How Oleg Dal passed away. Oleg Dal - between the past and the future

Which interests many of his fans, was one of the most striking and controversial figures in the Soviet theater and cinema. This man was very thin and vulnerable, even sometimes cocky. But he was forgiven a lot: harshness, maximalism, and sometimes drunkenness. He could start rehearsing, and then, deciding that the film or performance was not good enough, take and refuse the role.

Those around him understood that he was not like everyone else. He has his own way, his own road, which constantly winds between heaven and hell. Famous actor Oleg Dal. Biography, personal life, career, everything that concerned this person, of course, has an insanely bright character.

The decision to enter the theater, or Speech Defect

The future artist was born in 1941 on May 25 in a Russian family. As a child, Oleg Ivanovich dreamed of being a pilot, but he could not enter the aviation institute. And then I decided: if they don’t take me as a pilot, I will become an artist. When the parents found out about this, a scandal began. All relatives on my mother's side are hereditary teachers and philologists. Oleg's father is a railway engineer, a party man.

How could they then imagine what a famous artist Oleg Dal would become. Biography, nationality and other facts from the life of famous people are very often studied by specialists. And there is evidence that, according to some sources, Oleg Ivanovich is the great-grandson of the famous compiler of the dictionary. It is quite natural that the parents considered the stage a frivolous occupation for their son.

In addition, Dahl had a burr from childhood. But he constantly tried to overcome it. He was engaged in the central house of children of railway workers in the studio of the artistic word. As a result of this, his unusual structure of phrases, pauses, was born. The way a specialist pronounces words, thinking a little, he was taught by a specialist. This is how the artist Oleg Dal is born, whose biography will now be connected only with theater and cinematographic art.

Graduation and the beginning of a creative path

After graduating from the Shchepkin College, Oleg Ivanovich ends up in Sovremennik. At that time it was one of the most famous theaters in the country. Then it seemed that Dahl pulled out But work in the theater, unfortunately, does not add up. Oleg feels that he is capable of much, constantly waiting in the wings, but five long years have passed, and he has not had a single serious role in Sovremennik.

I had to learn only some hasty introductory roles, when the text was given in the morning, and by the evening the performance was staged. And not a single serious character. Thus, over a long period, the actor has accumulated not only a huge amount of unspent energy, but also resentment. Oleg Dal was a very quick-tempered person. His biography includes many stories of his relatives and friends, who characterize him as a rather emotional person. The same thing happened this time, Oleg Ivanovich left the theater, slamming the door.

Salvation in cinema

When there were no serious roles in the theater, cinematography saved him. Filming of the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha" began in 1966 in Peterhof. The center of the team was two actors - Oleg Dal and Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov. Both are young, ambitious and completely different. When they were on the set together and started joking, none of those around could not help laughing.

Sometimes, after the end of the working day, the artists forgot to hand over their ammunition to the dresser. They were so used to fighting that they continued to play war even after the camera had turned off. Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov himself often recalls how at that time they wandered around the city in uniform and were stopped by a patrol, asking where they were from.

Problems of character, or Filming under police escort

But what was Oleg Dal really like? Biography, personal life, which tormented the actor - all this interested people only after his death. And then on the set, Oleg Ivanovich was the ringleader, and no one knows what is going on in his soul. Numerous problems that overwhelmed the soul of the actor began to be expressed in binges. The director often deliberately places him with his back to the camera. Oleg Ivanovich's face swells from drinking the day before, his eyes become cloudy. And yet he was forgiven for everything.

In the midst of filming, Oleg Dal again went into a binge. Moreover, he ended up in the police and received fifteen days for the director Vladimir Motyl understood that the shooting was under threat. In order not to disrupt the schedule, he agrees with the head of the police department and Oleg Ivanovich is brought to the site under escort, and taken away again in the evening.

That dialogue, when the hero Dalia Kolyshkin talked with Zhenya, sitting in the guardhouse, was filmed during this period. Perhaps that is why it is played so touchingly and authentically. Such was the actor Oleg Dal. The biography, personal life, filmography of this person, of course, had a very vivid character. And there is hardly a reader whom this personality will leave indifferent.

The end of filming a popular film, or How life turns into hell

Oleg Dal did not like much in the world around him, and he did not know who to express his dissatisfaction with and from this he was constantly nervous and turned on. With rudeness, mediocrity and narrow-mindedness, Oleg Ivanovich sorted things out with his fists. I had to fight not only in life, but also on the screen. The most famous hand-to-hand scene in the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha" unfolded in the dugout.

Dahl this film brought unprecedented popularity. True, the artist did not have time to enjoy it. For thirty years this painting was banned. And the wording is quite simple. The film is immoral, and the main characters are drunkards and hooligans. After filming this movie, Dahl's life turned into a real hell.

