Tatyana Denisova starred in real. The beginning of a creative career

Name: Tatyana Denisova

Sign zodiac: Aquarius

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: Kaliningrad region, Russia

Growth: 165

Activity: choreographer, founder of her own ballet, jury member dance TV shows

Childhood and youth

The future dancer was born in an ordinary and very far from creativity family of a sailor and a teacher kindergarten. When Tanya was two years old, her father was transferred to Sevastopol. There, the girl took up rhythmic gymnastics, and at the age of eight she began to attend choreographic studio in ballet class. Soon dancing became the main meaning of her life. Even at home, wearing her mother's veil and turning on her favorite song "Ballet" performed by Alla Pugacheva, she imagined herself dancing on stage Bolshoi Theater.

Therefore, as soon as the opportunity presented itself, young ballerina overcame a huge competition and entered the best choreographic school in the country - the Academy named after A.Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg. True, Tatiana did not manage to finish it (the family moved to Kyiv), but studying at this prestigious institution gave Denisova a unique base, thanks to which she was able to achieve dizzying success in the future.


In Ukraine, Denisova entered the Kyiv Institute of Culture at the choreographic department. While still a student, the 21-year-old girl organized her first dance group, which soon became known not only in Kyiv, but throughout Ukraine. At the same time, she taught choreography at a circus variety school, where she was noticed by foreign impresarios.

Tatyana received tempting offer to work with her ballet "JB" in Germany and did not miss this chance. For seven years she created original dance shows and circus performances in Europe and has established herself as a talented choreographer and an outstanding creative person.

For about three years, Tatyana Denisova worked with ballet in Kyiv, and at the same time taught choreography at the Kiev Variety and Circus College. But then foreign organizers drew attention to the promising director.

Having gathered a group of guys in 2004, Tatyana moved to Germany, where she created the main brainchild of her life - the dance group "JB ballet", in which only Ukrainians perform. The Europeans liked the lively, strong, beautiful team, they began to recognize Tatyana, she became a real star. On the this moment"JB ballet" continues to be based in Europe, and Tatyana Denisova herself not only directs it, but also puts numbers for other shows. Also in the piggy bank of this talented choreographer are a lot of circus performances, which she also helped put on - not everyone can boast of this. Has begun new stage in creative biography choreographer. Denisova invited exclusively Ukrainian dancers to this ballet. Tatyana also worked as a choreographer and director holiday shows and circus numbers in different European countries.

And in 2009, Tatyana for the first time received an offer to take the judge's chair in the second season of the mega-rating Ukrainian show"Everybody is dancing!" on the STB channel. Moreover, the girl was not only a member of the jury along with Vlad Yama, Alexei Litvinov and Francisco Gomez, but also staged dances for promising participants in the television project. The choreographer specialized in such styles as Broadway and Disco.

Denisova remained an invariable person of this program, where, in addition to Tatiana, honored choreographers Radu Poklitaru and Konstantin Tomilchenko appeared. Tatyana did not leave the project from the second to the final ninth seasons and earned the right to be called the legend of the project. Dancer Vlad Yama lasted longer than Denisova at the competition.

In 2016, Tatyana's career received an unexpected continuation - she was invited several times to be a judge in the Dancing on TNT project. After some deliberation, she gave her consent and thus replaced Olga Buzova or Sergei Svetlakov on the jury. In 2017, Tatyana became the mentor of the project instead of Yegor Druzhinin.

Personal life of the dance queen

Fans of Tatyana Denisova are interested in how things are now with the personal life of the choreographer? In the biography of the girl, there were already several unsuccessful unions. Since then, Tatyana has not been seen in the company of men. What is this beauty hiding?

The first husband of Tatyana is the gymnast Ilya Strakhov. The couple had a son, Leo, in 2009. It is worth noting that Denisova's first husband became a finalist in the third season of the popular Ukrainian show "Ukraine has talent." There, in fact, young people met. Despite the fact that the marriage did not last long, the couple maintains friendly relations. Ilya and Tatyana decided not to be led by emotions and parted as warmly as possible. Moreover, the couple is connected by a son. One way or another, they would still have to communicate. So why not make this communication more enjoyable for both parents.

The second husband of the choreographer is Alexander Krivoshapko. And again, young people met at the "work". The man is a singer. He became a finalist music show"X Factor".

