Britney Spears. What happened to Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and other successful pop singers of the 2000s Britney Spears face

Achieved great heights. She is known in the world as a successful singer, talented dancer, sought-after film actress and winner of the prestigious Grammy award. This girl is envied by almost the entire female half of the planet, but the other day her "authority" was shaken ...

Britney Spears

The popular American edition MTO NEWS published a photo report from the red carpet of the Hollywood Beauty Awards, which was attended by the world famous pop singer Britney Spears. For the release, the artist chose an ultra-short translucent sleeveless dress embroidered with sequins.

Britney Spears

The photographs, which are depicted in full growth, caused absolutely nothing but admiration from her fans. Many women dream of looking just like a pop diva at 36 - slender legs, a wasp waist, firm breasts ... But people's reaction changed when photos of Britney taken at close range appeared on the Web.

Britney Spears

In the resonance image, the face looks older than its years. Deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes and wrinkled skin - that's what people saw when they zoomed in on photos of their pet. Perhaps it's all about bad makeup?

Britney Spears

Internet users, discussing the photos, noted that the problem is not in age, but in the fact that she does not really care for her skin. Such wrinkles could be avoided by regularly visiting spas and nourishing the skin with all kinds of creams:

“Nightmare, didn’t expect this…. The figure is a dream, but here's the face ....", "Tapped by life", "Wow, I launched myself. You need to take better care of yourself, since you are a public person”, “I don’t understand, there is money, why not go to beauty salons? You need to take care of yourself”, “But it seems to me that the Spa will no longer help here ... Previously, you had to think.”

As long as we remember Britney Spears, and she turns 37 this year, the pop princess is trying to be slim and fit. And almost always something gets in the way of these great plans. Either another unhappy love leads to gluttony and depression, then the issue of child custody turns into problems with alcohol, then the despotic guardian father plunges his famous daughter into melancholy, which in turn turns into an unwillingness to play sports and the desire to eat their problems at McDonald's.

But over the past six months, the star has done the impossible: she lost 10 kg and confidently maintains her weight. The other day, the singer posted a photo on her Instagram where she boasted that she fit into old shorts. “Isn’t it the ones in which she performed at the age of 16 with the song Baby One More Time?” The fans then asked. Indeed, the pop diva looks like any Aguilera would envy.

Slender toned legs, thin waist, elastic skin - it seems that the queen of the scene has really discovered the secret of youth and drinks this tincture in the morning.
cha, apparently, the secret to losing weight is different: intense, daily workouts and a strict, stripped down diet. By the way, she often shares workout videos on her social networks. And judging by them, Britney Spears is really a hard worker. But all this daily feat is not at all for the sake of the new beloved of star-model Sam Asgari. Britney must demonstrate a model of integrity and an example of a healthy lifestyle, so as not to lose custody of her two sons. The fact is that the ex-husband of the star Kevin Federline requested an increase in alimony from his ex-wife. Britney refused the former missus, thereby setting the offended Kevin on herself. According to his lawyers, if Spears does not comply with the conditions, Federline will go to court to appeal the custody of their two common children.

As a close friend of Britney Spears Adnan Ghalib said, the pop princess is very scared, afraid to make a mistake and lose her children, as it was 11 years ago. That is why the star carefully monitors her appearance, works hard, and devotes all her free time to Sean and Jayden.

When Britney Spears lost 12 kg, many wanted to know what diet helped her achieve such changes, but only recently the singer revealed the secrets of her harmony. After the amazing changes, many became interested in how Britney Spears lost weight, because now almost every girl is trying to fight overweight, and this is not always possible.

During her second marriage to Nick Cannon, Mariah Carey gained 20 kilograms and she urgently needed to go on a diet and regain her former harmony. Well, let's take an example from her: Mariah Carey has lost weight - which means that the rest of the "natural donuts" will be able to! Probably, it was after this that Spears decided that shedding extra pounds was not enough for a star who wants to shine in swimsuits on stage, and it was time to buy a subscription to the fitness room.

The public, of course, did not miss the incident and noted that Britney bought a dress that was too small. Christina has always been very slim, but her appearance in public after the birth of her son shocked everyone. Despite caustic remarks, the singer persistently refused to lose weight. I thought that I could not eat like Britney, because any diet is difficult for me, I really like sweets. Depression, alcohol, drugs, shaved hair, overweight - detractors said that Spears would never be the same.

