Spell to meet your love. Getting male attention

In this article:

If you have trouble with your personal life, you get only casual connections, but there is no love, then it's time to change it. Conspiracies will help you find "your person" in the crowd. Love comes into our lives suddenly, let's help it. Meeting a person with whom you can build a strong relationship, start a family, is not so easy. Love magic will come to the rescue - it will become easier to find your narrowed or narrowed one. Now all paths are open to you. In order not to be sad alone, look for a person who will give you happiness and love.

Why are you alone?

There are so many questions - why is a person lonely? Beautiful, smart, rich and poor want one thing - to find their love. It can be difficult to do this, because we are all so different. It is not always possible to see a person as he is at first sight. It might be that:

  • a person is very shy, does not know how to get acquainted, draw attention to himself;
  • believes that being attractive is a sin;
  • lives in a very conservative family;
  • dreams too much about the ideal man or woman;
  • cannot recover from past relationships;
  • too much preoccupied with thoughts of his imperfection.

Anyone can find true love. It doesn't really matter how perfect your figure is. We do not always notice our betrothed in the crowd if we believe that we only like tall brunettes with blue eyes. Happiness has no eye color, does not depend on height and weight.

Love is somewhere near

Your love is near! It does not happen that a person who is destined by heaven will never meet you on the way. The Universe, the Higher Power, God - will always guide you along the same path. To meet him and understand that this is the very thing is already your concern. Here conspiracies will help you.

There is no sin in them, they will only help you to be in the right place at the right time, to pay attention to the right person, to push him to action.

He is also looking for you. Give you both a gift - say a conspiracy that will help you find each other sooner.

Spells to find your love

Conspiracies are pronounced at night on the growing moon. As it grows, so does the power of your conspiracy increase, and the effect gets closer. All these conspiracies are fast, the effect comes in a maximum of a week, but for someone faster.

Conspiracy to find a groom

In order for the girl to find herself a good, decent groom sooner, she will need to read this conspiracy.

In urban conditions, you can work in the park, on the alley, in the square.

Go out alone into the open field. Stand in the very middle, say three times:

“How burdock clings to my hem,
So the suitors would cling to me,
fell in love with me
And they did not lag behind, they called for marriage.
Amen". Cross on all 4 sides. Run away from the field, do not turn around, even if they call you by name.

This is the old village way. He always works. You will have to wait 5-6 days, and then the right person will appear. He is also looking for you, so the meeting and acquaintance will be joyful.

Conspiracy for beer

If men don’t pay attention to you at all, then you need to buy a bottle of good, expensive beer. Splash them at the doorstep, and then take them under the tree. Pour beer there, repeating the plot:

“How everyone goes to this beer and goes, gathers,
So it would be for me, God's servant (name),
The matchmakers were going, they were going.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So you lure a man to you. Do not be stingy, the drink should be of high quality, expensive, then your man will have money, and with a good appearance.

Spell to meet the bride

This plot is read by men to meet their soul mate. Let her be the way you want. A man must buy four candles in the church. Put them in your house in the corners of the room. Stand in the middle and say:

“There are four corners in my house, in each corner there are three wells: Good, Comfort, Peace live, they guard the house from adversity. A girl walks from corner to corner, a scythe spreads along the ground. The name of the girl is Love, and my shelter is based on her. So that the girl does not leave, gifts must be brought - a ribbon for a braid, a mirror for beauty.

You need to give a ribbon and a mirror to your bride, or leave it in her house. Let the candles burn out to the end, and you take the cinders to the crossroads.

The success of the work depends on the intention of the performer

Very soon, the woman you are destined to be with will appear. She will also notice you and will favor you. Conspiracies bring the right person to you, then it's up to you. It is impossible to think of an ideal beauty for yourself and meet her right there. Perhaps your betrothed is not at all perfect, but having fallen in love with her, you will understand - this is SHE.

Holy water conspiracy

For a woman to meet her man, you need to read this plot. After him, your man will appear, and even he will soon call for marriage:

“God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana.
My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned.
I wash off my age, I put on my wedding crown.
God's water - Ulyana, my blush - Maryana.
Let the grooms see this, they want to marry themselves.
Key. Lock. Language.