Those close to Tatyana say that their union was very controversial. Young people got married in May 2011, and broke up in the fall of 2012.

It is possible that one of the reasons for the divorce was a decent age difference between lovers. The fact is that Tatyana was 12 years older than her second husband. If at the beginning of the relationship this did not bother the couple, then later the difference in the age of the spouses played a cruel joke on them.

It is known that the romance between Alexander and Tatyana was very stormy. Young people broke up publicly several times, and then converged again. The couple kept fans in constant suspense. They didn't know what to expect from the lovers this time.

What is known about the dancer's personal life today?

A colleague of Tatyana Denisova let slip about the changes in the girl's personal life. It turned out that the biography of the girl was replenished with another marriage. It became known that Tatyana has a husband.

This was discussed after the speech of 26-year-old Massimo Arduini from Italy. The guy danced pretty well. However, the judges did not appreciate the efforts young man. They unanimously decided that the guy lacks emotions. Tatyana Denisova liked the young man. She said that the man needs a little "twist" because he did not get enough sleep. Tatiana's colleague Radu Poklitaru turned to her with a joking question when her husband leaves so that the girl can take care of the young dancer. The girl's answer was crumpled. Most likely, she did not expect to hear such a question, especially on the set of the program.

Fans of Tatyana Denisova decided that she really has a husband, whom the girl skillfully hides from the public. Perhaps this is so. The young woman is tired of public relations. She had an experience of marriage, which ended both times unsuccessfully. Both spouses at that time were media personalities. The couple Tatyana and Alexander or Tatyana and Ilya could not get rid of the attention of the press.

If Tatyana Denisova really got married, then, most likely, her new spouse has nothing to do with show business. It is likely that the girl specifically chose a guy who would not "shine" on TV.

So far, Tatyana manages to keep her relationship a secret. The press is closely following the changes in the dancer's personal life. As soon as something becomes known about the girl's new husband, her biography will have to be supplemented with another official marriage.

Tatyana is free or not free, in any case head man in her life - this is the son of Leo, whom she is raising on her own.

Did Tatyana Denisova undergo surgery to correct her appearance?

More than Denisova's relationship with men, Tatyana's fans are interested in the question of whether she did surgery to correct her appearance, in particular, photos before and after plastic surgery. Since the dancing star herself does not comment on such rumors, it is necessary to judge a possible surgical intervention solely based on photographs. On the early photos Denisova clearly visible wide bridge of nose with a rather massive tip of the nose. Also, some followers note that Tatyana's lips a few years ago did not look as plump and expressive as they are today.

It's funny, but Tatyana Denisova herself is the root cause of the rumors about plastic, or rather, the photos published by the TV personality on her personal Instagram, after which the hype arose. Often, the page on the aforementioned social network of a dancing star is full of bright stage images and extraordinary make-ups. Perhaps that is why the published selfie without makeup caused a strong reaction among the followers, who noted visible changes in Tatyana's appearance. Prior to this, a more refined nose shape and plump lips could be justified by the successful work of makeup artists and the wonders of cosmetics.

  • Specializes in disco and broadway styles.
  • Inspired by listening to Queen's music, Elton John, Bon Jovi, Nickelback, Guns'n'Roses;
  • Inspired by browsing dance compositions masters of their craft Cyd Charisse, Frad Astaire, Sylvie Guillem, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rudolf Nureyev, Karina Smirnoff, Slavik Kriklyvy;
  • Inspired by experimenting with 3D choreography: dancing on canvases, Alpha Gravity.
  • Life credo "Always rely only on yourself."
  • The choreographer herself has not danced for a long time. She likes to be a director - to watch her work on stage. According to Tatyana Denisova, to become a dance star, it is rare that only one talent is needed. You also need basic body control skills. Those who do not have them are unlikely to be able to achieve high results in this area.
  • Tatyana Denisova is often compared to Yegor Druzhinin, whose place she took in Dances. There really is no comparison here. Tatyana and Yegor have a different biography. In their personal lives, they also have nothing to do. Yegor left due to forced circumstances. Tatyana is not to blame for "taking" his place. It is unpleasant for a girl to read negative comments about herself on the network. Fortunately, she has already developed immunity to aggression.