Indeed, to be almost at the very bottom, and then pull yourself together and return that very Britney in just a year is an inspiring result! Jennifer managed to pull herself together and return to her former figure.
Jessica Simpson began a fierce struggle for her old body, which she showed a few years ago in micro shorts. She explained this by the fact that women should not be led by public opinion. Janet Jackson struggled with being overweight since childhood and won every time. The singer has always tried to stay within 54 kg, but recently the scale arrow has exceeded 80 kilograms! Under the guidance of a professional consultant, the singer lost weight, and by the next tour her body was almost perfect. Is it possible to eat after six o'clock in the evening according to Dukan?

The essence of the Britney Spears diet

The first thing the star completely excluded from her diet was fast food, to which she had already become accustomed. Semi-finished products are also prohibited. The diet consists of homemade food, steamed or in the oven. Fried foods are only allowed in the form of an omelette for breakfast, which is fried with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil.

Starchy vegetables (i.e. potatoes, sweet potatoes, or squash) are strictly limited in the diet. The perfect side dish is black brown rice. Animal fats are also minimized - they can be consumed no more than 10 grams per day. But vegetable fats, such as olive, corn or sesame oil, can and should be added to a variety of dishes (especially salads).

The total daily calorie content of the Britney Spears diet is no more than 1200 kcal. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the meal schedule: breakfast until 10 am, lunch - until 15:00, dinner - until 19:00. If between meals there is a feeling of hunger, you can eat a green apple, orange or kiwi. It is also important to drink 2-3 cups of herbal tea and 3-5 glasses of still mineral water throughout the day.

According to the singer, the most difficult thing was to give up the usual sweets. Instead, the star's nutritionist created healthy treats for her with nuts, dried fruits, cocoa powder and cinnamon. Also, ice cream was prepared for her from skimmed milk, natural vanilla and stevia powder. Such sweets have a minimum of calories, and the pleasure of eating them is the same as from simple chocolate bars.

Sample Britney Spears menu for the day

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs or two-egg scrambled eggs, a piece of whole grain bread with cheese. A cup of weak coffee without milk or sugar.
  • Lunch: 150 grams of boiled shrimp with lemon juice, lettuce and tomatoes.
  • Dinner: steamed beef tenderloin with broccoli, mushrooms and green beans.
  • Afternoon snack: one green apple and a cup of green tea.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese with chopped garlic, dill and a small slice of black bread.

Diet result

If you strictly adhere to all the rules, then in a month you can lose up to 10 kilograms. If you include physical activity in the weight loss program, the number of kilograms dropped can increase to 15 per month. Moreover, the more excess weight, the faster will be its loss.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The undoubted advantages of the Britney Spears diet include a wide selection of allowed dishes. In fact, harmful foods are excluded from the menu, and all the rest can be consumed little by little, without exceeding the daily limit of 1200 Kcal. Another benefit is greater weight loss in a relatively short time. And finally, the diet was developed by an experienced nutritionist, which confirms its effectiveness and safety.

As for the disadvantages, the main one is the low daily calorie content of the diet - only 1200 Kcal, which is extremely small for an active adult. In conditions of a constant significant calorie deficit, the metabolism slows down, which in the future, after returning to the usual menu, can lead to rapid weight gain.

In addition, in conditions of such a reduced calorie diet, it is not recommended to play sports, because the body may simply not be able to cope with the stress and give a serious failure. So before using the Britney Spears diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor and carefully analyze your health status.

Relatively recently, the public was shocked by how Britney lost weight, because after giving birth she gained a lot of excess weight and for a long time was such a “chubby”.

At the peak of her popularity, Britney Spears had a perfect figure and was a role model for many girls. Everything changed when she married Kevin Federline, who became her second husband. In 2005, the singer became pregnant and recovered greatly, and for a very long time could not get rid of excess weight.

As Britney admits now, she didn’t really try to lose weight, eating any troubles with fast food and buns, but one day her own reflection in the mirror became disgusting to her, and she decided to pull herself together.

After the amazing changes, many became interested in how Britney Spears lost weight, because now almost every girl is trying to fight overweight, and this is not always possible. Of course, regular dance classes played a huge role in getting rid of kilograms, but the diet on which the singer was sitting is also of no small importance.

Britney Spears: height 163 cm, weight 45 kg

At the moment, the height and weight parameters of Britney Spears are 163 cm and 45 kg, although most recently the last mark ranged from 57 to 60 kg.