All film studios in the country were forbidden to shoot this artist and generally forget who Oleg Dal was. His biography does contain information that at that time he was on the black list of objectionable artists. But times are changing, and today this film is shown on every Victory Day.

A new twist of fate, or the unspoken order of the leadership

Dal was universal. He could play the Shadow in a children's fairy tale, create the image of a scout, a repeat offender, and even a prince. Oleg Dal was infinitely talented. The biography of this artist, starting in 1978, finally tells about some positive moments in his fate. This year begins work on the film "The Travels of Prince Florizel". The director is sure that Oleg should play the main role in this film.

But it was almost impossible to approve Dahl's candidacy at the film studio. For all Mosfilm officials, Oleg Ivanovich is persona non grata. Too picky, capricious, arrogant. Other actors are happy with any offer, and Dahl refused to work with Kazakov, Ryazanov, Gaidai. At the end of the 1970s, an unspoken order from the management began to operate at the film studio, which read: Oleg Ivanovich Dal should not be filmed anywhere for three years.

The persistence of the director and the start of filming

Tatarsky refused to work without Dahl. As a result, the director was given the go-ahead, but they warned that Oleg Ivanovich was an uncontrollable, inadequate and heavy drinker artist. The scandal erupted on the very first day of shooting during the fitting of the suit. In order to fit the jacket, selected in the props, onto Dahl's figure, the suit was cleaved off at the back with pins.

For Oleg Ivanovich, who is used to looking great, it was a shock. And he refused to play in an old suit that did not fit. Dahl believed that the prince should look like that the audience, having seen him on TV, the next day they began to dress the same way as he did. So Prince Florizel on the screen becomes the height of elegance, and Oleg Dal on the set - the pinnacle of professionalism. Everyone who starred next to him knew that the actor was constantly improvising. He is an unpredictable artist.

Filming ended in 1979. The audience saw the picture two years later. Finally, Dahl was happy. At that time, Mosfilm had five films with his participation, and everything was banned. He understood: the fact that Florizel came out is a miracle. Television, radio and newspapers attacked Oleg Ivanovich, he liked it. He enjoyed giving interviews. And journalists were interested in absolutely everything. What is he - Oleg Dal, biography, personal life, children and further plans in cinema.

Pleasant appearance and unbearable character

Eyes, smile, strong-willed gait, unique manner of speaking. All this attracted girls like a magnet. On the set, half of the group was in love with him, from the dressers to the actresses themselves. Fans on the street did not give Oleg a pass. So who was the lucky one chosen by Oleg Dal? Biography, family, children - this is all that is always of interest to many fans of the talent of their favorite actor.

Many people loved Oleg Ivanovich Dal, but for a long time he could not find his other half. The personal life of the artist did not develop. The affair with actress Nina Doroshina ended right at the wedding. With his second wife, Dahl lived a little more than six months. It was almost impossible to bear the character of Oleg.

Oleg Dal: biography, wife, or in search of personal happiness

It seemed that Dahl had no chance of personal happiness. But on the set of the picture there was a meeting that changed his whole life. On August 19, 1969, Oleg Ivanovich met Lisa Eichenbaum. She worked as an editor on the picture. And soon they got married. Introducing her to his colleagues, Dahl always spoke proudly and significantly.

Elizabeth was also very kind to her husband. She always made sure he wasn't tired, hungry, or cold. Oleg Ivanovich always took his wife with him to the shooting. These relationships were very tender. This woman was the only one who could find an approach to the most talented actor with an unbearable character.

Unfulfilled hopes

Good artists are often compared to children. In the case of Oleg Ivanovich, this is the best definition. After all, it was almost impossible to outplay Dahl, as well as outplay a child. Shooting the film "Vacation in September" began in 1977. When Dahl learned that Lenfilm was preparing this film based on Vampilov's play Duck Hunt, he immediately realized that he would be offered the lead role. Naturally, I waited for a call.

With the approval of the roles, Melnikov pulled to the last. When permission to shoot was received, I called Oleg Dal. The actor worked in this film selflessly, and this became one of his best roles. However, the finished picture was not allowed to be rented, it was called decadent and put on the shelf for eight years. Another shock that Oleg Dal experienced.

Biography, the cause of death of any favorite actor is always of interest to many admirers of the talents of Soviet cinema. And very often one can meet in the fate of artists of that generation such a dismissive attitude of officials towards their talent. Of course, this always had a negative impact not only on the psychological state of the actors, but also often undermined their health. The premiere of the film took place only in 1987, when Oleg Ivanovich was no longer alive.