It is read only once on holy water. Done on a Saturday night. After that, the woman should wash with water and pour over so that it gets everywhere. Don't repeat it too many times! It is done only once, it is very strong. If more than a week has passed and nothing has happened, then wait. Your betrothed is on his way to you.

Corruption "Crown of Celibacy": what to do if you are cursed for loneliness

If none of these conspiracies worked, then you should check with a specialist. Perhaps some time ago a terrible corruption was imposed on you - the Crown of Celibacy. It literally cuts off your path to happiness with another person.

It must be removed, otherwise you will never build a normal family.

Even the most good, kind, beautiful and successful will remain alone until the end of their days. You need to remove it from a specialist in love magic, a healer. Before that, fast for 7 days without meat, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes. The body needs to be cleansed. The specialist removes such damage in just 2-3 sessions. This will give you the opportunity to meet the person of your dreams in order to find love.

A simple but effective conspiracy will help you meet your love. They are versatile so both men and women can try. You won't have to wait long for the effect, your love is somewhere nearby. You just have to call her right. Happiness is for everyone, take your own.


In all ages, people, feeling loneliness, sought to meet a person close in spirit. Only this person can make life complete, enrich it and bring it to a qualitatively new level.

There is a very ancient legend about two halves, written down before our era by the famous philosopher Plato. According to this legend, in ancient times, the earth was inhabited by creatures of great power, capable of eclipsing the gods. They were two-faced, had four arms and legs, and had sexual characteristics, both men and women. The gods were afraid of the power of the "androgynes". The supreme god Zeus decided to divide them into two parts and scatter them around the world. So there were men and women - modern people. Since that time, the halves have been striving to find each other. It would seem that everything is simple - a man and a woman find each other and fall in love. But, according to legend, people were not divided exactly in half. A man has feminine "pieces", and a woman has masculine features.

That is why it is so difficult to find exactly that missing, unique half, merging with which, it is possible to create a single and harmonious whole. Those few people who are lucky enough to find or meet their soul mate experience an incredible feeling of closeness. With such a person you can live in mutual love all your life, because this is the second "I".

Finding your soul mate and seeing it in the vast world is not an easy task. In the modern world, people are separated by many things: distances, languages, attitudes and habits. But for a person who wants to meet love and connect his life with his soul mate, there are no barriers.

What do you need to do to meet

Being alone for a while, many people wonder how to find a soul mate. To increase the chance of meeting that same person, you need to try to expand your social circle as much as possible. There are many ways and places to meet new people.


Today, more and more people find each other, getting acquainted through the Internet. You can easily meet like-minded people or just interesting interlocutors through social networks, forums, interest clubs. And although online communication leaves a certain imprint on acquaintance, you should not be afraid of open and honest conversations. Perhaps somewhere in the online web is the very “second half” that you so want to find.


Even a trip to another city can provide an opportunity to meet someone, get to know each other, communicate. In addition, forums and chats of travelers allow not only to find like-minded people, but also to agree on a joint trip to unfamiliar places. People with common interests are more likely to match in the future and may turn out to be each other's true soulmates. Therefore, in order to meet your man, you must not be afraid to leave the walls of your home.

Trainings, seminars, exhibitions

Being in such an environment that suggests a specific topic of the meeting can also affect the meeting of people with the same interests and views. It is unlikely that a person who does not like animals will come to a cat show. Therefore, it is easier to start an acquaintance at such an event, because there is always a topic with which you can start a conversation. Searching for a loved one at seminars and exhibitions is easier than it seems from afar.

Sport complexes

Sports activities can also bring people together, especially since in the gym you can see a person of the opposite sex in all the glory of his body. The time spent in the hall most often indicates that a person leads a healthy lifestyle. And contrary to popular belief, it is not opposites that attract, but people who have so much in common. Therefore, the search for the second half can be carried out in gyms too.

How to prepare yourself for a meeting

In order to find the “same” person for life, you need to make an effort to become “the same” for someone. Only lazy people assume that someone should love them just for who they are. Attracts the depth of a person's personality, the versatility of his interests, the ability to be a captivating interlocutor. And few of these qualities are given from birth, most need to be developed and improved.

Developing yourself is not as difficult as it might seem. What's more, it's an exciting process that yields significant results and allows you to attract the right person into your life. To achieve them, you need to do not much:

By reconsidering the attitude towards oneself, each person can become better and more interesting in order to attract his soul mate and develop harmonious relationships together. Then it will be easier to find true love.