When Britney Spears lost 12 kg, many wanted to know what diet helped her achieve such changes, but only recently the singer revealed the secrets of her harmony.

  • The singer does not eat sweet fruits, starchy vegetables, sweets, sugar, fast food and lemonade, because. almost all of them contain fast carbohydrates, due to which fat folds form on various parts of the body, and metabolism also slows down significantly;
  • Britney Spears lost a lot of weight due to the fact that she limits the calorie content of her diet to 1200 Kcal per day, and eats mainly brown rice, cabbage, avocados, carrots, eggs, lean fish and meat. Under such conditions, the body begins to break down fat cells on its own in order to replenish energy reserves;

  • For weight loss, Britney Spears calculated her menu in such a way that it contained 40% complex carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the same amount of unsaturated fats: this avoids the deficiency of nutrients and the negative consequences that other diets often give;
  • For those who are interested in how Britney Spears lost weight after giving birth, it is important to know one important detail: carbohydrate foods (cereals, vegetables and fruits) should be eaten in the morning, and protein foods (seafood, meat, fish, buckwheat, rice) in the second ;

  • Physical activity is also of great importance: the singer herself attends Pilates classes several times a week, and in order to avoid sagging skin due to sudden weight loss, she takes baths with rose petals and also does massage.

The essence of the Britney Spears diet, useful properties, main rules, benefits

The essence of this type of nutrition is that the singer avoids eating foods that contain complex carbohydrates and refined sugar. These include pasta, bread, and all those that break down into natural sugar. The basis of nutrition is vegetables, fruits, fish and white poultry meat.

For successful weight loss and the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, the following basic rules must be observed. They are as follows:

  • Before use, be sure to consult a doctor or nutritionist;
  • One diet should consist of 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, 30% fats;
  • Drink about two liters of water per day (usually without gas);
  • The number of meals - five (no more or less);
  • Eat food in small quantities, fractionally, chew thoroughly, do not drink water (you can drink before eating);

  • Strictly exclude - fast foods, semi-prepared foods, fried and fatty foods, high-calorie sour-milk food ingredients, flour, sweets, canned food, salinity, honey, sugar, carbonated drinks, alcohol, chips, crackers and other semi-finished products;
  • Give up all the time from bad habits (including smoking);
  • Focus on cooking dishes from products that contain a lot of fiber, as well as low-calorie sour-milk products, fruits, vegetables, sea fish, lean meat, seafood;
  • In the morning, drink one glass of warm water with lime or lemon, and thirty minutes before bedtime, a glass of low-calorie kefir with a percentage of fat less than 1% (pre-remove from the refrigerator, should be at room temperature);
  • The last meal no later than six o'clock in the evening (except for kefir, it can be later);
  • Drink less coffee
  • Do not consume foods high in starch and drinks with a lot of sugar;
  • Daily calorie content 1000 - 1200 kcal (single serving maximum - 250);
  • More natural juices (fresh), decoctions, herbal drinks, green, fruit and slimming teas.

This type of food can be observed for a long time, even three months. The main thing is to consume the required amount of products that form the foundation of dietary nutrition. These include: lean meat, fish, chicken or quail eggs, rice cereals, vegetables, fruits in a smaller amount.

Also, thanks to properly selected nutrition and compliance with the basic rules, you can improve your health and appearance, namely:

  • The digestive system will be cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • Metabolism will accelerate;
  • Improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, complexion;
  • The body will rejuvenate;
  • After using the diet, you will feel light and comfortable;
  • The supply of vitamins, microelements and other necessary substances for the normal functioning of organs and systems will increase.

Varieties of the diet of Britney Spears, features of the diet menu

In terms of nutrition, Britney eats her main meals three times a day, and eats light meals in between (twice). For a snack, she uses something low-fat and not carbohydrate. Drinks up to ten glasses of pure water, in the morning green tea without added sugar or honey, as well as natural fruit juices.