On the eve of the start of the fourth season of the show "" the judge (45) unexpectedly decided to leave the project. "I'm tired. Each new season I made a promise to myself not to worry so much about my participants. But it doesn't work. Excitement and emotions are torn apart. And at the end of every season, I feel drained and squeezed like a lemon. You have to spend some time recovering. And he is not. The situation of the competition is clearly not for me. I cannot dispassionately make decisions about the departure of participants when I work with them. You get used to each and get attached. My decision, no matter how you explain it, is a blow to them. I don't want to hurt them anymore. I don't want to hurt myself."

For two weeks, the producers of the show were looking for a new mentor, and now it finally became known who would take Yegor's place. The new judge of the project "Dances" was a Ukrainian dancer (36), founder and leader of the dance group J.B. ballet in Germany. Denisova has already participated in "Dances" - she was an invited member of the jury and put numbers on the participants.

“I made the decision to become a mentor at Dances with pleasure,” Tatyana told the portal Life. - This is not my first project. I have many years of experience in creating large-scale talent shows on television as a director and creative producer. Revealing artists is my calling. I love my job and do it with all my might. I certainly have a certain taste, I am an esthete, but above all, I am interested in creativity. I choose people who are sincere, obsessed with the stage, and it doesn't matter what style they dance in. Through dance projects great amount youth joined dance culture. Our task is to show that dance is not only entertainment, but also an art that develops and educates a person, it is also a way to speak from the stage about serious and important things.”

Tatyana Denisova is a famous dancer and choreographer, she founded the troupe "JB Ballet". Gained fame as a member of the jury of popular TV shows.

Childhood and youth

The future dancer was born in the Russian Federation, namely the Kaliningrad region on February 11, 1981 in the family of a sailor. The girl's mother worked in kindergarten ordinary educator. When Tatyana was not three years old, her family moved to the Crimean Sevastopol.

It was in the Crimea that Denisova first learned what dancing was. At first, she did gymnastics for five years. After performing one of the choreographic numbers, Denisova seriously thought about dancing. The future celebrity began attending the profile circle at the age of 10. She studied classic look dance, but did not forget to hone modern technology. It helped her concert numbers Britney Spears and Madonna.

After graduating from school, at the family council, it was decided that Tatyana would enter the choreographic school in Leningrad. The competition was a record 30 people for one place. From the first stages of the selection, Denisova proved to be excellent. She entered the prestigious educational institution, but it did not work out, because she had to return to the territory of Ukraine.

Yet higher education Denisova graduated in Kyiv. There she gathered her first team, in which she was both a dancer and a choreographer.

Career Development

In Kyiv, Denisova worked with her own troupe for several years. In parallel, she gave choreography lessons at the circus school. Then the foreign organizers, who arrived in Ukraine on a working visit, noticed a talented girl.

Denisova received a proposal to create a dance theater in Germany. Then a completely new stage in her life started. Tatyana invited only Ukrainian dancers abroad, trying to show what talents there are in her native country. Television shows For the first time Denisova was offered to take the place of honor of one of the jury members on the TV project “Everybody Dance” in 2009. It was a rating show that is still airing on the STB TV channel. She acted not only as a judge, but also directed the numbers of some couples. Denisova specialized mainly in such areas as broadway and disco. Until the ninth season of the show, she did not leave the project. The next program was "Dancing on TNT". Denisova began working on the Russian channel in 2016. She was considered one of the strictest judges.

In 2017, her contract was extended. Her rival was Miguel, who was in charge of the productions from the moment the project was founded. In August, the recruitment of participants for the new season of the TV show started. Together with hip-hoper Miguel Denisova, she traveled all over Russia in search of talent.

Already from the first releases of the program, it became clear that Tatyana Denisova works according to her own method. However, not all viewers liked him, but many were outraged at all. Denisova began to be accused of high self-esteem, a biased attitude towards the participants and that she shows sympathy for those dancers who are attractive to her outwardly. Initially, Denisova evaluated the guys only for professional merits, but by the end of the show, her opinion had changed.

Personal life

For the first time, Denisova tied the knot with Ilya Strakhov, an aerial acrobat. Together, young people did not live very long. In 2009, the choreographer, already popular at that time, gave her husband Leo's son, but the child could not save the marriage. However, they kept friendly relations. The father often visits his son.