How to attract a soulmate according to Feng Shui

The ancient teachings of Feng Shui can also help in the search for love. To understand how to attract a soulmate according to Feng Shui and find your happiness, it is enough to know and understand the basic rules and features of this system. In the teachings, love is inextricably linked with serious relationships and further marriage bonds, so it is ideal for those who want to meet and attract a soul mate for life together.

The basic and main Feng Shui rule for those who want to find true love is the cleansing of space. It is believed that nothing new, much less serious, can appear in life if it is busy with old connections and relationships. Purification of space involves not only the liberation of thoughts and hearts from other people, but also the cleaning of the material. You can start with the apartment, throwing out all the excess garbage. And although it seems that this has little to do with the search for a soul mate, everything in a person's life is interconnected.

The next step should be the proper arrangement of the surrounding space. To find and attract a soul mate into your life, you need to reconsider the environment, things and pieces of furniture that are around a person. Everything should be harmonious and as if prepared for the life of two people. It is worth looking at your home with the eyes of an outsider and imagine if he would like to live here, spend time, he would be happy here.

The rules of the ancient teachings play a particularly important role for the bedroom, where the balance of female and male energy must be observed. should be arranged in a special way, then the couple will be harmonious, happy and stay in mutual love for a long time.

Thus, the teachings of Feng Shui also contribute to the search and attraction of the second half in life. If you learn this system, its rules will become a harmonious part of a person's life.

Conspiracies to find and attract a loved one

Most often, one desire and desire to meet your soul mate is enough to make this happen. However, you still need to be able to express your intention so that it is a clear, precise and conscious understanding. Conspiracies can help with this, which, thanks to their strength, form a special energy space and allow you to find the right person.

The most important thing before using any conspiracies to find a soul mate is the pure clear intention of a person. The subject of the ritual can only be himself, without affecting the life or personality of anyone else. Even conspiracies to attract the right person concern, first of all, the person himself, his mood, his openness and willingness to find a soul mate, his desire to start a new relationship.

Night conspiracy

The forces of the moon are considered the most faithful assistant in the process of finding and attracting a soulmate. It is the energy of the earthly satellite that favors conspiracies that relate to well-being and stability in personal life.

There are several successful magic phrases, if you use them in turn, this will increase the chances of attracting a soulmate.

Conspiracies for those who want to meet their soulmate:

  1. At night, you need to stay alone in the room and turn on the muffled light of a sconce or table lamp. Closing your eyes, you need to try to imagine the image of the ideal half - a person who has something to love for, and you want to live with him all your life. Magic words need to be whispered several times - at least two or three repetitions. The text of the words is: As the moon hides sin, so there will be enough happiness for everyone. Let it rush to me soon, and nothing will happen to me. I will meet my second half, and I will immediately respond in kind. May fate not bring down suffering, and wishes come true in vain. There is a second half for everyone, I attract a meeting and wedding laughter. May it be done! Amen! Amen! Amen!
  2. Another magical and powerful text that helps to find and attract a soul mate

God bless! God help me!

My faith is righteous.
Stand around me, stone mountain.
And I will put on clear rays,
I bless the Mother of God.
Pokrov, father, send me a crown,
God's servant (name).
Now and forever and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dawn or sunset plot

The time of awakening or, conversely, sunset also has a beneficial effect on human energy, freeing up magical space to attract a soul mate. At such a time of day, all conspiracies and appeal to the Universe will be of great importance and will soon give the desired results.

A particularly important role in rituals and conspiracies is played by water and earth - elements that have their own internal energy and are able to help achieve a person's aspirations. To attract the second half, you can perform the following ritual: in the early morning, draw clean water from a stream or well into a glass dish, add three handfuls of earth to it at home. When the whole earth becomes wet from water, you need to repeat these words several times: You, Mother Earth, feed everyone, give water to everyone, give birth to children, raise children, give them everything, protect them. So help me, your daughter, send me a groom, but hurry! May it be so!

After that, the container with the earth must be placed in a quiet dark place. After a few days, check if the earth has dried out. And when it starts to dry out, you need to sentence : The earth dries up, drives the groom to me.

Girls who want to know how to meet their soul mate can use such conspiracies, while clearly formulating their request to the Universe. Then the process will bring quick and desired results.