Varieties of diet food:

  1. Weekly diet from Britney Spears. The singer divided her diet into five meals, for snacks she uses light food - usually fruits, juices or vitamin vegetable salads. You are reminded that you must follow the main rules and not change the essence of nutrition. In a week, you can lose weight from 3 to 5 kilograms, but you need to take into account your weight, gender, body physiology and physical fitness.
    Menu for the week.
    Breakfast - we prepare an omelette from two eggs, but you can only use protein, whole grain toast with low-calorie cheese, a cup of unsweetened green tea.
    Lunch - half an apple with cottage cheese (low fat content no more than 1%).
    Lunch - boiled chicken breast, salad of fresh seasonal vegetables. For dessert, you can choose strawberries with cream (just choose the same with a minimum fat content).
    Snack - one banana.
    Dinner - boiled veal, steam broccoli. A cup of herbal tea without sugar.
    Breakfast - boil two chicken eggs, but you can only eat protein, prepare a salad of cabbage, greens and carrots.
    Lunch - a serving of cottage cheese and half a grapefruit.
    Lunch - boiled rabbit meat with a salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, yellow bell peppers and mozzarella cheese.
    Snack - a bunch of white grapes.
    Dinner - boil cauliflower and beef.
    Breakfast - a salad of arugula, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, basil with boiled quail eggs (four pieces), a cup of tea.
    Lunch - a salad of pears, apples, oranges and kiwi.
    Lunch - boiled turkey with green beans and peas.
    Snack - a glass of berries.
    Dinner - lean pork stew with vegetables.
    Breakfast - scrambled eggs from proteins (two), toast from bread with whole grains, unsweetened tea (linden or blueberry can be used).
    Lunch - one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, the same amount of low-calorie yogurt without additives, chopped fruit (you can use it as a salad or make a homogeneous mixture from these ingredients using a blender).
    Lunch - dietary rabbit meat cooked in a slow cooker in sour cream sauce with carrots and herbs.
    Snack - half a pomelo.
    Dinner - a baked apple with prunes, tails and low-fat cottage cheese.
    Breakfast - boiled egg white, a salad of chopped vegetables (red bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms (pre-stew or boil), a glass of fruit juice (Sicilian orange or mango).
    Lunch is a Greek salad.
    Lunch - duck breast with broccoli puree (cook food in a double boiler).
    Snack - a salad of pineapple (fresh), mango, pomelo and a few pomegranate kernels.
    Dinner - boiled chicken breast with fresh vegetables (can be eaten as a salad).
    Breakfast - morning protein omelet, boiled cauliflower (can be steamed), a glass of orange juice without sugar.
    Lunch - rice-apple casserole (cook in a slow cooker, cover the bottom with sliced ​​apples and cover with rice, smooth, you can add low-fat milk or plain boiled water).
    Lunch - a salad of veal, broccoli, arugula, tomatoes (pour lemon juice or soy sauce).
    Snack - a bunch of blue grapes.
    Dinner - salmon cooked in a double boiler with vegetables (pour everything with a little lemon juice, and from spices you can only fresh green basil).
    Breakfast - a salad of boiled egg white, grated cheese, arugula, green bell peppers and cucumbers, rye bread toast with cereals.
    Lunch - fresh fruit with one spoonful of low-fat yogurt.
    Lunch - boiled sea fish with fresh vegetables.
    Snack - one banana.
    Dinner - salad with seafood (mussels, seahorses, shrimp) and lettuce, arugula, cucumbers and lemon.
  2. Britney Spears diet for 10 days. This diet is slightly different from the previous type of diet. But very effective and versatile. You will not be bored, you will always be in a great mood and full. As for the rules and the menu, it is necessary to strictly observe, always eat at the same time and not change the regimen.
    Sample menu for ten days.
    1st day.
    Breakfast - a piece of low-fat bacon, grilled or baked in the oven with a salad of mozzarella and tomatoes.
    Lunch - a glass of cherry juice.
    Lunch - sea fish steak with a creamy sauce on a vegetable pillow (cook from spinach and broccoli, boil vegetables initially, then make a homogeneous mixture with a blender or food processor).
    Snack - two vitamin apples.
    Dinner - vegetable stew and a cup of green tea.
    2nd day.
    Breakfast - a few small tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce, boiled chicken fillet.
    Lunch is a glass of mango juice.
    Lunch - cream soup with vegetables, but without potatoes.
    Snack - a glass of raspberries.
    Dinner is a salad of shrimp and green vegetables.
    3rd day.
    Breakfast - boiled egg white, beet salad and cheese.
    Lunch - one pomegranate juice.
    Lunch - stewed fish with cauliflower, carrots and herbs, a piece of small black bread.
    Snack - one orange.
    Dinner - rice with vegetables (sprouts, beans, peas, corn).
    4th day.
    Breakfast - a toast of cereal bread and dor blue cheese, a cup of unsweetened lemon tea.
    Lunch is a fruit salad with one tablespoon of low-calorie yogurt.
    Lunch - soup with spinach and no potatoes.
    Afternoon snack - salad, where the main ingredient will be celery.
    Dinner - boiled beef with lentil puree.
    5th day.
    Breakfast - fat-free sausages (two pieces), tomatoes and cucumbers. A glass of pineapple juice.
    Lunch - fruit smoothie (do not add sugar).
    Lunch - boil the chicken fillet, then stew a little with mushrooms and carrots (add a spoonful of cream or sour cream, only with minimal calories).
    Snack - two figs.
    Dinner - prepare orange sauce for duck breast (steamed), salad with seasonal vegetables.
    6th day.
    Breakfast - boiled chicken egg, stewed beans with mushrooms in tomato sauce, a cup of herbal tea.
    Lunch - a salad of boiled vegetables, except for potatoes.
    Lunch - lean stew with zucchini and cabbage, a glass of natural fresh juice (beets, carrots, apples).
    Snack - one grapefruit.
    Dinner - salad with steamed fish and fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, avocados.
    7th day.
    Breakfast - one grilled bacon, boiled quail eggs *two pieces) and a glass of tomato juice.
    Lunch - fruit baked with nuts in the oven.
    Lunch - pork steak and mashed vegetables (pre-boil them).
    Snack - one orange.
    Dinner - vegetable stew.
    8th day.
    Breakfast - a casserole of eggs, hard cheese and vegetables, a glass of herbal decoction.
    Lunch - two pancakes with fresh berries.
    Lunch - steamed chicken fillet and vegetable puree with dessert.
    Snack - two figs.
    Dinner - boiled potatoes (two pieces), vegetable salad.
    9th day.
    Breakfast - a serving of eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes.
    Lunch - a dessert of cottage cheese, yogurt and cherries (eat as a salad or prepare a mixture).
    Lunch - cream soup with salmon, a portion of fresh vegetables.
    Snack - two tangerines.
    Dinner - rice with vegetables, a glass of juice.
    10th day.
    Breakfast - oatmeal on the water with candied fruits and toast with cheese, a cup of coffee.
    Lunch - pancakes with jam.
    Lunch - stew with vegetables.
    Snack - fruit baked in the oven.
    Dinner - cook fish fillet with vegetables.
  3. Britney Spears Long Diet. Depends on how many pounds you want to lose. The maximum number of diet days is no more than three months. Must be combined with sports. Then you can get great results.
    One day example.
    Breakfast - four egg whites (pre-boil), hard cheddar cheese toast, a glass of fresh juice.
    Lunch - a salad of shrimp, crab meat, mussels and green vegetables.
    Lunch - broccoli and spinach soup.
    Snack - an orange and a glass of kefir at room temperature.
    Dinner - boiled veal, low-fat hard cheese, a salad of beans, herbs, mushrooms, tomatoes and olive oil.