In early 2011, rumors began to circulate in show business that Denisova had an affair with a young singer, a participant in the X-factor talent show Alexander Krivoshapko. The age difference between the young artists was 12 years. Then Denisova literally glowed with happiness. In May of the same year, the couple officially registered their marriage. The wedding took place in Kyiv. First, the young family put their signatures in the registry office, and then candles in one of the churches.

Further in their couple began the most real war. The couple quarreled loudly, then publicly reconciled. In the fall of 2012, celebrities decided to finally leave. Such a difficult and painful relationship led to the fact that the choreographer later began to carefully hide her personal life. At social events, the celebrity mostly appears accompanied by his son Leo. However, on the set of the ninth season of "Everybody Dance!" it became known that Denisova's heart was again not free, on her hand flaunted wedding ring. She does not disclose the name of her chosen one.

Denisova now

Everyone knows Tatyana Denisova as a real intellectual and highly educated person. Despite her busy work schedule, she reads a lot. The dancer understands other types of art. Denisova considers Fred Astaire, Slavik Kriklyvyy, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Karina Smirnoff and others to be her idols. The choreographer is an active user of social networks. She continues to shock the audience there. After completing the difficult divorce process, Denisova arranged a spicy shoot in the shower, which received the symbolic name "My Party". It is also not uncommon for a choreographer to be photographed naked while swimming in a lake or sea. She often posts makeup-free photos, not shy about showing off her natural beauty. A few years ago, after viewing Denisova’s profile on social networks, fans began to argue en masse whether she had a nose job or not. If you look closely at the dancer on the set of the TV show in 2014-2015, then her nose bridge looks noticeably wider than it is now. As a result, subscribers were divided into two parts. Some believed that there was a surgical intervention, others did not.

In general, Denisova has a stunning appearance. With a height of 165 centimeters, she weighs 48-50 kilograms. The dancer is strict and fair. It is these qualities that help her to remain a star. television shows. Colleagues speak of her as an exceptional professional.

It is hard to believe that in some countries a woman is not entitled to her dream. Men are used to dictating their own rules of the game, which the fairer sex will have to play. It is very good that most countries do not support this initiative, and people can observe how a woman develops and what success she achieves as she climbs the career ladder.

One of these women is a famous dancer. Tatyana Denisova.

Biography of Tatyana Denisova

February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region was born beautiful girl, which parents named Tatyana. The baby was born in the family of a kindergarten teacher and a sailor. When Tatyana was two years old, her family moved to Sevastopol. This city has become a landmark for the beautiful Tanyusha. It is here that she will get acquainted with the dances, which in the future will take most her life.

Tatyana Denisova:choreographer

It just so happened that the girl had to get a higher education in Kyiv. It is in this wonderful city that Tatiana will gather her own, in which she will not only dance, but also act as a choreographer. The girl was so talented that the age of 21 was not an obstacle to putting on dance numbers herself. Soon she will be noticed by the organizers abroad and will be offered a job.

Tatyana had to think about it, but, in the end, she made decisions in favor of Germany, where she was offered to create a whole dance theater. She became the founder and leader of the JB ballet project.

Personal life Tatyana Denisova

There were many different rumors about the girl's personal life. As Tatyana herself admitted, she was married and divorced a huge number of times. In fact, the girl was married twice.

Her first husband was at that time an aerial acrobat. Together they managed to live for several years. The marriage even had a son, Leo. But even this did not save their family. It's just that somehow Tatyana and Ilya realized that it would be better if they lived separately. Yes, it was easier at the time. After divorce former spouses were able to maintain warm friendships.

Concerning the dancer's son, early years he visits various events where his mother dances. The girl says that she is trying to draw Leo into an artistic environment. And the boy himself likes it very much. It is not yet known who the child will become when he grows up, but it can be assumed that creativity will not leave him.

second husband Tatyana Denisova was the singer Alexander Krivoshapko. The young man was younger than his wife by as much as 12 years. Only when it comes to love, who will pay attention to age? After the breakup in 2012, the girl hides her personal life.

Character Tatyana Denisova

Only strong character helped the girl succeed. Dancing is very great work. Anyone who has never dealt with them will not be able to understand this. Tatyana is one of the few girls who does not justify the name "weaker sex". The life credo of the girl: "You must always rely only on yourself."

Tatyana Denisova and her figure

Many women and girls envy Tatyana's gorgeous figure. As the girl herself says, she does not have a special diet. She just prefers healthier food.