In addition to conspiracies, an effective way to meet your soul mate and bring love into life is to read prayers. A special text and an appeal to higher powers help to attract the right and desired person into your life. Prayers also need to be said three times in a quiet whisper, turning as if inward and mentally imagining your soulmate.

Most often, girls who dream of meeting a good man and marrying him turn to the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, whose feast is celebrated on Intercession in October. Prayer texts can be:

1. As the Holy Protection came, So the groom would have found me.

I, God's servant (name), sweep, sweep, I invite the Betrothed-mummers.

As now there is a lot of snow, So that I will not be left without a fiancé.

Word-deed, I sweep briskly and boldly. So that briskly and boldly to me,

God's servant (name), the groom was walking. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. To attract a soulmate, you can pray like this:

Bless me, God, On the Holy Protection.

Give the earth a snowball, Yes, a quick path to my fiance.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

3. Another text for a prayer that will help you meet your love soon:

Have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Mother of God,

Tell the servant of God (name) to marry.

How these two candles burn

So that a man's heart

According to God's servant (name) caught fire,

He would like to marry her.

He would go to her porch,

He would bring her to God's crown.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

When reading prayers and applying conspiracies, it is important to sincerely believe that the higher powers of the Universe will answer a person’s request and give him mutual happiness in love. And if at the same time you continue to improve yourself and look for the right person, communicating with the opposite sex and not being afraid of new acquaintances, the chances of finding love increase.

Many men are sure that the most cherished dream of any girl is to get married as soon as possible. There is some truth in this, of course. But in fact, the biggest dream of any girl, regardless of age and hobbies, is to find the love of her life. Find a person who will love and understand her, take care of her and support her. Only for such a person they dream of marrying. But how to make your dream a reality if there is no suitable candidate on the horizon? You can sit humbly and wait for your chance. You can actively meet young people at all sorts of parties or on dating sites. But how can you find true love? There is another way, proven for centuries - to resort to the help of magic.

Features of the rites

A good plot to find love can help you finally meet your betrothed, or, in any case, make such a meeting much more likely. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers skillfully used such conspiracies, and their roots go back to ancient times.

Strong conspiracy

You can carry out a conspiracy and find love in the following way. Just before dawn, at dawn, put on a white, fresh shirt, loose your hair.

Looking at the sky, say the following conspiracy seven times:

"Dawn-lightning, heavenly sister,
Illuminate my life, bring my beloved.

Repeat this plot for three days at dawn and evening dawn. After that, be careful - within the next few days you will meet the one you have been looking for for so long. A short glance and a few phrases will be enough to feel that it is him. However, it is important to understand that the conspiracy helps you find your betrothed, but does not automatically fall in love with you. So try to be as beautiful, light and charming as possible these days. Help him understand that you are the one he dreamed of (and it will be so - you are created for him just as he is for you).

Using pure water

Another conspiracy to find love is pronounced in plain water. Collect water from a spring or stream in a transparent container. Last resort - from the river. In any case, this water should be running (not stagnant) and as clean as possible.

In the evening, light a red candle and, looking at the water, say:

“I lament for clean water, I call on my betrothed.
Let him know about me soon. He hurries to me, does not waste time.
With all my heart I wait for him, for him I save my love.

Extinguish the candle and go to bed. In the morning, take a container with charmed water and throw it into any flowing reservoir.

Splashing water, say these words:

“You will swim to my betrothed, you will pour out my sadness.”

To find a groom

If you are tired of loneliness, then you can attract a decent groom into your life with the help of magic. The ritual is ideally performed in an open field. But you can also find a spacious clearing in the park, the main thing is that there are no witnesses during the ceremony.

You need to focus on your desire to get rid of loneliness and say these words:

“As a burdock in an open field clings to the hem of the Servant of God (proper name), so let the grooms cling to me and fall in love with me. Yes, so that they do not lag behind and always call married. Amen".

After that, you need to cross yourself in each of the cardinal directions and very quickly, without looking back, leave the place of the ceremony. You should not pay attention to any extraneous sounds that may occur behind you.

This rite belongs to village magic and always works. The result should be expected in about a week.

Ritual for a man

Dreaming of finding love in life is not only women, but also men. The following rite will help the guy find his soul mate. The rite is very effective, but it is very important to follow all the recommendations.

