money for the project. In 2002, the famous Claude Lelouch, who shot "A Man and a Woman", wrote a script especially for Patricia and promised to involve John Malkovich, who was then super popular. As a result, his role was played by Jeremy Irons, the script turned out to be weak, Lelouch's skill did not save the situation. The picture failed at the box office.

8th place took Patricia at Eurovision in 2009 in Moscow. At first, she categorically refused to represent France in this competition. The fact is that the final was scheduled for May 16, and on this day Kaas never sings in memory of his mother: Irmgard died on May 16, 1989. But the leadership of the French channel France 2 made a lot of efforts to persuade Kaas to come to Moscow.

The crazy glory of Patricia Kaas is a thing of the past. She no longer sings at Olympia, does not collect thousands of halls, she prefers foreign tours to work in France. Still lonely. But for her anniversary, for the first time in the last 13 years, she prepared a new album - the tenth, in a row, which she simply called "Patricia Kaas".

Patricia Kaas is a French jazz and pop singer, the owner of an inimitable, mesmerizingly deep voice, who has released several gold and platinum albums during her career, a favorite of the Russian public.

This tiny, graceful woman literally blew up auditoriums around the world with her romantic, sensual compositions, and films with her participation won prizes at the Cannes Film Festival more than once. Patricia Kaas has long been the face of the L'Etoile trademark, one of the largest cosmetic chains in Russia. The impeccable taste of Mademoiselle Kaas is admired not only by fashion designers and critics, but also by ordinary people.

The childhood and youth of the singer

Patricia Kaas, whose biography is full of various events, was born on December 5, 1966 in a French family with German roots in a town called Forbak. The family lived rather poorly, because Patricia was the seventh child, and the earnings of her father, a miner, were meager.

The singer's mother was a very talented woman. Noticing her daughter's craving for singing, from early childhood she began to encourage her daughter to study music. The children in the family treated Patricia with respect, because from the age of five she participated in song contests and local fashion shows.

From birth, Patricia Kaas dreamed of a stage, but her singing career did not work out at first: the producers did not need a second Mireille Mathieu. When the girl turned nine, she was noticed by the agent of the Black Flowers group and signed a long-term contract with the young talent. Patricia traveled half the country on tour, her fees became the main source of income for the family. Four years later, the singer signs a contract with the Rumpelkammer cabaret club, which will be the next step for her to world success.

In an interview with a well-known French journalist, the singer said: “Childhood ended early for me. All I could think about in my youth was how to make money. Although this is not bad at all, because I knew what hard work was, and that is what did not allow me to break down, give up or go off the chosen path.

The most difficult year for the singer came when she was invited to work in a modeling agency. As Patricia Kaas recalls, in her youth she always wanted to sleep, and still eat, because shows on fashion catwalks exhausted her to the point of complete loss of strength.

The beginning of a singing career

Patricia Kaas had to combine performances in a cabaret with the work of a model, but her dreams of becoming a professional singer did not leave her. When she was nineteen, she accidentally met a very famous architect - Bernard Schwartz, who became for her not just a friend, but a "bridge" to the French stage.

Having moved to Paris at the invitation of Schwartz, the singer meets Bernheim, the famous songwriter who wrote more than one hit. Sexy, slightly hoarse voice captivates and inspires the poet, their collaboration begins.

The first single, with which Patricia debuts on French radio - "Jealous", does not bring her success. Perhaps the reason for this was the young age of the singer and the lack of proper experience, or perhaps the text was too sugary. Upon returning home, Patricia experienced not the best moments in her life, but her depression did not last long - the singer decided to make another attempt and returned to Paris a few months later.

1986 was a significant year for her: she met Didier Barbelivien, who would write the famous “Mademoiselle chante le blues” for her. Exactly one year later, the clip will hit all TV channels and will firmly establish itself in the leading positions in the world song charts.

1988 was a triumphant year for the singer: she released her first album, which would bring her real success and become first gold and then platinum in several European countries. According to information posted on Wikipedia, the circulation amounted to over three million, and the income exceeded even the wildest dreams of the young singer.

However, all this did not please Patricia at all, since her beloved mother became seriously ill, and a year later, despite all the efforts of the doctors, she died. A new stage in the career of the singer begins: in order to escape from the experiences associated with the death of her mother, she works hard and achieves stunning success in just two years:

  • After lengthy negotiations, she concludes a lucrative contract with CBS Records, which opens her way not only to the European, but also to the American musical Olympus.
  • Receives the prestigious World Music Awards for his first composition.
  • Travels with a world tour of thirteen countries, including Japan, the USSR, European countries.
  • Receives bronze in the nomination "Best Debutante" at a prestigious American ceremony.

Later career

Patricia always felt that she did not want to limit herself to singing, because her artistic nature demanded more. A happy event was not long in coming: the famous director Claude Lelouch invites her to star in the film "And now, ladies and gentlemen."

The role brought Kaas success and even more love from fans, and the triumphal procession along the red carpet, accompanied by the director, added juicy rumors about her romances with men. Fans were waiting for the next films with the participation of the singer to come out, but after breaking up with Claude, Patricia decided not to act anymore.

Then the singer releases another album called "Kabaret", which will bring her not only success, but also worldwide recognition. Kaas decides to go on tour again, during the tour she visits Russia and performs at a concert in the Kremlin. Mademoiselle heartily and sensually performs several romances, the audience gives a standing ovation, calling her several times to the stage. From that moment, according to the singer, her love for the Russian public and Russian culture begins.

Kaas does not leave attempts to break into the English-speaking market, so her most mysterious album "Black Coffee" appears. It is known for certain that the singer worked on it, but the album did not officially appear on sale. The singer still refuses to comment on why the recording studio did not release this work in circulation. This was followed by six more Kaas albums, which were a huge success with the public.

Personal life

As Patricia Kaas herself says, her personal life did not turn out the way she would have liked. The example of her parents became an ideal for her, because they lived together for many years and never quarreled, trying to give the best to their children. Even in her youth, after an illness, the singer learned from doctors that she would not be able to have children. Patricia has said more than once that this is a real slap in the face from fate, which she simply cannot bear.

In the program “Alone with Everyone,” she said that she could become a mother to adopted children, but she could not decide on this because of her extreme employment. In many ways, this circumstance complicated her relationship with men, especially when they understood that Kaas was a strong personality. Among Patricia's men there were many famous and talented people - for example, producer Cyril Priyer, who supported her in the most difficult moments of her life.

Many journalists talk about Patricia's romance with the famous film actor Alain Delon, but how many years they met is still unknown. The star denies this fact, arguing that only friendly feelings united her with Delon, despite romantic dates and luxurious bouquets of red roses.

The relationship of the famous Frenchwoman with the Belgian composer Philip Bergman ended in a big scandal, and their separation was accompanied by litigation. Kaas was shocked by the property claims of a former friend, because they were not even officially married.

Then there was a passionate and frantic affair with the famous chef Yannick Alleno, which also ended in a break in relations. The singer frankly admits that she has no luck with men, so she prefers to focus on work. Patricia looks great in her fifties, she actively tours, starred in commercials, writes songs and her own autobiography. Author: Natalia Ivanova

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