The last days of the artist's work

What else interests those who know and love such an artist as Oleg Dal? Biography, cause of death and events leading up to his death. "Uninvited friend" - the last work of Oleg Ivanovich. During filming, Vladimir Vysotsky passes away. For Dahl, this became a sign. He understood that with Vladimir Semenovich they were on the same path. Together they worked on the set of the film "Bad and Good Man", even then Vysotsky warned Oleg Ivanovich more than once against frequent drinking.

In 1981, Oleg Dal was offered to star in a lyrical comedy. He goes to Kyiv. On the eve of their departure, their last conversation with Yevgeny Tatarsky took place, in which Oleg Ivanovich mentioned how often he dreams of Vladimir Vysotsky and calls to him. On March 1, Dal left for the capital of Ukraine, and on the 3rd of the same month he was gone.

They say you can't light a candle from both ends. It then ends too quickly. Oleg Ivanovich burned his candle mercilessly and did it consciously. I tore my heart into pieces, and it could not stand it. Oleg Dal passed away. Biography, children that this wonderful person could still have, further creativity and much more that Oleg Ivanovich was capable of, seemed to freeze in this moment. He passed away at thirty-nine, but for those who were close to him, who review films with his participation, he is alive today.

All fans of Soviet cinema know the biography of Oleg Dal. This is one of the most famous domestic actors. He played in the theater and cinema, participated in theatrical productions and wrote heartfelt poems.

Childhood and youth

Let's start telling the biography of Oleg Dal from May 25, 1941, when he was born in the city of Lyublino near Moscow. The actor was born about a month before the start of World War II. By that time, the daughter of Iraida was already in the family of his parents.

The mother of the hero of our article, Pavel Petrovna, worked as a teacher, and her father, Ivan Zinovievich, worked as an engineer on the railway.

At school, Oleg played basketball, but soon left the sport due to heart problems. After that, literature, poetry and painting became the main hobbies in the biography of Oleg Dal. Like any of his peers who grew up in the post-war period, he dreamed of a career as a sailor or pilot. But these dreams were not destined to come true, and all because of the same health problems.

Oleg got the idea to become an actor when he first read Lermontov's Hero of Our Time. Then he wanted to someday play the role of Pechorin. Oleg could not suspect that his dream would come true in 15 years.


In 1959, Oleg Dal, whose biography is given in this article, received a diploma of secondary education. He decided to realize his dream of an acting profession, so he is trying to enter the theater school. However, it turns out that parents are categorically against such a choice, since they consider this profession to be absolutely unpromising.

They were convinced that Oleg would not be able to earn decent money as an actor, and besides, he had burred since childhood.

Dahl nevertheless decided to try his luck and went to the entrance exam. For him, he prepared an excerpt from Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" and Nozdrev's monologue from Gogol's "Dead Souls". To the surprise of most of his relatives, he passed the exam successfully and was accepted into the creative workshop of the People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Annenkov. Together with him, Mikhail Kononov and Vitaly Solomin studied on the course.

Debut on the big screen

Oleg Dal, whose biography you will find in this article, made his film debut already in 1962 in Alexander Zarkhi's drama My Little Brother. It was a film adaptation of Vasily Aksenov's story "Star Ticket", published a year earlier in the magazine "Youth".

It was decided to find an actor for the role of Alik Kramer in one of the capital's theater schools. Several dozen people were selected for the samples. The hero of our article showed himself better than the rest. Already in the summer, he went to Tallinn to star in outdoor scenes.

After the release of this work on the screens, eminent Soviet directors immediately drew attention to Dahl: Sergei Bondarchuk and Leonid Agranovich. The latter entrusted the novice actor with the main role in his film "The Man Who Doubts". It was a detective-psychological story about the arrest of Boris Dulenko (Dal played him). A young man is arrested on charges of a crime he did not commit. He was an acquaintance of the murdered schoolgirl, and turned into the main suspect.

In 1963, when this picture was released on Soviet screens, Dahl graduated from the theater school. Alina Pokrovskaya, an actress of the Sovremennik theater, came to the graduation performance of the graduates of the Shchepkinsky School. She was so impressed with the performance of the young actor that she invited him to work in the theater. He was enrolled in the troupe, but the directors at first did not pay any attention to him. For several years, he was trusted only with minor and inconspicuous roles.

Meanwhile, Dahl's film career was developing much more successfully. In 1964, the melodrama "The First Trolleybus", filmed at the Odessa Film Studio, was released. She becomes a ticket to life for a whole galaxy of popular Soviet actors, for many of whom this role is the first in their careers. Dal had previously acted in films several times, but thanks to the "First Trolleybus" he becomes famous.