First you need to get to the church and purchase four church candles there. On the day of the ceremony, candles should be placed in the corners of the room in which the ceremony is planned to be held.

“In the house of the Servant of God (proper name) there are four corners, and in each of the corners there are three wells. In them, Good, Comfort, Peace live, they guard the house and protect the owner from the misfortune. Here a girl walks from corner to corner, her scythe spread along the ground. Her name is Love and my house rests on her. So that the girl does not leave my house, gifts must be presented to her: a ribbon for a braid, and a mirror for beauty.

After that, the candles need to be made to burn out naturally.

After such a ceremony, a girl will soon appear next to you, which you will really like. For her, as a present, you will need to purchase a mirror and hair ornament. After that, she will remain in your house forever, and you will live a happy life with her.

All rituals, the action of which is aimed at finding true love, belong to white magic. Such influences cannot harm, because they do not force love, but simply offer two people the best option for a meeting. Rituals of this type can be performed multiple times.

For a girl to quickly marry a good man, old village witchcraft will help, homemade love conspiracies for success in this difficult matter. Marriage and marriage is a serious decision, a turning point of a person. And, so that it doesn’t happen, as in the old saying: “ One got married - he saw the light, and the other got married - disappeared with his head. This step must be taken with a warm heart, but a cold head.

The answer to the question of how to quickly and easily attract love will be given by white magic - rituals and conspiracies for self-fulfillment.

How to read female conspiracies to attract love

Wedding conspiracies for a rich groom, incantations, whispers have long been used in practical love witchcraft. This is an integral part of the Russian wedding tradition. Brides used to tell fortunes and tell fortunes about successful grooms. And the guys also tortured their fate about their betrothed, read spells to meet love.

For example, they did this: on the growing moon, you need to face the east, look at the sky and read the words of the conspiracy to love and attract the betrothed three times:

“As dew rushes to heaven, gathers into clouds, so my narrowed one to me (name), as to the light, will reach out, come and stay with me forever. Amen".

And this is an old village plot for a girl to meet love in the near future.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise reading at the crossroads, in the magical place of the Force, where any life choice is made, where you can encounter not only evil spirits, but also meet your magical patrons. In all known cultures, a crossroads is a place: with the gods, with light and dark spirits, with the restless dead. And from time immemorial, both constructive and destructive witchcraft rites have been performed at the crossroads to meet love.

A love plot at the crossroads will help you quickly find your love

For this independent conspiracy to call for love and for a rich groom, you need to prepare:

  • 13 scoops green peas
  • blue scarf

Wrap the pods in a scarf and in the morning dawn go to the crossroads. Scatter 12 pea pods at the crossroads, and keep 1 for yourself.

For each pod, before you throw it, you need to read a plot to attract love into your life:

“How will I go, a slave (name) to the road cross, let me stand in the middle. I stand without looking back, scattering my shoulder blades. My dear will pass and find me. She will reach out to me, stay with me, she will burn with love, she will want to marry. He will be handsome and stately, with a good soul, young and hardworking, smart and foldable. I will be sweet, loving, faithful, caring. The cat sits, the dog guards, and the darling goes to my house. As the roads run to the far distant, that is my word forever and ever. Amen".

From the crossroads, after reading 13 times this strong spell to get married, you should leave, as well as from any place of the Force, without looking back. The pod that you left for yourself should be wrapped in a scarf and worn on the chest for 3 days, after which it should be removed and kept in a secret place until the desire to marry successfully is fulfilled. As everything comes true, plant peas in the ground.

Home conspiracy for a good groom - the power of female wedding magic

In order to find a good groom and successfully marry, girls in the old days did such a ritual. Over a bunch of carnations-grass, they read an independent plot to meet her husband, tied the flowers with a new blue ribbon, and put them in running water.

Read the text of a home conspiracy for a good husband like this:

“Carnation herbal meadow, reaching for the sun, opening with petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me (name) not to be alone, walk with a wedding ring, meet a sweetheart, and get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my fate comes to me. As a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear me, a red, smart and stately (name) girl, will find and marry. Amen".

What are the consequences of conspiracies to attract suitors

Can there be negative consequences from love magic done at home, aimed at gaining love and happiness in marriage? As with any unsuccessfully done work, from witchcraft rites and reading independent conspiracies, you can get undesirable results. And the thing is that people who seek to influence their destiny turn to different Forces.