Every day in her diet there are porridge (in the morning), soup (in the afternoon) and salad in the evening. Most of all, the girl likes Russian and Ukrainian cuisine.

Tatyana Denisova and Ukraine

It is impossible not to note the fact that Tatyana is very loved and appreciated in Ukraine. And the girl herself has special feelings for this country. So, for example, in her project called JB ballet, this representative of the fair sex recruited dancers exclusively from Ukraine.

Hobby Tatyana Denisova

In addition to dancing, Tatyana has a variety of hobbies. Not many people know that the girl loves to read very much, and is also well versed in several types of art. Tatyana definitely cannot be called an uneducated and uninteresting girl.

Long awaited dancing on TNT

Tatyana Denisova was invited as a member of the jury for the project. Fans are looking forward to the new season. The appearance of Tatyana should be a pleasant surprise for many.

The girl herself is glad to work in Russia, because not only Ukraine is a close country for her.

The show is expected to be really bright.

In 2014, a project called "Dancing" began on TNT. Castings for a new and still completely unknown show were held in several large cities of Russia. Despite the fact that this project was little known at that time, thousands of dancers tried their hand to be in it and compete for Grand Prize 3 million rubles. The notorious choreographers Miguel and Yegor Druzhinin initially became the judges in "Dances".


The creative path of Miguel, or Sergei Shesteperov, began with participation in musicals. Already at the age of 17, the young man performed on stage as part of the troupe of the musical Metro. Later there were other works. Either fate intervened, or the circumstances so developed, but Miguel was kicked out of the musical Romeo and Juliet.

Later there was participation in the famous project "Star Factory-5", a creative union with clip maker Alan Badoev, the creation of a show that was included in the Guinness Book of Records for its scale and popularity (the show was released in Ukraine and had the name "Maidan-S"). In 2014, it was the turn of a new TV project, in which Miguel acted not only as a choreographer, co-producer, mentor of the participants, but also as a judge of "Dancing" on TNT.

Egor Druzhinin

It's hard to tell when it started creative way Egor, because he was lucky to be born in the family of a choreographer. From childhood, the boy watched the work of his father, which most likely determined his future dancing fate. After graduating from school, Yegor received his higher education at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Choreography. And after graduation, in 1994 he left for New York to study at a dance school.

After returning from America, Druzhinin worked as a choreographer with many popular artists and groups, also taught choreography to "manufacturers" (participants of the "Star Factory"). Egor Druzhinin can often be seen as one of the judges of popular dance TV shows. In addition, he stages his productions, acts as a director, choreographer and artist in them.

Participation as a judge in the TV show "Dancing" began in 2014.

He acted as a jury member and one of the mentors of the project for the first three seasons, and more recently, before the start of the fourth, information appeared in many sources that Yegor Druzhinin had left Dances. What is the reason for leaving, one can only guess, because initially Yegor commented on his departure on social networks by saying that he was tired of the show, tired of constantly being on the road, that “Dancing” began to take up most of his life, he is very attached to the participants and it is morally difficult for him part with them. And later, information appeared that leaving the project was primarily associated with a conflict with another mentor - Miguel.

Tatyana's hometown is Kaliningrad, but later the family moved to the Crimea, which at that time belonged to Ukraine. The girl's parents had nothing to do with dancing (her father was a sailor, her mother was a kindergarten teacher), but nevertheless they saw talent in the girl and sent her to dance studio.

Choreographer Tatyana Denisova first appeared in the project "Dancing" in the third season as an invited member of the jury. In Russia, Tatyana is little known, but in Ukraine she had a chance to judge on the famous dance project “Everybody Dance”. Most recently, in 2017, the project was closed, and Yegor Druzhinin left Dances, and everything turned out in such a way that Tatyana Denisova was invited to work in Moscow as a mentor and judge at Dances on TNT.

The participants of the fourth season do not yet know how the newly-minted mentor will prove himself and what can be expected from her. But one thing is for sure: the choreographer Tatyana Denisova is very talented, has a great sense of humor, she has great taste, and a truly talented dancer is unlikely to escape her professional eyes.