However, the next few years are not going well. In the cinema, he plays minor roles in the films "From Seven to Twelve" and "A Bridge is Under Construction." Finally, in 1966, he was noticed by director Vladimir Motyl, who offers the main role in the military drama "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha". .

Growing popularity

However, this does not affect the growth of Dahl's popularity, who, after Motyl's painting, is beginning to be recognized on the street. His next successful work is the war film Chronicle of a Dive Bomber, in which he plays pilot Yevgeny Sobolev.

By the end of the 60s, the actor reached the peak of his fame. And not only in the cinema, but also in the theater. After a long break, he gets the main role on the stage of Sovremennik - Vaska Ash in the play based on Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom".

During this period, the hero of our article plays the Jester in the film by Grigory Kozintsev "King Lear", which turns out to be one of the most striking works in the actor's career. The film, released in 1971, received several prestigious awards at film festivals in Milan, Chicago and Tehran.

Moving to Leningrad

Life circumstances force Oleg Dal to move from Moscow to Leningrad. In the northern capital, he begins to perform as part of a drama theater troupe.

In addition, the 70s bring several more interesting and complex roles to his piggy bank. In 1972, he enthusiastically approached work in the fantasy film by Leonid Popov and Albert Mkrtchyan "Sannikov Land", where he gets the role of officer-adventurer Yevgeny Krestovsky. He devotes himself to work, but is not satisfied with the result. Dahl is upset that quality material has been turned into a low-grade spectacle. In the future, he begins to approach the choice of roles more carefully.

In 1973, his old childhood dream comes true. He plays Grigory Pechorin in the television play "Through the Pages of Pechorin's Journal".

By this time, Dahl is increasingly being offered leading roles in films. Moreover, in a very different format, which pleased him, he liked to appear in front of the audience every time in a new image.

In 1976, he played Ivan the Fool in Nadezhda Kosheverova's musical comedy tale "How Ivan the Fool went for a miracle", and already in 1977 he appeared in the image of recidivist criminal Nikolai Kosov, also known as Boris Brunov in Yevgeny Tatarsky's detective "Golden mine".

Among the bright roles of that period, it is also worth noting Sergei Andreevich in Anatoly Efros's drama "On Thursday and Never Again", Andrei Andreevich's school principal in Igor Dobrolyubov's dramatic film story "Schedule for the day after tomorrow", engineer Zilov in Vitaly Melnikov's psychological drama "Vacation in September", Red Army soldier Boris Korbut in Naum Birman's military drama "We looked death in the face".

In 1980, Leonid Maryagin's drama "The Uninvited Friend" was released, in which Dahl played the chemist Viktor Sviridov. This turns out to be his last film role.

A family

In the biography of Oleg Dal, personal life played an important role. He was very popular with women, many were in love with him, but for a long time it was not possible to find his soul mate. Biography, personal life, the children of Oleg Dal were of interest to his many fans, and the actor himself had a very difficult character. It was not easy to get along with him in the same house.

His first chosen one was the actress of the theater "Contemporary" Nina Doroshina. They married in 1963, she was seven years older than the hero of our article. Researchers of the biography of Oleg Dal write evasively about the life of an actor in marriage. There have always been many problems in the family. With Doroshina at first there was strong love. They played together in the "First trolleybus", "A bridge is being built". Then the actress had a starring role as Vasya's wife Nadezhda in Vladimir Menshov's lyrical comedy Love and Pigeons. But their marriage to Dahl had broken up by that time. Nina married Vladimir Tyshkov, the lighting master of the Sovremennik Theatre.

For the second time, Dahl married actress Tatyana Lavrova. Again, his wife turned out to be older than him, but only by three years. Prior to this, Tatyana lived for several years in a civil marriage with the tragic deceased actor Yevgeny Urbansky.

The relationship with Dahl was surprisingly short-lived. After visiting the registry office, their family lasted about six months. Lavrova married a football player, striker Vladimir Mikhailov, from whom she had children.

Elizabeth Apraksina

The third alliance proved to be the most durable. On the set of the film "King Lear" in 1969, the hero of our article met the editor Elizaveta Apraksina, the granddaughter of the famous Soviet literary critic Boris Eikhenbaum.

A romantic relationship was established between them very quickly, the lovers got married. The feeling of passion and early love that appeared at the very beginning of their relationship, they managed to keep for many years.

It is known that Dahl was very proud of his wife, and Lisa always took care of her husband. Especially in recent years, when the actor's health began to fail.


This article is devoted not only to the biography, personal life of Oleg Dal. The cause of the actor's death worries many of his fans. The hero of our article passed away on March 3, 1981. He was only 39 years old.