Much depends on which tradition the novice magician turns to, pursuing the goal of fulfilling his desire. It is one thing to read a light conspiracy on a birthday for marriage, and quite another thing is to achieve a goal with the invocation of Dark Spirits, or turning to the power of the dead. Strong, black ways to bewitch a beloved husband carry a hidden threat. But whether you need to turn to black magic yourself, you decide for yourself.

The consequences of black rites (in black book practices they are not usually called conspiracies for quick marriage, but rather for the passion and submission of a man) in their classic version - a rollback or a reverse blow. There may also be side, negative problems - unforeseen unpleasant effects that are the result of illiterate witchcraft. In some cases, side effects effects of self-love spell of the one you like embedded in the rites themselves.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Warlock strong spells for a successful marriage work not only on visualization and the strength of the intention of the magician of the performer, as you understand. Dark spirits are invoked, and it is with their support and help that the magician gets what he wants. You can avoid troubles and consequences from independent conspiracies to find your love only by knowing all the subtleties of real witchcraft, having experience and a clear understanding of what and why you are doing.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that when reading the so-called white conspiracies to attract the love of your husband, you most likely will not get side effects and negativity, but the impact will be easy. This means that in order to obtain a stable result of a love spell to find a groom, witchcraft work will have to be carried out continuously.

If you just do an independent ceremony, read a conspiracy for love and marriage, and sit back, waiting for a miracle, it is unlikely that you will get anything. Love magic is work, and for a miracle, people go to the circus, to see magicians.

Independent conspiracy for a future husband - the call of a betrothed

“As soon as I (name) go out into a wide courtyard, I will call forty doves to me, I will pour Saracen millet on them, I will punish them firmly, firmly. You fly, gray, for forty directions, find your dear friend, fly up to his porch, to the window, circle over your head, sit on your chest. Lead me (name), show the way. Let him hurry to me, reach out with his heart, stay with me. For pigeons - Saracen millet, for me - my betrothed! You can’t escape fate, the paths will converge, the witch’s word will come true. Amen".

A real conspiracy for a quick marriage should be read only on a growing moon, and a magical rite should be performed more than once, but at least three days. This will enhance and strengthen the result. And it is clear that one effective conspiracy to quickly marry is not enough to achieve the goal; you can read at home completely different love plots of the same purpose, aimed at realizing a specific plan - to quickly marry a rich guy.

Easy conspiracy at home on flaxseed - to attract love

This is an old, well-established, effective conspiracy for the attention and love of men - potential suitors. For the ceremony you will need:

  • handful of flaxseed
  • new headscarf

Holding flax seeds in your left hand, read a love plot over it three times to attract beautiful suitors so that your breath touches the seeds. Then tie the seeds in a scarf and hide until spring. When the time comes, you need to sow flax under your windows, burn your handkerchief, and sprinkle ashes on the place where the seed was sown. An independent conspiracy to find love may not be the strongest, but the village has been very effective since ancient times.

You need to read the words of a love plot to attract the love of the groom

“The field is blue, but wide, the sea is blue, but deep, the blue waves are shaking, only obedient to free winds. The sun will peek out, the winds will hide, the blue sea will calm down, the blue petals will curl up, press against each other, turn into a seed. The seed is smooth, but shiny, like water, flowing between the fingers. I will tie a handful of seeds in a handkerchief, I will say the right word. The seed will germinate, the betrothed will find me (name), find it, will not give it to anyone, will never betray. Blue flax in the field, and the betrothed - down the aisle with me. Amen".

A love plot from a photo for a successful marriage of a widow

Every woman wants to be successful and needed. If a girl was already married and became a widow, she does not lose her right to be happy. Some women are exacted by fate itself, they succeed, they just have to wish. Others have to work to make life work. Including on the magical field.

In Russian witchcraft, there are home conspiracies for various everyday occasions; there are spells - helpers aimed at ensuring that the widow marries successfully. For a magical rite you will need:

  • church candle
  • photo of the man you like

Light a candle and hold it over the photo, while reading the words of the conspiracy to marry the widow 7 times:

“Warm the candle of the servant of God (name), his body is white, so that it burns with a love flame, so that lust grows in it, into my hands (name), it is given. So that this fellow will go down the aisle with me for all days, for all years, now and forever. Amen".