Other members of the jury

The concept of the show is that in addition to the two main members of the jury, who, in addition to everything, are the mentors of the dancers, there is also a third one. He acts as an unbiased judge in "Dancing" on TNT. For the most part, this is the place of Sergei Svetlakov, but you can see others in his place popular people: Olga Buzova, Pavel Volya, Tatyana Denisova (in the third season, when she was not yet the show's mentors), Kristina Kretova, Garik Martirosyan and others.

TV project "Dances"

With each season, the project is only gaining momentum. An increasing number of dancers every year come to the major cities of Russia for auditions. It is becoming more and more difficult for the judges of "Dances" on TNT to choose the most talented and capable dancers, because the bar is being raised every year. And it’s getting harder and harder for the participants to surprise the project mentors, because it seems that they have already seen everything.

Many participants of previous seasons are still in demand, they star in videos, take part in many dance projects, some can be seen as choreographers in the Dancing project. The fourth season is currently in full swing. Who will receive the title of the best dancer of Russia and a prize of three million rubles this time? To find out, watch "Dancing" on TNT.

Tatyana Denisova: biography

Tatyana Viktorovna Denisova is a Ukrainian choreographer, founder of the German troupe JB Ballet and jury member of the popular TV shows Everyone Dances on the Ukrainian channel STB and Dances on Russian TNT.

Tatyana was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region. Tanya's father was a sailor, and her mother worked as a kindergarten teacher. The girl was two years old when the family moved to Sevastopol, where her father was offered an interesting job.

It was in this city that Denisova got acquainted with dancing. But first, the girl gave more than five years rhythmic gymnastics. The first choreographic number that the baby performed was a dance to Alla Pugacheva's song "Ballet, Ballet". After that, the parents seriously thought about changing sports section to the dance floor.

At the age of 10, Tatyana began attending a dance studio, where she studied classical choreography. At home, the girl, in addition to classical techniques, honed her technique contemporary dance, an idea of ​​​​which she drew from the video clips of Madonna, and then Britney Spears.

Soon the young dancer entered the legendary Leningrad choreographic school named after Agrippina Vaganova, having passed a competition of 30 people for a place. A miniature girl with ideal body parameters (height - 165 cm, weight - 48) from the first lessons has established herself as a diligent student. But Denisova was not destined to finish this institution: for family reasons, the girl returned to Ukraine.

Tatyana received her higher education at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts. There Denisova gathered her own dance group, in which she danced and acted as a choreographer, although at that time she was only 21 years old.


For about three years, Tatyana Denisova worked with ballet in Kyiv, and at the same time taught choreography at the Kiev Variety and Circus College. But then foreign organizers drew attention to the promising director.

Denisova was offered to create a dance theater in Germany, and Tatyana founded and began to lead the JB ballet project. A new stage began in the creative biography of the choreographer. Denisova invited exclusively Ukrainian dancers to this ballet. Tatyana also worked as a choreographer and director of holiday shows and circus performances in European countries.

And in 2009, for the first time, Tatyana received an offer to take the judge's chair in the second season of the mega-rating Ukrainian show "Everybody Dance!" on the STB channel. Moreover, the girl was not only a member of the jury along with Vlad Yama, Alexei Litvinov and Francisco Gomez, but also staged dances for promising participants in the television project. The choreographer specialized in such styles as Broadway and Disco.

Denisova remained an invariable person of this program, where, in addition to Tatiana, the honored choreographers Radu Poklitaru and Konstantin Tomilchenko appeared. Tatyana did not leave the project from the second to the final ninth seasons and earned the right to be called the legend of the project. Dancer Vlad Yama lasted longer than Denisova at the competition.

"Dancing on TNT"

In 2016, the Ukrainian dance queen, as fans call Tatyana, was offered to become a judge on Russian show"Dancing on TNT". Together with the Ukrainian, the American choreographer Philip Chibiba, better known as Pacman, a ballet dancer, was invited to evaluate the performances of the participants. Mikhailovsky Theater Ivan Vasiliev and soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet Kristina Kretova.

In 2017, in the fourth season of the Dancing competition show on the TNT channel, Denisova took the place of Yegor Druzhinin's mentor. The rival of the Ukrainian was the choreographer Miguel, who has been staging since the beginning of the project. In August, mentors began selecting dancers for the project at castings throughout Russia.