Many say that you can find the cause of death of Oleg Dal in the biography. In recent years, he had an obvious creative crisis. He was no longer offered significant roles, his last creative success can be attributed to the film "Vacation in September", which was released in 1979. It is impossible not to say in the biography of Oleg Dal about the cause of death - a personal drama, as many people from his entourage believe.

He began to have serious problems with alcohol, which he did not try to solve in any way, because of this, conflicts with directors became more frequent. In addition, heart problems began to make themselves felt, which Oleg had from his youth.

And so ended his biography. The death of Oleg Dal occurred in a hotel room in Kyiv during a business trip. The official reason is a heart attack. Most likely, he was provoked by the use of a large amount of alcoholic beverages, which was contraindicated in the "wired" anti-alcohol capsule. The widow refutes this information, claiming that he died in his sleep from cardiac arrest.

Friends and acquaintances say that the actor himself has recently been depressed, saying that he anticipates an imminent death.

Oleg Dal was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. His last wife, Liza, who died in 2013, rests nearby.

On April 1, 1973, Oleg "sewn up", and the next two years, according to Lisa Dahl, were years of happiness and work. Dahl returned to Sovremennik, played four new roles, including the famous Sir Agyuchik. In the cinema, he fulfilled the "age-old dream of every Soviet artist" - he played a Soviet intelligence officer in the TV movie "Omega Option" (which in acting circles was immediately changed to "Oleg Option"). Filming ended in 1974, but the premiere, for unknown reasons, moved back almost But with this film, the artist, being restricted to travel abroad for ten years, went abroad to the Golden Prague festival.
But in 1976, at the birthday party of Viktor Shklovsky, the "dry law" was violated. In March, dismissal from Sovremennik follows for violating labor discipline. Unable to exist normally in an atmosphere that was abnormal for him, Dahl again threw his fate at the peak.
"Send me, Lord, a second one to stretch it out the way I do..." Vysotsky sang in "Song of Akyn" to Voznesensky's verses. Many (both then and now) put these names - Dal and Vysotsky - side by side. They met in the film by I. Kheyfits "Bad Good Man", based on Chekhov's "Duel". It was an "acting double", the perfect double hit in the role, the perfect duet interaction. Someone famously formulated: "Vysotsky is weak in his strength, and Dal is strong in his weakness."
They were not friends for every day, they rarely talked, they were not friends at home, but the spiritual connection between them was the strongest. They understood and felt each other. Even in the movement towards death, both of them had some kind of diabolical synchronicity. In February 1980, Dahl said: "First Volodya will leave, then I will."
In May, he spent three days at Vysotsky's, "listening to his poems without interruption." They didn't see each other again. Photograph dated July 1980: Dahl at Vysotsky's funeral. If you look into your eyes, you will see doom there. On January 25, 1981, on Vysotsky's birthday, Dal told his wife a dream: "I dreamed of Volodya. He is calling me." And he said to his doctor: "Nothing will help me now, because I no longer want to act or play in the theater." The poem "Now I remember ..." with a dedication to "V. Vysotsky. Brother" is also dated January 1981.
March 3, 1981 Dahl on set in Kyiv. At the hotel, he has dinner with his partner in the film, Leonid Markov, then leaves for his room with a gloomy joke - "I'll go to my place to die." It seems that Oleg, having deliberately poured a critical dose of vodka into himself, understood: the next "sewn" torpedo "will react to it with a sharp jump in pressure. The vessels could not stand it, and Oleg Dal died from internal bleeding. It seems that his departure was quite conscious .
Oleg Dal died in 1981. There was nowhere to bury the famous actor. The Novodevichy Cemetery refused to accept the actor, referring to the fact that all the places had long been "taken apart." There was no place at the Vagankovsky cemetery either. Then the theater management turned to the Union of Cinematographers. They went higher. Director Vagankov was instructed to build the actor's grave in the central alley of the cemetery at all costs.
As a result, by decision of the WTO Commission, they decided to put Dal in the grave to the ballerina of the Imperial Theater Lyubov Roslavleva. She died in 1904, the grave was in the central part of the cemetery. Of course, for such a period this burial took on an unsightly appearance, because no one cared for it for many years, ”recalls Vladimir Borisovich. - When the workers were digging the ground, they stumbled upon the red sarcophagus of the deceased. They did not dare to take out and burn the coffin, they considered it blasphemy. As a result, a hole for Dahl's coffin was dug a little further away, and a marble tombstone with the name of the actor was installed next to the ballerina's cross on empty ground. All this was surrounded by a fence, but the real grave did not fit into the fence! The mound was covered with spruce branches, so that at least the people would not advance.