How to get out of the Britney Spears diet

If health, appearance, physiological features of the body are important to you, then you need to strictly care for it. The way out should be in a properly composed diet, since your future lifestyle depends on it. You can not go back to the old diet. To begin with, continue to eat fractionally and in small portions, try to eat always at the same time. Daily calorie content from 1500 to 2000 kcal. You can not eat fatty and fried foods, semi-finished products. More vegetables and fruits, soups and dietary meat. Continue to observe the drinking regime.
Attend sports, fitness, aerobics. Go to the gym regularly. This will give more sophistication and relief to the figure. Try to run in the morning and attend yoga classes five times a week. Take a contrast shower. Visit baths, saunas, massage treatments, beauty salons.

Disadvantages of Britney Spears Diet Contraindications

The downside is that the cooking time is very long, it is constantly necessary to follow the diet and not change the products.

  • Pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • Women during menopause;
  • Acute or chronic changes in organs and systems;
  • Children and the elderly;
  • Postoperative condition;
  • The period of treatment;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Neuro-psychological disorders;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

The plasticity of stars is not a very interesting topic. Or rather, beaten up. But today I can't get past Britney Spears. This is a world class star. I would even say stars! She is known to absolutely everyone. Yesterday I saw a new video with her and was stunned! Britney has plastic surgery.

Do not get used!