A strong conspiracy, so that the widow finds her beloved husband again, must be read 7 evenings in a row. A girl can also use this magical ritual with a candle to get married after a divorce. Love spells of this kind are practiced in white witchcraft, as well as in love spells, along with black witchcraft rituals.

Everyone wants to find a soulmate and start a family. But it happens that there are no worthy candidates. It may seem that the second half does not exist. From ancient times, the rituals that our ancestors performed to attract love into their lives have come down to us. Many conspiracies are easy to fulfill even now.

Features of the conspiracy

If a person is not set up to create a family, then even the strongest conspiracy will not help. First you need to really really want to meet your soul mate and arrange a personal life. If the desire is fleeting or appeared under the influence of external factors and surrounding people, then the result will be difficult to obtain.

A determined person who is hungry for love will always have a visible effect from the conspiracy. But for this you need to strictly follow the rules of the chosen ritual. It is required to choose the method for which there are all conditions.

How is a conspiracy different from a spell?

Many people confuse these two concepts. A conspiracy to meet, just like a love spell, is a magical ritual, but it works on a different principle. It does not distort the fate of a person and is not able to suppress his will and energy field. A love spell belongs to black magic, and a conspiracy to meet is white and helps two people meet with similar energy and character.

It seems to many that a quick acquaintance with a loved one was really accidental and the rite had nothing to do with it. In this case, you should no longer resort to magical help, but trust your feelings, since the magic has already worked. It remains to act by the lovers themselves.

Conspiracy for photography

It is considered to be quite effective. Such a conspiracy to meet is suitable for lovers who are in a quarrel. He helps the couple meet and reconcile faster.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • Water in a glass.
  • Photo of a loved one.
  • Church candle.

The conspiracy is best done in the evening. It is necessary to sit down at the table, on which there should be a glass of water and a photograph of a sweetheart.

Then the following words are spoken on the water:

"Heavenly Forces! Give this water magic power. Help melt the heart of God's servant (pronounce the name of the beloved) so that he is happy with me. I conjure, Heavenly Forces, love controls me, and not selfish interest. I beg you to help me, let, when the water touches his body, a fire is kindled in his soul. We will then find happiness and bright love. My word is strong. Amen".

After the meeting takes place, it is necessary that the beloved drink this water.

Conspiracy on the icon of the Virgin

This method helps to speed up the meeting with your loved one. A conspiracy for a date is carried out after it gets dark on the street. Only the room where the icon of the Mother of God is located is suitable for its fulfillment.

To perform the ceremony, you need:

  • Salt.
  • Water.
  • Cup.
  • Church candle of medium size.

You need to go into the room without turning on the light, stand in front of the icon and put a glass of salted water. Then light a candle and read the plot.

"Holy Mother of God! I come running to you, I trust in you. Tell my betrothed how I miss him, show me where my house is. The water is magical, good, show the way to your beloved, spread over the earth and unite with your beloved. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end of the conspiracy to meet your loved one, you need to pour water into the corner. Before leaving the room, you need to say the prayer "Our Father".

Conspiracy to meet the betrothed

This method helps to speed up acquaintance with the second half. To perform the ritual, you need to put on a white shirt and undo your hair, remove all elastic bands and hairpins. The plot is read for three days at dusk.

It is important to concentrate and say these words:

“My bright scarlet dawn, my prayer to you is considerable - bring me a young man for a crown. You direct his soul and eyes. Put us under the image.

Conspiracy for a rose

This method is aimed at meeting the second half. It is advisable to take a freshly cut flower of red or scarlet color. If a flower is bought, then you can not bargain. It is important to carefully choose a rose, to purchase only the one that attracts more than others.

Before the ceremony, you need to remove things from the room that prevent you from concentrating as much as possible. First you need to take the rose in your hands and sit comfortably in front of the mirror, tune in to the execution of the conspiracy. The gaze should be directed to the flower, imagining the future loved one.

They pronounce these words:

"I feel love, I see love, I breathe love."

The rose should be near the face. In time to pronounce a conspiracy to meet a man, you need to admire your reflection and inhale the aroma of a flower by touching it. During the ceremony, you need to visualize a powerful love wave that penetrates the body.

At the end, look at your reflection and say these words:

“Love around me, inside me, comes from me. She walks towards me. I am loved".

They repeat the words three times, at the end of the ceremony they carry the rose with them as an amulet for three days.