You can buy films with the participation of the actor:

1967 Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha (buy DVD) (buy VHS)
1970 KING LEAR (buy VHS) (buy VHS)

One of the most beloved Soviet actors, Oleg Dal did not receive the title of honored, much less a people's artist. In his short life, for many he was objectionable, demanding and uncomfortable. There could have been more films in which he starred, and fewer theaters, which he often changed. But this is how his restless fate disposed of this talented and extraordinary person. Oleg Dal's cause of death was a heart attack.

He was born in 1941 in Lyublino, which was not yet Moscow, in an intelligent family, and from childhood he had heart problems. As a boy, Dahl showed an aptitude for painting, music and literature. After graduating from high school, against the wishes of his parents, he wanted to become an actor and even independently got rid of a speech defect - burr. Oleg entered the Shchepkinsky Theater School and, after receiving a diploma, became an actor at the Maly Theater. Then he came to Sovremennik to Oleg Efremov, already having a good reputation as an actor. There he met his first love - actress Nina Doroshina, who in 1963 became his wife. But this marriage quickly fell apart: Doroshina, in love with Efremov, cheated on him.

The roles that Dahl played in Sovremennik were not too big. But in some, he, nevertheless, managed to express his vision of the image, and Moscow theatergoers often went to the theater to watch exactly his game. Oleg's film debut was the drama "My Little Brother", in which he played Alik. In 1966, he got an interesting role in the military comedy Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha, where he was noticed by the audience, and the role of Sobolevsky in the next film Chronicle of a Dive Bomber made Oleg Dal famous. Then there were brilliant roles in fairy tales that revealed the actor's talent in its entirety: "The Old, Old Fairy Tale" and "Shadow", the role of the jester in "King Lear" and Krestovsky in "Sannikov Land", which the actor himself did not like.

Becoming more and more popular with the audience, Dahl did not become happier. His second marriage to actress Tatyana Lavrova was also not successful and lasted six months. He was often not satisfied with the roles offered in the performances and he was demanding not only to himself, but also to the directors and stage colleagues. Anatoly Efros recalled that "Dal was withdrawn, nervous and impatient, deadly witty, and sometimes unbearable" and he always felt "rebellion ... against ... the absurdities of life ... its deformities." Oleg often refused spectacular roles and moved from theater to theater. And he also drank, knowing that it was bad for the heart and could end badly.

Dahl was lucky to appear on TV as Pechorin, which he dreamed of, to play a Soviet intelligence officer in the mini-series "Omega Option", making the dream of any Russian actor come true and create a romantic image of Prince Florizel. On the theater stage, he also had interesting successes marked by the public and critics. Despite the fact that the whole country fell in love with him for his roles in films, Dahl was, first of all, a great theater actor: sensitive, subtle and inventive. He played "in his own unique image" - according to the definition of Veniamin Kaverin. But all this was at some kind of break, with the eternal possibility of breaking loose, refusing, throwing himself into the pool of oblivion.

His third wife was Elizaveta Eikhenbaum, who managed to create comfort, care and stability in the house for her husband, but she was unable to change his creative life. Dahl clashed with his superiors and those around him and drank. During a creative trip to Kyiv, he, having left his wife's care, drank, although he had been holding on for several years. An anti-alcohol ampoule, sewn into him by doctors in 1973, caused a corresponding reaction in the vessels and a crisis ensued. The actor's widow opposed this version, insisting that Dahl had an ordinary heart attack, but many of Oleg Ivanovich's friends mentioned the "torpedo".

However, the question of why Oleg Dal died in 1981, at the age of 39, was not as important as the decision to bury him: none of the main metropolitan cemeteries found a place for this actor. The problem was solved at a high level, and, finally, the authorities ordered the director of the Vagankovsky cemetery to find a suitable site in the center. It was found on the abandoned grave of the 19th century Russian ballerina Roslavleva. There, in cramped quarters, Oleg Dal was buried.