Yes, they say that she had previously gone under the knife of a plastic surgeon and corrected her nose. Photos before and after the operation really speak of the good work of the rhinoplasty specialist. But these are trifles, since so many celebrities get nose jobs.

Otherwise, the pop diva was natural and did not push people to gossip with her appearance. Her figure has deteriorated over the years and, to be honest, when I saw her for the last time on TV not a few years ago, I remembered her as a plump and unsightly woman.


However, today she looks very different! Her figure is perfect! Her face ... Here there are doubts - it has become beautiful or disfigured. On the one hand, she seemed to rejuvenate and become like a doll. On the other hand, she lost her individuality. It's hard to recognize old Bree in the new face.

It seems to me that the facial plastic surgery failed. The figure, I think, was put in order by plastic surgeons, because it is obvious that it is impossible to make today's Spears a sloppy donut in the gym. And for that I give 10 out of 10! The work is excellent. Gorgeous legs, booty and waist. But the face... Kill me, I don't like it. It is "broken". I hope I don't get stoned by Britney fans. But this is another example of the unsuccessful plasticity of stars of the first magnitude.

Everyone who is over 25 now remembers that in the late 90s, the American singer Britney Spears was at the peak of her popularity, her videos were played on all music channels, and the girls tried to imitate her style of an innocent schoolgirl. Years passed, Britney Spears changed, and at some point in her life there was a turning point when the singer suddenly shaved her head, and seemed to fly off the coils. She behaved scandalously in public, took drugs and alcohol, which led to the fact that she was deprived of parental rights. Now Britney has already recovered and continues her career, and we invite you to take a look at how her style has changed over time.


At the beginning of her career, Britney's managers diligently exploited sexual images: a naked belly was the signature "chip" of the star both in evening outings and in videos.

Britney in office trousers and negligee. We are embarrassed to clarify if the pop star has forgotten her underwear at home?

Spears' unexpected modest appearance for those years: a pastel-colored dress in combination with a white stole refreshes the star and makes her image more tender.


Plunging necklines suit Britney, but here's a weird fabric that looks like a cheap office suit material that definitely brings dissonance to the evening look.

Literally everything is “beautiful” here: from the eye-catching color scheme to the top, which looks like Britney fought for it in the store with another customer and literally snatched (or rather, tore off) a new thing for herself.

Lots of fringes that could have dangled peacefully from an old plush bedspread, what looked like wooden sandals on the legs and turquoise jewelry - now we know the recipe for fashion failure.


It seems that the pop princess really wanted to show everyone her new beautiful lingerie. I'm sorry, Britney, but you shouldn't do it this way.

The iconic outing of Britney and her now ex-lover Justin Timberlake. It seems that at any second the singer will take out a guitar and play country music, and Spears will start dancing American folk dances. No, this is not how we imagined the denim total look!

Another peignoir, but now in the role of a coat: Britney walked in underwear even before it became mainstream!

Warm beige gamma clearly suits Spears, but creepy cowboy boots and coats with matted fur do not immediately allow you to see it.


All girls dream of becoming princesses up to a certain age: Spears apparently planned to become a princess of butterflies. True, she confessed to this world a little late.

Today, looking at this Britney look can give you a kick, but in the 2000s, pairing jeans and trousers with a dress was a hot trend.

Britney in the image of a harsh dominatrix - we offer to make a remake of "50 shades of gray"!


And again, an outfit that looks more like underwear, and even in combination with boots and pearl threads. The star's stylist was clearly on his toes.

Another creepy trend of the 2000s - wide jeans with a "glamorous" belt, which mercilessly increased the bottom of even the thinnest girls.

It would seem that a little black dress is a win-win outfit for any situation. But Britney easily proves that this is not so: it is enough to add black gloves and a dubious pillbox hat to irrevocably spoil the outfit.


In 2006, Britney was in a state of divorce from Kevin Federline, which affected all areas of the star's life, including appearance. For example, the singer preferred to attack the car of annoying paparazzi in comfortable sportswear.


In 2007, Britney recovered a bit from a painful breakup, wearing a wig, a laconic dress and contrasting sandals. The image would be quite successful if it were not for the inappropriate straw hat.


A year later, Britney returned to work and delighted fans with a successful appearance and a blooming appearance. We can not fail to note not only the perfectly matched outfit, but also the excellent hair color!


Total black is not always a good idea. Especially if you are wearing a dress that is too short and one size down.