From the first episodes of the season, Tatyana Denisova acted according to her own method, which angered the viewers. The choreographer was accused of biased assessment of the dancers, showing sympathy for more attractive dancers. Tatyana Denisova initially singled out the dancers for their professionalism, but by the end of the selection she changed her mind. The viewers were surprised that Denisova, having shown favor to the dancer Elena Poole, did not take the girl to the team due to a lack of energy in the dance. And Aykhan Shinzhina approved only after he danced with a bare torso.

As a result, the choreographer's team from Ukraine included Olya Baturina, Teona, Timur Bazarov, Yulia Gaffarova, Alexander Krupelnitsky, Yulianna Kobtseva and others. At the end of the season, the places were distributed as follows: the first and second went to the members of the Miguel team - Vitaly Ulivanov and Dima Bonchinche, and the third and fourth wards of Tatyana Denisova - Yulia Gaffarova and Ildar Gainutdinov.

The outrageous behavior of Denisova on the project only increased the interest of Russian viewers in the person of the choreographer. In December, the girl, along with her project colleague Miguel, became a guest of the humorous program “Where is the logic?”. In the program, the soloists of the Silver group, Olga Seryabkina and Ekaterina Kishchuk, performed against the team of the show "Dances". As a result of tense, but fun game the choreographers won with a score of 8:4.

After the end of the fourth season of the show "Dancing" with concert program went on a tour of the cities of Russia and the countries of the Near Abroad. The program is a mix of new and already beloved choreographic numbers.

Personal life

The first husband of Tatyana Denisova was an acrobat Ilya Strakhov. The young lived together for several years, the son Leo was born in the family in 2009, but subsequently the couple broke up. Tatyana and Ilya managed to maintain friendly relations. According to Denisova, one day she and her husband realized that it was easier for them apart than together.

In early 2011, there were rumors about the choreographer's romance with a participant in the X-factor musical talent show, singer Alexander Krivoshapko. Despite the fact that her lover was 12 years younger, Tatyana felt happy and did not feel the difference in age. In May, Denisova and Krivoshapko officially became spouses. The young people played the wedding in Kyiv, where they visited the registry office, and then drove into the church to light candles.

In the future, their relationship resembled hostilities - either violent public breaks on the eve of the New Year, or bright reconciliations on St. Valentine's Day. In the fall of 2012, the couple finally broke up, followed by a divorce process.

Such a painful relationship has led to the fact that now Tatyana Denisova completely hides her personal life and does not tell the press and fans about new novels. On the official events the choreographer appears most often together with the young cavalier, the son of Leo.

On the 9th season of the Ukrainian show "Everybody Dance!" from the communication of Tatyana Denisova and a colleague of the judge Radu Poklitaru, it became known that the girl was married again.

Denisova is known as a highly educated, intellectual person. Tatyana is a well-read woman and is well versed in different types art. Denisova identified Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Slavik Kriklyvyi and Karina Smirnoff as idols for herself, as well as foreign stars - Sid Charisse, Fred Astaire and Sylvie Guillem.

In addition to creative experiments, the girl does not refuse shocking in social networks. After a divorce from her second husband, Tatyana arranged a photo shoot in the shower, which she called "My Party." And in 2015, on the Instagram network, the choreographer posted a photo in which she appeared completely naked in splashes of water. The photographer captured the dancer at the moment of swimming in the lake.

In 2016 in in social networks between the fans of the presenter, disputes broke out: did Tatyana do a nose job or not. In the pictures of 2014-2015, the girl's nose looks wider than in the photo and video of 2016. The choreographer's followers were divided into two camps: some believe that Tatyana had an operation, others that the dancer correctly applies makeup.

Tatyana Denisova now

On August 25, 2018, the new season of the show "Dancing on TNT" started. The main event is the return of Yegor Druzhinin as a mentor. The renowned choreographer will share the mission with Miguel and Tatyana Denisova. Tatyana was delighted with the return of Yegor, in her opinion, it will interesting battle commands.

On August 22, 2018, Denisova made her fans worry. Tatyana posted a photo from the hospital on Instagram, saying that she was hospitalized in a pre-stroke condition. The star was taken by doctors to a Kyiv hospital, where she was provided with the necessary assistance. Now she feels better.


  • 2004 - "JB ballet"
  • 2009 - "Everybody dance!"
  • 2016 - "Dancing" (Season 3)
  • 2017 - "Dancing" (Season 4)
  • 2018 - "Dancing" (Season 5)
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