11:16, March 2, 2011 On March 3, 1981, that is, 30 years ago, Oleg Dal died - one of the most famous Soviet actors, who never received a single title during his bright career. “I am a foreign artist,” he said to himself. He died at the age of 39, for relatives this death was not unexpected: Dahl was waiting for her and often talked about her. Edvard Radzinsky once noticed that the actor was ill with one of the most tragic diseases - the mania for perfection - and died from it. The last of an illustrious line Oleg Dal is in the fifth generation the great-grandson of the famous compiler of the explanatory dictionary Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, however, he himself did not know about this: only after the death of the actor an examination was carried out, confirming the relationship. Leaving no children behind, Oleg Dal became the last representative of this illustrious family. Dal's father was a railway worker, his mother was a teacher, and they dreamed of a simple Soviet future for their child, of the profession of a doctor, driver, or at least a librarian. The child wanted to be a hero, a pilot, but once, while playing basketball, he tore his heart muscle and could no longer dream of heaven with such health. He was saved from despair by a new dream - to become an actor, because in the cinema he could play both a pilot and Pechorin, the history of which was read out in school. And already here for the first time his disease of impeccability manifested itself: Dahl burred and understood that with this flaw he might not pass a creative competition in a theater university, become a laughing stock, disgrace himself. He decided to correct the speech. His perseverance even made his parents come to terms with his son's decision and wish him good luck in the entrance exams. Oleg Dal chose a monologue for the creative competition Nozdreva from "Dead Souls" by Gogol and an excerpt from a poem "Mtsyri" your beloved Lermontov. Depicting Nozdryov, Dal was so ridiculous that, having heard the laughter of the selection committee, half of the school ran to the doors of the auditorium. Dahl saved his maximalism: he felt that the exam was most likely a failure, but decided to prove at all costs that he could be different and, waiting for the laughter to subside, began to read Mtsyri. The commission was subdued, Dahl was enrolled in the first year Shchepkin Higher Theater School. Love affair at work Immediately after graduation, Oleg Dal was enrolled in the troupe "Contemporary". Relations with this theater have become one of the most dramatic milestones in the fate of the actor. He left, returned, left again and returned again ... And all due to the fact that during the times of stagnation, Sovremennik, like many other theaters, was forced to include ideological performances in its repertoire, in which Dahl did not want to participate. - He did not recognize compromises, - Vladimir Motyl recalled. - Conflicts began with partners, management, nervous breakdowns ... Nevertheless, the actor gave Sovremennik 13 years of his life. It was within the walls of this theater that he met his first wife, actress Nina Doroshina. She was seven years older than him and loved Oleg Efremov. Dahl reproached himself for taking a woman away from his idol, but he could not do anything. Their marriage lasted less than a day: at the wedding, Doroshina sat on her knees to Efremov and heard from him: “But you still love me.” Dahl witnessed this explanation and ran away from his own wedding. Dahl's second wife also became the actress of Sovremennik Tatyana Lavrova. They lived together for two years, and then suddenly broke up. The actor, who did not differ in verbosity at all, spoke briefly about the reason for the divorce: “She is evil.” After leaving Sovremennik, Oleg Dal tried to get a job at the Moscow Art Theater and even began to actively rehearse one of the roles there, but he didn’t like the play, and he was forced to break with this theatre. But, having returned to Sovremennik, the actor completely devoted himself to new roles and even showed professional heroism at one of the performances: playing "At the bottom", he landed his foot in the gap. The pain was such that an ambulance had to be called, but Dahl finished the performance, although the doctors did not believe that he could move his leg. The next day, the actor underwent an operation, during which he asked to call the theater and find out if there would be a rehearsal in the evening. Oleg Dal explained the next departure from Sovremennik by saying that the theater lives for the sake of honors and titles, and he wants to live for the sake of art. Actor He reasoned: “I went through different stages of my development in Sovremennik until a completely natural, in my opinion, rejection of one organism from another occurred. One decomposed into honors and titles - and died, the other - organically did not digest all this - continues to live. It was in Sovremennik that Oleg Dal began to drink. inside, and the actor had no other way to relax. However, he even tried to drink beautifully and advised his friends to take a bottle of port wine, 200 grams of sausage and go to the Russian Museum - to contemplate his favorite picture. “No one knows you!” The desire for perfection interfered with Dahl in the cinema. He started acting early and immediately became one of the most sought-after actors. Vladimir Motyl he recalled that already at the age of 25, Oleg Dal, coming to a meeting with directors, behaved as if he did not need a role: - He did not try to please. I would even say: on the contrary, he shocked not only with his dismissive tone, but also with a bright crimson jacket. Later I realized: it was all from despair. And the more famous the actor became, the more this despair appeared in him: there were many offers, but among them there were no really interesting roles. The situation worsened after his participation in the film "Sannikov Land". He did not like this role: during the filming, an interesting script turned into a cheap spectacle with songs, and the actor repeatedly tried to leave the set. He was persuaded to play to the end, but relations with the directors were forever ruined. It was difficult to work with him. So, for example, Dahl could refuse to go to the