Unfortunately, despite a series of successful exits on the red carpet, in ordinary life, Spears' style is not at all happy: the star often looks like she put on the first thing that came to hand, and lost her hairbrush a long time ago.

Micro shorts, crop top, pink uggs and a messy bun... Britney, hurry up and get changed!


In secular exits, failures are also not complete: this image could be successful if it were not for the ankle boots, which mercilessly “cut” the star’s legs and visually added extra pounds to her.

And again, not a very good choice of shoes, but we are ready to forgive this mistake for a well-chosen outfit that competently hid figure flaws.


The bright pink color is clearly not the story of Spears, and the style of the dress seems so uncomfortable that it is difficult for the singer to move around in it.

Britney decided to try on an elegant look and a new length for herself. The experiment is commendable, but unsuccessful from the word “completely”: the dress added not only volumes to the star, but also years.

This length and model of the dress looks much better, but the upper part of the dress seems to be trying to escape from its mistress.

A dull black jumpsuit, shoes that look like sandals with black socks and a terrible thinned bangs - this failure was simply deafening!


An unexpected and very successful experiment with style: Britney goes with both the dress and the hair color. Bravo!

In the casual-images of the star, a positive trend is also outlined: the singer began to appear much more often in elegant classics.


Even a "naked" dress may not be vulgar: a great case in point from Britney and her stylists. And finally, pumps instead of “hoof” shoes!


Britney's successful looks are traditionally followed by a serious failure: a deaf skin-colored chain mail dress made the star's athletic figure completely shapeless.

The stylists obviously went too far with the neckline and colored strands, but in general, the style of the dress suits Spears. And again, we cannot fail to note the excellent selection of shoes!

The star’s shoes are still okay, but the dress looks like Britney took it from the skater and now she will put on her skates and go on the ice!

Not the most successful, but in general a good everyday look, the main problem of which was the pigtails of the schoolgirl.


2016 started not so long ago, and Britney hasn’t had many outings yet, but she definitely pleases with both her hair (a short haircut looks much better than long tangled hair) and successful evening outings. Keep it up!

0 14 July 2013, 19:55

Britney Spears in 1998 and today

After the Western press started talking about the return of the "former". Having traced the evolution of the image of a pop princess (both her hairstyles and makeup, and her style of clothing), we propose to decide - is this so?

Brit was born in 1981, and already at the age of eight she got into the world of show business, having passed the casting in the show "The New Mickey Mouse Club". True, then the producers decided that the girl was too young for the TV program, but the triumphant return of the future star happened a few years later - in 1993.

However, real success came to her when the figure acquired seductive volumes, which contrasted so sharply with the charming appearance of the nymphet. It seems that in 1999 there was not a single tape recorder where the fervent ... Baby One More Time could not be heard. We talked about Spears. As soon as the press did not call her: a pop princess, Lolita of the big stage ... The girl herself gladly stirred up interest in herself, demonstrating her tanned naked belly and saying that she did not intend to have sex before the wedding.

Further - more, and now Britney Spears leads the ratings of the sexiest girls on the planet, and Justin Timberlake is listed in her boyfriends. Frank outfits, a naked body, a languid look and blond hair - this is how we remember the artist from the heyday of her career, which came in the early 2000s.

But in 2004, Brit, as her later life showed, stepped on a crooked path, uniting herself by marriage with dancer Kevin Federline. She could not get in shape for a long time after pregnancies, and short shorts and bright tops were replaced by shapeless sweatpants and stretched T-shirts.

Then experiments began: changing the color of the hair, shaving baldly, the desire to grow one's own hair, attempts to correct the situation with extended strands. The image of the singer became careless, her skin and hairstyle seemed unkempt, and her weight was constantly “jumping” - the nervous tension of several years had an effect when her husband cheated on her, while Brit “pulled” her family and two children.

Spears repeatedly made attempts to return, but her extinct look, uncertain movements, strange facial expressions indicated that she was never able to fully recover.

However, in the last year and a half, it seems that the pop princess has finally found harmony. She took care of her body, began to take care of herself, and although there are still mistakes in clothes, we have to admit that Britney looks much better. But from talk to action.

Britney Spears in Oh la la video in 2013

Britney Spears hair and makeup evolution:

Britney Spears in 1998
















The evolution of the figure and style of Britney Spears:

The figure and outfits of Britney Spears - 1998





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