Conspiracy to meet for soap

The ritual is considered very effective in order for a loved one to rush on a date. It is carried out in the bathroom. The name of a loved one is scratched out on the soap, after which it is placed on the bottom of the bathtub. Water during the procedure should not be included.

On soap they read the following words:

“Lie in the void, do not wait for wind and rain. You won't hear thunder here, you won't see trees. Everything will go smoothly and calmly, I will be satisfied. Amen".

After the ritual, soap is carried everywhere with them. After the meeting, the amulet will stop working. He is thrown out at the crossroads, having previously scraped off the name of his beloved.

Ritual to meet a lost person

There are times when a loved one has gone missing. In this case, you can resort to this conspiracy to meet.

For the ceremony you need:

  • Bay leaf.
  • A church candle should be bought by a person who will read the plot.
  • Frying pan used.

Take a whole bay leaf, put a church candle on the table, light it. Next, a frying pan is placed on the table, a sheet of paper is placed there with the name of the person who is lost, and set on fire. The following text is spoken:

“I blow fragrant smoke, I attract (they say the name of a person), I block roads. Let the smoke fly to distant distances, it will tell him about sadness. Amen".

During the execution of the conspiracy, you can not be sad and sad. It is best to abstract from negative thoughts, and think about the lost person, imagining his smile, voice. This rite is used by gypsies, it is considered a very strong conspiracy. Therefore, thinking about grief, you can bring trouble into your own and someone else's life.

Pear conspiracy

Such a ceremony will help speed up the meeting with the second half. To complete it, you need to take three matches and a large pear. They read a plot on the growing moon before sunset.

The pear is divided into two parts and the following words are pronounced:

“As the whole was divided, so the one was separated, so I alone am sad.”

Then the halves are connected with matches in a certain sequence. The first is stuck on top, the second on the bottom, and the third in the middle.

When the halves of the pear are connected, you need to say the following words aloud:

“As the two parts of the pear are connected, merged into a single whole, so I will find my soul mate, drive away sadness and longing. So be it".

At the end, the pear is wrapped in a clean linen scarf and left under a fruit tree.

Conspiracy for water

For the best effect, clean water is taken from a spring or stream. Do not draw water from the tap. The water should not be cloudy. The plot is read after sunset. Light a scarlet candle and place it near a glass of clean water.

They pronounce these words:

“I read for pure water, I call the narrowed of my future. Let him know about me sooner. Hurries to me, does not waste time. I wait for him with all my heart, I protect my love.

At the end of the conspiracy, the candle is blown out. The glass of water is not touched until the next morning. Pour it into a lake or river after the sun has risen.

You need to say:

“You will swim to my future betrothed, you will pour out my sadness and anguish.”

Conspiracy for candles

To fulfill it, you need to go to church early in the morning. Buy 12 candles there. But take home only two of them. Leave 10 candles near different faces of saints. Three candles are placed near the Virgin and the Crucifixion of the Savior. Four candles are placed near the icons of Hope, Love, Faith and their mother Sophia.

Upon returning home, you need to wait until the sun sets and light two candles brought from the church.

Think about your desire - find a soul mate and say 12 times these words:

“Lord have mercy. Have mercy, Mother of God. As candles burn, so let the heart of the dear one for me burn with love.

You need to buy a candle in the church on a big holiday, after that you need to purchase any clothes for your future lover. In the evening, they light a candle, put the purchased item next to it, and a white thread on it.

They say these words:

“As the wax of a candle melts, so my soul will please him. Only I call you, seven knots to myself, my love, I will tie. Amen".

What needs to be done for the plot to work

Before the ritual, you need to properly tune in and prepare. You need to decide that a conspiracy is really needed. During execution, you should be sure that it will bring results.

Three days before the ceremony, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Don't swear and don't fight.
  • Do not use alcohol, tobacco, drugs.
  • Refuse meat, eat only food of plant origin.
  • Do not rush to perform the ceremony, you must first tune in to it.
  • Use conspiracies from trusted sources, and you also need to sincerely believe in success. Otherwise, time will be wasted.

Conspiracies for a meeting will help many find their soul mate, as well as speed up a date with an existing loved one. There are a huge number of rituals that have been tested by time. But before resorting to magical power, you need to be trained and be sure to believe in future success.

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