site just because ... his suit was bristling. This is what happened on the set of the picture. Evgeny Tatarsky "The Adventures of Prince Florizel", where Dahl played the crowned lady - the most elegant person in Europe. The costume, on the other hand, was made from what was found and was not distinguished by elegance at all. He refused to act even with Gaidai and Ryazanov, explaining this briefly: “Not on the way!” Ryazanov called him for the role Lukashin in "The Irony of Fate", and Gaidai offered to play Khlestakov in the picture "Incognito from Petersburg". The actor was also called in the "Crew" of Alexander Mitta. Dahl even accepted the offer, and then turned down the role; he always did this if he had even the slightest doubt about the success of the film. Tired of the wayward actor, Mosfilm decided to pacify Dahl and issued an unspoken decree not to shoot him for three years. The bullying began. He, proud and independent, was forced to humiliate himself in front of officials and beg to approve him for the role. In response, I heard: “Who are you? Do you think you are an artist? Yes, no one knows you! ”It was at this time that Dahl wrote in his diaries: “What a bastard rules art! No, it’s not true, there is less and less art left, and it’s easier to rule it, because in it, inside, there is the same deceitful and greedy bastard ... "Tired Wise Boy" But it was on the set that Oleg Dal met his third and last wife Elizabeth Apraksina. The years she lived with the actor, despite his addiction to alcohol, she considered the happiest time in her life. They met on the set of the film "King Lear" . Apraksina worked as an editor, Dal played the Jester. Their communication began with the fact that the girl invited the entire film crew to a restaurant for her birthday. Dal came too. Got drunk. She had to carry him to her room. It was raining, the actor suddenly sobered up and began to sing about the rains, because of which Apraksina immediately seemed interesting and unexpected. “He looked very funny,” she recalled. “For the role, his head was shaved, and his regrown hairs were dyed yellow. A round yellow head on a thin neck, blue eyes and a completely immaterial figure: he had more body subtraction than physique. I wanted to hug and warm him - a tired, wise boy with kind eyes. They didn’t have a wedding: they just signed and drank champagne in an ice cream parlor. On the marriage certificate, Dahl wrote boldly: “Oleg + Lisa = Love” ... And family life began, in which the actor continued to strive for excellence. His wife recalled that he was extremely careful, did not like if something was not in its place, and taught everyone in the house to order. Moreover, he did not need to say anything: only his zeal for cleanliness turned out to be contagious. Dahl immediately determined for himself that his house would belong only to him, and closed it from everyone. He did not allow anyone to interfere in his family life, protecting her even from friends, and sometimes he ran away from annoying admirers by swimming along the Moscow River. He could not stand female harassment and even dreamed of an armored door and an armored train. In moments of binge, the actor did not control himself at all. He tried to fight it, to restrain himself, but he still broke down. Elizaveta Dal said: “In Gorky, on tour, he began to drink heavily, such, you know, an unfinished state when a person is completely brutalized. It was very hot, I was lying in the room in one bathing suit. He ran a knife across my stomach and said: “So what! I don't care, I'm not going to live anyway. How subtle, intelligent, generous he was, just as terrible, dirty and cruel in drunken courage. I didn’t sleep, I suffered, I hid when he came home drunk in the trash. When I didn’t have the strength to endure constant binges, my wife and mother-in-law gave him 25 rubles for the road and asked me to leave. He calmly dressed, shaved, asked permission to keep the key to the apartment and left, and a few days later he called home and announced that he had been coded. The wife did not believe, then he came and showed the scar from the sewn "torpedo". Together with Dahl that day, his friend began to fight his alcohol addiction. Vladimir Vysotsky... - For the last ten years that we have lived, he periodically drank when his term expired, then he filed again and did not drink for years, - said Oleg Dal's wife. - It was impossible to offer him to sew up, he had to decide on this himself. He said this: “Don’t let me out of the apartment for three days, I’ll cry, beg - don’t listen. We're going to the doctor in three days." He never had a drink at home - if he wanted a drink, he left. I could not stand drunk acting companies. "I'm going to die" Oleg Dal had a premonition of death. Shortly before her, he came to an astrologer and asked two questions: one about death, the other about children. It seemed to him that he had an illegitimate son somewhere. The actor was afraid to die without leaving someone who could continue his family. After the death of Vysotsky, Oleg Dal began to talk about what would happen next. One day he asked an actor Anatoly Romashin: “Tolya, do you live near the Vagankovsky cemetery? I'll be there soon.” Dahl's death is still called suicide by many of his friends. The actor died in Kyiv, in a hotel room. The night before, he told his friends: "I'll go to my place to die." No one paid attention to this phrase, and Dahl went up to the room, opened a bottle of vodka ... He knew that he was not allowed to drink (he was once again coded), but he still poured a lethal portion of alcohol into himself. In his diary, he constantly wrote about hopelessness, conflict with reality, the inability to achieve perfection ... The actor was indeed buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. There was no money in the family, and friends bought together the cheapest coffin, from which threads were sticking out. His mother-in-law, who adored him, asked in her will to scatter her ashes over the grave of her son-in-law. Elizabeth Dahl fulfilled this request and was amazed that even heavy rains could not wash away the ashes from the grave for a long time. Julia Shershakova Text: krinitsa

Photo: Oleg Dal died from what

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